Cosmic Fur: Welcoming the Heat

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#4 of Commissions

After a worldwide cosmic event sets in motion world-altering changes, friends Tony and Misato attempt to go about their workout routine amongst a shifted city full of lusty, bestial inhabitants and awakened equally lusty flora. They'll meet new faces with quirky personalities, discover latent desires, and learn to embrace the new lives they are given as well as the heat that broils inside themselves.

Wait...weren't their lives always like this?

Get your bookmarks out because this is a big one. This commission, written for the lovely Nekogato, stands tall at nearly 30,000 words. It's a big grab bag of transformation, group sex, public sex, domination/submission, and pheromone-driven lust, all in a setting that refuses to take itself seriously. I hope everyone who reads enjoys it, despite the number of breaks one might have to take. ;3

Cosmic Fur: Welcoming the Heat

Written By: MisstressChange, For: Nekogato

Dr. Kyle Arlington took a sip from his coffee mug, the mug proudly displaying the words Metro City Observatory under its white varnish. He glanced over at the bright red digital clock mounted on the steel observation room wall above the double doors exiting the rest of the facility. It read 9:15 PM. He almost couldn't believe how tired he'd become and so soon. His shift had barely started, and he was already downing a cup of coffee. If he suffered from fatigue this early into his shift now, imagine how tired he'd feel in the summer months when the sun was up longer, and his shifts would have to start later. He set the coffee mug down and rubbed his eyes. At least they'd end earlier as well...

Working night shifts was hard on anybody, especially the forty-five-year-old Astronomer. After doing it for so many years, you would think it would get easier. It didn't. One only got sleepier with age, a sacrifice Dr. Arlington had willingly made for the last ten years of his career. Of course, he was no longer required to serve the grueling hours of entry-level or intermediate personnel. At this point, he could have just taken a job teaching at a collage or university. But more accessible hours and cushy jobs at schools didn't make one famous within the scientific community.

No. Dr. Kyle Arlington was destined to make a great discovery. He had to. Or all those sleepless nights would have been for not.

Little did Arlington know, tonight was his night to shine. He would be making the most significant astronomical discovery in human history. Unfortunately for him, no one would remember or believe what he had seen. Their collective memory lapse would see Dr. Arlington's discovery as little more than a blip in history, in human consciousness.

Although, by the end of the next day, Dr.Arlinton wouldn't care in the slightest. Care about his discovery, his career, or even about astronomy. He or, 'she' would be too far lost to 'her' own gratifications to care. And so would 'her' new friends...

Dr. Arlington gazed at the monitors feeding from the observatory's main dome telescope. Half the monitors displayed the night sky, each filtering out light pollution or presenting the image in different spectrums. The other half displayed graphs compiled in real-time from the telescope's peripheral systems.

He sighed and reached over to his keyboard, pulling up another graph on his latest finding. His right hand clicked his mouse and brought up the main telescopic display. The image of a galaxy covered his main screen. He stopped what he was doing to stare at it. After a time, he peered over at the graph, his eyes periodically skipping back and forth between the two.

Ever since he received a sudden spike from a randomly scanned galaxy, he'd been tracking it all week. Dr. Arlington knew the anomaly couldn't have been caused by something as simple as a star going supernova, and he confirmed this with his assistant, the lovely Miss Sasha Young, who'd been tasked to him while she gained some lab experience.

Dr. Arlington gazed over the graph again. Wondering how long the young lady would be in the break room. He reached for the handle of his coffee mug, taking his eyes off the screens for only a moment. It was at that moment that it all began.

Every graph on every screen spiked off the charts. Dr. Arlington's eyes grazed over them before snapping wide open, bulging even. He nearly spat coffee all over his desk and himself and scrambled to set his coffee mug aside, swallowing what hadn't dribbled out his lips.

He scrolled through every graph he had, wiping the excess coffee from his chin with his lab coat. The readings were bizarre, obscene, like nothing he'd ever seen! Something far off in that galaxy was happening, or, at least, did happen, as whatever reached earth from that distance would take years to reach Dr. Arlington's telescope. At least, it should have taken years.

Then, in seconds, in each video feed and on every possible spectrum, a great and blinding light flashed from the center of that galaxy. It surged outward, consuming every other astronomical body nearby, washing them in the ever-expanding, shimmering blue corona. It traveled faster than should be possible, traveling outward in all directions at speeds defying physics. And it was traveling toward earth...

Dr. Arlington looked away and snatched some graphing paper, a calculator, and a pen. His gaze turned up and the screen repeatedly as he worked out several equations.

"Great, Scott!" He exclaimed, triple checking his work. "If my calculations are correct, this blue burst of anomalous energy will reach earth in...only a few minutes!" He looked around for his missing assistant, hoping she would be around to check his work. He wished with all his might that he had just miscalculated, and they actually had a chance to warm people. "I've got to find Sasha!"

Dr. Arlington stood up in a flash, knocking his office chair off its wheels. He grabbed his sheet of scribbled equations and booked it for the exit. His body crashed through the swinging double doors, and his loafers squeaked on the waxed linoleum floor. Unfortunately for the doctor, the observatory break room was across the building, and he'd have to haul ass to reach her in time.

Like a meteor toward a planet's surface, he flew through hallways and down staircases, dashing through doors and over desks. He just had to get there in time. He just had to. If only he knew his time had already run out...

As Dr. Arlington rounded the last corner, he could see Sasha through the open double doors to the cafeteria, and he called out to her.

"Sasha!" He cried, trying to grab her attention. There was no reaction from the girl. As he approached the entrance to the room, he could more clearly see what she was doing and why she didn't answer him.

She was standing, staring out the large pane windows, but not how one might casually observe the underlying city and all its lights. No. she stared, head tilted up into the sky, a sky no longer displaying the ruddy, hazy glow of Metro City nor the few stars the light pollution allowed the denizens of Metro City to gaze up at. Instead, the entire sky was washed alight with dazzling blue light, like some cosmic entity had thrown a blanket over the earth of every shade of blue, fighting each other like the specs of snow on a signal-deprived television screen.

Slowly Dr. Arlington stepped closer to the cafeteria entrance. Sasha apparently heard him as she answered his call, her voice eerily monotone.

"Docter...It's so beautiful, isn't it?" She said. Dr. Arlington stopped moving, sensing an obvious peculiarity in how she spoke. "Come see...this..." The young lady appeared to have trouble finding the words to clearly communicate.

"Sasha?" Dr. Arlington asked. "Are you... all right?"

"Of course I am." She replied. "I feel...Incredible...Better than...I ever have." Dr. Arlington watched her arm lift to her chest, then saw her hand as it trailed up her neck and stroked behind her ear.

Dr. Arlington knew something was wrong. Sasha must be caught in some hypnotic trance. The cosmic event outside must have some sort of euphoric effect on her, for Dr. Arlington could feel the same effects beginning to encroach upon his mind as he stared past her into the psychedelic abyss beyond her through the window.

As much as his body told him not too, he managed to throw his hand up in front of his eyes. The warm, heavenly feeling saturating his body and mind quickly waned, and he regained his faculties.

"Don't look at it, Sasha!" He cried, hoping his words could somehow pierce Sasha's trance and persuade her to break free of the light's hold over her. Cautiously, he paced into the cafeteria, only looking down at the floor from behind his hand. He worked his way around the scattered round tables until he reached his enraptured assistant. He turned away from the pane of glass that made up the outer wall of the cafeteria and lowered his hand, looking into Sasha's face.

Her eyes shone with the same shimmering light display as the sky outside. Her visage was one of pure bliss. She wore a smile that screamed of wonder and curiosity, and her eyebrows rose, petrified in a state of innocent joy.

"Look away!" Dr. Arlington shouted. "We don't know what this phenomenon can do! It could be harmful!" Sasha didn't seem to be phased by the Doctor's cries. She simply tilted her head to the side and continued gazing out the window.

"I'd...prefer to...keep enjoying the...view." She droned. It was clear there would be no reasoning with her. Dr. Arlington had been left with no other choice. He grabbed her upper arms and forced his weight against her to steer her out of the cafeteria.

"We need to get you out of her, dear." He grumbled, struggling against the resisting assistant. To his surprise, she raised her hands and grasped his head, forcing him to face the giant window.

"No...I'm fine here, Dr. Arlington." She noted, a hint of a growl in her voice. It was Dr. Arlington that now resisted Sasha's hold. "You should...look" She spoke like a doting mother to a child, her final word taking on a sultry tone. Dr. Arlington's eyes winced shut as the cosmic light entered his vision again, and with it, the euphoric feeling it extolled.

Sasha pried his eyelids open with her fingers. Dr. Arlington groaned as the hypnotic light assaulted his body and mind. He was slipping away; he could feel it. He had to get out of there while he still had the sense to.

With one last surge of adrenaline, Dr. Arlington pushed his assistant from him, forcing her to stagger backward. With as much willpower as he could muster, he turned his face from the night sky and bolted past the docile girl. He didn't look back until he was well beyond the cafeteria and around the first corner of the hallway, far from the light saturating the night sky. When he failed to see Sasha chasing after him, he stole himself deeper into the observatory.

He needed to hide, to find somewhere to collect himself and be completely safe from the enslaving light of this sudden and disastrous event. Eyeing a smaller break room meant for maintenance staff, he pushed himself inside to wait out whatever was happening to the planet.

He hoped it wasn't the whole planet. At best, he hoped this was an event isolated to Metro City. But deep down, he knew it wouldn't be the case. With the whole night's sky blanketed the way it was, it would be no surprise if the entire hemisphere was experiencing the same event. Dr. Arlington hoped with all his heart that this event didn't spell the end of humanity. Considering how long he might have to spend in this room to avoid the happening outside, he also hoped there was some leftover food in the breakroom's fridge...

It would, in fact, be the end of humanity, but not in any way Dr. Arlinton would think to fear...


Tony sighed to himself and put down the pen for his drawing tablet. He rested his face in his palms, curled his fingers, and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He let his hands fall to the armrests of his computer chair and gazed at the time displayed by his computer's toolbar. 9:19, it said. He'd been working on his animation project since the afternoon, and the strain on his eyes was beginning to intrude on his progress.

He ran his fingers through his short dark hair and sat back in his chair, observing the work he had done so far as the animation repeated its cycle over and over again. A sudden blue glow glanced off his tablet's smooth surface from the window behind him. Tony's eyebrows furrowed, and he rotated his seat to see what was interrupting his workflow.

The sky outside his window was ablaze with shimmering, buzzing blue light. Tony stared at it briefly, then stood up and walked to the window. He looked out upon the night sky. Every point from horizon to horizon was awash in a psychedelic pattern of blue colors. As he watched the sky, a pleasant warm feeling gradually soaked his body. It felt like dozens of hands were massaging his skin, all in unison.

"Fucking fireworks." He grumbled, reaching up to close his blinds. The blue light was immediately banished from his small living room, and so were the blissful feelings previously working over his body.

With this nuisance taken care of, Tony returned to work, sitting down, picking up his pen, and hunching over his tablet. He still had much work to do. It was starting to look like it would be another late night in his apartment, face illuminated by the glow of his tablet screen.


Tony's eyes slowly peeled open, the light bleeding through his blinds finally stirring him from his slumber. He'd gone to bed so late he wouldn't be surprised if it was almost noon. The man rolled over and peered at his alarm clock from across his mattress. 12:47 PM, it read.

"Oh, shit!" he spat, throwing the blankets off himself and hastily rolling out of bed, having lost all sense of grogginess.

He'd been late before. A night owl like Tony was used to sleeping this late. Nighttime just happened to be the time when he found his inspiration. Despite this, he couldn't help but think his sleep schedule was getting kind of ridiculous. As of recent, he'd even been sleeping into the mid-afternoon.

Today was definitely not the day for this. If Tony didn't hurry, he'd be late for the lunch he'd planned with his good friend Misato. The two typically got lunch on a lovely Saturday, like today, before heading to the park a few blocks down for an outdoor workout.

He had a feeling something was amiss from the moment he jumped out of bed. His bed seemed larger and softer, and the window casting the light responsible for his awakening was no longer next to him. It was all the way across the room, far past the foot of his bed.

Tony pushed himself onto his feet, throwing his vision around the room. It was bigger than before, a lot bigger, at least three times as big, more like a master bedroom than the small room he previously slept in. Tony turned his head and saw it even had an ensuite bathroom attached. Looking down at the bed he'd just rolled out of, he confirmed that it was, indeed, a larger bed, now king-sized. A definite upgrade from his previous twin-sized one.

None of this seemed right, did? He could have sworn his apartment was too small for a bedroom this size or a bed this size. Wait...did he have an apartment before? He thought he'd always owned a two-story house?

Tony shuffled to the end of his bed and stepped into his slippers. He walked over the carpeted floor into the hallway, daydreaming of coffee. He journeyed down the hardwood stairs into the living room, past his sectional couch set that created a comfortable semi-circle to lounge on before his fifty-six-inch flatscreen TV.

He went to the spacious kitchen area and pulled a coffee pod from the holder, slapping it into the instant coffee maker he didn't quite remember owning before, then returned to the couch. Tony picked up the overly complicated remote for his TV and pressed the power button. Multiple systems clicked before a few moments of silence, then the picture appeared, and the sound came blaring through in an ear-shattering cacophony.

Tony scrambled to turn the volume down, the commercial playing on the screen blasting his eardrums. By the time he got the volume to an acceptable level, the commercial was over, and the post-commercial intro to 'Metro City News!' played before the weekend news anchor, Austin Dawkins, came into view.

There was something different about the anchor that Tony just couldn't put his finger on. Maybe it was the set of Lion's ears replacing his human ones. But that couldn't be it, right? He had always had those...didn't he?

"And just letting all you viewers know, Heat month is already in full swing, so look out for couples and groups easing their urges as you go about your daily routines." The anchor said, reading off the teleprompter.

"Heat month?" Tony asked, questioning what the anchor had said. "Why does that sound familiar." But...why wouldn't it? Heat month was the period most females went into heat, and typically, males mated with them until their heat was broken. It happens every year. He remembered learning about it in fifth grade. Hadn't he?... He wasn't sure. Everything seemed so confusing this morning. It would appear he'd need his coffee today more than most.

"Also, just a reminder," the anchor added. "The heart blossoms will be in full bloom this weekend, so be mindful-" Tony's phone went off on the computer desk behind the couch, facing the TV so he could watch shows while he worked. He ignored the news and went to pick it up. There was a very recent text from Misato.

" We still on for lunch at 1:30?" it asked. Tony looked up at the clock at the top of his phone screen. It displayed 12:59 PM.

"Shit," Tony swore under his breath. He'd have to really hurry now. He pocketed his phone, walked back into the kitchen, and grabbed his coffee, taking a hasty sip before running back upstairs to change into some proper clothes.


Tony neared arrival at the diner, miraculously only a couple of minutes late. However, his thoughts hadn't been on the time since he left his house. His head had been on a swivel the entire commute, and he nearly walked out into traffic multiple times. The sights he'd been seeing were beyond belief. Or at least that's what they appeared to be.

As he moved through the city's suburbs away from his home, people around him seemed to have changed. Men and women all over sported animal features in one way or another. A couple holding hands had a pair of possums' tails swaying behind them. A businesswoman, or at least what he thought was a woman, was covered in yellow, spotted fur where her skin was bare. He noticed a few others with muzzles protruding from their faces or the beginnings of such. Some even looked completely non-human, like the two ladies he had seen jogging, one looking like a coyote and the other like a wolf.

Despite all this, what he noticed more than anything was they were utterly bottomless, wearing nothing but their runners and sports bras, letting their fur and 'lady parts' simply hang out!

What felt even weirder was his familiarity with it all. Those that retained traits of their humanity almost made him feel weirder. Surely, this was normal, right? The animal traits he saw. People always had some aspects of animals. That's just what people looked like, right?

Tony finally managed to reach the diner, where Misato awaited him. The restaurant, simply named Sherri's, was a modern take on the classic 50's diner that took up the bottom floor of a two-story building downtown. It was an obvious choice because it was only a ten-minute walk from the park where the two regularly worked out. Also, the coffee was surprisingly superb.

As Tony approached Misato, he couldn't help but feel like something was off about her.

Misato was the same age as Tony and only a few inches smaller. The two met a couple years ago when Tony finally decided to get off his butt and go to the gym. She had newly immigrated from Japan, and the two formed a friendship as one was new to the local scene, looking for someone to show her around, and the other was new to, well... exercising, looking for someone to keep him from hurting himself.

They'd worked out together frequently ever since, Misato always showing Tony a new routine or technique. In the spring and summer months, they would enjoy the nice weather by going to the park, doing strength exercises, or jogging.

They spent three to four days a week together, which made the fact that she had a set of tiger ears instead of her regular ones much weirder, not to mention the swaying tail and claw-concealing paws. How had he not noticed those before? Wait? Didn't she always have those?

Tony just couldn't remember...

"Yooo, Tony. I knew you'd be late." She said, greeting him once she spotted him approaching her. "I'm starting to think I should just start showing up at ten after one and just not tell you." Tony sniffed at her teasing.

"Yeah, sorry, I was up late last night. Also, everything's seemed a little off today. Probably shouldn't stay up till four in the morning, eh?" Misato scoffed while flashing a smirk at him.

"Well, duh. You should be getting a proper sleep schedule, hun. I got up at seven today. I feel like I've done so much already."

"Yeah," Tony replied to her obvious advice before remembering the lights he'd seen. "Hey, did you see those fireworks in the sky last night? They were so bright I had to close my blinds. What was that about?" Misato looked at him funny, then looked off in thought.

"No, I don't remember seeing anything last night. I remember going out for a walk for a bit. But I must have been super tired because I woke up this morning in my bed. I don't remember even going to bed."

"Huh, strange," Tony muttered. "Anyway, should we go in and get a seat?" Misato's face lit up at the suggestion.

