Naughty Santa Part 4

Story by Project_Demise on SoFurry

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#4 of Naughty Santa: A Sex Story in Four Parts

Went a little overboard with the conclusion, but I think it turned out better for it. 7600 words, and a couple fetishes I've never done before. Hope you enjoy it. GIMME CHOCOLATE!!!

Kris awoke to a thumping and bumping, as of a flying sleigh coming to a bumpy landing. He shook himself awake, which in turn jostled Tabby enough to awaken her as well. She sat up, rubbing her eyes and looking around. There wasn't much to see, without Kris' magic light to brighten things. Kris made a lazy gesture and the light returned, illuminating the red fabric of the bag.

Tabby had a confused look on her face, but memory flooded back in seconds, and she cuddled down against Kris again, purring. "So is every day with Santa Claus like this?" She asked, finishing with a giggle.

Kris smiled. "They can be," he replied. "But we need to get up in a minute. We've arrived at the North Pole."

"Just a few more minutes," she whispered, her breathing deepening as she drifted towards sleep again.

Suddenly, the flat plane they lay upon shifted, becoming vertical. Quickly shifting his weight, Kris managed to keep Tabby from being on bottom when their short fall ended.

"What was that?!" cried Tabby, terrified.

Kris laughed. "Looks like they decided to leave us alone for a while longer, and picked up the bag instead. Pretty soon, they'll let us out."

"Umm...Shouldn't we get dressed then?"

"Unfortunately, our clothes are up there." Kris pointed up the side of the bag, to where their clothes were sticking to the side. "I guess that's what one would call static cling." He laughed.

Tabby slapped him on his chest hard, making a solid THUNK! "It's not funny!" she shouted. "I don't want to be naked in front of strangers! Can't you like magically get them down or something?!"

Unhurt, Kris frowned thoughtfully. "Hmm...I suppose I could. Let me give it a shot." He made to flick his wrist.

Suddenly, the bag opened and tilted upside down, showing floor tiles so far below them. Kris grabbed hold of both Tabby and the bag's fabric, holding both as tight as he could. Tabby in turn clung to him like a drowning man to a life preserver. Then the bag began to jerk up and down. When they didn't fall out immediately, a massive green eye appeared beneath them. Tabby screamed in terror. Kris, too intent on holding tight, didn't bother telling her the eye meant no harm.

But it seemed the eye did mean some harm, for seconds after the eye withdrew a powerful force struck the side of the bag where Kris' head was, knocking him loose. And so, the two fell the vast distance to the floor.

The moment they left the bag's mouth, both Tabby and Kris expanded to full size, hitting the floor together with a soft thump, having fallen barely a foot in real size. As Kris had suspected, both the green eye and the one who had thumped him was Fantina, who looked quite pleased with herself. As soon as Tabby got over her fright from the fall, she discovered a new horror: she was naked, in public, with many eyes staring at her. She gave a small, frightened squeak and hid behind Kris, who didn't seem to care that he was nude and semi-erect, his red dick hanging somewhat limp from his sheathe and still coated in their mixed juices.

Kris looked out across the workshop, meeting the eyes of every elf there. "Mission accomplished!" he said loudly, and a cheer rose from the elves. Reaching behind him, he took hold of Tabby's shoulder and pulled her gently into view. "This is my new Mrs. Claus!" He looked down at Tabby, who came just to his neck. "Tabby, these are my elves." He began pointing to each and naming them. "Saffron, Indigo, Holly, Ivy, Rose, Lily, Tulip, Poinsettia, Lilac, Mistletoe, Sakura, Wintergreen." He turned her to face the elves behind them. "Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme, known as the Scarborough Fair." Then he turned her to Fantina. "This is my Head Elf, Fantina. Fantina, this is Tabitha Stone, my new Mrs. Claus."

Fantina approached the girl and looked at her appraisingly. She circled Tabitha, peering at her in a way that made Tabby feel as though her soul was exposed to this tiny creature. Also her nethers, which were drenched in her cream as well as Kris' spent seed. She sincerely wished she'd had a chance to clean up.

Eventually Fantina came back around to the front. She looked up at the panther with a frown, then smiled gently and held up a small hand. Tabby, very aware that she had passed some kind of test, crouched and took the hand. She was surprised at the firm grip Fantina had, quite unusually for a woman of her stature.

"I'm Fantina," said the elf. "As he said, I'm Santa's Head Elf. Basically, I manage the other elves in the workshop. We make the toys that the children all over the world get."

"Call me Tabby," replied the panther. She uncrouched and looked around, somewhat less uncomfortable about her present state since nobody had commented or seemed to care. "All of you make the toys? Aren't there more?"

