A Phoenix's Christmas

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So this wholesome little story was inspired thanks to talking with a friend of mine. After seeing he had done a Christmas based story I realised it had been a long while since I had done anything like that and thought I'd try my hand again.

It twas the day before Christmas and pretty much everyone was stirring in Ember town. A town nestled by the base of a volcano, kept safe by its protector who looked on from atop the rim with glittering emerald, solid green eyes.

The golden feathered, lone phoenix stood looking out at the gambolling, frolicing furs as they played about their wood and stone dwellings, laughing and throwing snowballs at each other. As the snow fell from the sky, it melted around the guardian, not even touching her before melting and sizzling.

With a sigh, she turned around, ready to return to her own sheltered dwelling when a voice perked up behind her.

"What's with the long beak Phyra?" the voice said in jest before she turned her head, regarding the interloper with a glittering eye.

"Oh, it is just you Sariah," she sighed. "I know you winged your way here to see me but can we talk another time? I am not really in the mood right now," she said in a tone that bordered on bitter.

"It is always the same with you each year Phyra, you shun warm company and wish to be alone. WIll you not share in it with me," the young Ancient Dragon said, her red eyes begging her to let her in.

With a sigh she nodded and bade her entrance.

The phoenix's abode was simple and spartan, a few stone tomes and murals laid about and a few stone and marble seats dotted the area.

"Would it kill you to lighten up the place?" Sariah said as she looked around.

"I'd like to see how sumptuous your living would be if you burned everything around you," Phyra sighed before sitting her feathered rump down.

"I think I am starting to see why you get so grumpy this time of year," Sariah said, sitting her own scaled tush down next to her, holding her plumed hand in her own, one of few beings that could stand the heat of the golden bird.

"Well, nothing can be done about it. That is why I just prefer to shut the world out, having no family and no means to enjoy what mortals covert," she said, pulling her hand away and shutting her eyes tight. A flame tear running down, falling to sizzle on the floor.

"That is why I come bearing gifts my dear old friend," Sariah said with a smile. "I had a bit of time on my hands and managed to craft you something special."

"Please. I appreciate the sentiment but, ow!" Phyra cried out as Sariah plucked a feather from her tail. "Is that the gift, pain!?" she raged, her fires blazing before Sariah held up a hand to still her rage.

"I am sorry, but I had a feeling you might try and refuse what I have to offer you," she said before bringing out a bracelet she had attached to a belt on her magic armour; an exotic and revealing piece that helped her to control her powers since by Ancient dragon standards, she was 50 years too young at just 50 to fully control her gifts.

Threading the feather with the bracelet and tying it, the accessory glowed a fiery red before going dull once more.

"This is a suppressant bracelet, something I found scouring the many ancient texts I have. I had a suspicion why you don't care for this time of year, so I wanted to give you the gift of being just a mortal for a day."

Phyra stared at the bracelet, looking in part longing and part weariness. "A mortal...but...how would that affect me? What if someone tries to assault me? You know how savage these mortals can be, I myself have lived through wars you can only imagine."

"And that is why you need to get among them, see the good with the bad," Sariah said, holding it out to her in an outstretched hand. "Time has made you bitter my friend, and you need to get among them and share in their joy as well as pain, and this is the time of year for joy," she said, a warm smile on her scaled muzzle.

Reaching out gingerly to the bracelet, the phoenix made to grab it, seemed to think twice before deciding to grab it and sighed.

"What do I do to use it?" She said in a resigned tone.

"You simply put it on a limb like your ankle or wrist, and it activates. Then simply take it off to be your fiery self again," she said before standing up and holding a hand out to her in invitation.

Closing her eyes, she gave a resigned nod and accepted the hand, surging to her talons before they both took wing, circling around the mountain before alighting on the outskirts of the town.

Immediately, snow began to melt around Phyra, watching sadly as clear patches of ground began to show before Sariah held the bracelet out to her.

Nodding, she opened it up before clasping the bracelet around her feathered wrist and the effect was immediate. A sensation the likes of which she had never experienced before came over with a cold shiver running through her.

"By the maker this is what cold feels like?" She said through a chattering beak.

