Celkali - Dangerous Experimentation Pt 1

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#13 of The Menagerie

Commissioned by the wonderful Woodlings (https://kjorteo-kalante.sofurry.com/), this tale is of the coyote Jessica's fateful encounter with the target of her obsession in her father's less-than-legal lab complex. The tale is being split into two parts, as the second will feature some very explicit incest scenes.

The Celkali - Dangerous Experimentation Part 1

tags : incest, insect, dubious consent, oviposition, female, coyote, bondage, impregnation

"Now, dear, you're certain that you're safe here for the weekend?" Vincent asked, his eyes focused on the young, svelte-looking coyote sitting at one of the observation terminals in the main control room for his lab. When she looked up from her station, leaned back her chair and fixed him with a long-suffering golden-eyed stare, he held up his hands in supplication. "I know, I know. You're about to tell me how 'you've drilled me on all the safety processes and duties for the weekend, dad, I know what I'm doing.' And I'll respond with, 'I'm just making sure my little girl's ready.' And you'll remind me that you're not a little girl, your eighteenth birthday was two months ago, and so on and so on. Am I right?"

Jessica sighed and shook her head, her lips curling into a fond smile. "Yeah, that's about it. You and Dr Faren are finally going to fuck, and for some reason I can't fathom, Julian is going along with you to visit friends. Oh, don't give me that look; it's obvious you need him. Listen, I offered, dad. I'm ready. I've been watching and helping you for years, and other than that incident with that weird hypno-lizard five years ago_,_ I've never gotten into trouble." She blushed a bit, feeling her ears pin back. _That_had been an embarrassing moment, one she didn't often bring up herself.

Vincent shook his head and commented, "I just don't get why you'd want to watch over a bunch of bugs and slugs. Especially things like these." He gestured at the dozens of observation screens that were set up in the room, each one focused on an enclosure in the lab. "I'll be three grav-jumps away, Jessy." The young yote let out a low growl, and Vincent knew he'd gone a bit too far in his fretting. His daughter _hated_being called Jessy. He made a placating gesture and decided to forego the hug he'd usually want to give her. "Just... be careful, okay? Check the filters on your masks... okay. I'm going." She had fixed him with one of her death glares, the kind he remembered her mother making before she'd left, and had picked up a rather heavy paperweight. Before she could think to toss it, Vincent was out the door.

Jessica sighed as she watched her father go, then shook her head. He really did like to fret a lot about her, but it really wasn't necessary. She looked at the bank of monitors and gave herself a bit of a shudder. Since she could remember, her father had been the head researcher at a xenobiology lab out in the fringes of settled space. He had at least two doctorates, but had always just preferred to do his work. She knew he could get a job at any number of cushy positions, but he'd settled here.

The research lab was set up on an uninhabited planet on the far fringes of known space for a reason; all the subjects were creatures that used mammals and sometimes reptiles to reproduce. The lab itself had produced dozens of reproductive breakthroughs that allowed inter-species offspring, fertility treatments, and some less-than legal aphrodisiacs that more than a few of the more civilized factions really didn't find appropriate.

As her eyes took a long look at each of the camera feeds in turn, she lifted the short,?professional gray skirt and spread her legs. Eighty nine hours and thirty minutes. She'd have almost ninety hours caring for the lab all by herself. There was a small custodial staff that came a few times a week to clean the less sensitive areas of the lab, but like she'd said to her father, everyone was out.?Even her brother had taken the opportunity to go off with her father, though he planned on making himself scarce. If Jessica hadn't offered to care for the lab, her father wouldn't have been able to take his romantic getaway with the other doctor on staff, Faren. She chuckled, thinking of that for just a second. Her mother had been so unpleasant to him in the end he'd sworn off women. And then he'd started dating Faren, a caracal with fur so white that a snowstorm would be duller in comparison.

Something moved on one of the monitors, and Jessica gasped. The celosan was moving. That one... well, that one was dangerous. Gray-skinned on the back, with hundreds of wriggling tentacles on the belly, and eight red glowing eyes, it unfurled from the slick little nook in its enclosure and started to move around. It approached its mate, a vacant-eyed yellow-furred tigress, and began its process.

