How I got Damned - Viscious Cycle

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#11 of How I Got Damned

This is the final Chapter for the How I got Damned series of short stories.

After giving over the reigns to Flavius, Adramalech settles down with his lionesses to retire.

The transition is not so smooth has some would have liked, but well...

A more lighthearded story in the this series. A fitting end to a series spanning almost 180 pages...

If you like to get a little stinger in the end, you gonna get the printed version :)


  • Language

  • Chaos

  • Bad Humor

  • Some implied sex, nothing graphic

  • The usual

Characters by: Janna and Sarabi by Disney

all others by White Dragon

Story by White Dragon

Written by El Poyo Diabolo

How I got Damned

Viscious cycle


Introducing a second lion into Adramalech's Harem had turned out to be easier than Adramalech and Ushi had feared.

Despite the fact that most of the 200 lionesses had their eyes on the young lion, he had not gone completely under. Liana, as the only other anthropomorphic lioness in the Harem had taken care of him. Even though she was very demanding and Adramalech had to rush to his aid several times, the two quickly formed a close bond.

Liana also showed him what wondrous things could be done with his new body part... Whereupon the young lion spent several days perfecting his masturbation skills. Sexually frustrated, Liana had turned to Adramalech again.

Flavius, on this name they had agreed, quickly became a kind of deputy for Adramalech and spent a lot of time with the Wind. After he got over the shock of seeing the Greater Demon for the first time. The demon showed Flavius how to handle the energies his body drew from hell and what he could do with them.

The young lion turned out to be a quick learner and a good student. The Wind was very taken with the Lion's intelligence and so a thought formed that gave the Wind a solution to an existing problem.


Some things end... Some things begin....


Ushi asked as she poked her head into the small room. Her son only grumbled softly, but did not move. He was lying on a pile of pelts with four lionesses, asleep.

"Phew... it smells like a tiger cage in here."

Monkeyed the lioness and entered the room. Carefully she climbed over the bodies of the sleeping lionesses to reach her son. He lay half buried under Evana. His fur, similar to that of the lionesses, was caked with dried semen and other bodily fluids.

"Must have been quite an orgy..."

Ushi muttered, nudging her son with her paw. Again, she got only a grumble in response and a weary wave-off. She rolled her eyes and the one on her chest began to glow.

The scream that followed the glow could probably be heard anywhere in this section of hell. As the dust began to settle, there was a lioness in every corner of the room who, if she had been able to, would have completely blanched. All four had their fur standing on end and their eyes were wide open to the maximum, they were all breathing heavily. Only her son sat in front of Ushi with a tired expression and yawned. He seemed completely relaxed and looked questioningly at his mother, who stood before him with an almost murderous grin. The one was still glowing slightly.

"Aaah... does the gentleman also happen to wake up for once? You've been wanted and expected for quite some time now."

Said Ushi with a forced friendliness sharp enough to cut granite with. Adramalech just looked at her questioningly.

"Was there something pending? Did I miss something?"

He finally asked nonchalantly, smiling. Ushi's chin quivered, her ears folded back so much that it seemed she had none at all. Exaggeratedly calm, she put her son in the picture:

"Well, I don't know... but the Wind had already announced himself yesterday, he's been waiting for you for an hour with Flavius."

Adramalech misjudged the kindness and grinned. He rose slowly and stretched extensively.

"Well...I've been busy. It's not so bad... nothing's running away..."

At that moment, Ushi's collar exploded. Her tirade, which we cannot reproduce in its entirety for reasons of political correctness and protection of minors, included profanities in several languages and dialects that are untranslatable. But even the pleasure Prince listened away in the meantime embarrassed.

"... And now get out of here and see to it that you get yourself at least somewhat in order. If you step in front of the Wind like that... I swear to you, I'll skin you single-handed!"

Sparks literally flew from Ushi's mouth as she flayed down her son. The lionesses had already fled, only Adramalech remained. He was quite used to his mother occasionally trimming him down, slowly he walked past her out of the room, only to get another swat on his butt.

At the other end of the Harem, on one of the high onyx columns, the Wind and Flavius sat together. Flavius had meanwhile learned to change his shape with the help of the energy of hell and had adapted his appearance to his wishes. Much to the astonishment of some lionesses, he had not changed his appearance that much. He was now somewhat taller, more adult in appearance, but still appeared very androgynous, petite and very slender. Quite in contrast to Adramalech, who always walked around very puffed up.

