Return of the Spoop House!

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A return to an older classic. Following up the older Spoop House story as Spike finally meets the corrupted mane 6. With him being the last of the group not corrupted, will he hold out enough to save himself, and the others?

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Spike yelps as he falls back onto his ass, scooting away from the massive, filthy pony beasts in front of him. His eyes dart between all of the characters as he looks around, trying to find a way out. He had to run but he just couldn't move. "Ohhhh Spikey-Wikey aren't you just the cutest when you look so horrified?~" A beast that sounded like Rarity said, it even looked somewhat like her but her fur was so filthy, she was obese, and sweaty she just couldn't be rarity, he refused that could be the mare he crushed on so much. The head of them, one that was likely Twilight stepped forwards, smiling as she kneels down to Spike holding a hoof out.

"Come now Spike, don't fight against it, I can promise you will love this~ This form, this power, this filth. I know we were worried but I can promise you.. It is truly lovely, it is amazing~" She explains moving closer and closer as her horn sparks softly. It seemed her magic wasn't fully used to this form yet as the grip around Spike's body was much weaker than normal for Twilight. Or maybe there was something else.. But Spike couldn't think of that alternative as hearing Twilight's voice come from that thing of filth and corruption. It snapped him out of it. Narrowing his gaze as he quickly goes to stand up.

"L-like Tartarus I'd let you get away with this. You're not Twilight!" He shouts as he turns and makes a run for it, sprinting off deep into the castle, not even looking back, fighting back tears as he tries to rationalize what was happening. He had to get a letter out, he had to contact the princesses, get them out here and save them. He just had to write out a letter. Sliding along the crystal floor he nearly falls on his face as he almost loses his footing, but he manages to catch himself, staying on his feet as he runs through the halls, still not stopping or looking back. If he did though he might have noticed that no one was following him. The mares hadn't started walking yet. They were staying behind at the entrance.

"Shouldn't we chase after him, if we don't catch him he's sure to send word out to the others?" Rainbow Dash questions, tilting her head to the side as she looks to Twilight, obviously getting quite antsy, wiggling around slightly as she was already feeling incredibly eager to get out of there and chase after their newest member. But Twilight looks back with a slight grin and shakes her head.

"Oh Rainbow, you know how fun a good game is. Plus-" She pauses for a moment, lifting her head up as her horn sparks again. "He thinks I'm weaker than I was before~ He won't think twice about this trap~" She remarks, winking to her allies as her horn sparks shooting up a beam of corrupted purple-green energy that shoots up into the ceiling before soon spider webbing out all around, covering the walls, the ground. Sealing the castle shut with magic as she smirks and looks at the others. "Now, any letter he tries to send out will be sent right to us instead~" She explains, a soft chuckle escaping her mouth which turns into a laugh all three of them share. And nodding to one another they start to walk deeper into the mansion. Keeping their eyes and ears out for the little dragon now that he had gotten his head start.

Spike dives into the study, grabbing a quill and paper off the desk, as he ducks behind it. Trying to keep his breathing steady as he looks over the top of the desk and tries to hear. He couldn't hear anything, it was silent in the halls around him. "Looks like I lost them.." He says quietly to himself, as he wipes his forehead. Looking down towards the paper he quickly starts to write out a message to the Princesses. "Your Royal Highnesses. Ponyville is in.. Dire need of your help..." He says quietly under his breath as he writes. "Twilight and her friends have been replaced by a strange group of creatures. I'm not too sure what to do. I've hidden myself away in the castle's study. I don't think they'll find me, but I need you to please hurry here. I don't know how long I can hold out." He explained, holding his breath once more, making sure no one else was coming.

Luckily thanks to his pause he notices the sound of flapping echoing through the halls as Fluttershy passes by the room. Peering once into the study, looking around but after not seeing anything she continues on. Making her way out and further down the hall. Exhaling, she sighs in relief before looking at the scroll in his hand. Quickly wrapping it up he takes a deep breath and breathes out a stream of fire that envelopes the scroll. Though for a moment as the flames scatter to the wind.. He swears he can see it turn a deep filthy brown. The air around it grew foul, like a powerful belch. Waving a hand in front of his face he coughs, but thinks nothing of it. It was probably just because of the corruption in the air. Shaking his head he pulls himself deeper under the study desk. Keeping his voice and breathing quiet as he awaits rescue.

