Just Another Holiday Office Party

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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Shane couldn't believe his lucky stars as he rode the elevator to the top of his office building; not only had he just been promoted from the lowly peon desk job at the toy company he worked with, but he was also invited to the extremely exclusive Christmas after-party that very few had ever looked upon. He had been working at the company for only five years, starting out as a clerk and then promoted to a lower management position after a few years. That's where he expected to stay for quite a while until the cycle of senior members eventually wound his way down to him, a process that usually took a decade at least to accomplish in corporate America. But there he was, about to skip ahead of quite a few people to a very lucrative position.

The CFO had made the announcement during their office's holiday party; it was both interesting and frightening to see the look on his senior member's faces go from shock to either feigned resignation or absolute rage. It made the rest of the party rather tedious, receiving strained congratulations from former co-workers and superiors alike. Luckily for him a drunken couple had taken the spotlight from him as they crashed into the copier machine making out while their significant others were still within sight. Needless to say the party was pretty much over after the police got done with talking to everyone.

As the elevator made its way to the top floor of the building he checked his reflection in the shiny metal doors. He was relatively in shape for his late twenties, with short, straight black hair that always seemed messy no matter what he did with it. His clothing, loosely defined as 'business casual', hung on his lanky frame as he paced back and forth. He had reason to be nervous, it was his first big break in his life and he wanted to make a great first impression. They would be his new co-workers, and if they didn't like him...

Finally, with a tiny ding, the doors opened to reveal a very nice conference room. A large mahogany table dominated most of it, which was filled with various drinks and snacks. Their CFO sat at the head of the table, surrounded by eight men dressed in high-power business suits that were laughing and talking while they partook of the treats in front of them. Shane wasn't sure whether or not to introduce himself, but one of the men who had been chatting with the CFO noticed his entrance and quickly broke off his conversation to walk over to him.

"Hey new guy, right on time." The man said as he greeted him with a pat on the back and a hearty handshake. Shane was surprised at the strength of the man's grip, what little of the man's form he could see was extremely well toned. "We're all glad that you have decided to join our special team here at the company. Everyone has been extremely excited to see who will be replacing me."

"Replacing you?" Shane replied, slightly astonished. "I'm.... sorry... "

"Oh hey, I wouldn't worry about it." The man said with a warm smile. "I would have liked to get you introduced to the rest of the guys, but I'm afraid that our schedule is rather tight at the moment and we have to prepare you immediately for tonight's task."

"I'm sorry, what?" Shane asked in confusion as the man took him by the hand and led him into one of the side rooms. Out of the corner of his vision he saw several of the men leer after them, something that gave him pause before he was jerked into the room. "Hey, I'm not sure what's going on here. I was just told I was getting a promotion during tonight's Christmas party and to come up here around seven."

Shane was about to ask more, but he was interrupted as the man grabbed him by the shirt and brought him in for a deep kiss. It caught him completely by surprise, unable to do anything as his eyes widened in shock. The whole thing lasted for what seemed like an eternity, he could feel his member stir as he just stood there and felt the larger man's lips as they ravished his. Finally the man pulled away, which left him reeling in his footsteps.

"I..." He started to say as he sat down. "I don't even know your name."

"You can call me Blitzen sweetie." The man replied with a smirk as he sat down next to him and began to unbutton his shirt. Shane wanted to stop him, wanted to ask what in the world was going on, but after the mind-blowing kiss his entire body seemed to betray him. "Though that's not going to be the case for long. Just relax, I know you're going to enjoy this, I've been watching you personally for quite some time."

"That is quite the understatement." Another voice said as Blitzen almost ripped Shane's shirt off, a voice that he recognized as the CFO's as he walked into the room while unbuttoning his suit. "Blitzen here had you marked almost the first day you came to work for us. It took every fiber of his being not to jump you right then and there, to make sure that adequate preparations could be made before we brought you on board. We had to make sure that you would be the right fit, after all."

As the two began to undress themselves, the only thought that ran through Shane's mind was that these two were absolutely gorgeous. Their chests and abs were well-muscled, but without that exaggerated look that some bodybuilders got, and both were covered with what looked like a fine layer of fuzz. It was a body he envied, that he lusted after on the rare occasions he went to the bars. He half-wondered if this was perhaps a dream, and that he had drank too much at the office party and was passed out on the floor.

