Delayed Gratification

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#59 of 2023 Shorts

After suffering years of torment at the hands of her high school bully, Tina reinvents herself after a few years of serving her country. Back in the civilian world, she finds herself in a rather unique job, one which eventually brings about the opportunity for even more unique revenge.

This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this story are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. All characters are of legal and consenting age, likewise if you are reading this story, you should be of legal age in your respective country.

All characters are my own creation, any resemblance to existing characters is purely coincidental and not intentional, please do not use them without permission. If you would like to use them in a story, please feel free to send me a PM either as Inja on SoFurry or TheRealInja on FA. As always, I am open to new story ideas or situations with existing characters as well.


"Tiny Tina, never gonna touch a wiener!" The beautiful gunmetal gray lioness with the long flowing fiery red hair and tail tuft taunted, just as she snatched the glasses from the smaller girl's face and shoved the small chubby white mouse into her locker. She and her popular cheerleader friends loved picking on the small mouse, simply because she came from a poor family that lived mostly off welfare. Whether it be spreading rumors of how she perved over the cheerleading squad in the showers and changerooms, or how she probably secretly lusted after one of the lunch ladies that had massive tits. They had made Tina's life a living hell the last couple of years, thankfully graduation was just around the corner and she wouldn't have to put up with them much longer.

"Fuck you, Cassidy LaCroix! One day I'll make you my bitch, I swear it!" Tina Marlow growled and banged on the inside of her locker door, but the sound was drowned out by the mocking laughter of everyone watching. It would be a few hours later that she was finally let out, well after the last school bus had left for the day, meaning Tina was forced to walk home as her parents wouldn't be finished work yet thankfully. After the day she'd had, the last thing she wanted to deal with was another lecture from her folks about how she should stand up for herself. Just because Cassidy came from a rich family, it shouldn't mean that Tina should just let the lioness walk all over her, her mother always used to say.

That was years ago though, another lifetime in fact. Tina had always been a chubby bespectacled runt during her school career, combined with her family's low-income status, it had pretty much doomed her to being an outcast or social pariah and the target of the popular kid's torment. It was only after graduating that she finally had her growth spurt and then some, turning into a tall and well-defined woman. It was well timed too, as she couldn't afford to go to college like most other kids due to her family's poor financial situation. She did the only thing she could think of at the time and joined the army so the GI Bill could allow her to study, which turned out to be the best thing for her. It not only transformed her physically into a toned and deadly machine, but it also boosted her confidence and awoke something within her.

After serving a couple tours in the big sandbox commanding her own squad, Tina returned back home and tried to fit in with a normal civilian lifestyle, but it just wasn't the same. She missed the control she'd once had over her squad, that and as she was getting older, she found her libido was starting to become rather uncontrollable. It was only with a chance encounter when she hooked up with a curious army wife with loose morals that she found her true calling.

The vixen had wanted to be dominated by another woman; Tina found she slipped into the roll surprisingly easy too. But it was more than that, it felt right and natural, dominating other women filled two of her biggest needs and desires in one fell swoop. A couple more encounters with other woman who had similar desires to the vixen and Tina was sold on the idea of being a dominatrix.

Along with her new found lifestyle, Tina decided to reinvent herself from the ground up, ditching her glasses and instead opting for colored contact lenses. Her ivory white fur was gone, now replaced with her fur being dyed a midnight black and her hair a brilliant shade of scarlet. The shrapnel scar she'd received during her time serving was highlighted with red ink, the three vertical slash marks down her back that looked as though she'd wrestled a monster in hand-to-hand combat and won now stood out prominently. She also opted for another unique piece at her right hip, a pirate's skull and crossbones in red and a small red notch in her left eyebrow looking like a scar. Three silver spiked studs adorned each left ear, along with a small gauge piercing at the lower edge of her ears that housed a further pirate skull holographic at their center. Even though she no longer served, Tina kept up with her physical routine to keep in shape, slender and well defined with just a hint of abdominals visible through her dark fur. When she dressed up in full dom regalia, she cast a very imposing figure.

The mouse had played around with a few names to begin with, her first instinct was to go with TNTina as her handle, but ultimately, she thought that was too close to her old self still and not enough of a separation for her new life. Instead, she opted for Dyna, short for Dynamite, which she thought was clever; often warning her clients it was because she had a short fuse. In reality it was just because she enjoyed punishing others and breaking them. With the right agency behind her, Dyna had soon built up a decent sized following which afforded her a comfortable lifestyle, far more than she had ever thought she would have at this age back in high school while stuffed in her locker.

"We have a new high-profile client for you, one who requires the utmost discretion. This one was a referral from one of your frequent A list celebs, so she checks out. She's a senator's wife, so the standard NDA is in full effect. We have your calendar cleared out for the full day tomorrow and a private suite overlooking Times Square at the LUMO booked as per your rider" the sultry voice of the agent confirmed.

"Cleared my calendar for her? She must be important" Dyna almost purred, she loved making powerful women submit. She'd never forgotten the torment she suffered for years back in school, so putting those rich bitches in their place now was such sweet retribution. Movie stars, politicians, musicians, it didn't matter. Dyna made them all kneel and lick her boots like they were worth less than nothing.

"Rumor has it her husband will be running for presidency next term and has a good chance of winning too" the voice on the end of the line reported. Dyna knew it was Felicity on the other end of the line, she recognized the voice. She had made the melanistic tigress moan enough times to know every note the sultry striped feline could make. It was also the only reason Felicity was divulging so much information; it wasn't usually company policy to do so, but Dyna had the beautiful feline wrapped around her finger in complete submission. Placing her phone on loudspeaker, the mouse switched to another remote trigger app and dragged the intensity circle to maximum before triggering it. Sure enough, a shuddered gasp and a bitten back groan was heard coming from the other end of the call when Felicity tried not to attract unwanted attention in her office space.

