Friendly Guidance [Patron Reward]

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You meet another lost soul in the forest.If you'd like to read more like this before it gets posted publicly, head over to my Subscribestar!

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Friendly Guidance

By Limewah

Patron Reward for Moggers (October 2023)

You know you're being stalked. You've heard the tell tale scrape of scales against bark, the rustle and shift of the trees above. As soon as you noticed it, your slow wandering became a more purposeful one - you had no idea where you were going, but you were going to act like it. Confidence would scare the creature off. Besides, you were too bony to make a good meal, even for the most desperately hungry creature.

When you cast the beam of your heavy flashlight towards the tree-tops, you only catch glimpses of fat, black scales.

You listen out even as you walk, and hear a third sound with the others. A very soft hiss. Yes, definitely a snake... maybe they're just curious, or maybe they're waiting for you to sit or linger so they can creep down and coil you up. Not a chance of that...


The voice makes your head turn sharply, and with it, the beam of your flashlight. The source of the sound yelps and flinches, caught off guard by the dazzling beam and covering their eyes.

"Aghh..." they look like... a red panda? A little shorter than you, tubbier too, with long hair cascading down behind them. They look like they've been here a while. "Careful with that thing!"

You hiss at them to quieten down, and tell them there's a predator stalking you.

"Oh... oh gosh, okay," the wah says, their voice hushing to a whisper to match yours.

"You're lost, right?" The panda asks. "So am I..."

"How long have you been out here?" You ask.

"I've lost count," they say, sighing softly. They're sort of huddled behind some shrubbery, everything below the belly obscured to your eye.

"Uhm... are you naked?" You ask.

"Yeah, ehhehm..." their paws go down to their un-seen crotch. "Yeah. Sorry. I forgot about that. Let's uhm... see if we can retrace your steps. That snake up there? He's just curious. Doesn't mean anyone any harm, from my experience."

You notice a very slight lisp to their voice, and they seem to be making a conscious effort to hit those 's's in a particular way.

You don't see any reason not to trust them, so you wheel around and start to walk. They follow close by, still obscured by the brush and keeping a slightly respectful distance. You still notice the rustling and sliding, though it seems to be receding...

"So, what's got you out here?" The panda asks. "I run into a lot of hikers like you..."

You respond that, yes, you're just out on a hike with friends, and you went for a wander and lost track of-

...hang on.

If they've met hikers before, but they're still in the forest...

"Sssomething on your mind? Oop-"

You caught it in the flashlight beam. A forked tongue flitting out from between the pouty lips of the panda's muzzle. They don't seem too perturbed by you noticing - in fact, they're beaming with a fanged grin.

"Oopssie... sssorry, I think I'm done playing around with my food."

They lift up slowly. Just below their belly, where their crotch should be, is pearl-white belly scutes and vantablack scales.

"Sssso, let'sss cut to the chasssse, ssssnack~!"

With a whip crack speed, you feel black coils cinch around your arms and squeeze tight. You clench tightly onto the torch even as you spasm and yelp, unable to see anything in front of you, aside from the panda's eyes...

...what strange, beautiful eyes.

You thought they were blue, you could have sworn, but they're purple, no they're gold, no the left's purple and the right's gold, no the left's gold and the right's purple, no, they're both, spinning, swirling, spinning, strobing, and you suddenly feel very relaxed, and happy and dazed, and what were you just doing a moment ago, where were you, who are you, it doesn't matter, pretty colours are all that matter right now...


You try to resist. You feel your consciousness being unmoored from your mind and you try to anchor yourself. The swirling colours in the panda-snake's eyes are a hair's-breadth away from being totally irresistible, but you're trying your hardest not to give in. You refuse... you can't... allow it... to...

Your left eye manages to cinch closed and you pull your head away with a yank.

"Awww, c'moooon..." the panda-naga faux pouts. "What'sss the point in trying to resissst? It felt good to ssstare, didn't it? It feels good now, with the one eye, sssure, but it could be sssso much better..."

