Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 49: Your Tomorrow May Never Come

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#49 of Counter Earth - Chaundoon Chronicles: Two Futures

Last Chapter:

On Free Counter Earth after coming under intense pressure by the High Evolutionary to thwart the KLIS from harvesting of innocents, Commander Ursa and Alex attack one of the alien's spaceships above the Great Forest using weapons Sir Ram had modified- it didn't go well... [AND] On Conquered Counter Earth the emissaries of ONE arrived at World Four to conduct a big recruitment drive for the survivors of the apocalypse there, but ran into competition from emissaries of TWO who had the better sales pitch... meanwhile On Chaundoon Far and away from Conquered Counter Earth, Naomi and her feline master traveled to an exotic spot in the middle of nowhere. The teen thought that she had fallen out of favor with the S'mar chieftain and that he had brought her to that location to relieve her of her life. In reality it wasn't her life but something else... something very personal. As morning approached the two lovers witnessed the death of another pride's chieftain by a skin-walker and In World Seven intense conversations were held by the newly formed Colony Council about the Perna Pride's conflict with their enemy the Yowie and what intervention if any should be done. Ultimately it was decided that Song and Naka would return Perna Pride warriors Shred, Stab and Impale to their village and nothing more. But upon seeing the pride's imminent extinction by the Yowie, the maned wolf and chakat could not stand by and just do nothing; they went rouge...

Counter Earth Chronicles - Dual Realities

Chapter 49: Your Tomorrow May Never Come

October 17, YOE 35

1:01 PM Free Counter Earth (The Lair, Castle Wundagore)

I followed several paces behind my very angry female brown bear who was grumbling to herself as we walked through the hallways of Castle Wundgore back to her domicile. Several times I wanted to say something encouraging- but what could one say to counteract what we had just been through?

At last we arrived at the door to our home. My she beast opened it. "Wait here." She said entering without facing me.

I nodded as the door closed behind her.







Now all of that caught me off guard. The door opened again and my fierce ursine warrior stepped out into the hallway.

"I am going to see Sir Ram. I will be back later." She said walking off. "Sorry." She said turning back briefly.

As I went to enter the lair I discovered that she had trashed the great room, dining room and kitchen in a fit of rage that would have made Lady Keiko proud. The high table had been turned over, the sectional had been thrown through one of the windows breaking it, and the viewscreen had been ripped into two like a sheet of paper.

Commander Ursa was thoroughly pissed. It was going to take some time to clean this up and then there was the window. But I felt more sorry for Sir Ram- that angry bear was going to give him a stern talking to, if not rip him a new one from his penis to anus. The upgrades he had made to the blue coupe were stir-fried-cocka.

_Earlier.... _

October 17, YOE 35

6:54 AM Free Counter Earth (The Great Forest)

*Halo projector engaged Commander we look like just another waterfowl in the sky.* The automated assistant announced.

"Very well let's bring it." The warrior bear said aligning the blue coupe's cross-hairs on the boomerang shaped ship we had discovered over the great forest.

*Laser-system Engaged*


*Machine Guns Engaged*


**Flame thrower Engaged* *


**Tunnel Missiles Engaged* *


*Tractor Missiles Engaged*


*Grenade Launcher Engaged*


*That completes all of the weaponry Sir Ram modified.* Overwatch observed A black cloud of smoke emanated from where the boomerang shaped ship had been struck with the enhanced weaponry of the prototype.

"Alex, tell me you have some good news!" My fierce ursine warrior pleaded.

I checked the readouts from the probe on my monitor. "I am sorry mistress, we might as well be tickling them."

As the smoke started to dissipate, the boomerang shaped black ship was still hovering over the forest staring at us menacingly.

"We threw everything we had!" My warrior bear said as the ship floated toward us, probably curious as to where that weaponry launched at it had come from.

"Our best was not good enough." I said studying the images from the front mounted camera on my monitor as the image momentarily became opaque. "Overwatch?"

*That KLIS ship is preparing to counter-strike Mr. Winter.*

"Overwatch deflectors to maximum!" My she beast shouted as she spun the blue coupe around and attempted flee.

The large ship matched our speed. They realized the seagull next to them wasn't a seagull. The tip off had to be all the weapons that were thrown at it.

*Commander Ursa, they are closing in on our position.*

"Acknowledged Overwatch." The female brown bear said nervously.