Twilight was still in the main hall, looking around with a slight hum, smiling happily to herself as an orb of brown flames appears in front of her. Slowly forming into a bound scroll which she catches with her magic. Opening it up she starts to read over it, a grin spreading across her filth muzzle as her horn sparks again, sending a message to everyone telling them to gather back in the main hall so they could move in. Once they all gather in the main hall the mares look towards each other once again, making sure everyone is here. "Admittingly this place is far too clean Twilight dear.." Rarity says, dragging a filthy hoof across the ground, of course smearing a good amount across the crystal floor, frowning as it comes up even slightly cleaner than it left. Rarity sticks her tongue out in disgust, shaking her head. "How awfully clean. Can't we just get it over with Darling?" She questions frowning up to Twilight who smiles and pats her friend on the back.

"No need to worry Rarity, we'll get to the fun soon enough. After all, we know exactly where he is. And it wouldn't be Nightmare Night if we didn't have a little scary fun now would it?" Twilight asks Fluttershy tilting her head as she goes to raise her hoof, after all it wasn't a nightmare night anymore it had been a few days since then. But before she can even say anything she's caught off guard by a loud squeal of happiness from behind her followed by the sound of a pony hopping to and fro on her hooves.

"Hehehheeee~ It'll be just like a haunted house you guys!" Pinkie Pie exclaims, pausing for a moment as her eyes go wider. "Ohhhh But it's kinda like the opposite too, you know cause we're the monsters coming into the home of a seemingly average pony and corrupting it instead of them corrupting us.. Or maybe that's Spike's plan all along! To trap us in here and make us take a bath!" She rambles on and on for a good few minutes just listing off all the possible things that could happen even as they start to walk away. She's only stopped as Rainbow Dash wraps a strong muscular wing around her muzzle glancing back with a shushing motion with her hoof. As she lets go Pinkie Pie nods, eagerly nodding and zipping her mouth shut as they start to walk once more waddling through the halls.

While they walk Twilight smirks a bit to herself, a small, mischievous idea crossing her mind as she flips over the sheet of paper that Spike had sent her way. Reaching out she swipes a hoof through her own fat ass, pulling back as she starts to write. Tilting her head Rarity leans over with a slight hum. "Hmm what are you writing there Darling?" She asks, raising a brow as she tries to read it over. Only for Twilight to roll it up and shake her head. "Come now darling, what's the harm of letting me read a bit as well."

Twilight once again shakes her head. "Oh it is nothing you have to worry about Rarity, just a little message to show Spike that help is indeed on the way~" She replies with a small chuckle, her horn flashing a deep brown sending a wave of corruption through it, during it into brown wisps of pure stink that flow through the air before vanishing. Once she is done with that she gives a nod to the others gesturing ahead as she starts to walk. "Let's get a move on, we're almost there." The other mares laugh and cackle, speeding up their walk as they roam down the halls, eager to finally have some fun with their precious baby dragon. Eventually the group split off deciding to make this a proper scary house. And their patrons couldn't just run into them all at once, oh no. Like Pinkie kept murmuring under her breath. All this had to be nice and fun.

Spike had kept to himself, holding a claw over his mouth as he tried to keep quiet, squirming and pressing himself up against the underside of the desk. He could still feel his heart racing even though he couldn't hear anything. There was still that ever growing pot in his stomach he had no idea what to do or what he even could do. He could only sit and wallow in fear hoping that they wouldn't find him. But while sitting there he could see a loud grumble in his stomach, gas quickly building up. He tightens his grip around his mouth, trying to fight back what he knew was impossible to stop at this point. Eventually the build up of gas reaches a breaking point, forcing a loud, desk shaking BUUUUWWWOOORRRRPP out of his open maw.

