Midnight Shower

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#37 of Midnight

Set after Julie's university quarter and follows her time back in Johto, focusing on adventures throughout, Alyssa's development, further building Julie and Midnight's relationship, and more.


Existing; complete stories: 'A Night She Couldn't Resist.' (Male midnight lycanroc x fem trainer.) 'Cassidy's Journey.' (Male braixen x fem trainer.) 'All They Knew.' (Male alolan ninetales x fem trainer.)'Only Crystal.'(Male human x fem espeon.)


All NSFW scenes: Chapter 4: Julie & Midnight.F human x M umbreon. Chapter 7: Julie & Midnight.F human x M umbreon. Chapter 14: Julie & Midnight.F human x M umbreon. Chapter 23: Julie & Midnight.F human x M umbreon. Chapter 27: Angie & Calda & Midnight.F human x F flareon x M umbreon.

~ Extra explicit scene(s) directory.

~ Timeline of all stories and upcoming projects are available in my profile.

The following day played out as casually as possible. Everyone lazed about after Rebirth Day.

Julie's mother had slept off and on, Julie and Alyssa played games and continued where they'd left off from 'The World's Greatest Tropic,' and Midnight joined them to spectate at every second.

The trio currently watched JohtoNN on TV from Julie's bed during the afternoon. Alyssa sat while Julie was lying on her side with Midnight.

He watched as well, lying on his stomach by his mate's chest.

"Look at that. You could be flying in on your next trip at this point," Alyssa said and nudged Julie's thigh.

The program covered a now-finished Goldenrod Central Airport with efforts being made to arrange the first official scheduled flight from Johto to Kanto.

Shots included the massive blue and white structure, its interior with long corridors full of soon-to-be stores and restaurants, and workers putting finishing touches on planes by the runway.

"I see that. The future's coming in at all angles," Julie replied.

"How do you feel about it?" Alyssa looked at her.

"It's... a lot of change really fast. I guess there's some unease. It'll surely alter and improve the profession I desire, so I've got to embrace it if I want to be relevant."

"It'll be like the Pokégear transition all over again. I'm calin' it. Paranoia and fear of the unknown and refusal-- except I get to witness alll of it on Veela this time."

Julie grabbed her phone from beside her. "It's crazy to think that this or the next generation might be the last that are halfway-innocent to technology. Our parents too... Like, my mom knows her way around it for work, but she's never on her phone or social media otherwise."

"I mean, yeah, wholesome, but purity's overrated anyway."

Julie set the hand that held her phone atop Midnight's back and opened her Internet, scrolling over the list of articles covering current news on her homepage. "And I won't lie, Ali, I've been feeling kind of empty."

"What's up?"

"Because I have nothing to do here, I guess."

"I mean, you did kind of go from nerding out at Castelia to home laziness." Alyssa leaned on Julie's leg. "When do you plan on going back?"

"I don't know. Eventually." Julie sighed.

"How long can you stomach this life?"

She shrugged. "I'm just starting to want more. I've always loved how it felt to progress, but I'm more attached to it than ever now."

Julie stopped on an article. "They're building an academy in Unova."

"What is it?" Alyssa asked.

"Let me see." She opened the link. "Wow." Julie skimmed the words. "It's a direct expansion of Paldea's Uva Academy. It uses a different curriculum too."

Alyssa looked over. "Another Pokémon Academy?"

"Mhm, but the best part is that it's also creating the world's first partial curriculum geared solely toward pokémon."

Midnight glanced back at Julie.

"Imagine going to school, Midnight." Julie giggled.

"What are they even doing it for, though? Like why do pokémon need to start learning suddenly?"

"Oh, I was rushing through the article." She scrolled back up. "Here, I'll read off this passage... Uva Academy, the largest and most influential bilingual Pokémon Academy in the world, brings curious and eager minds of all ages from around the globe to attend.

Its curriculum, overall, is the strongest one can find at a Pokécademy, featuring subjects such as battle arts and pokébiology. In recent years, pokémon professors have challenged why such a poké-based curriculum largely excludes pokémon.

While Uva allows specific classes to be taken with pokémon, such as battle studies and art, it excludes them from others, which include math, languages, and regional history.

The new academy, jointly funded by Uva and Castelia University, will be named 'Blueberry Academy.' This academy would be similar to Uva's in the sense that the curriculum is designed around battle and pokémon.

However, Blueberry Academy will feature a subdivision in language and biology, utilizing a half-curriculum geared toward pokémon and allowing them to attend without their trainers. The curriculum will function essentially as a long-term statistical study monitored by Uva to assess how education affects the brains and behaviors of pokémon. After a decade, the results will be used to determine how the world will progress pertaining to the education of our pokémon.