"Sooo.... the enhanced weaponry was useless. Let's go back to the old weaponry."

"Whatever you have in mind pet, you better do it quickly."

I made my selection from the weapons menu and pressed the middle toggle switch.

A ball of charged electricity launched from the right side-pod toward the spacecraft... and was reflected right back at us!!


*Halo projector is offline.* The automated assistant announced.

"Since when can we be affected by our own static pulse cannon?!" I shouted.

"There goes our disguise." The brown bear said, reaching for the center monitor to select smoke screen option.


"Mistress look out!" I pushed her paw away from the screen just as a yellow beam fired from the triangular ship right at us.


The beam struck lengthwise right down the middle of the prototype. It went through the deflector like a knife through butter cutting us like wedges of an orange.

"Since when can they do that?" I shouted as system failures filled the monitors.

(This was bad, very bad!!!)

*Structural Integrity Failure* *Structural Integrity Failure* *Structural Integrity Failure* *Structural Integrity Failure*

"Overwatch power to maximum!" My she beast shouted as the unthinkable happened- we separated from each other literally! The left side of the prototype starting to fall toward the forest below. "Overwatch? Overwatch!"

Lady Ursa looked at me in horror realizing this was the final moment of our lives.

I returned the shocked glance as my half of the hover vehicle started to tumble toward Counter Earth as well.

*Body integrity has been compromised.* The automated assistant announced as the blue coupe crumbled like a cookie. *Passive restraints to maximum.*


I was still strapped in my seat as I quickly typed orders to the surveillance probe, well tried.

*System failure*

*Structural Integrity Failure*

*Propulsion Failure *

*Attitude Control Failure*

*Electronics Failure*

"Damn it come on!!!" I shouted as the keyboard, monitor essentially the whole dashboard went one direction and the seat I was strapped in went another.

(Oh Crap!)

This was far worse than the time Mara and I had lost to the Animalitia in the first prototype. We almost died as the first blue coupe was totaled. This was different and far worse because our deaths were imminent.

"Spirit... Mistress..." I uttered as I tumbled toward the ground.


My steep decent was brought to an abrupt halt with a violent yank. I looked upward to see a parachute deployed from behind the headrest of my seat. A white one. I Looked toward where Lady Ursa was falling to see a similar white parachute as well.

"Thank the stars!"

We reached the ground as chunks of the blue coupe rained over the area.

I quickly separated myself from the passenger seat and ran over toward the brown bear giving her the biggest hug.

"Ewww!! You wet yourself." I said looking at her groin.

"Not the time Alex." She trembled.

Above us the boomerang shaped ship used that same yellow beam to scan the ground looking for us.

"What do we do now?" I shouted.

"I recognize this area. Remember the cabin I took you to the night I took your virginity?"

"Um, yeah."

"It is not far from here. We will take shelter there. When we fail to check in, the core will come searching for us. Now run!"


6:56 PM Free Counter Earth (Oasis, Dark Forest)

"Aw, I know the ram was rather fond of that blue coupe!" The bald headed man with the nicely trimmed beard said to his subordinate within his relocated office.

"Our operative in the area that observed the confrontation said that the enhanced weaponry was ineffective against the KLIS' ship." The tian mountain dog replied from the other side of Deerfeeder's desk.

"I would go one step further, Spirit." Riz Site replied.

"What is that sir?"

"So was the prototype's defenses."

"Yes. The vehicle was carved up like roast despite its defense field being engaged."

"I know your boyfriend was one of the passengers."

"He and Commander Ursa survived... barely. They hid in the forest until they were rescued by the knight core hours later."

"An embarrassing defeat for that damn ram and the empire. I suspect the high master was not pleased." The leader of the rebellion snickered.

"Neither was Commander Ursa, she trashed her domicile in a fit of rage."

"And afterwards?" The bald headed man asked the canine.

"She gave Sir Ram an earful. Before the High Evolutionary did the same to both of them sir." Spirit replied.

"So it has been a no good, very bad week for Sir Ram and company...." Ritz said drumming his fingers on his desk. "I wonder if he is regretting eliminating Master Koala?"

"Sir?" The canine asked curiously.

"He could have used the Koala's invention to find technology to combat the KLIS in one of the other realities the Koala was observing. His stupid, unfortunate error." The leader of the rebellion said thoughtfully. "And he is supposedly the smartest scientist within the empire."

"How can we used that to our advantage?" The tian mountain dog asked.