When they had heard the first scream, they had still wondered what had happened, but at the second scream and the subsequent telling off, they had burst into peals of laughter.

"I can very well imagine what just happened."

Stated Flavius jokingly and the Wind concurred:

"Yes, quite, it's just a question of with whom..."

Both nodded knowingly and continued laughing. The Wind had already decided to talk to Adramalech and Flavius about his train of thought a few days ago and was very sure that both would agree. Not that they had any say in the matter. He would do what he wanted anyway.

"Why did you call Adramalech and me here today? I mean it's not one of our usual teaching sessions, I've already guessed that. So what is it about?"

Flavius asked the Greater Demon. He seemed excited. Curiosity and perhaps a little fear were reflected in his face. The Wind smiled relaxedly and made a waiting gesture.

"You'll find out about that. I want to talk to both of you. There will be some changes. But before I go into it too much I want to wait until Adramalech is there too. It concerns him equally."

Answered the Wind. He sounded completely relaxed and tried to transmit that to Flavuis as well. The latter seemed very impatient and walked up and down in the middle of the column.

It took a few moments until Adramalech appeared in the shadows of the column. When he stepped out of the shadows, he seemed very imposing for a moment.

And then the light hit him. He looked quite plucked, and the dark circles under his eyes testified to an acute lack of sleep. Flavius looked at him in horror. The Wind only chuckled. It was not the first time he had seen Adramalech in this condition. He regularly took over with his lionesses. He then often looked a bit destroyed the next morning.

"Aaahh very nice. I'm glad you could make it."

Greeted the Wind to his subordinate. The sarcasm in his words just dripped. This did not go unnoticed by Adramalech and he just nodded.

"Well, the duties are a heavy burden, but I carry them with pride."

Replied the lion, grinning wryly. They both looked at each other silently for a moment. It was a little power struggle. This time the Wind lost. He burst out laughing a split second before Adramalech.

"Haaahahahaha... that was a good one... very good even."

Replied the Wind, struggling to catch his breath. Flavius just looked at both of them, aghast. Adramalech caught himself first and sat down in front of the Greater Demon, grinning. The Wind took another deep breath.

"Pfffuuuh... but honestly, you look like shit."

Stated the Wind and Adramalech nodded. He stretched again.

"Yes. The girls gave me a hard time, but in the end I prevailed."

He said with his chest puffed out and his head held high. The Wind just nodded. They had sucked him dry until there was nothing left.

The Wind straightened up.

"The reason I wanted to meet with you two today."

He began. His tone was suddenly completely different. Gone were the jokes and he was one hundred percent serious from now on. It was amazing how quickly this demon could change his mood. Adramalech straightened up and focused on the Wind. He knew that when the wind turned this serious, he should pay attention. Flavius stood beside the other lion with his arms folded and waited attentively.

"I have been thinking a bit. There is a unique and very good opportunity for me here."

He continued, looking at both of them seriously.

"You've been doing this job for over 150 years now haven't you?"

The Great Demon asked Adramalech. The latter nodded.

"I think it's time to pass the scepter."

Said the Wind and turned to Flavius. Adramalech tilted his head.

"I usually try to find a new demon for this task every hundred years or so. Most don't even make it 75 years. Adramalech, you have lasted a very, very long time. You have been one of the most successful and productive demons I have entrusted with this task."

Explained the Wind. Adramalech did not quite understand.

"Please enlighten me. You want to replace me? With Flavius? Why?"

His voice sounded upset and he stood up. He restrained himself, knowing there was no point in attacking the Wind.

"Well Adramalech. I think you've earned your retirement. I'm quite pleased with your work. It's not that you made a mistake or anything, but for one thing, we need fresh blood in our ranks."

Adramalech looked at him open-mouthed and shook his head.

"So what now? What happens to me then? To my Harem?"

The wind smiled gently. He was quite expecting these questions.

"Well. I grant you something that few demons are granted. In fact, I grant it not only to you but to most of your harem as well. Demons are normally shackled to Hell and doomed to remain in Hell forever, until Judgment Day. I will give you and yours the opportunity to leave hell and enjoy your retirement in another place. Don't get me wrong, you will still be demons, and you will still be bound to hell. I just won't serve your sentence here."

Adramalech looked at him questioningly. He still did not understand why. But it was useless to resist the Wind. He sat down and tilted his head.

"But, parts of the Harem have duties down here. What happens to them?"

