Finding My Husband in Another World: Season 3: Chapter 2: The Network

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#16 of Another World

Having escaped one prison Prowl finds himself trapped in another that he made for himself.

Finding my Husband in Another World Season 3: Chapter 2: The Network

When I woke the first thing I did was mentally tick off a day. Two more until my Wolf was back in my arms. The second thing I noticed was that I wasn't alone. I pulled aside my tarp cloak and found the red panda girl against me. I quickly pulled the tarp back over myself. Even with my fur the air was frigid.

"Sorry, we noticed you were shivering so I was just sharing warmth. We'll be attempting to set up a couple of stoves to heat this place as soon as we finish the flooring for the second level." She said quietly as she crawled out of the bed.

I looked up and was amazed at the amount of construction taking place. And all of it in complete silence.

"How?" I muttered.

"We have a magic user that can get the wood to fuse into single pieces so we don't need nails. If you're up I should get back to work." She pulled her cloak on and took off. I was quite glad they had gotten me clothes. Though a few heavy blankets would have been nice.

"Ah, you're awake. I hope you don't mind, but we thought it best the girl be the one to warm you. That way there would be no chance of impropriety. Now I have some broth for you. I'm guessing you haven't been eating properly?" The old raccoon cleric asked.

"I had a few rats. Once I get these off I'll use purify on myself to make sure I don't suffer from that."

"Still drink this it will provide nourishment and hydration. We've gotten the cooking area set up so things should heat be warming up. We're running the smoke pipe up and connecting it to the neighboring building so it looks like the smoke is coming from there. We'll connect the heating stoves into the main pipe. It's just a matter of getting them here without being noticed."

"Why is it so cold?" I asked.

He looked at me in confusion. "Because it's winter. Admittedly the past week has been unseasonably warm but it's only going to get colder."

I tried to reconcile that with my memories. It meant I'd been drugged much longer than I'd accounted for. I slammed my fist into the wall.

"What's wrong?"

"The wretches who abducted me and drugged me made me miss my mate's birthday. Solstice hasn't passed yet, has it?"

"No still a few days away from that."

"Good. If they had taken that away as well I'd . . . I'd probably go and do something stupid." I sighed and wrapped my cloak tighter around myself. "I'm just useless without my powers." I said, wishing I could do something.

"Don't think like that. Even with your magic it would take a couple of weeks for your body to recover from what it has been through. If you feel up to it I suggest you get up and walk around a bit, but as soon as you feel tired you get back in that bed and recover your strength."

I struggled to my feet. I wasn't just going to lay around, amongst all the construction there had to be something I could help with.

"Girl!" The elder yelled.

"Yes master, she said, appearing immediately.

"Your new task is to be sure your tiger doesn't try to do anything other than walk around for now. If he seems in the least fatigued make sure he gets back into that bed."

"Yes master. I dare not fail my task."

I rolled my eyes. It wasn't going to be an easy day, especially since that's what the network wanted for me.


When I woke I knew it was late at night or extremely early morning. I'd gotten so much sleep that I was on edge. It was the red panda again. She'd crawled up on the bed and had curled up at the end. It was obvious she'd been crying. "What is your name?"

She sniffled, "I don't have a name. At least not anymore."

"Okay, let's start with you telling me what's wrong."

"I'm not allowed, master."

"What can you tell me?"

"I-" She looked around the bedroom.

During the day they had completed renovating the main floor and a large portion of the second as well. I now had a private bedroom. At least I would have if not for the red panda.

"I'm to be punished, but until then I must make sure nothing happens to you."

"So now I'm a prisoner in my own hideout and you're my guard?"

"Guard yes, prisoner no. I have to protect you."

"Am I such a burden?"

"No master! I'd be honored to give my life to protect you."

Things weren't adding up. "I order you to tell me why you were crying. All of it even the parts you're not supposed to."

She looked surprised. "Yes Master. I'm the one that insisted you should be killed before learning enough about you. Because of that I will be, by royal decree, executed once the princess arrives. Until then I am to consider myself your slave while protecting you with my life if need be."

"The network, has a way to communicate over long distances?"

"Yes, those of the royal blood have a skill that gives them this ability."

"So there is a royal here that could release me?"

She looked away, "Yes master, but they have been ordered not to."

I nodded, "Are you the one?"

"No! I have no royal blood. I'm not even from a prominent clan. I was sent to this continent as a member of the network precisely because I am expendable."

"Can you retrieve one of my bandages? Preferably one that still has blood on it?"

"Why-" She shook her head and quickly left the room. A minute later she returned with the stained cloth. "It's been washed but no one has had the time to purify it yet."