"Oops heh, yeah I forgot you wouldn't be used to feeling the cold. Give me a tick," she said before hurrying to the town before returning with a coat, pants and boots made for avians.

Once she was in them, she snuggled into the thick jacket like a bird about to roost.

"Mmh that's better," she said, her beak chattering less before taking a tentative step off the cleared patch of land.

Her first steps into the fresh snow was met by a soft crunch, the boots sinking through the soft, fresh snow. "Wow..." she muttered to herself before taking another step, then a more enthusiastic step before a leap. "This is what snow feels like?" she said, her eyes wide with wonderment.

Sariah couldn't help but beam a smile at her friend, "Yes. And now Phyra," she grinned before hurling a snowball at her, "Snowball fight!"

She squawked in alarm as the snow struck her head, whipping around to glare at the tall, busty dragon before scooping up the snow, trying to imitate the method, staring in amazement at the ball of frozen fluff in her hands before hurling it at Sariah who dodged and laughed, the two powerful creatures behaving like kids instead of all powerful beings.

A group of cubs clustered at the edge of town, watching the unusual pair play before one, a tabby, gingerly made his way towards them with the rest in tow.

"Oof, right that does it!" Phyra snarled as Sariah managed to land another Snowball on her before finally managing to get a good hit on her. "Got you!" She cawed, raising her feathered hands in the air in triumph before feeling a tentative tap on her back.

Turning around she saw a group of young cubs staring at her and Sariah.

"Um, e-excuse me miss, but are you not, well, um, you know, her?" the tabby said, scuffing the snow with a booted paw.

"Am I...who?" Phyra said with a quizzical quirk of an eye.

"You know, the Phoenix," another, a racoon pup said as she finally found her voice where her friend didn't.

"Oh, um w-well I," Phyra stammered, it had been years since she interacted with a mortal for fear of burning them before Sariah trudged towards the group.

"Well what is the almighty Phoenix made out of hmm, can anyone answer me that?" she said to the group, some shrinking away at her towering seven foot figure before crouching down to the group to appear less intimidating.

"Well...she is made of fire, they say she can control the very volcano which is why she is our guardian. And if you were to touch her you would burn alive. FWOOSH!" a third said, this one a deer foal said, throwing his hands up to large effect.

"Aaand, what is our bird friend wearing? Wouldn't that set on fire?" Sariah said, gesturing towards her outfit. "And the snow is not melting too."

"Yeah stoopid!" the fourth said, a spunky fox kit said, bapping the foal over the head.

"Now that is no way to behave to your friends, you must cherish and treasure the bonds you have. If you neglect them, one day you will be alone and wishing you had been nicer," Sariah lightly scolded the kit.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be nasty," she said, gently rubbing the foal's head.

"Say, can we join in, miss um," the tabby stumbled not knowing their names.

"My name is Sariah, and this is my friend...Phoebe," she said, Phyra glaring briefly at her at the name which she gave an apologetic look.

"Can we have a snowball fight Miss Sariah and Miss Phoebe?" he said bashfully.

"It would be my pleasure to," Phyra said in genuine warmth before they split into two teams with the tabby introducing himself as Manx the tabby and racoon with Sariah and the foal and kit with Phyra before they set about hurling snowballs at each other.

They all laughed and jeered and thought they were a lot larger than the cubs, the young furs were small and agile and able to dodge a lot more snowballs.

Phyra had never had this sort of interaction and it was intoxicating, the joy she felt in her breast overflowed until she joined in with their whoops and hollers, cawing her own note of joy.

As the sun begane to set over the mountains, they all sprawled onto their backs, panting and soaked from exertion and melted snowballs.

"I never knew adults...could be so fun," the tabby gasped and panted, looking from his friends to the winged adults.

"See, not all adults are boring, even those who seem ancient can learn to lighten up," Sariah said with a cheeky look at Phyra who just scowled back before picking herself up.

"You lot should be heading home, your parents will worry. Come on, we'll walk you home," Phyra said, offering a hand before seeming to think twice, too used to hurting those who had touched her before one grabbed one hand and another the other sith the remaining two grabbing Sariah's, the tall dragon having to bend somewhat to keep them grounded.

