How the Bouncer Entertains Himself 13

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#13 of How the Bouncer Entertains Himself

Karlos and Lawrence come up with a small plan, and Karlos heads out to execute it.

Commissioned by Limemas

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How the Bouncer Entertains Himself

Part 13

For Limemas

By Draconicon

It took some time for Saul to leave once he was done with Michael, and most of that time was taken up with a meeting with Lawrence that Karlos was not privy to. The Komodo Dragon paced back and forth in the main room of Ridin' the Pole, waiting for the call to head back to the owner's office, but every thought he had was down to what was happening in that meeting.

Was Lawrence holding firm?

Was the broken rabbit making a deal?

Would Saul guess what had happened, or trick the answer out of his boss?

It took every ounce of what little professionalism he had to keep his eyes on the door, scan IDs properly, and make sure that nobody started causing any trouble. With Michael out of the picture for the rest of the day at least, he was the only one that could keep an eye on everything, and he hated it. One more reason that he was glad that he hadn't taken it further with Michael than he had.

It was a complicated situation, that one. On the one hand, he hated what Saul had done to the crocodile. It had been like looking in a very nasty mirror, and he hadn't liked what had been looking back at him. He hated it, as a matter of fact, and had wanted nothing more than to smash it.

On the other hand, it was hard to see someone else doing what he wanted to do. He grumbled as he took another card, glanced at it and its owner, and passed it back with a nod. The otter stepped inside with a wide, innocent grin, making his way to the stages where Shia and the other girls were shaking their asses.

That asshole belongs to me...and only me.

Michael had been his 'rival,' if either of them were to be said to have one, for a long time. He was regularly pissed at the other man's shortsightedness, at the way that he expected worship for doing his job, and how he insisted on doing it the brutish, stupid way. Everything the crocodile did made his job that much harder for repeat offenders, because they were ready for a fight. It meant that he had to be even better at it than Michael was because they were ready for sucker-punches.

But that dislike didn't mean that he was ready to see someone else smack the other bouncer down. That was his job. His treat.

He had to focus. For now, he would take care of the job, and later, he would find a way to get what he wanted. For now, he and Michael had a truce. When this whole thing was over, when Victor and Saul were dealt with, he and Michael would have it out, and then he would have his fun with the asshole.

Another card.



It was so mindless, and he was starting to wonder just how Michael could stand to be at the door night after night when Sally tapped his arm. He blinked, looking up from his work at the iguana.

"Lawrence says to shut everything down," she said.

"Wait, everything?"

She nodded.

"...Oh. We're doing that."

"I don't know what's going on, but -"

"For now, you get ready to go home. Get the other girls backstage, tell them that the show's cancelled. I'll talk to Lawrence about pay for the night. Get."

He must have sounded more serious than usual, because she got, alright. As the iguana hustled away, a badger tapped his shoulder, presenting his ID. Karlos shook his head.

"Show's over for the night."

"What - come on, we just got -"

"Show's. Over."

He flashed his fangs, showing just a hint of the venom dripping from the back of his mouth. That was enough to clear the line fast enough.


An hour later, he grumbled as he stepped into the rabbit's office. Lawrence was seated, of course, the bunny staring at the top of his desk with his eyes slightly glazed over. Karlos grunted, and the rabbit looked up.

"Sorry. I - sorry."

"What happened?" he asked, pulling up a chair. "You tell that asshole anything?"


"Nothing? Nothing about me?"

"Nothing. Too. Valuable."

"...First time I heard you call me anything good," he said, shaking his head as he crossed his arms. "So, what did he say Victor wanted?"

"Start of...of" Lawrence shook his head, slapping his cheek. "Ugh...stupid...talking...hard."

"Yeah...that's on me, that one."


"What kind of trade?"

"Bad one. For both. Send guys to him. Send...s-send girls to us."

For all that Lawrence kept stopping and starting, it was probably the fastest he'd ever heard the rabbit talk without stuttering since his therapy. He must have been more wound up than usual. That, or he was that much more focused on the bad stuff. Probably more the latter.