"I was thinking about that. There is an opportunity, no, an opening here."

*knock* *knock*

"Yes, please come on in!"

Spirit looked at the door to Deerfeeder's office as A grey haired man with a worn looking face wearing brown tattered pants, and a white shirt entered.

"Spirit, this is Doctor Richard First. How are you finding our little village?"

"It is as the name describes, an Oasis from the empire and their abhorrent mind control."

"I bet you are relieved not to be under its influence anymore." Ritz said to the former time traveler.

The physician nodded.

"So Richard, may I call you Richard? I understand that you traveled and worked with Sir Ram for a time and you understand his motivations and how he thinks, why don't you tell us about it?"

10:10 PM Free Counter Earth (In the skies above Counter Earth)

"AHHHH!" The little aardvark screamed from within his dreams.

"Cinder! Cinder! Wake up! You are having a bad dream." Ember said to his cousin.

"Phew!" The little aardvark said, opening his eyes to a darkened room.

"I have never heard you scream like that."

"It was the most scary and intense dream I have yet." The little aardvark said to his cousin.

"What was it about?" Ember asked Cinder.

"You remember the little favor I did for Alex?"


"The debt I owed, well the KLIS came to collect; I dreamt that I was in that small circular orange room, strapped to that table aboard their spacecraft."

"Um cousin..." Ember tried to interrupt.

"And that female KLIS who is fascinated with me, removed the top of my head and was studying my brain,"

"Cinder..." Ember tried to interrupt again.

"I still don't know what her fixation is with me." The little aardvark said trembling.


"Wait! Why can't I move?!"

"That wasn't a dream." Ember said as a single spotlight came on.

Cinder realized that he was immobilized! He was in that small circular orange room aboard that spacecraft miles and miles away from his home. His eyes glanced to his left and there she was! The grey female alien with the large black eyes, small nose and slit like mouth.

"GAHH!!" He screamed. On the adjacent table was his cousin similarly restrained.

"I am afraid you won't be attending school tomorrow little prodigy." She telepathically said to Cinder while rubbing her hand on his cerebral cortex. "Such a magnificent specimen of your species."

"OH BOTHER." Cinder said trembling as he felt his brain being kneaded.

"Say Mum?"

The female turned toward the older of the two aardvarks on the other table.

"That colleague of yours who is doing his own thing now... do you approve of it?"

There was a pregnant pause.

The female alien's small slit-like mouth curved downward into a frown as she looked at Ember.

To Be Continued....


October 17, YOE 35

07:40 AM Chaundon (Desert of Lightning, S'mar Pridelands)

"Erroooo!!" The interloper howled as it clawed its way into the large slits at the entrance to the cave.

The creature was green in color, walked on all fours and appeared to be canine in shape with four claws on each paw, a bushy tail and wore a skull on its head.

"What are we going to do?" Naomi gasped. "There is only one way in and one way out and it is blocking the exit!"

"We make our stand here." Saber said grasping his machete. Naomi picked up her slingshot and started looking for something to fire at the skinwalker who had stumbled into the cave of lights.


October 17, YOE 35

6:54 AM Chaundoon (Cave Of Lights, Desert of Lightning)

"What a way to go." The teen said reaching for her master's paw as the lightning outside intensified in the pre-dawn.

"We will be staying here for a little while longer, girl." Saber the vicious said to his middle slave.

"Master?" The freckled teen asked.

"That is unless you wish to see if there are more of those things out there." He asked her as a bolt of lightening hit the ground not far from their location.

"Staying is fine. But what to do in the meantime?"


"Um... I am all for that but how? I mean we are in the desert." Naomi said looking at her groin and the mess her master had made there.

"You really are an off-worlder." Saber said placing his paw Naomi's shoulder directing her to another corner of the cave.

"Wow, a mound of grey sand." The nude female commented.

"Not sand." The s'mar chieftain said kneeling. He grabbed a paw-full and started layering his fur with fine tan powder. He motioned for Naomi to join him. He started applying on the powder to her as well.

"Ick! Gross! This stuff gets into everything!"

"That's its purpose girl." Saber said admiring his work as he finished. He and Naomi resembled sand monsters.


"The powder! It is gone!" The freckled teen shouted! His fur was silky and smooth and not a speck of dirt on it. "It is like you bathed but there are no signs of water."


Naomi examined her person. Saber's semen stains were gone.