"Good girl. I'll be there...see you soon, kitten" Dyna teased, grinning at the faint and almost inaudible huff she heard over the line, knowing Felicity was wearing the special toy as instructed, which she could trigger from anywhere in the world. For now though, she just left it on a low constant hum set on a timer that would last until lunchtime when Felicity could finally go take care of herself. She knew the feline must be squirming in her seat and the crotch of her panties were soaked through at the mere thought of all the things Dyna would do to her, as well as make her do when they met again. The always met in secret despite Felicity not being famous; but knowing the feline was happily married only made torturing her all the more fun. Even after so many years of doing this, she was still surprised by just how easy it was to bend and break those supposedly straight married women. She supposed that after years of disappointing sex with their husbands, having a woman that knew how to pleasure them, especially against their will, really just hit the spot differently.


Dyna arrived almost an hour ahead of the earliest possible arrival of her appointment in order to set up. The room which had been booked looked like a very lavish and luxurious hotel room to the untrained eye. But to those in the know, it housed plenty of secrets if one knew where and what to look for. Least of all where the one-way reflective windows, ensuring their privacy without the need to close the curtains. There were anchor points hidden throughout and most of the furniture was rated for heavy use. While the chairs looked flimsy and stylish, Dyna knew from past experience that they could in fact hold a fully grown mare in full leather gear, along with a saddle and harnesses being ridden by her tall ebony furred mouse mistress.

She also knew the small metallic eyes hidden in the recesses behind support beams and in the corners of every room were a special titanium blend, capable of supporting the weight of a pregnant polar bear being supported in a sex swing as she had her behind stuffed full of fake rubber equine dick until she begged for mercy.

The silk curtains would not pop off the curtain rail or tear easily either, even when a fully grown jaguar beauty from the WNBA was forced to climb them to avoid Dyna's riding crop. These were all features only a very few people ever got to enjoy in these special red rooms. They even provided what appeared to be a standard food cart used by room service, but which would actually contain all of Dyna's various toys and tools to ply her trade. From a simple array of clamps, to floggers and full gimp masks, the cart contained items for every occasion.

Today, a new client was going to experience all this and more. If her calendar had been cleared and she was only dealing with one appointment, Dyna was going to make sure she got her money's worth. As she sat patiently waiting, the mouse skirted over the approval and information sheet the client had sent through. From the look of it, this one was very frigid indeed, almost as if she expected Dyna to be nothing but her pussy worshiping slave. She had indicated she did not give oral and was only okay with vaginal penetration, just as most of her other clients had started off. But that would soon change, Dyna had turned plenty of straight women into seasoned vagitarians over the years, much to their boyfriend and husbands dismay.

Today her selected outfit consisted of thigh high lace up high heeled boots, a pair of red silk panties, and a matching low cut red bodice which pushed her moderate sized breasts up to create some sultry cleavage. Even a pair of elbow length, red fingerless gloves and a black riding crop with a red tag at the end went along with the red devil horns atop her head, framing the high ponytail style her long scarlet hair was done up in.

Dyna waited at the foot of the bed, idly swaying her foot as she sat with her legs crossed at the knee, left over right. As was agreed upon, the door opened and her client stepped inside alone before locking the door behind her. For a brief moment the mouse's confident smirk slipped from her face as she got her first good look at who the client was. Some information was not provided in the client info sheets for security reasons, the company did not want to risk leaving a paper trail for any bright eyed and eager journalists to get their grubby little hands on and help put the puzzle pieces together.

Standing at the door was a familiar looking gunmetal gray lioness with fiery red hair in a fancy looking business suit. Her hair was shorter now, done up in a sleek long bob with curves and side-swept bang, looking more business-like perhaps, but even beneath the suit Dyna could see her curves were just as mouthwatering now as they had been back in the locker room showers. Even after all these years the feline looked as gorgeous now as she had years ago, if not more so.

"I'm so glad you agreed to meet me, Dyna..." Misses Baumont began to speak, yes it was her, no doubt about it. She had changed her last name to that of her husband perhaps, but there was no mistaking that arrogant tone in her voice, it was still there after all these years.

"Strip" Dyna said simply, her smirk quickly returning to her lips when it became evident she had not been recognized. Her mind suddenly filled with the ideas and punishments she had fantasized about through the years. She had sincerely doubted she ever would, but it was always fun to think of what she would've done to Cassidy if she got the chance. It seemed that somewhere in the universe, fate was smiling down on her finally.

"Pardon me?" Cassidy asked with a note of annoyance and a rather annoyed look, wrinkling her nose at the leather clad mouse sitting on the bed. Clearly, she wasn't used to people telling her what to do, the look on her face just screamed "spoiled bitch". That suited Dyna just fine, it just meant she would enjoy this all the more if the lioness was just as much of a cunt now as she had always been.

"You heard me, strip" the mouse demanded more firmly as she rose to her feet, slowly walking over toward the shocked looking lioness and circling her. Dyna knew she was beautiful now, a far cry from the short and chubby white mouse she used to be; she wasn't afraid to shamelessly use her appearance to disarm and unsettle her supposedly straight clientele either. Thanks to her love of dance and yoga, the mouse walked with a natural sultry sway that even the most enticing of felines paled in comparison to. Even now she could see the slight look of interest in the lioness's eyes. "And it's Mistress Dyna to you, now...strip!" Dyna almost shouted while giving Cassidy a quick swat on her left buttock with her riding crop.

"But I..." the lioness tried to talk back, though Cassidy quickly found it was not a good idea as she got another zing with the riding crop on her buttock, right in the exact same spot as the first. She was clearly not used to being told what to do or being punished for it, but she quickly caught on and began removing her clothing. There was no need for pretense here, Cassidy had hired Dyna for obvious and explicit reasons; the mouse knew her clients only referred others to her if they knew what they were getting themselves into as well. Considering the price the feline must have paid to clear Dyna's calendar for the day and with the stipulation of no refunds, she had come expecting to have her very specific needs met.

"Faster!" Dyna growled, giving the felines right buttock a shot with the riding crop this time. Oh, how she loved the sound of leather striking bare fur, the way muscle flexed defensively beneath flesh in response. Even the faint floral perfume Cassidy had on was perfect, it somehow further cemented the fact she was now a married mother of two, at least according to the info sheet. It was the same scent she'd caught on a few of her other clients with a similar background, it was as if they were all part of a secret club somehow.