"Guys from us, huh? Trying to get some more dancers in his - no, it's not just an exchange program. He's probably got all kinds of drugs over there. Probably wants to break some of our guys, and have his girls bring all their fun stuff to us, right?"

"Mmm-hmm. How Break people. Use them. Then get rid of them. Get new ones."

"That sounds like what I've heard, alright." Karlos shook his head, crossing his arms a little tighter. "And explains why you're keeping me quiet. If he could use me, he'd have people breaking left and right. Throwing 'em away as soon as the addiction gets too bad, and then getting someone new. If Saul found out about that, hell, he might even try and use me to get rid of Victor, take over and use me the way that his boss would."


"...So, what'd you tell him? Wouldn't be no; he'd get pissed and then Victor would start trying to find a way to steamroll you, anyway. What are you thinking?"

"Thinking...send you."

"...Heh." He smiled. "You're thinking of sending me in to start breaking it down? See if we can hit Victor where it hurts, take some of his people away?"



"Not take. Break. Saul, and others. The big ones. Make him hurt."

This was a side of Lawrence that he hadn't seen before. He knew that his boss could get angry, knew that there was a petty side of him that could rise up and be very, very eager to dish out punishments to people that were out of line, but he hadn't seen it since before the breaking. Now? Now, it was even angrier, and it was out for blood. Bear blood, from the sound of it.

He liked it. Karlos crossed one leg over the other, putting his hands down over his lap. He tilted his head to the side, considering his options.

On the one hand, he would be leaping right into the lion's den if he went along with this. After all, Victor was one of the richest men in the city, considering all the sex clubs that he had going. Sure, not all of them catered to the super-rich the way that his high-end one at the end of the street did, but they were all pulling in bank. He'd have security, have people that were interested in keeping their jobs for as long as they could, and he'd have lawyers that could bury him if he got caught. And Lawrence wouldn't be able to pull him out of that one.

On the other hand, it was a place where he'd be off the leash. No strings attached, no forcing him back, no people that he cared about that might get caught in the crossfire or might look at him with disappointment if they knew how far he was going to go. He could go further than he had with Daniel, with Marlon, even with Caleb. With all of them, he had held back from breaking their minds, given them the chance to stay what they were. Out there...

It was hard not to feel horny at the thought. He chuckled, slowly uncrossing his legs and crossing them again as his dick started rising up, getting stiffer and stiffer between his legs. He could feel the need to just sink it into someone. Maybe Saul, give that big black bear a fucking that his fat-ass would never forget. Something to show him where he belonged, that just because he worked under a former mob boss, he couldn't just get away with shit like that.

Yes. Yes, that was rather appealing.

"I think I can make that work. I think I can make him pay."

"Be smart," Lawrence said. "Don't want it...don't want it...coming...back."

"I know."

"If he gets...mad..."

"That's my thing to deal with." He looked down at his hands, clenching them into fists. "And I don't think that he's going to want to mess with me. Not when he sees what I can do. Heh. He might even give me a job offer, instead."

"Maybe." Lawrence hesitated. "You...won't"

"Heh. Maybe I might have, a few months back. The chance to have as many guys as I like? Breaking 'em day in and day out, having my fun, not having to care about anything else?"

It would have been the dream for most people, he knew that. He saw that Lawrence was afraid that it'd be the dream for him right then and there. And to be honest, that pissed him off. Was that really the sort of person that the rabbit thought he was? Fucking Christ, that was bullshit.

He stood up slowly, taking his time to get to his feet. He walked around the desk, making sure to drag his claws along the surface. The soft scratch-scratch sound that it made was more than sufficient to raise the bunny's fur on the back of his neck, leaving him shivering in his chair. He looked like he was about to faint, even. He leaned down, resting his hands on the rabbit's shoulders from behind.

"If I wanted to take a job like that, Lawrence, I could just bend you back and fuck your face right here and now."

The bunny stiffened under him, eyes going wider as his pulse skyrocketed under Karlos's fingers. The reptilian bouncer chuckled.

"You know I could. I could just bend you back right now, and there's nothing you could do to stop me. All I have to do is bend and push. And once you tasted it...once you had it in your mouth again...I wouldn't even have to use my venom. All I'd have to do is just keep...on...pushing...And what sort of treat would that be? Take you down, give you to Victor, make you sign literally anything just to have it down your throat again - ah, ah, ah..."