Not only was it the strongest belch he had ever experienced but there was also a powerful aftertaste of a foul burning taste of sulfur and filth. His head spins from the taste holding a claw up to his maw coughing a bit on just how foul it was. The stench made his head cloud and spin so fast that he doesn't even notice the scroll forming in front of him until it plips wetly against his leg. Making him jump in surprise as he looks down. "H-huh?" He questions, reaching a hand down to pick it up. Unlike all the other scrolls he had belched out before there was a thick, slime over the entire thing. The stench made him choke and gag once more. But he manages to fight through it, worrying that there was something happening to him. That the stench or the corruptive rain had somehow managed to corrupt but he shook his head that couldn't do it, he was fine.. He still felt at least somewhat clean. He didn't want to be filthy and the stink still made him gag. So he still had to be himself... Right?

However as he unrolls the scroll he manages to get a look on the inside. It was the same letter he had sent out. Could it not leave the castle? Or did they send it back? Were they not coming to help? He continues to think on that, feeling his head race again as he pulls his hand back he tries to cover his mouth again, only to catch a whiff of another stink. Not the sweaty, unwashed stink his friends were coated in, nor the stench of the slime that coated the scroll. It was earthy. Pulling his hand back he stares down at his claws staring at the thick layer of brown shit that covered his claws. Shakily he turns the scroll over only seeing one message on the back. "See you soon Spike~" written purely in scat.

Spike's eyes widen in fear at the sight as he jumps out of the shadows and makes a dash for the exit, quickly turning the corner as he runs face first into something thick, wet and very squishy. Whatever it was it was incredibly slimy, and pulling himself back he groans softly, wincing in disgust at how slimy the whole thing felt. A deep blush spread across his face as he looked up towards whatever was blocking his way out. Though deep down. He already knew what it could be. "Ohh!~ Hello Spike my my, you should really watch where you're going darling~ you're lucky I made sure to thicken my form up. You might have run right into me and gotten lost within my wonderfully jiggly body~" Rarity coos, reaching a hoof up to slap her slightly translucent cum belly. His jaw drops a bit as he steps back stammering out a hint of fear as wordlessly mouths a plea to her. Rarity tilts her head, frowning as he leans her head. "You'll have to speak up Darling!~ It can be a bit hard to hear over the sound of this lovely gut~"

Spike tries to turn around and make a run for it, trying to escape. But before he can get far, Rarity's horn flashes a bright yellow-white. The magic almost seemed to drip and dribble down into the ground below. That "magic" suddenly lurching forwards, wrapping around Spike's legs. The thick, viscous white goop clings to his form, and suddenly yanks him back! Sliding across the floor he tries to keep his balance, looking over his shoulder and at Rarity who offers a light giggle and wave to him. "R-rarity p-please you have to break out of it! This thing isn't you!" He says, upon hearing her voice and just being around her Spike could feel that this was at one point the Rarity he knew. He just had to reach her, maybe if he could he had a chance of stopping this.

He slaps wetly into the mare's belly again but this time her jizz her body was made of seems to hold him in place, wrapping around his lower body as she starts to walk. "Oh don't worry dear we'll just get you to Twilight nice and easy, then you'll know just how lovely this feels~ just like the rest of us deary~" She explains, giggling softly as Spike feels something spread his asscheeks, making him gasp in surprise, biting his lip as a fat, cum tendril slams deep into his ass. The short dragon could feel his body swell as he's pumped fuller and fuller of that thick creamy cum. He tries to clench to cut it off but that doesn't stop it. Only thickening to hold its shape as it pushes more and more jizz into him. Slowly causing his body to plump up. "Mmm doesn't that feel good dear? Oh we're going to have so much fun together Spike~ All you have to do is give in." She whispers in a low hushed tone. Her voice echoing around in Spike's head as his new gut wobbles in front of him.

