Panda Puppy Action: Chapter 4

Story by XratedPanda on SoFurry

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#4 of Panda Puppy Action

Puppy quickly opened his eyes, looking up at his pastel ceiling, smiling slightly, from last night. He smirked and spoke to himself, " Damn, last night was great..."

Puppy licked his lips as he rolled over onto his side, seeing the phone, his eyes suddenly widen a bit, " Oh my God, today is the day I meet up with Panda...and I haven't even called her yet..."

This coerced Puppy to sit up, fumbling about as the phone rang, he froze, not moving at all. He gulped down his hard spit, picking up the phone, " Hello?"

On the other end, was the sweet voice of Panda, " Hello, is Puppy there?"

He coughed slightly, " This is he..."

" Where are you? It is 12:30, I am worried sick about you."

" Sorry, I sorta slept in, I had a rough night."

" Well that is okay, but are we still on for today?"

" Yes, I would not miss a date with you for the world! Well I will let you go so I can meet you at?" a sound of bewilderment filled his voice.

" Oh yes, do your know where my company is? Pan Pan Art and Animation?"

" Yeah, Potter has taken me there before, or at least I know he is about to head that way, why?"

" Oh, well tag along with him, the ocean view that overlooks my office is the place which I am right now, its like right down the road from where my company is."

"Alright then, see you soon. Bye."

Puppy hangs up the phone, picking up clothes as he darted out his room he calls out throught the apartment, " Potter?!?!?"

Potter's faint voice leaving the apartment called out, " What?" he leaned back in, " What is it Puppy, I am about to go to work."

" Wait up okay! I am coming with you."

Puppy barged into the living room, looking at Potter's questioned face, " What? Don't look at me like that, your boss wants to meet with me."

Potter rolls his eyes slightly looking out the half opened door, " After last night I am shocked you even remember who Miss Chan is."

Puppy glares at him, looking away as he said, " That is not very nice to say."

" Because what your doing is any better..."

" Who allowed you to determine what I do?"

" I didn't determine anything, I just think it is wrong to play someone like that, when it just got done happening to you..."

Puppy looks away, pointing at Potter, " Don't you dare mention that..."

" What the truth? Your doing exactly what Lorina did to you with HotSex and Miss Chan."

Puppy slowly glares back at him, " This is different..."

Potter blurts out, interupting him, " How is this different?"

" I am not together with one of them..."

" Do you plan to ever choose just one?"

Puppy stops himself, sighing slightly as he walks out the door, Potter following, " You know you cannot play the field forever, one day your going to have to pick. Love or lust?"

Puppy proceeds walking towards Potter's car, blacking out for a moment as he re-lived a past moment, " Lorina! Hey! Where are you going?"

Slowly the cat girl turned around, her crimson hair swaying in the wind, following her bright amber hues, she cracked an innocent smile, " I am sorry..."

" Sorry? Sorry about what?"

Lorina slowly turned back around, proceeding to walk off. Puppy chases after her, catching up quickly considering she was walking. He grabs her arm, stopping her, " Lorina, why are you sorry?"

Lorina looks at him, eyes widen, filled with tears, " I choose Bone..."

" You choose Bone? My cousin? What are you talking about?"

Lorina jerks her arm free from Puppy's grip, " I don't want to be with you anymore...I want to be with Bone. I pick lust over love."

Puppy eyes flash open quickly, sitting next to Potter, he looks at him and sighs, " How long was I asleep?"

Potter with his eyes set on the road, " Maybe a few minutes, enough to get you to your date."

Puppy nods slightly as Potter speaks again, " Think about the answer to the question..."

" No, not until the time comes up."

Potter sighs, stopping the car, " Well here is your stop, go have fun with Miss Chan."

Puppy slowly gets out the car, " I intend too."

Puppy got onto the street, looking about the harbor, boats filling up the docks, some large, some small, he smiled slightly walking towards the deck, looking for her. Her sweet voice chimed behind him, " It is about time buddy."

Puppy turns around, looking at Panda, she had her hair pulled back into pig tails, flapping in the breeze, she wore a soft pink tank top, overlapping slightly over her brown shorts. She smiled to him slightly, " You ready to set sail?"

Puppy nodded as he followed Panda to her massive goldish in tint yacht, smiling as he blurted out, " You look like you spent a fortune on this boat!"

Panda walking past him, steps into the boat, " Yacht. I only spent about fifteen thousand on this, then again it was discounted on my par."

Puppy stops looking at the boat to meet eyes with her, " How did you get it discounted?"