"Nope. It started with just Kris and I, then eventually we needed more help. So we whipped up a few more elves, then a few more. This is the most elves we've ever had here. It's been much easier since the invention of the assembly line, since it saves a lot of time, which we use for quality control. Would you like a tour?" Tabby thought for a moment, then nodded.

Kris turned her to him and gave her a quick peck on her forehead. "Have fun with the tour. I have to finish setting things up. So enjoy yourself, and Fantina will bring you to me when you're done."

"Alright," she whispered, forehead tingling from the kiss.

Kris left then, mounting the stairs two at a time and exiting the workshop. As soon as he was out the door, the elves swarmed around Tabby, pushing and pulling her around, until she wound up in a comfy chair in the corner. They then arranged themselves around her, with Fantina sitting on the arm.

"Now, Tabby," said Fantina pleasantly. "We want to know all about you. Since you're going to be the new Mrs. Claus, the girls and I would like to know what you plan to do."

"I-I don't know," replied Tabby. "I thought I was just going to be his wife. Take care of the house and stuff."

Fantina shook her head. "The Mrs. Claus is an extension of Santa Claus. She's not as high in the chain of command as Santa himself, but she's right beneath him. So your word is law, unless the boss overturns it."

"Well, I don't really know much about the job or what it entails. Where do you fit in the chain, Fantina?"

Fantina smiled. "I'm right beneath Mrs. Claus, and right above the Head Reindeer, though that last is because I have thumbs and reindeer don't." She held out a hand and wiggled a thumb. "Also, feel free to call me Fan. You and Kris are the only ones in the North Pole who can call me that, and you only because I like you." Tabby blushed. "As for your duties, they're the same as Santa's. Check in on the workshop every now and again to make sure things are running smoothly, or to toss a spell or two to help the process along. Check up on the reindeer, since they tend to act up when they think no one is watching. And lastly, bring love and pleasure to the others here in the North Pole."

"What do you mean by love and pleasure?" asked Tabby.

"I mean sex." Tabby was stunned. Before she could protest, Fan continued. "There aren't many males here in the North Pole. Most men tend to be creatures who like to be in charge. They don't like to take orders, and resent deeply anything they might perceive as a slight. We experimented with men, and found them to be undesirable. They often had problems with taking orders from me, since I'm female. They tried to do everything their own way, and little got done. That year, Christmas very nearly didn't happen. So we don't have any males around, except the male reindeer. So Kris made it his personal duty to help alleviate any female who needed a little 'relief'. The first Mrs. Claus was the same way; she had no problem carrying out any of her duties."

"So I'm supposed to 'take care' of everyone in the North Pole who wants it?"

"Of course not," replied Fan. "If you're not into girls, you can do just the reindeer. If you aren't into sex period, you can still assist in the shop and stables. But the one thing we can't allow is for a prude to declare that Kris can't help us out. We're very open and honest here, and so I'll be open and honest with you. Kris doesn't love me or my elves or even the female reindeer. Well, he loves me like a sister, but the rest are companions. He cares about us all, but he doesn't LOVE us. The way he looks at you, that's LOVE. We're not competition, we're lesser in his affections than you are."

"But my husband, sleeping with other women..."

"And you'll be free to sleep with others as well. You aren't limited like outsiders. Any way you wish to swing, you can do so. You can have fun with us, or with the deer, or just with Kris. Or not at all, like the last Missus."


"That's the nickname we gave to the previous Mrs. Claus, Amy Wayne."

"Tell me about her. I figured from the way Kris kept calling me his 'new Mrs. Claus' that I wasn't the first, but I don't know anything about her."

"Amy Wayne was a horrible bitch. She didn't start out that way, of course. She was a luscious creature with good hips and a slutty disposition. I remember the night he met her well. We'd finished off the Christmas run, celebrated in the usual fashion, then he and I decided to go out for a beer. I can't remember exactly where it was, since it was about seventy years ago, but the night itself rings clear in my mind. Kris and I had gone to this nice little bar that served all kinds of booze and got thoroughly plastered. We were drunk off our asses, stumbling around the street, trying to find the reindeer. And there she was, in the most revealing outfit I'd ever seen on a woman of that time. I was smashed, but Kris was worse. He stumbled up to the woman and said 'Hey baby, I'm Santa Claus. Wanna see my North Pole'." Tabby laughed outright, while the other elves giggled into their fists. "Yeah, that was funny. Funnier still was her response: 'For fifty bucks, I'll let your North Pole into my South Hole'." This caused a round of laughter to erupt from everyone, Fantina included. When finally the ruckus died down, she continued. "By that time I managed to stumble up to him, and she saw me. Must've thought I was his wife or something, since she said '75 to bring the dwarf'." Fantina frowned in outrage. "She thought I was a dwarf. A DWARF!" She closed her eyes and counted to ten softly. When she finished, she was much calmer. "Kris whipped out his wallet before I could even protest, and passed her a C-note. She hauled him into the building she was standing against, and I followed. What followed after was possibly the best threesome I've ever been a part of." She said this bluntly, ignoring the faces of those listening.