"This is how we keep ourselves clean out here girl."

"Incredible!" The human female shouted as she hugged her master, who didn't hesitate to remind her of her place.


Naomi stopped embracing the feline warrior and took a knee acknowledging his superiority over her.

"So how long should we lay low here?"

"Until the first light of day; I want to make sure the skin-walkers are far away from here before we head back wench." The teen looked at the feline warrior funny.


"Master, I never thought you would be one to avoid confrontation." Naomi asked cocking her head.

"Girl, there are winnable fights and then there are un-winnable fights. Remember, it is just us out here and we are away from the safety and support of our village."

"Sounds like you TRIED to take on one of those things by yourself before."

"Yes." The savage replied.

"I feel a story coming on..." Naomi said sitting down and crossing her legs preparing to hear some exploits from her master's past. Maybe even his youth.

Saber frowned at the girl and would not elaborate further.

"AW!!! You are no fun." The teen pouted.

"It is near impossible to defeat one of those things without more warriors girl you saw what they did to the Sabra chieftain."

"So what are we going to do in the meantime?"

"Well I could penetrate you and make you soggy again." The savage smirked as another bolt of lightening struck the ground.

Naomi leapt into Saber's arms shaking.

"It is okay Naomi, we are safe for the time being. Only a fool would be outside in all that and in the same vicinity as those things right now." The vicious savage said to his human slave."

The teenager was about to hug her master when....

"I can't believe we lost sight of Naka and Song! It is like they took off and left us!"

"It was." A white leech boy said.

"Tonka, are you saying that knight and councilist planned this?"

"We should find shelter!" The leech said side stepping the question.

"How about that round boulder with the narrow entrances? I think it is a cave."

"Yes, Alex, let's go!"

"Master?" Naomi asked looking at the S'mar chieftain.

"Stay here and distract them." He ordered her retying his bandana, putting on his furred shaw and reaching for his machete.

"Once this weird storm ends we can try again to catch up to them." I replied to my traveling companion.

"Storm outside is too intense." Tonka replied not wasting words.

"Yeah, I guess any old port in a storm." I replied as we made our way inside. Whoa, look at this place! It is like a planetarium!"

"Pretty lights." The leech boy said agreeing with me.

I looked around the small cave with the slit entrance. It was a pain to crawl inside, but well worth it. I looked at the thousands upon thousands of pin pricks of light, so many colors illuminating the cave. Most likely from its rock formations. Very intense. There was red, yellow, orange, green, blue, violet, indigo, white and a nude freckled brunette human teenager?

"A human?! Here on Chaundoon?!" I gasped.

"I am Naomi Good." She replied. I looked at Tonka.

I placed my med-kit on the floor of the cave and pulled out my tri-angular scanner.

"100% human." I replied looking at the readings. "How is it that you are out here by your lonesome?"

*poke* *poke*

"Not now Tonka." I replied.

*poke* *poke*

"That wasn't me Alex." My assistant said nervously.

"SHE IS NOT." I heard a voice say from my rear.

I turned around to see a spotted S'mar warrior- red bandana, furred shawl, sabertooth canines with a confident glare holding a machete just below my chin.

"WHOA, SHE IS NOT." I replied lowering my scanner.

"Um, hi." The leech boy said to the blood thirsty vicious savage.

"Easy. Easy." I said raising my arms. "I mean you no harm."

"Obviously." The feline warrior said starring at my med-kit and portable scanner. "You are a healer."

"Yes. My assistant and I got separated from our travel group and took shelter in here to get away from that out there." I said pointing toward the entrance of the cave.

"Boy, did you make a wrong turn!" The warrior scoffed.

*sniff* *sniff*

"Um, what is he doing?" I asked Naomi.

"Deciding if he MEANS to do you harm." The freckled teen explained.

"You have a familiar scent. GRR... PESTLE!" The feline warrior growled.

"It's Pestle's chieftain!" Tonka replied.

"The one that he abandoned to join Bow on her quest?" I asked.

"So that is what happened to him." The chieftain's slave replied as he continued to look me up and down.

"The one that said if he ever returned to... his head would be served on a platter." I said thoughtfully.

"No. I would do much, much worse! I would slice open his belly, pull out his insides and strangle him with it. Then rip off his tail and beat him with it and then and only then I would sever his head and place it on a platter!"