But he couldn't give him, he wouldn't! He was stronger than this. He waited just a bit longer noticing that at certain points that tendril and her form seemed to weaken, to make more cum to pump him full with, and while he had to have put on at least a good hundred pounds or so he knew he could break free. "Do I really want to though, it feels so good~" His own voice echoes in his head. Corruption starts to leak into his mind as he grits his teeth. There was no way he was just going to give in. So when the time was right he clenched hard. Right as it weakens and he tears his arms and legs out of the goop. Getting a yelp of surprise from Rarity as the dragon's fat body wetly slaps to the ground. A deep blush spreads across his face as he feels his belly wobble and jiggle around as he picks himself up."S-sorry Rarity I'm not just going to give in.. I'll get help though and get you guys back to normal!" He shouts as he runs off, waddling down the hallway as Rarity waddles behind.

Though as he turns the corner she suddenly stops, and grins. "Oh Spike it's so precious how you think you're strong enough to beat this~ you're oh so adorable." She muses to herself feeling her stomach rumble loudly, forcing a belch out of her maw as she licks her lips. Her body was quite a bit smaller. Having pumped a good amount of her form into Spike. Growing softly she gives her gut a pat and smiles. "Well let's get something to eat~ I'm absolutely famished after that. I'm sure Applejack and Pinkie Pie will have some fun with the two of them~" She giggles again, squeezing herself around the tight hallway as she turns and starts to walk back. Towards the main hall. Humming softly to herself all the while.

Spike pants heavily, his body starting to sweat lightly as he moves as fast as his now fat body would take him. His body jiggling and wobbling. Fat folds slapping together as he pants. Despite being so heavy now he could still move fairly easily, just with a bit more of heft now. Almost like he hadn't actually put on any of the weight that was extremely visible on his body. Could this be the power of whatever had turned them? But once again he doesn't have much time to think about it as he hears the sound of hooves up ahead. Right about to round the corner at the other end of the hall. Gulping Spike quickly starts to look around spotting a nearby room he hurries over towards the door. Tossing the door open and quickly slipping inside, closing the door as quickly as he could while still being quiet.

Propping himself up against the door he hopes to hear the sound of hooves moving past the door, but that clopping sound never comes. "Ya know I didn't actually think that would work as well as it did~" A voice speaks.. From inside the room. Spike looks up, his entire body freezing up as he stares at AppleJack and Pinkie Pie or well the twisted demonic visage of them. Applejack was in the middle of pushing out an absolutely massive load of shit onto the ground, groaning happily as she let rip a massive FFFFFFFRRRRRRPPPPPPTTTT Her tongue rolling out as her stomach rumbled. "Ohhhh yeah that hits the spot~" She looks over to Pinkie Pie who was leaning her front hooves against the wall, slamming them against it as she smiles at Spike.

"Hehehee~ we really gotcha didn't we Spike?! It was just like a nice spooky haunted house yeah?~" She questions landing back on all four hooves, her cock wobbling around under her. Fat, sweaty balls swinging between her hind legs. "Now the big question here is what do we wanna do with you?~ I could just give you a nice dicking while Applejack gives you a nice meal for the evening~ Orrr we could get a bit weird with it. What do you say Applejack?" She asks looking over to her friend with a smirk. The dumbed down farm pony glancing over, ear twitching slightly as she stares her mind seeming to try and process what was said to her. After a few moments something seems to click as she smiles and nods.

"Well you know I'm a pretty simple manure pony~ So I'm good to follow your filthy wisdom Pinkie Pie~" She says with a fairly dumb laugh, as she opens her mouth Spike is able to get a good look at her blocky filth coated teeth. He winces heavily at the sight and starts to back up again. Trying to move away from the two of them, only pressing his fat body up against the wall. "Soo whatcha think we should do?" She asks leaning up against Pinkie Pie, taking a long fat snort of her cock. Breathing in that thick, rank musk that permeated the air around her. A small chuckle escapes her mouth, licking her lips as she smiles towards the other pony.