"Amy was possibly the greatest whore who ever lived. She took Kris every which way he wanted and he, being drunk, came up with about a dozen dirty ways to screw her. For my part, I was content to let her munch my carpet." Tabby made a face but Fan ignored it. "She was surprised to find out I was a girl, but she didn't let that stop her. Fucking bitch. Just because I don't have monster tits doesn't mean I'm a guy!" she shouted, raising a fist to the sky and shaking it. A moment later, she settled down and finished. "Well, long story short, Kris felt bad about how much he had done with her, but decided he liked her experimental nature. So he proposed to her and she, thinking he was crazy but rich, agreed. Just like that, he whisked her away to our home. She was surprised to see that the drunk guy whose bones she jumped really was Santa, and pissed that he wasn't actually rich. But she took it in stride. She did not, however, take US in stride. She had nothing but contempt for other females, elfin or cervine. She boned the male reindeer as much as she liked, but was unkind to the females. And as for myself, she definitely wasn't a fan of me. I was apparently her only girl experience, and she decided I must be a dyke. Those are her words, not mine. She was very cold to me, as if I'd hit on her the moment she tried to be nice. I, in turn, avoided her like the plague since she didn't seem to like me anymore. I mean, yes I enjoyed her services, but I didn't much like her as a person."

"And then she started changing things. Little things at first, stuff nobody much cared about. Then she started changing bigger things. Then bigger things. She cut the reindeer down to negligible amounts of feed, reduced our own rations and those of Kris, and threatened to fire all of us elves. When she cut back our food, I got pissed and tried to talk her out of it. She tore into me like a wildcat." Fan sniffled in remembrance of the cruel things Amy had said. Wintergreen patted her back gently, reassuring her. Fantina took a steadying breath. "Finally, she died. Mrs. Claus is immortal, since she is Santa's number one helper, but the immortality is done with a separate spell. When she uncaringly cut back the reindeer's feed, they fought back and stripped her of the spell. She wound up dying of old age last week." She looked at Tabby's face to see her reaction. "None of us give a shit that she's dead, since she was a tyrant. But we do care about finding a Mrs. Claus for Kris. So I ask you again, Tabitha Stone: what do you plan to do?" She locked eyes with Tabby, green meeting yellow and holding them.

Tabby considered it for a moment. "I suppose I can take on all the duties of Mrs. Claus. I'm not much for girls, but maybe I can learn. And I may not be that great at fixing things, but I do learn quickly. And if you'll help me, Fan, I'm sure I can learn everything much faster." She held out a hand to the elf.

Fantina grinned and took it. Then, with surprising strength, tugged Tabby forward, embracing her. "Welcome, Mrs. Claus," she whispered. Surprised at the gesture, Tabby sat stunned for a second before returning the hug. After a few minutes, Fantina released her and climbed off the arm of the chair.

Tabby stood, elves scattering as she moved. "Well," she said, "I suppose we'd better get on with the tour, then."

Fantina laughed. "The tour was just an excuse and Kris knew it. He's gone to oversee the last of the party preparations. And if we don't hurry, we'll all miss the party!" She took Tabby's hand and lead her away.


It took only a few minutes for Tabby and the elves to reach the reindeer stables, and, despite being naked in the middle of the North Pole, she was quite warm. This, Fantina explained, is because the paths were enchanted to reject both snow and cold. She then informed her that they had an ongoing prank with Kris, where they would weaken the enchantment significantly when they weren't using it, so that Kris had to slog through both snow and cold on his way to and from his destination. They'd started the prank a hundred and twelve years before, and he still hadn't caught on.

When they entered the barn, Tabby was amazed. It was much larger inside than out, and was filled with party things: garland and balloons and the like, tables of food, games to play, music to listen to. The sparkles that Kris had used before, the sign of his magic, hung throughout the building. And the reindeer! Nine reindeer milled around, apparently waiting for the party to start. And there was Kris in the middle of it, still naked and unwashed, talking to one of the deer. When Tabby approached, he turned away from the deer and smiled, taking her into his arms.

"Finally, the guest of honor arrives," he said, grinning, nipping at her ears. She purred softly.

"The elves told me how things work around here," she replied. Kris nodded. "I don't know how much I'll be able to handle, but I'm willing to try."

"That's all anyone can ask. Now, let's party!" He waved his hand. Suddenly the music began playing.

