One Lonely Christmas

Story by G-Drag12 on SoFurry

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One Lonely Christmas -

The husky was on his way home from the grocery store one Christmas Eve with the turkey that him and his family were going to enjoy, smiling as he thought of the finished product and how delicious it was going to be once it was cooked. He walked past many other furs who were doing the same or just out doing last minute shopping and whatnot, then he walked past a local café and in the window he saw a lonely familiar little green dragon, sitting by himself drinking a hot cocoa presumably. He put his hears down in sadness for the poor little guy, then perked them right back up as he ran for the front entrance and went in to talk to him. When he got to his table, he sat right down in front of the little dragon and set down the big frozen bird next to the booth. The little dragon looked up surprised, "H-hey... wh... what're you doing here, Jake?"

Jake gave the little dragon a chuckle, "I'm here for Christmas with my family... why are you here by yourself? Shouldn't you be with your... ya know... your own family? Huh Lenni?"

Lenni looked down and frowned, ashamed at his situation, "Well... I wouldn't be here if I had a family to go back to..." He took a sip of his hot cocoa and kept his eyes from Jake's.

Jake put his ears down, "Oh I'm sorry... I shouldn't have been so insensitive... can I ask what happened?"

Lenni nodded, "Well... after the incident... I came out to my family, the ones I trusted the most, hoping it would get the grief off of my chest, get the pain from my heart to lift... but it made things worse, they shunned me and life at home became a living hell. It was like I had contracted some sort of virus; they avoided me, talked about me behind my back, and sometimes, even while I was in the same room... So after a while, after I turned 18, I got the hell out; I found cheap apartment and have been working, just barely making ends meet..." His voice getting shaky as he was about to start crying, "I'm not sure h-how much longer I can keep going... I'm so lonely..." He sniffled and wiped a tear that trickled down his left cheek. Then, he looked up as he felt a warm paw on his own.

Jake looked caringly into Lenni's teary emerald eyes with his own differently colored eyes, one icy blue and the other a deep turquoise green, "I'm so sorry that happened to you... I feel like it was all my fault... Lemme make it up to you, come have Christmas with my family and me, they remember you and miss you and would welcome you with open arms... plus I miss you too bud." And he rubbed Lenni's paw gently.

Lenny sniffled and smiled, "A-are you sure?"

Jake smiled and nodded, "Of course! It'll be like old times kinda." And he got up grabbing the turkey then offering a paw to help Lenni up.

Lenni took his paw and as he got up he hugged Jake tightly, "I missed you too." Then the two left the café. On the walk to Jake's house, nothing was said; the two were just enjoying each other's company, especially Lenni. He missed Jake so very much and he longed to have him back in his life, and here he was; they were going back to his house to enjoy a delicious Christmas Eve dinner and have a joy filled Christmas.

When they arrived at Jake's house, Jake made sure everyone knew he was home and had the turkey, "HEEEEEEEEEEEYYY!!!! I'm home with dinner and a friend!" Lenni looked at Jake when he said this and smiled, he was glad that he considered him a friend again.

Jakes sister, Ann, yelled back from the kitchen, "Well, it's about GODDAMN TIME!!! Who's your friend?"

Jake led Lenni into the house, "It's Lenni, ya know, from high school!" and he took the turkey into the kitchen to his two sisters.

The two sisters looked at eachother and freaked out, "LENNI?!" and they ran out of the kitchen, past Jake holding the frozen bird awkwardly alone in the kitchen now.

Lenni saw the husky sisters coming from the kitchen to basically tackle him, "H-hey guys ho- OOF!" and he was down, the two sisters hugging him tight. He laughed and hugged back, "Hey Ann, hey Bridget, I missed you too! Hahaha."

Will came from the kitchen and saw the love fest going on in the foyer, happy to see Lenni smiling, he missed that smile. He giggled, "Hey, I hate to interrupt the love fest but, I'm starving over here."

The two sisters gave Jake a dirty look, "Well maybe if somebody hadn't burnt the first turkey we wouldn't have this problem!" snapped Bridget as she got up to get back to kitchen closely followed by Amy, playfully shoving Jake out of her way.

Lenni got up and walked over to Jake giggling, "Well that was quite the welcoming hahaha."

Jake laughed, "hahaha yeah, they love to over-do it... and I didn't burn the last turkey, they turned the oven up too high!" saying the last part loud enough for the ladies in the kitchen to hear, only getting a pair of loud 'Hmph's. Then he headed for the couch to watch some T.V. before dinner, Lenni sitting right next to him. He flipped the channels until he reached a movie he wanted to watch, looking at Lenni to see if he was okay with it, "Four Christmases good?" Lenni looked at Jake and nodded.

