Solar Eclipse, Saturday October Tenth

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#61 of poetry

Tired: React to witnessing a solar eclipse, a once in a lifetime event, with a poem about performing an act of oral sex on a man.

Inspired: React to witnessing a solar eclipse, a once in a lifetime event, with a RELIGIOUS poem about performing an act of oral sex on a man.

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The light has turned the color of the shadows on his jawline,

The color of the scent of fur and stubble on his jawline.

And I? I can do nothing. This is happening regardless

Of anything my will could try to do but won't attempt to.

His shadow fills the world. And all the light, the thoughts, remaining

Are filtered through him. In the midst of light, we are in darkness.

So why should I not kneel? So why not bow my head and worship?

Why not rest my grieving eyes beneath his dull gold shadow?

So why not taste this moment, while it lasts? For just a moment

Of sunset in mid-morning, then, let me be his completely.

And do not doubt it's sunset. On the moon, the sun is setting.

How long the reach of sunset, then, to me from lunar surface.

And why would sunset bother to reach me from lunar surface?

The least that I can do is kneel, and bow, and taste, and worship

A mere matter of minutes till his hand in satisfaction

Will rest upon my cheek, upon the shadows on my jawline.

They say I should not look at him: I will burn out my vision.

What profits it a man to keep his vision by not looking?