Cathedral of Rats

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Discovering a book with a strange image on the front, two roommates soon learn the consequences of diving head, or snout, first into a new novel.

Pushing 300 hours in Warhammer's Darktide I wanted to match that weird gothic/religious environment . Dunno if I really accomplished it that much, definately something to look at in the future.

I'd be remiss though if I did not mention my inspiration from crimetxt and their amazing work. Particularly these two pieces:

Please give them some love and appreciate their art.

Cathedral of Rats

By Grumb

Crammed in the back of a dark alleyway, separated from the busy street, Theo checked his

phone to make sure the address was correct. He didn't consider himself some professional

thrifter or collector, but when he heard about a store in his university's town specializing in old

books, he knew a visit was warranted.

Without a name lining the building, the only thing beckoning customers to enter was a half

hanging open-sign and a dusty window which showed lights were on. Assuming it was the

correct place, Theo cracked open the heavy door and entered inside.

Transfixed with the chaotic view in front of him, Theo didn't immediately notice the frail old

woman sitting behind a counter. Almost startled with her incredibly old appearance, Theo

stepped over the cluttered floor near the entrance and approached the lady who watched him

with bloodshot eyes.

"Hey, is this the novel thrift store? I'm interested in buying some older books if you got them?"

Theo asked, still nervous with his surroundings and the frail woman.

The lady pointed a long black and blue bruised finger towards the back of the store.

"What you want, is back there"

Taking the hint she was no talker, Theo thanked her and carefully walked towards the back of

the store. As far as he could see, long wooden shelves of clutter and trinkets lined the walls.

Clouded glass cases contained strange rings and jewelry, others showing off a range of curved

knives and daggers. Though most of these things didn't seem all that interesting to him.

Reaching the barely lit back of the store, Theo finally found the endless stacks of books, almost

all layered with dust and cobwebs. Most appeared beyond saving, their covers falling apart or

damp with mildew. Those that were in passable condition offering nothing particularly unique,

simply long pages of long forgotten stories now turned myth and legend. Tales of beasts and

strange magic. These books were thrown aside for Theo had little regard for reading Harry

Potter. After spending nearly half an hour in the store, still unable to find anything, Theo

disappointingly began to head back to the front. On his way back though, a large book left alone

caught Theo's attention.

Sitting in a dark corner, the book appeared different from the other rotting ones. Moving closer,

Theo saw its intricate details which lined a dark binding. A thick green circle with another smaller circle on the inside sat directly in the center of the cover. The green of the two rings glinting ever so slightly, reflecting strongly against Theo's brown eyes.

Thin green lines were cut throughout the cover, all originating from the innermost circle.

Although just some image on the front of a book, the unique glowing greens created the illusion

that the rings were almost moving and pulsating on their own, sending out the green lines

across the cover's front. In the barely lit backroom though, dust literally hanging in the air, Theo

assumed this to be a simple trick of the eye and proceeded to pick up the large object.

What he originally thought was just leather on the cover, quickly changed when he felt short

coarse hairs attached across the wrinkled-skinned binding. The hairs themselves, slick to the

touch, almost matching some rodent one might see near the trash. Having heard about books

covered in literal human skin before though, Theo remained entirely intrigued rather than

disgusted with what he was holding.

Turning the hairy book on its side, no other markings provided hints of its author or contents

inside. The pages stained a dark yellow that Theo only assumed was the result of water

damage. Clumped together into one solid mass, the stuck sheets made it impossible to open

the book no matter how much pressure was applied. Though such pressure was difficult as

Theo's fingers easily slicked across the oily hairs, unable to form a grip. Sliding his now slightly

sticky hands across the circles, Theo noticed how they were slightly raised on the binding,

almost bouncy to the touch. Each prod sending slight shudders and pulses across the book and

its hairs. Quickly snapping himself out of rubbing the book's cover though and somehow

ignoring his new greasy fingers, Theo decided he needed to take this thing home.