The world has never sought to educate pokémon outright. Hundreds of professors, schools, and even the GIS have voiced that doing so could be a positive start in strengthening respect and granting additional rights toward the species in a global society where that is all but fading and worse. This could also potentially lead to pokémon employment in higher professions, depending on the study's results."

"Okay, I can make sense of that, actually. In like thirty years from now, our CEO's are gonna be lopunny," Alyssa said.

Julie smiled. "I wonder if they'll have bipedals and quadrupeds learning alongside each other. Hm." She looked at Midnight. "This means you could learn history with me."

"Umbreon." He nodded.

"Adventures of a historian girl and her historian umbreon. I'd watch it." Alyssa chuckled.

That night, close to twelve, while Julie lay in bed wide awake on her side cuddled with Midnight next to her, she was cast in sporadic thought. She had the blanket off completely.

She stroked his side while staring at her wall tinged with a fading yellow. As she'd told Alyssa earlier, while Julie enjoyed being around the two best people in her life, she grew more depressed the longer she stayed.

Julie missed sitting in regional history and reading from her text with Midnight.

However, before she left-- especially after her and Anna's discussion, Julie wanted to ask her mother about the divorce and what led up to it. She wanted that closure, but it wouldn't be the easiest thing to approach.

Julie pushed herself off her side and leaned on her palm, and Midnight lifted his head to look up at her.

She looked aside at Alyssa, who was fast asleep, then down at him, whispering, "I'm really hot and uncomfortable, so I'm going to shower... You can join me if you'd like."

He sat up as she slowly slid off the bed and stood. Midnight got down and followed her out of the room, entering the restroom.

Julie turned on the light and rubbed her eyes, closing the door. "I should've showered yesterday after Rebirth. I was so lazy." She went over to the tub and twisted the nozzles to turn on the faucet, then started undressing.

Midnight watched her take everything off and set her clothing neatly on the toilet while steam gradually filled the air from the running water.

"I think it's too hot." Julie leaned over to adjust the temperature. She made it warm after enough twisting and got in, standing beside the water. "Come on."

He approached and stood on his hind legs, setting his forepaws on the rim and letting her pull him over it. Midnight winced as she stepped under the water, which sent it into his face and all over his fur.

Julie ran her fingers through her hair and turned to let the water wet her back and rear, then moved aside. "Your turn." She eyed him, then glanced at the bathtub faucet.

As he started to enter, Julie put her foot out in front of him. "Wait."

He did, watching her crouch and turn the center nozzle, which cut the shower and began filling the tub.

She plugged the drain with the stopper and turned to him. "I thought we could enjoy a bath together first..."

"Bre." Midnight nodded and swished his tail against the water, glancing down as it started covering his hind paws.

"I rarely take them, and I don't think we have yet. Just quick showers."

Minutes later, when the water reached his shoulders and Julie's waist, she turned it off and crawled past him, lying back against the tub's concave end. The water was at her neck. "Love..."

Midnight ran his eyes over her body and suppressed a grin while walking over. She reached for him as he approached and pulled him on top of her; his hips rested over hers, and his paws rested against her chest.

There was complete silence between them, and they stared at each other for close to a minute.

Julie spread her legs under him and against the tub while eyeing his face, exhaling as he started moving and shifting his hips against hers.

He did so until his tip grew from his sheath, which grazed her thigh and labia. His rings faded off and on, bringing the water a yellow glow.

She grinned in anticipation while his member touched her skin and reached her hand down to hold it between two fingers. Julie guided it between her vaginal lips and gasped as Midnight pushed in.

He shut his eyes for a moment and pressed their hips together, watching her closely, and started thrusting at a relaxed pace against the water that swayed with his motions.

"Uh." Julie sighed as the most gentle chills traversed her body while his cock slid against her walls in heartfelt motions. It felt more rugged and rubbery, not as smooth and slippery as usual.

She traced her digits along the side of Midnight's body, often curling her fingertips against his fur while hugging over his topside with her other arm to keep him in place. She ran her eyes over every subtle alteration in expression he made.

He pressed his paws against her chest and pumped his hips harder, which didn't change much. Midnight shuddered and looked aside at her bare thighs, drawing up to her breasts until landing back on her face.

He started thrusting as fast as the water allowed, breathing softly. His sac swayed while he moved, and he often pressed his knot to her labia.

Their quiet noises and the water sloshing were the only sounds in the air.

"Uh, yes," Julie whispered, her breaths quickening ever-so-slightly. Her toes often twitched into soft, excited curls after he sped up; she held him a little tighter, glancing at his rings as they rose in intensity.