"We surrender!" The scared leech boy shouted as the savage looked him over as well. "Please don't kill us, we didn't mean to trespass!"

"Tonka this is neutral territory; it doesn't belong to any of the prides."

"It is if I say it is." The chieftain said turning to me.

"Exactly how many prides are there in the pridelands?" I countered.

"It varies- some are conquered, others are integrated within other prides." He said looming over me.

"What pride was Pestle from again?" I asked. "Sabra, Kenja, Perna?"

"Three Rivers Pride." The freckled teen interjected. "One of the largest in the pridelands."

"That's right. Which means..." I said turning to the S'mar in front of me.

"You are addressing Saber, leader of the Three Rivers Pride." Naomi replied.

"Saber The Vicious!" Tonka gasped. "Alex! He is one of the most savage, ferocious and vicious warriors in the pridelands! He is feared by his enemies and even more so by his allies and friends!"


"Fine we surrender." I pouted sitting down. "I am sorry we entered your territory without permission."

"Please forgive us of this grievous offense." Tonka added.

"I will consider it. So there are male humans as well as females." The warrior said placing a paw underneath my chin.

"So, Naomi Good how did you come to be with Three Rivers Pride?" I asked the teenager.

"I will ask the questions boy." The warrior said studying my body language. Likely trying to decide what he was going to do with me and Tonka.

"How did you come into contact with Pestle?" Saber asked looking at the grappling hook weapon I had on my arm. "Give a little, get a little boy."

"It is for defense...." I quickly responded. "Just like your sword there."

"Mine isn't for defense." The savage said pointing its tip at my chin again.

"Pestle joined Bow on her quest to unite the prides." Tonka blurted.

"That was during the snowstorm master." Naomi replied.


"Yes wench I remember. He must have felt that was more important that his pride."

"Well... fate of Chaundoon... fate of Three Rivers Pride... fate of Chaundoon." I replied weighing the situation as the savage grumbled. "I mean Tonka was traveling with a group back to our... um, village. They freed Pestle and Bow from a block of ice before being taken prisoner by the Perna Pride for a time."

"Pestle assisted Bow with her mission." The leech boy added.

"She wasn't successful?" Saber asked.

"No. But Bow and Pestle did discover the cause of the imbalance. You may have noticed the fourth moon is gone- it was the cause." I replied proudly.

"Some in Alex's tribe realized the moon was the problem all along." Tonka added.

"That is why everything seems to have calmed down, master."

"Why do you call him master?" I asked the short haired brunette.

"Because it is so. Her life belongs to me." The Three Rivers Pride chieftain said lowering his weapon.

"Say what?!" I gasped.

Saber looked at Naomi and nodded.

"I am from Counter Earth." Ms. Good replied.

"So am I." I added.

"Interesting. You might make a good servant as well boy." The chieftain observed. "And you little leech would be good for target practice."

Tonka started to tremble.

"So you were fleeing the apocalypse too huh?" I asked the nude teen quickly trying to change the subject.

"What apocalypse? I was fleeing beastial domination and subjugation. Yes see I was on a field trip with my school class... we were watching a scientist demonstrate a reality observing machine. I saw a Counter Earth inhabited by only humans and took a chance, miscalculated and wound up here." Ms. Good said.

"She appeared on a battlefield in front of my warriors... I claimed her as my possession." Saber replied simply.

"So you are from a Counter Earth that was not destroyed by ONE?"

"Who is that?" The teen asked me.

(Could it be that she is from an alternate version of Counter Earth?)

"But one thing does bother me."

"What is that boy?" Saber asked.

"Naomi is it? You know you departed one situation where you were dominated and subjugated for another right?"

"Yeah, I guess I did. but I was scared, disoriented, confused and had nowhere else to go." Was her answer.

"She is a valued possession of mine." Chief Saber added.

"Awww." The teen replied.

"How valued?" Tonka asked.

"She performs chores that the others would prefer not to do."

"I take that back!" *grumble* *grumble*

"Where is Pestle now?" The savage asked me ignoring the teen's reaction.

"In my village. After the imbalance was resolved, he elected to stay. I was training him on how to care for more than just s'mar."

"And your village?"

"Far, far, far away from the pridelands chief Saber."

"Too bad. I would like to pay him a visit." The feline warrior said tonguing his machete.

(I am sure you would.)


"Whaa whaa is that?!" I jumped.

"Boy! When you entered this cave did anyone see you?" The savage asked.

