New Girl

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Lily, a shy wolf girl, braves her first day at an all-prey school.

So, it's been a little while. Sorry about that. Have a story.

WARNING: This story contains rape, humiliation and abuse.

Lily came to the suburbs at the end of summer, only a few days ahead of the coming school year. Her father had been transferred at work.

They hadn't gone very far, only to the other side of the state, but Lily still felt entirely displaced. This was the first time in her life that she had moved anywhere. The farewells of her friends back home (if that was the right thing to call it now) still rang in her ears.

The neighborhood they'd moved into was shady and quiet, occupying the lee of a shallow hill. It had been built a long time ago and most of the houses were made of brick and wood, with Victorian facades and sweeping front verandas. Lily's front garden was enclosed by a decorative black iron fence. Even the name of their suburb was a bit old fashioned; Brindleton. It all made her feel as though she had stepped into a period drama where everyone wore lace and monocles.

Concerning the neighbors, Lily had only met a few of them and could not for the life of her remember their names. There was so much other stuff to focus on; unpacking and getting ready for school and trying her very hardest not to panic when thinking of how different everything had suddenly become.

The only thing that had caught Lily's attention was the way they looked at her, and even this held a banal familiarity. It was obvious enough that she had been adopted; her parents were both deer and she was not. Adoption was ordinary, of course, but the fact that her parents had adopted a wolf always gave people pause.

Lily was tall even for what she was, her sleek frame covered with shaggy black fur. She had a great big brush of a tail and two enormous pointy ears that flicked and twitched at the slightest sound. Her eyes were the color of a low candle flame, her teeth sharp and white. Lily supposed that she couldn't blame people for staring, but the fact that they could never hide their surprise and fear always made her insides twist.

And, though Lily felt guilty for thinking this, she was also lonely. Every single one of the neighbors she'd met so far had been prey species, mostly rabbits, and all of the streets in Brindleton followed the same herbivorous naming scheme; she lived on Alfalfa Drive, which joined into Buttermilk Lane, which was right next to Clover Avenue. So on and so forth.

But there was no point dwelling on any of that. As she unpacked her things and paced the confines of her new room (she had chosen an upstairs bedroom with a view of the front garden down below), Lily repeated the same mantra to herself over and over again. This was her senior year of high school and thus her last year at home. With any luck she would make some friends at this new school, maybe even people she'd go on to attend university with. She had to make the best of this, no matter what.

It didn't really make her feel any better, but Lily managed to put on a brave face through dinner. Her father seemed very happy and chatted on about what he'd be doing at work. She went to bed early, then lay in the dark and watched the last traces of sunset fade behind her curtains, replaced by the pale glow of faraway city lights.

It took her some time to fall asleep.

Lily awoke to the blare of her alarm clock, brushed her teeth, combed her fur and went to get dressed. Her new school didn't have uniforms but did recommend that students dress plainly. No shirts with graphics, no short skirts or tight shorts, nothing that exposed shoulders or midriff. No tail ribbons either, which was a bit of a shame. It took her some time to decide on what to wear. Though, rationally, Lily knew that she would look perfectly fine in almost anything, she couldn't shake the idea that she needed to make a good first impression. She was alone in a strange place. Friends would be a necessity. Once her outfit was selected she traced golden glitter onto her whiskers so they would catch the light, then took a calming breath and examined herself critically in the bathroom mirror.

"Ready." Lily announced to herself. She sounded a lot steadier than she felt.

Her father was looking through his briefcase when she came downstairs, going over pens, thumb-drives and folios with laminated cover pages.

"Good morning." He said distractedly. Lily kissed him on the cheek, then settled down at the kitchen table. They'd brought all of the furniture from their old home, but having it oriented within a different room felt strange. The kitchen had a view out into the front garden, gauzy white lace curtains drawn loosely across a broad window over the brass kitchen sink.

Everything that had come with the house was charmingly vintage; the huge iron stove plated with white enamel and the refrigerator done up in a startling shade of midcentury red. There was even a landline telephone with a rotary dial mounted on the wall, though it was no longer connected to anything.

Lily's mother, coming from the kitchen, looked her over and feigned surprise.

"What's the occasion?" She asked.

Lily shuffled in place, wondering if perhaps she had overdone her outfit. She'd worn a proper dress, knee length and made from dark blue satin. A white sash hugged tight around her waist, with bows at the front and back. Little gold stars had been embroidered all across the fabric and the pale streak of a comet cut across her left thigh.

"Is it too much?" She asked.

"Of course not," her mother said. "You look beautiful."

"Very lovely, Lily." Her father agreed, shutting his briefcase with a snap. There was a streak of gold glimmering at the edge of his left ear, where her whiskers had brushed him.

Lily smiled wanly. Her father was dressed sharply as well. She'd hardly ever seen him wear a full suit back home, but this new job clearly had different standards. He rose from the table and took a deep breath.

"I'm off," he announced. "Have a good day, everyone."

"Knock 'em dead." Lily said with all the cheer she could muster.

She ate her breakfast without tasting it. Her mother worked from home and so didn't have to go anywhere in a hurry, but her mind was still clearly elsewhere.

"Good luck." She said, then kissed Lily between the ears. Lily had to bend down in order for her mother to reach. It felt as though she'd outgrown both of her parents in a very short time. There were pictures (still packed up for the most part) of them all together where she'd been a little fluffy black thing. Now she had to crouch in order to fit in family portraits.

The one photo that had already been recovered from the moving boxes was both charming and embarrassing. It had been taken when she was very young and showed her lying on her back in the living room, chewing contentedly on one of her father's shed antlers. Back home it had sat upon the mantlepiece, above a small electric fireplace. Now it hung above a real, functioning hearth. Lily had seen her father looking at articles online about how to check a flue for blockages and what types of wood to burn for the coziest winter fires.

Thinking about little details like this made her feel slightly more relaxed, less apprehensive about the future.

School was only a few streets over, so Lily didn't hurry as she walked through her neighborhood. It was late enough in the summer that the morning chill had an autumnal edge to it and some of the leaves on the taller deciduous trees were beginning to gain hints of extra color. Everything smelled sharp and clean.

There were people readying for their own commutes and a few of them stared as she passed...then quickly pretended to be doing anything but when she looked their way. Nobody stopped her or asked if she was in the right neighborhood, thank goodness, but the feeling of their gazes was hard to ignore. Lily had always been told to square her shoulders and stand proud, but the pressure of doing that all the time and under all circumstances weighed on her.

She took a deep breath and kept walking.

Lily's new school was called Alfalfa High, a pastoral name to suit a very quaint, pleasant looking campus. The main building was made from brick, morning glory vines crawling up the walls. Before it a grassy playing field was dotted with students, most of them crowded onto a set of metal bleachers. Perhaps half of the students were rabbits, other prey species making up nearly all the rest. There were certainly no other wolves or large predators to speak of. Lily had been expecting this, but it still made her feel lonely.

The fact that people had noticed her approach and were watching didn't help. She could see clusters of rabbits leaning conspiratorially into one another, exchanging whispers and suspicious glances. As she drew near to the bleachers Lily became aware that a space was developing around her, students edging away like iron filings repelled by the wrong end of a magnet. Nobody was doing it conspicuously, but for all the forced nonchalance Lily remained very aware of the attention she had drawn.

A terrible, cold feeling settled into the pit of her stomach. Suddenly she felt upset at herself for fussing over her dress. The gilt lines of her whiskers began to tremble and Lily had to work in order to keep her ears from pinning back. Should she say something? Introduce herself? If so, to who? What if nobody answered?

Then, before she could worry any further, Lily heard a voice at her elbow.

"Hey," it said. "You must be new."

Lily glanced down, caught by surprise. There, right next to her, was a sleek, sandy furred rabbit. She'd approached silently and stood casually posed, looking Lily over with dark eyes that showed not the slightest hint of surprise or unease. She wore what looked almost like a tennis outfit, a white blouse tucked into flared cream colored shorts. They displayed a long, enticing length of toned, fluffily furred thigh.

"Oh, um, yes," Lily stammered, quickly shifting her gaze to politer environs. It took her a moment to remember her manners. "...My name is Lily." She stuck out one paw, hoping desperately that this wasn't too formal.

"Charmed," said the rabbit. "I'm Phoebe." Though she only came up to Lily's sternum, Phoebe possessed surprising strength. Her handshake was so firm it almost hurt.

Now that she was speaking to someone, Lily felt a great deal calmer. Indeed, most of the gazes had shifted away. Some of her classmates were still watching and waiting (for what?), but this was manageable.

"I've come from Abbott Bay," Lily said. "My dad got a job here in the city, so we've only just moved in..."

"On Alfalfa Drive." Phoebe finished for her.

Lily had to work not to look surprised. Brindleton was a fairly small community and people had certainly seen the moving truck. Still, a hint of her startlement must have shown through for Phoebe laughed. It was a nice sound and put a warm, fizzy feeling through Lily's center.

"Yes," she said bashfully. "The red brick building right next to--"

The school bell rang before she could say anything more. Slowly, the mass of students on the playing field began to move, chatter giving way to groans and grumbles.

"It'll be orientation today," Phoebe said, slipping her paw companionably into Lily's. "Stick with me and you might just make it out alive."

Lily stammered something that may have been an affirmative, a hot blush reddening the insides of her ears and turning her heart over upon itself. Butterflies filled her stomach (or, this felt more akin to a vast migratory cloud of big orange monarchs) and for a long, wonderfully nervous moment all she could focus on was the feeling of Phoebe's paw squeezing hers.

She is just being friendly, do not read anything into this. Lily said very firmly to herself, but even then the warmth at her center did not go away. Slowly, she dared let her eyes drift lower, to the snowy white fluff of Phoebe's tail and the round swell of her...

"Alright, first class of the day is history," Phoebe said, her eyes coming back around for an instant. "Y'know, just in case you were still feeling glad to be alive."

Lily made sure that her gaze was focused only on polite areas (alas...) and followed her new friend.

It was a very ordinary classroom that she walked into; neat rows of desks and a smart-board at the front of the room, portraits of famous historical figures lining the walls. The teacher was a lop-eared rabbit, her brown fur speckled with gray. She had her back to the class and was writing an introduction on the digital surface of the smart-board with a stylus.