"Ow! Fuck, okay...Jeezus!" Cassidy growled and sighed, trying to undress as fast as she could before getting swatted again. Even though she was growling at the treatment, there was an undeniable yet confusing tingle and dampness beginning to form between her thighs.

"There's no Jeezus here today, pussycat. Just you and me" the mouse responded while trying not to laugh. Finally, Cassidy was stripped down to just her fancy underwear; a matching pair of lacy black pushup bra and panties, along with matching garters and stockings. She was even better looking now than she had been all those years ago when Tina had last seen her in the showers after practice. Oh, how she had always longed to have her face pressed between the gorgeous lioness's thighs and eat the feline out like she was her last meal on earth. But the stuck-up bitch had always treated her like shit and made fun of her for even just possibly looking at other girls.

But here she was, almost two decades later and looking better than ever. Cassidy had filled out nicely after having two kids, her breasts were fuller, if not a little saggier with the extra weight, but still surprisingly perky for her age. Her behind had a bit more padding to it too, but still had a nice firm roundness to it. The lioness had a bit of a tummy on her too, but that just added to her beauty, she had clearly put in a lot of work to lose the baby weight after having her twins. She was curvy and soft, with a slight bit of definition. Dyna had read the details Cassidy had supplied about her husband before getting to the hotel, she knew he was almost twice Cassidy's age. It seemed like the lioness was what could be described as a trophy wife; she definitely lived up to the stereotype though, looking at her standing nearly nude in nothing but her underwear.

"Not bad" Dyna mused, feigning disinterest as she traced the leather tab of her riding crop along the lionesses' form. The red leather tag was slowly drawn around the lioness's hip and across her belly, moving up over her breast before flicking across a perking nipple. "But I've seen better" she threw in for good measure as she spotted a hint of pride starting to grow in Cassidy's eyes. The glare that followed was absolutely delicious, she was going to have fun breaking this pussy. Even if Cassidy got dressed and left now, knowing she'd managed to get under her former bully's skin so easily was more than Dyna could ever have hoped for.

"What the hell..." the lioness began to argue, but was quickly cut short by an expertly aimed shot, right between her thighs. Dyna had eaten enough pussy in the last few years that she could hit a clit in the dark from a mile away. Sure enough, her shot was on target and met with a pained yelp and the lioness doubling over as she clutched at her crotch.

"You will only speak when spoken to, understood, pet?" The mouse threatened calmly, before smiling when the feline nodded with an angry glare. Though she wasn't broken yet, at least she was a quick learner. This was going to be a fun session indeed, Dyna so loved breaking a defiant cunt. But considering their history, this defiant cunt would be more fun to break than all the others combined, this one was personal.

Without saying a word, Dyna returned to the bed and grabbed something from her cart before returning to stand behind Cassidy. The lioness had managed to stand somewhat upright again, though she still was rubbing soothingly between her thighs. There was a brief moment where the feline almost raised her hands to resist as a collar was cinched tight around her throat, but Cassidy managed to fight the impulse. Moving back around in front of her new toy, Dyna next attached a leash to the thick black collar with a silver engraved plate on the front. The fancy lettering was hard to make out at first, looking more like a floral pattern than anything. But the mouse knew it was just one simple word, written in all capital letters, "BITCH".

"Down on all fours and follow" was all the mouse said, once again resisting the urge to laugh as the lioness stood with her mouth agape for a brief moment, before looking down at the riding crop still clutched in Dyna's other hand. Reluctantly the proud feline got down on all fours, before Dyna gave a firm tug to her leash and began walking the lioness around the room like a trained animal. Every time Cassidy stopped or even so much as slowed down, Dyna was quick to let the riding crop remind her new pet of her place. She knew this probably wasn't what Cassidy had planned on, she knew how these rich bitches were. They thought they wanted a mistress, but all they really wanted was someone to eat their cunt and fuck them, but they couldn't risk an affair with their pool boy like normal women would, they had too much to lose. Most of them couldn't risk being seen with another man, which is why they hired a mistress that used a strapon on them. Less chance of getting knocked up that way, plus being mostly married women, it was less likely they'd be suspected of infidelity if they were seen with another woman. But as much as she might try argue to the contrary, the little damp spot at the crotch of Cassidy's underwear was a dead giveaway to her true feelings on the situation.

"Good pussy, you've earned your reward" Dyna cooed softly and encouragingly as she walked Cassidy over to the foot of the bed, after a few minutes of degrading the proud lioness like a feral pet. "Lick" was her sole command as she stuck one high heeled boot out toward her pet, while staring down at the feline expectantly. The look of horror and disgust on the beautiful felines face was priceless; Dyna almost thought she would get up and leave at such a request. This was usually the first turning point with her clients, pushing their boundaries and seeing how low they were willing to sink before they called it quits. But to the ebony furred mouse's surprise, the feline leaned down and extended her tongue to slowly drag it up along her mistress's foot. Watching her old high school bully kneeling almost naked as she licked her boot was far more exciting than Dyna could ever have imagined. Usually, she'd make her playthings suffer a while longer before giving them a taste, but this was a special case.

As she sat at the edge of the bed while Cassidy's tongue licked higher along her thigh high boot, toward her knee, Dyna parted her toned thighs wide. Setting the leash aside for the moment, her free hand reached down to tug the crimson crotch of her underwear aside to reveal her snug little pink pussy to the shocked looking feline, who paused mid-lick and stared wide eyed between Dyna's thighs.

"Eat me" Dyna ordered with a hint of a grin on her face. She could barely believe her luck, after so many years of dreaming of this exact scenario, she was now in a position to make her high school bully eat her cunt. Not only that, but the dumb bitch was paying to do so too! The same person that had mocked and tormented her for her sexual preferences had actually paid for this, to be put in this position. The cosmic irony and karma had lined up perfectly for her to finally get her retribution and some very delayed gratification! But Dyna knew it was worth the wait, Cassidy had spent so much time and energy trying to build the perfect life she portrayed to the rest of the world, while in private she was nothing more than a pussy worshiping pet.