"Hey!" cried Tabby. "Can't I get dressed first?"

"Why would you do that? You'd be out of place." He turned her around. She saw, to her surprise, that the elves had all stripped out of their clothing and were now dancing, drinking punch, and playing party games. "The after party is the most fun we have all year. Tomorrow, it's business as usual, but for tonight we're going all out. And by we, I mean WE!" He waved his hand again. Suddenly, the reindeer reared up on their hind legs and transformed, turning into furry creatures. Their front hooves sprouted fingers and their bodies shifted, the females growing breasts while the males thinned down and became more muscular. In seconds, every last reindeer was anthromorphized.

"May I have this dance?" asked Kris with a grin. Tabby smiled back.

"Of course."


A few hours passed, and the harmless fun that had started the party slowly degenerated. Dirty jokes flew about, innuendo abound, and nobody could go more than a few steps without getting goosed or groped. The drink flowed copiously, yet it was obviously spiked. And yet, no one complained. Everyone shared in the post-Christmas cheer, and made fun with the others.

When things turned from dirty to sexual, neither Kris nor Tabby could recall, but it may have started with Vixen planting a kiss on Donder. That led to a playful head butt, which led to a pair of reindeer wrestling on the floor, which led to a heated series of kisses that culminated in consummation. Then Dasher took part, crouching over Vixen's face and pushing his cock into her mouth (Vixen had held the title of 'Best Cocksucker' three hundred years running).

The Scarborough Fair had quadruple-teamed Rudolph and were giving him a four-way blowjob, making his nose glow so bright he had to cover it with one had to keep from disturbing everyone else.

Holly and Sakura managed to con Prancer into laying back, so one could ride his dick while the other rode his face.

Dancer wound up in a short daisy chain with Mistletoe, Poinsettia, and Tulip, tasting each other in a long line.

Prancer had his hands, face, cock, and chest full with Saffron, Rose, Lily, and Lilac as they turned him from reindeer into sex toy, to his enjoyment.

Ivy ground her cunt against Blitzen's, pressing their clits together to maximize the impact. Blitzen discharged magical force with each thrust, energizing them both to continue.

Indigo was sandwiched between Comet and Cupid, both her ass and puss spread wide as the two males fucked her for all they were worth. She had already cum many times, and had many more coming.

As these events unfolded, Kris pulled Tabby to him. They were on the floor like everyone else, yet hadn't quite devolved as far as the others. "So, my sweet," whispered Kris. "How about we follow their lead and finish this party with a bang?"

Tabby giggled, but before she could answer, a small voice said, "Umm...Santa?"

Kris looked up. There was Wintergreen, the timid elf. "Yes, Wintergreen?" he asked gently.

"Please sir," she said softly. "Would you..." She trailed off, unable to finish what she wanted to say.

"Speak, Wintergreen," replied Kris, feeling slightly annoyed.

"Enough of this nonsense," said Fantina, walking slightly tipsy over to them. "She wants you to pop her cherry, Kris." At the indelicate way her mother/boss put it, Wintergreen blushed a bright red.

"You haven't had a man's touch before?" he asked. Wintergreen shook her head, unable to speak. "Well..." he trailed off, looking at Tabby. Really, it was her decision, since he was her husband. She smiled and nodded. Having once been the blushing virgin, she understood how hard it was. So Kris had been her first. She'd dated other boys, and it hadn't gotten any easier with time.

"Well!" said Fan loudly. "Since that's settled, you come with me, girly." She gestured at Tabby. "I've got a job for you." She grabbed Tabby by the scruff of her neck playfully and pulled her along the floor to the other end of the stable.

Turning his attention back to Wintergreen, he motioned her to him. She came to him blushing, uncomfortable in her nudity. "Sit with me, Wintergreen," he whispered. She started to sit next to him, but he gently took hold of her arm and guided her into his lap, elfhood straddling his wolfhood. She blushed a deeper red than before.

Kris let his hands stray to her small chest, cupping her little breasts, warming them with his body heat. She whimpered as he rubbed her nipples gently, taking his time to touch every inch of her breast flesh. She leaned back against his chest, letting the far older male have his way with her body. He kissed at her pointed ears, licking the tips, then leaned down and nipped at her neck and collar. As he did so, one hand strayed from her chest to stroke across her smooth stomach, down to her bald crease. She gasped as his fingers slid along that sensitive area, shivering in fear yet willing him to continue.

Continue he did, slipping a finger through the division, stroking along her clit gently. She moaned softly at his touch, and again as he repeated the gesture. Then, with the combination of a hard-but-gentle bite and a harsher stroke of her switch, she came. She came just as modestly and quietly as she did everything else, shaking somewhat and leaking profusely, yet as Kris held her through the throws of her orgasm, he felt a sense of pride. To take a girl of any species and be the first to bring her such pleasure was surely the most wonderful experience a man could obtain. Save one.

