Finding My Husband in Another World: Season 2: Chapter 6: Captured

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#14 of Another World

The team finds mare than they bargained for at the top of the dungeon.

Finding My Husband in Another World: Season 2: Chapter 6: Captured

The room at the top of the stairs was massive. It seemed most of the mountain had eroded away because I couldn't imagine anyone or anything carving away that much stone just to build a temple. A courtyard of stone and a modest temple was in front of us. Instead of lawn there were green stones with a stream of blue stones running through with a simple stone bridge going over it; as if to keep the visitors from having to wade through the stream. As I opened the doors I stopped. Well technically we all stopped for a moment. Then Toque ran back toward the stairs followed closely by Skit.

"Chaza, you and Ren go after them. Make sure they make it out okay." I ordered.

"We can't leave you. Not here with that." Chaza replied.

"Just go. We'll be fine." Rider added.

"Fine?" Ren yelled, "Against Death?"

"Yes. Remember we've met him before, when we died in our world." Rider said.

"But this is a different world." Chaza insisted. I could tell she was preparing to throw Knockers.

"He's one of the few cosmic entities that is the same in all worlds. We can see him so this isn't when we die." I said calmly knowing each of them were seeing what they believed the personification of death to look like. To me he was just a black fox with white eyes curled up on the throne stating at me. I wasn't sure if Rider saw the same or if it wat the classic Grim Reaper look. I wasn't going to ask.

"What do you mean?" Chaza asked.

"If you're alive and you can see him you're safe. Otherwise you don't see him until you're already dead. Now go before Skit or Toque hurt themselves in their terror. Rider and I will be fine." I replied.

"Prowl, promise me you're not going to form a pact with that thing." Ren growled.

"I promise I will not form a pact with Death."

"Rider, I want you to make the same promise since I'm not sure whether that thing is a beast or an elemental summon."

"No way am I forming a pact with him."

"Then let's just leave now, all of us together." Ren insisted.

"We can see him, which means he has something to tell us. Likely something about our rebirth. Don't worry we'll be along shortly." Rider said.

I could tell they weren't happy but they turned and ran after the first two.

"You promised. I didn't think you'd do that." Rider said.

"I didn't lie, I'm not forming a pact with death."

"You don't have to since you're still alive."

"Right. I can feel it. The moment I looked at his smug grin I knew the original pact was still in effect." I replied, as we both started forward.

"You may not pass!" A voice like thunder shouted as a bolt of lightning shot from the ceiling scaring the stone in front of us. "I am Voltii, primal of lightning and protector of this world, who forbids your entry to this cursed place."

"I am Lumierii, primal of light." A quiet but strong voice said, as near blinding light coalesced into a ball."

I sighed, "So, are these two really keeping you here or have you just been keeping them occupied?" I asked Reaper ignoring the two elementals.

"Do not speak to the unspeakable horror." Voltii commanded.

"Foolish little spirits, this one has been mine since before he was born in this world. The moment he opened the door letting me know he was here there was nothing you could do. Prowl, is it now? You're not looking bad but you could use a bit more exercise or training to put on more muscle." Reaper said, as he took what was normally Sky's place on my shoulders. I had to admit a black fox was a lot lighter than a cloud leopard. "Jordan, you're here as well. No hard feelings that I'm taking up space in your husband again I hope. You know, as long as he behaves, you have nothing to fear? The deal he made that I wasn't to harm you in any way is also still in effect."

"And what about harming Prowl? You've done that before." Rider growled.

"I don't deny it. And when that happens he deserves the punishment."

"How do you figure that?"

"Carful little wolf, your mate can be punished for your actions as well."

"Voltii and Lumierii, if you want to keep this little monster in line you'll need to form pacts with me." Rider said grinning at the death fox.

"Done." Votii replied.

"So be it." Lumierii sighed, as if they didn't care one way or the other.

"Now, ask yourself was death really contained by electricity and light. Or did I leave a portion of myself here so that they would be here for you, Rider? Ponder that for a while. Now, don't wake me, it's been too long since I've had my favorite person to sleep in." Reaper said before disappearing.

"I swear one day I'll find a way for him to pay." Rider grumbled.

"It's not so bad, I mean it's not like he interferes with the two of us."

