Rebuilding the Pack 4: Hunters Become the Hunted

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#4 of Rebuilding the Pack

Kalis takes his shot back at the hunters who killed his pack. Will he be able to take his revenge?

Last one in the series. I did leave it open ended as I'm toying with a few ideas of a next series, but at this point nothing is planned. I do have a few side stories that will be one offs so stay tuned!

Ares was a young hunter. His family had been hunting werewolves and other mythical creatures for centuries. He and his older brother Mars were born into the lifestyle. Mars was an accomplished hunter and proved himself to be a fierce warrior, he was leading this group purging the wolves of this area. Ares always looked up to his brother and was looking for a way to impress him to show his worth. His brother kept him off the front lines however, making him an archer while Mars led the charge. He thought if he could kill the Alpha of this last pack he could gain his brother's respect. He was able to hit him with an arrow as he escaped. It didn't bring him down, but it left a bloody trail to be able to track him. Ares tracked him to the nearby town. He wanted to run in and finish the job, but his brother held him back. Not wanting to make a secret magical war the front page of the New York Times, Mars ordered them to make camp and set patrols going around the town. They kept eyes on the town all the time and listened to the police radio for any animal attacks or suspicious dead bodies.

A few weeks go by and Mars believes the Alpha slipped by their patrols and fled. There has been nothing suspicious happening and no reports on the police radio. Ares however felt there was something off, the Alpha had to be in town still. He begged his brother to let him into town to investigate. Mars forbade Ares from entering the town, it was way too dangerous and risked exposing the entire organization. Ares refused to move on and snuck into town in the darkness of the night.

Ares was looking around for clues anywhere he could. Peaking in windows, going through trash, looking into public institutions. He wasn't sure what he was looking for, but he knew he'd know when he found it. He was going through the trash in an alley when he heard the whoop whoop of police sirens behind him. Ares looked around and saw he was surrounded by brick walls, there was no escape. The officers ordered him to put his hands up and approach the car walking backwards. Not wanting to get shot, Ares complied. He was cuffed and was forced against the police car as he was searched.

"Oh well you look at these guns and knives, hope you have a license for these." the officer said as he disarmed him. Taking away his weapons he heard this sizzle of burning flesh and the officer yelled in pain. "What the fuck, silver?!" The officer yelled in confusion.

"Oh shit you're a -" Ares began to say before taking a punch to the face, knocking him out.

Ares woke up in a bright room. His head was still a little groggy as he tried to move around realizing he was chained up to the table in front of him. His adrenaline floods in remembering he was captured by wolves. He trashed around before realizing he was completely naked. Just then the door to the interrogation room opened and Ares was shocked to see Kalis walk in.

"Good, you're awake," Kalis said. "We have a lot to talk about".

"Fuck you, you filthy animal! I'll never talk, I'd rather die!" Ares yelled at his captor.

"That can certainly be arranged", Kalis responded in a low tone. "You killed my pack so it would definitely be well deserved."

"Your death is deserved, you're a parasite, an abomination to God!" Ares spat. "I'll kill myself before you get anything from me".

"That's why we disrobed you, to make sure you didn't do anything rash before we got what we wanted from you. I wanted to make sure you didn't have any hidden toys." Kalis said.

"Well it's a good thing you didn't find the cyanide capsule in my fake tooth." Ares said with a smirk. He bit down, breaking the fake tooth and swallowing the pill. He leaned over groaning as the poison started to take effect.

"Shit." Kalis said, quickly reaching over the table and biting him on the shoulder. The virus sensing the demise of its host went to work to heal and replace the cells the poison was killing. The destruction of the cells was incredibly painful as the virus refused to let him die. Ares was screaming in pain as the poison rampaged through his body. He was in so much pain he failed to notice brown fur begging to sprout throughout his body. He began to grow taller as his muscles expanded. He got strong enough to break through his restraints, tossing the table across the room, and start flailing around on the ground. It was at this point he noticed what was happening to himself.

"NO! Nobody in my bloodline has been corrupted before." He yelled, helplessly. He tried to stand before doubling over once again in pain. He tried to resist thinking of his obligations and the oath that he had made, but those thoughts were slowly being corrupted. Obey, serve, mate, spread, power kept circling through his head. Each time becoming more and more alluring. His changes were almost finished as his muzzle expanded out and his hands became sharp claws. A brown furry tail poked above his bubble butt. On his hands and knees he vomited out what was left of the poison.

"How do you feel?" Kalis asked.

"That was the most painful experience in my life. I hope to never relive something like that again. Thank you for saving my life, Alpha." Ares said as he started to stand. Standing to his true height he was now a 7'3'' brown wolf with muscles that would envy any body builder. "I see now that my life has been a lie, I was serving the wrong God. I hope I can make up for the sins I've committed." Ares said, getting down on one knee in front of Kalis. "I pledge my body and soul to you, use me how you wish, I will serve." He said as he began to cup his new Alphas balls and licking his sheath causing Kalis's dick to emerge.

