Master of the Tomb

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#1 of Commissions

A sorcerer's journey into a long-lost tomb leads him to a sacred relic...and the furious jackal deity that protects it. The encounter doesn't go the way either of them expect.

This was a short story commission for StupidJackal (; I may have had a little too much fun writing it, as it came out a bit longer than expected!

Cover art:

When you ask adventurers for advice on exploring ancient tombs, the one thing they always forget to warn you about is the silence. On the surface, there is always the sound of life; leaves and grass swaying to the world's breath alongside the chirping of birds and other small creatures. No such luxury graces the lost ruins buried within the earth. The air is still and stale, undisturbed for so long that the mere act of breathing feels like sacrilege, and one who spends too much time amid such unsettling quiet cannot help but hear whispers from the walls, spirits disturbed by the intrusion of the living upon a place meant for the dead.

Such was the only company Khios kept as the faint sound of the jackal's footsteps echoed off worn and faded sandstone walls, every step disturbing the fine layer of dust that the floor had so dutifully collected over millennia of neglect. An orb of arcane light kept the shadows at bay, casting a subtle, orange-tinted glow over his sand-colored fur and brown robes. The spell was just enough to illuminate the walls of the corridor, revealing painted reliefs and hieroglyphic inscriptions long-weathered by the sands of time.

The corridor widened into a larger room, well past the boundaries of the sorcerer's spell. With a wave of his hand, Khios sent a surge of magic into the glowing sphere, and its light widened, revealing a vast chasm with a large platform at the far end. A walled temple stood atop the platform with a yawning, angled opening in the center, flanked on either side by statues of the jackal-god Anubis, both of them positioned so that they were glaring straight at the sorcerer as he crossed the precarious stone walkway that hung over the chasm.

The inside of the temple was more akin to a pharaoh's audience chamber than a temple, with a large stone throne on the far wall and extravagant, gleaming treasures piled everywhere else. Khios's gaze was drawn to a different valuable, however--a long, gilded staff mounted on the wall above the throne, its head twisted in the shape of an ankh and inlaid with rubies that shone with the glow of arcane power. He knew at once that this must be the artifact the rumors spoke of. None of them were quite clear on what exactly it did--the details they gave were all rather vague and contradictory--but the accounts at least agreed that it was a relic gifted to man by the gods; an artifact that blessed its wielder with unfathomable power.

Khios scurried across the room, grinning as he pulled the staff down from the wall. He could feel the magic it contained; a torrent of power right at the edge of his fingertips, waiting to the tapped. He tested it with a couple of incantations, but his magic felt no different than normal. No matter--there would be plenty of time to decipher its secrets later.

The jackal turned, took a single step toward the exit, and froze as he spotted the figure towering over him.

It was another jackal, clad in pitch-black fur, a golden headdress adorning his head. Blue and gold armor--if it could even be called that, given that all it consisted of was a small mantle around his neck, loincloth around his waist, and narrow bracers around his wrists and ankles--framed a muscular form built well beyond mortal capabilities. Piercing, vengeful eyes glared down at the sorcerer, and the god Anubis tapped a crooked scepter against his open hand as he looked over the would-be thief.

"That was not meant for your hands, mortal."

Khios chuckled and rubbed the back of his head. An angry god was not on the list of threats he had prepared for. "Sorry about that. I'm afraid there's been a misunderstanding--"

"Enlighten me."

"Well, you see," the sorcerer said, flashing a charming smile that had often gotten him out of trouble before, "I was hoping to retrieve this most holy artifact for safekeeping. Stories of this place have gotten out--much better it be under guard in an academy vault or grand temple, rather than at the mercy of any traveler who stumbles in." He laughed. "But, well, I wasn't expecting it to already be under guard in a place like this. Seems I was mistaken, so I shall leave it in your very capable care and be on my--"

"Your deceptions foul my ears." Anubis stepped forward. "You dared to lay a hand upon one of the gods' blessings. Such hubris requires punishment."

Khios was not about to see what "punishment" entailed. A veil of fog burst around him as he channeled magic throughout the room, sprinting towards the exit as soon as the spreading cloud concealed him from sight.