As she came down from her high, Kris took hold of her and turned her to face him. Her face was flushed, and she leaned into him, lips puckered slightly for the kiss she craved. He obliged readily, meeting her halfway. His powerful nose took in her scent, which matched her name; her entire body exuded a subtle fragrance of wintergreen, like a mint.

When they broke away, he asked her the all-important question. "Are you ready?" She nodded. He smiled softly. "Then keep your eyes on mine. Don't look away from me." She nodded again.

Slowly, gently, Kris lifted her up, positioned her, then lowered her once more. His ready cock stood straight up like a spike, waiting to impale this new virgin lover. With a few shifts of his rump, he positioned himself just right, then slowly slid the elf maiden down upon his shaft. She had never before mated, nor had she pleasured herself. For this reason, her hymen resisted his advance, and tore as she sank lower. She cried out in pain, tears streaming from her eyes as her innocence was taken, yet her gaze never wavered from his. Slowly he hilted within her, then, after a few moments to wait for her to adjust, he withdrew just as slow. And down again slowly, then up again slowly.

Wintergreen's eyes half-lidded at the warmth that penetrated so deep into her body, Kris' gentle thrusts working her loose, until he finally bumped into her cervix. Wintergreen jolted awake from the prod. It had hurt, yet felt good at the same time. Kris looked down at her with some worry, but she simply nuzzled into his fur and relaxed further, letting him slide into her easier than before.

Many minutes passed, Kris speeding his thrusts a little more each time he entered her, bumping her womb entrance with each, yet for each flash of pain that struck her, a great warmth flooded her, soothing away the pain. Through this strange intermingling of pleasure and pain, gentle Wintergreen realized she enjoyed the pain just as much as the pleasure, for the pain he caused led to pleasure.

With this in mind, she whispered to Kris. "Harder." Kris hesitated. "Harder, please," she begged. "I-I like it."

Not one to deny a lady anything, he went harder, although not much. His thrusts continued to strike her womb, still bumped and bruised it, yet Wintergreen simply moaned louder the more it hurt, her body shaking with the feelings it inspired. More time passed as Kris' thrusts struck her harder, faster. He drew near the end and he made to withdraw.

Wintergreen put a hand on his chest to stop him. "What are you doing, sir?" she asked.

"I'm going to pull out," he replied. "I'll hurt you if I knot you."

"It's fine, sir," she said, breathless. "Hurt me. I want you to. I like it."

"Are you sure?"


Without warning, he slammed himself back inside her, spearing her end with his bone-hard shaft, causing her to scream. Yet she didn't ask him to stop. When he paused after the motion, she rocked her hips, making his cock hit the same place a second time.

With a growl, he pushed her over onto her back, putting himself over her. A look of ecstasy graced her face as Kris began to pound her in earnest, smashing her depths with his tool, forcing her to accommodate every last inch of him. His knot pressed against her lips, stretching them far wider than they were intended to by nature. Indeed, at its thickest, his knot was small enough by just a hair to keep from stretching her entrance beyond the breaking point. Yet she didn't beg him to take it out. She held onto his fur, body flushing as it built toward climax.

With a pop, his knot entered her tunnel and his rod penetrated her womb completely, the entirety swelling in preparation. As he began tugging, head going back to howl, small hands took hold of his neck fur and pulled him back. Wintergreen looked into his eyes and gave him an order.

"Bite me."

Her voice brooked no argument. He leaned down and took her collar in his teeth, continuing to thrust the whole time. His pleasure continued to grow, but he couldn't quite reach his peak. Until Wintergreen clamped down her inner muscles around him, providing the last bit of stimulation he needed. Wintergreen's grip on his head kept him from rearing back to howl, but howl he did, teeth digging roughly into the elf's skin, drawing blood as he came, filling her with his seed, even as she bucked and rocked, experiencing the most powerful pleasure she had ever felt.

Bound together in pleasure, they remained locked in their embrace for a long time, until Kris finally came back to himself, teeth still locked to Wintergreen's collar. As he gently removed his teeth, he leaned back, lifting Wintergreen with him. But she was completely limp.

A flash of fear shot through him at the thought of Wintergreen being hurt, or worse. But as she came to an upright position, she moaned softly, leaning in against him. She blinked up at him, eyes clearing. But even seeing the blood on his chin, she smiled, nuzzling into his chest fur.

"That was wonderful, sir," she said softly, sighing. In seconds, she was down for the count.

Freed from the guilt and fear he had been feeling, Kris leaned back against the wall and passed out as well.