"But I'm not gay" Cassidy tried to argue, wrinkling her nose as she stared at the mouse's exposed pussy as if it were a disgusting alien.

"Then why the fuck did you hire me? Did you make a mistake, are you just a dumb cunt?" Dyna asked in a calm but clearly mocking tone before she leaned forward. A hand reached out to brush her dark furred fingers into that brilliant mop of fiery red hair to grasp tight and make the lioness hiss painfully.

"No...I..." Cassidy tried to reply, but her pride wouldn't permit her to admit she'd made a terrible mistake, or worse, that she was just a dumb cunt. It was more than that though, she felt something she hadn't felt in a long time. She was getting absolutely fucking wet from being treated this way, no one in her entire life had ever dared talk to her or treat her like this. She was always the one in charge, the one people listened to and obeyed, often without question. But now this beautiful ebony furred woman took that control and power away from her, and Cassidy was loving every minute of it. It seemed her vixen friend, Meghan, was right about her after all.

"" Dyna demanded again with a stern glare, gripping tighter at Cassidy's handful of hair as she leaned back a little and tugged the felines muzzle closer to her honeypot. The lioness gave a single curt nod before she reluctantly submitted and began making out with the mouse's cunt. She didn't dare try to draw this out any longer by nipping and licking along the rodent's inner thighs in an attempt to stall; fearing further reprisal if she did, the lioness went all in and began making out with Dyna's quim.

"Fuck, I love feline tongues" Dyna groaned as she rolled her hips and ground up against Cassidy's snout. Every lick of the rough tongue against her delicate folds made her shiver, though for someone that professed to not being gay, the feline was surprisingly proficient at eating pussy she noticed. "You've done this before" the mouse noted with a pointed and accusatory stare.

"Cheerleading camp" was the only response Cassidy gave; to anyone else it wouldn't have meant much perhaps. But as Dyna had a history with said cheerleaders too, she knew all too well what the implication was. Those bitches had mocked and teased her about being queer all through high school, meanwhile back on the ranch, they had been eating each other out like a fucking all you can eat clam buffet! That settled it, Tina was going to break Cassidy if it was the last thing she ever did.

Normally Dyna would just give her pets a taste of her cunt before she moved onto more filling activities. But as she had fantasized about this for so many years, she let the reluctant pussycat eat her out through no less than two well deserved climaxes. To her credit though, the feline didn't need much instruction on how to eat pussy, no doubt cheerleading camp taught that just as well as they did on how to be a bitch in high school. By the time Cassidy was finally let up for air, her whiskers were sticking to her muzzle in spots with how soaked her face was. Dyna wasn't normally a squirter, but having her bully feast on her box so willingly was more than ample inspiration to get her excited enough for it though.

"Stand" Dyna eventually ordered, while tugging Cassidy to her feet. The mouse then directed the lioness over to stand beneath one of the support beams, guiding and raising the felines hands up into the padded cuffs she had set up earlier to keep her arms up over her head. "What's your safe word?" the mouse finally asked, after making sure the cuffs were securely fastened and the feline was well supported. With a firm pull on an attached line anchored to a wall, the padded cuffs were raised higher, forcing Cassidy to have to stand on her tiptoes to even touch the floor once the height of the restraints was adjusted.

"Spirit" Cassidy replied after a moment's thought, again almost making Dyna laugh and shake her head. Fucking cheerleaders, they never changed. With her new toy bound and suspended, Dyna decided to help herself to her own little treat as she stood before her helpless pet while looking the curvy feline over. Her hands almost trembled with excitement as she reached out and began to grope over Cassidy's heavenly breasts, tugging the cups of her bra down to expose the dark red nipples already perked and standing at attention. The mouse couldn't help herself, she had to taste Cassidy and soon the rodent's lips were latched around one nipple while her fingers tweaked and toyed with the other. "Not so rough..." Cassidy whimpered after a moment, to which Dyna simply nipped hard at the little bud caught between her teeth, earning a hiss and a growl from the lioness.

Dyna didn't even have to say a word as she glared at the lioness, who quickly realized she hadn't been spoken to and had subsequently spoken out of turn. This time she decided she would accept her punishment without further complaint; instead, she simply began to chew nervously at the corner of her bottom lip. The mouse didn't let up for a moment however, her right hand brushed down over the once taut tummy, now a slight cute belly after having birthed two brats. Her painted red nails scratched through the gunmetal grey fur and down beneath the black lace panties to cup firmly between Cassidy's thighs. When she hooked two fingers into her former bully's cunt, Dyna raised her brows questioningly at the feline.

"Still so tight?" she noted mockingly as she stirred her fingers around inside the bound feline, making her captive huff and squirm while hanging from the ceiling, the lioness's toes barely touching the plush carpet below.

"Cesarean..." the feline barely managed to reply, her eyes screwed shut tightly as her hips began to buck a little into the mouse's hand. "Oh fuck..." the lioness whimpered when Dyna ground her palm against her helpless captive's clit while her fingers pumped in and out of Cassidy's married cunt with faint, but undeniable wet sounds. Even Dyna was a little surprised by just how hot and slick Cassidy was already, perhaps this part of her had been hidden for so long that it was just bursting to be let free. It certainly would explain some of the bullying, Cassidy saw in Tina something that reflected a part of herself she so badly wanted to deny, or at least keep hidden away.

"Hubby didn't want a loose cunt?" the mouse asked with a lewd grin, sinking in another finger alongside the first two and feeling how that snug opening reluctantly stretched to take it.

"" Cassidy groaned out in response as her hips bucked harder into the rodent's hand.

"How unfortunate..." the mouse intoned before suddenly withdrawing her hand from inside the disappointed looking feline's underwear. Dyna raised her hand, slowly parting her fingers to show off the gossamer strands of the blushing felines arousal between her spread digits. As the lioness panted and watched on, Dyna brought her dew coated digits to her own lips and suckled her fingers clean, making eye contact with Cassidy the entire time. "Sweetest cunt I've had in a while" she purred playfully before sauntering back over to the bed and out of Cassidy's line of sight. With no leverage to speak of, the lioness couldn't turn around to see what the mouse was doing, all she could hear was the rustling and clicking of what sounded like a room service cart. When the sounds faded, she knew Dyna had returned, before the mouse even said a single word, she could feel her dominating presence right behind her.