About half the movie had passed and Lenni was now leaning on Jake and Jake had an arm around Lenni's shoulder, holding him close; all while the two ladies were in the kitchen preparing a meal for the four of them. The reason behind there being only three in the wolf household is because back when Jake was still in high school, he had come out to his family about being homosexual. It seemed like the right time considering he was about to go off to college far away but, it made things rough in the house. His parents started fighting; his sisters started blaming him for breaking up the family and began to turn their own mother against him even when she was on his side while his father tried to outcast him from the family. By the time college time came around, Jake cut any ties he had to his home and his home town because he vowed to never come back, even if it meant leaving Lenni. Jake left for college, being thankful he had a full-ride academic scholarship to his college. After he left, things in the house only got worse, his dad kept starting fights and even hit his wife on a few occasions, his sisters constantly having to break up the rough fights and get hurt in the middle. Eventually, their parents got a divorce and their father finally confessed that he had been cheating on his wife and, using Jake's coming-out as a way of getting put. This was too much for their mother to take and she went into depression spiraling downward until she inevitably killed herself. His sisters realized that they had wronged Jake and the summer before his junior year they invited him down to their new home that their mother left them in her will to apologize and hopefully mend their relationship. Now, it's Jakes winter break in his junior year and, they're all one big happy family again.

Jake and Lenni had almost finished the movie when finally the two ladies finished dinner, "Yo Jake! We're finally done with dinner, come help us set the table and get everything ready... and this time, please don't mess anything up."

Jake rolled his eyes and got up from the couch, gently stroking Lenny's head as he got up, making Lenni blush a little, "Just a few more minutes bud." Then, Jake went into the kitchen to get everything for the dining room. After about ten minutes everything was ready and Jake called Lenni into the dining room, "Alright Lenni, it's all ready, time to feast!"

Lenni giggled and walked to the dining room, "Okie dokie, I'm comin''!"

Once everyone was at the table, Jake said grace and then everyone dug into the feast before them; mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, Caesar salad, hot French rolls, brown gravy, cranberry sauce, and the main course, a perfectly golden brown turkey. Everyone was quiet at first, enjoying their meal then light conversation came up, mostly asking how Lenni's been over the past few years and he told his story and got comforting and reassuring words. Then, the question on everyone's mind came up thanks to Bridget, "So... are you two a couple again?"

Lenni looked at Jake worriedly, wondering what he might say since he didn't want to say anything considering he wanted to know the answer for himself. After some awkward silence, Jake cleared his throat nervously, "Aherrm... well... I'm just glad I got to see him... now who wants dessert?" Then he got up taking his plate to the kitchen.

Lenni looked down in disappointment, but he was glad just to see Jake again, even if they weren't getting back together, as much as he wanted that. The two sisters got up and gave Lenni some comforting pats as they walked by and took their own plates into the kitchen. Ann got next to Jake who was leaning over the sink, "Hey, you really hurt him with that... Bri and I will take care of the dishes here, go make him feel better, I hate to see the little guy upset, he's much too cute to be sad like that."

Jake sighed, "What do you want from me Ann? What? We see eachother for a few hours after not seeing eachother for three years and we're just supposed to get back together like that?!" He said raising his voice at the end.

Ann put her ears down, "Hey, don't get pissy with me mister! Besides, it was your fault you too broke up in the first place and never even bothered to talk to him, don't tell me you don't still have feelings for him? You two seemed so in love back in the day, what happened to that? Don't think nobody saw you two snuggling on the couch before dinner."

Jake put his ears down now and looked away, he did still have feelings for Lenni, but he didn't feel right just getting back together after all that happened. He felt he didn't deserve Lenni after what he did to him and what happened after he left. He looked at Ann and said, "That was so long ago... and I really hurt him back then, do you really think he's gonna take me back after all that? After three years of being alone thanks to me? I'm surprised he didn't punch me in the face when I saw him in the café... I don't think so."

Ann put a paw on Jake's arm, "I'm not the one who you should be asking that." Then she looked towards the dining room.

Lenni sat alone in the dining room, trying to listen in on the conversation, but they were talking too softly for him to hear, but he knew they were talking about him. He began to tear up, he wanted Jake back so badly, he knew he hurt him all those years back but, he didn't care anymore, he never stopped loving him. He couldn't stand to think that all they'll ever be is friends after all they had been through and all the good memories they had before Jake had left. He didn't want to be hurt again, so he got up and left, grabbed his things and was about to head out the front door until he felt someone come up behind him and grab his paw. He knew it was Jake so he wiped his cheeks of his tears and turned around, "Wh-what? What do you want from me Jake? I don't want to be hu-..." Before he could finish his sentence Jake had him in a tight embrace and a passionate kiss.