Walking to the front of the store, book in hand, Theo noticed the old lady no longer remained at

the counter. Replacing her simply sat a note which read "pay what you can." Throwing a twenty

on the counter, Theo walked out, allowing the door to slam behind him as he quickly walked

back to his apartment.

Keys opening the apartment door, Theo stepped into a smoke filled living room, his roommate

Sean sitting on the couch smoking weed. Theo threw his wallet and keys onto the counter, the

book still in his other hand.

"Hey man, how was the bookstore?" Sean lazily inquired.

"Eh, kind of disappointing to be honest, but I bought this weird thing for 20 bucks," Theo

responded as he threw the book onto the leather ottoman in front of Sean and the couch.

Moving closer to look at the circles on the cover Sean joked, "is this a green donut?" Weed

flavored laughs erupting from him as he asked.

"To be honest man, I don't even know. The book is stuck shut and I think it's binded in some

weird animal skin." Theo said as he sat next to him on the comfy couch.

"You bought a book that doesn't open?" Sean sarcastically teased, his fingers moving down to

touch the thing. Though unlike Theo, Sean's hands immediately recoiled when he felt the slick

sticky hairs across the cover.

"You wasted your money man. This shit is gross," Sean said leaning back into the couch.

"Yea you're probably right. You know how I like this old stuff though. I figured it was worth the

buy," Theo quickly deflected, his eyes looking at the two green circles.

"I just wish I could open the damn thing" he sighed as Theo once again picked it up to inspect

the pages.

The palm of his hand laying against the cover's inner circle, Theo noticed the pages were now

slowly unsticking in the middle. His palm absently pushed into the raised ring, prodding it and

feeling its fleshy texture. Sean looked grossly on, not believing Theo was actually touching this


"I think it's opening man," Theo excitedly yelled as sticky strands emerged between the

releasing discolored pages. Moving his two fingers down, Theo pushed more into the ring,

almost flattening the thick-skinned circle on the cover. Gravity winning against the wet pages

and with a sickly sounding flop, the book finally opened completely into Theo's hands.

Placing it back onto the ottoman, Theo leaned in with Sean to look closer. The book appeared

even larger now that its binding was stretched and laid flat in front of the puzzled boys. The

pages covered with what appeared to be a thin layer of glossy slime that smelled of damp must.

Raised stains randomly marked the inside, almost as if something was allowed to drip and drool

across. A language neither of the boys recognized was madly scribbled in dark red ink


Sticking out the most though was the drawing that snaked throughout the background. Shaded

an array of glowing greens, a strange appendage coiled and curved underneath the foreign

scribbles and stains. Dense membrane ran along what both boys could only assume to be

some freakishly long drawing of a hairless tail. The image almost demanded admiration as Sean

and Theo's blue and brown eyes examined it like a maze. Starting at its broad-fleshed start and

following to its vertically pointed finish, the thin tail's ending pointed to three etched words

centered between the pages, directing the boys to look there.

These words were different from the other scribbles as they were in English and were sliced into

the book rather than painted. Still high from smoking before, Sean slowly read aloud the three

words without warning.

"Cathedral of Rats"

Almost immediately after Sean read the words, the two boys were snapped away. The book

gone. Nothing but slowly fading imprints on the couch and wet stains on the ottoman remaining.

An empty buzz hummed within Sean and Theo's minds for what seemed like hours. They were

nothing. They were nowhere. They didn't exist. Until very suddenly they did. Both boys flopped

hard onto a tiled ground, gasping for breaths desperate for oxygen as if they were underwater.

On all fours, it was Theo who first managed to slowly raise his head and survey his

surroundings in horror. No longer in their living room anymore, they both laid on the floor of a

massive gothic cathedral.

Sean was laying on his chest barely moving. Soft painful groans escaping his mouth every so

often. Theo, still panting, slowly stood up in the darkness to check on his friend. Almost

detecting his movements, large lamps surrounding them exploded with green colored flames,

coating the area in dancing shadows. The area lit, Theo could see his horrible surroundings in

full. Black marbled pillars lined the walls and supported the cathedral's structure. Melting

candles leaked yellow wax upon stacked human skulls. Rows of dirty-stained glass stretched

from the tiled floors to the ceiling where a large cracked fresco, once containing the depiction of

some holy figure, sat cracked and unrecognizable.