"Good it means there is some of my blood still trapped in the cloth. Bring it to me please." She crawled back up on the bed and gave me the cloth. "Pull your sleeve up exposing your upper arm." She did without question and I carefully tied the bandage around her bicep. "Your name is now Ember and you are my slave. No one may harm you without my permission. Do you accept this fate?"

"I- of course master."

"Good, now first rule stop calling me master."


"It's your job to guard me, right? By calling me master you are alerting potential enemies I'm the one they want."

"I never thought of that. But it really does single out the most important individual in a group."

I smiled. "Good, in the morning I'll need you to retrieve some ink so I can draw the Shadow Runner's group emblem on your marker. When my team arrives go immediately to the dog girl with the hammer and show her your mark. Let her know I'm placing you under her protection. After that pray no one does anything stupid that might hurt you because if they try Chaza will go on a killing spree."

"Chaza is one of you teammates?"

"Yes and my slave. She'll likely teach you all about what to expect in your new role."

"Yes, mas- Prowl."

"Okay let's go ahead and get some sleep. Something tells me you're going to have a difficult day pretending none of this just happened."

"You're allowing me to stay?"

"If we had two beds I'd expect you to take the second. Since we don't we'll share the one. It's not like I haven't shared my bed just for extra warmth before or even that we haven't shared this bed already."

"Prowl, can I ask a question?"

"You don't need permission if you have a question just ask it."

"Why Ember?"

"Because I sense that you have a lot of potential, but like an ember you need care and coaxing to reach it."

She giggled, "I know that's not true, but I'm happy, I never imagined I'd have a name of my own again." She snuggled down and quickly fell asleep.

I watcher for a little while. She was likely older than myself but at the same time I couldn't help thinking she was less like a little sister and more like a daughter in need of protection. And Princess Locke, she would be very lucky if she survived for very long if she kept playing us. When Rider learns she kept me bound . . . I smiled as I fell asleep thinking of all the punishments Rider was capable of coming up with.


I swear I'd only just fallen asleep when the bed started shaking again. I was tempted to tell Ember she was going to have to sleep on the floor."

"What the hell!"

I was fully awake instantly. "Ren?"

"Oh so you do remember me? That's a surprise seeing as you've replaced me. With a female no less."

"Ren, there is only one bed here. It's the same as if I'd been sharing with Chaza. Now this is your new team mate Ember." I grabbed my fox and pulled him into a hug. "I'm so glad to see you. I was told you wouldn't arrive until tomorrow. Are the others here? Are you all safe?"

"Slow down Tiger. I was told not to overly excite you or I'd be removed for your own safety. Currently it's just me, Skit, and Epee." I felt a weight on my shoulders as Sky materialized. "Oh, and Sky it seems."

I scratched under his chin and he started to purr.

"Master Prowl, what is- Ahhhhhhh!" Ember started before screaming and pushing herself to the head of the bed in terror.

"Ember, calm down. This is Sky, he's my tamed beast. He isn't going to hurt you. Sky, this is Ember, she is our teammate, protect her."

Sky jumped down and stalked close to Ember. He sniffed her, rubbed up against her, and then settled.

"Pet him." Ren ordered.


"He's marked you as belonging to him now. When he flops down like that next to you he expects attention. If he doesn't get it he gets demanding by clawing and biting at you. Trust me it's better to just give in and pet him." Ren explained.

Ember tentatively reached out and ran her hand through Sky's fur causing him to start purring again.

"So where to start? I guess with your most important need. Because they tend to stick out the ringtails are waiting to sneak Chaza, Rider, and Locke in after dark. No one here knows Skit and Epee and I look like every other fox so we were able to walk in uncontested. Rider thought it best that at least some of us get to you as soon as possible. He was afraid you would feel like we abandoned you. Imagine my surprise finding that you'd started replacing us."

"I'm not- Oh right! Ember, you still need to act your part today. And remember to get that ink and something to draw with."

"Yes, Prowl." She replied, quickly getting out of the bed. "Since the fox is one of your teammates I believe you are safe for now. I will return with the items requested." She said coldly, before stepping out.

"What was that about?" Ren asked.

"I kind of broke one of their rules contacting the network. For security reasons she argued I should be killed. Once I revealed my true identity it was fine but the princess thinks otherwise. As punishment Ember was ordered to act as my slave until Locke arrives and then she is to be executed."

"You found out and vowed to protect her. Hold up, how could Locke know any of that? She's been with us this whole time."

"Turns out the ringtail spy network has a royal member within each cell and the royal blood carries an ability for long distance communication."

