Stuff of Legends

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#97 of Commissions

Story commission for MizzuKat, starring Pegasus taking on the mythical Chimera, but with a bit of a twist for it. Meant to post this earlier, but been sick. Anyway, enjoy!

Pegasus rolled his shoulders with and let out a quiet snort. It had been a long hunt. Would be a longer one still, at the rate everything here was going. He was in the foothills of Mount Cragus, or so he was told. He was near the Lycia coast, that much he knew. He'd smelled the briny air long before he'd seen the sea. He stretched his body out slowly, enjoying the feel of the morning sun as it warmed his muscles. He'd made camp in a somewhat quiet little cove. A lovely beach that was protected from the hardest waves and view.

His eyes narrowed as the rising sun washed over his body. The proud stallion stood and stretched night-aching muscles. Going through a slow routine to warm himself up properly. As the Sun rose higher in the sky, he'd shield his eyes and wave to his Uncle. Far off as the chariot was, he was certain that Apollo waved back. At the very least, the great star gave a slight bobble as it continued to climb higher in the skies.

As he stretched and rolled, his attention shifted to the task at hand. The Lycian King had tasked him with slaying a great beast that was terrorizing his lands. Some monstrous combination of dragon, lion, and goat. The people were spreading tails of fiery breath. Hooves that could crack the ground. Wings that blot out the Sun itself!

All pretty standard things. People vastly over exaggerated when they were terrified. He'd had one person describe a squirrel as a slavering beast to him once before.

Regardless, he'd been tasked with killing the beast. The King had consulted his wisest men and an oracle. They had given him a special spear. The tip was made from lead. He wasn't sure why. The oracle had given him a rather peculiar smile when she whispered, _"When the time comes. Shove your Spear into the beast's maw."_though the way she'd emphasized Spear made him stop and give her a look. She'd only smiled and stepped back with a slight bow.

He hated oracles. Vague, cagey bunch. Always cryptic about something or other.

"So, what do you think?" he asked the sea. The stallion rolled his broad shoulders and stretched his wings out. "What should I do, Father? Any wisdom you wish to bestow upon me? Any gifts to aid me in this quest?" Not expecting much. This wasn't a divine quest from on high. There was no great stakes in the matter. Seriously doubted it'd make anything more than a mildly interesting tale by the fireside. The gods rarely got involved in anything that wouldn't at least be mildly entertaining.

Yet in the distance, a wave crested. The water roiled and tossed in a way that drew his focus. A large hand appeared from the waves, then a head. A great stallion lifted from the sea and tossed a mane made of waves. Sea foam dripped from his muscled form as he rolled his head and smirked. Blue-green eyes gazed down upon Pegasus as his divine father, Poseidon, waved a hand towards him.

Then wordlessly slipped below the waves again.

A breath later, the waves carried a bundle towards him. It looked to be a fishing net, but made of something astoundingly light. As the tide deposited the bundle, the sea foam rolled into a simple message. _Make It Interesting._The words lingered but for a moment before sliding into the sea.

Huh. Didn't expect a response, much less help. Still though, he wasn't about to turn his nose up at any aid. Though a net? He wasn't sure what use it would have. Well, other than the obvious. He wasn't overly practiced with a net, but mayhap it had some sort of enchantment woven into the fine strands.

Best not to look down his nose at it. He gathered up the gift and moved it next to his gear. Finally deciding to get dressed himself. Fine leather armor. Light, didn't interfere with his wings and didn't weigh him down. Some simple guards on his legs and arms as well. Each piece of his armor was worn and tended, showing signs of use. This wasn't merely armor for show, he could readily take care of himself. The net found a place on his belt. Its cord neatly clipping onto his waist as the package as a whole draped neatly in place. The spear he could carry easily enough.

His attention shifted to the lead tip again. It was painfully obvious that the intent was to shove this into the beast's mouth. Though if it was breathing fire, it seemed like there would be a great many better places to stick a spear. Was this some subtle way to tell him that the creature was tougher than he'd expect? Some beast blessed with a hide no ordinary weapon could pierce?

Damnable oracles and their vague foretellings.

Armed and armored, Pegasus stretched his wings. Gave a test flap or two, then took to the skies. Finding this beast would be a task in and of itself. A singular creature which may or may not be able to fly? If it did breathe fire, that could be something at least. Otherwise? He'd just have to rely on his own eyes.

Time ticked past as he flew around the wilderness. There were a few people dotted here and there. Each told him something different when he'd land and ask. One farmer said the beast was as large as a mountain. Another, no larger than a house cat. One fisher spoke of a great fog that came up when the creature appeared.