She grinned at the occasional light grunt he gave and watched his eyes close almost completely. Julie brought her hand from his side and set her palm on his cheek, running her thumb over his head and between his eyes in delicate strokes.

She could feel him trying to thrust faster and noticed his rings start to gleam.

Midnight leaned against her palm and closed his eyes, his cock twitching while he drove it inside her tender embrace that pulsed as he granted it attention. His breaths began to quicken; his eyes winced ever so slightly.

Julie pressed her thumb into his fur while tracing small circles, pushing her hips into his motions. "Midnight, stop," she whispered.

He opened his eyes and looked at her while slowing down.

"Sorry." Julie reached her foot and pulled the plug over the drain off with her toes after enough tries. "You were doing good. I just want it a little harder."

Midnight took a deep breath and let out a prolonged exhalation while the water lowered.

Julie kept rubbing him and brought her other hand to do the same, drawing her thumbs over his brows, his eyes, and nose, gently pressing his face. She watched as his ears slightly lowered and jaw slightly dropped.

He shuddered against her touch, leaning into it and closing his eyes with a huff, a subtle quiver of relaxation drawing from his jawline.

Julie continued massaging his face with a minute grin until the water drained completely with a few sputters.

After it did, she moved her hands and pressed them into the walls, sliding down with him inside her so her back rested on the floor of the tub. She raised her legs with her heels over her rear, spotted with water droplets, some of which streamed down her skin.

Midnight's tail drooped; his heavy coat dripped with water. He looked at their positioning before moving his forepaws from her chest and standing slightly over her with all four paws beside her. He spread his hind legs and started thrusting downward, upping his pace and power. "Mb..."

Julie moaned while watching his cock slip in and out that her labia slightly spread and formed with; her lips quivered whenever his knot tapped them. His hips smacked and jiggled her thighs while his loose sac tapped her butt, with soppy wet smacks resounding.

Their friction still felt slightly draggy from the water but almost as slippery and very pleasurable. She sighed through her mouth, keeping her eyes on the perfect angle she had of the action while slicks emitted with every thrust.

Midnight humped harder and cocked his head, breathing faster while oozing inside her. He opened his mouth and shut his eyes tightly while folding his ears back.

Julie held his foreleg and attempted spreading her legs more, though limited by the tub. Her vision briefly hazed; she nearly crossed her eyes from his work as he occasionally teased her sweet zone. "Nhmm, that feels so great, love."

Her walls fluttered and convulsed around his cock, coaxing pre and luring his climax every time he slid in.

She rubbed and squeezed his leg, gazing at his hips in motion and strained expression while he stood over her.

He lost his footing, his hind paws slipping against the floor. He scrambled to regain it and pulled them back up, thrusting deep and groaning under his breath.

Midnight's tail twitched, his breaths started to skip, and his expression tightened alongside his rings holding a perpetual glow. His pace started to wane.

Julie broke a smile as his vocalizations deepened and sounded slightly vulnerable. Her eyes lazed, holding a deep adoration. "You like it, love?" She shot her focus between his adorable face and his wet cock taking her pussy.

Midnight tucked his hips and lifted his heavy tail as much as he could, his breaths rising. His hind paw slid back again, which he couldn't catch, but it didn't stop him. "Brhn," he grunted and rammed her pussy several more times before shoving his hips to hers, his legs quaking.

"Ughm!" Julie arched her feet and dropped her jaw as he worked his knot past her labia and spread her womanhood. She gripped his leg while he came under a quiet, breathy groan and glowed the brightest he had so far. She grinned as he humped against her and eventually slowed to a halt.

Midnight soon opened his eyes and took shallow breaths while staring at her, pulling his hind leg back up.

"Did that feel good?" she asked, reaching her free hand to rub his head.

He eyed her with a slight grin, nudging her palm. "Uh... m."

"I missed it too." She smirked a little and glanced at his hips. "Could you pull it out?"

Midnight took a step back and pulled his hips, tugging at her labia with his knot, which made Julie suck her lip.

"Mn!" She bit it as he popped out, his semen oozing from her hole. Afterward, she sat up and leaned down to kiss his head. Julie then turned and lay on her stomach, propping herself on her knees and spreading them as much as the space would allow.

Julie looked back at him and eyed his cock that pulsed every couple of seconds. "You aren't done yet, love."

Midnight swished his soaked tail and approached her rear as she raised it slightly. He stood over her and placed his forepaws beside her waist.

"My butt," she said while glancing back at him and raising her rear against his member. "Give it to me even harder, please..."

He pressed the underside of his shaft against her cheeks and shifted against them, then moved back and lowered his hips.

Midnight pushed around her butt and, with the help of her guided movement, prodded his tapered tip at her puckered anus and penetrated with a slight press.