Khios was not surprised to spot the god behind him as he scrambled out of the cloud of fog, back across the walkway, and through the winding hallways of the tomb. His adversary was a deity, after all--hardly the kind of opponent who would be thwarted by cheap tricks. All the sorcerer could hope for was for his magic to buy time while he tried to remember the layout of the labyrinthine web of near-identical stone corridors.

Either luck or good recall was on Khios's side, as he rounded a corner to see a long passageway leading towards the gleam of sunlight. Adrenaline and hope pushed aside his physical exhaustion, speeding up his pace as he sprinted past the countless rows of hourglasses that lined the walls of the hallway.

"You're out of time, thief."

The sorcerer glanced back to see the god following him at a calm walk. He turned forward again as the sound of turning gears reverberated throughout the hallway. Ahead of him, the stone door of the tomb descended from the ceiling.

Khios cursed and pushed himself further, surging forward as he channeled a haste spell. He was running at least twice as fast as normal, but when he looked at the hourglasses lining the walls, he was passing them at the same rate as before. No, not even that. Slower. His gaze focused on one of the hourglasses, and his eyes widened as he saw the falling sand within it visibly slowing down.

He looked behind to see Anubis still following him at a slow, methodical walk. Despite his pace, the god was getting closer with every step. The sorcerer sent more magic through his body, doubling his speed a second time. He sprinted with all his strength towards the shrinking exit, reaching it just in time for the thick stone door to slam shut in front of him.

The footsteps behind him grew louder. "Time to repent, little rat," Anubis said. "Perhaps, once I retrieve that relic, I shall give you a form more suitable for paying penance."

Khios turned toward the god, his back against the closed door, holding the staff in front of him. He cast an incantation, sending three arcane bolts soaring through the air. Anubis caught them all with a single hand. The sorcerer threw another spell, then another, then another. They all fared no better.

The god's hand reached for the staff, and with all other options exhausted, Khios channeled every ounce of magic he had left into the relic. The barrier that had denied him the artifact's power shattered, and a rainbow of wild magic surged forth from the staff's head, straight towards Anubis. It struck the god in the chest, and the light spread across his body, growing in intensity until it was all but blinding. Faintly within, Khios could see the deity's shape changing, growing smaller and more lithe, muscles shrinking as the god's chest ballooned and his hips widened.

"What is--cease this immediately, mortal!" The gruff, threatening voice grew lighter and higher-pitched as the god's voice cracked halfway through. "Wait, no; not there--" Anubis gasped as the bulge that was barely contained by the god's loincloth shrunk, followed by an odd noise that almost seemed like a moan. Then, the light grew brighter, consuming the hallway and the silhouette within.

When the light faded, a jackal remained, lying in the same spot where Anubis had been standing. The armor adorning the figure was the same as before, its sparseness a newfound inconvenience as Anubis clutched his arms around his (her?) chest in an ineffective attempt to conceal the deity's breasts.

"How--how dare you!" The goddess glowered at the sorcerer.

Khios took one look at the livid, lithe deity--a stark contrast from the towering figure from a moment ago--and burst into hysterical laughter.

"You think this is funny, mortal?" The goddess raised an arm, presumably to make some type of threatening gesture, only to clutch it back to her chest again a moment later. "Putting me in such an undignified state... oh, there is no end to the punishment you deserve."

Unable to climb to her feet without moving her arms and exposing her chest, Anubis half-crawled, half-shuffled on her knees towards her scepter. Khios smirked as the goddess's movements gave him a most pleasant view of her tail, the back of her loincloth caught on it in a way that almost fully exposed everything hidden beneath, surrounded by curves with a shapely perfection far beyond anything the world's finest sculptors could imagine.

"Remind me, what was it you said about 'a more fitting form,' again?" the sorcerer asked, a tent forming in the lower half of his robes.

Anubis looked back, her eyes widening and face scrunching up with a mix of embarrassment and anger as she followed the other jackal's gaze. Her tail shot downward as she stopped her crawl forward, bolting back into a kneeling position to better hide her loincloth's malfunction. "I am Anubis--a god! What about this could possibly be fitting?"

Khios kicked the goddess's scepter away before she could resume crawling towards it. As he did so, his nose caught a whiff of a delicate, woody scent, a smell that his instincts recognized as that of arousal. He crouched in front of the kneeling deity, a smirk widening across his face. "Looks like an improvement to me," he said, reaching a hand towards her.