"Yes! Let's get in before anyone else shows up. It's already pretty packed. People must be hungry with all the 'activity' they're already getting into with heat month starting." She turned and started walking to the double front doors.

"Yeah...heat month..." Tony pondered. He loped behind Misato to catch up with her. "Hey, uh, what is 'heat month' again?" he asked, feeling kind of stupid asking about something that strangely sounded so familiar. Misato stopped right before the doors. She turned to him with a puzzled look, like he had just asked her what two plus two was.

"You're kidding, right? Didn't you go to sex-ed in high school?"

"Uhhhh...let's say I forgot....What is it?" Tony said, trying to excuse himself. Misato rolled her eyes at him.

"Ok, fine, I'll play along." She cleared her throat before continuing. "Heat month is spring's first 'actual' month. Ya' know, when the plants start blooming. Most females also go into heat around the same time. Some don't, and they have to wait until summer. With all the heart blossoms usually sends most into heat early, so many people will be 'breaking' their heat simultaneously, either in private or public." She crossed her arms and gave him an irritated and judgmental look. "There, does that cover it?"

"Yeah...I suppose." Tony said, awkwardly scratching his scalp. He had no idea what the fuck she was talking about. Did people actually public like that? He supposed it would make sense, considering all the animal properties people were displaying.

"Good," Misato said. "Now, don't ask me any more stupid questions today, and maybe I'll let you break my heat this year." She turned and pushed the door open. Tony just watched her, dumbfounded. Did she just come on to him? He remembered the two of them agreeing just to be friends long ago. Now she was implying she might want to...mate...with him?

Tony stared at her well-toned butt as she entered the building, watching her tail sway with it. He shook his head when he noticed her looking back at him, holding the door. He was expecting a well-deserved scowl from the tiger-eared woman but felt his heart skip when she winked at him, then nearly stopped when her hand swatted his butt as he entered the building, hard enough to leave a sting. A kiniving snicker left her throat. It made Tony feel like he was back in the locker room from his days playing basketball. He was about to turn and give her a confused look, but the interior of the diner made him forget all about Misato's flirtasious roughhousing.

The diner, as Misato described, was packed. Nearly every booth and table was taken. Most of the customers looked like they were in the middle of some state of transformation. Like everyone Tony had seen that day, their features had animal traits or looked to be fully bipedal animals already. The patrons were also scandalously dressed...or not dressed at all!

He nearly bumped into the hostess's podium as he walked in. The fully blue-feathered lady with a yellow beak on the other side of the podium gasped as he nearly collided with it. "Oh, watch out, sweetie! Wouldn't want a cutie like you to get hurt!" Tony took in the sight of her. She had breasts that complimented her slim frame and stretched her tiny cropped white shirt, a skimpy mockery of the uniform the waitresses usually wore at Sherri's.

"Table for two," Misato said. The bird lady looked at her and smiled.

"Absolutely, gorgeous. You two hotties are just in luck. We have a booth for two just this way." The waitress grabbed two laminated menus in her feathered hands and led them through the dinner. Tony's eyes widened when she moved from behind the podium. Her white pleated skirt was so short she might as well not have even worn it. Her red thong was on full display for all to see.

When Tony managed to pry his eyes off the bird lady, his gaze fluttered about the place, almost unable to take in all the surroundings, his mind suffering from overstimulation.

They passed a booth where a half-transformed wolf lady was being pulled into an intense kiss with a sizeable male deer by a leash and collar. Further down the dinner, a round booth containing five half-animal people in various states of transformation was abuzz with what looked like the beginnings of an orgy. A zebra with huge tits and a bulge between their legs viciously gripped a very feminine hawk woman as they made out, beak and all. Next to them, two identical foxes of undeterminable gender groped each other as they, too, made out. At the other end of the booth, the fifth person, a burly male badger, filmed the four on his phone.

The waitress neared the empty two-seat booth meant for Tony and Misato. Another waitress, a girl with still-growing golden-yellow leopard fur and snout, already sporting big panther ears, slid up to their hostess, holding a tray of milkshakes in one hand. She reached around and gripped the bird lady's ass tight, creasing it in her clawed fingers. She leaned in and gave the hostess a very sensual kiss. The bird lady's tail feathers rose in delight. If Tony could see the skin beneath the bird's facial feathers, he knew she'd be blushing.

The two broke apart, and the leopard lady spoke.

"Thanks, hun. I'll 'take care' of these two."

The bird lady giggled. "No, thank you, love." She turned back to her two charges. "Niki here will be...serving you..." She giggled at her words and began walking away. "You snacks have a nice meal." She added, returning to the podium at the front doors. Tony and Misato sat, and 'Niki' slid menus in front of them.

"Hey, cuties! Can I start you off with some drinks? Coffee? If you two are as _thirsty_as I am, I have some 'sweet and tasty juice' for you." She leaned in and whispered to the two. "You can get it 'straight from the tap' if you'd like." Misato giggled and put her hand on the girl's arm. Tony was lost, staring at the girl's breasts. They were an inch away from popping straight out of her tiny cropped uniform shirt. The buttons were stretched so far apart Tony wondered how she'd even got the garment on.

"Coffee is fine, dear," Misato said, adding. "At least for now...." Tony's gaze shifted to Misato's hand and how it stroked sensually up and down the leopard girl's arm. The two women shared longing looks before the waitress replied, huffing like she had to stifle some force of nature within her.

"Coffee it is," She said, stiffening up. "I'll be right back, gorgeous." With that, Niki turned and walked away, but not before her fuzzy tail lifted, running over Misato's face with a parting caress. Misato looked back at Tony, who was looking at her in disbelief. She let out a brief sigh.

"I love heat month." She said. Tony blinked.

"Uh...yeah, I'm starting to think it's a pretty good concept..." He furrowed his brow before adding. "Niki there sure seems to take an interest in you, that's for sure." Misato let out a giddy laugh.

"She sure does. I think I'm gonna sample some of that 'juice' she was offering." Tony cleared his throat and leaned across the table to whisper at the mention of this...'juice.'

"Yeah, was she talking about-"

"Pussy juice? Fuck yeah, she was." Misato interrupted at a volume slightly louder than before, like she wanted people to hear what they were discussing. Tony looked around cautiously, seeing if anyone heard his loud-mouthed friend. It didn't seem to be the case. Every other person was either waiting or being waited on while engaging in some form of lewd activity. Tony sat back in his seat and hummed to himself in thought.

"Wow." Was all he could say, dumbfounded. "Damn, wish I could get some service as good as yours." He jested, disguising his jealousy. Misato gazed around the room at the lewdness going on. She perked up when she spotted something. It was her turn to lean over the table.

"I think I see someone who might." She said, pointing her thumb across the room. Tony followed her thumb to a lone skunk waitress, wearing the same revealing uniform the others were and just as stunning. "She looks like she'd give you some 'more than excellent service.'" Misato sniffed at her own words.

The skunk girl was standing near the entrance to the kitchen, leaning against the wall and eyeing Tony like new prey that had entered her territory. Once their eyes connected, she had an almost ecstatic reaction, rubbing her thighs dangerously close to her...lady parts while seductively biting her blackened nails. She pushed her back off the wall behind her and made a B-line for their table, swaying her hips as much as she swung her giant fluffy tail.

She approached the table, turned, and sat on its laminated surface, letting her legs hang over the sides. She leaned back on her outstretched arms. "So, have you two been...'serviced'...yet?" She asked in a tone most sultry, more to Tony than Misato.

"Yes, by the lovely Niki," Misato informed. She gazed at Tony from over the skunk's midsection, smirking. "But I think Tony here might need some extra...'service.'" With that, the skunk twisted her body to face Tony, showing off what goods somehow hadn't been covered by her outfit.

"Oh yeah? And what can I do for you?" She asked, her voice dripping moist with an even sultrier tone. Misato gestured to Tony from behind her, urging him to make some sort of move. Tony figured he could probably make any move. This skunk lady was obviously 'ready to go,' As it were.

"Uh...I heard Niki had some...'delicious juice.' I was wondering if you had...any of that...." He asked, awaiting her response. She smiled seductively at him, looking him up and down.

"I think we could do that for you, hot stuff. Why don't you give me a kiss and get that tap going?" She craned her head toward him, and her free arm sprung out to grasp the collar of his shirt, pulling his face to hers. Tony's lips collided with the skunk's. Her lips opened to over-enthusiastically accept his. Shocked and aroused by what was happening, Tony let his hang agape.

The skunk was definitely in the driver's seat. She seemed to want Tony with an unbridled passion. Her tongue jutted forth into his mouth. Tony merely accepted it. It took him a few seconds to adjust to how lightning-fast things escalated, but he kissed her back with just as much passion.

With his eyes closed and the Skunk's head in the way, he couldn't see, but Misato was enjoying the show a little more than she should. Her head was tilted to the side to better see the action, and she had a hand tucked down her pants, the movements beneath her tight shorts more than hinting that she was touching herself.

Her tiger ears perked when Niki suddenly returned from behind her, holding two steaming coffee mugs. "Here's your guys' coffee, do you...need...any..." Her words slowed and petered off when she realized what was happening at their table. "S-sugar or...cream?" she finished, taking in the sight of Tony and the skunk lady aggressively making out.

"Thanks..." Misato replied. " But I think Tony's got all the sugar he needs at the moment...I wouldn't be surprised if..." Misato stopped and turned to the girl, whose eyes remained glued to the two making out. "Sorry, what's her name?" She asked.

"Heather..." The leopard replied absentmindedly. Her free hand was busy rubbing between her legs, lifting the comically short skirt. Misato noticed this from the corner of her eye and looked up at the leopard. The girl had changed since she'd departed and no longer showed any trance of humanity beyond her bipedal form and obvious sapience.

"I think Heather might be the one receiving some cream soon if you catch my drift."

Niki pried her eyes from the raunchy two to Misato, both ladies 'pawing' their own lady parts. Misato's gaze fell heavy with a seductive look. "Though, I wouldn't mind some sugar from you, babe." Misato's free hand ran down the leopard lady's thigh. "And maybe we could make some cream of our own..."

The partial tiger woman scooted over and tapped the spot she'd just been sitting in, her eyes still locked on Niki. Niki smiled excitedly, her hand leaving her crotch to set the tray down on the table next to Heather's voluptuous ass.

"Heather, watch behind you, sweetie." The leopard cheerfully warned. Heather gave a grunt of acknowledgment between her voracious coos. Niki wasted no time planting herself down in the booth on her tight, round ass. Misato pulled her hand from her shorts and hung her arm over Niki's shoulders. Her other hand grasped the leopard's thigh, and the two pressed their bodies together.

Their lips parted, then joined, the loud smacking of their lips joining, then competing against those of Tony and Heathers. They cooed and moaned into each other's mouths, their hands exploring the curves and contours of their new partner's bodies, breasts pressing together like two balloons.

Across the table, Heather skillfully slipped off the table into the spot next to Tony, her added weight bouncing on the bench. Now that both hands were free, she began feeling Tony up, much like the other two were doing to each other. She familiarized herself with Tony's masculine form, one of her hands stopping dangerously close to his groin and gripping his thigh.

"Fuck you feel so...solid..." She complimented. "So...firm."

In multiple ways, she was correct. Tony's exercises with Misato had paid off. That, and he was incredibly erect.

"That cream sounds quite...enticing, I must say." She teased. Her breath was hot and moist with arousal. "I'm on a bit of a diet, though, so I really shouldn't. I should be good and stick with it." Then she leaned into Tony's ear and whispered, "But it feels so good to be bad."

Tony swallowed a lump in his throat before feeling her hand on his constrained bulge. The two embraced once again, and Tony's hand reciprocated her actions, wandering between the skunk's legs. She spread them for him, and Tony's fingers cupped her cotton-covered sex. The heat radiating off it rivaled that of a small furnace.

The two made sweet noises into each other's mouths. They were so enamored with one another that they overlooked the two girls, watching them from across the table while they made out.

Their tongues were sloppily lapping over the others, sometimes sampling a taste of their lips. Misato's mouth had a more feline shape to it now, the beginnings of a snout. They kissed like two animals might groom each other's muzzles. That was until Misato broke their coupling.

"Why don't you spread those legs for mommy, hmm?" Misato asked Niki, although her underlying tone suggested this was more of a command. Niki looked innocently at her and sheepishly nodded her head.

"Y-yes...m-mommy." She replied, voice shivering with nervous excitement. The leopard lady broke her legs apart from one another, and Misato's left hand went straight for her already moist pussy mound. The half-tiger pressed her fingers into Niki's muff, feeling how the girl's arousal blotted through the cotton fabric the second it made contact, transferring onto the leathery pads on her fingertips. "Good girl." She crooned.

Meanwhile, Heather's hand gripped the outline of Tony's stiff cock through his workout shorts. Her other hand was all over him, rustling his clothes, almost assessing his form for some mating ritual. In part, she was, and she was finding his body and scent checked off all the right boxes.

"Fuck..." She moaned. "I should ride you right here, let you break my heat in front of the whole dinner. God, that would be soooooo gratifying." Her finger traced along Tony's blushing face. "However...I wouldn't want my heart broken toooo early into the month."

"Y-yeah?" Tony replied, not even sure what to say.

" maybe we shouldn't fuck tooooo hard." She said, practically singing. Tony couldn't believe this was happening. Or...maybe he was? This kind of thing happens often around this time of year, right?

Heather's hand grazed Tony's chest. It was far from the first time she had. She loved feeling his pectorals, after all. However, this time, she noticed something was out of place. The muscle wasn't as firm as before. No. It felt...kind of soft...and round...

Heather threw her leg over Tony's legs and straddled his lap. Her other hand abandoned his groin, almost like his cock no longer existed. Instead, both her hands rose to feel up his chest.

"Ooooooh," She squealed. "Such big pecs you have! You're even studlier than I thought." Her voice itself was dripping with sultry excitement! Tony looked into her eyes as she spoke, but his eyes soon gravitated back down to his softening chest.

Either were too enticed by one another to truly grasp what was happening to Tony. Under his tightening t-shirt, the firm, semi-flat muscles he'd worked hard to strengthen gave way to burgeoning breast flesh. Heather's fingers massaged them like one might clay, and Tony's head fell backward over the booth's backrest as he let a satisfied sigh.

The sensations blossoming over his chest were novel, but he welcomed them with open arms. Heather stopped and laid her hands flat against Tony's 'pecs.'

"Can I have a peek under the hood?" Heather asked.

"Uhhh... Sh-sure." He said, ultimately unable to turn down the buxom skunk's advances. She trailed her hands down to the lower hem of his shirt, curling her fingers around it, and started lifting.

She had the fabric halfway up Tony's stomach when an irritated bellow came from the kitchen doors.

"Hey! Will you two bimbos get off our customers and serve the rest?! We have tables waiting!"

All four turned their heads to see an angry grizzly bear standing with her hands on her vast, broad hips, a spatula clutched in her curled fingers. She wore nothing but an apron and a furious face. Her apron, clearly made for someone with a regular body shape and size, was so strained that it barely covered her naked form. Her areola poked out from the sides where the chest straps were attached, and a prominent bulge in the section that covered her groin made it abundantly clear that she was a hermaphrodite, to say the least.

Heather groaned. Niki whined.

"Ugh, fine, Pheobe. We're going..." Heather bemoaned, shuffling off Tony's lap. She turned her head to murmur something in his ear. "Hopefully, I'll see you again, handsome. I'd love you to put some kits in my belly before heat month is over." She gave him a peck on the cheek and slid out of the booth, hurrying away to serve other guests.

"I'll let you get back to work, gorgeous," Misato said to Niki. She pulled her fingers out of the leopard's pussy, then her pants. Niki made an even louder whine at the absence of Misato's fingers, then turned to quickly peck Misato's cheek, her fingers tugging the strained, bunched-up lower hem of her skimpy shirt in a flustered struggle to pull her shirt back down over her exposed breasts.

"Bye, Mommy." She said in a shy, hushed tone before climbing out of the booth and scurrying off with her tray, leaving sugar packets and a cup of cream behind.

"Work hard for Mommy!" Misato called out to the leopard. Niki turned and gave Misato a quick wave. The two at the table knew the leopard would have been blushing hard had it not been for the fur covering her face.

"Lydia!" The grizzly shouted in her strong yet feminine voice. "Lunch rush is over; the others can cover your post. Come back here with me and give me some relief! It's hot in here, and I'm pent up."

The bluebird lady turned from her podium and perked up in excitement. She put her things on the stand and went to the grizzly with a rushed trot. She looked like Niki had, blushing had it not been for her feathers. She practically collided with the big, busty bear, snuggling into hir thick brown fur. 'Pheobe' wrapped the arm with the spatula around the girl's feathery waist.

"What can I help you with?" The avian asked coyly.

"I'll show you when we're in the kitchen. Now get your cute, tight ass in there." Shi nudged the bird off hir, and 'Lydia' giggled, chirping in startled delight as the bear gave her a swat on the ass with hir flat-ended cooking utensil. They disappeared behind the self-closing double doors, and Tony and Miasato looked at each other.

"Holy shit, I love heat month," Misato commented, pulling her mug towards her. She lifted it to her face and took a cautious sip.

"I just hope shi washes that spatula off after," Tony said, clearly in shock and awe at everything that had transpired so far.

"I don't..." Misato quipped once she'd swallowed. Tony picked up his coffee and opened one of the sugar packets, adding the sweet powder to his hot beverage. "I want to taste that girl's succulent 'juice' straight from the tap." Her thoughts quickly shifted back to Niki. She took another sip of her coffee before adding, "No, I'm going to taste that girl's 'juice' straight from the tap.

"Y-yeah?" Tony asked uneasily, stirring the sugar into his drink. "Well, I hope I see that...Heather girl again. She seemed pretty into me."

"Yeah, she did. She wanted to have your babies, if I'm correct." Misato said playfully. Tony looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

"You heard that?" He asked.

"Duh," She replied, pointing to her tiger ears and making them flutter. I have ears, you know." Tony let out a nervous laugh.