Mrs. Thistledown, National History 101

Before Lily could summon the courage to introduce herself, Phoebe guided her to the back of the classroom. Lily followed, trying not to focus on just how long the walk felt, and the pressure of eyes upon her. Her classmates had begun to murmur to each other again, their tone not entirely friendly.

The back of the classroom was good, Lily supposed. This way she wouldn't be blocking anyone's view. And they'd have to turn around in order to stare at her.

Phoebe flumped into her seat in a very rabbity sort of way and tapped the desk next to hers, even this casual little invitation putting a pleasant flutter through Lily's middle. She tried to sit, only to realize that her knees wouldn't fit under the desk. A flush of embarrassed worry filled her.

"Welcome, class," said Mrs. Thistledown, turning from her task. "Today..." Immediately, Lily felt the older rabbit's eyes fix upon her and saw a moment's startlement worm its way across the teacher's face before she was able to recover. "...Today we have a new student joining us from Abbott Bay. If you would please introduce yourself."

Lily disentangled herself from her desk and stood awkwardly in the center aisle, aware as she did that, once again, a bubble of empty space had developed around her. There was Phoebe to her left, then empty desks ahead and to her right. Like she had something contagious.

"Um, hi," she said, and just barely remembered not to show her teeth when she smiled. Her tail had drooped straight down and was dangerously close to worming between her legs. The pleasant flutters in her stomach had turned abruptly to ice. "My name is Lily..."

"If you would speak up, please." Mrs. Thistledown prompted. The halfway hidden fright on her face had crystallized into an anxious little smile.

"My name is Lily Hart," said Lily. As she spoke she felt oddly constrained, the classroom tiny and claustrophobic. She hadn't noticed before but the ceiling was only a few inches removed from the tips of her ears. It felt oddly like she had strayed into someplace artificial and absolutely not meant for her. "I, um..."

At that moment the classroom door swung open and a pair of new figures entered; a sleek deer with ochre fur and bone-white antlers, and a brown rabbit with black spots dappling his fur.

Lily quickly sat back down in the instant that the class's attention was off of her, but still could not get her legs under the desk. She had to sit at a crooked, almost sideways angle, her knees jutting out into the aisle. Phoebe regarded her struggles with silent amusement.

"Sorry." The stragglers said in near unison, though neither sounded like they meant it.

Mrs. Thistledown sniffed.

"This is the last time I shall excuse tardiness." She said primly, then motioned for the two to take their seats.

Beside her, Lily saw Phoebe straighten in her seat and then beckon subtly for the stragglers to come join her at the back. Were they friends of hers? She wanted to ask, but again the class was looking at her, watching to see what would happen.

For an almost imperceptible instant they paused at the head of the classroom, but the gazes of the deer and the rabbit felt different than the rest of her classmates. When they looked at her it felt oddly, almost uncomfortably as though she were being sized up.

They came forward and settled into the empty desks, the deer in front of her and the rabbit to her right side. They set down their book bags with a matching set of heavy thumps.

"Guys, this is Lily," said Phoebe, sticking one foot out across the aisle to tap Lily on the thigh. "She's just moved to town."

"Alfalfa Drive, right?" The deer asked, turning around in his chair.

This time Lily managed not to feel surprised, though a sense of awkwardness still prevailed. She wished that her legs were tucked away.

"Yes..." She began to say, then Mrs. Thistledown cleared her throat.

"Ms. Hart," she said. "Is there something more you wish to share with the rest of the class?"

Lily hesitated a moment, hating the way her ears had pinned. She hoped that nobody saw how her whiskers were trembling.

"No, ma'am..." She began to mumble, then Phoebe suddenly stood.

"Lily was just saying how she'd like a proper desk." The rabbit said, her voice clear and confident.

Lily blinked, caught off guard, but before she could put any energy into feeling worried or embarrassed, Phoebe glanced at her out of the corner of one dark eye and winked.

A warm, lovely fizz of purest adoration filled her from tail to tip and Lily felt oddly as though she had begun to float. Her tail began to twitch and she felt suddenly glad that it was trapped against the back of her seat, otherwise surely everyone would notice.

Mrs. Thistledown blinked, regarded the back of the classroom for a disgruntled moment, then let out a sharp sigh.

"I suppose something can be arranged after class." She said, then turned back to the smart-board and pulled up a copy of the year's curriculum. As she fussed over it, Lily dared look to Phoebe.

"You didn't have to..." She began to say, but was only met by a tiny shake of Phoebe's head.

"I thought you'd be more wolfish." The rabbit said.

Lily blinked, not sure how to take this. Phoebe hadn't sounded disappointed, exactly, but...

"Hazel." Said the deer suddenly, and Lily realized that he was introducing himself, one hoof held politely out. She delicately shook, doing her best not to convey any sort of frightening predatory strength.

Hazel was a different kind of deer than her parents, his coat reddish and his build more slight. There were little silver wires wound tight around his antlers.

"Nice to meet you." Lily said quietly, trying her best not to alert Mrs. Thistledown.

"And I'm Buckthorn." Said the rabbit, extending a paw across the aisle. He betrayed no nerves or worry in looking at her, but somehow Lily felt no relief from this. There was an odd intensity to the Buckthorn's gaze and he seemed to be staring straight through her, or at least the part of her that was meant to be treated like another person.

For an instant Lily found herself caught between relief and a strange sense of unease, though at what she could not fully determine.

It was very easy to allow the relief to win out. No matter the bad qualities of the day, she had friends now. Friends!

And Phoebe...

Before she could think on this any further, Mrs. Thistledown turned to face the class.

"History is a living subject," she began. "All around you are the consequences of history, of decisions made by your ancestors in the past. To help demonstrate this, you shall all bring an artifact of your family's past into class. Buckthorn, I hope you have not forgotten."

"Nope." The rabbit said proudly, then fetched his schoolbag and headed for the front of the room with a bounce in his step.

At once Lily felt badly uncertain, almost panicked. She thought she'd read the entire school curriculum, but...

"Relax," Phoebe said, sounding halfway amused. "It's one person every day. You probably won't get picked for a few weeks."

"Something from my family's past?" Lily asked uncertainly, wondering if she'd heard that correctly. Phoebe just smiled.

At the front of the classroom Buckthorn turned to face his peers with a showman's flourish.

"My grandfather was a police officer in the city, and when he died he left a bunch of his old equipment in a box in the attic." The rabbit announced.

Out from his schoolbag Buckthorn withdrew a black leather muzzle and held it up by the straps so that everyone could see. There were deep claw-marks scored into the leather. Immediately, Lily's nose filled with the scent of blood and her stomach clenched tight. As though prompted by some silent cue, every single face in the classroom turned to look at her.

"This is a restraint..." Buckthorn began to explain, but then Mrs. Thistledown stepped alongside him, wearing an expression on her face that was at once a reassuring smile and a pained wince.

"We all recognize these objects as belonging to the past," she said in a placative tone, trying to guide the class's attention back to her. "Where they were most famous for being used in certain ways against certain types of people..."

"It was very brutal and bad," Buckthorn said with dutiful seriousness. "And it's all illegal now. The muzzles, at least." He dropped the terrible implement back into his schoolbag, showed off a pair of handcuffs instead (and a bag made of fine metal mesh meant to keep detainees from using their claws), and at once it was as though a spell had been broken. Lily was very relieved when her classmates returned their attention to the front of the room.

Not that a few didn't keep staring. And whispering. At one point Phoebe surreptitiously passed a drawing showing a crowd of terrified rabbits running from a bloodthirsty wolf, but this only made Lily feel even worse.

The rest of class went by quickly and Lily all but leapt from her chair when the bell rang. Mrs. Thistledown grumpily promised to find her a bigger desk and then she was off to the comforting boredom of trigonometry, where everyone was too stultified to stare at her all that much.

"So your parents are deer, right?" Hazel asked as they left trigonometry. It was the start of the lunch hour and Lily could see students scattering all across the playing field and rushing off campus. Suddenly the school building itself felt very empty.

"Yes..." Lily said cautiously.

"That explains it." Said Phoebe.

"Explains what?"

"Why you aren't very wolfy," the rabbit said, as though this should have been obvious. "Do they feed you vegetables at home instead of meat? I bet they don't even let you have fish."

Lily sighed, feeling suddenly less charmed by Phoebe's brazenness.

"I eat fish." She said quietly.

"I don't smell fish in your lunch." Phoebe teased.

Lily shifted uncomfortably, not wanting to admit that she had brought a peanut butter sandwich and an orange. Not a very predatory meal, sure, but what did diet have to do with her being a wolf?

"Come on, I want to try something." Phoebe said before Lily could think any further on this, then took her paw and tugged her down the hallway. Once more Lily felt warm and floaty, though the underlying current of apprehension at the pit of her stomach would not go away.

Buckthorn and Hazel exchanged a look, then followed.

They went to the gymnasium, empty and silent but for the echoey click of Phoebe's claws upon the polished hardwood. Lily glanced uncertainly around herself, at the bleachers and the basketball hoops. The school team (the Aurochs) had last won a championship sometime in the middle of the previous decade. The blue silk banners hanging from the rafters were dull with dust.

"What are...?" Lily began to ask but Phoebe presented a sharp edged smile and the butterflies so overwhelmed her that she could not hope to speak.

"Everyone's gone, right?" Hazel asked.

"No gym during orientation." Buckthorn confirmed.

They crossed the gym floor and came to the equipment room. It was a large space and surprisingly neatly kept; racks of basketballs and gymnastic mats stacked against the far wall, beside heaps of jump-ropes. It smelled of rubber, dust and soap.

"Phoebe, what are we doing?" Lily asked again, managing to find her words. The tip of her tail had begun to swish and she worried that the heat suffusing her face had begun to show straight through her fur.

"An orientation within an orientation," Phoebe said vaguely, pulling Lily to the center of the room, where one of the rubber gymnastic mats had fallen from its pile. "Relax. You'll like this."

Hazel and Buckthorn followed, shutting the door behind them. Buckthorn set down his schoolbag and stretched, wearing a smile of his own.

"You good?" He asked the deer. Hazel nodded, a bit too sharply. He seemed tense, though Lily couldn't think why.

