Adventure on Four Paws

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#12 of Feral Pokémon

John's mind is still fuzzy as he wakes up in a strange hospital room, and what he initially believes to be the hangover of an all-night bender soon turns out to be a change of much greater magnitude. No longer human, he has turned into a rockruff with a unique blessing, trapped in an unfamiliar world. Luckily, he doesn't have to explore it alone, as the arcanine Sonia stays by his side to help him adjust to his new body and surroundings.

This story is a commission for an anonymous user about a tiny rockruff with a sheath and balls so big, they drag across the ground. Loosely inspired by the PMD series, you can look forward to a fun ride with sweat and musk, plenty of cum, size difference, and hyper-sized endowments. I wish you a fun read, and I'd love to hear your thoughts and comments on this story!

"Clara, come! I think he's finally waking up." A chipper, bubbly voice caressed John's ears, and when he opened his eyes, he found himself lying next to a gargantuan arcanine. Standing beside his bed, she looked at him with big brown eyes and a beaming smile on her muzzle, her big, fluffy tail thumping onto the floor in excitement. "Ooooh, he's just opened his eyes, too! Hi there!"

Staring at the large pokemon in a sleepy daze, John let out a perplexed grunt as her muzzle moved to the words. Not only was this arcanine larger than any he had ever seen, but she was talking too? Was he dreaming? Had he eaten something wrong yesterday and was hallucinating? What even had he eaten yesterday? He grimaced as he strained his mind, searching for an answer, but an impenetrable mist clouded not only his recent memories but almost everything he thought about, even words feeling strangely fuzzy and almost meaningless. Apparently, he had gotten utterly wasted last night and was paying the price now?

This would also explain his location because he didn't remember falling asleep in a room that looked like a trip back in time, as he was surrounded by a gaudy floral wallpaper, a dimly glowing crystal light, and oddly ornate furniture. No way he would've missed the fact that the drawer knobs and legs of the dresser next to his bed looked like pokemon paws! If he could even call his resting spot a bed, because at second glance, it proved to be barely more than a sprawling pile of soft, brightly colored blankets that were wrapped around him like layers of an onion, but one that smelled of freshly-cut grass and flowers while plush pillows propped him up as if he was a pearl inside a clam. But while he was as comfy as could be, barely even noticing any hangover, the lapse in his memory persisted. "Where am I?" he croaked, his throat drier than grains of sand in the desert.

"You're in the hospital, young man," a new voice responded, smooth as honey. An indeedee nurse with a clipboard had entered the room and she moved next to the arcanine, examining John with an angled head. After taking a few notes, she spoke again, and this time there was no denying it, her lips moved at every word. This indeedee was talking to him! "How are you doing?"

"You're talking!?" John blurted out. "How?"

For a brief moment, the two pokemon stared at him as if he had lost his mind, then they turned to each other and the nurse sighed, "You said he wasn't bleeding and his head looked fine when you found him, right, Sonia?"

"Yes! He was just unconscious. Maybe he was knocked out for too long?" the arcanine replied, her jolly smile faltering as she eyed John with concern.

"Or perhaps he hit his head before he went overboard? Let's see," the indeedee stated, bending over him to look deep into his eyes. "No sign of concussion, his eyes seem normal. What's your name?"

His name? What should've come out of his mouth without hesitation took him a surprising amount of time to recover from his foggy memories. "J-John, I think," he eventually murmured. He really shouldn't do any hard liquors in the future. "Also, hang on, where did you find me? What happened?"

"I found you washed up on the beach," Sonia declared, proudly pushing out her chest. "You were still breathing, so I picked you up and brought you to the hospital."

The nurse nodded. "Indeed, and we're assuming that you're a sailor who went overboard, but we can only speculate so far..."

A sailor? He wasn't a sailor, John knew that much, and was about to interject when he got distracted by something in the corner of his eyes. Had his nose always been this big, and long, and fuzzy? "Hold on, what happened to my nose? Why is it so big?"

"Big? What do you mean? It seems perfectly average for a rockruff of your size," the indeedee assessed with a furrowed brow, noting something else on her clipboard while John pulled his arms out from under the blankets.

However, there were no arms, just a pair of fuzzy brown paws greeting him where his hands and fingers should've been. "Wait, what am I?"