"Heheh...yeah..." He sipped his coffee again.

The two sat, drinking their coffees and catching up on their time away from each other between now and their last workout. Eventually, they finished their coffee, and Niki approached their table.

"Would you two like...anything else, maybe some food?" She asked them, obviously flustered. She looked like she was trying with all her might not to touch herself. Tony gazed down at her twitching hand, held back by her other. Under her overtly-revealing skirt, the leopard girl's panties were matted with her arousal.

"No, I think we're good here, dear," Misato replied, her voice dominant and doting all in one breath. She peered over at Tony. "What about you, Tony?" She asked. Tony blinked and gazed back at the half-tigress. She had the sharp gleam of lust in her eyes.

"N-no, I'm good, thanks. Don't want to get cramps during our workout." He said.

"Exactly," Misato said, turning her head back to Niki. "But...I think I will be quite peckish later, and I'd love to... devour you whole." Her voice dripped with nefarious carnality. Without breaking eye contact with the horny leopard, she raised her hand between the girl's legs and gripped her wet coochie through her soaked panties. "I could definitely go for some succulent... well-marinated...meat."

Niki's shrill, desperate whines pierced their ears. Her face looked just as desperate. Her knees were shaking. "Y-yes, mommy..." She said in the meekest tone Tony had ever heard before.

"Good girl." Misato praised, if one could even call it praise, by her condescending tone. "Now, go get us our bills, and make sure you leave your number on it so I can let you know when my workout is done."

"Yes, Mommy." She whimpered. Misato released her grip on the girl with a harsh rake of her fingers into Niki's cotton-covered mound. Niki curtly turned and then trotted away with her legs together. Misato watched her leave, taking in the leopard's ruffled tail and bobbing ass. Tony's eyes were glued to Misato's mouth as the half-tigress licked her furry fingers clean of Niki's...juice...

"Geez, Misato, I didn't know you were this...kinky?... Dominant?... Assertive?" He commented, unsure of what to call what his friend had become. Or had she always been like this? Was it just heat month working its 'magic.' Misato finished cleaning her fingers to answer.

"What? Yeah, I love this shit. Girls are always so easy to control during heat month." She licked her fingers a few more times, consuming what she failed to miss, wanting every morsel, every drop of the leopard's pussy juice. "You're the one to talk, missy. 'Oh, yeah! Fucking breed me! Fill all my holes, you guys! Don't stop until I break, then break me some more!'" She mimicked him in an overtly sexual feminine voice, which confused Tony. And why did she call him 'missy?'

"Uh, what?" He asked, completely lost. Misato scoffed.

"That was you last year," She explained, as if it were apparent, looking at him like he was stupid. "You don't remember? You got bred soooooo good. Must have broken your heat like four times over." Tony looked around Misato, then at the table's surface in thought. What the fuck was she talking about? Why would he be in heat? He was male.

Strangely enough, he vaguely remembered something like that happening, though. Having, her...pussy and ass fucked as someone throat fucked her. But...wait...that was impossible. She didn't have a pussy., wait...that was impossible.He was male. Tony held his head in his hands, a headache clouding his mind. When he glanced up through the openings between his fingers, he saw Misato looking down at the table with the same confused expression on her face, like the things she was saying didn't make sense to her either.

They both started when two thin pieces of paper were slapped down on the table in front of them. Their receipts.

"That'll be three dollars each for the coffees," Niki announced, her voice shaky around Misato. Miasto reached for her gym bag and retrieved her wallet.

"I'll get this for us, Tony." She offered. Tony, who was reaching for his own bag, halted and sat back up straight. He took his own receipt from the table and looked it over. There was something written on the back in pen. It was a phone number and a message that read, "Bend me over and fuck me till you knock me up, handsome. -Heather."

"Subtle..." Tony thought. He smirked, relishing the thought of seeing more of the skunk girl, especially from behind... He heard the *beep* of Niki's card machine and looked up. Niki handed Misato her card back, biting her lower lip as she did.

"Thank you, sweetie." Misato praised, tucking her card back into her wallet and her wallet into her bag.

"Of course, Mommy," Niki replied. "I... We hope you enjoyed your time at Sherii's and you'll... cum back again. Misato chuckled through her nose.

"Oh, we'll be back. I know I'll be back for some of that sweet, tight ass of yours." She said sultrily. Misato grabbed her bag by its shoulder strap and stood up from the booth. She faced the leopard and pulled her in for a very open and sensual kiss. Niki kissed her back obsessively, moaning into Misato's mouth as the half-tigress slipped her free hand down Niki's skirt and thong.

Tony watched them as he rose from his spot, gym bag in hand. Usually, he would have worried about how stiff the sudden scene was making him, but as he looked around the dinner, pitching a tent seemed mundane compared to what the customers were doing.

Misato broke the kiss as Niki's body shuttered and pulled her hand free of Niki's hole once the girl seemed to have calmed a bit. Niki leaned against the tableside by her rear, grabbing the edge with both hands. Her legs shook, and her thighs were a mess of sticky, viscous fluid. Did Misato just finger the girl to climax? Did she just cum all over her legs in the middle of the restaurant?

"T-t-thank you, m-mommy." She mewled, gasping for breath. Misato looked at Tony mischievously, her paw drenched in the girl's squirt.

"Needed some for the road." She then leaned into the quivering leopard girl. "But there'll be plenty more where that came from tonight, am I right, my sweet girl?" She asked, caressing Niki's muzzled face with her other paw, having slung the bag over her shoulder.

"Y-yeah, Mommy...all much as Mommy wants..." She breathed.

"Good girl." Misato praised, patting the girl's face. She turned to Tony and gestured to the exit with a side nod of her head. "let's go?" She asked rhetorically, then licked her two fingers like they were furry lollipops.

"Uh, yeah... let's go." Tony agreed, albeit a little stunned. They walked away from the table, and Misato turned her head back to Niki for a moment.

"Have a good shift, my dear." She said, bidding her farewell.

"Thank you, Mommy," Niki replied, still catching her breath against the table. Misato looked at Tony and held her sticky fingers out.

"Wanna taste? She asked. Tony's eyebrows knitted, genuinely unsure if she was joking.

"Uh, no, I'm good." He replied. Misato chortled.

"More for me." She said, sticking her fingers into her half-formed muzzle.

The two walked through the dinner, passing customers and staff engaged in a cornucopia of lewd acts. Their clothes were not the same clothes they wore earlier. Well, they were. They were just...more revealing or provocative than before.

They passed the deer and wolf couple, who were now fucking in their booth. They were up on the table, and the wolf was on all fours as the deer pounded into her with all his might. Her hands rested on the top of the booth's backrest, and she used it to push back against her lover.

"Oh, fuck yeah, Andrew! Breed me like the dirty mutt I am!" She cried. The deer gave her a hearty snort in response. His hand grasped her lifted tail by its base like a handle, and his other hand grabbed her silvery hair locks, pulling her head backward and tilting her head to the ceiling. She let her tongue hang out the sides of her maw in bliss. Misato hummed in pleasure at the couple as they passed, still sucking her fingers.

When they reached the front entrance, Lydia was still absent, probably in the back with the bear chef. Tony gazed up at the flatscreen TV mounted above the waiting area. The news was on, and Austin Dawkins was still giving reports. However, he looked like he had changed more since that morning. His face now had a pronounced muzzle, and tawny fur bordered his face, appearing to grow around the sides of his head and on parts of his neck. His blazer was hanging open, revealing the collared dress shirt beneath. The top few buttons on his dress shirt were undone, more than enough to prominently display the ample cleavage of his oversized chest.

Tony didn't think anything of it this time. Austin just...always looked that way, right? Although Tony remembered the anchor having more fur. Wasn't he...actually a she? She was a lioness, wasn't she? Tony shook his head and passed through the front doors behind Misato, who was still 'cleaning' her hand.

He hoped the park would be a little more normal...


It was not more normal, not in the least...

Tony stood at the gate to the city's central park. His mouth was agape, and his eyes were wide open, darting from one strange happening to the next.

Everywhere he looked, people were sparsely scattered about the park, all in pairs or groups, all engaged in various sexual acts. Those that weren't looked like they were at least preparing to. Their outfits did little to conceal their furry or partially furry bodies; everyone around the park seemed to have succumbed to the same transformations everyone else Tony had seen that day had, in one way or another.

Misato took a long inward breath, exhaling with a long, content sigh.

"Oooh, I can smell the heart blossoms blooming. Looks like everyone else can, too, eh?" She made a sharp sucking noise through her teeth, giving Tony's side a playful jab with her elbow. The jab snapped Tony out of his trance, and he blinked.

"Uh...what?" He asked, distracted by the debauchery going on around him.

"The heart blossoms?" She asked, giving him a strange look. Tony turned to her and figured he should reply with...something... Luckily, these 'heart blossoms' sounded familiar.

"Oh, yeah...I thought I heard something about that on the news this morning." Tony gazed out around the grassy field, noticing the short red flowers carpeting the area in speckled patterns. He bent down and picked one of them up, studying it. The flower's petals were made up of every shade of red, all blending together in kaleidoscopic patterns.

He sniffed the flower, taking note of its unnaturally pleasant scent, like perfume. It made him a little light-headed and sent blood racing straight to his manhood. He blushed and dropped the flower. Misato patted him on the back.

"Whoa, careful there, girl. Don't get too excited too soon. We still have to work out, you know." Tony raised an eyebrow at her statement.

"Don't you mean, boy?" he asked. Misato frowned and scratched the back of her head.

"" She said, clearly unsure. She let her hand fall down to the gym bag strap hanging off her shoulder. "Oh, whatever, let's get to our spot before it gets too busy." She suggested.

"Oh...Yeah." Tony agreed, forgetting why they had come here with all the fornicating happening. "Yeah, let's get going."

The two strolled along the central path to where the main fields were. Tony couldn't keep his head from rubbernecking this way and that, trying to take in the plethora of lewd acts on display. Misato was doing the same, only with her hand down her shorts.

Tony stopped when he eyed a scene where a couple had been having a picnic. 'Had' indeed, as the setting of the picnic basket and food were now disheveled, laying about discordantly, carelessly knocked over due to the fact that the man was balls deep in his lady.

The writhing couple still appeared to be primarily human. Their only animalistic features were some shimmering scales on the lady and a mouse tail trailing from the man's spine.

What was striking to Tony was how rapidly those changes happened. From when he noticed them to when he was nearly walking past them, those animal features had grown on them. As he stared at them, more changes spread over their bodies, shifting their forms. The woman's were, by far, the most prominent.

The scarlet scales that speckled her body spread over her naked skin, filling the spaces between them and pushing out over the areas not yet 'graced' by the shimmering carapace. Her musculature changed wherever the scales grew, bulging and masculinizing. Her bone structure seemed to do the same, broadening until she was larger than her partner, much larger. As her hair began to retreat into her scalp, Tony saw why she was gaining such height on the man.

To call him a man at this point would only be technical. The 'man' no longer had the same male form one would associate with a 'man.' His shoulders had narrowed significantly. His hips had broadened, too, and the manly grunts of pleasure he once emitted were now feminine squeaks of delight. He was smaller, much smaller than the woman was now, and so was his cock. He looked like he was having some trouble keeping his every shortening member.

The woman released her legs from around his waist, letting them fall to the wayside. Tony stood wide-eyed as they appeared to flop around like rubber, becoming useless versions of themselves, like her leg bones had turned to jelly within them. He found out rather fast as they began fusing together from her groin, the gap between them closing like the top of a ziplock bag.

Her new, serpentine lower-half flopped lethargically as the bones within reshaped and filled the tail-like appendage with rigidity. The 'woman' flexed her tail, swiftly coiling it around the 'man' whose skin was sprouting a soft coat of white fur. She lifted her pint-sized lover off the ground, simultaneously using the new, powerful, yet agile muscles of her lower half to sit up on the blanket or as close to sitting as one could get with such a serpentine form.

The rapidly feminizing mouse man squeaked at the sudden dominance being exerted over him, or...her, as she probably should be identified, due to the last of her male genitals disappearing into the fresh folds of her new pussy. The tapering end of the serpentine's tail flexed between the mouse girl's legs, slipping into her new sex. A loud and pleasantly startled *Sqeak!* resounded from her extruding muzzle, her big rodent teeth on full display.

The scarlet scales wrapped over the snake woman's bald scalp, finalizing the transformation of her skin. The final shape of her head took hold, and her growing serpentine snout gradually cracked into place, leaving her face long and broad, with a maw capable of stretching to inhuman levels. Tony imagined how large her fangs must be and how potent her venom had to be to take down prey of her size.

'Her' and 'she' didn't seem right when referring to the beast. Tony's eyes had been glued to her upper visage and hadn't noticed until now that she sported an entirely new set of genitalia. Not one, but two identical members slithered from the slit that was once her vagina. They grew; whether that was because they were emerging as the male snake person became aroused or were still transforming, Tony didn't know. With a quick glance upward, Tony spotted the cobra-like hood spreading wide from the snake man's head and elongated neck.

"Hot..." Misato peeped up from beside Tony. Tony started, forgetting she was even there. He looked over at her and then down between her legs. She was shamelessly fingering herself, her shorts bulging with the vigorous motions of her fingers.

"It's not every day you see a naga out during the day." She mentioned, as if what they had been watching for the past few minutes were simply a rare treat rather than something that should only exist in the perverse fiction.

Ridges sprung from the naga's spine, making a series of cracks that drew Tony's attention back to the couple. The naga let out a basey, throaty hiss and brought the mouse lady level to his face. A shimmering flash lit in the naga's eyes, and colorful spiraling patterns faded into opaqueness over those pearlescent orbs. It took no time at all for the mouse to be fully enthralled.

Tony wondered what it would feel like to be constricted in such a way and by a lover, no less. He'd thought about being tied up before, sure. But to be bound by a lover's body instead of rope or chains, to feel the flex and squeeze of powerful muscles, the rough but slippery scales over one's skin. It was intriguing, to say the least.

Tony fantasized about taking the mouse's place, allowing the naga to wrap himself around his body and lift him from the ground, leaving him helpless and at the whims of the monstrous reptile. To feel the grip of that tail, caressing him when it could so easily crush him, to give up all agency to this...creature, and put one's own life in the naga's hands...or...tail...made him tingle all over, stirred something inside him, awakening it.

He began to imagine being that mouse. Having that serpentine tail wrapped around his feminine mouse body. Of being pulled down onto the naga's mighty cocks, both of them, and being stuffed in both her holes, over and over again, breasts bouncing in rhythm, being used as a living cocksleeve for this scaley beast's sexual gratification.

Maybe this strange obsession was implanted in his mind subconsciously by the scenes of copious fornication scattered throughout the park. Perhaps the mouse wasn't the only one being lolled into a state of subservience. Regardless, Tony felt an aching compulsion to...join in...

He caught himself stepping toward the naga and his mousy prey and stopped, snapping out of it and realizing what he was about to do, and with a male naga, too. What was he thinking?

Tony gave his head a shake. He was getting as depraved as Misato. The park and its lusty patrons must have some effect on him, making him more susceptible to 'unconventional' thoughts. Perhaps finding another place for the two to exercise would be wise.

"Uh, I'm not sure the park is such a great idea today," Tony said, irked by the happenings thus far. "I think we should just going to go the gym. Hopefully, there's less of all...this, there." Misato *tsk*ed at him, slipping her hand from her 'pocket.'

"Awe, c'mon, Sil-, er, I mean, Tony." She paused to ponder her sentence like she was unsure what to call Tony. "We...we came all the way here. I don't wanna waste more time walking to the gym. Besides..." She took a long sniff of the air. "The air here is so fresh, and the heart blossoms are so fragrant. The gym probably smells like sweaty feet."

Tony sighed, exasperated. He figured she was right; they'd already wasted enough time at the diner, as much as he enjoyed Heather's company. He rubbed his eyes with one hand. "Alright, let's just...go to our spot."

"Thought you'd see it my way." Misato quipped. She led away from where the naga and mouse were going at it, and Tony followed.

A few minutes later, they reached their usual spot. Fewer flowers were blooming in this spot, which did wonders for Tony's spinning head, plus the number of fornicating people had drastically lessened. Perhaps this was because most couldn't reach far enough into the park before their carnal instincts took hold, Tony thought to himself.

Misato dropped her gym bag beside her on the grass, and Tony did the same to his. The two began stretching, both of them eyeing the lustful couples and groups nearest them. Tony's head turned on a slow swivel, taking in the sights, until he spotted something that stood out, even for the scenes around him.

A man in a white lab coat was jogging up the path leading past the stretching pair. He looked many years older than Tony, and the closer he got, the more they could make out how disheveled he was, like he hadn't slept all night, changed his clothes, or showered.

He looked around frantically, distraught at the goings-on about the park. Tony could empathize with him. Things were pretty weird out today.

The man saw Tony and Misato, double-taking when he noticed Tony in particular. "Ugh, now what?" Tony griped under his breath.

"You!" The man shouted, pointing at Tony as he approached the two. Tony's stance became guarded as the man drew nearer, his eyebrow cocking at the man. Was this guy going to start a fight with him? What was his deal?

"You've noticed the changes happening around the city, too, yes?" He asked, now only a few meters away. Tony relaxed a little at his question. This was the first person he'd met today that didn't treat all the strangeness as anything but ordinary.

"Uh...yeeeah?"Tony replied uneasily. Then shot back with a more enthused, "Yeah!"

"You have?" The man asked, stopping before Tony and Misato.

"Yeah, I've noticed a lot of strange stuff out today." Tony reaffirmed.

"Buildings changing shape? Oversexed people transforming into half-animal creatures? Plants that have become sentient or overgrown?"

Tony looked around. He hadn't noticed anything involving plants before, but as the red flowers began blossoming toward the three, like a tide coming in to surround the three, he figured all three things the man described were indeed happening.

"Yeah, all of that," Tony replied. "I've been seeing all of that all day."