"We're all alone," Phoebe said, tugging Lily's attention back to her. "Now you can be as much of a wolf as you'd like. Nobody will be the slightest bit afraid of you."

Lily stared down to where Phoebe's paws were joined with hers, all too aware of just how fast her heart was beating. So this was what the rabbit meant by an 'orientation'.

"I'm always a wolf, Phoebe," Lily said gently. "If you mean that I'm hiding my fangs or..."

"Hiding your fangs, hunching down so you don't look so tall, cringing from every stare, etcetera," Phoebe let out a breath. "You shouldn't have to do any of that. And in here you don't."

Lily blinked, tried to speak, then became aware that the fur on her tail had fluffed out and her whiskers were trembling.

"Start by wagging your tail," Phoebe suggested with a smile. "I saw you stopping yourself in class."

Lily laughed, simultaneously embarrassed and happy. It felt nearly as though she'd been released from a set of shackles. Her tail, fluffy and crackling with static, swished out and across, brushing Hazel's arm and thwacking against the stack of gym mats.

Phoebe was right. It felt good to cut loose, to allow a part of her herself to be unconstrained. Perhaps the rest would be fine as well. After all, it was just...

Well...Hazel and Buckthorn were there too, but they seemed comfortable. Even Hazel seemed to have gotten past his moment of uncertainty.

"I wish I had a long tail like that." Buckthorn said, leaning casually against the wall.

"You haven't had your tail caught in a door yet." Said Lily. The rabbit smirked.

"Aww, look at you, you're having fun," Phoebe cooed, then leaned back on her heels and dragged Lily closer. At once they were practically nose to nose. "Now show me those fangs."

Lily smiled bashfully and, almost despite herself, felt her lips draw back. She could see the sharp white gleam of her teeth reflected tinily in Phoebe's eyes and thought for a moment that surely the rabbit would flinch away, but Phoebe only smiled, seeming deeply satisfied.

"Terrifying," she pronounced, then looked to Buckthorn and Hazel. "Don't you think?"

"Oooh." Buckthorn said with a grin, waving his paws.

Lily clicked her teeth together, feeling simultaneously shivery, embarrassed and a little bit pleased with herself. Phoebe smiled, so widely that her eyes went narrow and her ears fluttered.

"I need a picture of this." She decided, and already had her phone out before Lily could think of how to answer. The rabbit turned on her toes like a dancer and reeled herself close, their paws still entwined and now pressed against Phoebe's chest.

Lily could feel the steady rhythm of the rabbit's heart, so calm and regular compared to the hectic thud of hers. Her fur had begun to puff out in odd little clumps and chilly ripples of static went racing along the length of her tail and down her arms.

Though she had never much liked having her picture taken, it seemed strangely easy now to relax and smile, to not worry at all about the gleam of her teeth and the predatory bearing of her very form.

"Ready?" Phoebe asked, then stood tall on her toes and snuggled herself back against Lily. For a moment there was nothing, Phoebe angling her phone this way and that, searching for the perfect picture, then the rabbit glanced casually back. "...By the way, I love what you've done with your whiskers."

Lily blinked, felt her tail wag and the edges of her smile tug bashfully out. Phoebe's phone-camera flashed. There they were on the phone's screen; Phoebe grinning fiercely at the beholder and then...

"Oh no." Lily groaned. Her dress had come out okay and her whiskers gleamed like tiny threads of molten gold, but the camera's levels had clearly not known what to do with the deep blackness of her fur. She looked like an inky void, interrupted only by jagged white fangs and then the menacing yellow of her eyes. Were it not for Phoebe's paw clasping hers, the selfie could have been a frame clipped from a horror movie. Some dreadful creature sneaking up on the heroine.

And yet, Phoebe smiled and then bounced happily in place.

"You look awesome!" She exclaimed.

Lily blinked, broken from her thoughts. Hazel and Buckthorn had come to look as well and the deer whistled through his teeth.

"I wish I had fangs." He said.

"Go overseas. Steal a set from a water deer," Buckthorn suggested, sneaking a red rubber dodgeball off of its rack. "And think fast!" He whipped the ball at his friend and Hazel staggered awkwardly back, the dodgeball suddenly caught between the prongs of his antlers.

"Oh, you...!" He leapt after Buckthorn and the two went tumbling over a stack of gymnastics mats, jostling a pommel horse and bringing some of the jump-ropes clattering to the floor.

"Y'know, last class of the day is art," Phoebe said, tugging Lily's attention back to her. "There's a photography segment that I like but have never been any good at. Maybe with your help..." The rabbit favored her with a meaningful look.

Lily shifted from foot to foot, stewing in a strange brew of delight, awkward worry and purest embarrassment. Some element of her worry must have been apparent, for Phoebe's expression softened.

"Also, it might be nice foregoing landscapes or birds or whatever in favor of something that I actually enjoy looking at." The rabbit added with perfect nonchalance.

Lily stared, tongue-tied. Her tail swished once, jaggedly, and her ears performed an awkward flop out to the sides.

"Oh, um, I..." This was about the most coherent thing she could manage.

Phoebe took a step back and raised her phone again. Lily showed her teeth and this time it wasn't hard at all to smile.

The borders of the world seemed to have pulled inward, leaving only the two of them. Lily smiled and posed and slowly warmed to the attention being lavished upon her. The equipment room hardly provided the best backdrop for pictures of any kind but Phoebe didn't seem to care. She drew nearer and nearer with each picture, until they wee once again practically nose to nose.

"Sit down, I want to try something." The rabbit said.

Lily sat obediently on the mat in the center of the room, worn black rubber creaking beneath her. She had to still her tail with a paw, lest it wag uncontrollably. Following Phoebe's orders felt very natural now and, though Lily wasn't sure if she enjoyed the idea of looking so dark and formidable, the fact that Phoebe did was more than enough to ease her own reservations.

She expected the other girl to take more pictures, but instead Phoebe stepped forward, startlingly near, and then flopped down to sit in Lily's lap, straddling her waist.

Lily froze, her heart turning over and a nervous, uncomprehending shock nearly spilling her over onto her back. Her tail tugged free from beneath her fingers and went jittering back and forth across the mat in uneven arcs.

"Phoebe..." Lily tried to say, but her mouth was too dry and it felt suddenly as though every bit of breath had been knocked from her lungs. The other girl was astonishingly light but the sheer fact of her presence, so warm and soft and near, had a paralyzing effect.

Surely now she was blushing through her fur.

"Look at you," Phoebe said softly, her tone almost proud. "A real wolf." Her paws came up, stroking through the thick ruff of black fur around Lily's neck and rising to frame her ears. Lily squirmed but made no move to pull away. Phoebe smiled and the sight of her lips, so soft and enticingly pink, pushed a spasm of hot, overwhelming need through every fiber of Lily's being.

She thought for a moment that the rabbit might be about to kiss her, but when Phoebe leaned in the angle wasn't right and Lily found her nose pressed instead into the soft sandy fur where Phoebe's neck and shoulder joined. She smelled lavender perfume and felt the minute tremor of the other girl's pulse, then the tension of muscles as Phoebe stroked her ears, keeping her pressed close.

Lily let out a shivery breath, not sure at all what to do. The moment felt delicately balanced, as though a single twitch in the wrong direction might bring everything crashing down.

"That thing I want to try might sound a little freaky, and you can say no if you want..." Phoebe sounded uncharacteristically nervous for a moment, the rabbit steadying herself with a sharp little breath. "I kinda want to feel your fangs. On my neck."

Lily blinked, caught completely off guard. Anxious, uncomfortable shivers twisted at the bottom of her stomach. She tried to turn her head to look Phoebe in the eyes, but the rabbit tensed just enough to hold her in place. The rapid thrum of her heart had acquired an uneven, not entirely pleasant edge...but still Lily didn't dare pull away.

"You want me to...?" She couldn't bring herself to say the rest. _Bite. _

Very bad. A dreadful thing she had been told all of her life never, ever to do. She kept her eyes fixed upon Phoebe's shoulder, the delicate, vulnerable place where the other girl's life pulsed just below the skin.

"Not enough to hurt," Phoebe said reassuringly. "Just..." She laughed and stroked behind Lily's ears, drawing her ever nearer.

Lily opened her mouth just a little. She meant to say something, or she thought she did, but Phoebe squirmed closer and suddenly Lily could taste the other girl and feel fur parting under her fangs, delicate lapine skin grazed by predatory teeth. The rabbit let out a shivery, delighted gasp and Lily felt suddenly transfixed by a rush of old instincts, peculiar to her species. They tightened the muscles at the hinges of her jaw and made every bit of her feel alive and tense and wonderfully dangerous.

A tiny pop of salt and iron hit her tongue, warm and indescribably vital. For a surreal instant she wanted to go further, to see what might happen if her fangs were hilted to the gum in warm, quivering flesh, but then an icy shock of alarm pierced the predator's veil and Lily pulled sharply away, her jaws clicking shut like a trap.

She could see the outline of her teeth marking Phoebe's neck, the rabbit's fur dark with saliva and then a single bright floret of crimson. Lily shivered, all but overcome by a bizarre mixture of longing and horror.

"Wow." Phoebe said. She rolled her shoulder, then traced one finger delicately across the outlines of the bite.

"Are you...?" Lily began to ask, but was too stricken with worry and shame even to finish the question. Phoebe smirked and took her left paw, pressing it over the bite. Beneath the dampness and mussed fur, Lily felt a ring of rising welts. The single spot where her fang had broken skin had already stopped bleeding.

"I'll live." Phoebe said lightly.

"I really didn't mean to hurt you." Lily said, unable to keep from sounding relieved. Phoebe didn't answer, only smiled and laughed to herself. The rabbit's attention seemed to have turned somewhere else.

"You're a wolf now," she said. "For real."

Whether it was the nerves or the adrenaline or simply the lingering sensation of Phoebe's very essence under her teeth, Lily leaned in and tried to kiss her. It didn't matter if the surroundings weren't exactly romantic, or if her teeth were still pink with rabbit's blood. The moment felt right, and--

Phoebe put up a paw and pressed it lightly against Lily's muzzle, halting her.

"What are you doing?" She asked. There was a little smile on the rabbit's face, sharp and not entirely friendly.