I looked at Tonka and then back at the feline chieftain. "I am not sure. It was pretty dark outside."

"And stormy." The leech boy added.

"You fools!" The chieftain snarled. "I should gutted the both of you and tossed your remains to that thing out there!"

"Um, sorry?" I said looking up at him.

"Skin-walkers?" Noami asked.

"One that is now looking for substance in this desolate wasteland." The leech boy replied.

"Okay so we just have to convince it to go look elsewhere or take it out." I suggested.

"You fool!" Saber and Noami chided me.

"What?" I asked confused as a paw with four claws reached through the horizontal slit opening of the cave entrance.

The S'mar chieftain covered my mouth and Naomi covered Tonka's mouth as the skin-walker made entrance into the cave of lights.

Man, Saber's pelt was sooo soft and that line of fur extending down the center of his chest that encircled his genitals and then traveled back upward... let's just say I now understand why Dawn and Club are an item.

(Focus Alex, focus)

The creature walked through the cave scenting the air and admiring the many points of lights from the rock formations within. It walked by the bedding Saber and Naomi had slept in lingering for a time.

(Wait did the chieftain and his slave do the nasty?)

I looked at the two. The freckled teen seemed to be blushing and although I couldn't quite be sure... Saber most likely was. That would explain why the two of them were out here in the middle of nowhere in this unique place; it was some type of celebration and the feline warrior wanted it to be memorable. It was turning out that way.

The quadrupedal skin-walker moved past the bedding, and our hiding spot a small cylindrical pit with clumping sand in it. To the far end of the cave where it fixated on some powder.

Saber pointed to the exit indicating we all should leave NOW.

I started to climb up from the pit, but was pulled back into our hiding spot.

We watched as the creature skulked by disgusted that it did not find anything.


That's when we heard a sound coming from behind us.


"There are two of them?!" I squeaked.

"It split into two!" Saber announced.

That skull mask slid backward revealing a large gaping maw with large sharp teeth.


The bite was stopped by a machete strategically placed. It gave us enough time to evacuate from the pit while one was distracted.

"GRRR my blade!" The savage shouted.

"We should leave." Tonka shouted.

"We can't the other is blocking the exit!" The teen shouted.

I fired my grappling hook at the ceiling of the cave swinging right toward the creature. I had planned to kick it in the face forcing it outside. It had other plans.

The creature dissolved and reappeared next to where its twin stood choking on the chieftain's machete. That was when Saber rolled to retrieve his weapon.

(Not smart!)

"MASTER!" Naomi shouted.

"Tonka! Naomi! Outside!" I shouted. "Hey you! Green uglies over here!"

The creatures bounded out of the cave after the three of us ignoring the S'mar chieftain.

As I exited I was greeted by a black utility vehicle.

*Alex Winter, do you require assistance?*

"Feleen there are two green monster things trying to kill us!" I shouted.

The hidden turret on Attack Beast raised and aimed at the entrance of the cave at the same time the front grill dropped revealing weapons tubules. It locked onto the quadrupedal skin-walkers that emerged.

*zap* *zap* *zap*



*Targets have been annihilated* The female sentinel announced.

"I will say." Naomi said astounded.

"Green goo?" I said looking at where the laser fire had struck.

"Look!" Tonka shouted.

Waddling out of the gook was a six eyed tan canid puppy. It looked so cute.


The puppy screamed as it was launched into the air by a well timed kick. "LEAVE!" It's attacker shouted.

"Master!" Naomi said running to the S'mar chieftain.

"I am fine." He said placing his paw on her shoulder, just some scratches.

"That was rather mean!" I said walking up to the two.

"It tried to kill us remember?" Tonka said chastising me.

"That little puppy?" I countered.

"The same one that willingly let itself be taken over by a skin-walker Alex! You are getting soft master." Naomi said to Saber.

The savage looked at his slave indignantly.

"And I will be quiet now."

I fetched my medkit and scanned Naomi and Tonka. No injuries. Saber on the other paw, did. I treated the cuts and abrasions he had on his arm and forearm.

"Well sorry for intruding but it all worked out in the end." I said to the frowning faces.

"It was a situation caused by you." Naomi said as a machete was again placed under my chin.

"Well I will get out of your fur if you could point me and my helper in the right direction."

"I still haven't decided if I do mean to harm you or not boy."

"I see that." I replied closing the cuts he had sustained.