The Wind leaned back and behind him a back rose from the onyx of the column. He looked smug while turning back to Adramalech.

"Don't worry about it. They will have the opportunity and the ability to perform their duties."

Said the Wind, placing his fingers together in a perfect Scholars cradle and looking over at his two subordinates with a diabolical grin. Adramalech took a deep breath.

"Well, I guess I have no choice in the matter anyway. I'll accept what you offer me."

Stated the lion, looking over at Flavius, who was still standing quite stunned next to him.

"Will you be up to the task?"

He asked and Flavius didn't know what to answer. He hadn't been in this new body too long, he didn't know its full potential, nor its limits. He knew the Wind would be at his side, and if he needed help, Ushi as well as Adramalech would surely help him with advice and action, but he felt completely caught off guard.

"I...I...don't know. I don't know if I'm ready for this. I mean, I know what this task requires, and I know how it works... but... oh man... I have no idea."

Flavius shook his head. Adramalech looked at him pityingly. Other than himself, the young lion had not asked for this task. Adramalech had been shocked then, too, when he had understood the full consequences of his request. The Wind nodded knowingly as well.

"Do not worry. You are not alone. I will teach you your skills and teach you the rules of your task. You have an advantage that Adramalech did not have. Your predecessor is still alive. Well, in a way. You can always ask him for advice."

The Greater Demon explained and grinned. Flavius nodded slowly.

"Well, as Adramalech said, I don't think I have a choice, do I?"

The grin on Wind's face only widened. He shook his head slightly.

Of course, neither Adramalech nor Flavius had a choice. He had made his decision long before he had spoken to either of them. He had only looked for a suitable place for Adramalech and his Harem.

"Of course, you have no choice. My mind was made up before I came here. I just thought it would be nicer to at least tell you BEFORE I put it into action."

Said the Greater Demon smugly and drew a circle in the air with his finger. A large portal appeared above them and the Wind simply drew it over them.

They found themselves in a green oasis surrounded by tall, lush grass and baobab trees.

Adramalech was amazed. He spun around and looked around.

"Where are we?"

Asked Flavius. He was a bit more cautious, his ears playing in the wind and he kept his eyes open for danger. The Wind leaned against one of the trees and grinned.

"This will be Adramalech's retirement home. This is a world assigned to hell. I have spent a lot of time and effort to make it an adequate home for you and your Harem. The area is quite large. You should be able to let off steam here."

The Wind explained and pushed himself away from the tree. He walked to one of the tall grassy bushes and pushed it aside. A herd of impala could be seen at the waterhole.

"I even took the trouble to populate this world a little."

Adramalech joined him and there the peaceful drinking animals. He grinned and sniffed the wind. They smelled real... alive.

"Are those real ones? Or did you create some beasties again?"

The Wind chuckled and put a heavy hand on Adramalech's shoulder.

"Well. They're not really real. They're impalas, real impalas, but I've exchanged their souls for those of sinners who are punished for their shortcomings during their lives. So every time you kill one, you are doing hell a favor."

The Greater Demon continued. Adramalech felt his mouth water. He ducked deeper into the grass, but the Wind held him back.

"Not now sport. I have something to show you."

Said the Wind, and the scenery blurred briefly before his eyes.

They were in a large cave. There were several levels and on one gallery was a platform of smooth onyx. It was pleasantly cool, but not cold. The stone stored the heat from the sun and would slowly release it over the course of the night, creating a comfortable climate in the cave. There were several entrances and light streamed into the cave.

Adramalech looked around the spacious cave a bit. All his lionesses would find their place on the different levels and some small alcoves would allow to have some privacy. The cave was perfect. Adramalech went up to the small gallery and lay down on the shiny black stone. It was surprisingly comfortable and wonderfully suited for overlooking the Harem. He found more and more pleasure in the thought of moving in here with his lionesses.

Slowly he rose again. He pointed with his head to one of the entrances.

"That's the way out?"

He asked the Greater Demon, who was watching the lion with amusement. Flavius stayed near the Greater Demon all the time. All this was somehow making him uncomfortable.

"Yes, there it basically goes to the plain where the oasis is also located. I have taken pains to make a nice view."