The only consistent thing was the rough area where they came from. Closer to the foothills. He'd been told that few lived out there. Which made sense. Some rumors were floating that the thing could fly. He knew from experience that there were a great many caves one could reach far easier by wing than foot. Countless nights had been spent in such caverns.

Now all he had to do was search. Which would take a while.

He breathed out a snort. No one talked about this in all the grand tales. The hours, days, weeks or more spent hunting down a beast. It was always just 'and lo, he did go and find the beast'_never _'they spent weeks looking for any sign of the damn thing.' Admittedly that wouldn't make for nearly as good of a story. Even if it would be far more realistic with everything. At least the weather was nice. Light breeze. Thermals just strong enough to give him a suitable updraft. All he had to do was spread his wings and lazily circle while scanning the ground.

It was by pure luck that he spotted it. Only a short while after he'd begun his search, he noticed a little something. A shadow that moved across the ground. Rather a pair of shadows. One moving in a lazy circle and the other coming right for it. Instinct and training made him fold a wing and roll. No sooner had his body begun to twist then he heard it. Rather felt it. The hiss of claws only just missing his back as something streaked by. Fur bristled from the closeness of it as he twisted and righted himself. Only just getting a glimpse of the beast he'd been sent to fight.

No wonder the people had a hard time describing it. He had trouble believing his own eyes for a moment. There was only the flash of bronze-colored torso that melted into a snowy white lower half. Leonine features were twisted into a snarl, a scraggly mane whipped back as the beast twisted to look at him. Savagely curled horns spiraled outward, only to twist on their own and tuck tighter against his head. Claws unsheathed, lips peeled back to reveal sharp fangs. As the beast flew past, Pegasus picked out more details. The legs were far from feline. In fact, if he had to guess he'd have said they were more... goatish? Though that hardly made sense. Then there was the wings and tail. Dark, scaled, and leathery. Far more reptilian or draconic than either of the other two parts.

As it zipped past him, he caught something else. The strangest tickle of scent that made him snort. Strangely familiar yet something he couldn't begin to place.

No time to think. He finished his roll and flared his wings. Braking just in time to see this monstrous beast swoop away and zip back up the thermal. It was fast, surprisingly so. Pegasus was quick, but even he doubted he'd be able to keep up with that speed. Though it wouldn't stop him from trying. Wings flared and beat against the air. Powerful muscles rippled with each stroke as he took after the creature. It glanced back, snarled, and started to beat at the air to pull away.

Oh it was faster, but he had stamina to last. His demigod form was beyond mortal, beyond even some mythical beasts. Even knowing this, he wouldn't have to outlast it. Just keep close enough for the next attack.

He wouldn't have to wait long. The creature curled and spun back on itself. Almost folding double before dropping back towards him. Flames roiled from its maw and blasted towards him with an earth-shaking roar. With the wind, there was no way the flames would hit him. Though even with some distance between him and his foe, he could feel the raw heat blast against him. It was hotter than Hephaestus' forge! He had to pull up short and slow down, bringing a hand up to shield himself.

Which is when the beast struck. It used the heat off its own flames to rise higher and strike at a new angle. Claws tore at his shoulder and drew a yell from Pegasus. He wheeled away and beat his wings. Wincing as the wounds screamed in agony at him. Poison? No. This didn't have the sting of poison or venom. It was his own sweat that seared the wound. A quick glance showed that the claw marks weren't deep. They'd heal before long. He watched as the creature swept up and away again. Was this its tactic? Wear him down until it could win? Clever. Maybe it knew it wouldn't win in a protracted fight. If it could slow him down enough to get a shot at his back?

Another dive.

Pegasus swung around and tried to face the creature. Only to earn another searing set of claw marks on his flank. He hissed and bellowed his fury at the beast, giving chase.

Slower this time.

Wings beating at the air as he faltered. Sweat from exertion was starting to foam at his hide. His wing strokes were slower, more labored. The chimera could see this. Smell the blood. This hunter was different than others that had chased it. Yet it would fall all the same. A wicked grin curled across Chimera's face as fangs and claws bared. Another high climb. Fires boiling in his gut and churning in his maw. He tucked his wings and rolled into the next dive. Ready to unleash a torrent of flame. Wings unfurled at the last second to catch the sudden updraft. Changing his angle just enough to dive for the small of this stallion's back. He was going to slam feet first into that. Hang on as he drove the hunter to the ground.

Never use the same trick twice.