Cloaked in green shadows towards the front, standing at the center of an elevated gold plated

altar, was a true eldritch abomination. Theo's mind could only conceptualize this monster as

some gigantic humanoid rat. Clawed feet laid the foundation for its legs and rippled thighs which

supported the creature's massive frame. Stained fur, tinted green from the nearby fires, was

sleek with gloss from a heavy sweat that was constantly produced. It was impossible to admire

anything else on the rat without noticing the incredibly thick-uncut cock which swung between

the rat's massive legs. Supported by two churning nuts, a bulging vein pulsated and throbbed

into the rat's shaft, flaring its enlarging tip to allow cum to slowly drip onto the marble steps.

A chiseled pair of abs lined with a furred happy trail directed any viewer to both its cock and to

the rat's huge bouncing pecs. Plump nipples upon the swollen chest sat fat and swollen with

desire, eager to be squeezed and admired by some new young ratlings. A muscled pair of arms

connected to the creature's broad chest ended in furred padded hands with sharp curved claws.

One hand holding the book Theo bought. The other hand hanging upwards, two fingers pointing

up to the ceiling.

Connected by a neck ripped with muscle sat a furred head facing forward. The rat's long snout

devilishly grinned at the two boys. Wicked stained teeth and two pointed canines hung outside

as the rat's mouth curved into a smile. Gelatinous drips of saliva starting to collect on the rat's

leathery fleshed lips. Sunken black eyes with swirls of green beamed upon the two boys,

desperate to study them further. Upon the monster's furred head, two large cartilage lined ears

flittered with sensations as the creature picked up every sound around its cathedral.

An impossibly long hairless tail connected to the rat, slithered and wormed in the air, somehow

defying gravity. Snaking around with a mind of its own, the tail and its membraned rings flexed

and whipped across, exuding a terrifying energy across the cathedral. Seeing this monstrosity,

part of Theo's mind recognized that this monster's fur matched that from the book cover. The

long tail also identical to the drawing inside.

Recognizing all this, Theo didn't know whether to run in terror leaving behind Sean or try, likely without success, to fight this massive creature. Instead of acting though, Theo simply stood in place, unable to leave the swirling rat's eyes. In an explosion of green light, the same doubled rings on the cover of the book, materialized like magic above the rat. Each circle pulsed, sending out green lines of energy directly towards the two boys. Sean, finally beginning to wake up, was slammed in the face and chest with the lines of green magic before he could even register the creature in front of him. The impact knocking him back down. Theo, able to snap out of his paralysis, quickly ran over to Sean to check if he was ok. Rolling him over, Theo sighed with relief as Sean moaned and opened his eyes. Though such relief quickly turned to dread when Theo noticed Sean's blue eyes now swirled with dazzling green wisps, matching the rats on the altar.

Immediately Sean locked his arms around Theo, locking him in place as the two began

wrestling around the tiled floor.

"What the fuck are you doing Sean," Theo desperately screamed as the two struggled against

each other.

Though no response was given. A goofy grin spread across Sean's lips as he squeezed tighter

and began bucking his hips against his roommate. Theo flushed red with horror and

embarrassment as his former friend grinded against him. All the while, the humanoid rat on the

altar watching on. His fingers commanding the rings of energy above him which continued to

send green energy towards the two boys.

Pushing against his chest, Theo tried with all his strength to separate himself against his larger

roommate. Sean's tongue hung lazily out his mouth as his hips bucked for stimulation, no

recognition for what he was thrusting into as the two boys' bulging members grinded together.

Unable to escape, green waves of magic penetrated Theo as well, a cloud of lust swarming his

confused mind. Fear and horror quickly receded as rational thought slowly chipped away.

Struggling less, Theo thrust against Sean in return, the two locked in an ever aggressive frot.

Eyes swirling a terrible green, Sean pushed his neck forward to meet Theo in a sloppy kiss.