Cassidy frowned in confusion as she felt herself being lowered down a little, before her feet were pushed wide apart and additional padded cuffs were locked in place around her ankles. When she looked down, she saw that she was now wearing a spreader bar and was unable to close her legs. At first, she was confused, not understanding why she needed this, but it soon became clear. It quickly became obvious what the mouse was planning when she felt her bra become slack, just before Dyna appeared before her again, tugging her bra down and off. Her underwear however would not be so lucky as the mouse simply cut them off the bound and spread feline with a pair of shiny silver fabric scissors. The look in the feline's eye spoke volumes of how much she wanted to curse the mouse for ruining her expensive underwear, but she was already falling into her submissive role and bit her tongue instead. Unbeknown to Cassidy however, Dyna would tuck the soaked underwear into her bag as a memento of this encounter before collecting a few more items from the cart to begin the felines torture.

Dyna stood back for a moment to admire the mostly nude lioness, now wearing only her stockings and garter belt. She really was beautiful; the lines and curves of her body were enticing. She had an attractive face and gorgeous blue eyes, when she kept her mouth shut, she actually appeared like a halfway decent person. It was such a pity that someone so gorgeous had such a shitty personality, but at least here and now, Dyna was getting a chance to try correct that, if only temporarily.

"I'll start you off on something simple, until I know what you can take...and believe me, by the time I'm done with you, you'll be taking a lot" the mouse promised ominously. Despite the rodents warm and friendly smile, Cassidy felt a cold shiver run through her at the predatory look in Dyna's eyes. Fuck did it excite her.

Cassidy watched with curiosity as Dyna retrieved what she could best describe as being rubber tipped paperclips. Her confusion quickly evaporated when her nipples were gently pinched between the rubber tips and the mouse gently worked the little restraining ring higher to increase the pressure, until she was satisfied they were firmly in place without being too uncomfortable. At least for now, the mouses intent was not to hurt the feline, at least not just yet. The lioness's breathing picked up a little as she felt the constant pressure on her nipples, like someone was playing with them incessantly, but no matter how much she moved and squirmed, she could not escape their touch. The effect was only amplified when two small weights were attached to the clamps, every move she made had her feeling like someone was gently tugging on her sensitive points of flesh.

Her pleasurable torture would not end there however, the mouse was on the move again with another clamp. This time she knelt before Cassidy with a devious grin up at the feline whom was shaking her head no, but it was of no use. Dyna gently rubbed and teased the felines clit, causing it to engorge just that little bit more before she applied the rubberized tweezer clamp to the little bundle of nerves carefully. The pressure was firm yet gentle, but altogether it was undeniable. Similar to her nipple clamps, the mouse added a weight to this one as well, only it wasn't a normal weight. It felt a little lighter, but there was more to it, this one buzzed and sent a constant low hum right through her clit. It almost felt like someone was sucking on her clit while humming, but no matter how much she strained against her bonds, Cassidy could not escape the focused pleasurable assault.

Dyna stood idly by with a content smirk as she watched the beautiful lioness work herself into an almost frenzy against her restraints. The constant attention to her nipples and clit were exaggerated the more she bucked and squirmed, but she could not escape them. When Cassidy was suitably distracted, Dyna made her move. Once more with the riding crop held outstretched, she slowly circled the bound feline while dragging the red tag along her form. With quick flicks of her wrist, she delivered targeted swats to her former bully's inner thighs, across her breasts and half a dozen strokes to each pert buttock. At first the sounds spilling forth from Cassidy's parted lips were tinged with pain, but by the time the pink marks were visible even through her dark fur, they had changed into almost growling lust filled sounds. The feline was already starting to look worn out, her expensive hairstyle a mess and even her makeup was starting to run and smear in places, almost looking like she'd been crying her eyes out after a high school breakup.

"Please..." Cassidy eventually begged, feeling like every inch of her was on fire. Not just from the blows of the riding crop either, she had never been so aroused or for so long before, it was starting to feel like she would go insane if it continued.

"Please, what?" Dyna asked simply, feigning ignorance. She had brought dozens of women to this point before, she knew what her pet was going to ask, before she even asked.

"Please, let me cum" the feline stared at her with pleading eyes, looking absolutely pathetic.

The ebony furred mouse stared back at the lioness uncaringly, the only sign she'd even registered what Cassidy had asked was the slight hitch at the corner of her lips as she grinned. Instead of doing what her client wanted, Dyna moved around behind her and began fastening something about the felines flicking tail instead. When her tail was lifted up high and a soft click was heard, Cassidy realized she couldn't lower her tail down, there was now something firmly gripping around it and holding it up almost to the back of her neck.

"You spoke without being spoken to" The mouse hissed from behind her, just as something cold, hard and slick started rubbing insistently under her tail.

"Wait, no...I said no anal..." The lioness tried to beg, but it was futile. The small silver plug with the red jewel base slowly forced her open and popped inside the felines until now untouched asshole.

"You said you didn't eat pussy either, but my cum on your face proves otherwise" Dyna stated simply as she teased the slick little silver buttplug in and out of her captives backdoor a few times, enjoying the way the feline jerked and groaned every time. The look of discomfort and shame that accompanied every gentle pump of the object under Cassidy's tail excited Dyna like never before. With all the other sensations tingling in her body, the mouse knew her bully was trying to ignore the lewd pleasure of this new and unfamiliar sensation. She thought she was better than that, having something under her tail was wrong and disgusting. "Admit it, you're getting off on having your little high class tail hole played with" the rodent teased knowingly.

"No...I'm not..." Cassidy tried to deny, but she couldn't even manage to look Dyna in the eyes defiantly as she said it. "Oh god!" she groaned out suddenly when fingers entered her womanhood from behind, she knew why too. The mouses fingers sunk between her folds, rather effortlessly with how slick she was, the lioness could practically feel her arousal starting to dampen her inner thighs.

