Chapter 6 The needs of the one

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Rebecca and Ylva bond

The needs of the one

Ylva licks the pups face. The youngling seems well fleshed and her pelt what she can see through the clothing and wet seems healthy enough.

"Up little one you need to start moving and get this off."

The wolf pulls at the wet cloth of her coat. Ylva's words seem are more a combination of intent and action but Rebecca finds the feral easy enough to understand.

"What , where acchh" Beccy pushes the fera'ls head away then freezes at the sight before her of a fully grown feral wolfess.

"Please don't hurt me." She cowers a little but the cold is making her shiver now and she looks again at Ylva.

She reaches out to pat her ears and neatly loses a fingertip to Ylvas teeth. "Not a dog, little pup now get those rags off before your freeze, a quick roll in the snow and we can den up till we get you warmed up.

Beccy knows the drill from her Dad's training when she was just starting out camping with him . She is amazed she can blush as she takes off the sodden gear and rolls in the snow patting down her fur as the powder removes excess moisture.

Yelva looks a little quizzically at the femme's bra and panties "You want a wet butt and boobs then?" her expression slightly confused. Beccy tries to keep what little dignity she has left as the old bitch leads her to the cave. The sight of the skulls and bones makes the young Wolfen take a step back. "You are not going to eat me are you?", She is too cold to be able to run far but her body tenses ready for flight

"Come in silly pup and lay here, how can I get you warmed up when you are standing out there in the wind. ?"

Beccy goes down on all fours to get in through the narrow entrance. The cave smells musty and a lot of its current occupant but Ylva's feral scent is becoming more comforting to Beccy as the older part of her mind accepts the communication.

Instinctively she curls up her nose under her tail as Ylva's large warm body curls around her . The Femmes bare belly seeming to radiate heat to the pup and she feels the urge to nestle between her wrinkled dugs.

"Sorry pup I am too old to feed you and you look a little old to suckle," teases Yelva as she winces a bit at the pup's cold wet fur against her belly.

Rebecca's shivers lessen as the old wolf;s body head helps warm her, there is a whimper as Becky's cold fingers and toes touch the old bitches belly and she flinches a little from the paws and toes touching her. Yelva gives a mother's sigh and presses back steeling herself to the need the pup has not to lose digits.

Rebecca as warms up, she finds her mind joining more with the feral's. Her senses coming more alive. She can feel the movement of air ruffling her drying fur. Her heart beat is coming into synch with the old wolf's and a calmness and contentment she hasn't known for years as she celebrates simply being alive.

Her worn out body now drifts towards a healing sleep. She feels the old wolf care for her as if she was a pup, licking her clean where mud and pee had marked her. She is too tired to protest and is soon asleep. Her dreams are gentler as Ylva calms away her fears and bring her into the pack space of dreamless sleep. The old Alpha here as a guardian against negative thoughts keeps Beccy in the safe warm embrace of her pack.

Far away and Timmy settles against his mother. The little male finally settles and his anxiety seems to evaporate despite the panic and worry of the adults around him. He curls up and sleeps more soundly his mind touching that of his sister's so far away. There is another welcoming presence there watching over his sister who brings them both together to rest now beneath her benevolent gaze.

"Becca sleep", His words are lost in the hurried whispers and preparations of his father and mother.