"Will you betray your kin and turn them into my servants?" Kalis asked.

"Without hesitation. They should see the light as I have." Ares responded. Ares started to get hard thinking of his brother and friends as sexy wolves. Their big muscles and large cocks, him and his brother worshiping their Alpha together. The thoughts encouraging him to slurp and suck on Kalis's cock even more.

"Hmm, I accept your pledge." Kalis said. "Now let's talk about your little organization"

Unfortunately for Kalis, Ares didn't know a whole lot as a junior member. He explained how it was a global network and they had members and safe houses everywhere. Well funded for sure, but no idea where the money came from. He said his brother Mars would know more as the commander. He pointed out where they were setting up camp and where the patrols were with their times. He explained there were 30 men in total in this unit. More than what the police could handle by themselves. He'd need to collect his beta's and see if they completed their missions to build him an army.

Picking up Kaleb from school and Alex, Mason, and Johnson from the prison it was good to know they now had the numbers. The hunters camp is entrenched however. Kalis didn't want to lose anyone else from his pack, not again. They needed a plan.

Back at camp Mars was visibly upset. His brother had gone missing in the night. He had refused to leave without him and sent patrols to try to track him. He wasn't sure what he'd do if he ended up dead or worse. Suddenly he heard back from one of his patrols.

"Sir, a man wearing our uniform is approaching from the town." The patrol radioed over. Mars Rushed to the edge of camp to see his brother approaching. He ran towards him and quickly embraced him into a hug before releasing him and striking him in the face.

"How dare you disobey me," Mars lecture. "That was a completely reckless stunt that could have gotten you killed or worse."

Ares had to suppress a growl at the idea 'or worse'. He regained his composure and explained to his brother what had happened. Ares explained that he had found the Alpha hiding in the sewers, he had a couple wolves with him. They ran once he was spotted, but it was impossible to track due to the place being a maze. He begged his brother to organize a hunt that night.

"Sir, we have a group of about 10 students hiking south east of the camp with their football coach. Doesn't look like they are heading this way but be aware." One of the patrols radioed in interrupting them.

"Understood." Mars answered.

"Alright Ares we will stay and investigate. Let the men know we're moving in at midnight. Get their gear ready and try to get some sleep during the day." Mars ordered.

"Sir, not to insult you, but what if Ares was turned, he could be leading us into a trap. We should test him." Suggested one of his soldiers. Before Mars could respond, Ares pulled out one of his iconic silver daggers, spinning it around in his hand before laying the blade across his bare arm. There was no burning, no pain.

"Proof enough for you?" Ares said with a smirk.

"Uh Sir, a prison chain gang just set up along the highway to the north blocking our escape route. There's about 50 men spread out on the highway." Another patrol radioed in.

"Understood, keep an eye on them and report back if anything changes." Mars responded. Mars went in and hugged his brother one last time before breaking away. "Come brother, you must be starving. Let's get you something to eat and tell me more about this wolf."

Mars and Ares sat around the fire eating discussing their next moves. They needed to get into the sewers but they couldn't alert the wolves. Not knowing how many were down there they had to be careful. Hours into their planning one of the patrols radioed in.

"Sir, we have multiple vehicles approaching the base of the forest. Dozens of men are approaching. Wait no, they're transforming! Sir we got wolves we're under at-" The patrol screamed before going to static.

"Come in patrol, do you hear me?" Mars called back. "All patrols report!" he demanded. Dead air was all he heard back. Suddenly a choir of howls came from where those patrols once were. "Fuck, Ares they must have gotten your scent and track you back here." Mars said in a panic. "Everyone fall back to the secondary location, let's go! Now!" He ordered.

"Sir, what about the chain gang? They are blocking our path." A soldier questioned.

"The wolves won't expose themselves, even if they are stupid enough to do that, even if they were those human's shotguns won't kill them but sure will hurt like a bitch. Either way it will give us time to escape." Mars answered.

The Hunters began to retreat towards the highway leaving most of their equipment behind. They could hear the howls and snarls of the wolves closing in. As they got closer to the highway they ran into a wall of wolves with the tattered remains of the prison uniforms. At this point it was clear they walked into a trap. The hunters quickly stopped and drew their weapons. Doing as they were trained they quickly formed a circle with Mars and Ares in the center as the wolves behind them caught up and completely surrounded them. Wolves snarled at the hunters as they slashed away trying to keep the wolves back. The sea of wolves began to part as they saw a towering black wolf slowly approach.

"Well well well, how the tables have turned." Kalis chuckled, walking up to the hunters.

"Kalis! This is madness, how could you have rebuilt your pack to this degree?! How did you know where we were?!" Mars shouted back in desperation and confusion.

"Oh I couldn't have done it without my incredibly talented and loyal beta's, like your brother." Kalis said with a smirk.

Before Mars could understand what he meant he was grabbed and lifted up by large strong furry arms. His arms were pinned at his side with a paw shoved inside his mouth.

"Shh, now brother we can't have you swallow that pill. It didn't work for me as you can see." Ares whispered in his ear, removing the fake tooth.