Pegasus tucked and rolled as the monster fell. As his body spun, he flung out the net. A grin spread across his muzzle as the beast's eyes widened in shock and wings beat at the air. Time seemed to slow to a crawl as they raced towards each other. The weighted net unfurling with aching slowness. Wings and claws pulling at the air to get away. More fires bursting from the maw in a panicked scream.

Yet it could not escape as the net caught its claws. A sharp tug on the cord drew it short and snapped the weights around. In that eternity between one wingbeat and the next, the monster found itself wound in the net and dropping from the skies. Pegasus only just managed to twist with it. Every muscle screaming in agony as he tried to pull up not only his weight, but the added weight of this monster. They weren't as high up as either would have liked. Perhaps that was a good thing as they came crashing down through trees and onto the ground. Pegasus hissing as branches snapped and slapped against him. The monster screaming as it tore through brush and slammed into the ground. Only slowed just enough to keep from being driven into the dirt. It managed a gout of flame as the air burst from its lungs. A breathless wheeze soon following as it tried to draw air.

Pegasus groaned as he tried to gather his wits. That had been stupid, but necessary. Probably. He was bleeding from a dozen slashes, body ached from the rough landing, but he'd survive. His wings weren't broken, neither were any other bones. It just took him a moment to drag himself to his feet and stagger over to his target. Finally able to get a look at it.

The creature was smaller than he, seemingly even smaller as it fought to catch its breath and drag the net off. It was a curious sight, as he'd expected. Lion body melding smoothly into a goatish lower half. It was well muscled, almost as good as he. Powerful arms, thick thighs, and toned core writhed as it fought the net. As he watched, the leathery, dragon-like wings folded tight to its back. Only to seemingly meld into it's form, gaining it some room to writhe within the net. Not enough to get free, not yet, but enough to bring its head around to snarl at him. At least attempt to, since it was still fighting for breath.

It was about then that the scent caressed his senses again. Something exotic. Enticing. It tickled his senses in a way that he couldn't quite place at first. His nostrils flared and he took a deeper whiff, examining the beast. Then, a memory. The faintest hints of something that tickled the back of his mind. A pornai, her eyes coy and smile knowing. Inviting him to come find some relaxation. Her scent was intoxicating, and as she turned, her tail would lift to show off her pussy. Bare slit flushed with need that winked at him invitingly. "Come, Son of Poseidon," she had teased, "come and I shall show you pleasures beyond your imagination." Then, as now, his body was reacting. The stallion's spire throbbed under his loincloth, lifting the fabric as he snorted.

"Haaaaa," the sharp intake was his only warning. Ears shot up as the beast glared at him, maw open and fires gathering. This was it. This was his moment to strike. To grab his spear and drive it into that open craw. Let the beast's own flame melt the soft lead spear. Surely that was the King's intent. _When the time comes, shove your Spear into the beast's maw._The Oracle's words echoed back at him. Yet now... he couldn't help but focus on how she'd emphasized spear. His mind raced with countless thoughts, trying to decipher everything and nothing. What should he do? Dodge? Drive his spear into the mouth? Where was his weapon? He couldn't feel it on his back anymore. Surely it must have fallen off in his tumble. Did he dare try to dodge while searching for it?

A warrior's instinct flung him into motion. In the end, it didn't matter what his mind was thinking. Years of training. Practice made into instinct, muscles honed to react in certain ways. He was a living weapon, forged by his masters and trainers. Pegasus dove for the beast in a thunder of hooves.


He barely registered grabbing that thick mane, much less flicking his loincloth aside. Somewhere between a fighter's instinct and a stallion's drive, Pegasus stood proudly. Fingers tightened into the monster's mane as he pulled its head upwards. Huffing as his thick stallion cock drove into its open mouth. Jaws stretched against his girth and the beast's tongue fought his intrusion. Not that it'd be able to stop as the demigod pressed onwards. Driving his cock deeper into the maw, past the tongue, and down its throat. Each inch earned with an ever-more strained choking noise. The winged stallion only stopping once his balls clapped off his foe's chin.

What in the gods' name was he doing? Must have been something he picked up from his Uncle Zeus. Still though, he couldn't help himself. Especially as the creature's throat rolled against his cock. Fingers shook and his body trembled at the raw feel of it all.