Despite his wonder the dream continued, and once the two were free of the top layer of their clothing they quickly descended upon the still-beguiled Shane, their lips and hands roamed hungrily over his thin, wiry chest. His barely-audible protests became small moans of pleasure as those hands ran down to his dress slacks and nearly tore them away from his body. The actions were so... carnal, but with a controlled cunning that frightened him slightly.

"My dear Blitzen, you were certainly did make a good find, hardly any fuss at all." The CFO said as he removed the last of Shane's clothing, his boxers, which allowed his rock-hard maleness to jut out. He blushed slightly as his rather diminutive member was revealed to the two men, but they didn't seem to mind as they quickly began to undo their own clothes. His heart nearly skipped a beat from the sight of the massive bulges they sported, and his naked body trembled as the two grinned at each other before they simultaneously dropped their boxers.

Shane could hardly believe his eyes as they fixed upon the two inhuman sheathes attached to their groins, the CFO's covered in thick white fur while Blitzen's was a shorter brown. He tried to form a question, but nothing came from his mouth as the two moved to either side of him and began to stroke down his sides and thigh. Their touch was amazing, he no longer cared for the questions he had an instead gave a series of small groans as they began to lick his neck. In the back of his mind he realized their tongues were thicker and longer than before, but once more it was brought to the background as they traced a trail down to his nipples.

"I daresay we should bring him up to speed before we continue." The CFO said with a grin after his mouth gave one last long lick down Shane's chest. "Though at this point I'm sure he would blindly follow us into the very gates of hell itself. Luckily we don't ask that much of you, right Blitzen?"

"That's right Boss." Blitzen chuckled as a hand, which was covered in the same brown fur as his sheath, began to stroke up and down Shane's shaft. "Why don't you give him the rundown while I help ease him into the position?"

The CFO nodded and stood up, his stature now at least seven feet tall as his naked body bulged with the growth of even more muscle. "I'm sure you're more than aware of the legend of Santa and how he delivers toys to all the good boys and girls and such, correct?" Shane nodded, through it was quickly interrupted as Blitzen grabbed his member and began to suckle on the head as he continued. "Well, first let me tell you that it's all true, that since the beginning of time immemorial there existed a being that has traveled across the globe delivering toys to the good children. In order to help him, this magical being used his talents to transform reindeer in order to pull his sleigh of goodies."

"But... what... does... that... haAH!" Shane tried to ask before Blitzen slid his hot mouth all the way to his pubes. His body squirmed as he lashed out and tried to grab onto his head. What he grabbed, however, was a pair of ivory antlers that thickened in his grip. His eyes opened in surprise as he watched the horny growths branch out while the man's face started to stretch out into a muzzle. The entire scene was surreal as a pair of white paws grabbed him by the face and turned his attention back to the CFO, who looked like a cross between the Coca-cola bear and a professional weightlifter.

"I'm guessing what you were going to ask is, 'what does that have to do with me', or something of that nature?" The CFO replied as his black eyes stared down at him. "You see, Santa's operation was good when the world was small, but especially as of late the population had exploded to the point where he needed some help. He used his magic to enhance more animals in order to do this, but they lacked the intelligence to fulfill his needs. So instead he made us, willing men and women who became creatures that mimic Santa's original operation in order to help him. As you can see, we've taken it a step further and have invested ourselves into multi-national companies to supply ourselves with added resources."

The anthro polar bear, whom Shane guessed was 'Santa' under the circumstances, smiled and took another step towards him, his massive foot-long cock, easily the bigger of the two with the width of a soda can, pressed against Shane's chest. Shane's eyes drifted down towards Blitzen as the anthro reindeer continued to suckle on his shaft, his body coated in fluffy reindeer fur as he saw a short tail extend out of his spine and his feet turn black and turn into diamond-hard hooves. As he felt his tongue swirl around his member, he could have sworn that he was getting fuller in his longer muzzle, possibly a trick of the suction as his head pushed deeper into his throat.

"While we are in his service we are immortal," the CFO continued, which snapped Shane out of his reverie, "but sometimes we get tired of the role we play and leave, in which we need someone to take our place. The nature of our magic allows us to shift identities and change reality for us to blend in and continue our work, or to live normal lives when we decide to retire. You have been chosen for that role."

