The Riders 3

Story by Mat and Mari Productions on SoFurry

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The Riders

The Wyrmling Scholo


After I woke up we were already on our way to the Scholo. It didn't take us very long to get there. Master Roland was in a big hurry. He had all of my personal effects packed within a few minutes of me passing out. I was amazed at how it looked it was so massive yet it seemed so welcoming. I met the man who will be teaching me what I'm supposed to do. Grand Master Galbain he was a very nice guy. He seemed really old and wise, and the way he talked only accentuated it.

He said he was also going to teach someone else. He said he had picked her as soon as I arrived. The girl was a ferret and I don't think she liked me very well. I felt that because she tended to give me nasty looks. It was confirmed when she purposely stepped on my tail. We were walking to the training grounds. Twisting sharply she hit a log leaning against the wall knocking it off the wall and almost hitting me.

"The heck was that for," I asked.

"Spoiled rich kid," was all she said.

"I'm not spoiled. I never had any money, till just recently," I said.

Ignoring me she simply kept walking. I could tell this was going to be a bad day. Today we were going to be instructed in sword fighting. Master Galbain showed us a few strikes and blocks, and told us to try them on each other. Of course we were using wooden swords; they wouldn't break bones only cause bruises.

We practiced for several hours; I kept accidently knocking her down. Every time I did I offered her my paw to help her back up on her feet. After a few times I just started helping her up. She knocked me down a few times as well she wasn't as kind. I tried to ease up but it still didn't help. It was late and we had a lunch in the courtyard. Sitting down she got out a piece of bread. Seeing what I had to eat she snarled and ate her slice of bread.

Offering her the apple I said, "Sorry."

Glaring she said "Keep your food paid off with money earned from destroying countries and lives."

"My parents died years ago, in a revolution. If that means that they killed in order to live in a country free of tyranny then so be it," I said tossing the apple towards her, "Take it, I can get another one from the tree over there. After all it's an ever-bloom."

Ignoring the apple she replies with, "I say keep your money from destroying lives and you tell me your parents were part of the revolution that killed my parents, yes, you say your parents died in it, but if the Master Roland hadn't seen my skill with animals I would have been used as a slave, not working, used."

I didn't say anything. I just walked away. I went to a place that constantly grabbed my interests. I was crying hard when I got there. I went to the egg that I had touched about five days ago. I stared at it for what seemed like hours. Then I heard a noise come from the door way.

Looking at the egg she said "You're the rider, or the ridyr, that explains it, you don't have any skill besides being born into dragon magic, you can talk to a dragon from the day you're born. I learned my gift, you were born into a family that could support being part of the revolution, you are naturally born with the dragon touch, and obviously you have someone paying for those clothes. Tell me, have I said anything that's untrue," she asked while standing in the entrance.

"I do have skills, but I'm not convinced I'm either of the two. I am unlucky, if I was lucky I'd love my life, but I don't," I said solemnly, just wishing she would leave.

Sighing she said "You hate your life because of the dragon gift, until you connect with your dragon partner you never feel complete, both sides have won before simply because their fighter that generation didn't have the will to live long enough and died in a stupid accident."

"I still doubt it. Nothing goes my way, ever," I said, noticing a movement in the corner of my eye, I turned to see the egg moving.

Seeing it as well Ahn said "I'll get the Master, it's time for the egg to hatch, and he should be here."

It kept moving and shaking. For a few minutes it stopped shaking at all then, it started shaking again. This time it didn't stop just shook more and more rapidly. Then a crack in the egg appeared in the egg then another, and another. Master Galbain came in with Ahn right behind him as its snout finally appeared. The rest of the shell fell apart after that. Sitting there before us was a brilliantly colored dragon that was brighter than any emerald I ever saw.

"She's beautiful," Master Galbain said.

"How do you know it's a she," I asked.

"Well, you'll figure that out when you get older. Touch her, you'll be amazed at what happens," he said.

I did as instructed and for a brief moment, I felt another presence, then only one, but that one remaining wasn't mine. The presence was meshed together with mine. I wasn't seeing through my eyes though I was seeing through the dragons eyes. No, it's not dragon. Call me Felhorn. I don't know where that came from but I felt the other was happy, making me happy in return.

"It looks strange," I said when I finally found myself in my own body.