Lily blinked, a distant part of herself going suddenly cold. She couldn't think of how to answer.

Phoebe slid off of her lap and stood. Her paw slipped away, the tips of her claws not so accidentally stinging Lily's nose, making her flinch back.

"Did you just try to kiss me?" The rabbit asked. There was a dangerous quality to the question. Slowly, Lily rose. The atmosphere in the equipment room had changed in an instant to something charged and unpleasant. Hazel and Buckthorn watched the little exchange carefully, as though they had known it was coming.

"I-I misread the moment," Lily stammered. Every bit of warmth and joy within her had curdled. "I'm very sorry, I didn't..."

"Not like the desperate, lonely dyke vibes were super subtle." Buckthorn said, a nasty grin creeping onto his face.

Phoebe smirked. Whatever (delusional?) bits of hope Lily had retained that perhaps this was a misunderstanding all fell to ash.

"Still super sad," the rabbit shook her head, almost pityingly. "We try to be nice to her and she acts like a pred."

Lily shivered, ashamed of the tears which prickled hotly at the corners of her eyes.

"I'll go." She mumbled, but already Buckthorn and Hazel had put themselves between her and the door. Slowly, the first curls of real fear began to prickle within her.

"Nah..." Phoebe boosted herself onto the pommel horse and sat, legs crossed and her phone out. "You're gonna stay right there, 'cause if you don't..." She cocked her head, showing off the damp ring of mussed fur at the side of her neck. The tiny splash of blood was still horribly bright. Casually, Phoebe took a selfie, showing off the damage.

Lily stared, feeling strangely as though she had been lifted from her own body and was now watching all of this happen to someone else.

"You asked me to." She said weakly. Uselessly.

"I don't remember that," Phoebe said with an affected shrug. "...Maybe I should've known better, coming to an empty room with a wolf. Good thing Bucky and Hazel came looking, otherwise I might've been in trouble when you bit me."

Again Lily looked to the equipment room door. Her fur had risen straight and a sour, metallic taste filled the back of her mouth. A colorless, shimmery border closed tight around the edges of her vision, seeming to narrow all the world into a tight, claustrophobic tunnel; her on one end and Phoebe on the other.

"I didn't do that!" Lily blurted, unable to keep the tears out of her voice.

Phoebe turned her phone around. Lily saw herself on the screen, adopting a predatory pose, the detail of her fur blacked out by the camera flash and her teeth glowing like phosphorus. Phoebe had giggled while taking the photo. She'd felt...

Fuck how she'd felt.

"Who do you think they'll believe?" Phoebe asked sweetly.

Lily stared. The corners of her vision had gone kaleidoscopic with tears and she realized, distantly, that she'd begun to tremble.

"What do you want from me?" She asked haltingly. At the back of her mind were voices demanding that she run, consequences be damned. Run all the way back home so she could be with her parents. They'd help her. But then what? Her eyes kept returning to Phoebe's neck.

How could she have been so stupid? Buckthorn's voice, cruel and dismissive, played again in her mind. Stupid, desperate dyke.

It took her a moment to realize that Phoebe was speaking.

"Oh, nothing much," the rabbit said with false nonchalance. "An apology would be a good start."

Lily gritted her teeth, burning up with humiliation and shame, but didn't dare let this show. Maybe if she played along, just enough to satisfy the whims of her new tormentors, then there would be an opportunity to escape.

"I'm sorry..." She began to mumble, but Hazel spoke over her.

"On your knees," he ordered. "Actually...roll over onto your back. Like a good wolf."

Buckthorn laughed and gave the deer an approving glance. Lily hesitated, tail shivering and ears tightly pinned. She didn't want to move, to place herself in such a vulnerable position, like some dumb beast showing blind submission...

"Good girls hurry up when they're given an order." Phoebe said mockingly, breaking Lily from her thoughts. She felt the fur along her spine bristle and felt, for the first time, a flare of anger.

It lasted only a moment, then the rest of her quailed and it guttered shamefully out like a candle flame extinguished by a gale. Before her, Lily saw Buckthorn rifle through his schoolbag before withdrawing the muzzle. She groaned, the noise low and pitiable.

Buckthorn tossed it to her, Lily fumbling the awful implement against her chest. She hadn't been imagining things, it really did smell like blood.

"And put that on too." He demanded.

Lily looked between her tormentors, searching desperately for some flicker of compassion or doubt. Some sign that they might be kidding. That this was all somehow a misguided prank.

"What are you waiting for, pred?" Phoebe asked.

Buckthorn patted his schoolbag.

"I could throw in the cuffs too if you want," he suggested with calm malice, then glanced sidelong to Phoebe. "Maybe she's kinky."

Lily stared at him, caught between startlement and disgust. She let a slow, unhappy breath hiss from between her teeth, then sank slowly to her knees. Best not to let things get any worse than they had to. If she played along...

If you play along they will be emboldened. A voice insisted, but Lily couldn't find the courage within herself to listen to it. She thought back, for an instant, to how thrilled and dangerous she'd felt with her teeth at Phoebe's throat. She was stronger than Buckthorn and Hazel. Stronger especially than Phoebe. They'd stop smiling real quick if she threw them across the room.


She'd be locked up for sure if she did that.

"Hurry up." Hazel insisted, nudging her with one foot.

Lily stared into the darkness of the muzzle, the bands of old leather and the claw marks which scored the material, made by desperate prisoners just like her. She took a bracing breath, screwed her eyes shut, then put it on. The smell of blood and dust filled her nose and immediately she felt her jaws constrained, her mouth only able to open a fraction of an inch.

Immediately, Buckthorn came up behind her and Lily felt a knee press into the small of her back, forcing her forward. She fell with a startled yelp, Buckthorn doing up the muzzle's straps with practiced paws. His knee ground against her spine and Lily was unable to suppress a whimper. It was all she could do not to flail back and try to catch him with her claws. At last the rabbit stood.

"Better," he said haughtily, then jammed his toes into her ribs, hard enough to sting. "Now roll over."

Lily reluctantly obeyed, her breath coming in sharp, frightened bursts. She touched the edges of the muzzle with her paws, alarmed by just how tightly it was molded to her face. The leather tugged at her fur and she felt prickles of pain all along her muzzle where her whiskers had been bent. It was hard to breathe, every sip of air hot and bloody, as though she were standing at the mouth of an ancient abattoir.

Buckthorn stood over her, bouncing on his toes in an infuriatingly rabbity manner. His smile was razor sharp and sadistic.

"You're probably the first pred that thing's been on in forty years." He said with a laugh.

Lily let out a slow breath, shivering with humiliation, her chest squeezed by iron bands of fear. At the top of her vision, upside down, she could see Phoebe capturing the moment on her phone.

"You look kinda cute like that," she said, offering a crooked grin. "Better than the tacky gold glitter shit, anyway."

Lily squeezed her eyes shut, but this did nothing to remove her from the moment.

"How about it?" Buckthorn prompted, and Lily sighed.

"Mmm shrry..." She mumbled. The muzzle was too tight for her to properly speak, all that emerged was slurred mush.

"What?" Hazel asked, speaking through an amused grin. He reached down and gripped the muzzle, rattling her head back and forth. Again Lily shut her eyes and balled her paws tight against her chest, suppressing the urge to reach up and throw the deer away.

"Mmmm shhorryyy!" She tried again, hating just how shrill and desperate her voice was, buzzing out from the confines of the muzzle. She squirmed, realizing a moment too late that her dress had been shuffled up over her thighs. Hazel and Buckthorn's eyes roved over her, uncommonly bright. Her tail went fully between her legs.

"Stupid bitch can't even apologize right." Buckthorn said, smiling as though he'd made a joke. He bent to look through his schoolbag again. Maybe this time he really was going to cuff her.

"I guess she'll have to find another way to say sorry." Phoebe decided. Though her tone was horribly casual she'd leaned forward on the pommel horse and was watching with rapt interest.

...Another way?

Lily looked sharply between her tormentors. Some distant, coldly rational part of herself knew immediately what Phoebe had just suggested, and what the rabid, hungry looks in everyone's eyes meant...but the sheer horror of this seemed to overload her mind. Hazel toed at the rumpled folds of her dress with perverse playfulness.

"No." She said, voice low and frightened. This was one word she could say even with the muzzle gripping her face. Hazel and Phoebe exchanged a small glance. They didn't bother laughing at her.

Lily squirmed back, away from Hazel and Buckthorn (though even this put her worryingly near to Phoebe, still perched proudly atop the pommel horse) and brought up her legs. She felt the fabric of her dress catch for a moment under one foot, arresting her progress, then Buckthorn sprang forward. He had something new in his paw now, a baton made of black metal. Protruding from its rounded head were a quartet of small copper prongs.

"Hold it!" The rabbit snarled, then pressed a small red button on the baton's handle. Immediately, an arc of blue light shot between the prongs, a fierce crackle sounded and the air within the equipment room sang with ozone. Lily cowered, heart suddenly in her throat and her fur rising in uneven clumps. Even Hazel shied back a little, though the eager brightness in his eyes did not fade.

Lily shook her head. She knew better than to try speaking again, though pleas piled up at the tip of her trapped tongue. A huge, cold burst of fear crushed her chest and shortened her breath into miserable little gasps. Though Lily had been scared before, plenty of times, nothing compared to this moment. The danger was not only real but immediate. She could see it grinning down at her, bearing weapons that would be used if she did anything at all to displease her new masters.

"Fuck's sake, dude." Hazel complained, patting the static from his fur. He edged back in, glancing between Buckthorn and the baton.

The rabbit grinned at his friend and slashed the baton through the air like a sword. Lily shivered as his gaze returned to her.

"They discontinued this model 'cause it kept stopping people's hearts," Buckthorn said. "You're big enough that I think you'd be okay, but who knows..." He swirled the copper prongs in front of her eyes, then planted a foot on her left knee and began to lever her legs open.

Lily trembled, caught between outrage and that same icy, crippling sense of terror. Again came an urge to leap out and try to shove her tormentors away, to seize them in her jaws...

The fantasy turned to ash. She thought of Phoebe tracing one finger along the contours of her bite wound. Stun baton or no, the internal calculus of the situation had not changed. The only difference was that they could hurt her now. Badly.