"You never did tell me what you had to give up for that concession to your pact."

"I'm sorry Love, but I still can't tell you anymore than I have before. It doesn't cause either of us any hardship or pain so it was a small price to pay."

"I could always ask him."

I thought about that for a few moments, "Yeah, you could. I doubt he'd tell you but I don't see as he'd punish me for you asking, as long as he's awake that is. I'm never going to purposely try to wake him up again. I learned that lesson all too well."

"And I will find a way to make him pay for scaring you like he did. No matter how many lifetimes it takes."

"Okay." I knew this was something I couldn't win and I only hope I didn't suffer too badly when Rider did find a way to punish death.


We found our team on the first floor blocked by the other adventurers.

"So, Locke sold us out." I muttered as Skit and Toque moved away from us.

"No I didn't." Locke whispered near me. "They had this set up when I got here. I couldn't even sneak past them."

"You, tiger. You're the leader, is it true that at the top of this dungeon is the temple of death?"

"Maybe, As far as I know it's empty like the rest of this place."

"It's empty because the seal was never supposed to be broken." Someone else yelled.

"Yeah, and your two companions came running down here yelling about having seen death itself."

I was conflicted. An easy lie about them seeing a statue and panicking would solve everything, but I didn't want to betray them like that. "I don't know what to say. You can go up and check it out for yourself but you'll find the temple is empty."

"Doesn't mean one of you wasn't possessed by it."

"Don't you think, if one of us had a summon spirit as powerful as death, we wouldn't just walk out of here?" Rider yelled.

That caused some arguing in the ranks.

Chaza looked at me and I could see both accusation and fear in her eyes.

"Is there a reason you're holding us here? We just defeated a zombie troll and all we found at the end was an empty temple. Right now all I really want to do is go back to our tent and get some sleep. Unless you have a really good reason to hold us like this we can work things out tomorrow."

"Bring in the magic manacles" They won't be going anywhere if they can't use their mana." The leader yelled.

I quickly charged Rider's mana even if we couldn't access it he would be able to survive, for a while. They shackled me first and I immediately lost contact with my summons. They did the same for the rest of us, except Locke. They didn't notice her, which could be good for us. We were taken to our tents and further bound which earned me a hit to the muzzle as I struggled in panic. Then everyone was staring at me. I was free, the bindings were broken and scattered around me, and the guards seemed to be passed out. In my hand I held a black flame. I quickly snuffed it.

"Is everyone alright?"

No one said anything.

"Chiot, what did he do?" I asked.

"You suddenly stopped struggling, I thought you'd passed out from the panic attack. Then you started laughing. That's when I realized he'd taken over. There was a massive explosion of your black fire that caused the guards to collapse then your bonds shattered. He told us that as long as we were under his, or your, protection we would never have to fear the powers he was allowing you to use."

"You really are the master of death." Lock said, as she worked on Chaza's shackles.

"You promised. You promised me, you wouldn't form a pact with that evil creature! And you broke it!" Chaza yelled.

"No, he didn't." Rider yelled back. "He promised not to make a pact with Reaper and he didn't. You don't form a pact when there is already one in existence."

"You'd better explain." Ren insisted.

"I didn't break my promise because I didn't need to form a pact. Not when I already made a pact in my previous life. And before you argue remember this is death itself. He doesn't have separate incarnation spirits in every world he is singular across all worlds. So if anyone gets to be angry it's Reaper because I was reborn when I was supposed to . . . never mind what I was supposed to do that isn't important right now."

"But if you already had a pact with him why is it only now you can use his powers?" Skit asked.

"Because I thought I was free of him and he didn't know I'd been reborn in this world. He'd been waiting in that temple to find the right person to bond to in this world. If anything I get the sense that he was as surprised as I was. Also I need to point out that Reaper isn't evil or good. He is neutral. After all he's not the one that kills you, he's your temporary guide once you do die. Honestly he wants everyone to live long fulfilling lives because those are the people most willing to share their life story with him before moving on to whatever comes next."

"You make him sound lonely and sad." Ren said.

"Well he . . ." I froze up. Obviously I wasn't allowed to talk about that. "Sorry, I'm not allowed to talk about that."

"So he controls you? That seems pretty evil to me." Chaza muttered.