Snorting Ahn said "So do all newborns."

"I saw one before, and it didn't look like that when it was born, but that's not exactly what I meant," I said.

"It's a rider's egg, it is naturally more pure than normal dragons," she said.

"She is attractive isn't she," I asked.

Looking at the Master Ahn asked "Does the egg hatching mess with your head?"

Putting a paw on her shoulder he said, "More so than a regular connection between trainers and anyone else who rides them."

Sighing she asked "When is the next training session?"

"Yes, let's be at it shall we," he asked.

We practiced the same moves over and over. This time was much easier for both of us. We continued to spar until the sun went down. Spectators had gathered around to see us. They kept their amusement to themselves. When we finally stopped we were both pretty tired. We still managed to get to the dinner hall.

"So how are you feeling," I asked Ahn.

Eating what little she was given she looked at me for a second and said "You didn't get any solid hits."

"I was afraid of hurting you," I said.

Flipping her dinner knife she quickly poked me in one of the places she had gotten a solid hit and said "Never take practice lightly."

"So are you saying you want me to do my best next time even if I hurt you," I asked.

Tearing off a piece of meat she said "Yes."

"Then I guess tomorrow shall be a pretty interesting," I said.

She didn't answer, she merely finished her food and left. I went to my room in the northeast section of the scholo. It suited me just fine I quite enjoyed the bare walls and the closeness of the walls. It really made it feel homey. It was going to be a lonely place though, no friends, no parents, family, and nothing to keep me occupied.

One year later...

I was mucking out the stalls when I heard. The Grand Master was sick he was dying. He was sick terribly sick nothing would help his sickness. Not that this was unexpected most of us had come to terms with his demise months ago. He had Master Roland, Ahn, and I in his room, talking to each of us. I was very distraught; he had been like a father to me.

"Roland, my dearest friend, take care of these to as I have. I also want you to take my place as grand master," he said in his sickly voice.

"Yes master, I understand. I will forever honor your memory," Master Roland said.

"Now you Jarule, I want you to study that book you have very hard until you can rehearse the book forwards and backwards," he said to me.

"Yes Grand Master. I will do you proud, I promise," I said.

"I know you will. Now Ahn, dear sweet Ahn, You have such a lovely personality if you would just open up more others could see it as well. Please try and open up, for a dying man," he said.

Watching one could see her features soften, her eyes clear windows to her soul it seemed. "Sir, Master, it's painful in truth, in the end I know that any I get close to will die, or I will, that is the way of this world."

"It might be painful, but life is short that's why you have to live life to the fullest. I accepted that all die eventually, at a young age, and I've been able to get close to people, but when they died it cut me pretty deep, but I kept it up. If you want to know who has it the toughest you should talk to the doctors, they develop relationships with everyone, not just their friends, and it hurts when they work so hard and they die under their care. Do you understand," he asked.

After a time she nodded and awkwardly bent over and hugged him, "Mother, Father, Brothers and Sisters, Friends, they have died before my eyes, Innocence and the red flower only girls have, these I have lost. But giving up on them would be a cowardice unbefitting one who has survived such turmoil."

"We all see things in times of war; the best is we don't let them shadow us. I am glad you understand," he said.

Letting go of him she backed up and stood close to the doorway, looking on the verge of tears. We stayed all night; he passed away peacefully in a warm bed with his closest companions. Most would say he would have been bitter after what he had seen in his life, but this was untrue, I knew him for only the last few years of life but he seemed to become more and more happy and at peace each and every day. He was a testament to life itself, the positive side of it anyway. Grand Master Roland was true to his word and had a statue of the finest marble erected in memoriam of his life.

Four Years later...

The years pass quickly especially when you are kept very busy. My small weak frame has morphed into this rock hard body. I hardly recognize myself; my features have changed so much since I was nine. I still wonder if they chose the right rider, it bugs me. Every time I look at that scar in my hand I can't believe it.

I have started learning how to duel with real swords, with Ahn. As well as fist fighting; we alternate between days of what we actually do. We also are learning how to fight on horseback. All this takes place during the morning sessions. We then separate, from each other every afternoon and learn our own things. I learn to fly as well as make armors and weapons. Ahn learns how to communicate with the dragons and how to tame and take care of them as well as leather making. By night we are both pretty sore, and go to bed with aches everywhere.