Had she wanted to stop him, she could have just closed her legs, but instead, he brushed past her loincloth with minimal resistance, the tip of his fingers grazing over her mound. She kept her muzzle clamped shut, but not even that was enough to stop her soft moan from echoing through the corridor. Her hand leapt to her mouth, as if doing so could take back the noise she had just made.

The sorcerer leaned closer, his muzzle next to her ear. "I guess a part of you agrees." He curled his fingers, hooking them into her sex, lifting the deity ever-so-slightly as she trembled around his touch.

"Un--" Another moan, this one not quite as muffled. "Unhand me, mortal." Her body hadn't gotten the message, it seemed, as it clenched around the other jackal's fingers even as she commanded otherwise.

"Well, if that's what you really want, goddess." Khios drew his fingers away, grazing their tips across her clit in the process. There was no concealing her gasp this time--nor the faint whimper that followed.

Khios chuckled. "Just listen to you--more like a needy bitch than a god." He stood up, pulling his robe off him. Her eyes darted to his newly-freed erection, bringing another snicker from the sorcerer. "You're desperate for it, aren't you?"

The deity growled. She glared at him with an indignant look, but he could see her face waver. Her growing scent was even more of a giveaway, as was the glistening beads of moisture trickling from her sex. Khios threw his robe aside, placed the staff atop it, then crouched again. He wrapped one arm around her and the other beneath her rear, then, with a surge of magical strength, lifted her as he stood. He moved to the wall of the hallway, bracing her against it as he lined himself up at her entrance.

She opened her mouth, but no insult or demand came; just a gasp as he pushed in. Khios moaned as her warm entrance welcomed him, sliding in with the perfect amount of resistance. It was as if her body was shaped to suit him--and considering the staff's magic, it very well might have been.

He started with slow, deep, thrusts; pressing her back against the cool stone wall as her moans sang through the hall. On occasion, a defiant glare returned to her eyes, growls--each one less convincing than the last--interrupting her stream of moans. "This... this isn't..." A loud cry escaped her as the sorcerer found a new angle, sending sparks of pleasure through nerves the deity never could have imagined before her transformation. "I'm... I'm a god--"

"A goddess of fertility, by the sound of it." A shrill howl from the deity accentuated the point as Khios slammed into her again. He sped up his pace, the sound of his groin slapping against her echoing off the walls alongside a wave of mewls and moans from the goddess. "You'll need a new name to go with that title, I think. Don't look like much of an Anubis anymore, do you?" Khios groaned as he fought to hold back against her hole's silky embrace, each movement pushing him closer to the edge. "Anubia sounds more fitting, I think."

The goddess didn't respond as she wrapped her arms around him, clenching him close in more ways than one as she gasped and whimpered into his ear. "R-Ra's light," she whispered between panting breaths. Her walls tightened as she pressed against him, a loud cry filling the corridor as the sorcerer's knot pressed into her, aided by a rush of her slick juices as she came.

Khios growled as he too went over the edge, unable to restrain himself as she spasmed and clenched around him. His knot swelled, tying them together as he filled her with his seed, each gasping into the other's ear. He touched the tip of his nose to hers, losing himself in her golden eyes as they rolled back with a glazed look, her senses lost to the throes of pleasure.

It took ten minutes before Khios's knot reduced enough for him to slide free of Anubia, splattering drops of their mixed juices across the floor. She slid down the wall as he released her, crumpling to her knees, still short on breath. Her eyes refused to meet his, face flush with embarrassment, any semblance of the deity's proud veneer shattered.

"Well, that was just divine," the sorcerer said, snickering as her face grew more flushed than before. He could feel himself hardening again as he stared at her voluptuous body, the goddess well past the point of trying to conceal her sweat-and-cum-matted fur.

Anubia's eyes darted to the opposite wall of the corridor, locking onto a small alcove with a sarcophagus. The sorcerer followed her gaze and smirked as he spotted a roll of cloth bandages.