Jake held Lenni there for a few minutes, kissing and suckling gently at Lenni's soft lips while he held him close and tight to his body, before he finally let up and looked Lenni in his emerald green eyes, "Lenni... I missed you so much! I want you back in my life, in my arms, in my bed... in my heart." Then he pulled Lenni back into a tight embrace, this time nuzzling his cheek with his own, "Whadda ya say bud? Will you be my boyfriend again? I promise to never hurt you again like the way I did!" Then he pulled back to see Lenni's face, to see what he might say.

Lenni hadn't expected so much at once, his brain didn't know what to say, so he said what he felt in his heart, "Y-yes... A thousand times yes!" Then he jumped and gave Jake a tight hug, nuzzling hi shoulder.

Jake smiled and began to cry tears of joy, "Thank you so much Lenni... I never stopped loving you Lenni; I just had to do what I did back then because I had to leave... I had to get away, but now I'm back and I'm here for you... I love you Lenni."

Lenni pulled back as Jake was talking and then when he finished, he wiped his tears for, "I understand Jake; I never stopped loving you either... I love you too." And he pressed his lips against Jake's for another passionate kiss.

The two sisters had been watching from the slightly ajar kitchen door and, when the two were all good and together again they burst out shouting "AWWWW!" in unison practically, and then hugged the two boys for a group hug.

After the group hug everyone grabbed some apple pie for dessert and gathered by the TV for some Christmas television before bed, the two sisters on one end of the couch, and the two now-lovers cuddling on the other. After two or so Christmas movies, everyone was asleep except, for Jake. He realized this as the credits from the last movie began to roll and he looked around then, he threw a pillow at his sisters to wake them up.

Ann snapped awake as the pillow pelted her face, "Ow! Hey wha-.."

Jake shushed her as he pointed out that everyone was asleep, then gently picked Lenni up, gently placing his little dragon head on his shoulder and holding his legs up by his waste, "Hey bud, hangon tight, we're going to bed okay?"

Lenni stirred a little, "mmkay." He said groggily.

Then Jake walked him upstairs to his room and gently set him on his bed, stripped himself to his boxers then helped Lenni down to his boxer briefs and snuggled into bed next to him so that they were facing eachother. He gave him a kiss on his snout and gently stroked his side, "Goodnight Lenni, I love you."

Lenni smiled and nuzzled closer to Jake, "Mmmm I love you too Jake, goodnight." Then he drifted off to sleep and so did Jake, holding Lenni close in his arms.

The next day, Bridget and Ann burst in Jakes room, "MERRY CHRISTMAS BOYS!!!!!!" Yelled Ann as Bridget ran over and began to shake the bed to wake the two up, "C'mon you two, let's open up some presents!!"

Jake and Lenni giggled as they were tormented awake. Jake gave Lenni a light kiss on the lips, "Good morning... guess we better go open up some presents before something worse happens hahaha."

Lenni giggled and returned the kiss, "Hahaha I guess so, but it'll be fun! So cheer up mister!" And Lenni stuck his tongue out at Jake as he got up, pulling him along. The two got dressed and headed downstairs.

Once everyone was downstairs, the two sisters were on the couch along with Lenni and, Jake was deemed the distributor. He handed out presents one by one depending on whose name was on it. Everyone got four or five presents, mostly clothes and money but that's not what mattered to them, they're just all glad they were all together again. Once everyone had all their presents Jake got up on the couch next to Lenni, "Hey, sorry there weren't any for you... I would've if I knew this was going to happen, hehe."

Lenni giggled and hugged Jake tight, "Don't worry, you gave me the best present of all." And he kissed Jake gently.

The two sisters awed and Ann said, "Why are all the cute, sexy, nice boys gay?" Everyone got a good laugh out of this.

Jake looked at Ann, "Hey, don't worry sis, you'll find someone eventually, just make sure feed him and bath him regularly hahaha." And everyone laughed again, even Ann. Then they all realized the mess and had to put everything away so that they could enjoy the rest of the day with their new presents. Jake and Lenni went to Jake's room and the two girls went to their own rooms.

Once the two were alone, Jake went to lie on the bed and sighed tiredly, "Ugh, why do they have to start that so early... I'm so tired."

Lenni giggled then walked up to the bed and seductively crawled up to Jake, "Well mister, it's time for your present, it's kinda last minute, but I think you'll still like it."

Jake laughed a little and wrapped his arms around Lenni, "Ooooh, what is it?"

Lenni licked his lips, "It's a do whatever you want to Lenni gift card, redeemable at any participating Lenni's." and he giggled.

