Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 53: Worlds Beyond My World

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#53 of Counter Earth - Chaundoon Chronicles: Two Futures

Last Chapter:

On Free Counter Earth after orientating Mum's latest abductees Ember and Cinder learned just how perturbed the female KLIS scientist was with her former mentee.... Meanwhile, Cody, Arthur, Minka and Primrose narrowly escaped a KLIS harvesting while visiting the World Three Technology Museum. The cat and rabbit telling their friends how they helped reverse the synoptic's apocalypse while pondering how to avert the planet's newest crisis... elsewhere Naka Wolf recovered the last visuals from Sir Ram and Mara's mission which showed the two of them being abducted by the KLIS and Spirit longing to see Alex again thought of a way to use Sir Ram's mind control device to benefit the rebellion rather than trying to defeat it. [AND] On Conquered Counter Earth the emissaries of ONE were tasked with combing the forests south of World Five looking for refugees. The group agreed to start at an asteroid impact creator.... On Chaundoon far and away from Conquered Counter Earth, Arthur, Minka and Midnight Black entered Bine's realm to investigate a mysterious light formation the Eeth were seeing there.... Meanwhile Naka and Song, still frustrated over being punished by their leadership for doing what they thought was the right thing, considered leaving World Seven.

Counter Earth Chronicles - Dual Realities

Chapter 53: ** Worlds Beyond My World**

November 15th, YOE 35

7:32 AM Free Counter Earth (Castle Wundagore, World One)

Commander Ursa, Naka, Dusty, Biff, Looper and I stood at attention as a gray hover vehicle from World Five landed in the loading dock. The door opened and a white dall sheep with curved horns in a white lab coat stepped out.

I momentarily shuddered when I realized who it was. That was before my behavior was auto corrected by the mind control device.

"Welcome Dr. Pina." My warrior bear said holding out her paws. The beastial scientist accepted the greeting placing his paws in hers.

"Thank you madam knight. What is the human expression? Oh yes, I have some big shoes to fill."

My mistress nodded.

"Sir Ram was one of the smartest minds of the empire." Naka said, speaking out of turn.

Biff, Looper and Dusty cast belittling eyes on the junior knight.

"Yes he does and his loss was felt deeply." Dr. Pina said, turning his attention to me. "Mr. Winter, we meet again. I wish it was under better circumstances though."

I nodded, reaching out to shake his paw.

"If you are ready Dr. Pina, I will show you to room B in the lab wing." My fierce ursine warrior replied.

"Thank you commander. I have familiarized myself with the programs Sir Ram was working on and I have a few of my own to add as well."

"Oh?" Commander Ursa asked looking at the dall sheep.

"I know the high master has become very frustrated at the knight core's lack of success against the KLIS incursion."

"That is putting it lightly." My she beast said rubbing her behind.

"What would you say if during their next harvest they collected a 'beastial' that was too much for them?" The scientist said folding his paws behind his back as the castle tour continued.

"I am listening." My fierce ursine warrior replied smiling.

(Oh my that is devious!)

8:06 AM Free Counter Earth (Technology Museum, World Three)

"Well here we are guys fourteen days later..." Cody said as the quartet entered the deserted museum. "What has changed?"

"No one is around." Primrose said as they made their way toward the basement.

"It is quite amazing how we managed to get in here- probably because everyone is in hiding." Arthur thought out loud.

"We are in one of those situations where no action is just as bad as inaction aren't we?" Minka opined.

"Agreed, the KLIS incursions are destabilizing our civilization." Arthur said approaching Master Koala's reality machine. "If nothing is done..."

"Society collapses followed by civilization and then the empire." Cody concluded as the four looked at the machine that seemed to be beckoning them.

"Minka, Primrose, Cody. The KLIS must be stopped." The leader of the Ghost Hunters said to his friends.

"Once more into the unknown." Primrose sighed.

"You know it is for a good cause!" The monkey girl said, smiling.

"Okay I am in, where do we start?" The rabbit girl said, steeling herself.