He squeezed a little tighter as the rabbit almost leaped out of his chair, keeping him pinned in place. It was more than he needed to do; he knew that, but he didn't care. The sheer offense of being considered a potential traitor just like that was enough to make him angry enough to have to make a point. He squeezed, pulling the rabbit's head back to look up at him properly.

"If I wanted to change sides, I could do that right now...break you all over again..."

Finally, he let go. Lawrence all but threw himself back over the desk, keeping it between the two of them as Karlos stayed right where he was.

"But I'm not, am I?"


"Told you. I'm going to take them down. I'm happy to hurt 'em. And I'm not going to take any offer that they give me. Not for real. But you think I'm going to, don't you? Even with how I've been better."


"You think I'm the monster that'll fuck everyone up, if I get half the chance. Heh. That's why you want me here. Not for advice, but to see if I'll stay on your leash instead of running off on someone else's. That's all that you care about right now. Does the fucking attack dog stay where he's put, or will he come when someone else calls for him?"

Lawrence didn't have anything to say to that. The rabbit was damn lucky that Saul had pissed him off so much, because if he hadn't, then the job offer might have sounded pretty damn good at that moment. He shrugged, shaking his head as if it was no big deal, nothing to him in the slightest.

"Guess you don't know me."

"Guess...maybe I...d-don't."

"Tell you what. Tell Saul that I'll meet him down at a restaurant. You pick the place, I'll be there. Tell him that I'll bring a list of the guys that'll be willing to take the trade, and we'll make it work. It'll get us started on the right track, at least."

"What...who are y-you -"

"Heh, you let me worry about that. You just get the meeting set up. You focus on that, and let me focus on everything else."

After all, he was the one that had to take all the risk...or did he? Karlos already had a few thoughts for what he could do to make sure that everything went smoothly, and knowing what he did about Victor always wanting some new talent, he knew exactly what to bring in. Oh, the bears had no idea what was going to hit them.


They met at a pizza place. Saul had picked it, at the end of the day, and Lawrence had gone along with it to keep suspicion down. All things considered, it worked out fine for Karlos. Better still, it was equidistant between the others that he was calling in, so he had no complaints.

They had sat in silence as they enjoyed a small pizza between them. At one point, Saul had gotten up to go to the toilet, and another time, Karlos had done the same. It was intentional; they were both giving the other a chance to do or not do something, and trusting them to follow through with that.

Of course, Karlos knew that Saul hadn't been playing fair. He'd tasted the drugs in his coffee the moment that he'd first taken a sip, and knew that the other man wasn't playing fair. Of course, being a Komodo Dragon, most drugs were useless against him, and he could tell this was just one more of those. Probably an aphrodisiac, something to keep him in the mood, considering how handsy the bear was being.

He chuckled as the black bear rubbed his thigh under the table, the large, lumbering man leaning over the tabletop.

"You know, it's going to be great to have some new talent around. Seeing that croc back at your place was one of those real treats."

"I'm sure."

"You had him?"

"He's been a bit out of my pay scale," Karlos said, shrugging and playing off the sudden surge of anger beneath the surface. "Ain't had the chance to buy much of late. You know how it is."

"Mmm, I'm afraid I don't. Unlike that useless bunny, Victor pays his people what they're worth. Question is, what do you think you'll be worthy?"

More than you'll ever know.

He shrugged, even as the bear's hand went further and further up his pants. He knew that he should be playing himself as more turned on, more randy for the upcoming rut, but he didn't care. Not really. The only boner he'd be able to summon would be a hate-boner for this man, and he didn't want him to have even that much out of him.

"So, what kind of men are you going to be bringing to us? We're already putting together a list of some hot girls to send over. No scalies, unfortunately, but a few aquatics. I'm sure that they're close enough that you can make it work." Saul chuckled. "Or at least, we hope you can; there's the whole thing of Victor thinking that Lawrence is up to the task. I don't think he is, but you know how old men can be."

"I know that they're usually better suited for management than anything else."