Recently though I've been working on a special project of mine. William Longstreet, and his family, didn't mind that I was staying late to work on this. I finished it a few hours ago and am waiting for the appropriate time. Since it was so late I decided to wait until morning. I put it in a box with some extra padding so she wouldn't know what it was. I went to bed knowing her birthday was tomorrow.

We saw each other in the dining hall at breakfast; I went over to sit next to her. She was really different too, she looked more and more like a woman I used to see in my dreams all of the time as a child. To me this woman was what I found as beautiful, and Ahn somehow fit into it.

"Morning, Ahn. How was leather working yesterday," I asked.

Looking at me with her always sharp eyes she said "You're hiding something, first the Rockwell's tell me to come in early today after combat training and now you're acting strange, Is there something about today that I forgot?"

"You need to calm down and relax, birthday girl," I said.

In an instant her eyes both widened and tightened, "There is no way it's my birthday again, it's not Hunter's moon...last night, and it was cloudy."

"I assure you it is; I marked it in my calendar. I stayed up later than usual last night," I said.

My saying that piqued her curiosity apparently because she got up and moved across the room almost fast enough that I couldn't track her hands grabbing my arms, "What did you do," was all she said.

"Well leggo my arm and I'll and maybe I'll tell you," I said.

Stepping back quickly she crossed her arms behind her back and said "No problems from me sir, royalty, sir," in a mocking tone.

Pulling out the small back box I said, "I said maybe I'd tell you, but how about you look inside and guess."

Taking the box she opened it and her expression was one of awe, "This is beautiful, I don't deserve something so beautiful," I could hear her on the verge of tears.

"That's not all check the inscription. Also it should be a perfect fit," I said.

Reading the inscription she actually did start crying and put it on. It was the first time I had seen her cry, so I asked, "Are you ok?"

Smiling through the tears she nodded and said "I'm wonderful," and started hugging me.

"Well, I'm glad. You have a busy day ahead of you Grand Master Roland Said he wanted some time training with you alone today. Why don't you go and see him? I'll see you later tonight," I said.

Nodding she said "I'll go there after I see what the Rockwell's have in store for my birthday."

We went on our own ways. She towards the residential area, I went to the kitchens. When I got there I checked on the birthday cake I was making her, I used some fresh vanilla and mixed in some cocoa beans, it had turned out great. It looked like the marble on the floor in the main entry way. I went and gathered all of the items I'd need to make icing. I quickly made it all up and then put it away under a big metal dish. Then I snuck over to the Rockwell's house, I was careful to not be seen by her. When I got there I knocked on the door.

Opening the door Ma'am Rockwell said "Morning, hurry in, we're going to give her the leather chest piece when she gets here, how is your cake plan going?"

"It went better than I expected, I haven't made one in almost five years. You think she knows Mrs. Rockwell," I asked.

Looking me over she said "She probably suspects since from your stance I can tell you gave her something already, Rob gave her a newly worked chestpiece while claiming not to know about her birthday."

"Well I was planning to give it to her this morning anyway; she didn't see me with the cake, as far as she knows I'm working in the blacksmith. Master Roland is going to have her so busy she won't have a whole lot of time to think about anything else, I hope," I said excitedly.

Smiling she replied "The master is having a hard time keeping her busy anymore, her natural flexibility is allowing her to keep up with him, she might have more time to think than you think."

"Well hopefully my gift will keep her mind occupied. It took me months to make it; I had to find enough materials and a flawless gem to place in it. Also the inscription took forever too. Altogether she was really moved by the whole gift, she was actually crying tears of happiness," I said.

Looking at me Ma'am Rockwell said "Ahn, crying, that doesn't seem likely normally, you must have really touched her."

"Yes I think I did too, I used titanium and her birth stone. It is one of my finest works if I do say myself. So what all needs to be done here to get the party ready," I asked.

She gave me a list of things that needed to be done and we got to work. First of all we swept the floor so it would look nice. Then we continued on to do the dishes, and made the place look nice and tidy. I had invited people to come to this the previous day so that was already done. And by the time we finished the place looked marvelous. I had to make one last stop before I could rest.

I headed to the dragon stables; I had been talking to her every day for the past two weeks about today. She said she had a gift that only a dragon could give. She was a really close friend to both me and Ahn, she often joked that I was so infatuated with her that if I were any more so that she would be trying to kiss Ahn herself.

