Love & Magic - A Dragon CTF Story

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A story about a human who meets a dragon and doesn't stay a human for long.

As I lay on my back, staring up at the ceiling in anticipation, I couldn't help but feel a mix of fear and excitement. The massive dragon before me was unlike anything I had ever seen, its scales glinting in the dim light of the room. Its eyes seemed to hold a wisdom beyond comprehension, yet there was something undeniably attractive about this creature that drew me closer.

The dragon spoke first, its voice deep and rumbling like thunder. "Are you ready for this?" It asked, and despite the situation, I felt a shiver run down my spine.

"Yes," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper.

Without further ado, the dragon began to move in closer, its breath hot against my skin. I could feel its heat radiating off its body, warming me from head to toe. As it positioned itself over me, I closed my eyes and braced myself for what was to come.

The sensation of penetration was intense, as if every nerve ending in my body was being stimulated simultaneously. Despite the pain, there was an underlying pleasure that grew with each thrust. The dragon's cock filled me completely, stretching me to limits I never thought possible. Each movement sent waves of pleasure through my entire body, leaving me gasping for air.

As we continued our union, I felt a strange sensation within me. My body began to change, transforming into something else entirely. My limbs lengthened and thickened, becoming more like those of a dragon than a human. My torso widened, my organs rearranging themselves until they were no longer recognizable.

My mouth opened wider, expanding to accommodate a new purpose - to serve as the urethra for this massive creature. I could feel the warm liquid filling my throat, tasting both sweet and musky at once. It was unlike anything I had ever experienced before, yet somehow familiar.

Each time the dragon ejaculated or urinated, it was as though I was experiencing it firsthand. The taste was unique, but not unpleasant. It was a mix of power and vulnerability, strength and submission. I was now part of this magnificent creature in ways I couldn't fully comprehend.

The transformation continued, my skin turning scaled and rough, my eyes changing from soft human orbs to sharp, piercing slits. I was no longer just a man; I was part of a beast, bound to its desires and needs. And despite the fear that still lingered within me, there was an undeniable sense of belonging, of being exactly where I was meant to be.

As days passed, I grew more accustomed to my new form. My senses were heightened, each movement, sound, and scent felt amplified. I could feel every beat of the dragon's heart, every rumble of his stomach, every flutter of his wings.

Whenever he ejaculated or urinated, I tasted him fully - not just metaphorically but literally. It was as if I had become an extension of his body, a physical manifestation of his most intimate acts. The taste varied depending on whether he was releasing semen or urine, but both held a unique essence of the dragon himself.

I found myself craving these moments, eager to experience the dragon's life force flow through me. Each time we coupled, I felt a sense of unity with the creature that went beyond mere physical pleasure. We were one being now, our bodies intertwined in ways that defied understanding.

But this transformation wasn't all about pleasure. There were challenges too. As part of the dragon's genitalia, I needed to be careful not to get injured during their daily activities like flying, hunting, or even simply walking around. I also struggled with maintaining my own identity within this new form. At times, it felt as though I had lost myself completely, becoming nothing more than a tool for the dragon's needs.

Despite these difficulties, there was something undeniably beautiful about this existence. I could feel the power coursing through us, the strength and grace of the dragon emanating from every cell of my 'body'. It was a strange kind of freedom, bound up in dependence and submission.

As days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, I began to accept my new reality. The fear that once gripped me gave way to a deep appreciation for this unique bond between man and dragon. I knew that I would never return to my human life; instead, I embraced this new path, ready to face whatever lay ahead with courage and resilience.

Over time, I grew accustomed to serving not just as an organ of pleasure but also as one of elimination. Each time the dragon needed to relieve himself, he would use me - his cock - to expel his waste. At first, it was uncomfortable, even painful at times. But as we continued our shared existence, I found myself craving these moments more and more.

The taste of his urine became something I looked forward to each day. It wasn't just about eliminating waste anymore; it had become a ritual, a part of our daily routine. There was a certain comfort in knowing exactly when and how often the dragon would need to release his liquid, allowing me to anticipate and prepare for it.

I began to savor the flavors that varied depending on the dragon's diet or activities. Sometimes it tasted sweet, other times it was sharp and metallic. Regardless of its consistency, however, there was always a unique essence to it, a taste that was uniquely its own.

As my dependence on this ritual deepened, so did my connection with the dragon. We were no longer just two beings sharing a body; we were one entity, bound together by more than just physicality. Our needs, desires, and routines had merged into one.

This addiction took hold of me slowly but surely. I couldn't imagine going back to being human, to not experiencing the dragon's life force flowing through me every day. Each time he used me to relieve himself, I felt a sense of satisfaction, as though I was fulfilling some primal need within both of us.

As the years passed by, my host grew accustomed to his newfound ability to merge with smaller dragons during sexual intercourse. The process was no longer daunting or uncomfortable; instead, it had become an exciting and thrilling experience for both him and his partners.