Jessica began to draw her fingers between her labia, gently massaging the nub of her clit with one hand while she teased the entrance to her vagina with the other. She wouldn't wear any underwear for the next few days. Easier to masturbate without those in the way, and as long as she was extra careful, she should be fine. As she began to play with herself, her excitement growing and her inner walls slickening with moisture, she let out a sigh. Of course her father didn't understand. How could he understand that she'd been unreasonably fascinated with all of the test subjects since her first sexual awakening?? How could he know how boring she found normal sex? The creatures under his care, and hers, were beautiful rather than repulsive. Enticing. Exciting.

As she watched, the celosan filled the tigress with dozens of wriggling, greenish little larvae, first her quim and then her ass. It was always in that same order, as if by instinct. With each one, Jessica grew more heated, more desperate. When the celosan buried tendrils in the nose of its mate, the voyeuristic yote let out a cry, kicking her legs out and feeling her whole body shudder. Her sex clenched and gushed just a little bit, leaving something of a mess on the office chair.

"Well... not the first one this weekend. Guess it's time to make the rounds." Jessica said, voice shaking, feeling little aftershocks of pleasure pulsing through her. Just because she had the whole weekend to openly play with herself while watching the feeds--or even standing outside her charges' enclosures--didn't mean she didn't have a job to do.

From one enclosure to the next, Jessica methodically took care of her duties. Be it wheeling a cart of foodstuffs into one of them (in full protective gear) to caring for the laid eggs of a particularly nasty species of creature with a black chitinous exoskeleton and LOTS of teeth, she knew the procedures for each very well.

Every enclosure was huge, at least the size of a small gymnasium, with the conditions of the subject's natural environment painstakingly reproduced. Airlocks and personal protective equipment were at the entrance to each. Eighteen enclosures in all, with at least half a dozen empty and waiting for new residents. By design, she had saved for last the enclosure with the species that she and everyone called either the wood-reaver or the celkal (celkali as a plural), but was named celkal parasitus on the official documentation_._

Jessica shivered as she stepped up to the enclosure. Behind the thick, transparent 'glass' was a wooded scene, verdant and lush. There was a faint haze in the air that showed just how humid it was. All in all it looked like deep woods, with rich, loamy soil and a few small paths through the heavy growth. There were real plants in there, ones that she'd cultivated herself. Like her father, she was passionate about recreating the proper conditions for the creature within to thrive. Unlike her father, however, her interest in them was much less based on scientific curiosity and satisfying the lab's less-than-savory Benefactors.

The coyote stepped up to the glass wall of the celkal's enclosure and murmured, "alright guys, where are you?" Like a few others in the lab's care, it was more of a nest of creatures than the singular ones such as the celosan or the mummerfly. Her practiced eye caught sight of one of them almost immediately, wriggling like a puppy-sized caterpillar across a fallen log. If not for that movement, she'd never have been able to identify it. Its back was covered in little extrusions that looked like leaves and twigs, and the rest was splotchy green and brown, like moss on a log. Perfect camouflage. She knew that its underbelly was a pale pinkish-green, with tiny skittering legs that helped it move around along with the typical motion of a caterpillar.

Jessica sighed; the little wood-reaver was almost large enough that they would be able to harvest the slime-producing glands on it, getting a few ounces of a substance that, once processed and stripped of its paralytic, could be sold as a powerful soporific. Recently, the demand from the lab's owner had begun to outweigh the supply, and the Benefactors (she always thought of them with a capital B, and had ever since she'd known of them) had been pushing her father to find some way to produce more. Her father was incredibly reluctant to force any other creature into that particular position just for the sake of more 'product'.

A much larger creature moved in the enclosure, and Jessica gasped, feeling her inner walls clench at the sight. The mother! Ten times the size of the other celkali, it was patterned and shaped the same way, but it served a different purpose. It seemed to control the nest and guide it, and it produced the eggs that it would lay in a helpless incubator. Right now, it was attending to the lynx that it had claimed as a breeder. A mound of resin, greenish-yellow slime that had hardened somehow, was beneath the lynx, and she was on her back with arms and legs splayed out as if she were contentedly rolled onto her back. Each limb was encased in that thick resin, and a few bands held her head back. The coyote tapped the 'audio on' button, and the sounds of the enclosure came from two speakers. Moans and yowls and gurgling sounds filtered through the speakers and resounded in Jessica's brain. The mother lowered its head to the lynx's face and a tube slipped into her mouth. It was the way the lynx was fed every few days.