" I designed this boat, drew the art and sketches for it, so considering I made and effort for it's design, they discounted me. The original price I believe is eighteen thousand and six hundred something. Not completely sure."

" But this is still amazing, you have a giant, massive, beautiful yacht, that you designed." he turns to face her, " What else is there about you that I don't know about you."

Panda smiles slightly, " Oh there is a lot you don't know about me yet."

" You plan to tell me?"

Panda shakes her head, " There are some things you have to learn about me on your own, plus where is the fun in telling you everything. How about you get on this boat, so we can get this date started."

Puppy stepped into the boat, as well as a well-dressed wolf, the driver of her yacht. Puppy took his seat with Panda, looking ahead to see the wolf starting the boat, " You have enough money to hire a driver of your yacht?"

Panda nods slightly, " Yes, well it comes with owning a large business, that affects the entertainment industry, movie industry and well as help design boats, and motorcycles as well as doing advertisements. So you would think one who does so much would be rich, so I am. I love everything about it."

" I am sure I would love everything about it too, if I actually had the money to do so."

" Well money does not have all its perks, as I make it sound to be."

Puppy looks to her who is now pouring white wine into two glasses, " What do you mean?"

Panda hands him a glass of wine, sipping hers first, " Well money can buy me material possessions, but it cannot buy me real love, only a fake love."

Puppy looks down slightly, feeling bad for using both her and HotSex at the same time, he sighs as he slowly looks back up, " Do you have anyone in mind for this position of real love yet?"

Panda chuckled softly, " You make it sound like a job offering."

Puppy smirked slightly as he listened to her finishing his glass of wine, " Why yes, I did find someone who I would mind filling the position."

Panda finished her glass of wine, slowly standing up as she looked to the driver stopping the boat. She pulled her shorts down, standing in front of him in a soft pink matching bikini bottom. She smiled, before diving in she said, " And that person is you."

She dived into the waters, taking a moment to surface, Puppy looked into the crystal waters mumbling, " Looks like someone is going to get hurt."

Puppy with out thought, slips into the water, not immersing, that surfaced Panda. She turned to face him as he spoke, " So are you up for the job?"

Puppy shrugs slightly, " I don't know, what is the pay? The good benefits?"

Panda narrowed her eyes slightly, as she used her strong paws to push Puppy underwater shrieking out, " This!"

Quickly he surfaced, using his paws to thrust water at her, splashing her as he chanted out, " No fair!"

Panda and Puppy both started into a roar of laughter, stopping to look each other in the eyes, Panda sighed softly as she spoke, " You make things so much fun, like time seems slower then what it really is, if that makes sense."

Puppy nodded, " I know what you mean, like the day last forever or the moment?"

Panda nodded, " Just like that."

Panda and Puppy were maybe silent for a few minutes before Puppy finally spoke again, " I know a moment I would like to last forever?"

Panda looks away from the scenery her eyes drifted to, to look at him, " What is that?"

Puppy slowly leaned into her, taking her cheek into his paw as he planted his lips upon hers, kissing her. Panda slightly surprised, went along with it. She parted her lips as Puppy's dancing tongue slipped into her mouth, doing the tango with hers. The moment did last, spurs of emotions filled Puppy, he was not undecided, he didn't know who to pick. Puppy for the first time was afraid, afraid as in he didnt know whose heart he wanted to break, he was start to fall in love with both.

She finally pulled her lips away from his as said, " That is a nice moment to make last forever."

Puppy smiled pulling away, as his eyes meet with the distance waters, " I thought you would agree with me."

She noticed with his pulling away there was something wrong, she with concern in her eyes question, " Is there something a matter Puppy?"

Puppy slowly looked at her, shaking his head, " Why would something be a matter?"

" You just look like something has been bothering you all day. Is there anything I can do?"

Puppy shakes his head, " No, I just been feeling really sick today, ya know like I am catching something. Thank you though, your a really sweet person."

Panda smiles crawling back into her boat, " Well if your sick then crawl back in here, I don't want to make it worse. You want to cut the date short? I rather we cut the date short then ya know you get worse and worse."

Puppy smirks slightly, " Your really worried about me?"

Panda nods, " Why wouldnt I be worried about someone I am interested in?"

Puppy looks down with sadness in his eyes, " Yeah, we should cut this date short, my stomach is not at its best of moods right now...Thank you for the concern."

Puppy sat down with Panda comforting him with embracing arms, they said not a word to one another all the way back to the harbor, at the harbor, he looked to Panda, kissing her softly on the cheek, she just smiled waved him off and returned to sea.

Puppy turned around and sighed, " This is starting to get to me. I need to pick one or the other. What do I choose? Love or Lust?"