"I'm sorry." Misato cut in. "Who are you, exactly?" The man turned to her, looking over her progressing tiger-like features. He cleared his throat and dusted off his lab coat before running a hand through his short, slightly greying blonde hair.

"I apologize. I must come off as a bit of a lunatic. I'm Dr. Kyle Arlington, Astronomer."

"What's an astronomer doing in the middle of a park?" Tony asked.

"And why during the day? You seem like you're running from something." Misato added.

"You seem to know something about what's going on around here," Tony remarked, returning the exchange to the original topic.

"Indeed, I do. Or, at least, I have a theory." Dr. Arlington replied.

"You do?" Tony asked, becoming excited that his questions might actually be answered. "Well, let's hear it!"

"Ok, so," Dr. Arlington began. Tony eagerly awaited the doctor's hypothesis. "Last night, I was working at the observatory, as I always have, when suddenly, my ultra-long-range telescope picked up an energy surge from a nearby galaxy. I ran to warn my assistant, but by the time I could reach her, this energy surge had already reached Earth." He paused to ensure the two were keeping up, or at the very least, still listening. Tony looked enthralled so far, while Misato looked more than skeptical.

"Anyways, this event lit up the night sky with blue light, forming patterns not unlike a kaleidoscope. Perhaps you two saw it by chance?"

"Yeah." Misato agreed. "I saw something like that last night while out on my walk. I thought it was the Aroura Borealis."

"I thought it was fireworks," Tony added. "I closed my blinds, though. Had a lot of animating to do."

"Fireworks? Aroura Borealis?" The doctor looked at the two like they were stupid. But he waved their naivety aside and continued. "This was far more incredible than either of those. I caught a glimpse of it myself. Had to force myself not to look. It seems to have had a hypnotic effect. My assistant was not so lucky. Her eyes were glued to the sky from our cafeteria windows. I tried to stop her, but she insisted I...join her." He turned to Misato. "How long were you looking at the skies last night?"

Misato hummed in thought. "I dunno. A while, I suppose. I kinda lost track. Woke up in my bed this morning without much recollection of last night, must have had a few drinks."

"Great, Scott!" The doctor exclaimed. "That would explain your...feline appearance." He remarked.

"What are you talking about? I've always looked like this." She said, a little offended.

"Hmm...indeed." He replied incredulously. "This leads me to the next part of my theory." Dr. Arlington said, speaking mainly to Tony. "I think those exposed to this light for enough time are changing, like your friend here. Those experiencing these changes also seem to be experiencing some sort of mental shift, false memories, or, perhaps their minds have shifted as much as their bodies have, so these transformations seem natural, like they've always been that way."

"That would explain why all this strange stuff feels...familiar to me." Tony deduced.

"Precisely!" Dr. Arlington exclaimed. "The level at which it seems to affect those exposed seems to depend on how long they were exposed to the event. You didn't gaze at it very long, I presume?" He asked Tony.

"No, maybe a few seconds is all. Then I went back to work." Tony replied.

"Excellent!" the doctor exclaimed again. "I...uh...sheltered myself away from it all night. So I didn't see it much more than you did. That would explain why we are still...normal...compared to everyone else. The event must have carried on into the late morning, or I don't think nearly as many people would be under its...uh...influence?"

Dr. Arlington seemed to be still piecing his theory together as he went. Tony was enthralled, while Misato seemed to be getting bored. She'd returned to stretching as she listened.

"Well, I definitely slept in late today," Tony admitted, scratching his head. "But I woke up in a much larger house, which is funny you mentioned the memory thing. I could swear I had a condo before today."

"That's just it, uh...I'm sorry, I never got your name." The doctor said uneasily.

"It's Tony," Tony replied.

"Misato," Misato said while in the middle of touching her toes. Her tiger's tail swayed lazily behind her.

"Right." Dr. Arlington began. "Very glad to meet you, Tony. Anyways, uh...where was I..." He paused for a few seconds, recalling. "Oh, yes. You see, the reason your house is different, I believe, is that people aren't the only thing being transformed by this cosmic event. Structures are too! They seem to have recombined, allowing a more livable space for their occupants. I went home earlier this morning to gather a few notes on a similar phenomenon and found that my townhouse was a whole single-family home, and my neighbors were living in it! They had all been transformed, of course, and were..." He lowered his voice for the next part. "Fornicating in my...our living room."

"Uh huh," Tony murmured, digesting the information Dr. Arlington had just dumped on him; both were too lost in conversation to notice how Dr. Arlington's dress shirt had changed into a pink blouse beneath his lab coat. The only question Tony could think to ask the doctor was, "So, how did you end up here in the park?"

"My car ran into gridlock. I could no longer get anywhere other than on foot due to the drivers and passengers of other cars abandoning their vehicles to participate in some...wild and unrestrained orgy. They insisted I join, some even coming after me, so I ran. And here I am."

"So...what do we do?" Tony asked.

"I need to get to someone within the government hierarchy. Someone like us who still hasn't come under the effect of this cosmic event. Someone that can organize an effort to reverse these changes." Dr. Arlington explained.

Tony scoffed.

"Well, good luck with that. You're the first person I've met in this whole city that's still normal." He looked over at Misato, who was stretching her shoulder by crossing her other arm over her elbow and pulling. "For a while, I thought Misato here was pretty normal...but...I mean...just look at her now."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Misato asked, now irritated. "As far as I'm concerned, the two of you sound like a couple of raving lunatics." She stopped stretching and placed her hands on her hips. "Now, were going to work out, or are the two of you going to keep sucking each other off?"

Tony and Dr. Arlington were taken a little aback by Misato's comment.

"I'm afraid your friend is a little too far gone...." Dr. Arlington quipped.

Just then, Misato sharply inhaled a long, full breath of air. "Ohhhh." She purred. Her ears twitched at the snapping of her face as her muzzle became more pronounced. "I can really smell the heart blossoms here. They must be blooming across the whole park." The other two watched in morbid fascination as her breasts seemed to grow another size under her top.

"Actually, maybe it would be fun if you two, ya'know...actually sucked each other off." The two looked on as she reached for the lower hem of her cropped exercise top and pulled it over her head, letting her new giant tits bob out over her chest.

"The heart blossoms..." Dr. Arlington looked down at the grass, then around the park. "I've been hearing those mentioned a lot in passing today. They seem to be some new flora, changed by last night's event. They seem to give off an...aphrodisiac of sorts. A strong form of aphrodisiac that appears to accelerate the transformations afflicting everyone."

"You mentioned the plants had changed earlier," Tony mentioned.

"Yes, I did. The plants of this city appear to have developed sentience of sorts. Not only that, but they've apparently developed ways to...interact with people too. In...intimate ways." He explained, putting it lightly.

Tony was gazing around the park as Dr. Alington explained his hypothesis. He noticed the speckling of red growing more intense throughout the grassy areas. These...heart blossoms were everywhere, all opening, cascading toward the three like a swarm. Soon the heart blossoms would be blossoming right under their feet.

"Uh, doctor?" Tony inquired, pointing out the wave of opening flowers around them. Dr. Arlington looked around, taking in the same scenery Tony was.

"Great, Scott!" He exclaimed. "This could end badly for us. We need to get out of here before we're overwhelmed. We both saw the lights last night. These plant's pheromones could activate the latent changes dormant within our DNA!"

Tony turned to Misato, who was bending down to take off her shorts, which were already slipping down her thighs. "Misato. We have to get out of here!" He informed, dire urgency in his voice.

"Forget her. She's lost to the changes!" Dr. Arlington urged.

"I can't just leave my friend here to become a mindless sex zombie!" Tony exclaimed, turning back to the doctor. Neither noticed Misato stepping out of the shorts and panties between her legs. Neither noticed her at all until she was right next to them, each of her hands grasping one of their wrists.

"Leave me for what? Don't you two want to be good girls and enjoy the flowers with Mommy?" She asked as sweetly as she did amorously. The two tried to break free of her, but her strength and grip were too great. Tony didn't remember Misato ever being this strong before.

"Misato, stop screwing around! We have to get out of here!" Tony urged.

"Noooooo. Stay with me, Silvy. Stay with me and mate." Her words shifted from a croon to a growl as she spoke. Tony and Dr. Arlington could smell the saccharine aroma of the heart blossoms now. It made Tony's heart beat faster, which in turn, sent blood flooding his member. He recalled how aroused the first few whiffs of the altered plants and their pheromones made him. It made him all the more determined to escape Misato's grasp.

"Let go!" Tony cried. He and Dr. Arlington yanked with all their might, but Misato had become far too powerful. With one big pull of her arms, Misato jerked the two men into her embrace, an embrace that was more encompassing than Tony would have expected. Had she grown? Her bust certainly had. Tony and Dr. Arlington's faces connected with Misato's hefty breasts, and Tony found his head turning up to hers.

He could have sworn it was quite the opposite only an hour before.

"Good girls." She crooned. Give momma a big hug and enjoy the flowers with me." Misato's strong arms wrapped around the two, and she held them firmly to her body, which was slowly extruding a furry hide.

Dr. Arlington looked over at Tony's face from his place against Misato's left breast.

"We need to resist the plant's pheromones. It's our only chance of getting out of here." He suggested with struggling breath.

"I...don't know if I can do that, doctor. I'm...I'm already feeling them getting to me."

The two gasped for breath against the ever-becoming Tiger lady. Things seemed futile, for with each breath, Tony felt himself becoming weaker, lustier, and...more submissive...

Misato pulled the two to her sides, keeping her arms firmly wrapped around them, keeping them tight to her flanks. She gazed around the park, spotting a few fornicating people within the three's field of view.

"Why don't you two girls get acquainted with what mating looks like?" She suggested with a doting yet commanding tone. "Go ahead, get a good look, take it all in." Both men looked on, each pair of eyes landing on a different scene.

Tony watched a couple go at it on a concrete picnic table, a man and a woman. The man was sitting on the bench, pants down around his ankles, while the woman gave him a blowjob to his ample enjoyment. Patches of chestnut brown fur were already growing from his skin, wherever it was bare, and Tony could see at least. He was wearing a tight tank top but not much else. The patches grew steadily, and his face stretched outward into a muzzle.

The woman, on the other hand, was growing grey fur and wearing nothing but a bra. The rest of her clothes lay strewn about the ground around her with her partner's. She fingered herself while she pleased her mate, her hand digging furiously between her legs as her head bobbed up and down.

Meanwhile, Dr. Arlington was watching not two but three changing people, two men and one woman. They were on the grass beneath a tree, both men spit-roasting the woman. In and out, they thrust, over and over, ravishing the girl, who enthusiastically threw her hips back against her rearmost lover while hungrily choking down the other's rigid member. The doctor failed to notice any changes to these three as of yet, but what he did notice were the tentacle-like vines emerging from the tree above them, snaking and entangling downward toward the trio.

"What a show! Am I right, girls?" Misato boisterously asked. Her hands slipped beneath their arms, wrapping around their torsos. Neither man replied. They couldn't. They could only cry out with feminine yelps as Misato grasped their newly emerged breast flesh with each of her giant hands.

They'd been too distracted to notice the new growths in their chests. Tony had his own since the diner, but the oblivious man figured it was just his workouts with Misato paying off. Despite having them longer than the doctor, the two gasped just the same. All the more so when they felt them grow in Misato's firm hands.

"There we go, girls, just enjoy mommy's hands while you watch. You'll be leaking in no time." The two in Misato's hold looked on, their heads spinning with the pheromones of the heart blossoms. Any resistance to the altered plants had waned long ago. It wouldn't be long until they were bound to their baser desires.

Tony stared, almost unblinking, at the couple at the picnic table. The woman had a large, bushy raccoon tail snaking out from where her tailbone had been. Grey fur coated her whole body now, and when Tony focused on her lap, he found she was no longer touching herself like a woman typically would. Her fingers made a pumping motion, and her fingers were no longer crammed straight between her she was stroking a cock...her own cock.

Meanwhile, the man receiving fellatio only had a few patches of skin left. The rest of him was all chestnut brown fur. A long, pluming squirrel tail sprung up from under the other side of the table, nearly long enough to match his height.

Tony felt warmer watching the two. Whether this was from the bubbling arousal inside him or the thick copper-orange and ashen-black fur sprouting from his body, he couldn't tell. He was barely aware he was growing fur at all. All he knew was his skin prickled with pins and needles, adding extra sensations to his already sensitive body.

He looked on as Misato squeezed his tits. They must have been C-cups already. Tony rather enjoyed them. Secretly, he loved how his body was shifting, like all the others he'd seen that day. It felt good to be a part of something.

Meanwhile, Dr. Arlington was still engrossed with the spit-roasting still playing out before him. He watched as the tentacle-like vines wrapped around the limbs of all three participants, each spiraling toward their rears, then sliding inside their puckered assholes, worming inside to incredible lengths. He could hear their moans even from his place across the field with his two new companions. It looked, so...pleasurable... He wanted to experience the same, to leave the two and join them. But Misato's hold on him was too tight to move. As he saw the two men grow breasts that bobbed and shook with their every movement, he felt his grow in tandem.

Tony's vulpine eyes were still glued to his chosen show of depravity, particularly the squirrel man. The man's hips were expanding, giving him a rounder, plumper ass. His cock had shrunk down so much the raccoon woman blowing him had trouble continuing. 'She,' if one could even call her she anymore, what with the cock she now stroked between her fingers and the shrinking of her breasts, was forced to lick it with her long tongue.

Tony's ears, which were now longer, triangular, and crawling up his head, flickered downward at the sound of his hips snapping. Although he didn't take his eyes off the two across the grass, he could tell by the stretching of the fur-patched skin around his hips that they were growing wider. The way the uncomfortable tightness in his pants lessened also indicated how his manhood was changing, much like the squirrel's.

If something like this were to happen on any 'normal' day, he would have been terrified, even in shock. But now, on such a strange day like felt this was how he should have always been, had always been. He hoped this was a prelude to the womanhood he suddenly yearned for. these changes. He...or...she...submitted to these changes, letting their will be done on her.

The threeway beneath the tree, the one that Dr. Arlington had held his eyes permanently affixed to, came to its logical conclusion: it was following the same formula as everyone else in the city. The vine-bound trio's animalistic changes finally began to grip them like Misato was gripping his D-cups.

The 'man' behind the woman began to take on scales and ridges, not to mention the sproutings of a tapering tail from his tailbone and two membrane-webbed wings from his back. His face cracked, widening and elongating into a reptilian snout. Was he becoming a...dragon? Those didn't even exist in the real world. But what was real anymore, really?

The woman's skin broke out in tuffs of khaki fur. Her face appeared to form a much smaller, vulpine snout as it crackled with growth. The most noticeable was her ears. They just kept growing larger and larger, gaining triangular points. A fuzzy tail snaked out from her tailbone, pressing against the half-dragon behind her and wagging against his scaley stomach.

Thirdly and finally, the 'man' being blown by 'his' fennec partner sprouted patches of finer, white fur. A shorter tail grew from the base of his spine, and his torso lengthened a few inches more. His face was shifting into a mustelid snout, and his ears faintly pointed, widening into a rounder shape as they climbed up his head.

All these bestial changes stirred something in the doctor. His skin prickled and itched, and so did his tailbone. He felt warmer, deducing it was probably the walnut-brown pelt spreading over his body, not to mention the tail he was most likely growing like the others had. This would all be so very fascinating to document had he not been drowning in the arousing scent of the flora around him and the new animal instincts driving him to...mate?

"Oh, what a cute little cotton tail you have, missy," Misato said. Something warm and throbbing brushed over it as the tiger lady behind him shifted her hips. Although this new extremity of the tigress's form was an afterthought. He was more concerned about how she had just called him 'cute,' and 'missy.'

"I'm not cute!" The doctor protested, his new feminine voice betraying his statement. "I'm a man of science!" The transforming rabbit stuck his chest out, striking a confident pose. In doing this, he inadvertently revealed how large his chest had grown and how his petite blouse had shifted into a lacy red bra. His bra complemented his new breasts nicely, and Misato eyed them, cracking a sly grin.

Misato let out a *psht,* trivializing his protests. "Are you sure? A sexy little bunny girl of science, definitely." She chuckled before letting go of Dr. Arlington, only to give him a firm smack on the ass that made him squeak in surprise and pain. She pulled him back in before he could go running off. This time, her arm curled around his waist, her hand hovering over his bulge, or...where his bugle should have been...

He couldn't feel the same pressure in his dress pants as he had expected to. No feeling of his rigid cock confined inside his clothes as they pressed against it. There was a smoothness to his crotch now, and as Misato pressed her fingers into the space between his legs, he felt a moistness dampening his boxer briefs and a sensation unlike he had ever felt before.

"Ah! Hey!" Dr. Arlington whinged, his new voice anything but intimidating. Not to mention how his stature seemed to have shrunk. Still, Misato pressed her strong, striped fingers into his...vulva... "Stop that, you pervert!" She shrieked.

She... Dr. Arlington supposed that was the more accurate form of pronoun to use when referring to...herself. To suggest otherwise would go against the empirical methods she lived by and held dear.

"Why? I know you like it, missy." Misato teased. "I can tell by how it makes your little bunny body quiver." Her voice got increasingly predatory with each word. The doctor squirmed against the massive tigress, eyes still on the three transforming individuals across the grass as they writhed in the grip of the sentient vines.

"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" Misato insisted. "You'd like to be coiled and helpless while those vines slither and wriggle over your fur and inside your holes." Dr. Arlington jerked in Misato's grasp.

"N-no! Of course not! How lewd!" She protested. Her ears landed on her shoulders, long enough to flop lazily over them. They only made Misato's domineering yet motherly tone sound much more pronounced and throaty. She heard every rumble of her vocal cords, every ounce of breath passing in and out of the tigress's maw, every slimy movement of Misato's tongue. It made the bunny girl shiver all over.

