Girl’s Night Out and In

Story by WolfTales on SoFurry

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#13 of The Silence of the Savior

Chapter 13

The smile seemed to be permanently on her muzzle, no matter how weird it was to be taking her pictures off the wall. Her portfolio was puffing slightly by the time she got them all into it. A sigh broke her maw, but her eyes were still shinning as she looked around the tiny apartment. One decent size box of cloths, her large portfolio, and another small box of drawing supplies and other odds and ends.

Her ears tweaked again, swiveling toward the door. She smiled as she heard Jared's voice at the bottom of the stairs. "Just.. don't touch the railings."

"Oh hell! First the door, now this?" Kate's voice was just as audible, and as irritated, but Sunn smiled wider none the less. Taking one last look around as she heard the three sets of foot-paws leaving the staircase, she went to the door.

As there was a strong knocking, she turned the knob and jerked the door hard and it jumped open. Her smile was echoed on Jared and Jack's muzzles, but Kate was staring at the door in utter disgust. Standing back, Sunn showed them in, crossing back to her portfolio and moving it to the small stack of her stuff. Jared crossed to her and placed a small kiss on her maw as she set down the worn, old looking folder.

She kissed him back and her smile was back in full force, hardly wavering as Kate walked around eyeing everything. After one last look around the bedroom, she turned on her heals and crossed to Jared, raising her paw and whacking him up the back of his head.

"Owe! What the hell was that for?"

"Jared, look at this place! You never should have let her come back here!" Opening his mouth to protest she quickly silenced him, starting on another tirade, but stopped when Sunn's arms were thrown around her. Eyes wide, she looked at her face leaning down to her shoulder. The smile she wore was so happy and warm that Kate had to smile too. "Oh, alright! Let's just get you out of here! Everything is taken care of with the landlord right?"

Sunn hugged her tight again before letting her go and nodding, picking up a small stack of papers on the little table.

"And you can leave what you don't need right?" Looking over the paper for the hundredth time, seeing nothing contrary, she nodded and motioned to the two boxes and her folder.

"That's it?!?" Jack didn't even try to hide the shock from his voice. A slight blush lit Sunn's cheeks as she nodded.

Jared wrapped an arm around her shoulders and kissed the top of her head. "I have more than enough stuff for both of us." After a still embarrassed smile, he let his arm fall and turned to her small pile. "Shall we get moving then?" He reached down and grabbed the biggest box, nearly toppling over with the surprise of how light it was. Jack was immediately snatching up the other box, a little less started than Jared, but still surprised. Sunn quickly grabbed her portfolio before Kate could, making sure she was carrying something.

She only smiled when the tiger glared at her, but turning away was a mistake. Suddenly Kate grabbed her around the waist and lifted her, carrying her toward the door. "Everyone has to carry something. Leave it to the guys to give me the heaviest piece!" Though it was silent, Sunn was laughing and kicking all the way out the door, till Kate finally set her down by the stairs.

The guys were staring at them, both smiling as they all started to head for the door. But as they passed the mail boxes, Sunn noticed a set of keys sticking out of a familiar box. Handing off her portfolio she signaled for them to wait a moment. Grabbing the keys, she ran back up stairs to the door next to her own. Knocking softly, she waited for the old Raccoon to answer the door.

"Oh, hello dear, I thought you had moved out already." Sunn shook her head, smiling and point for the stairs. "Oh right now?" She nodded, then held up the old woman's key. "Oh my goodness, thank you child, very much." Smiling again, Sunn leaned down and hugged the old woman before starting off down the hall way, waving as she started down the stairs.

With boxes too, it was a bit longer of a walk to Jared's place than usual, but Sunn practically skipped the whole way. This time Jack had to remind her to slow down. She tried, but she was too excited, knowing that she would never have to make this walk again. Even when they passed the alley she didn't even seem to notice. Jared smiled too, knowing how happy she was, and he was, that she was moving in with him.

After they had gotten everything up stairs, Kate took her portfolio out of Sunn's hands and started herding her back to the door. "Now you two can unpack for her, it's just about the right hour for the club to be jumping. We are going to celebrate with a girl's night out!" Sunn's face went from confusion straight back to full happiness.

"Now don't worry, boys," she hushed them both as they started to speak. "We are going to the club close to my place and she can spend the night there! I'm sure you won't mind postponing your consecration of your move-in one more night, would you?"

Sunn looked shyly to Jared, who looked a little shocked, but when he smiled and nodded, she broke free of Kate's grip and ran to hug him, placing a long kiss on his maw. Crossing back to the door, she smiled again and waved before closing it behind her.