Time slowed to a crawl as Pegasus pulled back. He could feel everything as he pulled back. Each drop of spittle. The strands of hair sliding through his fingers as the beast pulled back. Hot breath washing over his privates as it struggled with a gagging pant. Every whisper of breath against his cock. Everything. His eyes rolled to stare down at the creature below him. Caught its eye as it glared up at him through the mess of its mane. Anger burned in it's gaze with a heat only matched by the warmth that tickled the tip of his cock. Yet under that blazing anger, there was something else. A hunger that roiled just under it. Untouched, unknown until now, yet growing.

Chimera was off balance, that was easy enough to say. He'd barely had a moment to begin to gather his breath. Just those couple seconds to let his fires build up. Just as he was getting up, he saw that winged horse rising to his feet. Somehow, he was aware of the stranger's spear nearby. Could _feel_his attention shift to it. He could strike first. Had to strike first. Just as his maw opened, the stallion leapt into action. Chimera took a deep breath and got ready to let his flames erupt.

Only to find his maw filled with cock.

Eyes snapped open to find the stallion looming over him. He barely thought about pulling back when those hands closed into his mane and pulled. Shock drove his curled horns into sharp, outward spires. What would've been a bellow died into a strained gag as the cock drove deeper into his maw. Confusion, indignation, and rage flooded him. How dare this... _horse_shove his cock into his mouth like he was some common whore!

Yet there was something there. That ache that had been roiling in his body. Some need that he couldn't fully grasp. A desire that left him restless, agitated, and wanting something. It happened every few months and would last about a week. Then back to normal. Having spent most of his life living in the wilds, he could guess at what it was. Never having been close to another creature like himself though? It resulted in sleepless nights and agitation. Now having a stallion this close to him? Tasting the cock? Smelling his scent? It sparked something in him. A new fire that burned deeper in his belly. It made his thighs quake and shudder with some new desire. He shifted as the male pulled back and glared a silent question. What have you awoken?


Chimera gagged, throat fighting as Pegasus drove in again. The grip on his head tightened and pulled the hybrid into his groin. He fought the net and pulled, trying to get up to block the male. Pegasus was unstoppable. He drew Chimera down, driven by his instincts. Forced the beast onto his cock as he thrust up. Unable to stop himself as he felt his cock drive deeper. Broad tip thumping the back of the monster's throat. Muscles fought for only a moment as the stallion powered forward. Throat bulged and fought against him. For a moment, Pegasus wondered if the beast could handle it, if they would gag.

Then he realized he didn't care.

Rather, he wasn't capable of caring right now. Not with how good it felt. Especially as he pulled the creature's mouth against his base. Mashing the beast's nose into his groin as his balls crashed off the chin. He hesitated for a moment and huffed as he felt those throat muscles seize and roll around his cock. A perked ear only just picking up the sound of the gagging creature.

Nostrils flared again as he breathed out a huff and pulled back. Feeling thick strands of drool dripping from his length. Chimera barely managed to gasp and draw in a breath before Pegasus drove in again. Throat muscles and tongue fighting the invasion again. And again, each thrust coming faster than the last. Pegasus stepped towards his captured partner. Just a shuffling step as his body craved more. He could feel his balls churning with a growing need. Each thrust sent them crashing against the strange hybrid's chin.

Chimera wanted to retch, felt like he should. Especially with how deep that cock was getting into his throat. It didn't take much before his throat was starting to ache from being stretched so far. Yet each pump only acted like billows. Each one blasted into his throat and stoked that inferno that was starting to blaze in his core. It wasn't long before his hands stopped fighting the net. Ceased trying to pull free or come up to stop the stallion from fucking his maw. His eyes started to roll back in his head. The quaking in his thighs grew more violent with each passing moment. That burning heat trickling down lower until his feminine petals began to drip.

Oh he wasn't going to last at this rate. It had been far too long since Pegasus had gotten attention from anything more than his hand. The warm, inviting mouth and throat that was rolling against him? Oh it was heavenly. Pegasus' eyes rolled back as he tossed his head with a snort. Discarding his loincloth was hardly a thought. He had to see how his cock stretched that muzzle. Knee hitting the trapped male's body. So he just simply stepped over Chimera's form. Hips barely even moving as he drove his cock into the waiting maw. Using his considerable strength and gravity to slam down into the male below him.

True to his thought, Pegasus only made it a couple more thrusts before the dam broke. The winged stallion threw his head back with a squeal as his entire body seized. Tail flagged and muscled quaked as he drove himself balls deep. Chimera's entire form tensed as the stallion battered his face. Jaws stretching that much wider before he felt it.