Julie kept still and held her breath as he stretched her sphincter and slowly pushed inside, enduring the edgy soreness. "H-mh." She tensed her legs while his cock pressed and rubbed her narrow walls.

He thrust his hips more, sliding deeper into her smooth confinements until resting his knot against her anus. Midnight squinted and started moving his hips, receiving subtle mewls from his mate.

"Umbh..." He built to a faster pace with every other stroke, his sac swaying and tapping her sticky labia. He drove his cock through her tight hole that pulled and pushed with his movement and smacked her wet ass with his hips, rippling her soft cheeks.

"O-hhwuh, it's so slick and squishy." Julie adored the sounds their sex made, amplified by their wet bodies and privates. She lay her cheek against the sloped surface and shut her eyes, raising her rear more as he leaned over her. She tensed her butt often, flexing her sphincter that tightened around his stiff cock.

She breathed softly and laced them with murmurs, pressing and clenching her fingers against the tub while giving subtle twitches. Her walls and sphincter warmed with strong frissons in endless, frictious stimulation while he slipped in and out.

From their first round on top of their current, Julie started sweating from her brow, around her thighs, and over her rear cheeks.

Midnight began thrusting harder and firmed his lips, which caused his paws to slip against the tub and sent him forward.

He again regained his footing and continued thrusting in increasingly paceless motions, often shoving his hips to her cheeks while his sac swayed erratically, brushing and tapping her inner thighs alongside her labia. "Mmh..." He lowered his head and shut his eyes, breathing harshly through his nose.

Julie opened her mouth more and softly winced as Midnight got rougher, arching her back. "Ghn." She pressed her fingers into the tub against the sweet burn.

Midnight grunted during his next few thrusts and tilted his head. He pushed his fore and hind paw forward, clenching his teeth and exhaling deeply. "Mreonn..." He humped hard and pushed his hips to her ass even harder.

His legs started quivering alongside his breaths, and his rings were again close to gleaming. Midnight raised his forepaw and placed it on her upper thigh, clenching his teeth.

Julie pushed her rear into his motions while careful not to throw him off, his thrusts squishing and squelching that she hoped didn't exist outside the restroom.

Breathy, high-pitched moans rolled from her throat whenever he rammed her ass as hard as he could, creating louder wet smacks. "Ohhm. Hump me h-harder, Midnight." Julie stuck out her butt and arched more.

His ears perked and leaned slightly toward her voice. Midnight rammed and kept his hips pressed to her ass, humping quickly while his breaths sped up.

He pushed his tongue past his lips and stiffened his cock while pumping faster and pressing his pads into her thigh, creating a soft indentation in her skin. His hips tapped and jiggled her ass in a fit of rapid light smacks, which he opened his eyes and looked back to watch.

Midnight tugged her thigh and went faster while starting to pant. "Brehh..." He alternated between his current motions and pulling his hips to give full thrusts, grunting whenever he slid back inside her. After several more, he let out a prolonged groan while oozing a second helping of semen inside her, stretching her anus while working his knot through.

"Ghnn!" Julie huffed and curled her toes tightly again as he gradually forced his knot through, her legs shaking. "Ughm, frick. Love!" she grunted and went rigid for several moments, then sighed deeply and lowered her rear, lying against the tub.

Midnight spread his paws and rested on top of Julie's back while panting.

She opened her eyes and looked back at him. "Now we can shower."

After their fun, Julie had washed and scrubbed herself and Midnight; they were back in bed close to thirty minutes later in total. She was on her stomach under the covers with both arms around him, using his hip as a pillow beside her real one while staring into space.

Midnight wasn't asleep, but he was tired enough after their sex that he was still recovering and would likely doze.

She held his paw in one hand and squeezed, grinning. "Why're you so soft?" she whispered and saw his ear twitch. "You don't have to move or reply. I'm admiring." She kissed his hip a couple of times and nudged with her nose.

While in a great mood, Julie couldn't help but think back to her parents' divorce. It seemed to be irking her, and she wouldn't ignore it. She just had to think.

Julie nor her mother had so much as brought it up for years now. How would it be if Julie did out of nowhere? She wouldn't even know what to ask, but she wanted to know.

She tightened her hold around Midnight and nuzzled her cheek against his hip, taking a breath and closing her eyes. "What are we doing for our first anniversary, love?"

"Mh?" He hummed.

She slightly grinned and trickled her fingertips up his back. "It's a couple thing. We'll set it on the day we fell in love, which was toward the end of this year." She moved her lips against his fur. "The Goldenrod Aquarium, maybe. That would be so much fun. What do you think? Ear twitch for yes?"

Julie opened an eye to see his glowy ear, her grin growing after it twitched. She closed it again. "I can't wait."