Dr. Arlington's new ears also allowed her to hear the many cracks and snaps in her face with acuity. Her face entered the peripherals of her vision, denoting the growth of her leporine muzzle. Her tongue slid across her new teeth, the frontmost four growing noticeably larger than the others, which remained the same size relative to her snout.

"Ah!" The doctor squealed, recoiling at the sensations afflicting his face. They felt more distinct, more intense than the rest of her changes.

"You said your name was Kyle before, right?" Misato asked, growling into Dr. Arlington's ear, making the bunny shrink away the best she could in Misato's debilitating hold.

"Yes, My name is Dr. Kyle Arlinton!" She spat back, cheeks blushing under her fresh facial fur. "Doctor!" She emphasized angrily.

"Oh, yes... doctor..." Misato mocked. "You're such an important little bunny. But...I don't think Kyle suits you anymore. What's your real name." Misato asked, urging the bunny to give her a more proper name to call her. Unlike Silvy, she had no prior memories of Dr. Arlington to go by.

"My name..." Dr. Arlington began, reiterating that her name was indeed what she claimed it to be. "Is Dr...Kyle...Arlington!" She growled in frustration, trying arduously to retain some semblance of herself. After all, the name on her diploma was Dr. Kyle Arlington. She had a reputation and a career to continue once she could escape this deranged Tigress. But...did she really want to, or was she futilely trying to retain some imagined sense of a more dignified self, as if it would stave off the transformations gripping her form?

Misato only laughed at the bunny's attempt to sound menacing.

"I think...Kylie would be perfect since you can't seem to part with your silly male name." Misato suggested, sounding more like a final decision. Kylie...couldn't believe her still lengthening ears. She looked to Silvy.

"Are...are you just going to let her do this to us!" She squeaked. "Like she's our...our...mother, or something!" Silvy's jaw popped and crackled as she opened her growing vulpine maw for the first time.

"Mommy can do whatever she wants. She's our mommy, after all." Silvy said absentmindedly, still looking off at the two at the picnic bench. The new squirrel lady shrieked as she came, the new raccoon man working her through her orgasm with his tongue. She gripped Misato's thigh as she watched, living vicariously through the squirrel, desperately wanting to feel every possible sensation afforded by her new feminine sex.

Misato, whose interest had been piqued by Silvy's reply, turned her attention to the changing cross fox and noticed the focus of the girl's gaze. She watched with Silvy as the squirrel gripped the edge of the concrete table, spewing girlish moans into the intoxicating air.

"Oh, poor Silvy...I bet you're dying to feel what she feels, aren't you?" Misato asked, cooing. Silvy whimpered and shuffled in her place against the tigress, pressing into her formidable body. The raccoon man finished his services between the squirrel's legs and stood up, a feral smirk adorning his face. He grabbed the squirrel's thighs and hoisted her onto the tabletop, pulling her hips towards his and sliding his sizable cock into the new girl's freshly eaten-out pussy. The two cried out in pleasure, audible by all three, even from across the field. Their new ears definitely helped, all six twitching at the sudden elations.

"Yes, Mommy. Yes, I do." She said, a pleading whine under-toning her voice. Misato made an empathetic *awe,* and pulled her arm comfortingly up around Silvy's shoulders.

"In due time, little one," Misato whispered. She looked between the two girls and smiled a sharp and toothy grin. "How would you two like some milk?" She asked. Silvy's head snapped to the side until Misato's giant tits were well within view. Kylie's head lazily drifted over, side-eyeing the tigress's chest.

"Milk?!" Silvy asked excitedly, her eyes rising to meet Misato's

"Milk?" Kylie also asked with incredulity. Her eyes shifted up and down between Misato's eyes and her enormous chest.

"Yeah, help yourselves, dears." She offered.

Silvy jumped at the opportunity, turning her body around and latching onto Misato's teat, sucking eagerly. Rich, sweet, creamy milk sprayed into the vixen's mouth the second she drew inward through her mouth, washing over her tongue, delivering instant delight. Silvy hummed as she pulled more nectar-like cream into her enclosed maw. The more she sucked, the more Misato's teat flooded the vixen's mouth, forcing her to gulp down larger and heavier volumes.

It made her feel so good, so calm. It made her heart race and her nethers gush. She tasted tastes she'd never had before. The sweet base, the cinnamon motes, the peach waves, and the vanilla dashes. It all combined in such a way that sent her body into euphoric detachment. Her running shoes burst as she unknowingly bucked her hips, the bestial feet emerging from the split material as her final transformation. She was entirely a vixen now. She was who she always remembered herself to be.

Kylie was hesitant to suck Misato's breast. She was pretty thirsty, especially after all the running she'd done earlier. She...could go for some warm, creamy milk...but would she really stoop to the levels Silvy willingly threw herself down to? She watched the vixen moan and coo as she drank hungrily, her head slowly tilting from side to side, constantly seeking a better position to tap the tigress's sweet cream.

"Don't you want some, Kylie, dear?" Misato asked the bunny in her motherly tone.

"I...don't...think..." She began to say, watching Silvy writhe on Misato's other tit like she was high on uppers at a rave. She opened her mouth to add another word to her drawn-out sentence when Misato reached up and grasped the back of her head, pulling her mouth onto her sizable nipple.

"There you go, just have a taste. I'm sure you'll like it. There's more than enough for both of you, and I'm more than happy to give you all you care to consume." Misato assured.

Kylie protested, pushing back from the striped goddess attempting to feed her. She grunted in distress, the unavoidable vacuum of her mouth drawing the first few drops free over her tongue. She tasted the flavor. Even as minuscule as it was, it was...fantastic... was incredible! Perhaps she could have...just a little bit more, right? Then she'd pull herself free and escape. Yeah, that sounded like a...sound plan...

Kylie suckled cautiously on Misato, not much, but enough to pull more of the nectar-like fluid free from her teat, just enough to wash the inside of her muzzled mouth. She took care not to bite the tigress, being mindful of her new, enlarged front teeth. Misato's milk flowed over her tongue, and the bunny couldn't stop herself from cooing. Misato crooned and petted her new rabbit friend's fluffy blonde head fur.

"See, I told you you'd like it. It's sublime, isn't it?"

Kylie briefly looked up at her with irritated eyes, unappreciative of Misato's condescension. But that glance faded away as she drank more hungrily. Soon her eyes closed, and she pressed into the Tigress's body, her body beginning to feel a touch of numbing euphoria.

"There we go...Drink plentily, my girls. Enjoy every drop of mommy's sweet cream." Misato insisted, as if the two would even want to stop at this point.

Kylie's pants and boxer briefs started slipping from her hips, indicating she'd lost a few sizes in her transformations. Indeed, she had shrunk in frame and posture except for her feet, which only appeared to grow. They felt cramped inside her dress shoes, far too cramped. She tried to slip them off with her heels but found them uncooperative. A tear in their polished leather, clearly heard by her new rabbit ears, insinuated that they'd be off her soon enough. One way or another.

The crumping sound of bursting leather and the sudden feeling of relief in her feet let her know her shoes had suffered the same fate as Silvy's, her oversized rabbit feet emerging from them. With her new, fuzzy, padless feet, Kylie could gain another foot by standing on her tippy toes, which she did, extending herself to make up for the inches lost in her transformation.

They nursed off the tigress like they were her own young. Soon Kylie joined Silvy in writhing with ecstatic sensations. Their bodies pulsated with exultation, especially their drooling nethers, both pairs of lower lips begging to be stimulated. The two new mammals leaned into Misato's powerful legs, one leg each. Silvy was the first to grind her dripping pussy on the firm leg muscles, more out of instinct than anything. Kylie wasn't far behind, and the two both humped their tiger mommy like the needy girls they were.

"You two are so adorable. Is the heat taking over your senses that badly?" Misato followed her words up with a long inward breath through her nose. "God, I can smell you two. So needy, so ready for mating...for breeding...."

Silvy noticed the touch of something fleshy, rigid, and lightly spined. It rested against her waist, its presence eliciting needy whines from the vixen. Misato's male musk filled her nose while the euphorically tasty milk filled her belly. She NEEDED Misato inside her, filling her past her limit, breaking her heat, and, best of all, knocking her up... Her ears pinned back against her head, and her whines grew louder, needier. Her tail lashed behind her like a whip.

Kylie had noticed this scent, too, the presence of the tigress's new manhood evident to her. She felt the heat coming off of it. But unlike her vulpine 'sister,' she lacked the sudden urge to take such a monstrous extremity inside her new lady parts. That didn't stop her from fantasizing about it, though. Images of her new body on top of the tigress wormed into her mind, riding the giant feline as her enormous cock hit every wonderous spot within her. Maybe she'd get on all fours and let Misato breed her like the bunny she was, perhaps pin her against a tree, lifting her by her thighs as she was jackhammered into, her new leporine claws digging into the thick bark at her back.

Misato's thighs were now matted in the girls' arousal. She felt the heat radiating from their pussies just as they felt the same heat emanate from her cock. She looked down when Silvy's hand gingerly grasped the shaft, stroking it back and forth, painting a better picture of its size without opening her eyes.

"Oh, yes..." Misato groaned in delight. "Good girl. You know exactly what you want." Kylie popped her lips free from Misato's tit, taking her first gander at the tigress's massive length of cock meat. Milk dribbled from her muzzle.

"I...I...want it, too... Mommy." Kylie murmured. A residual sliver of embarrassment at the words she chose to use and the desires she so clearly held forced a stammer. A groan rumbled in her throat as Kylie eyed Misato's member, so expertly stroked by Silvy's hand. She bit her lower lip, and Misato chuckled, addressing her yearning.

"I can see you do _... really _ want it, dear. But only one of you can take it at once." Misato sported a toothy grin, a brilliant idea suddenly coming to her. "Why don't you two have a little kissing contest? The winner gets to mate with me first." She suggested. Silvy removed her mouth from Misato's breast with an audible *pop*, her mouth dripping as much sweet milk as Kylie's. A few drops landed on the thicker fluff above her breasts, and she looked over at the rabbit girl.

Her eyes bore into Kylie's, so much so that Kylie was getting a little uneasy. "Ok, Mommy." The hungry vixen said, her glazed-over eyes and girlish voice lacking emotion. Kylie tried to back away, but Misato's arm kept her still, the tigress's hand petting her neck.

Slivy amorously attacked the rabbit, pulling her closer by her shoulders and planting her lips on hers. Kylie's eyes went wide. Already the vixen was forcing her long, canid tongue inside her mouth, and Kylie didn't know how to react. One of Silvy's hands dropped down between Kylie's legs, and two of her fingers slipped into the fold of the bunny's slippery sex.

Whatever resistance Kylie had built up crumbled like the undermined walls of a castle. She melted into Silvy's embrace, moaning and nuzzling closer to the vixen. Her mouth opened for her new lover, and the two's tongues danced in a coiling mass as they sucked each other's mouths. Silvy was the first to break their coupling.

"'re such a good kisser, so pretty too...and bet you're tight." She giggled, blushing even harder under her fur. Kylie blushed harder, too, flustered and intoxicated by the novel stimulus of having her pussy stroked.

"Y-you're a-AH! A good kisser, too, Silvy." She replied sheepishly, her sentence broken by Silvy's fingers probing her hole. Silvy smiled and gazed down to where Kylie's hand braced against Misato's stomach. She took it with her free hand, pulling it up to her breasts so Kylie could give them a good, exploratory feel.

"We should acclimate ourselves to each other's new bodies. Then we'll know what feels best." The vixen explained. Kylie swallowed hard and nodded, opening her mouth to pant as Silvy's fingers dug deeper into her pussy.

"Oh-ok..." Kylie whimpered before her whole body shook with a fur-ruffling shiver.

"You seem really tense too, Kylie. You should relax and let loose. It feels so good just to let the heat wash over you and guide you through the rutting." Silvy added soothingly as if she'd done this before. In her mind, she'd done many things before. At least her memories told her she had.

"Sh-sure." Kylie whimpered again. "Whatever y-you s-sAAYYYY!"

She cried out as one of Misato's burly feline digits parted Kylie's bare cheeks and crammed its way inside the bunny's tight tailhole.

"Yeah, let loose, Kylie." The tigress added cheekily. Her hand pulled Kylie closer, her finger still hooking inside the new girl. She did the same to Silvy, cramming her finger in the vixen's round butt and drawing her in so the two girls had something soft, warm, and brawny to lean against as they... 'acclimated themselves,' as Silvy so aptly put it.

The two girls locked muzzles again, tongues wriggling around one another, lips sucking, teeth biting, saliva interchanging. Their coos, moans, and whimpers flooded Misato's round, fuzzy ears like the most beautifully orchestrated symphony. Kylie rocked her hips against Silvy and Misato's hands as they probed and prodded her. Kylie continued kneading and pinching Silvy's nipples, and Silvy pushed her chest out for easier access. It made them so wet, Misato too, whose precum lept from her cock like a tightly squeezed tube of tanning oil. It splattered over the girls' embracing arms, and what didn't leap dribbled down her length to her fuzzy taint.

"I think Silvy might win this," Misato teased. "Although, I like how enthusiastic you're becoming, Kylie. Look at you writhe on our fingers like such a fragile little slut." Misato stopped to groan. The strain of her blood-engorged cock, yearning to be touched, was sensitive to their tight little furry bodies as they sandwiched it between them. "Fuck...which one of you should I break first? You're both So...ready for it."

A greenly shaded movement in her left peripheral made her head turn away from the girls. They were vines, like the ones ravishing the three mammals across the field, emerging from the trees closest to them. They looked intent on entangling with Misato and the girls, but Misato was unwilling to give her mates up so freely, and she swatted away the green tendrils, thus pulling her fingers out of Kylie. The rabbit moaned shrilly into Silvy's mouth.

"Fuck off!" Misato roared, using her monstrous tiger claws to shred through the plant matter. "These are mine!" One of the tentacle-like vines coiled around her arm, and she pulled, her herculean muscles ripping the vine from the tree. She shook the now lifeless appendage from her arm, watching it fall to the grass and heart blossoms below.

There were too many, though. There was no way Misato could fend them all off at once. Being the nearest target, it wasn't long before they'd wrapped their snaking forms around Kylie, binding her arms and legs. She struggled, pulling her attention away from Silvy, relinquishing her grasp on the vixen's breasts and uncoupling their lips.

"Hey!" She protested. "What?!" She looked about her body, seeing just how entangled she'd become. "Mommy!" She cried, hoping Misato would protect her.

"I'm trying..." Misato grunted, a protective growl underlying her words. She pulled at the vines, breaking a few apart, but there were always more, and her stamina just couldn't last, even with her brawny form. Soon, Kylie was lifted from her feet, the hapless rabbit being pulled away from her mates.

"Kylie!" Misato roared, reaching for the girl. Kylie panicked, fighting a losing battle against her living restraints. The tendrils covered more and more of her body, snaking over the more...sensitive parts of her new feminine body. This was where Kylie's fight crumbled. She let a moan slip past her lips. She harkened back to the three she'd watched earlier, remembering how the vines from that tree treated them like lovers, touching them...filling them. Her fight stopped there, and she began to embrace the many limbs coiling over her tight body.

"Kylie, I'll free you, don't worry!" Misato shouted, starting after her, leaving Silvy to touch herself in the absence of either mate. Kylie giggled before turning her attention back to the alarmed tigress.

"It's ok, I think." She gasped as one of the vines slithered against her sopping pussy and another pressed against her tailhole. "I-AH! I th-think I...kinda like this, Mommy." She assured, her breath coming out in panting gasps and coos. She moaned when the vine wriggling against her wet fold squirmed into her hole. Misato stopped following her, only meters from where she'd left Silvy.

"Uh, are you sure, dear?" She asked.

"Ohhhh." Kylie moaned. "Yes, Mommy, have fun with Silvy while I...I...Ohhhhh...aahhhh." She failed to finish her sentence, the probing vines sending her onto another novel plane of ecstasy. Her moans became muffled as another vine slid into her open mouth. Misato watched her as she was carried away.

She just shrugged her shoulders.

"Oh well, guess I don't have to choose who to fuck first." She murmured, then turned to a shivering Silvy. The vixen's fingers stroked her pussy like she was cleaning kitchen grout. She smirked toothily at the needy cross fox, taking in the beautiful sight of her black and copper fur. "Hey gorgeous, guess I get to breed you first." Silvy looked slightly down at Misato's member, still rock hard, dripping pre, and exuding its rich male musk.

"Mhm." Agreed Silvy, unwilling to form words as she ferociously fiddled with her sex. Misato knew she'd do anything she asked, and Kylie would be busy with the vines. Why not have a little creative fun with the vixen?

"Silvy..." Misato said, addressing the girl.

"Y-yes, Mommy?" She replied, quivering in place.

"I need a warmup. Why don't you come here, aaannnnndddd..." the tigress trailed off, wondering what she should make the girl do first. She snapped her finger and thumb, her other hand resting on her bulky hips. "Why don't you come here and give me a nice tit job? And don't be afraid to use that cute little snout of yours while you do it."

Silvy nodded. "Ok, Mommy!" She cheerfully agreed. The quivering in her body subsided, now having a new outlet for her insatiable lust. She trotted up to the tigress, looking up at her face, then down at the giant member separating the two. A bead of precum hung from the tip, and Silvy licked her lips. In one fluid motion, she craned her head down and licked the hefty drop right from the source, tasting her mommy for the first time... But was it the first time that day? Or ever? She couldn't recall if they'd done this before. What did they do during last year's heat month?

The vixen leaned forward and engulfed Misato's monster cock between her big, round, soft tits. The tip of Misato's member loomed over her like an overseer, while Misato loomed over her like an Amazonian queen. Silvy went to work immediately, stroking the spiny length up and down, gasping as Misato's prick brushed against her face. Silvy giggled, her senses drowning with Misato's virile musk. Gods, it made her wet. She knew every stroke would bring her closer to the two mammal's inevitable conclusion, finally pairing as they mated in frantic heat.