Reluctantly, she allowed her legs to be forced open and her tail chased flat. Her dress had been forced up around her waist in a starry puddle of shimmery satin, revealing soft black fur and then the plain blue cotton of her panties, the same gentle shade as a cloudless summer sky.

Lily shivered at the look on Buckthorn's face, and felt a peculiar sickliness within herself at the sound of Hazel's laugh. The two of them knelt, one at each of her knees, crowding close. She felt paws on her legs, the pinch of Buckthorn's claws on her leg, sliding impatiently up the inside of her right thigh. Static crackled under his fingers.

Her tail swished jaggedly and she produced a small, miserable noise, feeling horribly open and vulnerable. Lily shook her head, tears welling at the corners of her eyes, but Buckthorn only brought the baton up and pressed the cold copper of its deadly prongs against her throat. She froze.

Fingers hooked into the hem of her panties. Lily squeezed her eyes shut, feeling at once panicked and strangely embarrassed. This felt like a childish thing to do, as though she were holding her eyes shut against some unseen, imaginary thing in the dark. But what else could be done?

Hazel yanked her panties down, or tried to, they caught against her thighs and tugged painfully at clumps of black fur, then the elastic band at the hem snapped and fabric tore with a sigh. Phoebe slid down from atop her lofty perch on the pommel horse and came around Lily's side, standing over Buckthorn. Her phone was aimed and Lily could hear the shutter of her camera quietly clicking.

Away went her tattered panties and Lily felt a cold vulnerability curl into her center, immeasurably more intense than before. Though only a thin layer of cotton had been removed, now they could see her. And her legs were still open in a horrible sort of pseudo-invitation. Doubtlessly, Phoebe was being careful not to put her face in any of the pictures, with the ugly muzzle and her frightened tears.

No...this was yet more blackmail material.

Lily tried to curl her tail between her legs, more out of instinct than any practical consideration, but still felt defeated when Hazel trapped the wayward appendage under one knee. Paws stroked greedily through the soft fur of her inner thighs and then over the sensitive black folds of her sex. A pair of fingers stroked between the lips of her slit, their motions practiced and incongruently gentle, then slipped slowly into her.

It was all Lily could do not to make a sound. Pointless as it may have been, she still did not want to give any of her tormentors the satisfaction of knowing just how much this hurt.

Not physically, perhaps (not yet...), but there was pain nonetheless. A bitter, ugly sense of humiliation roiled at the pit of her stomach, clenching every bit of her so tight that it felt as though she might implode, like a star collapsing into the unfathomable abyss of a new black hole.

Lily took as deep and steady a breath as she could manage through the muzzle, hating the involuntary jitters which ran through her tail, and the uncomfortable way she clenched down on the digits invading her slit. She felt a thumb settle upon her clit and then begin to rub up and down, hard enough to make her flinch.

Hazel leaned forward, past Buckthorn, and shoved both hands up and under her dress. Lily squirmed and balled her paws into fists, hating just how easily she was being taken. The stun baton had fallen away, Buckthorn distracted, but...

She let out a breath and was momentarily alarmed to hear the edges of a growl shiver out into the air. Hazel glanced sharply up, a hint of alarm in his eyes, but Buckthorn only pushed his fingers deeper into her. The growl immediately broke and turned to a whimper.

"Bad girl." He scolded. Lily gritted her teeth and shivered miserably, but couldn't keep her breath from catching. She could feel the rabbit's fingers pumping more easily into her now, her pussy slick and uncomfortably warm. An awful, tingly tension had begun to curl between her legs.

"You know better than that, pred." Said Phoebe. Before Lily could manage even to glare at the rabbit, Phoebe pressed a foot down upon the end of the muzzle, forcing her head back and pinning her in place. Helpless, angry tears boiled uselessly at the corners of Lily's eyes. It was harder to breathe now and what air came in was scented, infuriatingly, with the lavender of Phoebe's perfume.

At the bottom of her vision Lily saw Hazel gathering up her dress, forcing the fabric over her midriff, freeing her tail and then baring the silky fur which adorned her chest. Hazel pressed both hooves greedily over her breasts, but they sank to the wrists in soft, inky fluff. The deer huffed, visibly disappointed.

"Flat as a fucking board." He complained, then found the hard bumps of her nipples and pinched, forcing Lily to flinch. She managed not to yelp, just barely.

Phoebe laughed, then lifted her foot and nudged hard at Lily's shoulder, forcing her to lit her arms. Hazel stripped her dress fully off and tossed it aside. Lily watched it go, a slice of embroidered night, and felt newly despondent.

Buckthorn shuffled more fully between her legs and Lily felt him slip a third finger into her. It slid in distressingly easily, prompting a low huff of distressed breath to escape her lips. She tried to close her legs, but the effort was halfhearted and Buckthorn stopped her with a gentle touch of the stun baton to the inside of one thigh, its prongs cold against her skin. Her tail shivered uselessly where it was trapped between Buckthorn's knees. She realized, with a hint of horror, that she could feel a needy lapine hardness pressing against the inside of her left thigh.

Lily shivered, disappointed that the threat of pain did nothing to erase the insidious heat slowly gathering at her center. It was a purely physical reaction, she insisted to herself. Everything she could see by looking and feeling and knowing was loathsome. Even Phoebe, posed like a conqueror with her damned camera and the spot of blood still bright upon her neck, now seemed wholly repugnant.

And yet...

She couldn't bear to think about it any longer. Lily flung her head out to the side, so she wasn't looking at any of them, and again whimpered, hating the sound of her own capitulation but not knowing what else she could possibly do.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Buckthorn slid his fingers free, but there was only a moment of relief before Lily heard the rasp of the rabbit's zipper being undone.

"No, no..." She began to whine, but knew already that it was far too late. She might kick or snarl or try to writhe her way free, but in an instant there would be a harsh crackle, the stench of ozone and then she would have everything done to her anyway.

Still, she tensed and patches of black fur fluffed up from head to tail, her eyes bright with horror. She lifted her head, enough to stare Buckthorn in the eyes, but the rabbit only gave her a small, smug glance, enjoying her distress but not wholly invested in it. Not when she was wet and open and so achingly vulnerable before him.

Lily caught a glimpse of the rabbit's pink, tapered shaft, startlingly large and thick for someone so slight. Its pointed tip poked against the inside of her thigh for an instant and Lily tried instinctively to buck her hips away from the rabbit's advances...but her every movement seemed ephemeral and she felt heat and then an irresistible pressure as Buckthorn slid into her.

The rabbit gasped, his hips jerking, and he pressed his full length into her sex with a pair of hard, determined thrusts. Lily spasmed, her tail thumping against the floor and a high, panicked cry reverberated within the cramped muzzle. She brought up her paws and pressed them against Buckthorn's shoulders, then in an instant Hazel was on her, a knee pressed into her throat, and she was forced flat onto her back. She wound one paw into the deer's shirt and heard fabric tear, but knew already that she was trapped.

Between her legs, Lily felt Buckthorn gather himself and then grip her thighs with both paws. It occurred to her that this meant he'd set the stun baton aside for the moment...but still she didn't dare lash out at him. She squirmed under Hazel, even this tiny resistance muted.

"I think she gets it." Buckthorn said mildly, and Hazel slowly let his knee off of her neck. Lily groaned, then glared at Buckthorn...though she suspected that the effect may have been ruined by the tears running from the corners of her eyes.

The rabbit's paws slid up the insides of her thighs until they reached her knees, and Lily was dismayed to feel her legs being pushed up and out, Buckthorn leaning over her. She felt a huff of satisfied breath ruffle the fur on her stomach and shivered with disgust. Not once in her entire life had she ever imagined anything like this happening. No matter the weird propositions she'd sometimes gotten from boneheaded guys who thought that her orientation was a challenge rather than an absolute.

A hot rush of tears ran down the sides of her face. Lily sniffled miserably, feeling suffocated by the muzzle, the dead gleam of Phoebe's phone camera, and now this violation of her very being.

Buckthorn began to thrust into her, savoring the silken heat of her cunt and the anxious, unwilling way it clenched around him, making every single inch he pushed into her a fight...though clearly one that he was enjoying. Lily gritted her teeth, so tight she feared they might break, and tried to stifle the sobs which came rippling up from within her.

The heat was back, horrible and persistent, seeming to trace Buckthorn's cock and emphasize its every movement within her. Even the press of the rabbit's paws and the eager huff of his breath seemed impossible to ignore.

"Is this your first time taking a cock? How does it feel?" Phoebe asked sweetly.

Lily ignored her as best she could, even the cruel laughter which followed, though she burned with humiliation and hated the idea of how she must look; small and beaten, fit only to be trampled and used.

"You should feel how wet she is," Buckthorn remarked. "And how tight she clenches when I hilt into her. She loves this."

Lily shivered with fury. This time Buckthorn only smiled at her growls. Next to her, Hazel undid the zipper of his pants and shoved them down, a tapered cervine shaft bouncing free. His was longer than Buckthorn's but not quite as thick, a clear bead of pre hanging from its tip. Impatiently, the deer grabbed her left paw and molded it around his cock. Lily grimaced but did as she was being made to. What other choice did she have?

Maybe if she...

This attempt at justifying her continued collaboration fizzled shamefully out and she was again briefly overwhelmed by a miserable surge of tears. They came almost in unison with the tiny groans and high gasps which leaked through her teeth. They felt nearly like sparks floating from off of a growing fire, given humiliating life by each new thrust of Buckthorn's cock. The rabbit had sped up now, his legs stretched out behind him, feet tensed against the floor so he had even greater leverage to pound her cunt.

Lily searched desperately for some pain in her violation, a physical discomfort to hammer home that she was being raped, but Buckthorn's cock glided easily into her and no matter how much she squirmed or clenched to try and force him out, this only heightened the awful, tingly heat which rippled between her legs. Worse, it was beginning to creep outwards into the rest of her, squeezing her lungs and forcing her breath to quicken, making her fur feel prickly at the roots.

It felt as though her mind had been entirely divorced from the doings of her own traitorous body, forced to watch as foreign sensations were coaxed relentlessly from each nerve ending.

She tried to distract herself by stroking Hazel's cock, her movements shivery and mechanical. The deer's breathing had quickened and he groped at her chest, enjoying the way she flinched and jerked each time he pinched her nipples. That even this felt...