"What you are? A male? A rockruff? Seriously, what are you going on about?" Sonia asked, looking as confused as John felt right now. "Oh dear, you must've hit your head really hard."

"Huh? A rockruff? No, I'm a human!" John exclaimed.

"A human?" the nurse interjected, one of her brows rising at his claim. "I don't know what a human is, but I'll assume that's what you call a rockruff in the place you're from. That said, can you tell me where you're from or what you've been doing before your incident?"

John looked at the indeedee for a moment, then another, straining his memory as hard as he could, but again, no answers would come. Apart from the feeling that he had been a human, he had no certainty about what and where he had been before, and still staring at his fluffy paws, he began to wonder if he had hit his head so hard that his mind was playing tricks on him. Maybe he had all made it up in a dream? "I- I honestly don't know. It's all just a blur."

"Retrograde amnesia it is, then. That's unfortunate, but you're perfectly healthy otherwise so it could've been worse, and maybe your memories will come back eventually. You're dismissed for now, John, unless there's something else you'd like to mention..." the nurse assessed, shooting the rockruff a strangely warning glance.

Part of him was still reeling from his discoveries, but it probably wasn't the best idea to question the two pokemons' ability to talk or his own appearance. Maybe he was hallucinating, maybe this was as real as it felt, but arguing definitely wouldn't get him anywhere except to the sanatorium. Instead, he nodded reluctantly and asked, "Dismissed? That's great and all, but where am I supposed to go now? I'm not from here and I can't remember anything."

"Oh, that's not a problem!" the arcanine chimed in, her bubbly excitement returning in full force as her tail swung back and forth like a feather duster. "I already made some space for you in my den, so you can stay for the time being! Only if you want to, of course."

The rockruff wasn't entirely sure why Sonia was this enthusiastic about her offer. Was it because she had saved him and felt responsible? In any case, he was hard-pressed for alternatives, so he didn't have to think twice about accepting her generosity with another nod, "Sure, I like the sounds of that."

"You do? Great! Now come, let's go. Also, I'm Sonia, by the way," the arcanine chirped and took a step back so he could get out of bed.

However, when John pulled back his blanket, he froze in surprise as he saw the rest of his own body. While he had reluctantly begun to accept that he was a rockruff, he hadn't been expecting to carry equipment between his stubby hindlegs that would've made a fully-grown arcanine turn green with envy. The space between his thighs was completely occupied by a gargantuan sheath and a similarly monstrous pair of testicles, each of the fuzzy, swollen orbs larger than his entire head. No wonder he hadn't been feeling his tail so far, as his own balls pinned it down like two heavy bean bags. He couldn't see his tail either, having trouble even just looking at his hindpaws as he realized that what he had thought was a pile of blankets was nothing more than the bulge of his towering sheath.

Big enough to almost reach his forelegs, the vast fuzzy tube housed a glistening crimson tip that was just as big as the rest of his equipment. Too stunned by the view to resist his natural curiosity, the rockruff pressed his paws against the thick, furred rim and spread it to get a closer look, only to get more than he bargained for. The initial touch alone sent a surge of stimulation through his system, flooding him with titillating arousal as his abdominal muscles contracted hard enough to make his sheath jump and twitch by a few inches, and he couldn't help but tighten his grip around the edge, rubbing his soft, warm paw pads against the sensitive tissue to tease out more of that thrilling sensation, gorging himself on the sight and scent of his own endowment as it carried a potent, mouth-watering musk.

Beginning to drool uncontrollably, John forgot for a moment that he wasn't alone in the room, and he almost would've shoved his muzzle into his own sheath to sample a taste of his oversized endowment when a chiding hem snapped him out of his stupor. Yanking back his head, the rockruff turned toward a frowning indeedee with a burning blush on his cheeks. "S-sorry, I just... what happened here? Why am I this big?"

"Pokérus," the nurse responded.

"Pokérus? Isn't that a disease?" That word rang a bell somewhere in the back of John's mind. "So I'm sick, after all? Shouldn't I stay then..."

"No, It's a particularly salient strain of pokérus, but also a perfectly benign one that leads to... well, hypertrophism. It's not harmful or contagious, though, so nothing needs to be done about it. In fact, there's nothing that can be done about it, either, so we'll have to leave it as is," the indeedee clarified, only to step back and gesture at John. "It'll probably take a while to get used to everything, but I'm sure you'll manage, John. And I'm sure Sonia will help you the best she can."