"Logically speaking- alternate versions of our Counter Earth should be our primary focus. We need to see if they are suffering from KLIS incursions too." Arthur suggested.

"And see if they found a way to fight back or thwart the greys?" Cody concluded. "Great but again, where do we start?"

"Master Koala has a list of realities he was observing." Minka said, joining Arthur at the controls of the machine. "Let's pick one!"

"Hmm.... it looks like this place was the last reality he visited." The hedgehog boy said checking the machine's logs.

"Fine, we will start there." Cody said, taking Primrose's paw.

"Great it's adventure time!" The cheeky monkey girl shouted.

"Arthur, do you know what you are doing?" The rabbit girl asked nervously.

"Yeah. I watched the footage from Master Koala's demonstration about a dozen times over the last few weeks." The leader of the Ghost Hunter's said, pressing a few buttons.

"That doesn't instill me with confidence." The rabbit girl said watching an image appear within the viewing window.

"I will lock the display. You have six hours." Mr. Speedwell warned.

"And if we are late then what will you do?" Cody asked.

"Wait another six hours silly!" Minka teased.

8:10 AM Human Controlled Counter Earth (Outside Three Mile Creek Settlement)


"What a rush!" The monkey replied as she exited the event horizon.

"Minka, we better take lead." The rabbit said to the monkey. "Cody and I have had some experience with away missions."

"Numerous experience." The cat added. "We work as a team and watch each other's backs."

"Right as you wish supreme leader." The monkey girl said, lining up behind her friends.

"Wow, will you look at this? Where do you think we are?" Cody asked Minka and Primrose.

"The last reality Master Koala looked at before disappearing." Primrose replied.

"A Counter Earth not as developed as ours." Cody said as the three emerged from the wilderness before them a colonial style village with a high wooden stockade fence.

"Looks like Friendship Settlement from the Cody's Gift movie." The monkey girl replied.

"Look at the buildings. Interesting architecture. Rather primitive, but I like the creek though." Cody added.

"Where do you think we are?" Minka asked her companions.

"Three Mile Creek Settlement." The rabbit girl said studying the village.

"Um, how did you know that?" Cody asked.

"The sign above one of the entrances silly!" Minka said, scolding the cat. "I thought you had experience with these types of missions?!"

"Yes, right. We should ask the locals." The he cat replied.

"Not as we are." Primrose warned.

"Yeah right. Look at those roaming the streets." Cody warned.

"They are people." Minka said studying the crowds.

"And not a single beastial among them; we are going to stick out badly." The cat observed.

"What do you think we should do?" Minka said, pondering what would happen if they just strolled into the settlement.

Primrose looked around. "You see that laundry hanging on that line over there outside the fence? We are going to borrow it."

Carefully the travelers approached the clothesline making sure they weren't seen.

"These will do." Cody said pointing.

"Really?!" Minka asked shocked.

"Remember we need to keep a low profile." Primrose added.


"Sheesh we look like monks!" The monkey girl complained.

"Good now let's look around." The rabbit in the brown hooded robe ordered.

"Metal works, butcher, baker, candlestick maker." Mr. Spencer said as they entered the center of town.

"Look at all that meat." The she rabbit said as they walked by the butcher shop.

"Uh, Primrose you should keep walking." Minka warned.

The away team leader looked at her colleagues and then walked closer to the shop.

"Good day travelers, can I get you anything?" A tall man in a brown shirt, with brown pants and a white apron asked the trio.

"Rabbit meat for sale?!" Primrose retched.

"Um. No, we are good." Mr. Spenser replied grabbing his distressed friend.

"I don't think meat agrees with her." Minka said, smiling from underneath her grey hood.

The butcher watched the trio as they made their way hastily to the creek near the town center.

"Here take some big sips." Cody ordered.

"Look how clear the water is!" Minka said giving the rabbit girl a pawful.

"I am okay now. Thanks."

"Sorry, I warned you!" The cheeky monkey girl said grinning.

"I guess I was not ready for that."

"Well how about that fearless leader?" The monkey said pointing.