Don't think about it, she insisted to herself, but what unrelated thoughts she could manage kept pulling apart at the seams. She stared up at the ceiling of the equipment room, feeling desolate and helpless, every fiber of her being tense and warm and all too intolerably tingly.

Her fingers were slippery with pre and she could smell the deer's arousal, musky, intense and all too male. Buckthorn's too, mingling with the earthy heat of her own unwilling pleasure, as though he were leaching it out of her with each new pump and achingly deep thrust. Even Phoebe had acquired a new scent, hers more delicate but still loaded with an electric quality that ignited something in Lily's middle.

She groaned, then was appalled to feel her hips move, guided into a lewd, bucking twitch that pushed her into the height of Buckthorn's next thrust. The rabbit gripped her sides, just above her hips, and smiled. Lily grimaced at the prickle of his claws. The rabbit ground into her, letting out a low groan of pleasure, and again Lily felt herself clench down upon his length.

It was a surreal feeling to lose control like this, to feel herself actively abdicating control to some arcane function of her inner being. She squeezed her eyes shut again, even more uselessly than all the times before, and felt her legs twitch inwards and her tail shoot straight. Then all the heat in her center seemed to go nova and the boundaries of the world shrank inwards so that it was only her and the hateful presence of the rabbit between her legs. She cried out, the noise muffled by the muzzle (though not nearly enough) and felt every bit of herself go ecstatically tense, her fur rising in uneven clumps and a huge shock of grand, shameful sensation blanking her mind for what felt like a small eternity.

Buckthorn's hips met hers, Lily heard the wet noise of her soaked slit being stretched around his throbbing length, then the rabbit molded himself against her and was humping desperately away.

Lily knew what was coming next, a sharp splinter of panic embedding itself into the center of her mind.

Not inside, not inside! She wanted to cry, but there was no way for her words to be heard. She tried to think back to her biology classes; surely a rabbit couldn't breed a wolf, but she wasn't certain and the dark gaps where her knowledge fell flat suddenly seemed very vast and frightening.

She had just enough time to feel his balls tense and jerk where they were pressed against the underside of her tail, then a thick pulse of lapine seed splashed into her womb and Lily was horrified to hear a moan tear free from between her lips.

She stayed perfectly still, eyes clamped resolutely shut, and tried her hardest not to cry as a poisoned warmth expanded between her legs. She could feel herself clenching down upon the rabbit's cock, tiny shocks of warmth and insidious pleasure rippling out from her center at each new pulse of sticky, virile cum. It was all she could do to breathe normally, without sobbing, moaning or making any noise at all.

She felt broken. Dirtied. Used.

For an instant she wanted nothing more than to lash out with tooth and claw, to rend the room and everything in it to splinters, to lash out at herself if she could. The anger curdled at once to shame, then guilt and fear and a black, clinging cloud of deepest humiliation.

Buckthorn pulled out with a pleased whistle, one paw squeezing her thigh with easy fondness. Lily thought for a moment about kicking at him but could not put together how she might move her legs, not when they were still trembling so badly. As though he had shocked her with his stun baton. A warm trickle of seed drooled from her freshly fucked cunt. Lily shivered and tried to hide herself, but Phoebe put a foot on her tail before she could curl it protectively in.

Hazel smirked and got up, pushing impatiently between her legs. Lily thought about protesting, or trying to fight...but what would be the point? She'd already been violated once, and in the most intimate and terrible of ways.

Once Hazel was done, then surely they'd leave her alone. For an instant Lily's thoughts strayed to what might happen afterwards, but her mind snapped shut like a vault door, barring her from that avenue of speculation. Too dark. Too dreadful. It was all she could do to barely survive the present moment.

The deer blew out a breath as he got between her legs, then glanced to Buckthorn.

"You made a real mess of her." He remarked, halfway annoyed.

"Bred her." The rabbit said with worrying conviction. Lily shivered, feeling cold and horribly helpless.

Hazel rolled his eyes.

"I don't think a bunny and a wolf..." He began to say, then was silenced by a wave of Buckthorn's paw.

"Wanna bet?" The rabbit asked. "How about this. You give her a ride, then we'll see if she has bunnies or deer."

Hazel laughed, seeming to warm to the idea.

"You're on." He declared. Lily whimpered, but nobody seemed to hear. She turned her gaze impulsively to Phoebe.

"Please..." She tried to say, but the muzzle locked away her voice.

Phoebe looked down at her with mock pity. The rabbit's eyes were bright and she kept shifting from foot to foot, her thighs rubbing together.

"Do you want the muzzle off? Is that what you're trying to say, pred?" She asked.

Lily didn't want to acknowledge the rabbit's words in any way, but desperation propelled her into a tiny nod.

Phoebe padded closer and stared expectantly down at her. Lily remained silent. She could feel Hazel fumbling between her legs, the hot, pre slicked wetness of his cock rubbing against the inside of her right thigh. To have even a slight distraction from that...

"Yssshhh." She managed at last, ears tightly pinned.

"Can't even say please," Phoebe snickered, then knelt and hooked her fingers under the edge of the muzzle, forcing Lily to look her in the eyes. "I'm about to do you a favor, okay? Now stay still and only talk when I tell you to. You speak without permission and the muzzle goes back on."

Again Lily nodded. She couldn't even bring herself to consider what Phoebe might ask of her. The rabbit's bearing seemed more manic, her breath came quicker and Lily could see Phoebe's eyes straying every so often down the length of her naked body. An odd, conflicted tingle passed through her, one that Lily hated herself even for feeling.

The next moment Hazel gripped her thighs and thrust clumsily forward, the tip of his cock pressing against the lips of her pussy for a moment before glancing away. Lily jumped, then forced herself to stay still, all too aware that Buckthorn was still watching her, the stun baton dangling casually from one paw.

Annoyed, the deer lined himself up more carefully, then shoved into her. Again Lily jerked in place, a high little whimper tearing free as her poor oversensitive slit was stretched around the deer's fresh, eager girth. Her legs jerked straight and she felt her tail thwack against Hazel's thighs, then the deer gripped her legs and began to pound her, his thrusts fast and artless. He was stronger than Buckthorn and had more weight to put into his abuse, enough that Lily felt the edges of her breath begin to go, as though she were being pressed out of herself.

Above her, Phoebe traced her paws around the back of the muzzle and undid the straps. Lily clamped her jaws shut so she would not say any of the desperate, myriad things which bubbled to the tip of her tongue, but even then could not contain a flow of tiny, unhappy moans and whimpers.

It hurt now. Genuinely. Every bit of her felt overly tight and horribly sensitive, even the damned awful heat at her middle had acquired a ravenous edge and seemed intent on pulling her apart. Hazel ground his cock into her at the height of each new thrust, his every movement aggressive and cruel.

Phoebe tossed the muzzle to Buckthorn, then let out a shivery breath and hooked her thumbs into the elastic band at the waist of her tennis shorts, shoving them down in a single impulsive motion. Lily stared, caught off guard, her mouth gone suddenly dry. Phoebe's fur grew lighter in color between her legs, a soft puff of velvety near-white fluff nearly hiding the delicate pinkness of her lapine slit.

Despite herself, Lily shivered and felt her heart skip a beat. The surreal feeling was back, worse than ever. Phoebe stepped over her and then knelt, straddling her throat. The scent of the rabbit's arousal, delicate and needy, filled her nose. Instinctively, Lily tried to cower but there was nowhere for her to go. At once she wanted to caress Phoebe's thighs, feel her fur and kiss her and rip her fucking throat out.

"I'm gonna do you another favor, since you want me so much," Phoebe said, a breathy, unsteady quality inflecting her words. Her paws came down to frame Lily's face, claws prickling at the skin behind her ears. One corner of Phoebe's lips twitched upwards into a cruel smile. "But if you stop or beg or whatever, I'll get Bucky to jam his baton up your cunt and hold down the button until the battery dies. You get that?"

Lily stared, overcome by the brightness in Phoebe's eyes and the nearly hopeful quality of the rabbit's threat, as though she wanted her to disobey...or might be searching for an excuse to take things even further.

Before she could hope to respond, or perhaps to promise that she would be good, Phoebe came forward and straddled her face, Lily's nose baffled by velvety fur and scalding wetness. She allowed her jaws to fall open just a little and pressed her tongue into Phoebe's sex. The rabbit shivered against her, paws tightening at the sides of her head.

Lily squeezed her eyes shut, ashamed by the rush of deviant warmth which flooded her middle and made her clench tight around Hazel's cock. As though sensing this, Phoebe rolled her hips and pressed down harder, restricting Lily's breath to tiny gasps of bunny scented air.

"Faster." Phoebe demanded, the word coming as a gasp. Lily pressed her tongue between the lips of the bunny's sex, provoking a shiver and a hatefully lewd roll of her hips.

"How's she doing?" Buckthorn asked. Lily heard him tap the baton against the equipment room's wall, as though teasing her with its very presence.

Phoebe didn't respond, but she must have made some gesture for Buckthorn laughed and then Lily felt paws grip her ears and yank. Fresh tears sprang from her eyes and her jaws fell open even wider, emitting a whimper of pain. Her teeth grazed Phoebe's inner thighs and though she felt momentarily certain that the rabbit would call for Buckthorn and his baton, Phoebe only shivered and then let out a sharp, delighted breath.

"That's right," she said, her voice low. "Like a wolf. Like a fucking predator."

As though spurred on by Phoebe's eagerness, Hazel accelerated the pace of his thrusts. Lily braced her paws against the gymnastics mat, her claws punching straight through the rubber, and felt her legs jerk and her tail shiver. She could feel the deer's balls, so much larger and heavier than Buckthorn's, pressing against the underside of her tail at the height of each thrust, promising to pump her absolutely full.

"Oh fuck..." Hazel groaned, and Lily felt one of his hooves press possessively over her stomach. The deer's hips met hers, his thrusts growing increasingly jagged and irregular as he surged towards his climax. "I'm getting close."

Phoebe glanced back at her friend for a moment, her eyes wild with sadistic lust.

"Fill her up," she urged, panting. "Show her who she belongs to."