"I think a new goddess deserves a fitting new outfit, no?" Khios he walked over to the alcove, picked up the bandages, and returned to the deity, a mischievous grin spreading across his muzzle. He knelt in front of her and tied one end of the cloth around one of her legs, then wrapped it like rope down her leg, tying a second knot around her ankle. He brought it over to her other ankle and tied another knot, leaving a short length between the two so that she could at least move at a hobble, then wrapped it back up her other leg and to her waist, forming the loop of a makeshift harness.

She gasped as he brought the bandages up further, around one breast, then the other, then a loop around her chest. He ran a length down one arm, knotting it around one wrist, then the other, again leaving a short length between them. It came back up her other arm, back to the length around her chest, then back down to the center loop at her waist. She moaned as he brought the cloth down between her legs, soaking it with her fluids as he pulled it taut against her crotch and tied another knot around the base of her tail. For the finishing touch, he brought the bandage back up and around her neck, forcing her to keep her tail raised. The remaining excess was just long enough to form a short leash.

"There we go," he said, chuckling at her startled cry as he gave the length between her legs a tug. "Suits you perfectly."

Her breathing was heavy, and her scent grew stronger. "P-please... could you..." she glanced at him, only managing to make eye contact for a second before dropping her gaze again. "Can you... take me again?"

Khios smiled. "I could... but I'm worn out from all that running you put me through... and everything else after. There wouldn't happen to be anywhere I could lean back for a bit, would there?"

Her glare returned, though faint and but for a brief moment. "Um... there's my... my throne..."

"Lead the way."

Anubia climbed to her feet, only to fall back down with a yelp as she felt a sharp tug from the leash.

"Ah, ah," Khios said. "Proud gods walk. If you're going to be a needy bitch, crawl like one."

"I-I'm not..."

"No? You mean you don't want this cock again?"

She whimpered, then put one arm forward, followed by the other, crawling down the hall on all fours. Khios was happy to follow, her raised tail giving him a perfect view of her rear. Moisture dripped from the cloth over her crotch, leaving a trail of glistening drops on the floor behind her.

"Such a mess," the sorcerer said. "What would your followers who built this place think if they saw this?"

She could only answer with another whimper.

By the time Khios and Anubia returned to the throne room, the sorcerer had spent enough time behind the goddess to hold himself back any longer. He took the lead, pulling her behind him with the leash as he sat on the throne, then looked at the goddess and patted his leg. She climbed up the throne after him, onto his lap, the bandages binding her ankles just loose enough to allow her to straddle him.

"Your turn to do the work, Anubia. Show me how much you need it."

The goddess lined her opening up with the other jackal's cock, biting her lip as she leaned back, letting out a muffled moan as that familiar fullness returned. She placed her hands on his chest, feeling him shudder against her touch and the swell of his quickening breaths as she ran her hands across his sand-colored fur.

"Oh, gods, yes," she breathed, lifting herself up before letting gravity help her back down again.

Khios leaned back with a content sigh. The goddess felt even better the second time as she bounced atop him with growing enthusiasm. Fantasies fluttered through his brain; of keeping her leashed to the base of his throne between his legs, or using the time magic she'd displayed in the corridor to lengthen his stamina as he drew orgasm after orgasm from her until she couldn't move. The only thing more exciting than those thoughts was the realization that they would not be fantasies for long. The desperate, needy goddess might very well have been an even greater prize than his new staff.

The throne room rang with the sound of their mixed voices, of moans and sighs and the muffled clapping of furred bodies, of the goddess invoking the name of all her fellow deities as she praised the sorcerer's cock. Khios took some amusement at the thought of Anubia's former peers hearing the desperate goddess as she rode him like a beast possessed, begging for more with every breath.

He placed his arms on her hips, helping her along as she slammed herself up and down with growing ferocity. Her arms flung themselves over his head, wrapping around him as she held him. He pressed his muzzle into hers, enjoying her muffled cries and moans as his tongue explored her mouth. Those muffled noises grew louder as she shook atop him, wetness spreading across his groin as she came.

Khios pulled his muzzle away, a strand of saliva connecting their muzzles as the goddess threw her head back with a blissful scream. Her bouncing slowed, so the sorcerer added some encouragement with a smack to her rear. "What a bad girl, finishing before her master."

"Ah! S-sorry..." She rode with renewed eagerness, yelping as a second smack rang through the room.


Embarrassment spread across the goddess's face. "Sorry... master." Her movements slowed again, her breathing heavy as he felt her arms falter around him.