Pinkie Pie nods and starts to walk forwards. "Hehe~ I think we should get nice and weird. I think you know what to do cutie~" She remarks with a wink, wiggling her rump to Applejack who nods eagerly in agreement. Who quickly runs behind Spike, bumping him down with her shit caked rump, easily knocking him to the ground, forcing his ass up against Spike's pressing their tailholes together as she nods over to Pinkie Pie who giggles and hops over towards the Dragon, jumping high into the air as her cock throbs hard. Aiming it downwards she thrusts her entire length into his mouth, stretching his maw out as she moans out, her front hooves landing on Applejack's shoulders as she starts to pump her hips, forcing more and more of her filthy cock down Spike's throat.

Meanwhile Applejack murrs herself, licking her lips as she grunts. Her tailhole stretches out nice and wide as she groans softly. As Pinkie Pie pounds Spike he could already feel his assets starting to swell in size. Cock surging in size, balls swelling, drooping and swinging between his legs. Lastly his tailhole twitches softly a sharp tingle shooting through it as it swells up in between his fat asscheeks if Applejack's equally large shitter wasn't already pushing them apart he could easily tell his pucker would spread those cheeks. With one firm grunt she lets rip a PLLLLRRRBBBBBTT Blasting a fart deep into Spike's body filling his form bloating with gas. But he knew that was only the start. As his sexual bits continue to grow with each of Pinkie's thrusts he could feel Applejack pushing out that hyper log out of her ass. It presses firmly against Spike's tailhole, and when he was almost positive that he was okay his hole just stretches out, almost eagerly as it wraps around Applejack's scat. Slowly inch by inch the log pushes deeper and deeper into his body which was starting to sweat even harder. His sweat was thick and white it almost felt like the cum that Rarity had pumped into him. In fact his entire form felt slightly less solid. At this point he couldn't tell if that was actually the case or if his hazy mind just couldn't properly grasp his form as Applejack shits into him.

Continuing to squirm around he feels that gas swirl in his bloated stomach, making his belly bubble and rumble loudly. A low groan escaping his mouth around Pinkie's massive cock. With one last firm pump he slams into him, blowing her load and filling him with her seed, while Applejack finally pinches off that log which seems to stop coiling in his stomach and seems to spread out over his lower body. Bloating it out even more as his scales soften turning a deep slimy brown and yellow. As they pull away Spike quickly breaks free hurrying out of the room and slamming the door behind him. Quickly using a key to lock it before waddling off deeper down a hall. He was totally disoriented at this point, he had no idea where he was going. Just that he was running, and that he smelled really good, the stench was incredibly strong. It was a foul and musk stink that filled his nose. His snout twitching as his shit merged claws slap wetly against the floor.

Despite everything he didn't really seem to mind or perhaps he didn't notice what was happening to his body. Sweating thick globs of jizz onto the ground below, and his entire lower body was made entirely of shit by now. He was quickly getting corrupted and he didn't realize it. His fat body wobbles around as he licks his lips. "Mm.. Why do I feel so.. Light headed?" He mutters quietly as he stumbles out into the main hall of the second floor. Reaching a claw up to his head he says around slightly trying to get a grip on his mind. Though in his clouded mind he didn't even seem to notice the sound of wings flapping high above him. The two Pegasus flying above diving down, Rainbow Dash quickly reaching her forehooves out. Wrapping them under Spike's arms and lifting him high into the sky. "H-hey! W-what the?!" He gasps out, squirming and struggling around trying to break free as the pegasus lifts him high up above the ground. Floating around as she looks over to Fluttershy. Who as usual was pushing out an almost constant stream of piss. Dribbling down between her legs and onto the ground as she licks her muzzle lustfully.

"Well well well~ Look what I caught in my hooves Fluttershy~ Is it a cute little sweat rag?" Rainbow Dash mocks, swinging Spike around. Swaying his fat, sweaty body around as if it was nothing. "You know I was a little weary of Twilight's plan but it's all coming together pretty well~" She muses aloud cackling a bit as she stuffs Spike's muzzle right into one of her pits, along with giving him a firm smack on the ass. Forcing a loud yelp out of his mouth as he wiggles around.