"Where did you think you were going?"

*Alex Winter is there a problem?* Feleen said turning the turret toward the chieftain.

"Ah the natives here are a bit xenophobic but, I think we can work something out."

"Marble Canyons." The leech boy replied.

"A pride there is in conflict with a neighboring tribe." I said to the feline savage.

"How interesting." Saber said, lowering his machete.

"And again I have said too much." I said disgusted.

"Give a little, get a little boy."

"Okay, I will tell you what. Point us in the right direction and how about I give you a lift?

"This cart this is from your world?" Saber asked Naomi as she refastened her loin-cloth.


"You never mentioned your tribe had advanced tools."

"We used them only for self defense chief Saber; we prefer to talk ourselves out of confrontations if possible."

"That is a sign of weakness boy."

"I see this is going to be an interesting trip." I sighed.


1:01 PM Chaundon, (Marble Canyons S'mar Pridelands)

"Red Sword..." Shred said bending downward to pick up his chieftain's weapon as narrow beams of light fired from the side-pods of the blue coupe.

"Does that mean?" Impale asked.

"Brother don't- we can't worry about that now, stick to the plan!" Stab shouted.

Screams were heard from the spiders creatures as Naka fired laser beams specifically targeting the Perna Pride's enemy.

"Cut that one open like a cantaloupe." The wolf said to his adopted son.

The two heard noises from the warriors protecting the prototype's blindspots from those who got too close.




"That takes care of this cluster." Kiwi announced.

"Good find us more." The mid-level knight replied opening the dome of the blue coupe as Shred, Stab, Impale gathered around.

"Searching." The pre-teen said looking at his monitor.

"This cart is amazing." Impale commented.

"Just a more precise weapon. That is all it is." Stab observed.

"That is an over simplification."

"There is one final cluster near Double Drop Falls." Kiwi replied studying the probe's read-out."

"We are just trying to survive."

Kiwi looked around the cockpit. What was that he just heard? Did everyone else here that or was it just him?

"Naka we take that group out, all of this will be over." Shred said looking at the blood stains on Red Sword's sword.

"But should we?" Kiwi asked.

"I know we are talking about the extermination of an entire tribe." The mid-level knight said thinking.

"Naka we were decimated." Stab replied. "If we allow any of them to survive- they will regroup and it will happen again. Maybe not today, or tomorrow but at some point in the future."

The maned wolf gripped the steering wheel and placed his head on it. He, Song and Kiwi had openly defied King Dragon, Duchess Jua and the World Seven Council. In fact his actions here today had probably ended his career with the knight core and possibly Song's with the council. There was no turning back now.

"Very well. Let's finish this." The knight said to his companions.

10:10 PM Sector 6214 (Sand Planet)

"There! All the captives have been washed and/or bathed." Cinder proudly exclaimed.

"And their cells had been cleaned." Ember announced as the two cousins leaned against each other. "I guess we have earned some downtime."

"As long as Mum doesn't want to study and/or examine my brain again." The little aardvark said to the taller.

"Well she just might. She said you are a very unique beastial."

"How so?"

"Your brain operates at 100% efficiency. She claims that in all her research she has never seen that in any beastial before. Face it cousin, you are a prodigy."

"So the truth comes out finally." Cinder said as another colleague of theirs entered the holding area.

"Triceraton?" The cousins said to the dinosaur beastial who was dressed in nothing but tan underwear.

"Mum wishes to see us." The former member of the Animalitia said.

The two aardvarks followed their colleague to the bridge of the triangular skyship. There they found Clay Pen standing right next to the female KLIS scientist. The two were staring at numerous images of a brown and tan planet below the ship.

"Tarnation! I would not have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes." The blond haired human with the happy eyes gasped.

"That it was possible for you to be squeaky clean?" The dinosaur beastial teased the newest member of their group.

Clay ignored Triceraton's jab. That was when the beastials noticed that their mistress had a noticeable frown on her face.

"Mum?" Ember asked.

"Human, what is going on?" The dinosaur beastial asked.

"Another planet has fallen to ONE." Mr. Pen said.

The trio were speechless.

The grayish female alien with the long black piercing eyes, big forehead, with no lips only and slit for a mouth turned to address her servants.

"As of now this planet is off limits."

"How many does that make?" The dinosaur beastial in the tan underwear asked the similarly dressed man.

"Too many." Clay replied.

To Be Continued....