A pulse ran up the underside of the stallion's length. Surged past his jaws, across his tongue, and down his throat before erupting into his gullet. It hit with enough force that Chimera was stunned for a moment. That thick, heavy stallion cum coated his insides. He had no choice but to swallow it. No sooner did he gulp, than a second geyser filled his throat and poured into his stomach. Not a single drop would be allowed to escape. Between the stallion's sheer size and that flare, each blast of cum stayed in his gut.

Pegasus huffed and shuttered. Tail flagging with each spray of his seed. It wasn't too long before he pulled back. The trapped beast under him groaned as the stallion drew his flared cock out. Teeth grazed over his flesh and drew a huff from the male. Eyes narrowed as he forced his cock back with a shivering pop. Gracing his partner with another shot across the face.

Chimera panted and glared up at Pegasus. How _dare_this brute do this to him. To grab his mane and fuck him like some cheap whore. TO pump his gut so full of seed that he looked several months pregnant. Worst of all, to leave his body shivering for more. His aching nethers screaming for the stallion.

"Well?" he gurgled after a moment, "are you going to kill me now?"

Ears shot up as Pegasus stared down at the beast. "You can talk?" Of course it could talk. What mythical creature out there wasn't capable of speech?

"Of course I can talk." Chimera wanted to spit at the stallion's feet, but the thought of it made his gut churn. Gods above and hells below, how much spunk did that beast have? Chimera rolled his head and stared up at his assaulter. Gods above, he is handsome. Even with his armor mostly on, he could tell that the stallion was muscled beyond belief. Had to be a demigod or some sort of hero, to have a build like that. To make matters worse, the horse was still hard. His cock bobbing with each beat of his heart, standing proud above a truly impressive sac.

Pegasus snorted, "What is your name then?" His eyes trailed over the creature below him. Now that they weren't trying to kill each other, he could take a moment to examine his prey. Surprisingly muscled, almost as much as he. Thighs that looked like they could crush a boulder. Surprisingly, for all the masculine features, he could just see the hint of a slit perched between those monstrous thighs. A hidden valley that seemed swollen, slick, and wanting. If his nose had anything to say about it.

"Chimera," came the hoarse rasp and glare. Don't look at that cock. Don't look at it. Certainly don't think about how it'd feel... Hells below, that's an impossible task!

Pegasus clicked his tongue and thought a moment. He couldn't help but notice the way Chimera's eyes kept darting to his cock then away. Nor how his thighs were rubbing together. No, he couldn't ignore either of those signs more than he could ignore how his own loins were aching. A blowjob, even one as sudden and rushed as the one he'd experienced would hardly sate his lusts. "Well Chimera, I'm Pegasus. Son of Poseidon. I was sent to slay you." Chimera stared and snarled, "However," he cut the monster off. "I believe we can come to an... agreement?" He reached down and loosed the ties on his armor. The breastplate fell to the ground with a thud that made Chimera jump.

What was he doing? Certainly some king or god had tasked the stallion with the goal of slaying him. Surely laying him would be against some sort of code or something?

Then Chimera remembered tales he'd heard of Zeus and Poseidon. How many bastards had either of them fathered? That'd be like asking how many stars were in the sky. One would never be able to count them all. "What?" he growled, "Violating me once wasn't enough?" This time he managed to turn his head and spit, "Fine, if it means I live another day, do what you will."

"Agreed then." Pegasus snorted and reached down to free Chimera from the net. There was a moment as the monstrous male uncurled from the net that Pegasus worried. Only to realize that he was easily head and shoulders shorter than his partner. Still, there was that tinge of apprehension as Chimera rolled his shoulders and flexed his claws. For a moment, Chimera looked him over. Sizing him up with a wordless snarl.

The strange one turned to look around before shuffling towards a fallen tree to lean against. "Just make it quick." The words were spat out as the beastly male leaned forward. His reptilian tail swung up and aside to reveal those flushed lower lips and a tight looking pucker.

Every instinct screamed at Pegasus to rush up and mount. To drive his cock into the waiting snatch and flood it with load after load of his potent demigod seed. Yet there was something else that stilled him for a breath. Some little, devilish whisper in his ear. _We could make Chimera beg for it. Couldn't we?_The thought slithered around his mind as his attention shifted from that slit upwards. A wicked smile crossing his features.

Chimera growled and blushed, feeling the stallion staring at him. What was he waiting on? Eager as Pegasus had been to stuff his mouth full, the stallion was taking his time. Yet it was only seconds before a heavy hand came down on his hip. Chimera ground his teeth as the hand landed with a resounding clap. The sharp stinging only served to rile him up more. Damn you, he cursed his body. Biting his lip to keep from calling out as the stallion reached down and rubbed his pussy lips roughly. Even that brutish, clumsy pawing was enough to make his hips hitch involuntarily. Damn you to the hells!