Meanwhile, on the other side of the stable, Tabby was against a wall, a drunken elf between her legs. Fantina buried her face in Tabitha's pussy, licking every inch with wild abandon. Tabby could do nothing but hang on to the pole, sharp claws set deep within. Fantina was surprisingly skilled in Tabby's mind.

"I-I thought you said you weren't a lesbian," said Tabby, trying to hold herself back. Fantina looked up at her, a small smile on her face along with Tabby's juices.

"I never said I wasn't. I'm bisexual, leaning towards women." She laughed. "Amy couldn't understand that, so I never tried to explain it to her. But you, you get it." She leaned in and took a lick of Tabby's clit, causing the panther mewl in surprise pleasure. "I've lived for hundreds of years. Since I'm immortal, I'll live forever. And I've had a long time to practice my skills on both the male and female persuasions. But I've always preferred the fairer sex; Kris is the only male I let have my body." She drew herself up from the floor, then leaned in and gave Tabby a kiss. She held it for a moment, then pulled away, leaving the cat slightly dazed. "I want us to be both friends AND lovers. I don't get jealous and I don't get possessive. I simply want your attention when we're together. Understand?" Tabby nodded slowly, losing the power to react. A sunburst of pleasure was building within her, yet Fan wasn't even touching her.

"We're going to have some fun," whispered Fan. She gestured. Magic sparkles flew from her hand, pulling Tabby away from the post and laying her on the floor. The elf sat straddling the panther's belly. "If you thought that was cool, watch this!" Fantina gestured again, sending sparkles into the air, where they then fell, coating the elf in their glow. Suddenly, Fantina began growing. Every part of her grew longer and longer, until she had reached the same size as Tabby, assuming the form of a lovely human woman, albeit with small tits. She then leaned down, holding Tabby's hands down with her own, and gave her another kiss.

"Now, kitty," she whispered. "I'm going to show you how girls have fun." Her hands pressed down on Tabby's breasts, mashing them flat and rubbing their nipples in circles with her palms, sparkles of magic flowing from her palms into the cat. Tabby groaned, nipples hardening, as Fan continued, the elf beginning to slide her hips up and down the cat's belly, massaging her cunt with the feline's fur.

Minutes passed as Fantina slowly introduced Tabitha to the wonders of girl love. When she had finished with the massaging of her breasts, Fan turned to the licking of said breasts, teasing each in turn, bathing them in saliva from base to tip, then blowing upon the nubs, sending a shiver down Tabby's spine.

After that, she conjured the feline into a sitting position between Fan's legs, back-to-chest, and Fan gently pleasured her with fingers. Fantina skillfully manipulated Tabby's body, somehow knowing each and every spot that could produce a positive reaction. The feline lost count of how many times she had been brought to the edge, only to have Fan stop, causing the pleasure to ebb.

Then they changed positions, with Fantina standing while Tabby hung upside down, each licking at the other's honey pot. They were evenly matched in this case, for though Fantina had the edge in experience, Tabby had the edge in racial bonus. Namely, her rough tongue. Though a feral cat's tongue was like sandpaper, a furry cat's tongue was much less rough, though still heavily textured. This allowed her to return Fan's favors twofold, dragging her tongue over every area she could reach. She was rewarded a few times with a rush of fluids, heavily scented of orange and cloves.

Another change, and Fantina took the lead once more, scissoring her legs with Tabby's, bringing their pussies together and grinding them against one another. Tabby mewled and clawed at the floor, but Fantina was insatiable and unstoppable, grinding faster and faster, bringing Tabby closer and closer to the ultimate end, until...

Fantina stopped. She came to a full and complete stop, holding Tabby's legs so tight that the cat couldn't thrust back, preventing her from achieving her peak. The complete halt was so sudden, the sudden loss of stimulation left Tabby desperate, tears running down her eyes as she looked up at Fan.

"Come here, kitten," said the elf. Obediently, Tabby untangled herself from Fan and came to her, hugging her and kissing at her chin in an attempt to appease her. Fantina scratched the panther's head in amusement. Such a willing creature to bed. She took hold of Tabby's face and gently brought the cat's face to her own, a single inch separating them. "Tabby, would you like to cum?" Tabby nodded. "Would you like me to bring your body to such a powerful orgasm that you will crave my touch?" Tabby nodded again, more vigorously. "Are you willing to do anything for me to make it so?" Tabby nodded so hard, Fantina fancied she could hear the cat's brain sloshing around in her skull. "Good."

Fan pushed away from the cat, then went down on all fours. "Then lick me here," she said softly, pointing between her legs. Tabby moved in a daze, kneeling down behind the elf, bringing her mouth near the female's vagina. "No, kitten," said Fantina in a scolding tone. "Not there. There." She pointed again, higher this time. She pointed to her anus.