"Your cunt says otherwise, I can feel how you're gripping at my fingers, you needy bitch" Dyna commented harshly as she curled her fingers and twisted them inside the lioness. "You want something inside you, don't you? You want to be fucked, to have this slutty little pussy of yours filled and pounded" with every other word she pumped her fingers in and out of the bound woman, punctuating every insult as she rubbed and touched every sensitive spot within the feline she could reach. But as she felt the telltale signs her pet was about to climax; her fingers withdrew and Cassidy was left riding the knifes edge of ecstasy. The way she danced in the air as she tried to rub her thighs together at least, for some sort of stimulation to carry her over the edge was glorious. But the spreader bar denied her even that simple mercy, causing the lioness to growl out in frustration while muttering curses beneath her breath.

"Fuck...yes...please...just fuck me, use me, I don't care anymore! Just let me cum before I go insane!" the beautiful bound lioness pleaded with an almost agonized growl. Her body was a work of art, Dyna could sit and watch her muscles flex and work beneath her silky gunmetal grey coat for hours. The way she writhed and fought against her bonds, the broken and pleading look in her eyes, she was right where Dyna wanted her. Cassidy had been supplied her first taste of the drug and now she was hooked, ready to do whatever it took to get more.

Instead of proceeding as Cassidy had expected or even hoped she would, Dyna just walked away from her. The lioness watched in confusion as the mouse retrieved one of the flimsy looking high backed chairs and brought it over in front of her, but it was facing the wrong way for her to sit on however. When the mouse next moved, it was to lower the cuffs about her wrists and Cassidy began to understand what was happening.

Her hands still weren't permitted to lower fully, but they were lowered enough to allow Dyna to push Cassidy over the back of the chair and to bend her forward at the waist. She knew the slinky feline was flexible enough for the position, she still vividly remembered some of the routines she'd done back in high school. With one foot on the spreader bar to keep her captive's feet firmly planted in place, the lioness was trapped over the back of the chair with her behind exposed and vulnerable. Cassidy's round ears flicked and twitched as she heard more curious sounds behind her, the mouse was obviously fiddling with something and sinching straps in place, but she couldn't turn around to see what exactly, though she had a good idea.

Briefly Dyna toyed with the idea of using a smaller toy on Cassidy to begin with, just to start off easily on her. But as she stood looking over the assortment of attachments, the soft whimpering behind her brought back unwanted memories. Tina suddenly remembered herself being crammed in the small dark confines of her locker, her throat hoarse from crying out for help for so long, but none had come until hours later. She had broken down and almost cried herself to sleep, only her soft whimpering had alerted the cleaners to her presence. With a stern look upon her face, Dyna selected a rather unique hybrid toy she usually only used on her more experienced pets. This one in particular was a hefty nine inches of menacing ridged rubber, looking like a dragon's cock but with an almost softball sized knot at the base. Each ridge widened out a little more, making sure whatever hole it went into would feel every inch. Cast in a mottled black and red, it suited her outfit well also, which was just an added fringe benefit.

"Sorry for your husband, but you might not be so tight by the end of today" Dyna spoke softly to Cassidy as she guided the thick pointed cocktip up against her cunt from below. Cassidy didn't have time to ask questions before she felt the thick rubber toy penetrate her, stretching her wide and filling her like never before. From the feeling of the ridges, she assumed the toy must have been somewhat draconic in shape. Each ridge was slightly girthier than the one before it and soon she felt like she was stuffed with a soda can with how wide she was being stretched.

Dyna leaned back a little and watched as each successive ridge of her mottled red and black demonic dragon strapon gradually stretched the felines pussy wider. She more than expected Cassidy to yelp and utter her safe word by the second or third ridge; if she did, Dyna would have stopped. As much as she still hated the feline, she wouldn't dare hurt her clients and her own reputation just for the sake of petty revenge. But to her surprise, the feline whore managed to take the toy all the way to the knotted base without complaint, almost. There were a few detectable curses between all the growling Cassidy was doing. Her large rounded ears remained perked forward as she listened for any sign of real pain or complaints from her captive, but all she heard was ragged pleasured breathing and groaning from the lioness, letting Dyna know she hadn't hurt the lioness. At least not physically, but she sure as shit was taking a beating in the pride department.

"Please, more...harder!" Cassidy eventually begged after a moment of Dyna remaining motionless behind her. The needy feline even tried to wriggle back onto the mouses faux demonic dragon cock, just to get some stimulation going, other than being stretched and filled almost uncomfortably.

"No! Bad kitten, you do what I say, not the other way around. Understood?" Dyna snapped back before she firmly reminded her pet of her position with a firm swat of her bare hand to the felines left buttock, hard enough to illicit a yelp and a mumbled apology from the formerly snarky lioness. Dyna remained motionless for a few moments longer out of pure spite, just to ensure the feline had learned her place. Once she was satisfied however, the mouse gripped firmly at Cassidy's behind and spread her lewdly, just so she could draw almost all the way back out before firmly bucking every inch back inside her bully's pussy. All the while she grinned smugly at the little red jewel nestled between Cassidy's buttocks and beneath her tail, already she'd pushed the lioness beyond her comfort zone and she still hadn't thought to use her safe word, Dyna was almost impressed...almost.

Cassidy wanted to cry out from the mixture of pleasure and pain, the way the weighted and buzzing clips constantly tugged at her nipples and clit was such a fine pleasurable torture in its own right. She knew what was happening to her should hurt and not be enjoyable, but it didn't, instead having that unyielding plug under her tail while the mouse's thick toy worked back and forth inside her was like nothing she'd ever felt before. There was a keen edge of pain, but not like she expected, instead it just amplified her pleasure. "Oh God yes!" she heard the desperate words spill from her own lips by the third deep thrust. She wanted to be fucked fast and hard, needed it, but the mouse denied her that. Instead, Dyna set her own pace and Cassidy was forced to comply and go along for the ride. Along with the pleasure and pain came frustration, she was building slowly back up to what felt like it would be a mind-altering climax, but it wasn't as fast as she wanted and needed to get off. She craved the release, but it felt always just out of her reach and she loved it. Her pleasure was for once completely out of her control, yet that just made every sensation so much more intense.