You bite on your lip to try and stifle a smile, you want so badly to giggle as your right eye receives the brunt of the colours. The brunt of that bliss. What good is it doing to resist...?

You manage to pull that eye closed, even though a part of you cries out in protest.

"You know, there'sss not much point in trying to look away." The panda chuckles darkly. "After all... you're already bound in my coilssss."

An accentuating squeeze ripples through your whole body. Since when were you in the air, wrapped shoulder-to-ankle in black scales? You hadn't even noticed, aside from the floaty feeling thoses eyes gave you. You look down at the forest floor, at your discarded flashlight, and you try to squirm again.

But the eyes... they're right there, why aren't you staring at them...?

Your left eye misses the colours. It opens again, and gets that beautiful assault.

"There we go...." The naga-wah's voice is soft and sweet, like they're praising a pet... you like being praised like that."Goood ssssnack, isn't that ssso much better?"

You try to jam the eye closed, but it's not budging this time, it's trying to escape your head, and your head tilts and leans towards the colours as the panda's head dips backwards, pulling you like a fish caught on a line, and the other eye comes open and you swim in the colours, and swim in the bliss, and you can't stop from smiling and your brain is fizzing and tingling like it's in a microwave, heehee, that's a funny thought, microwaved brain, spinning around and around in the colours as the pleasure builds and you're closer and closer to being ready and...!


The chime of pleasure makes you shoot ramrod straight in the snake's coils, tight smile and wide eyes staring at nothing at all. Your vision is gone. Only colours, now. Your thoughts are gone. Only colours now. The shifting coils cradle and caress you as the panda-naga hums contently and smacks their lips.

"Mmmmnh. I could tell, jussst from your sssscent, that you were afraid of getting eaten. But not jussst afraid... a little bit exssscited by the idea, hmmm? You wonder what it might feel like to ressst in my warm belly...would you like that?"

"Yes," you breathe out, as your eyes slip closed and your contented smile relaxes.

"Well then... I think this is a mutually beneficial arrangement, don'cha think~?"

You hear the intake of breath, cool air brushing your face before you feel damp warmth caress you. The sweet scent of mango, no hint of death or peril. It bathes you as you feel the panda's teeth rake very gently against your face.


The unhinged jaw of the naga-panda latches around you, and you nuzzle into the warm, fleshy embrace. You feel yourself starting to tip and shift, luxuriating in the spa-like moisture of the naga's throat. It squeeezes your cheeks together as you're pulled in a little more, their soft paws gripping you to push you along with each spasming gulp. Your legs kick happily as the warmth progresses down - just as your arms are no longer pinned by their coils, their mouth takes their place.

It's after then that the tipping point comes - one long gulp brings you on a sudden slip-slide straight down, deep into the warm, soft gut. You feel the comparatively cold air on your feet, the only part of you still not swalllowed. The tongue plays with your toes as they breathe and giggle, before one last gulp sends your legs sprawling down. It's tight inside, the gurgling darkness encroaching on you as you slide slowly and surely down the sleeping-bag lengths of the snake's gullet. The massaging peristalsis of their gut rocks you to a very easy, delicious, delightful sleep. Maybe this was your final sleep... and what a wonderful final sleep it would be...


The fantasy continues. I give your face another long lick, and you make the cutest moans... it's a pity you can't see your face right now. I live for making cute things like you smile.

Sssafe and comfortable, deeeep in my ssstomach... jussst where you belong.

I rock you back and forth in the hammock of coils, and you're still deep in the dark, wet fantasy of being my meal.

Hope this makesss up for the fact that I can't unhinge my jaw... at leassst I can guarantee you'll stay like thisss 'til the morning. Then I'll sssend you in the right direction.

Maybe you can bring me a friend or two next time... sssome exssstra coursssesss?

Mmmhmmhmm~ I'd love it if you did that. I'll make it worth your while...

But that'sss all in the future.

For now... sssink, and be sssqueezed, and ssssleep....

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