"M-mrrff! W-what do you mean by Twilight's plan?" He manages to ask, blushing at the slightly deeper, gravlier tone in his voice. Making him blush, his ear finds twitching slightly "w-what are you doing to me?" He questions finally getting a good look at himself, and what was happening to his body. He was so caught up in examining his new body he didn't hear Fluttershy flapping up to him. Smiling as she runs a piss soaked hoof across his face with a small giggle.

"Oh yes Spikey~" She coos, leaning down slightly to stare into his eyes. The smell of urine wafting off her made his head spin hard. Gagging and choking on the stench as he reels back. Only pushing himself back into Rainbow's sweaty chest. Being assaulted from both sides by the stench he eventually gives in blushing deeply as he looks between the two of them. "You don't think that Twilight left this all to chance do you?~ You know her better than any of us, you should have known this was a trap from the beginning." It was true a part of him knew deep down Twilight would plan for this, she knew what he would do but he hoped whatever had happened would have altered their minds enough so she wouldn't be as smart as she normally was. For the sake of saving himself and them. "Now Rainbow let's have our fun~ but remember we're a team, so we still have to share, and save the best for last~" She says with a giggle leaning down to kiss Spike's fat dragon cock, lightly fondling his new massive balls while looking up to Rainbow. Floating over to the flags hanging from the walls they stuff Spike between two of them, draping his fat arms over the poles, leaving him stuck in place.

Rainbow Dash lets out a snort of annoyance but now. She didn't exactly want to share, she had to prove how awesome she was, how cool and corruptive her powers were. How could she prove herself other than through a show of sheer power. At least that's what the jock mind thought as she stuffs a hind hoof right into Spike's maw. "Get to lickin~ and make sure to get as much sweat as you can~" She mocks laughing at the futility of it. But not knowing any better Spike starts to lick. Doing his best to clean those hooves as Fluttershy flips herself upside down, pressing her pissy pussy up against his shaft letting go as a torrent of piss pours over his stomach and cock. Absolutely drenching him from the chest down.

Spike finds himself unable to speak, the piss not only drenching into his stomach, causing it to bloat and fill even further but also into his shift legs and tails. Which only made them smell worse. His mind only clouded further as he began to enjoy it. It was slightly enjoyable but it was certainly there. The stench, and the feeling of their filth was amazing. It almost felt good to serve. But as the two of them continue to go at it, there's a loud PLLLLLRRRRBBBBBTT that echoes through the castle halls. Causing both mares to perk up. Fluttershy moved away from Spike's rounded stomach which now looked like an orb of horse piss. While Rainbow Dash sighs, rolling her eyes. "Aw come on right when I was getting to the good part." She groans, leaving Spike panting his entire body feeling even hotter than before. He was starting to sweat a lot more. He could practically hear the constant pitter patter of his cum sweat dripping against the crystal floor.

The sound lures him into that hypnotic daze again, not even struggling as the two mares steadily lift him out and start to carry him down the halls. "Now Rainbow, don't act like that. It's only fair that the mare of the hour gets to put her own finishing touches on Spike, he is her pet dragon after all~" They laugh to themselves flying off into the castle. Though as Spike looked around, even in his hazy minded state he quickly realized they weren't flying deeper into the castle, no, they were heading out, towards the exit. In the back of his head he couldn't help but wonder if they were letting him go. His fat hyper dragon cock throbbing softly as a strangely familiar and very arousing scent fills his snout. Making it twitch as he licks his lips softly.

"M-mrrff? W-what is that.. Smell?" He questions his eyes lazily looking around, glazing over slightly as he moans, cock bouncing against his piss filled stomach, as he tilts his head up, taking in long deep breaths of the scent, letting it flow into his snout and burrow deep into his mind, slowly washing away any remaining bits of resistance and memory. His eyes start to swirl with a filthy brown and yellow color, licking his lips as he leans forwards. "M-mm~ I-it's so good..." He growls softly, feeling his stomach rumble with need, licking his lips as he squirms around in the pegasi's grasp. The both of them chuckled as they looked towards the entrance where Twilight, and the rest of her friends stood. Standing right in front of the exit. Their collective stink almost creates a visible cloud around them. Towering over them and forming into a dark, menacing figure that stands high above them. The figure looked almost demonic as it smiled at Spike, filling his mind with fear, lust, and strongest above all. Submission, something in the back of his head knew this was akin to that of a god, his god. Something to worship and spread. In what remained of his old self there was a slight feeling of fear and resistance that still remained. But despite that the side of him that was brimming with corruption loved the look the stink cloud gave him. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy give a nod to Twilight who nods back with a smile, stepping forwards as the two Pegasi slowly lower him down to the ground.