Jared and Jack looked at each other and sighed. "What now?" Jared could only shrug as they headed for the bedroom with Sunn's boxes.

It was another twenty minute walk and they were in the midst of a bight town, so it was hard to tell the sun had touched the horizon. Sunn's sensitive ears could pick up the faint sound of music coming from the direction Kate was leading her. Rounding the last corner she saw, what looked like an old office building, with multi colored light and a deep bases emanating from it on all sides.

Stuck staring in awe, Kate laughed and grabbed her paw, leading her to the doorway where two very buff, and identical Doberman's were standing guard. Looking down at the two girls in regular street cloths, one of them raised an eyebrow, but the other was already smiling and drawing back the velvet rope that blocked the way to the entrance.

She clung to Kate's paw, not even realizing she was doing it, but she knew if she lost her in this crowd and noise she would never find her again. Or her way back out, for that matter. She could barely even hear the Tigress's laughter over the music pounding from somewhere very close but unseen. Being lead through small crowds of people, she found herself at a balcony and what was below was unlike anything she had ever seen. Furrs and Scales of all kinds were dancing so close that any part of them could be touching at least five others, and they all seemed a fluid movement gravitating towards one particular side of the dance floor. A small semi-circle was cut and raised from the floor with equipment she did not recognize and a Dal with headphones as large as his ears bobbing his head to the music and spinning things around on his table.

Suddenly he grabbed a microphone near his paws and shouted, "Is everyone having a good time?!?" Even clamping her paws over her ears she could hear the crowd scream their reply. "Do you want some more?!!" Another scream erupted and the Dal seemed to make the music go even louder. Her ear drums were shaking, but a vibration she recognized turned her gaze. Kate was looking at her for a moment, then shouted again. Sunn shook her head, unable to hear her still. Kate pointed down to the floor and smiled.

Sunn felt her eyes widen and her face flush, but she had no time to find a way to protest as the tigress grabbed hold of her paw and dragged her off to a darkened staircase and down into the swarm of creatures. The effect on her ears seemed less at this level, having so many other bodies to go through, and she was finally able to hear Kate's raised voice again. "Don't worry, it'll just be you and me. It'll be fine, they know me pretty well here!"

Sunn's vision was spun as Kate twirled her around on the dance floor. Those around them made more room when they had felt her tale beet against them, some even waved his to Kate as she pulled her close and started to dance with her. After several awkward moments of simply standing there, Sunn started to dance, though she had never thought she was very good at it. Most of the time people just stared at her. When she noticed a similar reaction in this crowd she started to shy back, but Kate only pulled her forward, shouting close to her ear "You're a natural, don't worry. They are staring because they like it!"

Embarrassed, but slightly more confident, she started to move more, the motions of her hips and waist more familiar to sleeping with Jared than she would have thought. Thinking of him only gave her more enthusiasm and, unknown to her, a wider birth so people could watch her and Kate as she started to make it more personal. Unfazed by the change, she started to rub and grind against her, feeling her soft fur beneath her pads. It sent shivers through her arms and lifted her tale. Several guys in the crowd were yanked on by their dates for staring, and most didn't care.

Spun around again, Kate rubbed up behind her, pulling her tale over her own leg and sliding her paws down her jeans, pulled tighter by the working muscles underneath. Another paw around her waist, claws nipping slightly at her through her tank top, made her head fall back with a silent sigh, thinking of Jared's paws on her. She was enjoying herself too much to be embarrassed by the scent of her pheromones drifting from between her legs.

Kate's nose twitched at the smell, but she was having too much fun to question it. By now another's paw and found her ass and was grinding himself into her. It made her feel dirty, even if she would never do anything to hurt Jack, he didn't mind her having fun when she went out. But as always those paws start getting a little too frisky. Grabbing Sunn's paw she started leading her off the floor toward one of the surrounding bars.

Both of them were flushed, breathing heavy and smiling widely. Sunn had never thought she could feel so free surrounded by so many bodies. It was hard to breath, yet the air came in cooling waves that felt like a cold shower on a sticky summer day. "Do you want some water?" The sound was so far away, though she knew Kate was right beside her. She could only nod, still wondered by this new atmosphere. "Do you mind if I have a drink?" Looking over her shoulder, she followed her paw past the large man behind the counter. Alcohol. She shook her head, no need to suffer her friend's fun.

She turned, confused, when the bartender set a small glass down in front of Kate, and started to fill it. "It's a shot. Real quick, you hardly taste it." Kate met her curious eyes. "You want to try one?" Sunn could only shrug, never having seen alcohol served this way before. Maybe, since it's only a little, I wouldn't bother her so much. Kate smiled and told the bar tender two. He smiled at Sunn and poured her a shot.