"B-but that's dirty!" cried Tabby, breaking free of Fantina's spell.

Annoyed, Fantina came around and took hold of the cat. "I'll have you know that hole is perfectly clean! Why ever would you think that-that-" Fantina cut herself off, remembering. She began to laugh. "Of course, kitten, I forgot. You aren't like the rest of us. I'll fill you in." She settled that cat between her legs once more. "Every being here in the North Pole is immortal. Santa, myself, the other elves in their fashion, even the reindeer. But if immortal creatures made waste in the same place for hundreds of years, it would pile up quite high, yes?" Tabby nodded at the logic. "Well, simply put, we don't produce waste. Kris and the reindeer possess the necessary anatomy to do so, but their bodies use every last bit of every last thing they imbibe, so their bodies create no waste. We elves, however, magically absorb anything we eat, thus negating the digestive system. Instead, both our nether regions are used for pleasure. You see, an elf can only bear children if she receives a male's seed through both her vaginal womb entrance and her anal womb entrance."

"Your womb opens into your butt?" asked Tabby. Fan laughed.

"Yes, basically. The point is, my anal region is simply another sex organ, therefore it isn't unclean like a mortal creature's may be. So, I ask you to please pleasure me in this particular way. I've not had a female lover in quite a while, and Kris does not see how pleasurable it is for me." The way Fantina spoke of the act, Tabby could tell it was by far her favorite, and was neglected more often than not.

Steeling her nerve, Tabby responded. "Alright," she said. "If this is what you want."

Fantina fairly glowed in joy, going down on her hands and knees once more, raising her rear into the air to give the cat better access. Tabby moved in behind her, apprehensive. She looked upon the hole thoughtfully. Now that she took a closer look, it looked almost exactly like Fan's vaginal opening, albeit tightly constricted. There was no smell of feces or gas, only the natural orange-and-clove smell that Fantina gave off. Closing her eyes, Tabby moved closer, stuck out her tongue, and gave it a quick, hard lick.

Fantina let loose a shriek of pleasure, body shaking at the sudden stimulation. Tabby, though taken by surprise, grinned mischievously, seeing a chance to pay Fan back for the pleasant torture she had endured. She took hold of Fantina's ass, spreading her cheeks wide, then gave another lick, just as hard but much slower, to Fantina's highly sensitive anus. The effect was less dramatic but more intense. Fantina gasped, shivering, juice leaking from her sparsely haired pussy. And, more interesting to Tabby, the elf's anus relaxed, widening slightly, allowing a small stream of fluids run out of the opening to join the stream coming from her other hole.

Attacking with a will, Tabby licked quickly all around and inside the opening, her rough tongue creating lots of delicious friction and sending pleasure sparking throughout Fan's body. Tabby was pleased to discover that the juice running from Fantina's ass was the same as that which came from her vagina. She licked up the twin trails quickly before returning to Fantina's hole.

Not long after Tabby started, Fantina cried out, "ENOUGH!" A flare of magic erupted from her being, blowing the panther back through the air. Before she could collide with the wall, Fantina quickly waved a hand, causing the cat to freeze in midair, stopping her inches short of a painful collision. With another gesture, Fan reeled Tabby in, then took her into an embrace.

"Thank you, kitten," she whispered. "Sorry about that. I'm just not used to that sort of thing anymore. I can barely keep on my feet!" She kissed Tabby gently, passing the heat of her pleasure into her lover. "Now, I did promise to finish you off, pretty kitty. So lie down." She gestured and Tabby was blown off her feet, drifting slowly to the floor. "I'll take good care of you."

Fan cupped her hands in front of her puss, hiding it from the cat's sight. Sparkles of magic appeared on her hands, flowing into her body. There was a flash of light and Fantina stood revealed...a cock where her clit had been. She knelt over the cat with a grin.

"Bet you didn't think I could do that, did you?" she asked rhetorically. "This here," she continued, giving her large erection a light smack, causing it to bounce back and forth, "makes it so much easier to share pleasure with others of my sex. For the life of me, I can't make the machines craft sex toys, so I invented this spell so we wouldn't need them. So now, kitten, I'm going to fuck you."

Fan took hold of her new meat and guided it to Tabby's ready-willing-and-able pussy. With a wink, she shoved her hips forward, hilting herself within the cat quickly. The long period of play leading up to this moment had worked in Tabby's favor, loosening her tight confines up and lubricating it excessively. She gave a cry as Fantina bottomed out within, the cock within both thick and hot. It radiated a heat that must have come from its magical origin.