Lily dug her claws ever deeper into the rubber of the gymnastics mat and tried to imagine that she was doing this was Phoebe or Hazel, but her fantasies felt pale and pathetic next to the awful solidity of the moment; the wet heat of Phoebe's pussy and the urgent, painful press of Hazel's cock...and, worse than either of those, the insidious creep of the oversensitized heat within her, clenching every muscle tight and forcing her towards yet another unwanted climax.

Tears ran from the corners of her eyes and Lily gasped helplessly into Phoebe's sex, her tongue working desperately away. The rabbit's grip on her ears tightened nearly to a rictus, her claws drawing red hot lines upon Lily's skin.

Between her legs, Hazel stiffened and rammed himself as deep into her as he could, eager spurts of thin cervine seed drenching her womb and overflowing her spasming cunt. Lily shivered and jerked, overcome by a jittery, painful climax. It was not quite so complete as the last one and she took some perverse comfort in the hurt...though there was no way to soothe the shame and humiliation that arose at the realization of just how much Hazel was enjoying every twitch and submissive shiver which ran through her body.

It took a long time for the deer to stop cumming, and when he finally pulled out, it felt as though a gallon of slick, warm seed followed, soaking the fur of her tail and making it clearer than ever that she had been _used. _

Atop her, Phoebe let out a breath and then sank down onto Lily's face, her hips eagerly rolling. At once Lily found her breath cut off, black spots blooming in the corners of her vision. Her paws jolted in place but she knew better than to raise them and try to push Phoebe off. Not when she couldn't be sure of where Buckthorn and his baton were.

She licked miserably away, vision clouding with tears. For a moment Phoebe met her gaze, then the rabbit shivered with delight and Lily felt an ecstatic jolt animate her rapist, Phoebe's thighs clenching tight at the sides of her head and a sharp little cry leaking from between her teeth.

For a long time Phoebe lingered atop her, gathering her breath and waiting for the shivers to leave her legs. When at last she rose, the rabbit swayed on her feet and had to pant for breath. She glanced to her friends, seeming for a moment to be nearly self conscious, then turned away and went to find her clothes.

Lily stayed perfectly still, but for a last few trembles in her legs and tail. She felt too badly broken to move, every bit of her thrumming with shock and shame. The heat had faded at last and now all she could feel between her legs was a growing ache and the fading warmth of cum leaking from her slit. The fur on her muzzle, damp with Phoebe's arousal, had gone unpleasantly cold and sticky.

"Was it good for you too?" Buckthorn teased, coming alongside her. All Lily could do was shut her eyes. She felt too drained even to cry.

At her other side Phoebe jabbed her toes into Lily's side, stinging her with her claws. Lily flinched and wondered tiredly what new torment was coming.

"Sit up." Phoebe ordered.

Lily hesitated for as long as she dared, then slowly drew herself up. The muscles in her middle protested at even this small movement and she was alarmed by just how shivery and weak her legs felt. A poisonous liquid warmth continued to burn between her legs, coalescing where she imagined her womb was.

No way, she insisted to herself, the thoughts driven by reflex. No way a wolf and a bunny, or a wolf and a deer...

The sureness in Buckthorn's voice when he'd proposed his evil breeding bet invaded her mind and Lily's thoughts shivered apart. She felt sick.

Phoebe herded her further back into the equipment room, not allowing her to stand. Lily shuffled awkwardly on her paws and knees. She left behind a spatter of seed as she went, yet more drooling down the insides of her thighs. Phoebe guided her up against the pommel horse and had her sit with her back to it.

"Spread your legs," the rabbit ordered cheerily. She had her phone out again. "Show me what a good wolf looks like."

Lily allowed her legs to fall open, prickles of soreness running through the insides of her thighs. Phoebe's camera shutter clicked, then the bunny laughed to herself, struck by a new idea.

"Now do a peace sign," she demonstrated with her free paw. "And smile."

Lily hesitated. Phoebe rolled her eyes.

"Come on, pred," Buckthorn advanced a step. "I barely even stuck it in and you came your brains out. You can pretend like you hate this, but we know better."

Lily let out a breath that came dangerously near to a growl, a frigid shiver of anger animating her for just a moment before...

What was the point of resisting any more? Of even feeling anything?

Reluctantly, she raised her paws and extended a pair of fingers. Something that might have been a smile distorted her face. Phoebe laughed and took her pictures.

"Now take your left paw and spread your pussy," she ordered next. "Hurry up."

This went on for some time, Lily obeying in chilly silence. Buckthorn and Hazel pushed her into the positions she was slow in taking on her own. Their paws slid shamelessly over her body, pinching her nipples back to hardness and stinging her rump with hard slaps.

Lily went along, gaze kept carefully downcast and her mind foggy with dread. She tried not think of just how many pictures there were on Phoebe's phone, and what might happen if they got out. Even if she was seen to be the victim, nobody would ever see her the same way. The looks she got for being a wolf in a place where there weren't any would soon be joined by the sorts of knowing glances worn by people who knew what she looked like nude, used and broken.

"I still can't believe she doesn't have any tits." Hazel groused, getting in a cruel pinch at her left nipple as he pushed her to her knees. Lily managed to suppress a yelp, but there was no disguising the tears which welled in her eyes. She stared at the floor, ears tightly pinned.

"Shall I find us a busty pet wolf next time?" Phoebe asked, flashing the deer an unamused glance.

"I'm not complaining," Buckthorn said. Casually, he grabbed Lily by the scruff of the neck and pressed her nose against his groin, forcing her to feel his hardness, hidden by only a thin layer of fabric. "...How was her mouth?"

"Find out for yourself." Phoebe said with a crooked smile.

Lily let out an unhappy breath but did not resist when Buckthorn pressed insistently against her, the metal of his zipper cold against her nose. She began to reach for his pants, hating that she had to collaborate in any meaningful way, but Buckthorn stilled her paw.

It took a moment for Lily to realize what the rabbit wanted her to do. Delicately, she leaned forward and undid the topmost button of his pants with her teeth, then clasped his zipper and dragged it down, baring his cock. It took her a few tries and by the end she was trembling with humiliation, all too aware of the camera lens gleaming at the corner of her vision.

"Don't look so pissy," Phoebe scolded. "Smile. Wag your tail. Maybe if you're a good girl Bucky will make you cum again."

Lily glared at the rabbit before she could think better of it, the edges of a growl rumbling from the back of her throat. A moment later Buckthorn seized her left ear and twisted, Lily's growl turning abruptly to a pained yelp. She cowered, her defiance utterly undone. He tugged her back into position and tapped her nose with his cock, dappling the fur of her muzzle with slick spots of pre.

Reluctantly, Lily opened her mouth. Buckthorn slid in, taking his time, hilting in her muzzle after a long, achingly slow thrust. Lily stared directly ahead, into the tangle of brown fur just above her rapist's sheath. She could smell his arousal and his musk, coupled with a distressing hint of her own scent, leftover from when he'd...

She couldn't bear to think about it.

His cock wasn't so long that it entirely plugged her throat, but Lily still found herself having to time her breaths, every bit of her air unpleasantly tinged with salty pre and rabbity musk. She had to hold her mouth awkwardly open in order to accommodate Buckthorn's girth and spasms of discomfort ran through the hinges of her jaw. Thin trickles of drool wet the fur at the corners of her mouth.

Buckthorn let out a breath and rolled his hips, pressing the weight of his balls against her chin. A hot spurt of pre hit the back of her throat. Lily had to fight to keep from gagging. This felt worse than when Phoebe had ridden her face, far more present now that there was the throbbing girth of a male's shaft plugging her muzzle and promising to spill a load down her throat.

Her stomach roiled and Lily had to shut her eyes, trying desperately to put some distance between herself and what she was being subjected to.

"Good girl," Buckthorn said fondly, lingering at the height of another slow thrust, just long enough to make her squirm. His paws stroked behind her ears, forcing them out of their pin. "Use your tongue, make me cum."

Lily obeyed, hating herself more with each lick she lavished upon the rabbit's cock. Buckthorn let out a pleased breath and then pulled her closer, jamming her muzzle against his groin and stopping her breath entirely for a long, distressing moment. If this was him demonstrating the totality of his power over her, Lily could think of no better proof. For all of her strength and predatory fierceness, the sharpness of her teeth and the blunt power of her claws, there wasn't a thing she could do to fight back.

Perhaps it wouldn't have been quite to terrible if she hadn't been made to collaborate to such a degree; licking and sucking and keeping her head at just the right angle so that he could slide all the way into her muzzle without feeling the slightest hint of teeth. It was impossible to think of anything but the present moment and her complete, degrading subservience.

It was almost a relief when she felt the rabbit's cock begin to jerk in her mouth. Lily steeled herself for what was to follow, but still managed to be taken by surprise when Buckthorn only allowed the first bitter splash of cum to paint her tongue. He pulled abruptly out, his cock connected momentarily to her lips by slick strands of saliva, and Lily flinched as thick spurts of lapine seed drenched her muzzle, sticky white strands hanging from her left ear.

She tried to turn and spit, but Buckthorn seized her muzzle before she could, holding it shut. He didn't need to order or threaten. Lily hesitated only a moment, then swallowed what he had given her, feeling newly humiliated.

Phoebe smiled, then raised her camera and took a picture.

"Oh hey, the contrast of the cum and your fur kinda balances out the levels," she marveled, examining the result. "You should take all your pictures like this. Might make you popular with the yearbook committee."

Lily was too exhausted even to acknowledge the rabbit's jibe. She stared down at the floor and sniffled.

"School's out in a few minutes." Hazel remarked.

Had it been that long? For an instant Lily wondered what might come from her missing so many classes, but it was impossible to take such a tiny problem even halfway seriously.

"Just as well, my battery's almost dead," Phoebe said. She tucked her phone away, then lifted both paws over her head and stretched. "...Let's get our wolf cleaned up. Can't send her out in public looking like this."

"Shame." Buckthorn said mildly. He took an imperious stance beside the equipment room door and snapped his fingers, ordering her to come.

Lily began to stand, her gaze still fixed upon the floor, but Phoebe planted a foot on her shoulder before she could rise off of her knees and sent her sprawling. Hazel and Buckthorn snickered. Lily stayed where she was for a long, miserable moment, too numb to feel angry. Buckthorn's cum felt cold and unpleasantly sticky on her muzzle.