As she mentioned the arcanine, the rockruff noticed that Sonia was staring at him with a strangely hungry expression on her face, a strand of drool running down her fluffy chin as she turned around and beckoned him with a wave of her tail. "Oh? Y-yes! Yes! I'll help you feel at home here in no time. Now come, let's head to my den!"

Despite his bulky equipment, John had little trouble getting on all fours as his body seemed instinctively familiar with balancing the tremendous extra load, so much so that he barely felt its enormous weight. It helped that his massive set rested on the ground even while he was standing upright, his balls and sheath idly grinding against the wooden parquet. But what was initially merely an odd sensation quickly became a formidable distraction as he started to follow Sonia. Thanks to his tail, his natural instincts, and the seemingly endless strength in his limbs, he could walk just fine while lugging his endowments across the floor like a huge, heavy bag of bricks, had it not been for the relentless assault on his senses. Where the gentle pressure of his paws against his sheath had only produced a delicate tingle, dragging it across the wooden floor set off sparkling fireworks upon his brain, blurring his vision until he could see nothing but the fuzzy outline of the arcanine's backside anymore.

At least, the rockruff didn't have time to get properly aroused, because the moment he left the room, a pair of audinos passed by, each throwing a mildly curious glance at him before moving on. Their fleeting attention was enough to make John shamefully aware of his grossly supersized package, and his heart pounded harder and faster with every other nurse and patient they ran across until it almost burst out of his chest in embarrassment. The unpleasantly sweet smell of flowers and cleaning agents didn't help either, and by the time they approached the entrance on the ground floor, he was faced with the arguably worst situation imaginable: a waiting hall packed to the brim with pokemon of all sizes and dimensions. He fully expected all of them to turn and ogle him as if he had three heads, or rather the oversized breeding tools of a giant mudsdale attached to his tiny, slender rockruff frame.

But instead, nothing happened.

Nobody looked his way.

Nobody cared that he was a naked rockruff in a place where everybody was naked and where everybody looked different. The only pokemon who didn't ignore him was Sonia, who stopped briefly to check if he was still following her. "Are you alright, John? You look a little out of it."

"Yeah, it's just... I still have to get used to this," John gasped, throwing another cautious look around the atrium. There was still no reaction. No crowd of gawkers gathered around him as the others were too absorbed in their own business to bother with him and his situation, but despite his tentative relief, the sheer presence and proximity of so many so much larger creatures made him uncomfortable. It was high time to leave to a quieter place, to Sonia's den, and he urged, "But I'll manage. So let's not stay here and keep moving."

"Oh? Sure!" the arcanine responded with an avid nod and carried on with bouncy steps.

Thanks to Sonia's huge, fluffy rump and tail, John never lost track of her, and he waddled after her as fast as his stubby legs and hefty ballast allowed, threading his way across the crowd until they finally reached the entrance portal. It led right into the town center, which was thankfully not nearly as packed with pokemon as the hospital, and the breath of fresh air was more than welcome as well.

As soon as they were outside, the rockruff was immediately sidetracked by his sheath as the ground beneath his paws transitioned from smooth parquet into a much more crude cobblestone pavement, his sensitive tissue getting nudged and jostled at every step. But although he was dragging himself across the hard, uneven ground, the warmth in the sunbaked rock was surprisingly pleasant and the rock type caught himself walking even faster as the little bumps and collisions weren't painful, but as satisfying as cracking his knuckles. If he hadn't been in the middle of town and busy following Sonia, he might have even stuck around and tried to find out what happened if he continued to hump the ground. If his sheath was already this big, how large would his cock even be? And how much would he cum? The thought of him flooding the street with cum, inundating each and every crack between the cobblestones until it was too much for even the gutters to handle was oddly intriguing.