Forgetting all about the book, their apartment, their past preferences of women. Nothing else

mattered. The two boy's tongues met madly together, dancing in each other's mouths as hot

breaths blew across, their minds both swimming in passion and green. Every frot slamming two

strained cocks against each other, desperate to be free from the confines of their stretching


As the boys madly kissed, their tongues swelled in each other's mouths, slathering over teeth

that painfully came to new sharp points. Theo pushed his face away feeling the difference. Sean

now showing off white patches of sleek fur, his face slightly pointing forward. Theo noticed his

own nose increasingly took up space within his vision as he slathered his thick tongue across

his lengthening teeth.

Sean was desperate for more stimulation though and quickly forced himself back into a sloppy

kiss with his roommate. As the two continued rolling along the floor, a powerful odor of musk hit

the two boys' noses as they both worked up a slick sweat. The rat monster on the altar flaring

his large nostrils as he took in the scent of the transforming boys, his own cock beginning to


Theo once again drew his head back from Sean, gasping wildly seeing even more white fur

spreading across his roommate. Sean's former blue eyes now an empty black, swimming wildly

with green swirls. Before Theo could question anything with rational thought, Sean used his

elongated fingers and sharpening fingernails to rip open Theo's shirt with incredible strength.

Released to the sweat soaked air, a thick stained mane emerged underneath.

Sean ripped the remaining shirt off of Theo and threw his own sweatshirt over his head before

going back in. Both boys now sporting a coat of slick matted hair matching the large rat on the

altar. Their snouts increasing in length, basking in each other's delicious musk, grinding their

glossy coats and feeling their damp furs with their new growing claws as the boys' glands

worked overtime to produce corrupting sweat.

Sean and Theo watched each other grow and buckle with pleasure and muscle, saliva dripping

from their finished maws. Admiration and desire swelling their sunken eyes as fur crept up their

faces, ears expanding and moving to the top of furred heads. The only thing separating the new

identical looking rat's being an industrial piercing that stayed in Sean's ear.

Theo's eyes drooped lazy as the sexy whiskered face of a rat emerged before him. Sean,

accepting Theos submission, moved his claws towards his roommate's pants and underwear,

pushing them down to free his fat, swelling cockhead. Theo reciprocated the desire. Both boys

with pants pulled to their expanding furred thighs, once again slammed into each other in hot

passion. Cocks free as they slid and rubbed fur on fur. The boys humped and rolled until Sean

finally felt comfortable and was on top. Both of his claws flat against the tile for stability, Sean

aggressively frotted against his roommate. His ratlike shaft slick with pre, rubbed along the top

of Theo's flared head, sliding all the way down his balls and back up. Tinted cum rubbing into

the boys making them slick and filthy. Their balls pumped and squeezed against each other,

growing fat and plump with green energy and corrupting semen.

Snarling with animalistic passion, Sean slid his corrupted dick even more south. Prodding and

edging Theo's swollen ass desperate to be penetrated. Sean's cock head sliding against his

hole making it quiver and pulse as cum lined the thick flesh. Theo slammed his head back to the

ground, completely overwhelmed with sensations and pleasure which melted his shrinking

brain. His long tongue hanging out his mouth as he panted with desire, desperate to be claimed

by his former friend.

Fur fully spread down their thighs and legs, fully formed rat tails tore their pants and underwear

as the appendages aggressively rubbed and coiled against each other. The hairless tails

twisting as they slithered up and down across one another's thick rings of flesh lining their

sensitive new limbs. Thighs of the two boys became lined with muscle with each grind. Both of

the roommates gifted with plump new asses which shook with each frot.

The large rat stepped down the altar proud of his work as he approached his two new ratlings.

His tail dragged behind him, clawed feet menacingly tapping the tiles as he walked. His cock

impossibly swollen, desperate for suiters as he finally stood over the two smaller rats and took in

their new scents.