"Worn out, are we? Fine, I'll lend a paw." Khios lifted her off his cock, standing up and carrying the panting jackal around to the side of the throne. He placed her down then flipped her over onto her stomach, a hand on her back pressing her head and chest down as he bent her over the arm of the giant chair, his dick prodding as it searched for her entrance. "Considerate of me, isn't it?"

"Yes, thank you, mast--" her words morphed into a cry as the sorcerer thrust back in, his growing knot slapping against her nether lips as he took her. Blabbering moans were all she could manage as deep, forceful thrusts rocked her back and forth over her old throne. Khios had enough restraint to keep from hurting her, but this was much more than a breeding--he was claiming her, in every sense of the word.

"You love this, don't you?"

"Yes..." she whimpered, her voice half-slurred.

"Damn, you feel good," Khios said, the sorcerer panting a bit himself. "You... you were made for this cock... weren't you?"

"Ah!" She shivered beneath him. "Y-yes, master."

The golden-furred jackal felt her pressing back against his thrusts, all but milking him as his arousal peaked. "This... seems like a good place... for a sorcerer's lair," he said, his panting growing louder. "Think I'll take it... use you whenever I want... however I want. Sound good to you, Anubia?"

She clamped down around him, nodding and screaming as her second orgasm came over her.

"Alright then, slut--take it!" He slammed his knot home, moaning as he tied with her a second time. An idea crossed him, and he pulled himself loose before he could swell up fully, pulling out in time to cover her back with the last spurts of his climax.

The sorcerer walked back to the front of the throne, sitting down next to the dazed goddess, patting the side of her head as she rested it on his leg. He chuckled as he looked over his handiwork, her tongue lolling out of the corner of her mouth and that glazed look back in her eyes as they both searched for breath. "That was nice, wasn't it, pet?"

She purred in his lap. "Very, master." She squeaked as his still-wet cock slapped against her muzzle.

"Clean up your mess."

Khios smiled as he reclined on his throne and stared at the leather-bound book in his hand, reading over his handwriting as he recalled his memories of that fateful day. His adventure into the tomb, the fear as Anubis pursued him through the halls, the rush of power from the staff, and the pleasant embrace of the transformed deity's sex--even now, years later, he hardly needed his journal to remember all those sensations. Most of all, he remembered the goddess's warm maw, how she'd gently lapped her juices off his cock as she'd lay there, exhausted from the pounding he'd given her.

That last memory was the most vivid--in no small part due to the muffled moans between his legs as a black-furred jackal knelt at the base of the throne, bobbing her head up and down her master's shaft. The sorcerer smiled as he stared into those insatiable eyes, happy to watch as she pulled herself off his dick, her face one of utter lust and devotion as she gasped for breath. A tap to her head nudged her downwards again, and Khios groaned as she ran her tongue over every nook and cranny, a deity lost in the worship of a mortal.

A ping in his mind pulled him from his trance, and with a snap of his fingers and a surge of magic, an image of the tomb appeared before him. He saw the large chamber just before his throne room, with its massive chasm and narrow walkway, the twin statues of Anubis that had once graced it long since repainted to better resemble the tomb's new master. Three adventurers were making their way across, jumping at every shadow of the room with a naive paranoia that made the sorcerer chuckle.

"Seems we have guests." Khios waved the image away, returning his focus to his pet.

Muffled words came from his crotch as the goddess tried to pull back, only to be stopped by a hand on the back of her head that pushed her back down until he was back in her maw.

"Ah, ah. You worry about your job, I'll worry about mine." He leaned back, spreading his legs a little wider--both to give her better access and to eliminate any doubt about what was happening in the room. "Keep that tail raised, now. It would be rude not to welcome our guests properly."

She moaned around his cock as her tail lifted, giving a perfect view of her dripping nethers to anyone who might walk in.

Khios reached to the side, hand closing around the staff that sat next to his throne as he let out a soft gasp from the goddess's handiwork. Footsteps echoed through the chamber as an armored silhouette appeared in the doorway, freezing at the entrance as the new arrival tried to parse the scene in front of them.

The sorcerer smirked as the other two adventurers followed their leader into the throne room.

"Welcome to my lair, pets."