Jessica felt a pang of sympathy for the wild lynx, and, in the back of her mind, it mingled with a strange sort of envy. She was a part of the nest as much as the rest, her insides repurposed to the exclusion of everything but breeding. The lynx had come with the entire nest as it had been found in the wild. They had a guess on how she'd been captured; In the wild, pheromones and the trails of slime they left would immobilize prey. Most prey became food for the omnivorous creatures, but the rare unlucky animal would be taken as an incubator. Of course, in the lab, the need for live prey was nonexistent, and the staff would leave prepared nourishment in a preselected location.

The mother finished feeding its incubator, and began to squirm away to another part of the enclosure. If Jessica wanted to, she could follow it, but she had a job to do. With some reluctance, she stopped her observation of the enclosure and headed for the entrance, an airlock type room that had everything she needed to see to the care of the celkali within.

Stepping into the large chamber, she headed for a locker. She wrinkled her nose at the plastic overall-style outfit in there. Every locker had them, but the celkal enclosure had no pathogens or bacteria that could cause issues, and there was no need to protect them from outside substances either. She selected two pairs of nearly shoulder length clear latex gloves and stockings, rolling them onto her with practiced motions. She grabbed a face mask and slipped it over her head. The elastic bands that held it to her face were more than enough to keep it in place, and it formed perfectly to her muzzle. She rolled her eyes, remembering her father's admonition about the filters on her mask. She'd checked them the morning before and hadn't touched her mask since. Last came the inoculant against the paralytics in the slime trails that the celkali left wherever they would 'hunt'. It would protect her against any that she would come in contact with, though enough would certainly overwhelm it. It was a balance between enough protection to keep someone safe and too much, which would make them sick.

Jessica grabbed a cart, already laden with the mixture of over-ripe fruits, mushrooms and prepared protein pellets. She rolled it to the door to the enclosure then engaged the antigrav repulsors.. The light over the entrance was glowing green, indicating that she could safely enter.

The pressure in the room changed as she opened the door, lowering ever so slightly. She stepped into the humid heat of the artificial climate. The ground, covered in leaves and soil and bits of wood, yielded slightly under her weight. Ten feet from the entrance, the lynx was there for easy access. She pulled the cart over to the incubator and touched her gravid belly. It was huge, distended and stretched to an almost obscene level. The flesh squirmed constantly; the lynx was close to birthing the dozens of celkali inside her. The lynx was a creature of mindless breeding now, the wild cunning and predatory gleam of its eyes replaced by almost mad, unending need. She teased a finger at the mouth of the helpless lynx and rather than snap at it, the animal began to suckle and try to swallow.

Her father and Dr Faren both believed in keeping the life cycle of the creatures as natural as possible, which had proven something of a problem at first. After the lynx was filled with eggs, she'd exude a scent that would drive males mad with the need to rut. For the first two to three weeks of the cycle, every male exposed to that scent would fuck her, producing copious volumes of semen and sperm, sometimes as much as twenty times as much volume as normal. It was a_sort_of fertilization for the eggs, though the biology was somewhat more complex.

The colony had almost failed when the single male lynx they'd procured was not able to provide enough semen to keep the eggs from going inert. When Dr Faren had quietly suggested that _any_male could help, and that though it was unorthodox, there were three other males in the lab that could possibly provide what the eggs needed, Vincent had been dubious. But Julian, that little pervert, had backed up Dr Faren, rationalizing that it could be_good_for them to have an outlet, what with months spent at the lab sometimes. Their oblivious father had reluctantly agreed. Of course, Julian always seemed to be the first one in after the eggs were laid, burying his knot in the lynx's sex with enthusiasm. At least she seemed to appreciate it, though with a 'wild' animal one could never be sure.

Sighing, Jessica left the lynx behind and pulled the cart on its antigravs down a crafted path deeper into the enclosure. The deeper in, the more often she saw the trails of slime that were conspicuously absent from where the lynx had been left. If she'd not been wearing the latex stockings, contact with the pale green substance would make her muscles stop responding to her and induce a feeling of lassitude. It was how the celkali captured prey, and in the case of the lynx, breeders.