On the verge of penetration, Sean and Theo suddenly stopped their mad grind to look up at a

larger fellow rat towering over them. Both were hit with an intoxicating masculine smell of musk

which fogged their ever muddled brains even more. The young rats looked up in admiration and

were met with an incredibly large cock and set of balls which hung lazily in front of their panting


Without question, the two former humans separated from each other and jumped onto this new

dick presented before them. The odor emanating from the organ encouraging them on, Sean

and Theo utilized their bulky new tongues and long snouts to slather and lick at their master's

shaft. Licking away the sweat and cum which lined the throbbing mass before them. Tongues

both lapped over each other as their maws met, resuming their aggressive makeout but this

time, a new plump shaft between them.

The larger rat looked upon his creations, thick pecs almost blocking his maw from view of the

boys who occasionally looked up for approval. The large rat watched his ratling's swirling green

eyes edge them on as they lathered at his veiny appendage. The large tail that floated behind

him before, slid around the two roommates, dragging them in closer. Two of his clawed hands

placed against the back of the young rat's manes, pushing their snouts even closer together,

tongues sliding and idolizing over the pulsating veins.

Pressure within his balls rising as they began to squeeze and churn, the largest rat's swollen shaft was finally ready to bless these boys. The massive dick erupted into a torrent of stained

thick seed onto the two ratlings, coating their already sweat-covered fur and painting their long

snouts with salty corruption. Sean and Theo drunkenly lapped up their master's cum, enjoying

the shower as they continued licking away, getting slick and slippery like the good new rats they

were. Their own clawed hands sneaking down to their own cocks, rutting into their palms with

the slick new cum that dripped down.

After minutes of orgasm, the large rat admired his work as his cock slowly grew limp, though still

maintaining its enormous size. The new ratlings no longer smelled of humans. Their minds both

completely altered to forget their former lives. Their fur dripping and slick with their master's

seed. They were his.

Appreciating their work though, the larger rat felt It was time to allow these new rattlings to enjoy

their new bodies. Being that Sean was the first to submit to the corruption, with a wave of his

two fingers, the rat master allowed the two to continue what he interrupted before, though he'd

be joining in this time. The rat formerly known as Sean pounced back upon Theo to continue

where they left off. Their furs so wet, slick strands of cum pulling at the two as grinds continued.

This time though there was no teasing. Immediately, Sean's lubed cock slammed into Theo.

Their balls aggressively slapping against one another as Sean's long shaft assaulted Theo's

enlarged prostate. Both boys grunting with animalistic groans. Sean, on top of Theo, admired and licked at Theo's muscled pecs as he slammed into his friend's body.

The largest rat couldn't help but notice Theo's new snout missing out. Walking over to the boy,

the rat master squatted over Theo's face, lowering his puckered ass without warning. Theo, in

absolute bliss from his prostate being pounded over and over by his rat brother, was soon met

with a fat hairy ass squatting over him. If his mind retained any knowledge from before, this

pucker would have clicked that it matched the fleshed donut on the cover of the book he bought.

But that Theo didn't exist anymore, instead, his two clawed hands spread his master's hairy

cheeks, thick tongue shooting forward as he shoved his snout deep into a musky puckering

tailhole, drawing in its virile stench.

The three rat's tails tangled against each other as they were collectively pleasured. Their bodies

moving as one as wet flesh entered musky holes, bodies unified in a grind of passionate sex.

Sean's cock unable to hold back anymore, spasmed inside, flaring deep as a wave of cum

slammed into Theo's ass and flushed back outside his hole. At the same time, Theo's dick, stimulated from the first time his prostate has ever been rammed, swelled impossibly large until it too exploded with a torrent of yellow cum. The largest rat flushed with pleasure as he was sloppingly rimmed by Theo's pointed snout, once again blessed the group with another orgasm of thickly stained seed. His cock bouncing up and down across Theo's chin with each torrent of cum that saturated all three of them.

Recovering from their orgy, the rats collapsed in a mass of tails and cum matted furs. Gooning

and panting over each other's pleasures and scents as their rat cocks continued to twitch and

spasm. Each breath drawing in musk, somehow swelling their shafts once again as hips bucked

and minds demanded to be absorbed by pleasure again. As another round began once again,

they only wished they had another brother to join the fun.