The feeling soon became unbearably addictive, Dyna added in harsh spanks to Cassidy's behind, along with raking her painted red nails down the felines back, hard enough that red lines were visible beneath her dark fur. Cassidy's cries of mixed pleasure and pain were like symphonies to Dyna's ears. The mouse briefly sped up her thrusts into the bound feline, only to stop completely when she felt her captive was about to get off. The ebony furred rodent knew well the signs of her pet's approaching climaxes and refused them their release until she was ready for it. At any point Cassidy could pull the ripcord and use her safe word to be let free and take care of herself, the mouse was fully aware and prepared for that eventuality. Until she did however, Dyna would keep pushing her until that moment.

"Fuck!" Cassidy growled out harshly as the mouse switched to quick hard thrusts once her nearing climax had subsided enough, using the entire length of the toy to cram up into the lioness each time like a battering ram. The felines hips bucked and tried to escape the entry, but Dyna simply stepped harder down on the spreader bar and pinned the lioness's feet in place, while forcing her captive to take the entire toy over and over again. It was obvious that Cassidy was not used to being treated like this, being fucked hard and deep, probably deeper than her husband could at any rate. The feline's hands clenched into tightly balled fists as she felt every thick ridged inch of the fake cock sink up into her cunt. She wanted to hate it, to hate this, but she had never been so fucking turned on before. The fact Dyna hadn't even had to use lube to get such a thick toy in her because she was so goddamn wet was a testament to that fact. She had never been this aroused by her husband if she was honest with herself.

"Look at that, took it all...good slutty cat" Dyna teased as she ground her hips against Cassidy's pillowy backside. Fuck she wished she had a real cock; she could only imagine how crazy the kitty's pussy was going from being so crammed full right now and having been kept at the edge of release for so long. But she had to give it to the feline, she was doing remarkably well at barely making a sound as she took the biggest dick she'd probably ever encountered, especially with the mouse hammering it up into her so roughly.

The time for release came eventually, Cassidy had been tortured enough for the moment. With her pace picking up again, Dyna let loose and just began an all-out jackhammer pace of fucking her bound bully's cunt, hard enough that her hips clapped softly against the lioness's behind. By the fifth or sixth stroke the damned bitch was cumming hard and damn near screaming loud enough it sounded like she was being murdered. Cassidy's cunt clenched down hard too, hard enough that she actually managed to clench down tight enough to briefly disrupt the mouse's thrusts inside her. Thank fuck they were in the top floors which were very rarely used, so there was not usually anyone else up there this time of the year. Though even if there were and someone complained to the hotel management, they knew of Dyna's reputation and took steps to ensure there were no embarrassing publicity incidents, as per their secret contract and retainer with her company.

It wasn't enough for Dyna though, she wanted more, she needed more. Cassidy had to learn her place, she needed to be truly broken, but there was still a hint of defiance in her eyes. Even as Dyna finally withdrew her toy from the soaked cat cunt and undid her bindings, letting the worn-out feline collapse over the high-backed chair fully, she saw how Cassidy glared back at her briefly while quivering and trembling through the aftershocks of her climax. The way the lioness twitched and jerked like a junky experiencing withdrawal was a good sign, Dyna knew that Cassidy had obviously never cum so hard before. Nor would she again, at least not unless it was under her new mistress's instruction and direction, but more importantly, with her permission.

"We're nowhere near done yet, kitten. Now crawl on over here and climb up into my lap" the mouse ordered with a stern expression as she sat at the edge of the bed, lewdly stroking the glistening mottled black and red phallus in her lap threateningly.

As soon as the lioness tried to stand however, her legs gave out beneath her, forcing the feline to slump down onto her knees as she stared at the mouse with a mixture of both longing and hatred. It took a moment before Cassidy was able to crawl even, almost seeming thankful she didn't have to walk as her legs felt like jelly at that moment. It didn't help that every little movement made the weights attached to the three tweezer clamps still in place sway, feeling like someone was teasing her even as she crawled like a pathetic creature toward the bed. Even just climbing up onto the bed and into the mouse's lap was an arduous task, but she managed it somehow. Sitting with the thick toy trapped beneath her, Cassidy tried to muster her senses and marshal her remaining strength; she refused to be broken so easily, by a mouse no less. Somehow the thought of giving up and leaving seemed like an even worse option than letting this bitch fuck her like a common whore again, but she had never been raised to be a quitter and she wasn't about to start now!

"Ride it" Dyna ordered in a voice that left no room for argument, her hands raising to toy with the weights attached to the nipple clamps still in place. The way Cassidy's face screwed up and her nose wrinkled while she tried not to moan was almost cute and endearing in a way.

"It's kinda big" Cassidy replied, her cunt very much still ached from the fucking she'd already received from it. It wasn't a request however, as Dyna quickly reminded her when stopped playing with her pet's nipples. Instead, she simply lined the toy up with Cassidy's opening with one hand, and tugged down firmly on the leash still attached to her collar with the other to sink the bitch down onto the fake member again.

"F...uuuck..." the lioness groaned aloud as she was impaled on the thick fake draconic cock again, her delicate dark pink folds stretched wide around the mottled shaft once more. God, she looked so beautiful like that, Dyna thought. The way her pretty face screwed into a mask of unbidden pleasure and submission; she was right on the verge of breaking. Dyna didn't even have to remind the lioness of her order either, no sooner had her rump come to rest in the mouses lap, that Cassidy started to rise and fall of her own accord when she began to reluctantly ride the fake phallus.

"Good girl" Dyna cooed softly to Cassidy while leaning forward to capture one of the felines nipples in a soft teasing kiss. Her other nipple was lightly tugged at as the mouse toyed with the weight attached to the tweezer clamp still firmly pinching at the dark red bud. But none of that seemed to matter when the lioness felt nails scratching back across her hip and moving beneath her tail, because every time she sunk down onto the fake cock, Dyna would begin to give a little tug at the plug still lodged in her tightly clenched asshole. Soon it began to feel like she was being fucked front and back, the sensation was very alien to the feline whom began to whimper and almost mewl pathetically.