A clearing opened a good thirty feet down the path, and she pulled the cart to the middle of it. She looked around the clearing and tilted her head. "Huh, been a lot of them around," she said to herself, seeing more trails of slime than she usually did. There were even a few larger ones, as left by the mother. Just the thought of what would happen if she were to come in contact with the substance long enough for it to take effect had her wanting to touch herself. She didn't dare, though. Some of the slime had gotten on her hand when she'd touched the lynx's belly, and her labia would absorb that incredibly fast. That small a volume would likely not be any worry, what with the inoculant, but she didn't want to risk it. There was a difference between perverted fantasy and reality that she would be foolish to cross.

A rustling of leaves came from the far end of the clearing, and, to Jessica's surprise, the mother emerged. It was at least twice as large as she was, in both girth and length of body. She'd never been this close to the mother, which usually avoided contact with anything but her breeder. It skittered on long, multi-segmented legs, though a more traditional caterpillar-like movement propelled it along as well. Just the sight of the mother made the coyote's quim ache a little. She was still excited from her earlier play and the sight of the lynx. She really had to get out of the enclosure and back to her room. She had toys to play with there, one of them that she'd had custom made to look like the mother's ovipostor. When her brother had found _that_thing while snooping, she'd been humiliated and made him promise not to tell anyone. When he'd asked why he shouldn't, she'd brought up the many times she'd caught him finding more and more excuses to see her naked. And that one time she'd caught him even jerking off while he peeped. She'd sealed the deal by promising that next time she showered, she'd 'forget' to close the door.

She grumbled to herself wordlessly and dumped the cart's contents on the ground. It's not like Julian himself didn't help with the fertilization as often and enthusiastically as he could. He_eagerly awaited every opportunity to do so. She was interrupted from her thoughts when the mother let out a strange chitter, one that Jessica had only heard through the speakers, and only when she was ready to breed. The coyote's head snapped up and she stared at the creature. That noise had been something she loved hearing when watching the mother prepare to fill the lynx with eggs. But now it was directed at _her. The mother was entirely focused on her!

Jessica let out a soft moan, a sound that was strangely muffled by the mask. It was then that she realized she wasn't just excited like she usually was, in that hidden way that she tried to keep from her father and brother and the other staff at the lab. She was _dripping_wet, trails of her arousal drooling down her inner thighs. As that chitter came from the mother again, she felt a wave of almost primal need wash through her.

Something was wrong, and Jessica knew it. She'd never gone from just mildly excited to full-on dripping need that fast. But as she looked at the mother, she licked her lips and thought to herself 'what if?'. "Wait, wait... why are you looking at me? You have your... your breeder, you don't need me..." she murmured. The chittering sound came again and the mother started to wriggle her way in Jessica's direction.

She should get out. Something was definitely _very_wrong. She'd taken all the precautions, though, hadn't she? She'd taken the inoculant, used the mask she'd prepared herself. The latex stockings and gloves that would protect her from touching the trails of slime left by the smaller wood-reaver had no holes in them. Sure, she was still wearing no underwear, but it would take deliberate effort to get _anything_under her skirt.

Despite the warnings ringing in her mind, Jessica took a step toward the mother. She'd have to explain away the lack of underwear, but she was still wearing all the gear otherwise. If she just let the mother claim her, her father could rescue her afterward. He'd get the notification that she'd not checked in for the evening rotation. That wouldn't worry him. The second would. It would take maybe one more missed check in, and he'd look at the feeds.?He'd see her cocooned up and placed next to the nameless lynx. Then he'd come help her. It would mean that she'd probably never be trusted to care for the lab alone again, but she could finally know how it felt.

In the few moments of musing, the mother had closed even more of the distance between itself and Jessica. It chittered again, eliciting a surprised squeal from the coyote. She'd lost herself in the moment, and she knew she was in a great deal of danger. It would hurt, having the eggs pumped into her womb, but she knew that the cries of the lynx were as much in pleasure as discomfort. If the mother managed to touch her, pull her close, she'd lose any ability to fight.