Adramalech left the cave and found himself on a hill. A large rock formed a platform in front of the entrance, from which there was a magnificent view of the savannah. The sun was high in the sky, burning down on the plain. The heat made the air shimmer. Adramalech's heart beat faster. He took a deep breath. The air tasted fresh and clean. Only after leaving hell again did one learn to appreciate the taste of clean air. In hell, the air was was hard to describe. It was this soup of stench, poison, sulfur and something indefinable. You got used to it. But once you got out of hell and were allowed to breathe real, fresh air... it invigorated you.

The three demons stood on the platform and looked down on the plain. Below, various animals were moving and the plain seemed to stretch away to the horizon.

"I think you will be very comfortable here."

Said the Wind, smiling benevolently. Adramalech nodded. Flavius looked into the distance. The landscape was beautiful, everything seemed the same as it had been for him. But the textures and the colors and especially the animals... all of it seemed so foreign. Again he had to realize that he had landed in a completely different dimension.

"I'm happy for you, but all this is going to freak me out."

The young lion added and rubbed his arms. The Wind nodded. He opened a portal and transported them back to hell.

They stood on the onyx column again, as if they had never been away. Flavius seemed visibly better and Adramalech looked very, very excited.

"Good, how do I get my girls there? As far as I know, they can't cross my portals."

Said the lion, uneasily stepping from one foot to the other.

"Let me worry about that."

Replied the Greater Demon.


Hail to the King Baby...

And so it happened that the Adramalech and his Harem left hell and moved to their new home. For many of the lionesses, it was a shock to see a blue sky again after more than a hundred years and to have green grass under their paws. For others, who had not been part of the Harem for so long, it was a welcome return to familiar conditions.

But not all the lionesses accompanied Adramalech.

Liana had asked to stay with Flavius. As the only other anthropomorphic lioness in Adramalech's Harem, she felt a little left out. With Flavius, there was finally a lion who was physically and mentally similar to her. The Wind and Adramalech had agreed to this. Adramalech had announced that he would drop by from time to time, which Liana had thoroughly welcomed.

With the establishment of the new Harem under Flavius, Liana underwent a significant change, which brought her a new status and new abilities. She was the new number one in this Harem. With that status came new duties and with those duties came new abilities. The one on her chest attested to that and the Wind made sure she was able to use the skills she needed.

Meanwhile, the lionesses were settling into Adramalech's new home. Ushi, along with Sarada, had spent a long time scouting the Harem's extended surroundings. The territory that the Wind had made available to them was unbelievably large. They had wandered for days and still had not reached the borders. Finally, they had returned and reported to Adramalech that they believed the Savanna was indeed endless.

Sarabi and Janna had acquired a small cave to call their own, where they sometimes disappeared for days at a time. Sarabi's sideline as a torturer in the domain of the pleasure Prince continued. She had learned to open the necessary portals and had also taken Janna with her a time or two. Legends say that the two invented and perfected the "good cop, bad cop game".

Evana and Vanna, had become close again after some time. They spent a lot of time together. They were practically inseparable and when Adramalech sought the affection of one, he got the affection of the other for free.

It turned out that most of the lionesses were very happy with the new situation and some of them went back to hunting very successfully. Above all Sarabi was a very successful huntress. Not a day went by that she did not bring down a prey animal. Since she knew about the situation with the souls of the prey animals, she made no heel out of it that she enjoyed to kill them slowly. It was not uncommon for the prey to arrive at the harem already pre-portioned.

Over time, the lionesses realized that their numbers on their chests were beginning to fade. They didn't disappear completely, but they didn't stand out as much either.

The Wind had explained that this had to do with the fact that they were exposed to the natural sunlight of this world and were no longer constantly in hell. Hell's influence on them would weaken. Only the one on Ushi's chest and the 112 on Sarabi's chest always remained in focus. The Wind explained it by saying that both possessed a stronger bond with hell due to their duties, and thus their numbers would always be clearly readable.

Adramalech himself enjoyed not having to search for new lionesses to fulfill his contract with the Wind. He had 200 lionesses in his Harem. No one else would ever be able to call such a large Harem his own. Often he would lie on the platform at the entrance to the cave and enjoy the view of the savannah and the feel of the sun on his pelt. That is, if the lionesses would let him. Most of the time he was busy intensely taking care of the flock of hungry lionesses. There were probably only a few days when his sword was not sheathed in at least one. Not that this bothered him, because as he had already mentioned. He fulfilled his duties as Lord over this Harem not without pride.

He was the king of this world.

His lionesses were the greatest army in this world.

Nothing would stand in their way.

And so he sat on his throne, surrounded by his lionesses.

Hail to the King, baby!