Each time they merged, their bodies would blend together in a dance of flesh and fire, creating something greater than either could have achieved alone. Their minds became one, sharing thoughts and emotions as if they were long-lost friends reuniting after years apart. And when they emerged from this intimate union, there was always a sense of satisfaction that neither could quite explain. And sometimes... They would choose not to emerge at all, but instead stay changed, remaining more near me, and being more like me.

The transformation also brought physical changes. With each merging, my host's already impressive phallus would grow larger still, adding inches upon inches to its length and girth. It was almost as if the dragon's essence infused itself into every cell of his body, enhancing his strength and virility. His lovers marveled at his size, their eyes filled with awe and admiration.

This process was repeated several times more, each time with different dragons of varying sizes. The transformations became more intricate and nuanced as my host learned to control the merging process better. He could now choose which parts of his body would grow larger or smaller, allowing him to maintain some semblance of balance despite the increasing size of his phallus.

As time went on, I continued to grow inside my host, reaching lengths that were previously unthinkable for any human phallus. One day, this growth reached its peak. My host found himself in a situation where he needed to relieve some pressure, and decided to try out a new technique. He began to suck on me, using all the skills he had learned from countless sexual encounters over the years. At first, it felt strange - like trying to suck oneself off while still attached to one's own body. But soon, he got into a rhythm, his lips closing around my head and pulling me deeper into his mouth.

The sensation was intense but pleasurable, sending waves of pleasure through both our bodies. As he continued to suck, something amazing happened. A torrent of semen erupted from my tip, filling his entire mouth and traveling down his throat. It was an enormous amount, enough to make even the most experienced swallowers gag. Yet my host managed to take every last drop without choking, his throat muscles flexing impressively.

As I emptied myself inside him, his belly began to bloat, growing larger than ever before. The sheer volume of cum inside him made it difficult for him to move or walk straight, causing him to stumble slightly as he tried to stand up afterward. Despite this, there was no discomfort; instead, he seemed pleased with how full he felt, enjoying the new sensations that came with such a drastic change in size.

Over time, our transformations became so intricate that even the most extraordinary feats seemed possible. My host discovered an entirely new way to use me - not just for pleasure but also as a means of consumption. He found that by grabbing my cocklips and pulling them apart, he could create a passageway through which he could ingest smaller dragons whole.

This process required immense strength and control, as well as precise timing and coordination. But once perfected, it allowed him to consume his partners completely, turning them into liquid essence within seconds. This was then absorbed directly into my balls, where it mixed with my own sperm before being released in massive quantities during orgasm.

The result was a truly spectacular sight - streams of white liquid pouring out from my testicles, through the urethra running through my body, and eventually out of my gaping mouth, like water gushing from a fountain. The sheer volume was staggering, creating pools on the ground beneath us that shimmered under the light. It was both beautiful and mesmerizing, a testament to the power of intimacy and transformation that we had achieved together.

Each ejaculation brought a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment, leaving us feeling drained yet content after each encounter. Our bond grew stronger with every merging, our bodies becoming more intertwined than ever before. And even though there were no limits to what we could achieve, we knew deep down that this journey was about far more than just size or quantity; it was about connection, love, and mutual growth.

I became an integral part of my host's existence, not merely his phallus but a symbol of our shared experiences and desires. Each transformation they underwent together was a dance of fire and flesh, a celebration of life in its most raw and primal form.

Their sexual encounters were no longer mere acts of pleasure but expressions of unity and understanding between two beings from different worlds. They communicated through touch, sharing thoughts and emotions without words, their bodies entwining like vines in the wind. The dragons they merged with became parts of them both, adding new dimensions to their relationship and strengthening their bond.

Through these transformations, my host learned to control his body in ways he never thought possible - stretching himself beyond physical limitations, adapting to accommodate larger and smaller partners, and finding joy in every moment spent with those who accepted him for who he had become. His lovers marveled at his size, their eyes filled with admiration and desire, yet there was always something more to their gazes than just lust or curiosity; it was respect, gratitude, and love.

In return, my host treated each partner as if they were precious treasures, cherishing them during their time together and mourning when they parted ways. He knew that every encounter left an indelible mark on his soul, shaping him into someone stronger, wiser, and more compassionate. Each transformation brought a sense of fulfillment that went far beyond simple sexual satisfaction; it was about connection, intimacy, and mutual growth.

As our journey continued, we faced challenges along the way. There were times when merging with certain dragons caused discomfort or even pain, but through communication and understanding, we overcame these obstacles together. We grew not only physically but also emotionally, learning valuable lessons from each experience that made us better equipped to face whatever life threw our way.

Through all this, I remained a constant presence in my host's life - a symbol of passion, strength, and resilience. And while some might view what we had achieved as monstrous or unnatural, for us, it was simply another aspect of who we were - two beings bound by desire and destiny, forever intertwined like threads in a tapestry of love and magic.