Upstream from the creek was a distribution pond where the water collected before flowing in to the settlement. Next to it was a small park and a statue, whose subject was familiar. Very familiar.

The rabbit, cat and monkey went to investigate.

"Master Koala?!" Cody squeaked.

"You three came to pay your respects?" A blond haired man in a white shirt, brown blazer with a handlebar mustache asked. He was seated on a park bench nearby.

"Um, kinda?" Minka replied.

"He was a kind, gentle soul- a inventor, explorer, discoverer- and a traveler from far far away." The man said joining the trio.

"You don't say?" Cody asked.

"I met him the day he made contact. That was also the day he died."

The monkey, rabbit and cat gasped.

"No I didn't kill him, he was mortally wounded by a colleague who wanted to keep a dark secret. Your three were friends of his, right?"

"Um, why would you say that?" The adult cat asked.

"You are talking animals." Cinereus replied lifting an eyebrow.

"BUSTED." Minka grimaced.

"How did you know?" Cody asked.

"You are wearing Mrs. Pell's clothing and it doesn't hide your tails very well." The photographer said grimacing.

"Whoa, first contact situation." The monkey girl said.

"Second." Actually, the man said correcting Minka.

"Ah, we come in peace?" Primrose added.

10:30 AM Free Counter Earth (Song's Flower Emporium, World Three)

"Kiwi I want the floors swept, scrubbed and mopped. I then need the display rearranged- what is in the back moved to the front. What was in the front moved to the sides and the sides moved to the back. When you are done with all that you will help me with inventory." The beautiful chatkat ordered the brown haired pre-teen who was manning her kiosk.

"Kay!" The boy said obediently.

Song reclined and went back to the pad she was reading. Her business had dried up since everyone was scared and in hiding. Whatever, it did give her the opportunity to catch up on some things she had been meaning to get to.


The white cat-taur looked up from her pad to see the pre-teen lying on the floor.

"Kiwi!" She ran over, kneeling at his side.

"I will be fine, I just needed to take a break."

She felt the boy's forehead. He seemed warm, his skin clammy; she had worked him past exhaustion.

"I am sorry Kiwi." Song said, picking up the boy and hugging him.

"Huh?" The boy asked within her embrace.

"I have become an abusive overseer. You are taking the rest of the day off, in fact we both are and we will do whatever you want to do alright?"

The chakat realized at that exact moment the empire's mind control device was too tempting, too easy to misuse and abuse the human minority. In doing so she had become lazy and had damaged their friendship.

12:10 PM Free Counter Earth (Corner Cafe, World Two)

"Are you sure about this sir?" Kiff asked the playing card he was holding.

"I am sure, well Spirit is sure. Dr. First backed him up as well." Deerfeeder said responding to his second of two beastial operatives.

Kiff looked at the red headed female sitting on the outdoor patio of the cafe reading a pad and sipping some form of beverage. She looked quite engrossed in what she was doing.

"If we are wrong this will expose our operations like never before to the empire."

"The empire has bigger fish to fry at the moment operative." The leader of the rebellion replied.

"Right sir. Well, off I go." The beastial operative said crossing the street. He walked inside the establishment past the greeter's station where he made his way to the patio. "Iya Summers."

The former operative of the rebellion looked up at the chipmunk.

"Kiff! You should not be here."

"On the contrary Ms. Summers, I am at the right place at the right time." He replied.

Iya looked at him curiously as he sat down and reached for her hands.

"You acknowledge that I am a beasital right?"

The female nodded.

"As a beastial you acknowledge that I am your superior?" Kiff continued.

Ms. Summers had a problem with the last part but the mind control device compelled her to comply. She nodded again.

"Good because I have an offer you will find quite compelling." The chipmunk said smiling.

2:06 PM Free Counter Earth (Technology Museum, World Three)

"Welcome back." The leader of the Ghost Hunters said shutting down Master Koala's reality observing machine. He looked at the dour faces of his companions- the rabbit, cat and even the monkey girl was frowning. "Hey cheer up, you made it back in one piece."