"Drink it fast, or it'll burn like hell." She nodded and took the shot in her, slightly shaky paw.

Kate turned and raised her shot, waiting until Sunn did the same, and shouted; "Cheers!"

Sunn's vision spun slightly as she set the small glass back down on the bar. It still had a flavor of alcohol, but the after burn was more of a black cherry, which she found she actually liked. Kate smiled and, before Sunn could declare otherwise, had another put down in front of her.

After losing count of the number of shots, and she was finally able to wave off another, her head was spinning slightly, making her feel like she was already dancing again. She could make out a faint giggle before Kate grabbed her paw and lead her back to the dance floor. The feeling was a bit different than before, almost like she was dancing over the crowd and the DJ was even far below her. Before long she could feel more than one set of paws on her, but something in her chose not to mind. She was sweating and laughing and dancing, and having more fun than she'd had in a very long time.

Was it hours that had passed while they were in the club? All sense of time was gone, only the dark night sky overhead gave them a hint of the hour. The nice bouncer smiled at them as they left the club; the other shook his head and made sure the guys leaving behind them were going in a different direction. Both girls stumbled and giggled as they walked the block to Kate's apartment. Stairs were harder than they should have been, thankfully they only had to go to the second floor. Dropping the keys three times trying to get it into the lock, they finally made it in and safe for the night.

Kate flopped onto the couch and patted next to her for Sunn to sit down. Even more drunk than she had thought, the beautiful apartment around her seemed to swim. Which only made it more interesting as it was a tropical and desert style of decor about the place. It was smaller than Jared's, but not by a whole lot. There was no wall separating to kitchen from the dining room or the rest of the apartment. Everything seemed to be in jungle colors, deep greens and browns, but still looked like a nice apartment. But it was so hot.

Sunn's paw griped the front of her tank top out and used it to fan air down her sweaty body. Leaning back and closing her eyes, even the dark spinning slightly, it felt good to just relax after a fun night of dancing and drinking. She thought little of where she would sleep and simply relaxed, knowing she was in good company, and drifted off.

When she woke she didn't open her eyes, it was feeling too good. Was it morning already? Had Jared come to get her? Either way, she appreciated the little kisses on her neck. Yet something was different about it, she couldn't quite explain it. Did the funny drunk feeling usually last this long? He brushed her long head fur back from her shoulder, and started to lick. But his tongue was so course. When the teeth bit into her neck her eyes flung open.

An excited and frightened rush went through her system, and she jumped to the far end of the couch. The room spun, as it had not been that very long and the alcohol was still in her system, but she could tell it was Kate who was crawling across the couch towards her.

"Don't worry baby, I'll make you feel good!" 'Oh, no. Does she think I'm Jack? Is she really that drunk?' Her questions was answered in a resounding no as Kate's paw rose to her chest and squeezed one of her breasts. She opened her maw to try and protest, but only a silent gasp came out. There was a roughness to her paws that was different from Jared, but her body still reacted similarly.

Starting to tremble, Sunn tried to brush the paws away from her body, but Kate only crawled closer. A paw slid around her waist and the other ran back through her head fur. Kate brought their maws together and her rough tongue brushed against her lips. She turned away, but the kisses only returned to her neck, nipping playfully at her fur and flesh.

As she kept trying to wiggle out of Kate's paws, Sunn managed to slide right off the couch. Getting a good look at her friend's face, she could tell that she was still very drunk, but the level of arousal even higher. "It's not as comfortable down there, but if you like." Her smile was devilish. As she maneuvered herself down off the couch, Sunn was hit with a wall of her scent, pheromones high and intoxicating.

As she tried to clear her nose, she gasped again, Kate's paw squeezing between her legs. The combination of scent and touch made her head spin again. Hot breath was at her ear as Kate whispered; "Only a woman can really please a woman.." Sultry and alluring, and her head still spinning, Sunn let the sensations course through her like they always did with Jared. Her heart pained, wondering if she was betraying him, or even betraying her pack's laws. Almost as if she could read her mind, Kate's hot breath was back. "Jack always loved the thought of me and another woman. I'm sure Jared would be just green with envy!"

The touch was gone and there was rustling of clothing. Opening her tightly shut eyes, Sunn could see Kate kicking off her pants, only her tight shirt and purple silk panties remained on her; a stark contrast to the deep black gashes in her flaming orange fur. Sunn tensed as those orange paws reached for her own pants button. Resting them on her hips, Kate's deep eyes smiled at her. "I promise I'll make you feel good."