Blitzen could sense that Shane was about ready to climax and in a cruel tease slid off him with a loud slurp. "As I've said, you're perfect for the job. You have a love for helping people, a genuine caring spirit that's hard to find these days. You also don't have much in the way of family, not to mention gay. You'll fit right in with the rest of the team; I guarantee it, not to mention the perks." To emphasize the point he stood up and flexed his muscles provocatively as one hand trailed down his near eight-pack to his equally impressive, girthy prick that jutted from his sheath.

Shane was beside himself as he watched the two anthros as they stood side by side as he started to come down from the pleasure high Blitzen had given him. They had started to stroke each other as they grinned at him like an idiot and seemed to wait for him to do or say something. As he followed their gaze down he was astonished to see his normally pathetic member nearly doubled in size, though still dwarfed by the meat the other two packed. He suddenly found movement back in his hands as they gravitated towards his own member, every gentle touch he gave it caused a shiver down his own body.

"Are you ready to become Blitzen then? We must hurry if you are to get ready in time." The polar bear said. Shane stopped playing with his once more rigid member and looked up at the two, who had expectant lust in their eyes as he gulped and nodded.

They each grabbed Shane by an arm and quickly maneuvered him to one of the very large couches that dominated the room. He was quickly put on all fours, his scrawny form and enlarged cock mashed into the expensive leather as he felt the reindeer's soft fur press against his backside. There was an innocuous full length mirror on the wall opposite them, which gave him a perfect view of himself and Blitzen as he climbed on top of him.

"So... you're retiring then?" Shane asked nervously as he could feel the hot spire of reindeer flesh press between his cheeks.

"No, I am." The polar bear said in a deep baritone as he sauntered up behind Blitzen. "Blitzen will be promoted to Santa, and you will be promoted to his old position on the team." He heard the couch creak nosily as Santa took his position behind the reindeer, who groaned loudly as hands ran down his muscular chest. That action was mirrored by Blitzen, who ran his hands down Shane's smooth skin and caused him to pant and moan. They went down his thighs to between his cheeks, where he gasped as he felt one of the digits push into him suddenly. The cushion became slick with pre as it began to leak from all the stimulation, especially after a second, and then third finger were added.

After a short time Shane felt his walls clench around the furry appendages as they withdrew, and he watched with a bit of horror at the reindeer's huge tapered length disappeared behind him. He gripped the side of the couch in anticipation, though he was told in a very reassured tone to relax or else it was going to hurt. As he felt a hand grip his thigh he took a deep breath to try and calm himself, which caught in his throat as he felt the lubed tip press in. His eyes screwed shut as inch after inch push into his insides, a momentary bit of pain quickly replaced with a very filling pleasure.

"Nggggh!" Blitzen shouted suddenly as the human underneath the two suddenly felt the entire length spear into him to the hilt. He watched in the reflection as the reindeer's butt lifted high in the air as the bear plunged himself into him, which forced the other two forward. Blitzen was now firmly sandwiched between the two, Shane gasped slightly for air as each movement caused the other to moan and groan.

"Brings back old times..." the bear commented with a smile as he wrapped his huge arms around Blitzen to Shane, grabbing his thighs and bringing the three even closer together until their hips touched together. "Only last time I was the one in the middle." Shane couldn't believe he had almost a foot of reindeer cock in him, his eyes hardly able to focus on the erotic scene in the mirror before him. After several still moments to let the reindeer adjust, the CFO quickly became impatient and began to thrust into him. This caused him to thrust into Shane, until all three became lost in the rhythm.

Their grunts and groans filled the air as it quickly became saturated with the smell of sweat and sex. As they continued their feral coupling a change rippled through both Blitzen and Shane. His muscles grew thick and corded as he shot up several inches until he towered over the smaller human. The white patches of fur on his underbelly crawled over the other the brown like a wave until he was covered with a pelt of thick white fluff while his muzzle shortened and turned black as his whinnies turned to snarls. Shane felt something hard hit his back; a pair of antlers fell to the floor as Blitzen's ears migrated to the top of his head and became rounded.