Silvy just couldn't help herself. She stuck out her tongue and sampled another tantalizing taste of her mate's unique draft. Her fur bristled with excitement, her body barely able to contain it. One of Misato's hands abandoned her hips to pet the horny vixen's head, scratching behind her triangular ears.

"Good girl. Such a hot little ball of enthusiasm you are...." Misato crooned. She leaned her head back and moaned. Her pet was doing such an exquisite job already. She'd make an excellent mate as part of her harem. Maybe even worthy of top girl. She only hoped Silvy could handle the breedings she'd be giving her.

Silvy just kept massaging Misato's prick between her well-endowed tits. More and more luscious precum leaked from Misato like a spigot. Silvy craned her head forward and licked along the underside of Misato's prick, relishing the scent and flavor coating her tongue and muzzle tip. She'd kiss Misato's tip when she reached it, subtly suckling it as she did. It was addicting. Every fresh drop activated the many pleasure centers in her brain. She wanted to drink the tigress like a gushing garden hose on a hot summer day.

Misato groaned, her hands now on Silvy's head, cupping her ears and massaging them with her thumbs. Silvy cooed in response. Her ears were so sensitive, it seemed. But of course, they always had been...right? Right.

"Oh shit, hun. I'm gonna explode all over you if you keep this up." Misato complimented. "I...I think it's time for something more...full-fill-ing..." Misato looked down at her mate when the heavenly sensations caressing her member continued. Silvy was still going at it and showed no intention of stopping, lips wrapped around her tip, sucking the pre straight from the source. It was as if Silvy simply hadn't heard her. But Misato knew the vixen had probably gotten lost in her tastes and smells. She always had that way with people.

Misato's hands gripped the vixen's ears, tugging them to coax the girl off of her. Silvy was in a whole other world. "C'mon, hun," She groaned, her hands gripping the vixen tighter. "Time to mate...are you even listening?" She growled, putting actual effort into pulling Silvy off her. Like a suction cup, Silvy finally came loose, shocked at being rudely awakened from her trance.

"M-mommy?" Silvy queried, looking up at the tigress. Misato gave her a cheeky smirk that told her everything was all right.

"Time to mate, my dear. You've earned it." She said.

Silvy sucked in a huge gasp, her face lighting up like the fourth of July.

"Yay!!!!" She cried, wrapping her arms around Misato's thighs and pulling herself close despite Misato's firm hold. Misato released her hold and let her arms fall to the side. She chuckled and tried to take a step backward but quickly learned how tight Silvy's binding arms were. The tigress's arms swung out as she swiftly lost balance.

Her fall was mighty, shaking the ground as she hit it, luckily landing on her bracing arms. Misato shook her head and looked to the vixen, who now lay over her legs. "damn, girl. Are you trying to kill me or something?" She asked sarcastically. Silvy giggled and crawled further up Misato's giant body, her hips straddling the tigress's.

"Sorry, Mommy." The vixen apologized, flashing her puppy dog eyes. "I'm just excited to you." She cooed. There was a heat mingling with that of Misato's manhood. Misato gazed down to see how close Silvy was sitting to her member. The vixen's warm, sopping slit was nuzzled right up against her cock, and she could feel the girl's labia wrapping around her length like an undersized hotdog bun with an immensely oversized wiener placed between it.

"Well, while we're down here, why don't we start with a little...riding." The tigress suggested. Silvy smiled at her mate.

"Yes, Mommy, of course! Anything you like." She cheerfully agreed.

"Good. Thought you'd like that. Now get up on that cock and take it like the sweet little slut I know you are." Misato suggested, patting the vixen on her flanks with a clawed hand.

Silvy's mouth gaped as her smile grew wider. "Ok, Mommy!" She yipped. Of course, there was no way she could get on top of such a towering cock without standing up first, so she began picking herself up off Misato's hips. Her legs quivered with anticipation, and she nearly toppled over several times. Eventually, she positioned herself over the spine-covered, precum-coated lance that was Misato's manhood. Cautiously, she relaxed her legs, and Silvy's labia sunk onto Misato's tip.

The two made small, pleasureful vocations, Misato grunting and Silvy moaning. Ever so carefully, Silvy lowered herself down. Her labia parted further, feeling the hot tip of the tigress stretching her hole. She gasped, the pain of such an extremity entering her virgin opening causing her to wince and grit her teeth. But as it slid further inside, that pain ebbed, soon replaced by an all-encompassing pleasure.

"Oh, OH! Oh, Mommy. Oh, my. You''re so...big..." She observed through ever-loudening elations.

"Rrrrrrr," Misato growled, her teeth clenched almost as much as Silvy's pussy was her cock. "God, you're tight, too.'s like you're a sock that's four sizes too small." Her hands reached up to grasp Silvy's hips, stabilizing the girl as her legs began to give out.

The vixen slowly, centimeter by centimeter, took half of Misato's length, finally allowing her to hold herself up on her knees. This was a basis for which she could now support her own weight comfortably. But she still had many inches to go, and for her and her new, tight would feel like miles.

"You're...doing so well, sweetie." Misato cooed. Silvy could only answer between whimpers, moans, and gasps, the only things having left her maw since she started taking her mate.

"Th-thank you, Mommy." She replied, struggling to choke out words.

"'re a good girl, Silvy," Misato assured the girl. She took her hands off Silvy's hips and took one of the vixen's. Silvy gripped Misato's hand tight. Their size difference made it feel like a mother holding her child's hand. Silvy leaned forward, placing her free hand on Misato's enormous breast. She let her legs relax, and slowly, she sank further down her lover's fleshy pike.

"''s too big!" She squeaked out. Her legs bucked.

"I know you can do it, sweetie." Misato encouraged. "You're my little girl, and I know you can. My little girl can do anything."

"Yes, Mommy." Silvy sighed. She let her body relax, and with a few more relaxing sighs and some determined concentration, Silvy made those last few inches disappear inside her.

Her breath heaved as her hips joined Misato's. Her legs were nearly folded at the knee, and the faint outline of a bulge protruded from her furry stomach.

"Good girl," Misato crooned, dotingly stroking down Silvy's side with her free hand. "Now ride me." She ordered, her voice taking a stern shift.

"Mmmhm." Groaned the vixen in enthusiastic capitulation. "Y-es Mom-my." She struggled to lift herself off Misato's cock. It was just too...girthy. Even as lubricated as she was, it felt like the tigress's prick might pull something out of her on her way up. Gradually she hoisted her tight body off the fleshy pole, but only halfway. Misato's cock was so long, Silvy found, as she fully extended her thighs upright to a kneeling position, the upper half of Misato's member remained inside her. She couldn't go any further. Not without getting off her knees and crouching over her giant mate. She just didn't have the endurance for that, not while being stretched so wide and penetrated so deep. Everything was too much for the little cross fox to bear.

"Mommy, I...I can't..." She started saying.

"Don't worry, dear. You're doing great. You don't have to go all the way if you don't want to." She hastily reassured. "I know you can do this; you're mommy's girl. Now make mommy proud and ride that thing like your life depends on it."

Silvy nodded, eyes half-lidded with growing exhaustion. She relaxed her legs and let her body weight pull her back down. Again, Misato's cock filled her, and more. Silvy moaned in pained delight. Her hand gripped Misato's tight, squeezing it as hard as her pussy squeezed Misato's cock. Misato could handle the vixen's relatively dainty grip on her hand, but the way her cock was constricted by her mate's love pocket left her gritting her teeth in an opposite sense of agonized pleasure.

"God damn, you're fucking tight." She growled. Silvy cried out as her rear met Misato's lap. A round bump formed on Silvy's abdomen. The tigress had bottomed out inside the girl. It was a miracle Silvy hadn't suffered any internal damage.

"Fuck, Mommy!" Silvy cried out. The bulge in her abdomen lurched as Misato twitched within her, eliciting a yelp from the vixen. She hurriedly rose off Misato, once again only reaching halfway. This time she found herself moving more freely. The pain had lessened, and the pleasure had doubled. It good.

Silvy let herself fall again, letting Misato fill her in all the best ways. No longer did the enormous member even cause discomfort. In fact, the sensation of being totally and utterly filled brought on a comfort all its own. She...loved being stuffed like this, and as she reached Misato's lap, she began grinding on the tigress's manhood, forcing it into every sensitive spot along her inner walls. She cooed and moaned, huffed and yelped, discovering exactly where Misato's cock would generate the greatest pleasure and set her nerves alight with ecstasy.

"Oh, fuck yeah...good girl." Misato huffed. "That's much better. Yeah, acclimate yourself to me. Make it so I'm the only one big enough to fuck you properly."

Misato's words only egged Silvy on. Eventually, she rose, only to fall again, repeating the motion repeatedly as she rode the tigress like she had been told to. Like a good girl...

" I doing it right?" Silvy asked. It felt more than right to her, but that wasn't the point. She was supposed to be pleasing Misato as per the tigress's command.

"Yes...dear. Yes... you're doing...perfectly." She praised through labored breath. The vixen's pussy caressed her member perfectly now, and it only got better with each rise and fall of her mate. The warmth coming off Silvy's love tunnel coalesced with that of her manhood, so much blood having engorged the two, making Misato's cock strain with vigor and Silvy's pussy ache with need. Even while coupled, they yearned for each other like the heat-crazed beasts they were.

"You two look like you're having fun." Said a third voice from beside the two. It was a familiar voice. Both girls had heard it earlier that day. Silvy definitely recognized it. When they turned to see this new observer, they immediately recognized her...

"Heather?" They both asked in unison. Neither expected the lusty skunk lady to follow them to the park. The surprise brought them out of the sexual trace they'd been locked in thus far. Yet, neither girl stopped their rutting.

"Yeah, it's me." Replied the skunk over the sounds of their lovemaking.

"How...did" Silvy asked between moans.

"I followed your scent, of course." Heather reasoned. "That, and Tony texted me after you left the dinner and mentioned where you guys were heading to work out. I gotta say, this is a work out I could definitely... get into." She seductively chewed one of her nails while she watched Silvy skewer herself on Misato's massive meat.

"I think you mean, Silvy. I don't know who this...Tony is you speak of." Misato grunted. "It must be her. I was busy finger fucking that cute Niki girl you work with... Never got your number. "

"That you were... And that you didn't..." Heather agreed, stroking her chin. "I remember making out with this...really handsome guy at your booth, but I must be mistaken."

"It was me," Silvy huffed. "I remember you... You touched my boobs really nicely... I liked it."

"I did!" Heather said, amused with herself. "I remember them being smaller, though." Heather brushed the thought aside with a flick of her hand. "Regardless, do you mind if I join you? Niki took my tables, and I have the rest of the day off. Would love to steal a kiss or two from you again, Silvy."

"Can she, Mommy?" Silvy asked, her eyes barely open.

"Of course, dear. The more, the merrier." Misato replied. She invitingly patted her perfectly sculpted abs, wordlessly instructing the skunk take a seat. Heather gave the tiger an intrigued *oooo* and stepped up to the tigress's side.

"Don't mind if I do." She sassily remarked. She slung her left leg over the giant tigress and bent over to take a seat. Her ass hovered dangerously close to Misato's face, and the tigress caught a strong whiff of Heather's arousal before the skunk planted her plentiful ass on her tummy, sitting in front of Silvy. She had the most splendid view of her foxy love interest. Misato now had none, especially with Heather's thick, pluming tail practically draped over her face.

"Having fun?" Heather asked the moaning vixen as if it weren't self-evident.

"Y-yea-ah!" Silvy replied, bouncing on Misato like a pogo stick.

"Can we get back to what we were doing earlier?" Heather asked, her yearning dripping off her words. "Ya'know...kissing...and whatnot?"

"Yes, p-please." Silvy pleaded shakily.

"Good girl." Heather crooned. Misato giggled from behind her.

"She is a good girl, isn't she?" Misato added.

"Indeed she is. Aren't you, Silvy?" Heather asked, crooning like a doting mother.

"Y-yes...I...I'm a very go-od g-girl." The fox agreed. She eyed Heather leaning toward her through her heavy eyelids. The skunk reached up with one hand and gently held Silvy's chin. She gingerly pulled Silvy's muzzle to hers, and the two girls shared a sloppy embrace. Silvy's maw had been hanging open in her pleasure-induced trance, and drool had run down the front of her muzzle. Heather had no qualms about this, however. She liked to get messy...

The two locked muzzles, coiling their tongues in an aggressive dance between mouths. Misato picked out the two's sucking noises between the squelching of Silvy's fully packed pussy. She adored the two. They were so cute, making out above her like a couple of lovebirds, and both soooo heat-driven. She could smell them. Two ripe ladies, fresh for the taking. Despite Heather initially liking Silvy...she knew by the end of the day, Heather would be hers, just like the other two girls.

Misato let go of Silvy's hand. She wasn't gripping it much anymore, and once free, the vixen's hands immediately went for Heather's shoulders. Misato's hands went for Heather's hips, squeezing them and massaging them in her powerful hold, pinching them occasionally to coax an excited squeal from the skunk. Eventually, Heather broke the kiss to voice her approval.

"Oh! Misato!" She elated. "You know just how to treat a gal!"

"Fuck yeah, I do..." Misato thought to herself, grunting as Silvy suddenly clamped down on her cock.

"S-she too..." Silvy cooed, finding it troublesome to talk. The sensations rocking her tight little body began to reach their crescendo. Heather leaned forward again, but this time her head craned downward, past Silvy's pointed face, and down to the vixen's breasts.

Her plump lips landed on the erect, pink nub of Silvy's left nipple. The second she got those lips on the vixen's nipple, she sucked hard, drawing it in and using her tongue to feather sharp flicks over the hard nub. Silvy cried out in pleasureful shock, her cry transforming into a sultry moan.

She was being stimulated in so many ways. It wouldn't be long before she'd reach that blissful conclusion that would transport her to a plane of ultimate gratification. Her first female orgasm... Would it be the first, though? She could have sworn it'd happened countless times before...

Heather switched to Silvy's other nipple and gave it the same treatment as the other, delivering the same delicious sensations to fresh, untouched flesh. Heather was getting a different kind of treatment from Misato, whose hands were slipping further down the crevices of her hips to where her legs met her torso. They dropped to Heather's lady bits and smoothed through her moist nether lips, grazing the girl's clitoris with her leathery finger pads.

The vibrations of Heather's unsuspecting approval, via a muffled moan, resonated through her maw into Silvy's pretty pink nipple. This was the last little thing the vixen needed to break free. The spark in the powder keg, the first colliding atom in the nuclear reaction that would be her orgasm. Silvy's body tensed, her pussy clenched, and her world went white with euphoria.

A low, guttural groan poured from Silvy's maw, rising in pitch until it reached a shrieking wail. She held the note perfectly as her body ignited in ecstatic fire, her nerves surging with all the energy of a hydroelectric dam...and her pussy gushing like one too...

The extra tight constriction of Misato's members pushed the Tigeress over the edge too. It came on unexpectedly yet was entirely welcomed. Her cock erupted inside the vixen, nearly shooting the girl off her with such instantaneous volume and pressure. Her cock burst with, until now, unexperienced sensations of a male orgasm.

Wait... Hadn't she felt this before? The feeling of your spined member twitching and spurting inside a yearning female as her pussy milked it like a sucking finger trap. She could have sworn she had... Nonetheless, she let out a feline roar as if it were her first.

She hooked her fingers into Heather's pussy by sheer reflex, trying hard to keep her claws within her fingertips. Heather moaned out, her moan rising into a cry as Misato dug deeper, plunging her bulky fingers into her opening.

"Oh, Misato! Finger me, baby! Stuff those mighty digits deep inside me!"

"That's 'Mommy,' sweetie," Misato growled through gritted teeth, her orgasm showing no signs of stopping. "Mommyyyyyyy!" She reiterated in one long, ferocious groan.

"Yes, say..." Heather grunted between heavenly moans.


Silvy, who lacked the energy to lift herself, remained skewered on Misato's member. Tiger cum flowed out of her from around Misato's massive cock, and she appeared half-pregnant with the volume of Misato's seed sloshing around inside her womb.

The cross fox leaned forward, sliding into Heather's arms for support. The skunk gave a soft yelp at the way Silvy fell onto her, then a sultry cry when the vixen placed her lips on one of her nipples and began suckling it.

"Oh, Silvy, d-dear. Yo-ou just keep on going, do-OH!-n't you?" Heather remarked as best she could with Misato's strong fingers still wriggling in and out of her. Silvy kept sucking, lapping at the sensitive flesh of her teat with her dexterous vulpine tongue.

"She's not the only one who can keep going, skunk girl." Misato purred from behind her. Unlike Silvy, Misato still had plenty of energy, and libido, to spare. She wouldn't be going so easy on the girls. Not when there was so much to do and so much to experience.

Misato snatched Heather up by the hips, pulling the girl toward her face like she weighed next to nothing. Heather squealed in delight, not expecting to be mammal-handled in such a way. Misato's fingers only left her pussy to gain a better hold of her hips and ass, and when Misato let the skunk down on her face, she replaced them with her rough, feline tongue. It made Heather's mouth sag and her tongue lul free from her mouth. It felt stupefying, having every one of Misato's prickled buds roll across her sex. She nearly came from that alone.

Silvy, having her carnal focus taken from her, mustered her strength and pushed herself off Misato's spiny prick. She toppled off the overgrown tigress, spilling Misato's seed over the ground and Misato's pelvic region. Her belly quickly deflated, the warm white viscous fluid spurting out of her, completely messing her legs as she lay next to her feline lover. Feebily, she dragged herself to where Heather's black-furred legs hung down from Misato's head and took hold, pulling herself up to the tigress's chest. If she could suckle on Misato's tits, she might be able to reenergize herself with the nourishing milk within them.