_"Hello Felhorn,"_I said entering the barn.

_"Hello Jarule, You here for Ahns gift,"_she asked.

_"Yes, I wish you could go with me to the party, but rules are rules,"_I said sadly.

_"Blast those rules, but I think she can come by sometime and thank me herself if she really wants to,"_she said.

She then reached her head behind her back to get something. When she moved her head back into my field of vision I saw a golden chain and hanging on it was one of Felhorns scales. She told me she had blessed it with some ancient dragon magic that would protect Ahn in dire circumstances, and only Ahn. I could feel the pleasure she took in being able to provide something of that nature for another being.

I put it away in an inconspicuous pocket. I then ran off to go get Ahn, and take her to the house. When I arrived there she looked like she was really concentrating. The sun was setting and she looked like a wonderful gem in the sea. I snuck up on her and placed my hand on her shoulder.

Laughing she said "You still need to work on that, your feet are rather loud." she grabbed my hand and just held it for a few seconds before moving on to the house.

Following her I said, "Yeah I could care less. So how was your day with Master Roland?"

Shrugging she said "He seems to be getting slower as he ages, you're the only one that sparring presents a challenge anymore, you keep up with me every time."

"Well that's to be expected of him. I think he's doing just fine, at his age he still has the stamina to be a kid sometimes," I said.

Nodding she said "What in the world do you have planned, because you disappeared, normally you are at least watching."

"Trust me I would have loved nothing more today, but Felhorn freaked out and it took me hours to calm her down, then she didn't want me to leave her side for several more, so I've been in the dragon barn all day. Not exactly a fun day for me, and I don't have a thing planned. You know me I'm not good at planning things," I lied hoping she would believe me.

Glaring at me she sighed and knocked on the door. I quickly placed a thick black blindfold over her eyes and opened the door. I quickly pulled her inside and shut it behind us. She was struggling with the blind fold I placed over her eyes. Everyone was in position so I quickly helped her undo the blind fold.

"Surprise," everyone yelled.

Smiling she pointed at me and said "He really is a terrible liar, this is so amazing." small tears were forming in her eyes and she tried to blink them away.

"Well you know me too well. I was planning this for months; I talked with everyone about it for weeks. I wanted to show you that all of us here care about you," I said.

Looking uncertain she simply asked "Why, I'm not special, I'm just another face in a crowd, not pretty or special."

"A face amongst a crowd now I know you don't really mean that. You are special, and pretty to all of us... especially me," I said, looking into her eyes.

Pulling away she said "I'm a commoner, you're the Rider. We're friends, we can't be more than that, even if we are very good friends."

"Says who? Just because of what I am, it doesn't make me any different than the person sitting next to me of in front of me. I know Grand Master Galbain fell in love with someone who called themselves a "commoner" and he wanted to spend as much time with her as possible," I said.

Sighing she said "Give me time to think, you have that in abundance certainly. Let us enjoy the party you spent so long planning."

"Fair enough, Felhorn wanted you to have this," I said pulling out the necklace.

Taking it she asked "Do you know what this means?"

"Well one, it means she likes you. Two, she wants to prevent any undue bodily harm to you. Lastly she respects you, but those are what I think it means. What do you think it means," I asked.

Nodding she said "Your education on dragons differs from mine, she only sheds scales once, she would have eaten all of them but she saved this one to make this. A dragon's scale is a gift that only the Rider can give away; receiving it means a strong bond between the barer and the Rider."

"Well maybe Felhorn knows something we don't," I said.

Interrupting Mrs. Rockwell said "Perhaps you can ask her later, but I believe Rob has something for you Ahn."

The rest of the party went really well. She had such a marvelous time it made me happy to see her so happy. I couldn't have planned a better party if I do say so myself. We sand all night, danced around and just had a merry time. All too soon it was winding down everyone was leaving. I was one of the last to leave; Ahn had been living there the past few months. As I was leaving Ahn put her hand on my shoulder and pulled me around to face her right in the doorway. Just standing there for a moment she said "Thanks for the party," and kissed me before shoving me back and closing the door, after a couple seconds a heard the click of the door locking. I walked back to my room in the tower all the while I was smiling the whole way.