"Ha! Too true, too true."

Either the bear got bored with his lack of reaction, or was genuinely feeling the need for something to drink. He half-chugged his own drink, a glass of wine that he'd poured half an hour ago. The fact that it was half-gone was testament to how little he'd actually had during their meal.

It was also why he was still sober. Karlos smiled as he watched the drink disappear, shaking his head. Soon -

Buzz, buzz.

"What's that?" Saul asked.

"Oh, just some of the boys telling me that they're almost here. You'll get the chance to see them in person before we head to your club."

"Before we - ah, that's a sticking point," Saul said, shaking his head. "You see, there's only so much time in the day that Victor has to spare. This is just a meeting to see whether we can make this work. A suitable way of finding out what we're working with, you understand?"

You mean it's a way for you to get laid if the other side starts getting into it. If I was showing any real signs of being drugged, you'd be hustling me out to your car and getting under my tail even as we speak.

"But I'm sure that if you have some suitable boys, we can talk about when they can come by and start getting...oriented with the club," the black bear said, chuckling as he took another drink. "When will they be here?"

"Less than five minutes."

"Splendid. I can't wait."

Oh, I'm sure you can't, he thought, looking at the glass as the last of the wine disappeared. And in a few minutes, you won't even be able to tell me why you can't wait. With how much venom I spiked that with, you won't even be able to talk without cumming in your pants.

It was part one. Part one of several.

He didn't speak, just letting Saul ramble more and more. It didn't take long before the bear started to notice something was off, but of course, he started out with blaming the wine, laughing as he shook his head. But as the minutes ticked on and he started panting, and even the panting started to affect him, he realized that something had to be off.

The black bear stopped talking, stopped laughing, barely kept breathing. His eyes widened as he looked at Karlos, flicking all over the Komodo Dragon's body. No pockets, no obvious pouches, nothing to carry anything in.

"You forget what I am," he said with a chuckle, lifting one lip in a semi-snarl and gesturing with one claw to the back of his mouth. "Komodo Dragon...and a very special Komodo Dragon at that."


"Ah, and here are my friends."

Two hands, one young and one old, came down with a firm smack on the bear's shoulders. Saul's eyes went wider still as he looked up and back. 'Father' Marlon and Daniel the white lion, two of Karlos's best boys, had come running when they got the call that he needed their help, and their company. They were most eager to give him a hand with anything that needed doing, these days.

"Saul needs a little lesson. If you two could take him outside, that would be wonderful. The alley will do."

"Sure, sir," Daniel said.

"I think we can handle him. Where did you affect him?"

"The mouth."

"Ah, yes, the mouth." The vulture smiled, stroking a gentle finger along the bear's lips and drawing a gasp from him. "I imagine that he will have a very had time making a sound."

"You - hssss!"

The bear proved the elder vulture right. As he was 'helped' to his feet, he all but pissed his pants with pre-cum from the pleasurable puff of air going through his mouth. The sight was an embarrassing thing for the bear, he imagined, but for Karlos, it was pure pleasure to know that he could have that much power over someone just by taking a meal with them.

He chuckled, pulling a hundred-dollar bill out of his wallet as the waitress approached. He tossed it on the table as he got up.

"Keep the change," he said. "And don't let anyone go out the back door."


"Seriously. Don't."

"...You know, uh, you know who that guy is, right?" the vixen asked.

"I do. And that's the point."

"...Okay, careful."

"Heh..." He paused, pulling out another hundred. "For your care."

She stared at him, but didn't say anything else. He left the pizzeria behind, walking out the back door to find his boys already hard at work.

Saul had been stripped of his shirt, his pants pulled down to expose his cock, and both his hands were pulled over his head. Daniel was kissing the bear hard, keeping his eyes rolled back in his head from the tongue kiss and the pleasure of something darting around inside of his mouth. It clearly had him on cloud-nine, considering the way that his cock was bouncing up and down. A fat bear dick, though not so long as some of the other males that he had been with over the last few weeks.

Karlos chuckled as he shut the door behind him, tossing his phone from hand to hand for a moment. Father Marlon joined him.

"I have to say, young man, I didn't expect a phone call like this."