"So this whole time she's had a way to. . . If Rider doesn't kill her I'm going to." Ren growled.

"It gets better. The royal has the ability to take these off me." I showed off the manacles, however Ember informed me the princess ordered these to be left on and I was told I'd have to wait until she arrived to get them removed."

"I knew we couldn't trust her. I know Rider doesn't trust her and Skit hates her. She treats him like he doesn't matter. I only think she puts up with me because I'm your mate and she is absolutely vile to Epee. Really the only one that seems to like her is Chaza."

"Okay, who is Epee? You've mentioned that name a couple of times."

"He's the Ringtail Cat the king expects the three of us to take on as another husband. He's exceptional in battle but the rest of the time he's quiet and shy. If you decide to accept him, Rider and I will support your decision."

"You have feelings for him?"

"I- yeah, I guess we both do. He's so sweet, but not in a manipulative way. He is really happy to be traveling with us since all he's ever wanted was to be an adventurer, but because of his status ranking his only worth as a spy would be to sell his body in order to collect information."

"Have you shared a bed with him?"

"Yes, but only that. Rider insisted until you make a decision we are not forming any sort of contract with the king."

"Hmm, I'll have to consider that. Has rider marked him in any way?"

Ren laughed, "Yeah, Rider made sure to get a binding bicep cuff like mine and put on him."

"Did he or Locke object?"

"No, Locke wasn't around when he put the band on him. She did complain that it wasn't fair that Epee got a group emblem and she didn't. Chaza solved the problem by telling her the female version was a collar, showing off her own, and Locke could have one if she wanted but everyone would mistake her for a slave. Locke really didn't like that idea. I really don't think she realizes Epee belongs to us now."

I smirked, it seemed Chaza didn't completely trust Lock either. "You said Epee is here?"

"Yes! Do you want to meet him?"

"The sooner the better. If you see Ember tell her to return with you as well."

"Got it. I'll be right back." He said hurrying out.

"So, what do you think of Locke my secret spy?"

Sky hissed, extended his claws and batted at the air.

"That bad huh."

"Um, Lord Prowl, Ren said you wanted to see me?"

It was the Cacomistle I'd gotten a glimpse of just before the guards tricked me. "So you are Epee, I take it Rider named you?"

"Yes master, do you not like my name?"

"It is a fine name. Please come sit on the bed. There's no reason for you to just stand there at attention."

I noticed he didn't limp. I guess he'd been mistreated before the first time I saw him. "I know it probably isn't what you want to hear but I think you looked really good the first time I saw you, though your adventurer's gear suits you as well."

"You don't have to say such things I know I'm not attractive."

"Why do you say that?"

"I'm too thin, my tail is much too long, and I . . . I look too much like a female and I know you only like males."

"I admit, in certain things I prefer males but that doesn't mean I only like males. I consider Chaza to be my big sister after all."

"I just meant once you are free you'll send me away."

"Epee, when this is over you'll be my third husband. Rider and Ren have already accepted you, that's enough for me to do the same."

"You can't. If you do that it means you will be forever bound to the beast king."

"Oh that," I waved my hand dismissively, "I've already found a way around that. You've just got to trust me and accept that when everything is done you will be our husband."

There was a knock on the door before it opened with Ren, looking unhappy, and Ember carefully carrying a bottle of ink.

"Sorry Prowl, there wasn't any ink in the house."

Ren shut the door and glared at Ember. "So she slipped out and purchased a bottle of magic ink and paper. The kind where you write on one sheet and it appears on the other no matter how far apart the writer and receiver are."

"It's okay Ren. Remember, you were just as enthusiastic after . . . I took ownership over you." I could see his ears turn bright pink as he blushed. "Ren can you place the ink and paper in storage and pull out a new binding cuff, please."

"Of course."

I could see Ren gritting his teeth and looking at the manacles I was wearing. He handed me the cuff.

"Ember I need you to fully understand what this is. This cuff is enchanted with binding. Once it is in place no one can remove it. If your arm is cut off the band will magically move to your other arm if that arm is cut off it will move to your ankle and so on. Basically it will remain on you for life or until I remove it. It serves two purposes first it marks you as a member of my team and second it makes you my slave and by law my mates' slave as well. Do you understand?"

"I understand."

"Epee, did Rider explain all that when he placed the cuff on you?"

He looked away. "Yes, master."

"Good. Now I need a clear answer from both of you. Do you agree to belong to only Rider, Ren and myself from this point forward?"

"Yes, Master." They both answered.