"The natives weren't the problem Arthur." The rabbit replied. "They were quite friendly and very curious."

"And informative as well." Cody replied. "The settlement we visited is that reality's version of World Three even, its name is similar."

"So no one was in danger? That is a relief, then why the long faces?"

"This was a second contact situation." Minka said to her partner. "Three Mile Creek Settlement was visited by Master Koala previously."

"He was the first talking animal the residents had ever met, they even built a statue in his memory." Primrose said, tearing up.

"You are talking about him in the past tense." Arthur said.

"Master Koala arrived there mortally wounded and made initial contact with one of the locals there, a photographer, who told us he was stranded by a colleague of his who was trying to protect some huge transgressions that had been committed while trying to save our own reality." Cody said alarmed.

"The towns-folk tried to save his life, but Master Koala died. He is buried near his statue." Primrose said wiping away her tears.

"And this colleague who mortally wounded him?"

"Snapped his neck Arthur." Minka gasped.

"Well, who was it?"

Minka looked at Primrose and Cody.

"Sir Ram." The three said in unison.

To Be Continued....


November 15th, YOE 35

7:32 AM Chaundoon (Naka and Song's home, World Seven)

"Naka, Song whatcha doing?" The brown haired teen teased catching his adoptive parents in the act AGAIN.

"Consummating our love Kiwi." Song said embracing her boy with her arms and fore paws while she was impaled by her canine.

"Grrr, I am going to put a litter of pups in you for sure this time!" The maned wolf grumbled.

"Is that possible?" The pre-teen asked looking over Song's right shoulder at the big bad wolf buried in her rear.

"I don't think so even if he is going to empty the contents of his testicles in me." The beautiful chakat moaned.

"You are very soft and very very warm my love." Naka said grumbling.

"Well it had been some time since you two have been intimate." Kiwi said as he felt the she cat's paws on his back.

"That long?" Song asked her charge.

"Mmm hmm." The boy said, kissing the female beastial on her cheek. "I thought with all the free time you two had..."

"We have had other things on our minds Kiwi." Song said, rubbing her cheek to her boy's.

"ARRROO!!!!!" The wolf howled pulling the chakat's bottom towards him.

"AHHH!!!" Song shuddered as she was filled with Naka's puppy batter.

Kiwi smiled as he watched the show. Could the wolf breed the cat? Would they have puppies? Or kittens or a combination of both?!

"I love you Song, Kiwi." The maned wolf said collapsing on his side as he came down from his high.

"I love you too Naka, Kiwi." Song said laying on her side.

"Um, you can let go now." The pre-teen ordered as he was locked within the chatkat's embrace.

"Nope. Naka is 'tied' up right now and so are you." The chakat said to her son.

There was a lot of love in that family's bedroom that morning.

"Um, since we aren't going anywhere for a while, Song and I wanted to talk to you Kiwi...." The junior knight began.

"About?" Kiwi asked his beastial parents.

"Going somewhere for a while." The former council member added.

"You are thinking about leaving the city?" The pre-teen boy asked.

"For a while, yes." Was the couple's unanimous reply.

"You mean until the blowback from what we did in the pridelands dies down?" Their boy asked.

"Yes." Was the couple's answer.

8:06 AM Chaundoon (Lady Ursa's Home. World Seven)

"Mmm... that feels wonderful." The she beast replied as she felt a set of paws on her shoulder and gentle licks and kisses on her neck.

"If pretty lady bear and mother of Boris' cub is happy, Boris is happy."

"Borris? Where are Alex and Shakara?" The she beast asked noticing that two of the bed's occupants were missing.

"Freckled boy and horny lioness are watching Beatrice so Boris and Ursa can sleep in this morning." The dark brown bear with the v shaped birthmark said embracing his breeding partner.

"It is nice having extra help around the house." The fierce ursine warrior replied.

"Cub rearing is much easier?"

"Yes it is." The she beast replied relaxing within the he beast's embrace.

"Does pretty lady bear want more, perhaps larger family?"