This was another interaction the phoenix had never had, it felt...nice. Seeing the look of trust on their faces and the warmth of their hands in her own.

As she walked, Phyra was awed at everything, from the trimmings to all the lit candles, lanterns with different covers and coloured flames that dotted about. It was truly wonderful and the large tree in the middle of town, trussed up with decorations and a large Phoenix ornament on the top in respect to their guardian.

She felt rather humbled and slightly self-conscious as a few looked their way and whispered before seeming to move on.

"Manx, where have you been? It is getting dark!" A female manx said from her door, just starting to grey around the tips of her ears and tail.

"Sorry mum...I was out playing with some new friends." He said before proudly presenting them. "Mum, this is Miss Sariah and Miss Phoebe," he said to her.

"Well, thank you two very much for looking after my son. I must say it is very unusual for us to see a dragon around these parts, are you not cold dressed like that?" She said to Sariah.

"Oh no, us dragons are pretty resistant to the elements, but thank you for your concern," Sariah smiled as Phyra's beak began to chatter. "But I think my friend would like to warm up before we head off."

The older feline beckoned them in, wrapping a towel around Phyra in front of a roaring fire.

"Since you two looked out for my troublesome boy, would you both accept an invite to go out carolling with us? We all go to the square and sing, it is a nice outing."

"Oh, well you see," Phyra began before Sariah cut her off.

"We'd be delighted to," she said before dodging a withering glare from her friend.

"I have never sung," Phyra said to her friend later that night as they walked towards the town square, looking around as if someone was suddenly going to start laughing at her.

"You have a lovely voice, I'm sure you will do fine. You wanted to get more involved right?" Sariah said, gently pulling her close to her, seeming more like a scared girl than an ancient being. "Follow my lead and you'll be fine."

After a few faltering attempts with Phyra singing off key and out of tune, she got some encouraging glances from Sariah and even smiles from Manx and his mum. Closing her eyes, she breathed in the sharp, clear air before opening to see all the lanterns glowing warmly, the crowds gathered around singing and laughing and the snow covered ground and dwellings.

She opened her beak and instead of another squark, a melodic sound flowed out of her beak.

Those nearby quietened their own carolling to better listen. It was such a beautiful, fragile sound that seemed to touch them to the core. Even Sariah had gone quiet, just watching her friend proudly.

When she finished the final note, Phyra opened her eyes, suddenly very self conscious as every eye was on her before a round of applause resounded around the square, everyone clapping and cheering her.

"I knew you had a beautiful voice my friend," Sariah smiled, squeezing her hand proudly before a distant rumble sounded off in the distance. The volcano was starting to smoke.

People were starting to panic, worry all over their faces before Phyra clenched her hand into a fist.

"I have been away too long, I need to return to quell the lava before it becomes too violent," she said before taking off towards the volcano.

Sariah was about to give chase when the older female tabby grabbed hold of her arm.

"Your friend...she's our phoenix isn't she?" The tabby said with a knowing look in her eyes.

Sariah knew there was no hiding it from her now, "Yes. I fear that I have interfered too much," she sighed, looking as a distant flash heralded Phyra removing her bracelet, a streak of fire heading towards the volcano rim.

"No. You are exactly what she needs. Everyone needs to be able to have fun once in a while, even ancient, powerful beings such as her," she smiled.


Phyra found herself waking up late the next day, having pushed herself to the point of passing out as she contained the rising magma. She had some choice words for her friend the next time she saw her.

The sound of someone landing on the lip caught her attention, rising out of the volcano to rage at Sariah for even thinking she abandon her duty. Only she had already left.

In its place was a crude hamper basket, runes faintly glowed on the side, a flame of warding etched into the weave.

And inside was a number of books that also bore her handiwork, flameproofing them so she could read them and at the bottom of the hamper, a dozen fresh biscuits and a note at the bottom and along with the sweets, the bracelet Sariah had picked up and placed for her friend.

Phyra's eyes began to tear up with fiery tears again as she read, "Merry Christmas to our beloved guardian."

She clutched the books to her feathered breast as happy tears ran down her face. Yes...it was worth the risk. Truly.