John was so busy daydreaming that he almost didn't notice that he had caught up with the strutting arcanine, almost running into her before he slowed down to match her pace. Reflexively looking up, his eyes immediately got stuck on Sonia's huge, swaying backside, and since she was keeping her tail hiked and high, not a single detail was left to his imagination. Nestled between her fluffy buttocks, he was greeted by her huge, plump spade. The squishy Y at its core seemed big enough to fit around his head, and her puffy, swollen black flesh glistened and dripped with juices, bouncing and jiggling at each of her steps. This close to her, John also got a good whiff of her heavy, potent essence, a smoky, yet sweet musk engulfing his nostrils like wild honey and stoking the smoldering lust in his loins into a blazing fire.

The rockruff was instantly hooked and hungry for more, staying within just a few steps of Sonia to gorge himself on the sight and scent of her fertile pussy with deep, heavy breaths, any concern about who might be watching rapidly fading as they ambled through the streets of town. He barely even noticed as the tall, stone-walled buildings around him first gave way to timber-framed houses, then to small wooden cottages strewn among ever more trees and denser bushes as they wandered into the outskirts of the town. Yet, he clearly felt the transition in the road as the cobblestone pavement shifted into coarse gravel, the harsh, jostling bumps softening into a gentler, uniquely pleasant massage as he hauled his sensitive bits through the crunching, pliable terrain. The fact that his swollen nuts were leaving a pair of shallow trenches on the path behind him evaded the rockruff's attention, but he still noticed that the throbbing red sliver in the corner of his eyes was getting larger by the minute.

The arcanine's drooling spade and the stimulation from ceaselessly grinding his sheath against the surface of the planet were finally getting to the small male, fueling not just his swelling lust, but unleashing the beast trapped within his gargantuan sheath. He really hoped that it wouldn't take much longer to reach her den, because he wasn't sure how much longer he would last like this, his steps getting shakier as his growing arousal clouded his brain. Then again, what was the plan once they were in her den? The hornier part of him obviously fantasized about stuffing her large spade with his even bigger fuck meat, breeding her harder than any male arcanine ever could, pumping a giant litter into her womb, and as ridiculous as that notion was, it made him squirt a huge wad of hot, gooey pre onto the ground, enough to leave a puddle with a wet, noisy splash. Luckily, Sonia didn't get hit by the unexpected spurt, and the near miss called the more reasonable part of his brain back into action, keeping him from fantasizing any further about her. But what should he do instead? If this continued, he would soon be horny enough to just ram his rod into the ground... "Ummm, Sonia, how far do we have to walk still?"

"Oh, not far at all. In fact, my home's right over there!" Sonia chirped and pointed a paw at a round wood door situated in a recess in the hillside.

After opening the door with a push of her paw, the arcanine stepped aside to grant John access to her den. A spacious, dome-shaped interior awaited him, its walls plastered in sky blue and the floor tiled with smooth, dark basalt while a dim orange light mixed with the sunlight pouring through two small windows to create the illusion of standing at the crater rim of an active volcano, and even her furniture was made of various kinds of stone. Several tall storage boxes were nestled against the wall, a stove located right beside the entrance, but most of the interior was taken up by her resting spot, a nest of plush and pillows as large as his body rather than a regular bed. Amazed, the rockruff wandered around his host's home for a moment, drinking in the sights and scents as her rich, pheromone-laden musk hung thick in the air.

"And this is it, my humble abode. Please, make yourself at home, John," Sonia cooed and strutted toward the rockruff, plopping herself onto the rock with a wet, audible squish. "Also, don't mind the mess, but I've been quite distracted lately. My heat's being particularly rough this time."

"O-oh, don't worry, it's fine," John stammered and took a seat beside her, only to squeak when he accidentally smacked his swelling cock against the ground with a meaty slap. Luckily, it didn't hurt, but the unexpected surge of stimulation made his veiny crimson fuck meat flex hard enough to push him off balance, and before he knew it, he tumbled onto his side, one hindleg kicking aimlessly in the air while he stared at his pulsing red rod in speechless awe. After having tried his best to ignore his growing fuck meat on the trip here, it had finally gotten big enough that he simply couldn't overlook it anymore, and it still wasn't fully erect, even though it was longer than his forelegs and thicker than his waist already. Oozing fresh pre at every throb, it was still swelling larger, inch after inch pushing its way out of his stretched sheath while he heard his own blood rushing through the intricate network of veins that interspersed the gargantuan red spire.