"Don't judge him, he's done a lot for our tiger, and requiring that some things not be shared isn't such a bad price." Rider said, as his shackles came off.

"Really? That is a nice thing to say, coming from the one that wants to burn my fur, kick my tail, and several other nasty actions." Reaper said.

"You go back to sleep. Taking over Prowl always upsets him."

"Um, Love, I'm still here. This time he wasn't talking through me." I pointed to the fox on our bed.

"I like this world. I can take physical form here. Now I suggest you pack up quickly. The guards won't be out for long. I knew you'd be unhappy if I actually hurt them. Anyway they're planning on executing all of you as a tribute in order to reseal the dungeon."

We packed quickly and set off down the road once more.


We headed for the capital where we'd have a better chance of disappearing into the crowd when we took on new identities.

Rider spent nearly all his time working with Volt perfecting his skills with electricity control with Toque watching closely getting excited with each little explosion of lightning. Reaper had gone back to sleep and I didn't want to work with his powers when the others were so close. Skit was composing a ballad about our defeat of the zombie troll. Finally Locke and Chaza chatted constantly otherwise we spent most of our time just walking.

Then we reached the walls of the capital. Locke insisted she'd use secret methods to get in since the guards wouldn't be happy to see her. I suppose I should have insisted she sneak us all in since as soon as we reached the gate we had the damn mana canceling manacles on us again. This time with Reaper sleeping there was no easy way to escape. I was able to give Sky the task of finding Locke but it would take time for her to free us.

We were marched directly to the castle, and surprisingly directly to the king. I was really surprised by the fact he wasn't a lion or wolf. No, as it turned out he was a raccoon.

"We find it interesting that after escaping custody you came directly to our capital."

"The best place to hide is where the greatest number of people, who don't care who you are, congregate." I replied, not at all intimidated.

"You dare speak without permission?"

"Papa, he is the one in the prophesy. He can summon both the moon tiger and the moon wolf and he has conquered death, even taming its very spirit."

I growled as Locke stepped from behind a drape near the throne except now she was wearing a dress, fine jewelry, and a tiara.

"Really? And you brought him home to meet us? I'll arrange the wedding immediately."

"Try it and I'll rip you apart with my bare claws!" Rider yelled.

"Silence! Or we'll have you dealt with like any mad dog."

"Threaten my husband, or any of my friends again and I will summon death regardless of the consequences I'll have to suffer."

"Your treats are empty with those cuffs in place."

"Father, his connection to that spirit isn't normal. I watched as, Reaper he called him, took complete control of his body and destroyed the restraining magic and the physical manacles. He claims that the spirit spends most of its time sleeping. We all should be grateful that it is asleep right now. Besides, if you do want to arrange a marriage I'd suggest one of my brothers. Of course they'll have to accept being his third husband since the wolf and the fox are his first two."

"Locke, you're off the team." Ren yelled.

Locke gasped and put her hand to her temple. "Oh whatever will I do?"

"So be it. Perhaps that cousin of yours, what name did he choose? The one that's more cat than raccoon. I'm pretty sure he prefers males. He'll make the perfect husband and he isn't in the line of succession making it even more convenient."

"Are you sure that is a good idea? I mean he's being trained for information gathering and social services. He doesn't even know he has royal blood."

"Our observers also tell us he is a master blades and dreams of being an adventurer more than being a social worker."

Somehow I was sure the king's use of "social worker" meant prostitute. Still, if it would save him . . . No I shouldn't be thinking this way, at least not without discussing it with Rider and Ren. This had to be a mutual decision. "Your highness before you go making any plans wouldn't it be best to allow us to consider your proposal? I mean if you try to force us then once the manacles come off we'll disavow it being binding, and possibly even consider taking your throne from you. You can't keep us contained forever. Eventually Reaper will wake up again and when he discovers that I've been bound he will take revenge. Trust me Death is not someone you want to make an enemy of."

"He has a point father. We do not want Prowl as an enemy if the prophesy is to be believed."

The king seemed to consider. "Take them to secure guest quarters. They are to remain manacled, but otherwise treated as royal guests."

We were immediately marched out and taken to a large sitting room where Locke was waiting.

"This places must have more hidden passages than actual rooms." Chaza growled.