Jake giggled too and kissed Jake softly, "Hmm, well I'm gonna use it right now, I want to make sweet love to Lenni and whisper sweet nothings to him. Is that in your gift card policy?"

Lenni laughed, "Oh I do think it is, lemme check... yup it is heehee."

Jake rolled the two of them over, "Good, cuz I was planning on it either way." Then he kissed Lenni passionately, gently rubbing his sides underneath his shirt, edging it up until he had to pull off the kiss to get it off and then he took his own off and returned to kissing Lenni, this time pushing his husky tongue past Lenni's soft lips to twist and dance with his long slithery one while he rubbed his soft and smooth chest and caressed his head. After making out like this for a few minutes, Jake reached down to undo his pants, then Lenni stopped him and pulled from the kiss, "Wait, lemme do this for you love." Then they moved so Jake was leaning back on the pillows and Lenni was in front of him undoing his pants then pulling them down slowly. Once they were off, Lenni took a few seconds to look Jake's body over, loving how sexy and beautiful he was. His muscles showing even through his thick pure white fur, his beautiful eyes, he loved how they were different colors, and his favorite colors at that. Then he took off his own pants so that he was also naked. He ran his paws up Jake's legs to his inner thighs as he moved his snout closer and closer to Jake's cock until he was close enough so that he could just lick the tip, which made Jake twitch a little. Lenni giggled at this then he licked all the way down the shaft until he got to his balls, lapping at them for a little before returning to his nine inch cock. This time he took half of it into his snout, suckling gently on it, swallowing the pre that came up. Jake was writhing and gasping in pleasure, gently petting Lenni's head as he gave him an amazing blow job. This made Lenni blush and then he took Jake's whole cock into his mouth and Jake moaned loudly as Lenni's wet warmth engulfed his cock. He stayed there for a few seconds, suckling softly at the whole dripping cock in his maw and then he began to bob up and down. Jake moaned and leaned his head back as Lenni made him feel more pleasure than he had felt in the past three years.

After a minute or two of Lenni bobbing up and down faster and faster on Jakes cock, Jake was getting close to his climax and he didn't want it to end so soon, "Oh gawds... W-wait Lenni... I wanna finish in your cute rump."

Lenni pulled off with a slurp and wiped any drool from his snout, "Mmm tasty as I remember hehe... okay Jake, anything for you."

Lenni and Jake switched spots and Jake moved over Lenni so his hips were in between Lenni's legs and his drooling cock was hovering over Lenni's tight pucker. He licked Lenni's cheek, "You ready?"

Lenni blushed and nodded, "Y-yeah, make love to me Jake, I want it so badly." Jake smiled and kissed Lenni passionately as he began to push his cock into his tail hole, sliding it in relatively easily from Lenni's slick saliva. Lenni moaned into the kiss as he was penetrated and once it was all the way inside, they just stayed like that, kissing eachother deeply and passionately, rubbing eachother all over, loving one another's embrace and warmth. After a few minutes, Jake began to thrust, slow and gentle at first, getting small whimpers and gasps of pleasure from Lenni below him. Lenni wrapped his legs around Jakes waste and licked his neck gently then whispered into his ear, "oh Jake... faster." And Jake wrapped his arms around Lenni, holding him tight and close as he began to speed up his thrusts, making Lenni moan and whimper into his shoulder. After a minute or two of this, Lenni began to feel Jake's knot banging his pucker, begging for entrance, "Tie me Jake." He whimpered as he buried his snout into Jake's shoulder and holding him tighter, bracing for his big knot. Jake rubbed his head gently before he began to thrust and push harder, trying to force his knot in and at about the fourth or fifth thrust it finally popped inside, making a loud pop and slurp, followed by Lenni's muffled screams of pain and pleasure as he came, covering his belly scales and Jake's belly fur. Jake made a few more quick, hard, small thrusts until he finally came, howling into the throws of orgasm as he bred Lenni, his lover. Once they both finished cumming, they just laid there in each other's arms, panting, Lenni's head still buried into Jake's shoulder fur.

After a few minutes, Jake rolled them over so they were on their sides and he gently rubbed Lenni's head, "Hey, you ok bud?" Genuinely concerned he hurt him.

Lenni lifted his head up, still not looking Jake in the eyes for he was softly crying, "I missed you so much Jake." He said very softly.

Jake pulled him back in and kissed his forehead, "I missed you too Lenni, I missed you too Lenni."

Lenni softly sobbed into Jake's neck fur for a few minutes before he finally came up and looked Jake in the eyes, "I love you... with all my heart."

Jake smiled and wiped away Lenni's remaining tears, "I love you too Lenni... I love you too." And the two laid there in each other's arms, happily in love.


Hope you enjoyed and had a Merry Christmas of your own ^.=.^