The gagging sounds drew the attention of the hunters as they jumped back shocked to see a wolf inside their defenses. The surrounding wolves took advantage of the chaos and jumped the hunters as they broke formation. In seconds the hunters were down getting bit and fucked surrounding the brothers. It didn't take long as the transformation began.

"Isn't this hot?" Ares asked lowering Mars a little so his groin was resting on his cock. "All these guys are evolving, becoming their true selves. They are feeling the pleasure of serving the Alpha, as you soon will." He said as he began to thrust a little, edging himself on his own brother..

"I can't believe you betrayed your own family. How did you pass our test?" Mars asked.

"Alpha is smart, he thought I might be tested when I returned. We put a clear coat over the silver so the silver never actually touched my skin. I knew you wouldn't test me any further than that, my loving brother." Ares explained giving him a lick.

Their conversation was interrupted by a series of howls. The wolves coming to climax as they got up from the ground, no longer hunters, but wolves of different sizes and colors stood to join the rest of the pack surrounding the brothers.

"Alpha, I'd like to offer you my brother. Please bite him to share this gift and let us repay you for our sins in our ignorant old life." Ares said with a slight bow.

"No," Kalis answered "I think as a final act of betrayal you should bite him. Take everything he believes in and corrupt it. I can't imagine a better person to do that to him than his own brother."

"You honor me Alpha." Ares said before sinking his teeth into his brother's shoulder.

Ares dropped his brother to the ground and stepped back giving him some room to transform. Mars was grunting in pain, sinking his fingers into the dirt under him as the transformation began. His hands shifted to paws with sharp claws allowing him to dig deeper into the earth as brown fur began to spread. The transformation was exciting the wolves and as one of the former hunters tried to walk up to mount him. Mars slashed at him with a growl as he gave him a menacing look with his now yellow eyes. The wolves stayed back, but they did begin to start jerking themselves or neighbors off as the transformation continued. Mars continued to trash about trying to resist as his muscles expanded and his face began to morph. The transformation was finishing up with his ears morphin to the top of his head and his tail as his resistance faded he came with a howl. This sent the wolves around him over the edge as they all joined him, baptizing him in their seed. Ares walked over to him and helped him up. He licked the cum off Mar's face a few times before Mars pulled him in for a deep kiss which he eagerly returned.

"Thank you for this gift," Mars said. "I have never felt so free."

"It's not me you should be thanking." Ares replied, gesturing to Kalis.

Mars shook off the rest of the cum and approached Kalis with his brother. Walking together it was hard to tell them apart. Both stood at 7'3" with the same fur color and markings. Both of them could make a body builder jealous and each had a 15 inch cock swaying between their legs as they approached. They were once brothers, but now were more like twins. They both got down on either side of Kalis' cock as Ares started lick and suck on his balls as Mars started stroking his shaft.

"Please forgive my transgressions in my former life. I hope to make it up to you. Please accept my soul and body as your lowly servant." Mars said before engulfing Kalis's cock in his maw as he started bobbing his head.

"Oh you will repay me alright," Kalis responded. "As my Beta. You have great combat knowledge, leadership skills, and from what I hear a great respect from your soldiers. Despite your actions I will not let those skills be wasted. You will command your troops as my special elite unit alongside your brother. Together you will accomplish what no other man or wolf could do."

"This is an undeserved honor, I won't let you down Alpha." Mars said, doubling his efforts.

"I'm sure you won't." Kalis replied. "Now get up and bend over, let's properly celebrate your rebirth." He said as the wolves devolved into a massive orgy.

With the threat neutralized Kalis was free to convert the rest of the town. A majority was already converted as students turned their parents, prison guards and teachers turned their families, and the ones turned worked on their neighbors. However with no oversight meant brash and faster results. Police would carry out fake search warrants and collect the family to turn them in one swoop. Electricians and plumbers were turned and set off on their customers. Kalis no longer worried about being hunted from the woods. This would be his town. Not two months after he arrived nearly dead he owned the whole town. He held a town meeting and walked out in his true form to the cheers and howls of his new subjects. He was going to enjoy this.


Mars walked into the mayor's office to discuss something with Kalis. He walked into a beautiful sight of Kalis plowing his brother on top of his desk. Ares on his back his face in pure bliss, tongue out, holding on the sides of the desk trying to keep himself from being pushed off. With a deep grunt Kalis slams into Ares cumming inside him causing Ares to cum hands free all over his own stomach and chest.

"Hope you enjoyed the show." Kalis said, pulling out. "Why don't you come help me clean up."

"Yes Alpha, thank you!" Mars said eagerly. He walked over and got to his knees and started cleaning his shaft with his tongue. "You know Alpha," Mars said between licks. "I wanted to talk to you about a secret hunter research center that isn't that far away from here. It's well guarded, but nothing we can't handle. They have a lot of scientists and old relics that may be of some use to you. I would love to lead my team and conquer it in your name. What do you think?"

Kalis was quiet for a moment then said "tell me more..."