Of course, Sonia didn't remain oblivious to this development either. Her eyes gleamed with desire and drool dripped off her chin as she ogled the little rockruff with a lecherous grin. "Oh dear, sorry about that, I didn't expect my heat to have such an effect on you," she apologized with the sincerity of a nickit with its paws stuck in a treasure chest. "I don't want to be a bad host, though, so would you be willing to let me assist you with your little issue?"

John looked at the eager arcanine, then at his giant red fuck rod while he pressed both forepaws against the pulsing flesh, relishing the feeling of his warm, soft pawpads against the sensitive tissue, but it wasn't remotely enough to satisfy his blazing arousal. Even when he began to glide them along the slippery, sweaty surface, there was only so much he could accomplish with his tiny feet paws, and with a whimper, he turned back to Sonia, "Y-yes, please. It's all yours if you like."

"Wonderful. I promise you'll love this~" The arcanine purred and bent over her guest, hovering her muzzle right over his leaking, fluttering tip. "Fuck, I knew that pokérus made you big, but not this big."

Sonia hadn't even touched him yet, but her hot breath alone made John tense and whine, and when she finally parted her lips and flicked her tongue against his urethra, slurping up a dollop of his pre, he burst into a breathy howl. Clenching his paws around his girth, he held the pulsing, unruly taper steady while she began to work her way down to his sheath, washing and slathering every single inch with her hot saliva before it mixed with his never-ending stream of pre. Again and again, she paused to swallow the salty, sticky treat and inhale his scent with her nose pressed against his fuck meat, sampling his aroma with deep, hearty moans until she reached the rim of his sheath.

"Wow, your cock smells ripe. I think I could almost cum just licking and sniffing you, cutie," the arcanine swooned, looking at John with half-lidded eyes before she pressed her lips against the edge of his sheath and slipped her tongue underneath the thick furry fold, lapping up his sweaty essence with growls so deep and throaty, they made his whole body shake. And while the rockruff couldn't see what Sonia was doing behind his massive rod, he still got a prime view of her crotch as she curled up around him and pressed a paw against her fat, swollen pussy to alleviate her own arousal with frantic rubs. Just out of his reach, the pulsing, dripping cookie still flooded his nostrils with her fertile scent, and the air grew ever heavier with the combined stench of their pheromones until he was so distracted that he began to mindlessly lap at his own cock.

In the meantime, Sonia's tongue continued to explore the depths of his girthy tube while she brushed her paw against its fuzzy, sensitive outside and suckled on the rim, gorging herself on his raw musk with greedy snorts and groans. And once her soft paw pad reached the edge of his inflated nuts, she pulled away and whimpered, "You taste so good." Returning her muzzle to the rockruff's sheath, she showered the rest of it with licks and kisses. "And you smell so good." Fondling and squeezing his gargantuan cum tanks, she extended her oral affection to them as well, spit-washing each fuzzy, sweaty orb with unquestioning devotion. "So strong. So potent. Fuck, I need more of you, stud."

"More of me?" John gasped, watching in wonder as Sonia dragged her tongue along his sheath, up his girth, and all the way to the tip. Indulging it with a bawdy kiss, she then wrapped her lips around his pulsing glans and unceremoniously plunged her muzzle onto his giant fuck rod, swallowing inch after inch with insatiable gluttony. Although she was several times larger than him, she still struggled with his immense girth, her cheeks bulging as much as her neck as she took it down her throat, tears welling up in her eyes and soaking her fluffy cheeks while her eyes went out of focus. But no matter how hard she choked and gagged on his thick, throbbing cock meat, she wouldn't slow down until her lips finally kissed the rim of his sheath.

The arcanine celebrated the accomplishment with a triumphant smile and she began to work her fat, engorged spade harder than ever, squishing and mashing the plump, wet folds between both her forepaws to force an orgasm. But she didn't forget about John's pleasure either. Eagerly bobbing her head back and forth while she rubbed herself off, she pulled back just enough to catch a quick breath now and then before she slammed her muzzle back onto his fuck meat with a voraciousness that would've made a serperior pale in comparison.