"By the gods," Pegasus huffed under his breath. He'd seen females in heat before, had lain with his share as well. This was something else. Chimera, by all appearances, was male, save for this slit. Yet his pussy was so richly tight. It clamped about his single finger like a vice. Fought as Pegasus added a second. Only to have the walls open welcome once he was inside. That tunnel burned with a need that threatened to sear his fingers. Chimera's slick furnace blazed with need.

It only took a couple strokes before his fingers and palm were soaked. That scaled tail whipped higher and Chimera pushed back. Despite how he tried to hide it, Pegasus heard his little moan. So honey sweet and desirable that it made his cock surge to life. Pegasus huffed, nostrils flaring as his head swam from the sheer excitement coursing through him.

Drawing his fingers back, he rubbed them over his head. Shivering as the juices made his flesh warm and tingle. He let out a nearly feral grunt and thrust into his own hand. Eyes narrowed and shivering with building desire. Oh he needed this as much as his partner did. No army that walked the earth would be able to draw him away from this moment. He doubted even the gods would be able to haul him away before he was sated. There was no question of what would happen next. Not as he stepped in and pushed that tail higher with his body.

Just a question of how many times Chimera could take it.

Chimera ground his teeth as the stallion moved behind him. Eyes closed and claws dug into the log below him. Pegasus' fingers had been a heavenly torture. Mere seconds of fondling enough to leave him panting and legs quaking. What would happen when the male entered him? Claimed him for the very first time.

Pegasus made him wait longer. The stallion let his cock fall onto Chimera's hip. The shock of its impact enough to make the bestial male jump. Then came those fingers again. Diving into his slit and fondling him. Making his insides clench and shiver. Only to have the stallion draw his hand back and tease him more. Slick digits circled up and under his tail. Teasing his pucker before pushing in. _Give me strength_he prayed to no one. Body humming with need as the hand on his hip tightened. Fingers explored both his holes for a long moment. Driving in, twisting, rolling, and retreating just to switch. All while the stallion rocked against him. Burning precum dripped onto his scaled backside as it sawed against him.

Relief came as the stallion drew back. The raw heat of that cock bore down on him and pressed against...

His ass?

There was only a second to register where the stallion was lining up before he pushed in. His cock slickened with his own precum and Chimera's nectar. Chimera started to grunt, grinding his teeth as the stallion pushed against that pucker. It fought for a moment before losing the battle. Between the quick foreplay and the stallion's unstoppable nature, no force would be able to hold him back.

Chimera yelped and arched his back as the thick horse cock drove into his rear. Pegasus' hand came down onto his back and pushed forward with a snarl. Claws dug into the wood as his body shook and shuddered. Pegasus arched with a groan and drove every last inch in with that first thrust.


The impact of Pegasus' heavy ball sac against Chimera's pussy made the hybrid jump. A hiss broke free of clenched teeth. He clawed and squirmed, only to have the stallion grunt and push against him that much harder. Muscles shook as Pegasus shoved him into the log. Grip tightened on his thigh before wrenching back. Flaring tip strained at Chimera's rear, threatening to pull free. Only to drive deep as the stallion threw himself forward with a feral grunt.

Oh gods above, Pegasus thought this would be a little tease for Chimera. Leave the hybrid monstrosity panting and squirming. It was proving to be more a tease to him, with just how tight the beast was. Already his haunches were starting to shake and quake. Shuddering with each thrust. Then there was how Chimera was squirming and writhing. Pushing up and jerking away. Those noises he made each time Pegasus' purse clapped his slit. Topped off by the scent that was getting spread. It was all too much for the demigod. His body shivered and shook over his partner even as it drove harder.

This was maddening. Chimera clawed at the tree as Pegasus rutted him like a beast. The sheer ferocity was intoxicating. Each thrust left his ass stinging and body humming for more. Despite how full his ass was, his pussy felt achingly empty. It ached and burned, making him claw at the log and pant. His body felt like it was going to combust. He could barely breathe, hardly focus, and it was getting worse by the moment.

"Would you just..." Chimera groaned, "fuck my pussy and get it over with?"

Pegasus' ears perked as he leaned down. "What's that?"

Chimera growled as the oafish stallion pressed him harder into the bark. Teeth bared and a growl ripped from him. Pegasus forced himself to slow to a crawl. Grinding with each thrust now, "No, I heard you say something." He panted, thankful for the change in pace. He could feel his sac churning. Eager to unleash another divine load.