"And I didn't think that you'd be answering it, Father," he said, flicking his phone to the camera function. "I mean, yeah, you're looser on the rules than most, considering how much you like getting fucked up the ass, but this is gonna get nastier than that. Victor's a real piece of shit, and he's finally going to get what's coming to him."

"That is the reason I decided to come along. There is only so much that a priest can do by speaking. Sometimes, one must stop relying on words, and use action."

"And you're looking forward to shaking your feathery ass on stage for a bunch of younger men."

"I cannot deny that is an attraction," the vulture said with a sanguine shrug.

That was part of the reason he liked Marlon. For all that the vulture had been corrupted to one hell of an ass-slut, he had maintained a certain calmness, a gentleness that just worked as a soothing presence in the world. He was thankful for it. Regularly, he had found that he could rely on it.

Daniel, on the other hand, was a lustful little kid in comparison. The lion was of age, of course, but the venom had left him horny as could be, constantly dripping in his pants if he was at all excited - which was all the time - and completely addicted to the pleasure that he could only get from the Komodo Dragon's touch. Even this display, french-kissing the bear, was entirely for his benefit. He knew that the main thing that the feline wanted was to get used, to get that cock in his mouth, to feel the utter pleasure of being rutted. More than that, he wanted his own cock sucked, to submit it for Karlos's ownership once more.

He'd get it, too, with all this hard work.

With a fourth orgasm already milked from the trembling bear, Karlos snapped his fingers. Daniel immediately stepped back, and the black bear hit the ground, gasping for breath, shivering, shaking. The Komodo Dragon squatted down on the balls of his feet, turning the bear to look at him.

"I'm going to tell you this while you're still sober. Right now, you've got enough of my venom going through your mouth and into your bloodstream that you'll probably be completely addicted to me in...hmmm, about eight hours. Every time you cum, it's going to make it harder for anything else to ever get you off. Daniel made you blow your load four times now, and he and I are going to take it in shifts to make it happen even more.

"Every time that you blow, you're going to remember that this is what you do to everyone that you buy, everyone that you drug, everyone that Victor wants in his clubs. And if you still want to do that after I fuck your face and make you cum your brains out while you're swallowing dick? That's on you. But from now on, you know how the fuck it feels."

" will -"

"Don't kid yourself. Victor's gonna see what I did to you, and he's going to want me to do the same fucking thing to every slave that he's got. Every dancer, every whore, everyone that he's got. Someone that uses drugs on his bitches is someone that's happy to replace them when they stop working.

"So, the only way you got out of this - and the only way to keep me from showing the vids we're going to take - is to keep your mouth shut, and do exactly what I tell you. Otherwise, I might be on the chopping block...but you'll go first."

It was a vague threat, at best, but one that he knew that he could follow through on. He knew that Saul was valuable enough to send to make deals, to carry out threats, but he doubted that the black bear was someone that the bigger bear would care about losing. Someone didn't send a big heavy-hitter to something that they planned to wipe off the map if they didn't get what they wanted. They sent someone closer to middle management, someone that could carry a message but wouldn't be missed if the other side freaked out and did something stupid.

That was Saul. And Saul? He seemed to know it.

"What...what do I have to do?" Saul panted.

"When I'm done here? You text Victor and tell him that you're bringing me in. Tonight or tomorrow, no later."

"But - hsss..."

The bear was finding his limits, he imagined. The venom coursing through his body now was likely raising his libido was well as his sensitivity. For the next little while, he'd be utterly desperate to get off, cumming again and again and again, but by tomorrow, that sensitivity would be replaced with a constant edging feeling. If he made it through that, the addiction would be kept to the same low-level that some of the other victims had gone through. It wouldn't become permanent, and it would be something that he could work through and eventually kick off.

If Karlos allowed him that sort of luck, that was.

The Komodo Dragon stood up, flicking his phone back to the camera function. He waved for the lion to step forward, and Daniel unzipped almost immediately, revealing a nice-enough cock. Nothing huge, but good enough for someone that probably wasn't used to taking much more than a finger, if that.

"Annnnnd rolling."