"Fuck," Jessica whimpered. She should run, right now. Get out. Find out what the hell was wrong, what she'd missed. She almost found herself reaching down to touch herself, to lift her skirt and start masturbating, but that would be a terrible idea, given the slime still on the her gloves. "Fuck," she said again as the mother inched closer. How many times had she brought herself to climax, imagining being borne down to the floor, smeared with the slime that coated the mother's underbelly? Feeling her legs and arms going slack, the prodding of the creature's bumpy, slimy organ pressing at her sex? How many times?

The mother reared up so that her head was higher than the tips of Jessica's ears. That chitter came again. She could see the myriad legs spreading wide, extending, reaching out. That pale underbelly was covered in slick slime. "Oh, fuck," Jessica blurted one last time. Instead of running, though, she stepped in toward the mother.

Over a dozen multi-jointed legs curled around behind the coyote as she stepped in, crisscrossing over each other. They pressed in against her back, with two over her shoulders, and Jessica felt their hard tips digging in through the thin fabric of? her lab coat. A firm tug was all it took for her to be pressed to the slick, slimy belly of the celkal mother. They held her in an almost vise-like grip, pinning her arms to her sides. Even if she had wanted to struggle, Jessica found herself unable to do much but squirm helplessly.

The mother chittered in a way that, to Jessica, seemed almost triumphant. More legs started to explore further down her body, touching and prodding at her legs. With her breasts pressed up against that surprisingly soft belly, she could feel the slime soaking through the fabric of her lab coat. With fur protecting all but her nipples, they were the first to come in contact with the slime, and the touch made them stiff and erect. And, Jessica realized, intensely sensitive to the slightest brush against them through the lab coat. She let out a low moan. There was no escaping what the mother was about to do to her.

Small, delicate legs, closer to the mother's little head, reached out and started teasing and exploring her face while lower legs prodded up under Jessica's skirt. That she was nearly fully clothed would lend credence to it being an accident, and in some small way, the situation was made even more disturbingly erotic by the presence of the now-soaked fabric. Two hard points touched the most sensitive spots under that all-too-short skirt. Another triumphant chitter came from the mother's strange mouth, and with surprising gentleness it began to guide its new breeder to the ground.

Some of the creature's legs rested on the ground, making sure the heavy bulk didn't engulf Jessica completely. It was then that Jessica felt it; a soft giddy sort of unidentifiable pleasure and relaxation, followed by the realization that she couldn't bring her arms and legs to move. That slime had now soaked fully through her coat and fur to spread all over her skin. "Oh, god, yes..." she slurred, even her lips not fully working right. She was breathing fine, though, of course; it wouldn't do for the biochemical slurry that was working its way through her system to fully paralyze her.

Some of those legs were starting to grip Jessica's legs now, and she let out a little whimper. At least they'd have a visual record of how a new brood host was made. What came next was a surprise to the coyote. The small, spindly legs that had begun to explore her face were tugging at her mask! Somehow the mother knew this was a barrier to the process and was seeking ways to remove it. It was apparently much more intelligent than they had thought, some analytical part of mind said to her. Five legs dug in at various parts of the mask, and began to tug.?The elastic snaps holding the thing to her face stretched and soon snapped, and her mask was off, and the full force of the celkal's pheromone cloud was drawn into her nose.

The effect was immediate; the arousal she'd felt up until now, though growing slowly from the way the slime was enhancing her sense of touch, sharply rose to an alarming degree. She felt her quim start to ache, her labia flushing and growing puffy and almost raw in a matter of seconds. In moments, Jessica had gone from simple arousal to a full-blown false heat. With it came a wash of confusion and--she had to admit--fear. What if her father stayed away, left her here for the next three days? Helpless, inert and unfertilized half-mobile eggs wriggling and squirming inside her?

Spindly legs gripped the helpless yote's head and directed Jess' gaze upward to look into the black-skinned 'face' of the mother. This close, she could see dozens of tiny antennae and what she knew were little sound pits. A dissected grub had shown a sophisticated set of sensory organs, which allowed it awareness of what it 'saw' with incredible clarity. Similarly, the legs holding her head had incredible sensory organs, and they were all used to tell the creature where to go next. A long semi-transparent tube pushed out from the mother's ovoid mouth, dripping with a pale green ichor. Jessica let out a desperate whimper as those legs pried her jaws open. Only minutes before she'd watched the mother feed the lynx like this, but to experience it was something quite different.