Lady Ursa rolled over to look at Boris. He had the biggest, goofiest grin on his face, indicating that he was more than willing. She took her paw and touched several pressure points on his chest countering his goofy grin with one of her own.

"That is no right?" Her breeding partner asked, realizing he was paralyzed from his neck downward.

"Most definitely she said resting her head on his chest while gripping his cub maker. The only thing that this thing is going in is Shakara's unmentionables." Lady Ursa said returning her head to Boris' chest.

"Pretty lady bear..."


"Effects are temporary, yes? Boris is supposed to put finishing touches on new council chambers today. Hard to do if can't move from neck downward."

"Yes it is, isn't it?" The she beast said lying back down on him.

8:10 AM Chaundoon (Tree Folk Village, The Great Marsh)

"Minka, Arthur are you sure?" Laurel asked the monkey girl and hedgehog boy.

"You betcha! Right Arthur?"

"Yeah." Minka's partner said, staring at the night sky longingly. "We just need some assistance."

"From our friendly neighborhood plant lady!"

"Alright." The humanoid plant creature said embracing the two Ghost Hunters as she reformed her shape into a wide doubletree with moss on its roots.

"Everyone be still!" Arthur shout-whispered.

"It's here...." Minka warned.

Emerging from the swamp water was a quadrupedal, four-eyed, yellowed tooth, spiked red scalie. Reaching the dry ground it started making its way toward the village slinking back and forth like an alligator.

"This was the thing that went WHAAA in the night scaring my people half to death?!" Laurel gasped.

"Not so scary now is it?" The monkey asked the plant lady.

"The monster of legend we feared doesn't exist, that over there is your common thief!" The leader of the tree folk surmised.

"We took the scary out of the extraordinary and made it ordinary." The hedgehog boy said, ushering his companions forward.

"You there! Stop stealing from the Tree Folk!" Minka said, jumping out from behind the camouflaged plant lady.

"Gwah?!" The red scalie shouted realizing that it had been made. It turned around to make a run back toward the swamp it had emerged from.


The creature flew backwards landing on its red bottom. A dark canid holding two blades loomed over it.

"Going somewhere?" The Akita assassin asked.


The blades hit their targets scoring critical hits.

Minka swooned as her akita cartwheeled above and then stuck the landing just behind the red creature in a dramatic pose.

The scalie looked at its paw just in time to watch its claws fall toward the ground. It also realized it was missing several spikes on its back as well.

"YIPE!! YIPE!! YIPE!! YIPE!! YIPE!!" It shouted running back to the water.

"It would do well to rethink about robbing your village again." Midnight Black said standing.

"Minka Mallow, Midnight Black and Arthur Speedwell thank you for solving our mystery." Laurel said.

"That is what we do!" The cheeky monkey girl said cheerfully. "Eh Arthur?"

"Yeah I guess." The hedgehog boy said, looking at the predawn night sky.

"Something wrong boy?" The dark akita asked while sheathing his blades.

"Thinking about another mystery we haven't been able to solve Mr. Black." The hedgehog boy said looking at the sketches the three of them had made of the ghost lights within the plain of tranquility; each person who had gazed upon the lights saw something different.

Since that mission the three of them had conducted heavy research, and all came up empty as to what they saw or how it even existed.

"Look, not every mystery can be solved Arthur." The akita said placing his paw on Minka's shoulder.

"What is bothering Arthur?" Laurel asked.

"He is thinking about one of our open cases." Ms. Mallow replied.

"He gets that way when encountering a mystery with no explanation; he can't let it go." The akita added.

"I suspect a field trip is in the works." The monkey said to her akita as she glommed on to his arm.

"You know me too well guys." Arthur said smiling.

10:30 AM Chaundoon (Infirmary, Central Tower)

"Thanks for holding down the fort a few extra hours." The tan lioness said to our coworker as we entered medical.

"It took us a little more time getting ready this morning." I added.

"Nezera!!" Beatrice shouted.

"That is right, young mistress." I said holding the bright-eyed adorable cub.