Heather's clawed feet dug into the ground, creating the leverage she needed to ride Misato's face. Her pussy dragged across the tigress's muzzle as much as Misato's tongue sunk into her sex. Misato ate the girl out like a buffet, and the skunk quivered above her giant lover, the sensations coursing through her body, making it impossible to hold her balance were it not for Misato's hands on her waist. Heather's hands joined Misato's, and the tigress finally pushed her tongue inside her, tickling her insides with every rough spine she had.

"Oh...fuck!" Heather cried out, her eyes rolling to the clear blue sky above them all. Silvy murred happily below them, drinking thirstily from Misato's right teat. Soon enough, another set of sexually gratified elations joined Misato's purrs, Heather's moans, and Silvy's coos. Their ears flickered to their left, where Kylie's muffled, gargled moans reentered their earshots.

The bunny was still suspended by the amorous vines. They entangled her like a statue left to be reclaimed on an old forgotten estate. All three of her orifices were filled with pulsating, undulating plant matter. Her expressionless face held glazed-over eyes. The girl must have long ago succumbed to the many orgasms that had rocked her lithe bunny body in her absence.

The vine throat fucking her slid free from her buck-toothed gullet, uncorking the long, guttural moan she had been forced to keep contained. Misato and Heather looked over at the girl being cradled by the plants. Heather took a breath to speak through her gasps and moans.

"Who's...this?" She asked. Misato pulled her tongue from the skunk's sex to answer.

"Kylie...she's a scientist or something...."

"Oh..." Heather replied, her prior thoughts sliding away as Misato returned to work on her pussy.

"Oh, my fuuuucckkkk..." Kylie moaned. Her once brilliant mind had been shattered, broken by the unsurpassable pleasure wrought on her by the vines. In one sudden but fluidly smooth motion, the plant-like tentacles holding her above the ground flipped her so her front hung downward. She now had the perfect view of Misato's tits and the vixen suckling at the one opposite her. As the vines lowered her mouth toward the tigress's plump nipple, she knew exactly what they wanted her to do, nor did she question their motives, for she hadn't the mind to do so anymore...

When Misato's pink nipple flesh touched her lips, Kylie sucked like her life depended on it. Instantly, Misato's nectar flowed into her mouth, and she swallowed what didn't drip from her downturned muzzle. Silvy opened her eyes and gazed up, only now noticing the hungry bunny hanging before her like a shibari exhibit. Silvy's lips popped free from Misato's breast, and she cleared her throat.

"Kylie! You're back!" The vixen squealed.

"Mhm," Kylie replied, barely lucid.

"How are the vines?" Silvy asked, eyeing the two tentacles writhing in and out of Kylie's pelvic region behind her. Kylie only shuddered out a moan as she convulsed, her eyes rolling into the back of her head. "That good, huh?" She remarked, giggling to herself.

Above the two, Heather was on the verge of orgasm. Her hips bucked across Misato's face, matting her lover's muzzle with her arousal. Her body was so overstimulated she failed to notice how the vines coiling around Kylie were starting to make their way to her as well, slithering over the bunny's body to hers. They were only doing what vines did, spreading to the nearest free-standing object they could find. The object in question, however, was Heather's leg, and soon her arm too.

The vines coiled around the skunk's limbs, spirling up them until they had a firm hold around her hips and chest. Only when they began pulling her toward their first leporine victim and away from Misato's heavenly tongue did she open her eyes to the matter.

"Hey!" Heather squealed in surprise. "No! Put me down! I was so close!"

Misato opened her eyes at the absence of Heather's pussy on her tongue, not to mention the frustrated shrieking piercing her ears. She was infuriated to see yet another lover of hers being snatched away by the perverted flora. And they had the gull to bring the other one back to do it! Like they were mocking her!

"No, no, no! You give her back!" Misato roared, but by the time she propped herself up straight, inadvertently tipping Silvy off her chest, the two were whisked away, just out of her reach. She desperately grasped at Heather's unentangled leg yet, received nothing but air slipping through her fingers. They had been only inches away but, in mere seconds, were several meters farther and nearly too high for even Misato. She turned, watching the vines pull the two girls toward the tree of origin.

The two ladies were being manipulated by the plant life, made to have their bodies pressed almost uncomfortably together. Neither seemed to mind, for when their faces met, the two embraced in a most passionate kiss. Heather's muffled moans would soon join Kylie's, the two moaning into each other's mouths as the vines penetrated the girls' holes.

"Fuck it..." Misato groaned, clearly frustrated but not at all deterred. "If this tree is going to keep taking my girls...I'm going to 'take' one of my girls on that tree."

She grabbed the scruff of Silvy's neck fur, hearing a *yipp!* that made her ears pin back. She pulled the vixen onto her lap. "Sorry bout that, hun." Misato quickly apologized while scooping the foxy lady in her arms like a heroic knight carrying her princess. The tigress stood up, the added weight providing little strain to her powerful legs. Then, she turned and carried her lover to the tree whence the vines grew from.

"You up for another round, missy?" She asked Silvy. Silvy nodded enthusiastically. She'd already had a heaping portion of what Misato could do. Despite being full already, she'd be a fool to refuse seconds.

"Yes, Mommy! Yes!" She cheered, knowing a complete and thorough mating was just around the corner. She raised her hands and pressed her tits together, enticing the tigress as she carried her. She lowered her head and gave one of her own nipples a lick from her long, pointed snout. Misato looked down to observe the display, already grinning ear to ear.

"Oh, dear, you just can't help yourself, can you?" She asked, her voice as coy as it was voracious. Silvy winked and smirked at her mate. "I think you deserve a spot as the top girl in my new harem."

"I'd love that, Mommy," Silvy replied, fluttering her eyelashes at Misato.

Misato reached the tree and turned Silvy in her arms, roughly buttressing the vixen against the trunk by her back. Silvy's claws dug into the bark behind her, her vulpine nails scraping the surface as she clung to it. She looked up at Misato again once she steadied, grinning just as Misato did before. She was ready, yearning, and more than willing. She wanted Misato to bury that feline cock so deep inside her that she'd no longer need to hold herself up. "Fuck me, Mommy. Fuck me and fill me full of kits." She demanded, flashing Misato a fiendish smile. In return, Misato flashed her a cocky smirk, a few teeth poking out from behind her jowls.

"Oh, I'm gonna fuck you so hard you'll have enough kits for all four of us." She promised. Her big paws gripped Silvy's hips, supporting her weight as she aimed her rock-hard cock at the vixen's sloppy sex. She pressed forward, feeling her tapered tip bump against Silvy's labia, then the inviting yet sticky warmth of her pussy as she slid easily into the foxy girl.

Silvy belted out a cry of ecstasy, her pussy once again being filled to the brim. There was no pain this time, no discomfort. She was just loose enough to sufficiently take everything the giant tigress had to give. Her legs immediately wrapped around Misato's wide hips, pulling her further down the massive cock. Misato grunted with pleasure, once again feeling the vixen's pussy grip her swollen member.

"Oh, yeah! Fuck me, Mommy!" Silvy shouted, her voice breaking with a visceral squeal. That's just what Misato did. She pulled her cock out of Silvy as best she could with the vixen's legs constricting her, then she slammed back into her, pushing the foxy girl's body partially up the tree. "OOHH!" Silvy cried. Her cry dissolved into ragged lustful moans as Misato ramped up her pace. Breeding the young fox against the tree.

From above and out of Misato's reach, Heather and Kylie watched out the sides of their eyes while they unceasingly made out, the vine undulating and writhing within them. It was quite a show, and the tigress and cross fox made quite the mated pair. Heather wrestled her mouth free to deliver her very characteristic commentary, gasping as she drew breath.

" fucking hot." She breathed. Kylie nodded in agreement.

"Yeah...I can't wait to be the one against the tree." The bunny mentioned. Heather snorted.

"Yeah...same...after me, of course," Heather added snidely. Kylie furrowed her brow.

"As if! It's my turn next! Mommy said!"

"No, I believe Mommy was still eating me out. That means I get to continue after Silvy." Heather reasoned with a bratty tone.

"You wish, s-s-skank!" Kylie spat.

"It's skunk, not skank, you bunny bitch!" Heather screeched. The two girls' disagreement devolved into fighting. Still, with no unbound limbs to throw at each other, they simply returned to furiously making out, as if the one who could better kiss the other would get their spot with Misato once the tigress was finished breeding her favorite.

"Girls, girls!" Misato called as she relentlessly fucked the glazed-over vixen. "Everyone will get a turn. It's heat month! There's no way I'm losing potency any time soon..."

She emphasized this potency by slamming extra hard into her mate, forcing an ecstatically harsh cry from Silvy, like the extra pressure pushed into her stretched pussy was somehow released through her mouth.

Silvy loved how Misato fucked her, the way her pussy felt taking such a monster cock like hers. The sensations were novel to her, yet wonderfully familiar, her latent memories of her foxy self conjuring past matings like pleasant dreams.

She couldn't tell if those memories of herself were authentic or a side effect of the changes. All she knew was that she loved her feminine parts like a best friend, and she loved having those parts filled to the brim. Like Misato was doing so diligently.

The tigress rammed into her over and over. The ride was so rough, Silvy felt like Misato might fuck her right into the tree trunk. She might have simply melded with the bark, her body becoming one with it as each of her atoms vibrated in impending orgasm.

Yes, one more orgasm, one more journey into that place that seemed to exist between time and space. That mind-elevating nirvana that made her toes curl, and her tail straighten. God, she needed it. She wanted it. It was so close.

"Yeah...fuck me, Mommy." Silvy breathed laboriously between moans. "I'm so close, I'm so...close."

"Me too, baby girl," Misato grunted at a loss of breath from thrusting into her so vigorously. "Just cum for me, sweetie. Grip me good and milk me for every drop."

That's just what Silvy did, Misato's words of encouragement drawing up images of what would happen inside her during their brief moments of unrestrained bliss. Silvy sucked in a deep breath and held it, squeezing her eyes shut as she climaxed. She held her breath as long as she could, unaware she even was. Her whole body clenched up, her legs quaked, her claws dug into the tree trunk behind her, and her pussy seized control of the spiney cock pumping within her.

Misato roared as she came with the girly vixen, her cock flooding Silvy's cunt to fullness with one pulse. She twitched and lurched within her mate, bringing the vixen to even higher levels of bliss. Silvy let her breath out in overexcited yips. Her body convulsed against Misato's, hips bucking like a mammal possessed. Misato's thrusts slowed but deepened, somehow finding even more space to fill the vixen.

Heather and Kylie watched this, their plant-based lover filling their holes with its wriggling appendages. They wished with all their might that they could switch places with Silvy. They ultimately knew they'd be experiencing the same soon enough. It was the waiting that exuded such prolonged torment.

The two girls filled each other's mouths with moans as they, too, climaxed. The sensations wracking their furry bodies, melding with their perverted imaginings of what Misato would do to them, pushed them over the edge, and they quivered like shaken paint cans. At the same time, their overstimulated cunts coated the plant-like tentacles with their feminine juices.

Now finished with her mate, Misato held Silvy's hips and lowered her to the ground once she'd pulled out. The vixen slid slowly down the treetrunk, coming to rest in a musky, sticky puddle of Misato's essence, most of which spilled from her while the two had been riding out their carnal peaks. She stood over her lover, observing the vixen with pride as Silvy stared wearily off into space, panting, her eyes as glazed as her bottom.

"T-thank you M-mommy...." Silvy said as if in a trance.

"You're most welcome." Misato boasted, resting her hands on her hips. A thud came from her right side, and her round ears perked at the sound. She turned to see the two other girls, Heather and Kylie, who appeared to have fallen from their places, the vines above them relinquishing from them, clearly finished with the two and immediately losing interest.

"Well, look who dropped in." Misato teased. The two girls groaned and rubbed the various body parts they'd had the misfortune of landing on. Gradually, they both sat up straight, still rubbing themselves. This was evidently not the kind of pain either of them wanted to receive during sex.

"Can we have our turn now, Mommy?" Kylie asked.

"Yeah, I wanna ride that giant of yours." Heather added, also adding a "Mommy," remembering the tigress's preferred calling.

"Not until you two kneel for me like good little girls," Misato ordered in a doting tone.

"Yes, Mommy." They replied in unison. They shuffled onto their knees and looked up at the tigress with pleading faces.

"My, my. Which one of these two cuties should I breed first? Such a difficult decision." She crooned. "I know..." Misato took one hand off her hips and pointed a finger at Kylie, swishing it between them as she rhymed. "Eenie, Meenie, Miney, Moe. Catch a tigress by the toe..."


Silvy awoke in her bed, the bright sunshine spilling into her room through the open blinds, greeting her as she pried open her tired eyes. The first thing the cross fox noticed, as her consciousness eased back to her, was how her furry body was only partially covered by her sheets as if she'd kicked them off in her sleep.

The second thing she noticed was the warm, soft presence of another, nestled up against her back. Its form was too small to be Misato. The thought of the giant tigress called back memories of her previous day, especially the night...

Her body was sore. This was most evident when she moved to pick herself up off the mattress. It was a dull pain, like she'd engaged in a rigorous exercise routine she hadn't warmed up for. The most noticeable soreness came from between her legs.

She was sticky too. All over. Once again, the most notable of this came from between her legs. She felt around her crotch, where viscous fluid still seeped from her sex like sap from a tree, the majority having trickled over her left thigh and, down to the mattress cover below it in a soggy puddle, the same way it would, had she drooled on her pillow while she slept.

As she pushed her upper body off the mattress, a furry arm wrapped over her waist, startling her just a bit. When she looked down, she found it was covered in golden-brown rosette-patterned fur. It was ruffled, too, like someone had repeatedly run their hand over it the wrong way. That's right, Niki had joined them after the four returned home.

The previous day had been a whirlwind of carnal excess. No pleasures of the flesh and fur had been spared. Everything had been exploited, adventured into. It had been intoxicating, and by the way, Silvy seemed to have several lapses in her memory of the day's events and how her head ached; that intoxication might as well have been from drugs and alcohol. The five of them had just...done so much. It would have been impossible for her tired, lust-addled mind to keep up with it all.

"Silvy..." Niki murmured in her half-asleep stupor. The leopard pulled her face into Silvy's back and nuzzled her. " smell like... sex..." she mumbled, her muzzle still pressed into Silvy's neck. Niki's hand, the one draped over Silvy, wandered down to the vixen's stomach, tracing sensual circles with her finger, occasionally moving up to Silvy's hip, then back.

Silvy twisted her body to take a look at the girl cuddling her. She, too, was only partially covered by the sheets, which were now utterly soiled. Niki's fur matched hers, matted with splotches of bodily fluids of both sexes. Her tail flickered sensually against the absolute mess of a bedspread. As Silvy gazed upon the rest of the bed, she realized they were the only two mammals in the bedroom. She could have sworn all five of them went to sleep together last night, or rather, early this morning, considering how late they'd been up fornicating.

A needy aching accompanied the soreness that spread throughout her pelvic region. It was all too familiar. It was an ache she'd spent most of the previous day trying to quell.

Her heat...

The dulling relief granted by yesterday and this morning's carnal activities appeared to have worn off, most likely the source of her awakening. She badly wanted Niki to reach her feline hands over her hips and cram them inside her tender, dribbling pussy. But she knew Misato would be the only one capable to adequately slake her thirst for breeding. Maybe Niki could join them?

"N-Niki?" Silvy asked the leopard.

"Mhm?" Niki murmured back.

"Do you know where Misato went? And the others?"

"No," Niki replied sleepily. "I just woke up." She nuzzled her face into Silvy's neck once more. Silvy gazed at the open bedroom door, assuming the others must be downstairs.

"Hmmm. I'm...gonna go look for her."

Silvy pushed herself off the mattress, her sore muscles resisting her as she did. She groaned and winced, turning her body so she could sit. She peered back at the exhausted leopard lady, who looked like she'd fallen asleep again. A meager answer from the girl let Silvy know she hadn't, at least not yet.

"Ok, I'm...just...gonna..." Niki paused to yawn. "Stay here..." With that, the leopard had drifted off, back to her dreams. Silvy smiled at her sleeping form, eyes darting over her ruffled fur. Niki looked adorable when she slept, and she almost considered getting back into bed with her so they could cuddle, but the dull aching reminded Silvy of why she'd gotten up in the first place.

The cross fox stood up and walked around the king-sized bed toward the door. She could effortlessly hear the TV downstairs with her vulpine ears. The news was on, and Austina, the lioness, reading the morning news off her teleprompter. She sounded like she was having a touch of trouble, as she was constantly being interrupted, stopping mid-sentence to grunt or gasp.

Silvy pulled the door open and walked through the hallway, the cool hardwood floor chilling her paw pads. She descended the stairs to the living room below, now able to hear the sounds of adultery emanating from the TV. She walked in front of it and gandered at the news program.

Austina, who Silvy vaguely remembered being a male, was wearing a disheveled blazer over a white collared dress shirt, which had been pulled apart, leaving some of the buttons lying next to her on the newsdesk. She was bent over the desk, her buxom breasts cushioning her as the nightly news anchor, Breaden the lion, who Silvy vaguely remembered being a female named Breanne, pounded into her from behind. They were both naked from the waist down, but the angle of the camera recording them kept their genitals out of view, which did little to create any subtly, as the two were clearly mating for all tuned in to see.

"And *ah!* that concl-*ah!*-udes our broadcast..." The lioness paused her sultry reading of the teleprompter to let out a long moan, her tongue lolling out of her gaping maw. "...Day. I hope all our viewers *ah!* out there are *ah!* enjoying heat m-month a-*Ah* as much as *ah!* us h-here at m-metro *ah!* city n-news. J-join us *ah!* later a-*ah!* at twelve f-f-for our n-noon hour r-report." The lioness closed her eyes and arched her back, stretching her whole body and showing off her ample cleavage as her fur bristled. The lion behind her grabbed the base of her tail before redoubling his efforts. Austina cried out.

"Oh, god! AH!" Austina cried out. After a few moments of bliss, she composed herself as much as possible while getting slammed by her co-worker-turned-mate. "F-from M-metro City N-news...*Ooooooohhhhh....* I'm Ah-Austina Dawkins. Have a -f-fucking great *ah!* rest of your day..."