The tube pushed between her lips, making the sensitive skin tingle, and squirmed around, smearing that ichor around her mouth and on her tongue. The taste was some strange, overpowering mixture of a sweet sugary syrup and what she thought could only be earthy loam. Before she knew it, the slimy, wriggling tip of the tube was pushing at the back of her throat. Jessica gagged and jerked, a gurgling sound coming from her lips, but there was no fighting off the intrusion. Slicked by that ichorous, thick slime, it forced itself down her throat and down. There was a discomfiting ache in her stomach as she felt it wriggling around there. And then a glob of something dark began to push down, passing her lips and making her gag again as her throat ached. It was as if she'd swallowed a large chunk of food without chewing, but it didn't get stuck.

Just as another glob of the dark substance began to pass Jessica's lips, she felt her legs being pried open wider and pulled up and back slightly. It was preparing to breed her! With her head locked in place, the mother feeding her one glob after another, the helpless coyote couldn't look down to see. After four of those dark globs had been delivered, the tube pulled out with a slithering sensation. Jessica gasped, drawing in deep ragged breaths, but the mother only gave her those few moments before shoving the strange feeding tube back down her throat once more.

The slime on the belly of the mother had soaked fully through Jessica's lab coat, skirt and fur by this point, with even her labia now smeared with some of it by the probing legs that had sought out those puffy, sensitive lips. Everywhere it touched her skin was almost painfully sensitive, and the small motions of the mother's body against her stiff nipples made the coyote want to cry out. Nothing had ever felt quite so good, but it had reached a point of intensity that it nearly overwhelmed her thoughts. This is really happening,_she thought. _Oh, God, this is really happening.

Jessica felt something thick wriggling around near her quim, and she gurgled helplessly as it smeared more slime across her oversensitive petals. There were a few prods, a few testing motions, and then there was another excited chitter from the mother as the tip of is ovipostor found its mark. The tube in her throat slid out again and she let out a bubbling little cry as the nearly two inch wide organ pressed into her dripping wet passage. Though she couldn't see it, she knew what it would look like from the times she'd watched the lynx get filled. Long, ribbed with muscle, bumpy all over, a mottled green-pink in colour, with a thinly tapered tip with minuscule nodes around a small wrinkly opening. And it was pushing into her.

Jessica couldn't deny it; even if she could fight against the mother's use of her body, even if she weren't unable to do more than twitch and squirm in the creature's grip, she wouldn't. She'd done the thing she'd fantasized about for so very long, and it felt_wonderful._ Her father would come with her brother and Dr Faren to rescue her in a few hours, when she'd been sealed in place next to the lynx, and she'd be freed. Knowing that, she could _enjoy_the breeding without feeling a shred of hesitation.

The mother's ovipostor pushed deeper into her, and her heightened senses could feel every single bump and ridge on the alien organ. It was warmer than her own body, a spike of fever-hotness that filled her tight passage, thicker than anything she'd taken before. There was no frenzied thrusting, no rock of hips. Indeed, the mother had grown completely still otherwise, as if focused entirely on the act of claiming a new breeder for its nest. It pressed into her with almost agonizing slowness until it came to an abrupt stop.

Suddenly, there was a stab of pain deep in her belly, and Jessica let out another low bubbling cry. That thin tip had found passage into her womb. Though she'd known it was coming, that it would hurt, she wasn't prepared for the intensity of it, made more fierce and fiery by the effects of the slime. There was a sudden rush of heat, and somehow her need spiked even more. She knew what was happening; she knew what it was from the scans and studies of the lynx her father had performed. Within her, that tip had curled open wide, and a small flood of chemical and hormone-laden fluid had been poured into her womb. With rapid effect, it would let her womb stretch and expand without hurting her.