I untied the cloth and slipped the cuff onto Embers arm. "From this point forward you are my slaves. Any hold, contract, or deal binding you is now void. No one can force you to do anything without my, or my mates' permission."

Ren started to laugh. "The princess is going to be livid now that you get Epee and you don't have to worry about that whole being bound to the king deal."

"Just keep it quiet until my manacles are removed."

"Definitely." Everyone answered.

"Master, will you take me as your husband now?" Epee asked.

I sighed. It was time to tell them everything.


I sent Ember off to continue her work on the house. Though with instructions to be sure Princess Lock had her own room on the second floor and on the opposite side of the house. I gave her the excuse that Locke, being royalty, should have a private room and the reasoning for the placement was so that the network didn't lose two important assets. The truth was I wanted to limit her ability to spy on us. So Chaza and Ember would be in the room above my own.

Ren was extremely angry about my physical alterations but refused to get a regen crystal and repair the damage. He insisted Rider would be better for that refusing to listen to my arguments to heal me in order to keep the information from Rider.

So once again I was stuck in my room only now I was sharing the space with Skit and Ren. Sky was off scouting the city to see if there were any other bolt holes we could exploit without the network finding us. Epee was able to help with the work since he was still considered loyal to the network. To pass time I convinced Ren and Skit to tell me what had happened to them.

"Well, I'm sorry to say it wasn't until Locke returned after dinner and asked where you had gone that we realized something was wrong. Rider and Chaza wanted to set out immediately. But Locke wouldn't allow us to leave insisting you couldn't have been taken out of the city." Skit explained.

"Needless to say it was a restless night and Rider was ready to kill by the time Locke returned with word that the guards who had taken you had been caught and punished. However you were being taken back the way we came. Once we finally made it to the gate and the restrictors removed you were already a day ahead of us." Ren continued.

"We found out, later, that they were working in shifts and traveling both day and night." Skit interrupted.

"We were further slowed by the fact the King insisted we be escorted by the royal guard. Until that moment I never realized mounted raccoons are slower than the team walking. The whole time we were traveling Rider kept working with Volt to better control his electrical powers. We weren't sure why until we reached Zephyr's door again. Rider went to the top again. Saying there was something we left behind that would be useful." Ren continued.

"He wasn't kidding. He came back down with a folding box he called a laptop, though it looked nothing like a lap. He then took out a box with a heavy string hanging out ad hooked the string into the laptop. Then he zapped the little box with electricity and the laptop started to glow. He hit a few buttons and suddenly one of those carriages appeared in front of us. He got in the back and pulled out more of the strings and hooked the small box to them." Skit said.

I shook my head. It must have taken a lot of mana to power an electric vehicle.

"He had me get behind a wheel and press a peddle on the floor with my foot. We nearly went off the side of the mountain before he was able to tell me how to stop. Everyone got in and somehow I was able to direct the thing. Lock was furious we left the royal guard behind but we reached the port really quickly. On the way Chaza also got a chance to learn how to control the cart."

I shuttered, the idea of Chaza the berserker flying down the road in an off road vehicle was almost to frightening to think about.

"I wanted to learn but every time I tried I'd get so excited my tail would start twitching and I couldn't see where I was going." Skid said, sadly.

I laughed as I imagined the scene.

"When we reached the port we were already a week behind you. That's when Locke really started to insist we marry Epee immediately. Rider said it's because she knew she didn't have any real authority on this continent." Ren said. The he paused to get some water so Skit took over again.

"Rider used the box again and we had a ship of our own. It was bigger than any ship I'd ever heard of and it had giant black sails that Rider said used the sun instead of wind. And at night he summoned Lumiere so they were always lit up. When we arrived we discovered we were only two days late. The ship had unloaded their slaves but you weren't there. It's lucky we had all come ashore because the king's navy attacked and sunk our ship. We didn't even do anything to them." Skit said. "I really liked the ship. We all had our own rooms and such soft beds."

"Was Locke with you the whole time?"

"No, she was meeting with some contacts to learn your location." Ren replied.

"More likely she was making sure the navy knew who had been on the ship. It's a good bet the King knows Rider is back on this continent, if not . . . Ren get that magic paper!"

I mentally contacted Sky calling for him to return as I wrote a quick note with some drawings so maybe it wouldn't make sense to anyone else. Basically explaining how the paper worked and that Locke may try to sell him out to his father since she just wanted me.

"Sky, take this to Rider as quickly as possible. Rider only and do your best not to be seen." He nodded took the paper carefully between his teeth and dematerialized. If anything happened to Rider I'd kill Locke, even if it meant never getting the manacles off.