Fantina bit her lip, trying to keep her composure as Tabby's sex throbbed around her. True, she had invented this spell as a form of sex toy. But she had never had occasion to try it out. Always, there was so much work to be done, and taking an elf off the line just to fuck would slow production. She'd masturbated a few times with it, but had never been quite satisfied with its performance.

Until now. She had discovered why males were such horny bastards. She discovered the intense pleasure a penis could bring. And she had also discovered basically what her own cunt felt like. Few females could claim such knowledge. A tight, hot, wet, silky pussy throbbed around her buried member, sucking on it like a vacuum in an attempt to draw seed from the tool. Fantina was more than happy to oblige.

She pulled her hips back, then shoved forwards again. Then back, then forward. Over and over, faster and faster, rougher and rougher, she pounded into Tabby. The cat held onto Fan's shoulders with all the strength she could muster, bracing herself as the elf herm pummeled her depths for all she was worth. The flame of pleasure that had waned so far roared back to life, twice as intense as before. She lost all concern for everything around her, caring only about the elf who was currently rearranging her insides.

Fantina's breath came in heavy pants; the experience of a genuine pussy outshone her experiments with her hands and various holed objects. She knew she wouldn't last long, her body already losing control, thrusts losing rhythm. Tabby pulled her in close, and Fantina came, thrusting as deep into the panther as possible, cock twitching and spitting. Male seed did not come from her false phallus; instead, her own cream flowed throw it, filling the cat.

Fantina's orgasm was powerful, and the sheer power that radiated from the ejaculating rod threw Tabby over the edge; she roared as she came, jaw very wide and tongue flopping out as her awareness flickered for a moment.

Suddenly, a powerful burst of magic occurred. Fantina had just enough time to recognize it as Kris' power, before it called her power. It called her power, and Wintergreen's power, and Dasher's, and Dancer'...Every magical creature in the room had their magical force erupt, causing everyone to come together, even those who had already done so. Cries of pleasure filled the stable, then all was silent.


The next day was a blur of activity, just as Kris had said it would be. Busy was a state of being in the North Pole, and everyone had a job. Even Tabby had to work, though she didn't mind it at all. She had only two official jobs to handle: servicing the machines in the workshop, and servicing Kris in the bedroom.

At dawn, Kris woke Tabby and Fantina, the latter of whom played the role of Justice of the Peace, marrying them as the sun rose. After a deep, meaningful kiss, Kris and Fantina worked the spell that granted Tabby both immortality and the power of magic. With these two gifts, she truly became Mrs. Claus.

Immediately after that, it was busy busy busy. Fantina took command of Tabby, taking her to the workshop to teach her how things worked. While a passionate lover, Fantina was strictly no-nonsense when it came to her job, and she showed Tabby all the respect she was due from her office.

After a quick servicing of Santa's Assembly Line, Tabby had nothing to do. The machines very rarely made mistakes with the toys. Indeed, they crafted high quality working replicas of the toys children wanted for Christmas. The toys were by far better than those of their original manufacturers, since the magical machines didn't skimp on materials.

So Tabby wound up working in the kitchen to ease her boredom. She was welcomed by the kitchen staff, who, oddly enough, weren't elves at all. They were sprites, magical creatures of small size but strong magic. They were sexless yet perfect, and quite fun to be around. Tabby worked together with them to make the food that would feed all of Santa's helpers.

When dinnertime came, everyone clocked out for the night and took their meal together. Everything was almost exactly as Tabby had pictured it. Santa and his Mrs. Claus at the head of the table, sharing a meal with elves, sprites, and reindeer. Good cheer all around, good natured jokes, and a few suggestions to streamline their processes.

But eventually, dinner finished. The dishes were cleared and washed. The tablecloth was sent to the laundry, along with everyone's uniforms. And Kris went out for one last round of inspections before turning in.

Tabby lay in bed, thinking of her first day, feeling overjoyed at the wondrous miracle that had befallen her. With Kris' thick blanket pulled up over her naked body to her chin, she sighed in contentment.

She heard the loud squeal of the main door's hinges as Kris returned home, and the clunking of his heavy boots as he came down the hall. Then the bedroom door opened.

Kris stood in the doorway, half undressed. Standing just behind him was Fantina, grinning impishly and seeming not the least troubled by the cold, despite the fact that she was naked. Tabby smiled at her and gestured, tugging the elf-sized elf through the air and onto the bed. Fan landed with a giggle. They then turned to watch Kris, who was struggling to get out of his boots.

"You better hurry, Kris," teased Fantina, "or we'll start without you." She leaned in and gave Tabby a kiss.

Hearing the only semi-joking threat, Kris flicked his wrist, popping his boot off like a cork. With another gesture, his clothes were stripped from him, and he climbed onto the bed.

For the three people who ran the North Pole, everything was perfect.