As the warmth spread, her mind grew a little bit fuzzier, and she felt tears of frustration well up in her eyes. She wanted to be able to hold the mother tightly, to grind down on the ovipostor, to stimulate herself even more. She had to have this. She needed this. It was everything she'd dreamed of and more. She looked up into the alien visage of the celkal mother. It suddenly crooned at her, and the helpless coyote came to a thunderous climax, her inner walls clenching and rippling and squeezing the squirming organ within her. And then the mother began to lay her eggs.

Jessica moaned softly as she felt a flexing and a pulsing within her, and something started to stretch her already-strained passage even wider. The stretch made her ache, and the only thing that prevented her from letting out another cry was the tube pushing between her lips again. Unlike the first two times, she actively welcomed it, imagining it to be the shaft of some unusually virile male. As best as she could, she undulated her tongue against it, wondering how it felt to the mother.

Another stretching sensation abutted the lip of her vagina, and the coyote gurgled with excitement. She needed those eggs, she needed to fulfill the purpose she'd wanted for years. It was an utterly unusual sensation for her, like the crown or the knot of a lover pressing in with a popping sensation, but going deeper, and not pulled out. Just a forward press. She felt another sharp pain deep inside, but it was less intense than the first time. As the first of the ping-pong ball sized, eggs was deposited in her womb, Jessica felt the third spreading her open.

There was an ache in Jessica's stomach, completely detached from the breeding, and she was dimly aware that the mother had kept feeding her those globs of sustenance. She squirmed and twitched, but just as she felt she'd not be able take more, the mother withdrew the feeding tube. A fourth egg, then a fifth was pushed into her. Each time, the sharp pain grew less and less intense, and by the sixth, it was only a dull throb in comparison to the first.

Time seemed to distort to Jessica as the mother pumped egg after egg into her. In the haze of need that she felt, she lost count. For an eternity, or only a few moments, she didn't know, she felt her womb turned into an incubator for the mother's brood. She felt her belly pressing against the underside of the mother as it grew, and a brief flash of embarrassment as it swelled enough to pop the buttons on her soaked lab coat. A deep, throbbing ache suffused her body, and she felt feverish and sick, but it didn't bother her at all. There was no telling how many eggs she now had in her. Finally, chittering and crooning, the mother seemed to know when its new incubator had taken enough, and Jessica felt the ovipostor tug out. If not for the way the eggs would stick to each other, she knew her body would have pushed them out. Even despite that, a few plopped out of her. Jessica whimpered, the feeling of emptiness maddening in its intensity. Why couldn't the mother have stayed in her for a little longer?

There was a sensation of motion, and Jessica felt her tail dragging along the floor of the enclosure. With most of her vision obscured by the legs and body of the mother, she couldn't see details, but she knew the mother was carrying her to where she'd be left presented for males to rut with her. She shuddered as she was pressed to a hard surface covered in something sticky and wet. On contact with her skin and fur, it stuck fast. The legs holding her head pushed her head down and back, and she felt her long hair hanging down to the floor. When the legs released her head and the mother lifted herself up, she could see that she'd been placed only a few feet away from the lynx. The position was a perfect mirror to the lynx, though the position of her arms and legs seemed more natural than the animal's, and Jessica could look into that feline visage, eyes empty of anything but need and desperation. Her own legs were pulled wider, uncomfortably so, and pressed to the mound of hardened slime, her now stretched and oozing sex bared for anyone to see, the skirt she was wearing hiked up and sticky, hiding nothing. The mother pulled away fully, letting out that crooning sound again. Almost immediately, the coyote felt the smaller celkal crawling over her legs and arms, leaving more slime that hardened into that restrictive and firm resin, leaving her fully held down and helpless, her swollen belly the highest point on the mound.

The lynx let out a loud yowl, her massively gravid belly squirming. The yowls grew more rapid and feverish, and with a long keening cry, the lynx seemed to go still. There was a squelching sound, and seconds later, a small, pale version of the celkal (a nymph, Jessica idly thought) squirmed into the path of Jessica's sight. The process began again, and yet another one of the nymphs was born.

That was what Jessica would look like, if she were taken to the next step. If any male of any species buried his cock in her, came in her. If they fertilized the eggs, the last step of the process would begin. Organs displaced and shrunken, her entire abdomen repurposed to be one giant womb. At some point, the empty look in the lynx's eyes would be in Jessica's own, and she would exist only to breed.

Jessica wanted it to happen.