Chimera couldn't speak. The steady impact of that heavy sac off his pussy, and the heavy pounding of his rear. It made his head spin and the world lurch around him. Claws dug deeper into the log as his hips tried to push back. He'd never been with anyone though. Never had anything remotely close to this happen before. It was all he could do to keep breathing. Much less keep in rhythm with Pegasus. Hooves churned up dirt and sparked off wood. The log ripped and tore under his clawing grasp. His mouth worked, a roar threatening to burst from his chest. Nothing came of it as his insides tightened and body shuddered.

It came to a head as Pegasus slammed his body into Chimera's backside with a grunt. The hybrid barely managed a strained grunt. Mouth hung open in a breathless scream as his insides shuddered. Ass stinging as Pegasus ground against him. The divine cock leaping as it pumped the rich seed into his virginal backside.

Eyes rolled back in Chimera's head as that burning warmth filled him. So very close to where his body needed it to be. Body heaved with a panting gasp, almost sobbing in frustration. His breath burst free in quick, gasping pants. Body tensing as the stallion pulled back. The thick flare straining at his backside before popping out. A rush of seed spilling from the hybrid's ruined backside. Running down his thighs and onto the ground.

Chimera managed a shuddering pant after a moment. Pegasus huffed in return, sweat foaming along his chiseled body. He let a hand linger on the monstrous backside. Thumb pressing into Chimera's backside to spread those cheeks. Staring in lustful awe at the volume he'd pumped into this beast. His gaze drifted down between those thick, goat thighs. Focus zeroing in on those flushed, swollen pussy lips. Nostrils flared again and the stallion took a deep whiff. Chimera's scent enough to make his cock lift.

Then swing back down. He'd need a moment to recover.

"Pegasus," he grunted.

Turning his head was a Herculean effort, "What?" Chimera panted.

A grin spread over the stallion's face, "My name, Pegasus." His hand stayed on the rear. Spreading those cheeks a little more as he leaned in.

Chimera's ears twitched and the hybrid looked away. Puffing, "Chimera," after a moment.

"Well Chimera," Pegasus sank to one knee, "I think I recall hearing you pant something earlier." Grip tightened, spreading that cheek further. "Something about fucking your pussy?"

That made Chimera's cheeks burn red hot. "I don't remember..." his body jerked as Pegasus' tongue slapped his pussy. Unsurprisingly, the stallion was far from gentle. His tight grip on Chimera's burning backside ached. That broad tongue cracked off his pussy and licked up the mix of juices and cum. Rolling back with a wet smack. "S...saying something like that." Chimera panted, but his claws were already digging into the log again. Splintered wood falling to pieces in his hand.

"You," Pegasus drove his tongue in and swirled it against Chimera's insides, "didn't? Maybe I just..." he pressed his muzzle to the pussy and slurped, "misheard." Then he unleashed his most devastating attack. Agile lips curled against the creature's engorged clit and slurped wetly. Tongue and teeth battering the swollen pearl in a way that made Chimera scream and jerk.

There was something that made Chimera want to fight back. Some stubborn streak that made the hybrid clench his jaws and hiss. Any pleading cut off into a hissing snarl. Even as his insides jerked and legs kicked against the ground. He'd thought it was hard to focus when the stallion's sac was slapping his slit. It was impossible to conceive of a thought now! Each time one began to form, the stallion would pop his lips off, or grind his teeth into Chimera's clit. He was being steadily driven insane. Eyes crossed and unfocused as burning breath puffed in his maw. His entire body shuddered and jerked, breath catching in his throat.

Heavens praised, the log broke before he did.

Chimera's claws had dug deep into the wood and torn chunks free. Neither noticed that the log was sagging until it gave with a crack. Chimera yelped and nearly went face-first into the dirt, only caught by the hold Pegasus had on his legs. Even then he slid forward and only just caught himself. Arms shook then gave out, sending him tumbling forward.

Pegasus was all but lost in what he was doing. Being buried nose-first into a fertile puss like this? His nose and tongue were coated in the juices and scent. It invaded every fiber of his being and stoked his lusts to a level he'd never imagined they could reach.

_He's trying to get away!_The primal part screamed as the log broke. Chimera's body slipped away a bit, but Pegasus was on top of him in a flash. The hybrid rolled slightly, ending up more on his back. Pegasus instinctively shifted his grip, spreading those thick goat thighs wider. Forcing them apart until Chimera was laid bare before him. Pegasus' nostrils flared as the winged stallion huffed and panted. Cock bobbing with each heavy breath. Reaching down, he grabbed his cock and lined it up.