As the changes progressed Shane could feel Blitzen's pride expand inside of him as he began to get pounded into in earnest from the transforming reindeer, the tapered head flared out and became bulbous. He could feel the hot pre splash inside him, and the heat spread to his skin as his hands wrenched against the couch to hold on for dear life from the two animals that bucked behind him. From his ass the heat turned into an inch, and as he looked back in the mirror he could see brown hairs cascade across his back and thighs. Everywhere the new fur touched he could feel the muscles in his body spasm and grow, as well as just above the cock pistoning into him a small reindeer tail snaked out into the air as his spine lengthened.

"Give me something to hold onto Blitzen!" The former Blitzen shouted with a snarl as his new paws began to slip in Shane's expanding hide. Almost on cue felt a sharp tinge of pain in his skull as the bone burst through his now long, chestnut brown hair and form into a small rack. His head jerked back as Blitzen grabbed onto them, a loud snort escaped from his nose as fur cascaded down his lengthening face and down his thickening neck.

There was a slight pause as Shane got roughly flipped onto his back, his tailhole muscles clamped down hard on the bear's member as it was still inside him as he got to see the polar bear that now stuffed him. There were almost no vestiges of reindeer left as the thrusts resumed, the bear determined to get as much of his throbbing length in and out of him as possible. Shane's body was almost completely covered in fur as well, which had grown by at least a foot and gained an impressive amount of muscle. His strong legs squeezed around his body and nearly knocked into the former Santa as he watched the toenails turn a deep black and his toes pushed together as the brown and white fur spread up to the last of his legs.

Even as Shane was lost in the throes of sex and transformation, he could feel the ancient knowledge of 'Blitzen' flow into his mind. He knew this is what he was meant to be, this is what he wanted to be. His purpose was clear, he would be working with his seven brothers in arms and a Santa bear to supply the toys to make children happy, and once a year he would transform into a horny reindeer man and deliver said parcels before he and his comrades would enjoy some 'reindeer games'. He was Blitzen, and how wonderful it felt!

Shane's final transformation was his cock, which surged with growth almost up to Blitzen's pecs as he leaned down and used his new muzzle and tongue on it. That, along with the last pleasurable twinges of transformation, was more than enough to cause him to spray his load into the bear's maw and clamp down on his cock. This caused Blitzen to orgasm with a frightening roar along with his ass clamped down on Santa's length, which caused him to roar almost as loudly.

When all three were fully spent Blitzen fell into Shane's arms, which were more than happy to receive them as his member was caught between their muscular, furry chests. It was the most powerful orgasm in his life, the afterglow of which caused his fur to tingle across his body, which seemed more natural to him now then his human form ever did. He felt a sense of happiness in his new purpose, which he conveyed to the Santa bear on top of him with a lick to his black nose.

"You two boys have fun." The two coupled together suddenly heard next to them, as they noticed a well-dressed, muscular man that stood next to them. "After two hundred years I'm going to enjoy a nice vacation on the beach, when you guys go and visit the real Santa make sure you give him my regards."

"I will." The new Santa said as he got up and pulled himself out of his new reindeer, which caused them both to shudder in pleasure. "Thank you for putting your faith in me."

"No problem, 'Santa'." The man replied with a warm smile before he reached up as high as he could and patted the polar bear on the head before he turned to the new Blitzen. "What did I tell you? Everyone who takes up a position here loves it. Don't let anyone push you around because you're the junior member Blitzen."

Blitzen quickly regained himself and got to his hooves as well before he nodded. "Ah, and I have something for you that I think you will certainly enjoy." The man continued before he pulled a box from the nearly destroyed couch and handed it to him. When the reindeer opened it up he was surprised to see an x-shaped harness that went across his chest, a collar with leash, and what appeared to be a leather thong with the word "Blitzen" etched into it. "I know you're going to make good use of them, just make sure you do the fun stuff 'after' you make all your deliveries. You have the entire Northeast and Midwest to take care of."

"Yes sir!" Blitzen said enthusiastically as Santa started to help him into the getup. The man just smiled once more and walked out into the conference room, where seven anthro reindeer in full gear sprawled out with cocks wedged firmly in their mouths or tailholes as they approached their own orgasms. The man would miss it, the post-transformation sex, but he had other plans in mind.

"Ah, I will miss the office parties though."