Silvy stared at the lewd scene on the television. The program seemed to linger on the two rather than panning out and cutting to commercial. The needy feeling between her legs flared up, and the vixen's hands absentmindedly gravitated toward her nipples to play with them while she observed the two mating lions live on national TV. She needed to mate with Misato, and soon. Her body needed that tigress's cock buried in it like it needed food.

A second set of moans accompanied those on the TV, making her ears pivot about the room. The moans were of the three others, but she couldn't pinpoint their location. Her head swiveled curiously around the room. They weren't in the kitchen or the living room. So where could they be?

A cry of ecstasy snapped both her ears to the sliding door behind her that led outside to the backyard. She turned to see it had been left ajar, but the curtain was left drawn, obscuring her view of whatever was occurring beyond it.

Gingerly, Silvy padded over to the door and extended a hand, sliding the framed glass obstacle to the side. She brushed to curtain out of the way, revealing the scene before her...

Despite all she'd seen in the past twenty-four hours, it was quite the sight to behold...

Both Misato and Kylie were hovering several feet above the lawn, suspended by vines growing from either tree planted in Silvy's yard's rear corners. Misato was balls-deep in the bunny girl, thrusting away as the vines wormed and wiggled into her pussy. Both girls had vines coiled around their wrists, ankles, and torsos, binding Kylie more than Misato, allowing the tigress to work the lucky bunny herself. Silvy figured Misato 'bartered' with the plants a bit before she obtained that position, as many snapped and shredded vines lay scattered beneath them.

There was something different about these vines. Something Silvy didn't recognize from the park the day before. Both girls had vines attached to their breasts, ending in flower bulbs. By how these bulbs pulsated in contracting rythms, they appeared to suckle the two, like feeding progeny or thoughtful lovers. It seemed to Silvy that the purpose of these flowers fell somewhere in between.

Silvy stood and the end of her patio, eyes glued to the gratuitous scene, unable to look away. She loved watching Misato fuck one of the other girls; she just wished there weren't vines probing the two's mouths. She would have loved to hear Misato's dirty talk and Kylie's moans of ecstasy.

"Hey there, gorgeous," Heather said from Silvy's left, making her ears snap suddenly in Heather's direction. The cross fox had been so distracted by the display she'd forgotten to even question the skunk's absence from the scene. Silvy started, then quickly turned her head, following her ears. Heather was hovering mere feet from the vixen and only a few inches higher, held aloft by the same vines the other two were. Much like Kylie, she was being suspended, front down, with her breasts hanging straight off her chest toward the ground. Her legs and lower body were held higher than the rest of her, allowing Heather's face to be level with Silvy's, if not a bit higher. Perfect kissing height, in Silvy's opinion.

"Oh, hi, Heather." The vixen replied sheepishly. She gazed up to see how two particularly thick vines wriggled into the space between Heather's legs, and while Silvy couldn't exactly see what was happening, she was confident the skunk was getting both of her holes thoroughly stuffed. She gazed back down at Heather's smirking face and gave her a shy smile. "You look like you're having fun."

"Ooooooh, I am. I tell you, these vines are heaven-sent. I don't know what's better, the soft but snug binding, the shibari-like suspension, or the way they fill me so utterly and completely. It's too bad you didn't get a chance to try them yesterday." A low and guttural moan left her maw when she finished her sentence, and her eyes rolled in mind-numbing climax. Silvy's eyes widened, and her curiosity ignited like gunpowder.

"W-well, maybe I can...try them today. I didn't know we had these plants in our backyard." Truth be told, Silvy didn't precisely remember even having a backyard, either.

Heather's sensual stare inched closer to her face as if she'd commanded the vines to move her through telepathy.

"That sounds like a great idea, Silvy. I bet I have enough to share with you if you'd like." Heather suggested, having just come down from her orgasm.

"Yeah?" Silvy asked curiously. Heather's eyelids sank sultrily, and one side of her mouth curled into a mischievous smirk.

"Of course. The vines and I share a common bond now that we've had some time to...get to know each other. I can easily convince them to have fun, just the three of us." She moved closer to Silvy as she spoke, and Silvy began taking steps back from the ensnared skunk out of instinct.

"C-can you...s-show me?" Silvy asked, stopping herself from taking further steps from Heather. After all, what was she trying to get away from? Between her raging curiosity and Heather's alluring words, she was already willing to give herself up to the vines.

"Of course, my darling. Come give me a kiss, and I'll let the plants do the rest."

Silvy swallowed the building lump in her throat and shuffled up to the suspended skunk. Heather's eyes only seemed to draw her in as she got closer. Her loins ached with desperate need, and the pyre of her heat blazed anew. When she was close enough, Heather extended a hand to the vixen and brought it to her cheek, tenderly caressing her, guiding the cross fox to her like a siren's song.

The two of them closed the distance between their faces, and their eyes closed, muzzles meeting in a passionate embrace. Their mouths were open the second their lips met, allowing tongues to slither and wind over and around the others.

Heather smelled just as Niki had described her in the bedroom. 'Of sex.' She wasn't surprised. All four of them had been going at it since the park yesterday, Niki only joining them after her shift once the four had returned home. None of them had the time or energy to shower. Silvy figured she probably smelled the same, herself. With the musks of the others rubbed into it, her own musk probably tickled Heather's nose as much as Heather's tickled hers.

As the two make sweet love to each other's mouths, Silvy detected the first incline of Heather's vines stroking over her black and copper fur. They brushed teasingly over her pelt before snugly coiling around her limbs, down her legs from her thighs, and up her arms from her shoulders. When they reached her wrists and ankles, they wrapped firmly around them. In no time at all, Silvy felt her lower paws leave the ground.

The vixen giggled into her lover's mouth, unable to contain her giddiness. It was an incredible feeling, being suspended in the air by a living organism. As she rose higher, the vines holding Heather gradually tipped the skunk right-side-up, so the two would be uninterrupted in their embrace. Eventually, Silvy was many feet off the lawn, and Heather was right there with her, the vines giving them enough space to wrap their legs around the others and hold each other in their arms.

They continued to romance one another until, finally, Heather decided to break up their oral embrace. She gave Silvy a sly look, the vixen staring back at her in a partial trance. "I told you we'd share these." She grunted, then moaned as the tentacle-like vine stuffing her pussy retreated from her warm, soggy pocket. Three other vines joined it, all four coiling around each other to form one large trunk. They split off when they neared the two girl's legs, creating two limbs of spiraling, coiling plant matter. They stretched toward the girls' waiting haunches, aiming for the moist, warm nethers between.

"So... let's properly share them, shall we?" Heather hissed.

While Heather knew exactly what she was doing and what was about to happen to the two, Silvy hadn't a clue what she was talking about, nor what had just occurred below them. But that was alright. She was only seconds away from having things made crystal clear.

"Huh?-AHHH!" Silvy began to ask, but her query was cut short by the tip of a vine slipping into her sopping, slavering pussy. "H-Heather!" She exclaimed, her body suddenly jolting with a fierce and electrifying pleasure as her feminine sex was swiftly filled with sentient plant matter. Heather let a satisfied moan slip past her lips, relishing the absoluteness of the improved vines.

"Oh, this is sharing." The skunk breathed. Silvy mewled and moaned. It was her first time having such writhing, undulating plant limbs enter her so. She shook and twitched with elation. All of this was only the beginning.

The sounds of the other two gradually grew louder in Silvy's ears. She peeled her eyes open just barely enough to catch Misato and Kylie getting closer, or rather, she was getting closer. Both she and Heather.

The two floated next to the others in the arms of their amorous vines, nearly close enough to feel their body warmth. The sounds of sucking and fucking were clearer than crystal now, and it urged all four of them on further into their heat-propelled fornication.

Silvy and Heather, whose legs had been as entangled as the vines coiling around their bodies, opened their stances to take as much of the vines as they could. Conversely, Misato redoubled her efforts, plunging harder and faster into her leporine lover.

Something colorful entered Silvy's vision, and she turned her eyes from Misato and Kylie to see a flower bulb in front of her face, sporting a myriad of hues on each petal from the end of its own vine.

"Oh... This is n-new..." Heather mused, noticing the flower before her face. Silvy stared down the flower in front of her with curiosity. "Oh!" Heather exclaimed, her flower opening its petals to reveal something obscured from Silvy's vision. "This is really new!" Slivy watched her own flower unfurl before her eyes, gasping as what lay inside emerged from the center.

It was...phallic...and had a bulbous base, much like a... canine's erection. It shimmered with iridescent shades of honey yellow and mango orange, giving it the illusion that it glowed in the morning light. The length of it gleamed with sweet-smelling nectar that made Silvy hum in delight. She craned her head closer for a better smell or taste...perhaps.

"Oh, baby! Here we guoh-!" Heather's words were smothered as her flower presumably plunged its girthy pistil into her open maw. With a short glance to her side, Silvy saw Misato and Kylie already happily fellating these strange, new phallic flowers. It looked fun, tasty even. She wanted to try it too, and with all the things she'd experienced over the last twenty-four hours, what was one more curiosity explored?

As her lips parted to accept the perfumed plant-like member into her yearning maw. She was the fourth and last to join her housemates in blowing the backyard shrubbery. But she'd enjoy it no less.

Silvy suckled, stroked, massaged, and caressed, treating the phallic plant like any other lover, like she would Misato, if she could fit Misato's member in her mouth. Silvy's efforts were rewarded in kind. A viscous nectar dribbled over her vulpine tongue from the plant's tip, delivering tastes the vixen never knew she could taste.

Silvy needed more, as much as she could get down her throat. She sucked harder, caressing the flower's bulbous tip with her paws. Her eager efforts granted her the sweetest reward as the nectar's dribble became a pulsing flow, which Silvy gratefully swallowed.

The more nectar flowed down Silvy's throat, the more a comforting warmth cascaded through her body, lulling her into a superior state of arousal. Her pussy tingled as the flesh in and around it dialed up in sensitivity, and she felt the furry flesh of her breasts tighten as the two orbs expanded, gaining mass.

Silvy whimpered, and her body quivered. With such unyielding sensations wracking her fragile form, she began losing her grip on reality. Everything around her, the pleasureful moans of her mates, the ardent rays of the morning sun, the dew smell on the gentle morning breeze. It was all dissociating like she was living a dream.

As if things weren't intense enough, Silvy felt pressure against her tail hole, the presence of a wriggling tendril making itself known. Silvy welcomed this additional vine and, in her blissful stupor, had just enough control of her body to relax her puckered hole, inviting this new vine inside. It pressed through as though acknowledging her silent consent, stretching her wide and bringing the vixen to yet another level of pleasure. The lavish nectar had the same effect on her posterior as her sex, so every slithering wriggle inside her was amplified double-fold.

Silvy's tits shook as her body writhed in ecstasy, their extra size accentuating every vibration. As they reached their apex size, Silvy looked like she was sporting furry watermelons on her chest, watermelons that sagged with the weight of their own milk, milk that ran down their undersides onto her fuzzy belly, and navel beyond.

The cross fox would soon join her mates in having the rich white fluid extracted straight from the source and in the most gratifying way.

She watched lazily through half-lidded eyes, barely registering the unfolding events, as two new vines rose before her, the ends sprouting into bulbous multi-colored flowers like that at her mouth. The flowers parted, latching onto the ample, erect nubs of her nipples. Even in her absentminded state, Silvy had an incline of their purpose. They were different than the one feeding her its sweet nectar. They were meant to feed the plant itself rather than feeding her. Her hypothesis was confirmed correct when each flower began its heavenly suction, delivering yet another source of sensation unto her body.

The vines fed her, fucked her, and feasted on the nourishing fluid leaking from her enormous tits. Silvy existed in no space but that of her own pleasure, her body being taken to levels of bliss that she previously thought impossible. If not for all the 'practice' she'd had with her mate the previous day, she'd be cumming long before this point.

She thrashed in the binds of her amorous vines, feeling a sense of infatuation for her backyard flora that would have been previously reserved for a mate or spouse. They were so tender with her, yet so exhilarating, like they'd known her body for years and knew just what excited her. They were so giving, so selfless. And to think, all they wished for in return was her life-giving milk.

The others were in the same situation as Silvy, with heavy breasts being sucked, holes being filled, and aphrodisiac-laced nectar flowing into their bellies as they deepthroated their planetoid lovers.

Heather gripped the vines in every place she could as if extolling her gratitude to the plants through passionate gropes, urging them to give her everything they had to offer.

Misato continued thrusting into Kylie, her bucking hips sporadically jerking in no particular rhythm. Her eyes were rolled back, and gurgling grunts emitted from her gulping throat as she drank heartily from the planetoid phallus stuffed in her maw, knot and all.

Kylie looked like she'd passed out from the experience, the only sign of consciousness being the contracting throat muscles drinking down the plant's addicting emissions. Her pussy drooled with a mixture of her own arousal and Misato's virile precum.

One after another, the four joined in an all-consuming nirvana that was climax, Silvy being the last to break.

Misato flooded Kylie's womanhood with her spunk. The pressure of only one of her voluminous spurts sent the stick, hot, viscous, white fluid spraying out of Kylie's sex around the tigress's cock, coating Misato's pelvis and legs with her own seed. Kylie quivered on Misato's massive member, the vibrations of her body shaking the vines coiled around her. She gurgled in delight, slamming her hips against Misato's to fill her hole with the tigress as much as she could, only heightening their pleasures.

Heather's hands no longer held the vines. Her fingers now grasped at the air in desperation and thrashed her limbs, flexing her torso like she might be trying to escape, but this was far from the case. The vine she shared with Silvy was drenched in her squirt, glistening in the morning sunshine.

Silvy, who finally joined the three in orgasm, simply shut her eyes tight, squealing into the phallic flower stuffing her maw. Her muscles tensed. She felt like she was locked into a roller coaster ride, falling and rising through peaks and valleys at exhilarating speeds. She couldn't even pick out a singular source anymore. Every pleasure had coalesced into one all-being energy that surged through her body.

Following Silvy's reaction, the rest of the girls squealed in unbound ecstasy. Their minds lost to nirvana, broke. So long as the vines held the undulating four in their sensual grasp, they'd know pleasure unending. But all good things eventually had to come to an end.

After what seemed like a lifetime, the vines slowly lowered their spasming lovers to the ground. The many coiling, wriggling, and sucking limbs slowed their various tasks on the girls, allowing the four a slow and safe landing back to reality. Gently, Kylie, Silvy, and Heather were all let down on top of Misato, whose massive form allowed the others to take a comfortable position, using her as a pillow or a mattress.

The vines gently retreated from their bodies to prevent any shock. Each of the oral flowers *popped* free of their mouths, each mammal going wide-eyed in shock, gasping for breath that until that point had mainly been obstructed. Their planetoid lovers slithered away from their exhausted forms, back to the trees, having completed their tasks, until the next time, when the household members would inevitably return to experience it all over again.

The four girls gasped and coughed, taking several minutes to regain the energy to talk. Heather sat on the grass, her upper body against Misato's side. Silvy's upper body lay on Misato's chiseled stomach, her legs sprawled on the grass behind them. Kylie lay in almost the same position she had been fucked in, flopping across Misato's powerful legs, her dribbling pussy obscured by the tigress's flaccid yet still enormous member, which rest against it.

Surprisingly, it was the quiet, submissive Silvy to speak first, albeit with heavily labored breath.

"Holy...fuck...." She said from her spot atop Misato's belly, her voice breaking multiple times. "You guys..." She added, the broken whine in her voice pleading for some form of aftercare. She felt a hand couple with hers, and she lazily peered over to see the black-furred paw of Heather holding it in support.

"Yeah...that was...insane..." She panted. Misato's throat grumbled as the tigress cleared the residual nectar from it.

"I love you guys..." Misato huffed. Despite her lack of breath, her statement retained its genuine affection for the others. The smaller girls all cooed in response.

"We love you too, Misato," Silvy said, her voice strengthening as the pace of her breathing steadied. The other girls agreed, nodding and adding their own approving murmurs. All four girls felt their ears twitch, the sound of leather pads on the wooden patio drawing their attention.

They turned their collective gaze to see Niki standing in the open doorway. The fornicating lions on the flatscreen beyond her were blocked by her naked body, and they faintly heard the sounds of their rutting through the speakers. The leopard rubbed her sleepy eyes with one hand and held her tail in the other.

"What happened out here?" She asked, her drowsy voice naively curious.

"You missed out," Heather replied, the sass returning to her voice. "There were v-vines and...everything." She shuttered as she re-lived the experience in her head.

"Oh, my!" Niki perked. She paused, frowning, remembering something that seemed crucial before asking. "Um...Heather? Do we have a shift today?" Heather giggled.

"I don't think so," Heather replied. She smiled at her co-worker whimsically. "I honestly don't care if we do... Wanna come join us?"

Niki nodded cheerfully before trotting over to Heather. She turned and sat down on the lawn next to the skunk, leaning against Misato as Heather did. The two mammals nuzzled one another, and Heather let go of Silvy's hand to take Niki's, her other hand wandering down between the leopard's legs.

Niki cooed as Heather began to play with her feminine sex, and the two turned to kiss each other. Silvy watched them from above, sighing to herself contently.

"I love heat month." She stated. Misato let out her own sigh.

"Me too." She added.

"Me three," added Kylie. Heather and Niki parted to add their two cents.

"Same!" They said in unison, giggling before returning to their passionate embrace. Misato pushed her upper body up by her muscle-bound arms and gazed at Silvy with a clever grin.

"Hey Sil, me and Kylie got pretty messy back there. Think you'd be up to clean us up...ya'know...with that perfect tongue of yours?"

Silvy turned her head to Misato, lazily smiling back at the grinning tigress. She let a long, content moan out of her nose before answering.

"In a minute..."

Misato lay her body back down onto the lawn, her grin remaining.

"Good girl..."