Sunn gave a tentative smile back, and Kate's eyes grew hungry. Before she could even think anything else, she had Sunn's pants off and was trailing kisses back up to her concealing black lace. Shivers ran through her legs, just as the rest of her, and she felt the familiar dampening of her pussy. Her arms practically gave out their support as Kate's paw squeezed again on her almost bare, suddenly soaked crotch. A silent moan was all Kate needed, in her current state, to take complete control. Sliding her panties off she thrust two of her fingers into Sunn's wet flower, with no preparation. But how wet she was becoming, none was needed, collapsing back onto the floor and letting the tremors rake through her body.

Sunn could only lay on her friend's carpet and gasp for breath, the fingers sliding roughly in and out of her. She felt her legs being pushed gently apart before every nerve in her body went off. This feeling she recognized, from when Jared had licked her clit so tenderly, but the roughness of Kate's tongue was something entirely different. It was hardly a minute before she couldn't constrict her muscles any harder, releasing her juices all over her friend's fingers. With no sign of stopping, Sunn could only lay on the floor and spasm under Kate's touch.

Another finger was slipped in and her back arched away from the floor, her claws gripping at the slightly long fabric of the carpet. When a different tremor shook through her sensitive skin, lifted her head to see. Kate's eyes were closed and she was moaning against her clit as her other hand was beneath her underwear and trusting in and out of her own pussy, just as she was doing for Sunn.

Her eyes opening and seeing the unknowingly hungry look reflected in her eyes, she stopped licking and smiled at her.

"Want to give me a hand?" Sunn tried to keep her head up and watch what she was doing before she nodded desperately. Without stopping her own efforts, Kate wiggled out of her underwear and spun herself around, through a leg over her waist. The sudden wave of pheromones sent her reeling, but her paws reached up to her friend's damp slit before her.

The sensation of her finger slipping into her was like nothing she had expected. Warm, hot, wet, and gripping harder than she thought possible. Pulling back out with a pop, a moan elicited from the other end of the Tigress. A smiled breaking her maw, she shoved her finger in as far as it would go, yipping silently as it earned her a bite on the thigh. "Oh! Do it again!"

They were both lost. Sunn shoving her finger into her friend as hard as she could, not slowing down as she added a second and a third finger, earning her even rougher treatment of the same sort. Though she was not accustom to this aggressive style, she soon found her own hips lifting off the floor to connect harder with the fingers. Overcome by the sensation, her head still spinning wildly, she leaned down and nuzzled against the sweet aroma of the pussy before her eyes.

There was a surprised jump and a thrust back, engulfing her nose, alongside her fingers, in the wet pussy. Her head falling back for air, she soon leaned back down and ran her tongue over the moisture. The taste was foreign and tantalizing as she started to dine on her friend.

Suddenly her back arched and her eyes shot open, a new feeling driving her spinning mind over the edge. Pressure against her tail-hole, causing her own pussy to clench around the fingers inside it, brought her to a hard and explosive climax, as well as her teeth clamping harshly over Kate's sensitive clit. A growling scream and the room went dark for Sunn, falling into dreams far less confusing than her current reality.

A loud crack and muffled yells woke her then next morning, Kate clutching her head with one paw and smacking the table she must have hit sitting up with the other. Sunn's eyes burned a little, obviously part of the hangover she'd heard so much about. Reaching up with a paw to cover and rub them, she heard Kate gasp.

"Oh, shit!" She opened one eye to see Kate scrambling for her pants. "Damn it! I knew I shouldn't have... Shit!!"

Sun sat up, still partly shielding her eyes, and touched Kate's arm. Kate's jumped and spun, sighing when she saw Sunn's partly hidden face.

"I am so sorry. I can't believe I did that. I knew I shouldn't have drunk anything last night, that keeps happening." Sunn knew her face was as confused as she felt. "When I get drunk I tend to get... really horny. I'm so sorry I took advantage of you like that. Please don't hate me!"

Kate was starting to look like she might cry. Patting her shoulder, Sunn leaned forward and planted a quick kissed her muzzle, shocking her into silence as she set about gathering her clothes and dressing. When she was dressed, she caught Kate's eyes and smiled. "Well, as long as you're not mad at me, I don't feel bad telling you. You are a natural, no wonder Jared is so hung up on you!" Sunn was as red as her fur, fidgeting with her hemline as she sat on the floor. "Wait.. don't tell me that was your first time with a woman?" She could only manage a small nod. "Oh, shit! Now I feel really bad, I must have ruined it for you." Sunn shook her head emphatically and when their eyes met they could only smile.