Soon, the rockruff could feel a climax building in his chest, every fiber of his body tensing up as he accompanied her wet, slutty gags with moans and whines of pure delight. "Sonia, your throat feels amazing!" he cried and bent forward, bracing his paws against her bulging neck as he began to buck his hips, driving his breeding rod even deeper into her pre-lubed throat. All the while, he plastered the distended outline on her neck with fat, sloppy licks and kisses before the growing arousal coaxed his knot out of his sheath with a wet, meaty pop, putting a pulsing, swelling ball of sensitive, veiny fuck flesh between him and the female. The bulb was just as supersized as everything else between his hindlegs, rapidly inflating into the size of a fully-grown pumpkin, and his climax finally announced itself with a violent tingle as her lips smacked into the swollen ball. "Sonia, I- I think I'm about to cum!"

Sonia choked so hard as John signaled his imminent eruption that she came on the spot, and while her heat-ridden cookie burst into violent contractions, she wrenched herself off his fuck stick for just a moment to catch her breath, strands of sticky pre and spit dangling from her lips as she moaned, "Yes, go for it, John! Fill me, feed me, pump me full with your thick, hot cum, and don't hold back! Give me every drop." Then, she wrapped her muzzle around his primed monstrosity again and took him to the knot in one fell swoop, enveloping every inch of his sensitive meat with her tight, hot throat.

The arcanine's final plunge did the trick and pushed John over the edge as well. He joined her with a resounding howl, throwing back his head as his fuzzy nuts literally jumped into action, sloshing and gurgling as they clenched and contracted furiously to force his potent, creamy load through his prostate and the rest of his system. Flexing and heaving inside Sonia's maw, his cock's initial twitches lined her stomach with a few generous squirts of pre before he blasted the first rope of actual cum inside her, and the next squirts were already waiting their turn, rushing through his rod like a whitewater river before he dumped them deep inside her.

The merciless stuffing made Sonia cum even harder, and while she couldn't properly voice her ecstasy with more than a foot of cock meat in her muzzle, she rubbed herself off even harder, massaging her squirting oversized spade. She came so much, her own juices formed a sizable puddle beside her, and one of her paws became so drenched and slippery, that it accidentally slid inside her depths, stretching her pulsing cookie to give John a delicious foretaste of what it would look like once he rammed his breeding tool inside her.

But while the arcanine's cunt easily swallowed her own leg, her muzzle wasn't quite stretchy enough to take his humongous knot. Not for the lack of trying, though. She had told him not to hold back, so he was giving her his all, ramming and battering his breeding bulb against her chops while he kept nutting down her throat, stuffing her stomach more than any other arcanine ever could. In fact, it was so much that it started to stretch and swell into a small, sloshing dome on her fuzzy belly. Initially invisible under her luxurious fluff, the moment John noticed it, it only made him erupt even harder.

The hung rockruff wouldn't get to dump his entire load inside his host, though, because she suddenly pushed again his chest and extracted his cock from her throat with a noisy slurp. After swallowing the muzzleful of semen he had pumped inside her in the meantime, she parted her lips and caught her breath with heavy, desperate gasps, not even bothering to get out of his line of fire. And since John was far from done cumming, he kept pumping out fresh ropes of seed to douse her thick, precious pelt with his musky, gooey puppy batter until she reeked of nothing but jizz and bitch juices.

As John reached his last few squirts, he took things a little further still in his horny rush, gripping his flexing rod to aim it at Sonia's face. One spurt for her mane, one for her gaping, greedy muzzle, one for her nose, and one across her eyes so she could forever remember him by the taste and smell of his cum. But that marked the end of his orgasm, and he slumped back onto the basalt with a happy, contented grin. "Wow, this was awesome! You were amazing, Sonia."

"And you were just as fantastic, John. I've never seen anyone cum this much before," the arcanine sighed and dropped next to him, her spade's contractions finally subsiding as well. Rubbing the cum bump on her belly, she slipped her muzzle back into his crotch and lazily licked his sweaty sheath while she rode out her afterglow. "You're a born breeding stud, honey. And a really cute one at that. Maybe even the cutest."

"Thanks, that means a lot coming from a gorgeous girl like you," John chuckled and closed his eyes, wallowing in her soothing licks as they were exactly what he needed after cumming this hard. Now he just had to wait until his cock receded, then they could finally talk with a sober mind about their plans for the coming days and weeks. He had a whole new world to discover, after all, and he couldn't wait to stuff Sonia properly either.