"Well yes, that is likely true. First I need to apologize. I honestly did not know you were going to be arrested at the gates. We have an extensive information network, but I never imagined it would be faster than myself. I'm also sorry about the whole wedding thing. Our clan is basically a very large family and when father wants something or someone he makes sure to bind them to us."

I didn't say anything. Ren was right Locke was out of the party. She was too good at lying to ever be able to trust whether she was telling the truth or not.

"I don't like the fact that he just thinks he can force my tiger into a wedding." Rider replied.

"I know, but I did my best making sure father understood that you and Ren will always be first. The wedding will take place. Afterward how you treat your new husband will be up to you. Treat him as a slave if you wish it doesn't matter to my father just so long as you are bound to this country. And I'll be honest, being your slave will be a much better life than selling his body just to collect information on noble intrigue. I'm sure he'll be delivered soon so you can get to know him and knowing you don't trust me anymore I'll go."

"Locke, I need to know something." Chaza said. "Was any of the time we spent together true or was it all just a cover?"

She paused, it was only for a moment but I caught it. She had to think before replying.

"Everything was true, I just avoided letting you know I was royalty. I honestly enjoyed spending time with all of you. It made me feel . . . normal I guess. I was hoping to report to my father and then arrange a meeting. Instead, well, I'm sorry."

"Prowl, do you think you could give her another chance? It has been nice having another girl to talk to about . . . things." Chaza Asked.

"I'll think about it?" Of course the answer was no. Locke was still just manipulating us. It was obvious at least to me. However I knew better than to say something like that where anyone could hear me. Plus Rider was very slightly shaking his head "No".

There was a banging on the door.

"Oh! I can't be seen here right now. There are sleeping chambers and a bathing chamber attached to this central room. I'll make sure the passages are mana sealed so only I can open them. Don't worry there won't be anyone sneaking around in your walls." Locke said, as she vanished.

I went to activate my eye only to realize the manacles blocked that as well. It didn't matter. She as much as admitted she was going to be spying on us. The door finally opened and a cacomistle was shoved through. He was dressed in light cloth that hid nothing. He was small and lithe, but well built. The form of a dancer or a swordsman. I noticed he was manacled as well. He favored his leg as he limped across the room.

"We were told to dump this wretched filth here to entertain you. Tiger, come with us. The king wishes to speak with you alone." One of the guards commanded.

I rolled my eyes and headed for the door. "I don't know what he expects I'm not making any decisions until I've had time to discuss things with my companions." This was stupid, unless the king wanted to talk to me without Locke listening in. Was she even more of a danger that I thought?

"We're only following orders." One said, as they closed the door to the room behind me. Then one of them hit me.

I gained consciousness, I don't know how long later, to the sound of voices.

"Why would the king's son want to marry this animal?"

"From what I hear he's able to change form. Prince Trevant probably fell in love with him when he was human."

Prince Trevant? When did my half-brother become a prince? Wait, he is in love with me? Oh gods it finally sunk in as they injected me with something, Rider was my half-brother. That's what he meant when he said he researched my past. Rider knew all along.

When I woke again I was in the hold of a ship.

"Drink this, you've gone far too long without water, even healing you won't help until you recover. The fools know the reward is only if they deliver you alive."

I coughed and my throat hurt. "Why?"

"Our new king wants his son back and the only way that can happen is if he uses you as bait."

"Then he'll kill me."

"Yes, that is the likely outcome."

"Do you like Trevant?"

"What I like doesn't matter. I follow the will of the church."

"What if I told you the king has two living sons?"

The cleric glared at me. "How do you know this? That is privileged information known only to the king and the church."

"I've met Lord William Trevant. You could even say we're friends. I wonder what the king will give to know where to find William? Especially now that he is King?"

"Drink! I will hear no more of this heresy." The cleric moved down the row of slaves healing them where needed.

I was bumped from the side. I glanced at a raccoon dog. "Don't be afraid. I received word through the network just before we were shipped out. Your husbands and friends are on their way to rescue you."

"Who are-?"

"Shhh, the network is everywhere. We know everything."

I remained silent, but that didn't stop me from cursing the gods and considering the last time I crossed the ocean I'd have be very creative or resort to repeating myself as I cursed them.