Daniel grinned at him from out of frame, looking for all the world like someone showing off how good they were at something. It would have been adorable if it wasn't for the fact that he yanked the bear's mouth right down his cock, fucking that black-furred muzzle as hard as he could with every buck of his hips, forcing a dick right down the other man's throat.

Gluk, gluk, gluk went that face-fuck, and it was perfect for a video recording. As soon as Saul's lips reached the base of the lion's cock, the bear's dick started twitching, throbbing, pulsing -


And then the bear was cumming. Cumming hard from being face-fucked. Not the look that any real tough-guy liked to cultivate, Karlos was sure.

You're going to have a hard time shaking this one, if anyone ever sees it, he thought, keeping his hand steady as the bear weakly tried to push the lion back. No luck there, of course; Daniel might have been a little rich boy, someone that loved to be pushed around when he was getting what he wanted, but when he was doing what he was told? Oh, he was a very focused little kitty-cat, very eager to get the job done was well as he could, fulfilling every little task to its fullest extent. And that made him a very valuable little cock-toy.

"How long are you going to let him keep going?" Marlon whispered. "If I remember correctly, Daniel can't cum without your mouth around his cock?"


"Then why -"

"Saving myself for a bit, letting it all go down," he whispered back. "Don't want to spend myself too early; I want to make sure that he gets milked of all that common sense. Keep him nice and needy for the future so we don't have to push that hard then."

"Ah. The large beating now to avoid the small beating later."

"Something like that."

"...I must confess, it is quite intense to watch them work. Daniel is...quite vigorous."

"Yes, he is."

Smack, smack, smack. The constant thrusting was getting louder and louder, spit and pre-cum mixing together in the bear's mouth to make the face-fuck sound all the lewder. He kept the camera zoomed in, showing the blush and the vague smile of foggy lust that were growing on Saul's face. He would just love to see the bear try and explain this video to some of his associates in the group.

And with Daniel going and going and going, it makes it all the more obvious that Saul doesn't really have any stamina. He won't look like someone to fear. Not to anyone that sees this.

All the more reason to allow Daniel his time. His cock throbbed idly in his pants, and he adjusted it from one side of his hip to the other. The vulture leaned against his shoulder, watching quietly. The pair of them were completely silent, letting the constant wet thrusts down the bear's throat be all the sound they needed.

Five minutes of thrusting and no less than a dozen orgasms later, Karlos put his phone away. He waved at Daniel and the boy stepped back instantly. The bear gasped for breath of course, the black bear wheezing as his hands fell to either side. He was a pathetic sight, but not yet so far gone as Michael had been.

The thought of the other bouncer was enough to get his goat up. He walked over and stood between the bear's spread legs, not caring about the cum that he squelched under his boots. He grabbed Saul by the chin, forcing his head up so that they were looking each other in the eye. That glazed look faded, and a bit of fear started to show on his face, fear that was fighting to come up through the lust as he realized who was looking at him now.

" can I fix this? How?"

" can't. You already fucked it, bear. All you can do now is pay the price. You bite, and you are going to lose teeth."


He unzipped his pants, fishing out his dick. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see the whimpering disappointment from Daniel, wanting to be the one that got this, but Marlon gathered him over. He knew that the vulture would comfort the other man, make it clear that this was just a punishment and he'd get his in time.

Then he tuned them out, focusing entirely on the bear once more. For now, he'd hold back on cumming down the asshole's throat. For now, he'd keep it to a facial at the end. But if he saw anything that meant that Saul was going to betray him, he would force this. He would make this man the biggest bitch in Victor's organization.

And he'd make damn sure that Victor knew it was him. Saul was only conscious and coherent because he could be useful. When that time passed...



For now, he distracted himself with pleasure. It wasn't much of a distraction, but for now, it was enough.

The End

Summary: Karlos and Lawrence come up with a small plan, and Karlos heads out to execute it.

Tags: M/M, Voyeurism, Exhibitionism, Slave, Addict, Bear, Lion, Komodo Dragon, Vulture, Addiction, Body Control, Orgasm, Forced Orgasm, Drug, Aphrodisiac, Revenge, Face Fucking, Oral, Facefucking, Sensitive, Series,