"No, not my ass" Cassidy complained when Dyna reached beneath her tail to begin playing with her asshole and the toy lodged therein. She'd never been a fan of it and had specifically requested for it not to be a part of today's encounter. Yet here she was, riding a fake cock with a buttplug already inside her, more worrying was the fact she didn't actually mind it as much as she thought she would. What she was truly afraid of was that if she allowed just the little plug, what else would Dyna try do to her? She had to make a stand here and now to prevent further exploration under her tail.

"Your holes are mine to do with as I please, understood?" Dyna paused her teasing while leaning back just enough to fix Cassidy with a stern stare. Again, she more than expected the gorgeous lioness to utter her safe word and end the session, but the next words that came out of her mouth were rather surprising and even more promising.

"Yes mistress Dyna" Cassidy replied, seeming to surprise even herself at giving in so easily. Her brief moment of doubt quickly dissipated when Dyna gave an approving nod, her hands clapping down on the felines narrow waist as she began to help the lioness ride the thick fake cock. This time there was no slow teasing or lazy buildup, the mouse intended to throw her wholly over the precipice into another intense climax. Doing so would just cement the idea that obedient pets got rewarded, which in turn would make Cassidy even more subservient. As the gunmetal grey lioness bounced in the mouses lap, the rodent in turn bucked up into her cunt, until Cassidy came hard again and coated the faux demonic draconic shaft with a fresh coat of slick femcum.

Dyna watched as Cassidy's eyes nearly rolled into the back of her head, almost looking like she was possessed as she screamed like a banshee through her climax. Her fiery red hair a mess and sticking to her face in places as the lioness perspired from the unusual workout. Her tufted tail tried to flick and sway behind her, but it was still bound in place up against her back and just resulted in little jerks to the felines collar, altering the tone of her passionate cries. For a moment it seemed like the lioness's mind had actually been overloaded when she slumped like a dead weight against the mouse beneath her. Thankfully she wasn't comatose, at least not yet Dyna found out. Cassidy was still awake, but in a state that could best be described as cum drunk. She couldn't form coherent sentences or move without aid, but she was still mobile enough for what her mistress had in mind next.

With a bit of sorority styled wrestling assistance, Dyna managed to guide the rather weak and unsteady feline over to the sex swing and awkwardly guided her into the straps and harnesses. By the time Cassidy's eyes finally began to focus and her mind returned to the real world, she was swaying lazily in the black rope and fiber contraption. Again, her hands were restrained up above her head, connected to the two hand holds up high, with her legs strapped into the foot holds which had been adjusted to support just beneath her knees, so her thighs remained spread as if she were about to visit her OBGYN.

"Whose slutty hole is this?" Dyna asked as she stared down at her now conscious pet while gently playing with the red jeweled cap of the silver buttplug.

"Yours" Cassidy replied surprisingly quick and with determination.

"Good girl. Can I do what I want with my kitten's slutty little hole?" She persisted, while gently tugging back on the plug until it popped free of the tightly muscled opening.

"Yes" Again Cassidy replied without hesitation or even a hint of doubt, she even maintained eye contact as she answered this time. Dyna grinned internally, there was no more defiance left in her eyes, she'd broken the beautiful lioness and could do whatever she wanted with her now.

As if to test that theory, Dyna grabbed a tube of light pink lube from her cart. Standing between Cassidy's spread thighs, she poured a healthy blob onto the fingers of her left hand before reaching down to begin gently working it into the felines little dark red pucker. To her surprise, instead of complaining or even flinching, the lioness actually tried to wriggle down onto her fingers. Curiously Dyna pressed first one, then another finger inside the hot and tight gripping opening of her former bully's backside. Sure enough, Cassidy groaned like a seasoned whore who was used to having her butt played with. Again, the mouse wished she had a real cock, especially for what she was about to do. Withdrawing her slick fingers from the inviting warmth of Cassidy's word class behind, she poured even more lube along the thick ridged length still strapped about her waist. It was now or never, either she'd get her final revenge and take her bully's last virginity, or the lioness would chicken out and use her safe word.

With the pointed tip poised to deflower Cassidy completely, Dyna stared deeply into her eyes and began to slowly push. Her hips paused when she saw the felines lips twitch, as if she were about to speak, but nothing but a needy groan issued forth. Dyna continued to slowly push her hips forward, sinking inch after inch of the thick ridged toy up her former high school bully's rectum. The dumb bitch couldn't do anything but moan like a slut, even when she finally got down to the knot again. It was better than she ever could have imagined. Dyna held still for a moment, slowly grinding her hips against the backs of Cassidy's thighs as she teased the lioness's pucker with the thick knot of her strapon.

"You don't remember me, do you?" Dyna asked as she started to slowly stroke her thick ridged strapon in and out beneath Cassidy's twitching tail, watching the lionesses pucker reluctantly swallow the entire length, right down to the knot again and again.

"W...what?" Cassidy asked in confusion, too cum drunk still and lost in embarrassing bliss to make sense of the situation.

"Tiny Tina, never going to touch a wiener" Dyna said in a mocking rendition of the lioness's classic taunting, just as she ground hard against the felines clenching pucker, gradually forcing the fake knot inside her. The sound of the lioness groaning in climax as she was tied was like music to her ears. "Well, you were right, I never did touch a wiener. I've always had a thing for pussy. But I was right too, you are my bitch now, isn't that right?" Tina asked with a grin as she tugged back on Cassidy's thighs and ground her hips against the felines firm behind.

"Ngh! Yes...mistress" Cassidy groaned, unable to believe she had just gotten the fucking of a lifetime from the once chubby little white mouse she had tormented all those years ago...and she wanted more.

"Still in touch with the old squad by any chance?" Tina asked with a malicious grin while scratching her red nails along the inside of Cassidy's left inner thigh, reaching in to lightly tug and toy at the tweezer clamp and buzzer still happily tormenting the felines clit.