"Well I'll give ya that Twilight it was pretty fun to watch him run around thinking he had a chance of escape~ but I think he's given in by now~" She laughs and finally the two of them let go, giving Spike a firm pat on his fat squishy ass. Stepping back as Twilight looks down to Spike with a smirk. "So what are ya gonna do to him? Shower in in filth, making

"So, did you have fun with that Spike? Enjoy what me and my friends had to share with you?" She questions, kneeling her head down to stare into Spike's eyes. He looks up the edges of his eyes taking on a deep yellow, slowly spreading out over the white of his eyes. "How about we finish this up though~ You know how much work we have to do after all, and we couldn't do it without out favorite little filth demon~" She coos softly, leaning forwards, lightly tapping Spike on the bridge of his snout, sending ripples through his entire body a yelp of surprise and pleasure flowing through his entire form. Before chuckling and pulling back. "Ah perfect you're almost there aren't you? So let's get this done." She nods as magic surrounds Spike, pinning his body down to the ground. Binding him to the ground, a deep blush spreading across his face as he looks around at all the others.

"W-what are you going to do?" He asks, looking between them all as all 6 of the ponies soon surround them. Applejack and Rainbow Dash smile turning around, raising their tails, Fluttershy puts herself right above his face, squatting down as her pussy begins to dribble an ever so slight amount. Twilight, Rarity and Pinkie stand in front of him aiming their massive cocks directly at his body.

"Ohh we're gonna have fun~ That's all~" She coos softly, her horn sparking once again as she begins to stroke off herself and Pinkie Pie while using her magic to also grab a good glob of Rarity, forcing it into Spike's maw. Meanwhile Fluttershy grunts softly, letting out a nice constant stream of piss that pours down his face, with Rainbow and Applejack's tails raising they grunt softly and start to push out a nice, hefty load of filth onto him. Huge loads of horse apples plopping out of their tail holes before showering down on the dragon below. Moaning softly as they squat down a bit helping that flow even more as Twilight continues to stroke the two of them off. "H-hrrf oohhh fuck yes~ Ohh you're going to love this Spike~" She moans out starting to stroke faster and faster, already blowing out globs of pre onto the floor below. Groaning softly, as both she and Pinkie lean their heads down. FInally blowing their loads, as the entirety of Spike's body is covered in filth. The Short Stacked dragon practically drowned in the stuff. At least until he reaches a claw up, grabbing handfuls of filth at a time.

Stuffing more and more into his mouth. Eagerly eating as much as he could, two horns growing out of either side of his head. His tail grows out, flicking around with pleasure as he growls softly. "Mmmm~ You're right Twilight~" Spike says, his voice sounding quite a bit deeper, demonic and twisted, His stomach sways and wobbles as he picks it up. A creature made of pure filth, his claws were dripping with jizz and shit, his stomach swayed with piss, and his muzzle had a permanent caking of cum across his shit muzzle.

"Pff.. Why the heck is he so filthy, he's basically made out of the stuff!" Rainbow exclaims crossing her hooves with an annoyed huff. "When are we going to get that filthy?" She questions gesturing to the demi-demon in front of them. The others calling out in agreement, talking amongst each other about how strong, and filthy they wanted to grow.

"Don't worry, don't worry girls we'll have our chance, but we still have work to do remember? We have to finish up the town, once we're done. Then we can have some fun." Twilight explains looking at the filthy imp-dragon. "Come along Spike, girls. Let's get to work. We have a lot to do for our master. He'll have to be nice and strong before we can be as powerful as our master." She says turning and starting to walk, while the others grin and nod, following behind.