"What is this, bring your cub to work day?" Our coworker asked as we prepared to start our shift.

"It was little cutie's turn to watch Beatrice for big cutie, I mean Lady Ursa." My devious person responded.

"I see. Well she is an adorable cub and very smart for her young age." Nerzera replied bending down to look at Ursa's and Boris' offspring.

"Blood sucking vampire bat!!" The youngling cooed.

"Too smart." The lady bat said annoyed.

"That may be true B-bear, but she is a good bat." Shakara announced. "Although when we first met she tried to drain me dry."

"I was trying to survive the apocalypse. Besides, I was going to make your demise painless." Nezera countered.

"Times were hard then. But they aren't as bad now." I said smiling.

"Well, we aren't exactly in a technological civilization anymore... more of a frontier-ish colonial setting now." The lady bat said.

"True but there is a stronger sense of community; we look out and care for each other." The red eyed lioness said, grabbing the bat's paws.

"That's right. Now we are all friends and one big happy family." I countered. "It is better than living in isolation and trying to survive on your own."

"Um, right." She replied, lifting her eyebrow.

"Anything to report?" My devious person asked.

"Song made an appointment for her family's physical late yesterday."

"She is early- they are not due for another three months." Shakara said looking at the schedule binder.

"That is odd, perhaps she wanted to just get it out of the way?" I reasoned.

"Maybe she has other pressing concerns?"

Beatrice, Nezera and I looked at my lioness.

"She and Naka have been spending a lot of time together as of late." The horny lioness said bouncing her eyebrows.

"Oh boy..." The little bear exclaimed, rolling her eyes.

_12:10 PM Chaundoon (Shira's Home, World Seven) _

Naka steeled himself as he approached the stone home that Shira and Gia lived in with their guest. Now it was just Shira and her guest.

"Homesick again?" The sabertooth tigres asked.

"Um hmm." The jackal replied. "I have been thinking about my friends I left behind to come to this planet... I wonder if they are okay?"

"They are under the protection of Mr. Xavia right?" Shira asked her roommate.

Titanous nodded.

"I trust they are riding out the after empire in the Nexus just fine. Don't forget that you have friends here as well." The tigress said reaching for Titanous paw. "Now come here puppy I think I can cure you of your home sickness."

As Naka made his way to the front door of the single level ranch with what looked like a giant upside down bowl for a roof, he heard canid whining. Like someone was abusing a dog. It became more vocal... more distressed the closer he got.

The maned wolf paused for a moment then knocked on the front door as loud as he could. Receiving no reaction he started pounding on the door.

"Shira, is everything okay?"

The junior knight soon received his answer as his pounding made the door swing open. Inside he found a near naked tan jackal on his back being licked up and down by a tigress all over his person.

"WHOA!! I guess everything is more than okay!!" The knight said flailing his arms.

"Something I can do for you Naka?" Shira asked looking up from her sexual liaison.

"I did know Titanous was a bottom..."

"He has a very fine bottom and the rest of him isn't too bad to look at either." Shira said smiling. She received another doggie whine from her captive companion before the two of them returned to staring at their interloper.

"I came... I mean I wanted to speak to Titanous, I was wondering if he could do me a favor..." The junior knight began.

2:06 PM Chaundoon (Lady Ursa's Office, Knight Command)

"Come in." The female brown bear ordered. "Ah yes junior knight Naka."

The maned wolf had a neutral look on his face.

"You switched out of your uniform rather abruptly." His superior observed, noticing that he was now wearing his grey pants, tan shirt and brown belt- his frontier-ish street clothes. "How was your first day back?

"Enlightening ma'am."

"How so?"

"I did some soul searching my time away from the knight core." The junior knight said sitting down in a chair opposite the ursine's desk. "I came to realize that this career path I am in, this occupation is not for me."

"Really Naka? I understand that you were new to the knight core when the empire ended on Counter Earth. In the year that followed, you collected the survivors from World Three, formed a caravan and brought them here. In doing so, you demonstrated exemplary bravery, leadership, planning and coordination. Naka you exhibited the best traits of being a knight."