Phoebe came up alongside her and planted one foot on the side of her head, exerting just enough pressure that Lily whimpered.

"Pets don't stand," the rabbit scolded. "Be a good wolf and crawl."

I'm not going to do that! an inner voice cried, but Lily got obediently to her paws and knees, the polished hardwood cool beneath her fingers. Phoebe went and fetched a jump-rope, fastened one end into a loop and fitted it around her neck like a leash.

Hazel opened the door for them and Phoebe led her out onto the basketball court. It felt unreal for her to be like this in the middle of such a huge space, tiny and naked and vulnerable. Nobody was there, of course, but Lily still felt crushed by a new surge of dread and humiliation.

Phoebe tugged on her leash every so often, whenever she paused or looked at the ground or simply did not move fast enough for the rabbit's liking. Buckthorn walked on her other side and stroked through the thick fur behind her ears, as though she really were just a pet with no other utility than to be put on display.

They went into the boy's locker room, for no other reason than it was nearer to the equipment room. The floor turned to white tile under Lily's paws and she smelled bleach and pine scented cleaning fluid. There were communal showers in the back where she supposed she was meant to clean off. She hoped that Phoebe would let her stand up for that part.

As though sensing her thoughts, the rabbit swirled a finger, gesturing for her to roll over.

Lily did. It hurt to move too quickly; the soreness in her middle and between her legs had not subsided and her knees had begun to ache from crawling on the tile. Buckthorn turned on the nearest shower head and water hissed down, casting a low mist into the air.

"You're not going to tell anyone about this," said Phoebe. Her words sounded more like a simple statement of fact than a demand. Lily waited for an accompanying threat but the rabbit only smiled, a cruel gleam in her eyes. "...And you're going to thank us for being such good friends."

Lily let out a slow breath, her jaws shivering shut. For the first time in a while she felt a flash of genuine anger. But only a flash. Then the despair closed back in, like clouds on an overcast day.

"T...thank you--" She haltingly began, but Phoebe pressed a gentle finger to her lips.

"Individually," the rabbit clarified. "You can start with me if that's easier."

It took Lily some time to find her words.

"Thank you..." She swallowed a bitter surge of pique and betrayal. An urge to lunge forward and close her jaws around Phoebe's throat. Her tongue traced woodenly the words she knew the rabbit would want to hear. "Thank you for making me your pet."

Phoebe smiled graciously and stroked Lily behind one ear. Lily shivered at her touch.

"Very good," said the rabbit. "One down, two more to go."

Lily found herself prodded back onto her paws and knees, made to crawl over to where Buckthorn and Hazel were waiting. Lily hesitated for a moment, then decided that she couldn't bear to look at Buckthorn just yet. The places where his cum had stained her burned like a brand.

"Thank you for..." She began, her voice a miserable mumble.

"For breeding you?" Hazel suggested, flashing Buckthorn an amused glance. The rabbit rolled his eyes.

Lily shivered, feeling sick. She stared at the floor just short of Hazel's feet.

"Thank you for helping me appreciate deer in a new way." She said, hating every word.

Hazel snickered.

"Any time." He said, then braced one foot against her shoulder and shoved her in front of Buckthorn. Lily sprawled upon the damp tile and lay there trembling. It was only with some effort that she was able to pick herself back up.

"Well?" Buckthorn asked.

Lily took a deep breath. The trembles had gotten worse, to the point that her words pulled apart like spun sugar even before they left her mouth. She felt desperately ill.

"Thank you for showing me the muzzle," she mumbled at last, tears fogging her voice. "It made me a better pet."

Buckthorn rolled his eyes.

"That's it?" He asked.

Lily tried to swallow but her mouth was too dry. What could she even say? What could she bear to say?

"...Thank you for being my first." She managed, burning with humiliation. Perhaps the rabbit wanted her to grovel. To be laid bare and broken before him. If so, he was getting his wish. Surely.

"Oh come on, anyone can be a first," Buckthorn said contemptuously. "And anyone can put a wolf in a muzzle. Tell me something special I did for you."

For her. Bastard.

Lily opened her mouth, found that she could not speak, and trembled in miserable silence.

"God you're pathetic," Phoebe sighed, then grabbed hold of her ear and yanked Lily up to a kneeling position. It was all she could do not to cry out. Phoebe leaned close and spoke, her tone oddly companionable. "How about I spot you this one..." She began to whisper.

Lily stared hard at the floor, her stomach twisting into knots. She wanted to shake her head and insist that she'd say anything else, but already she knew there were no other options.

Buckthorn waited expectantly, arms folded.

"T-t..." An ugly, shameful shiver overrode her for a moment and Lily had to sniff back a sudden surge of frightened tears. It took her a long moment to find the words, and even then they came through gritted teeth. "Thank you for making me cum...and showing me that I love cock."

Her gaze fell to the floor but somehow Lily knew that Buckthorn was grinning. Satisfaction radiated from the rabbit like heat from a furnace.

"Better." He concluded, then took the leash from Phoebe and tugged her towards the shower.

Lily fell under the spray with quiet relief. The water was lukewarm and the pressure too high to be comfortable, but at least here nobody could see her tears. Slowly, she rose to her feet and allowed the outer marks of her abuse to be washed away.

"See you tomorrow, pred." Phoebe called, her voice horribly casual. As Lily watched the rabbit gathered up her starry satin dress and tossed it under the spray. Then, laughing, she turned on her toes and joined Buckthorn and Hazel.

Lily waited until she was sure they were gone, then found her dress and tried to squeeze as much water out of the fabric as she could. Some of the golden thread embroidery came loose from the stars and the blue of the satin looked appallingly blotchy.

Lily tried to take a deep breath and calm herself as best she could, but a panicked hollowness had taken residence at the pit of her stomach and would not go away.

See you tomorrow.

There would be no escape. No matter what she did, no matter what she said to who, there would be Phoebe, Buckthorn and Hazel on the other end of it, waiting to destroy her.

Lily draped her sodden dress over the nearest bench and stepped back under the water. Then she shut her eyes and added her tears invisibly to the flow.

Two weeks later...

Lily lay back on her bed, eyes fixed upon the ceiling, her paws clenched tight at the center of her chest. Her legs were open and she was bare and vulnerable, lying upon a white satin bedspread adorned with red and pink roses. A needy, horrible warmth curled restlessly within her, the air perfumed with the scent of her arousal.

"So goddamned rude," Phoebe hissed into her ear. "You'd think a good pet would let her master know when her heat starts instead of waiting for her to smell it." The rabbit lay alongside her, eyes dark and malevolent in the dimness, burning with unhidden lust.

Lily wanted to say that her heat was hardly precise in when it began, but there would be no point.

"I'm sorry." She mumbled instead, and tried to sound like she meant it. Perhaps she did. It was hard to know what she felt anymore, especially when Phoebe was around.

Paws gripped tight at her inner thighs, claws prickling her skin. Lily knew better than to wince or flinch, no matter how badly anything hurt. There were entire stinging nebulae of welts and bruises under her fur now, accumulated during myriad visits to the bathroom or the janitor's closet. If she was too slow to obey or if she glared or pulled away or in any way did not act like a good pet.

She'd grown horribly accustomed to the particular feel of each of her abusers; the steady pattern of Buckthorn's thrusts whenever he made use of one of her holes, and Hazel's needy, arrhythmic roughness, as though he were late for something and needed to finish as quickly as possible. The bright, eager press of Phoebe's gaze. The sharp pinch of the rabbit's fingers and the heated grip of her cunt around Lily's tongue or fingers...

Buckthorn pressed her legs further open and for a moment Lily felt his cock press against her soaked slit. A dreadful, heated quiver ran through her, shortening her breath and putting bright speckles into the corners of her vision.

Lily tried not to look at any of the familiar things in her room. To acknowledge that this place had been breached felt newly violating, even more so than all of the awful things that were already being done to her.

"This is bullshit," Hazel complained. He was looking through her dresser, Lily could hear the drawers being dumped on the ground. "How come you always get to go first."

"There's a science to rock-paper-scissors, and you don't know it." Buckthorn said serenely. He teased the tip of his cock over Lily's sex, making her squirm. It was all she could do to lock a moan behind her teeth.

That wouldn't be possible for much longer, not with how sensitive and overheated she felt. Already, an ugly alloy of shame, self hatred and humiliation had begun to well up within her. A part of her wanted to snarl at Buckthorn just to get it over with, but she knew that defiance would be punished.

Phoebe's paws crept over her chest and Lily shivered as the rabbit teased her nipples.

"I was doing some reading the other way and wolves gestate for four months, which means that if you get knocked up right now, you'll have a Christmas baby. Isn't that cute?" Phoebe asked, her breath warm and ticklish on Lily's neck.

Lily said nothing, though there was no disguising the distressed way she tensed up. Phoebe just laughed.

As if on cue, Buckthorn pressed forward and hilted into her with a single hard thrust. Lily squirmed, legs jittering up to frame the rabbit's hips, distressingly near to curling around him. Already, warm needy tingles burnt within her and she could feel her heart beginning to race, her breath coming in short, uneven gasps.

She gripped the bedspread, her claws poking tiny holes in the satin, then Buckthorn began to thrust. Lily threw her head back, trying as hard as she could to contain a rising moan, but only succeeded for a moment.

"Good girl," Phoebe purred. "How's it feel to get fucked pregnant in your own bed?"

Lily couldn't have answered given all the time in the world. She lay back, panting and gasping, whimpers mixing in with her moans, and stared desperately at the ceiling. It was almost a relief when she came, because for just a moment, as she writhed and clenched desperately around Buckthorn's cock, her mind went blank and she could nearly forget about all that had led her to this awful moment.

Then the world came roaring back, and so did the heat and the guilt and the awful, all consuming shame. Lily tried to blink back tears, but there were simply too many.

She shut her eyes when Buckthorn stiffened, and whimpered in awful ecstasy at the feeling of his seed drenching her womb. Phoebe's touch seemed nearly gentle for a moment and Lily shivered at the press of the rabbit's lips against her neck.

"Good girl." Phoebe said, then went to congratulate Buckthorn on his conquest.