Or tried to.

The stallion gritted his teeth and groaned. He was beyond hard. Never in his life, had he ever been this erect. Grinding his teeth, he hunched forward and pushed. Cock straining against his hand as he forced himself to line up. The winged stallion huffed and grunted, straining until his tip managed to brush those burning folds. He slid against Chimera with a wet, sloppy pop. He huffed as the feel of Chimera's burning pussy made his cock jump again. Precum spilling freely from his tip as he groaned. Chimera wiggled, chuffed at him, but his focus was on that one thing. Just the driving need to line up and drive in. His nostrils flared more as he tried to breath. The world died into a dull roar as his vision narrowed to just their privates.

Flesh met flesh and parted. A needy roar broke through the thundering of his heart, answered by a nearly feral squeal. Chimera's eyes shot wide and his entire body seized as Pegasus' cock pressed into him. He'd never been taken before, and any male would have been too much for him. Pegasus was no mere mortal. That demigod cock filled Chimera to the brim and beyond, yet his own monstrous form refused to yield. It clamped against the stallion's breeder and clenched harder. Yet Pegasus refused to stop. The juggernaut of a stallion tightened his grip and drove in.

Bodies met with a thunderous crash. Chimera's eyes rolled back and his maw fell open. He tried to pant, to breathe, but couldn't even consider drawing breath. Shoulders and mane drug against the ground as the demigod held onto his hips, lifting him higher. Chimera's horns uncurled, dug into the ground, and snapped back to keep from being driven into the dirt.


_By the gods!_Pegasus huffed as Chimera's insides clamped around him. Clinging to his flesh, refusing to release it. Juices clung to his shaft and hung to every aspect of his spire. It was only through sheer divine strength that he'd been able to penetrate. It took every ounce of his power to draw back. Yet he drove in again. Body crashing off Chimera's with a thunderous crack. He jerked and tried to bellow his pleasure, but breath caught in his throat. There was no stopping his body from moving now. It had sampled the heated cunt and it needed more. Powerful thighs and abs clenched and drove him back and forth. Hands grappled tight about Chimera's waist and clung to it.

Chimera's eyes rolled back in his head, maw hanging open. His world was a wash of pleasure and lightning. Every time Pegasus moved, it set off a flurry or sparks that left him panting and gasping. All it took was a handful of thrusts before a fiery roar broke free. Flames burst from his maw and raced along the ground. Legs kicked and wrapped around Pegasus' core, drawing himself up as his entire frame seized in the throws of his orgasm.

Pegasus would not stop. Could not stop. He kept fucking, leaning over Chimera. Driving his full weight down into his partner. He lifted and dropped, acting as if he were trying to drive the beast into the ground. A part of him was aware of Chimera's orgasm, yet he continued. There was no stopping him now. Not as riled up as he was. He could only keep slamming into the beast. Nostrils flared and breathing in that rich, intoxicating scent. The heat soaked his cock and urged it deeper, harder. _More, give me more!_Chimera's body screamed at him. It demanded all the demigod had and more. Even as his partner peaked time and time again, Pegasus drove further, harder, faster. Those mighty balls crashing off the scaled tail with each thrust. He could feel his pleasure building. Sac lifting and churning. Breath came in shorter gasps. Pleasure built to a level that surpassed even Olympus itself. Pegasus threw his head back with a yell.


Chimera finished with a yell and collapsed, sweat staining his form. Pain faded away as a small, pitiful cry lifted. He lifted his sweat-soaked mane to see a doctor holding the babe. A small, winged boar mewled and rolled in the doctor's grasp. Pegasus squeezed Chimera's hand and grinned, "A son?" The doctor nodded and swaddled the babe, handing it over to the waiting parents.

"I..." Chimera panted, "am going to kill you," the words spoken sweetly, directed at Pegasus. He took his son and looked down at it, stroking the cute snout.

Pegasus snorted, "You're the one that pulled me in each time." He reached down to stroke the boar's cheek, hand brushing Chimera's. "What do you think of..." he thought a moment, "Chyrsaor as a name?"

Chimera panted, "It seems fine, just..." he rolled his shoulders and huffed, "Let me rest a while." He snorted, "Thought carrying your child was the worst, birthing this cute beast? You'll be lucky if I allow you anywhere near me for seasons now."

Pegasus chuffed a laugh and tucked a cloak around his partner and son. Rolling his shoulders proudly, "Rest. We can continue down the road soon."