"I thought I was ready to return to the core under a new command structure and serving a new leader. But I am not." The wolf said standing.


"I guess I realized that I like giving orders rather than having someone GIVING me orders."

"Naka what are you saying?" The female bear asked looking at the maned wolf.

"I am resigning my commission from the core effective immediately." The wolf said placing his sword, sash and knight shirt on the stunned bear's desk.

"What about Song and Kiwi, your family?"

"We have decided to leave World Seven." Naka said, turning and walking out of Lady Ursa's office.

"Dismissed." The female warrior replied. She was a little late with that order.

As the maned wolf closed her office door, he caught curious stares from the sand dragons and his former colleagues within knight command.

4:45 PM Chaundoon (Mysterious Lights, Plane of Tranquility)

"Ah! I see you returned. Do you find a solution to our mystery?" Bine asked greeting the Ghost Hunters.

"We came to get a second look." The hedgehog boy replied.

The Eeth noticed that he was carrying a bag with a few more items.

"Actually the bigger mystery is what did you do to Angi's body? The monkey girl asked studying the human female before her.

"I felt some alterations were in order. Do you like?" Bine asked.

"Slicked back black hair, dark brooding clothing... definitely a new look compared to the fursuit she wore before." Minka said evading the question.

"We are who we are. Wishing for something otherwise is a waste of energy." The akita said judgmentally, crossing his arms.

"Oh really mister assassin? I thought you were trying to change your ways?" The monkey girl said, teasing her squeeze.

"Well... I err...." Midnight Black replied.

"This way." Bine said to the trio.

Again the Ghost Hunters found themselves staring at a red sky with something populating it.

"Minka, Mr. Black what are you seeing now?" Arthur asked his companions.

"A single five pointed blue star." The dark canine responded.

"It is surrounded by white halo." The monkey girl added.

"So now we are seeing the same thing?" The hedgehog boy asked.

"Apparently so." The being in Angie's body replied.

"Serious mysterious!" Arthur said, sitting down to sketch this new celestial formation.

"When did this appear Eeth?" The akita asked.

"Um just now."

Minka said as Arthur continued to sketch. "I wish we could get a better look at it! It is so far away."

As if on cue the celestial formation moved from the sky to several feet away from where the group was standing observing it."

"I didn't know it could do that!" Minka shouted.

"Girl! I wouldn't go near that!" The dark akita warned.


Not only did the monkey girl approach the descended star she reached out her paw and touched it!

There was a piercing noise and then a flash as the four of them disappeared.

Time: N/A [eternity] Realm of Fire and Magma (Throne Room, Terror Tower)

"Like, hello master!" A naked orangutan said, greeting a seated wolf demon.

"You are back early." He said looking down at her.

"I am?"

"You skipped out on your chores didn't you?"

"Respectfully no master. The dungeons have been swept and dusted, the torture room cleansed and bleached, the whipping chamber scrubbed, the soul stretcher polished and shined, the pantry organized and tidied and the corridors mopped."

"You are becoming too proficient- girl."

"Like yay, a new realm record!" Flo said her arms extended as she danced.

"Always so damn happy, no matter what I do to you." The dark wolf said, rolling his eyes.

"Like life is fleeting master, live in the moment." The she beast said as the whole throne room flickered for a brief second as if someone were playing with the vertical and horizontal hold on an old style television, when it ended the wolf demon and the orangutan slave were not alone!

"Flo?" A female voice behind her said.

"Oh my gosh, Flo!" A male voice shouted.

"Hey Minka, Arthur! What's up?"

"Eeth what happened?" The akita asked as he took stock in their surroundings.

"I can't be sure but it looks like the veil has weakened and we crossed over into an adjacent realm."

"Well, well, well look who has returned Arthur Speedwell and Minka Mallow!!"

"Diamantopoulous!!!" The hedgehog and monkey shouted in unison.

"I was always hopeful you would return and you brought guests!! What a pleasant surprise!!" The wolf demon said squeezing the both of them.

To Be Continued....