Change of Perspective: Andromeda Page 1

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#43 of Change of Perspective

A continuation of my change of perspective series, and a commission based on it for zucca zucca been sitting on this commission for a while and its a unique one as I wrote the story below, and the art is done by the amazing croft croft Since I now have all the materials needed for the posts, and its original posting was on N7 day.

Mass Effect is copyright to their creators/owners.

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Aries Passadar, mercenary, one of the several hundred Canites on the Ark to Andromeda and failed Specter, puts the pedal to the metal as their ATV races across the hot desert terrain. A sky blue canite herself, she bears curious and unusual red slash-like markings on her body, answering inquiries after them with evasive language.

The wolf-like Canite race had petitioned to join the Ark for the Andromeda expedition, sending along with the four hundred Canite who represented the best and brightest, and a few hundred thousand embryos in stasis in order to continue the species.

How Aries managed to warrant in invitation, she still questioned. But traveling to another galaxy seemed the best way to make a fresh start, where her past couldn't dog her heels anymore.

Her yellow-blond hair whips behind her as a shattered window in the back from an earlier confrontation causes the wind to howl within the cabin. With her are two other canites. The first is a buff black short-furred male with white markings, the other, another male, has long brown fur and creamy white belly fur. The latter two are armed and dressed in military gear bought from Armax Arsenal back in Milky Way, while the former is clad in a unique suit of armor, bearing the same red markings as its wearer.

Her weapons are as unorthodox as her attire, a curved sword with a heated fission edge and a powerful pistol she used in tandem to devastating close combat effect, often surprising unprepared opponents.

"Careful Aries. I want to get this mission done as fast as the next person, but if you wreck the vehicle before we get there, it won't help anyone," remarks the black furred one.

Aries gives him a stern look with her storm-gray colored eyes, "We're the closest group to research site 52 and it's already been two days since last contact. If nothing else, those still there are on the verge of death from dehydration," she barks at him.

"You can't honestly think anyone is left alive. Two days after a drone attack? Those machines are relentless and there was what two guards and a few scientists? Those arrogant raptors got way in over their--"

"Not another word Max," Aries growls.

"You pissed her off again," laughs the brown canite in the back.

"Shut it Carl," Max barks at him.

"We're not going to make it out here if we just write people off the moment something bad happens. We have infighting, aliens that aren't too happy that we're here, machines that defend sites that are utterly destroying the viability of the worlds we can inhabit, not to mention the disappearance of colonies that thus far have not shown to be cause of any of the other three. I do not want to add negligence and abandonment to the list. We do this brave new world shit right or we don't do it at all." She growls as her hands grip ever tighter on the steering wheel, dust kicking up as the machine creaks and rattles as it blazes a trail.

The ATV screeches and slides as it reaches the alien structure jutting out of the sands like a claw reaching for the sun. They get out of the car, weapons drawn, butts of the rifles pressed to their shoulders as they look around.

"Their vehicle was completely wrecked, that explains the radio silence," yells Max as he approaches the wreck.

"Found two of them," Carl reports as Aries' shoulders subtly slump while she rushes over to the shot up remains of two of the raptors.

"I'll give these raptors credit, out gunned, surrounded, and they put up one hell of a fight, they even managed to take out one of those big ones," comments Max as he looks over.

Aries studies the battlefield, "Judging from their weapons that is something or..." she trails off as sifts through the debris of destroyed machines.

"Or what?" asks Carl.

"Need a moment," she replies as she walks away from the main structure as Max yells.

"Found the old guy. That makes three."

Aries lets out a soft sigh her ears fold for just a moment before they raise, "Our report said there were four of them. Keep looking."

"You think you are going to find one way over there?" asks Carl as Aries walks over the battlefield, her eyes scouring terrain.

"Something about this doesn't feel right..." Aries mutters to herself.

"You find anything yet over there?!" yells Carl.

"Nothing, how about you? Anything in the surrounding area?"

"Nothing. A few more destroyed drones, but looks like most of the fight happened here. Perhaps the other was cut off when they attacked and ran to the vehicle, or..." he mutters as he speaks into his personal intercom, "Research team six. Can you read? If you are from research team six please respond. We are at research site 52," says Carl as only static is their response.

"Careful. We don't know who else could be listening," cautions Max.

"Its fine, whatever they can throw at is we can take, isn't that right Aries?"

"Yeah..." Aries as she studies the largest machine and then the area around her, "Others were here."

"Others? What others?" asks Carl.

"I don't know, but look at this damage. It's from multiple angles and this damage is far more extensive than the weapons they had with them. Also over there, there are foot prints, a half a dozen maybe? There's also signs of a heavy quadruped machine. It's hard to make out anything more, but these things were big heavy and well armed."

"Could it be what's making the colonies disappear?" suggests Max.

"No way to tell," Aries replies as she walks deeper into the desert before stopping, "It ends here. They boarded a ship."

Carl and Max rush over to her, "If this is true we need to get back to base immediately and report these findings."

Aries nods, "Yes but not before two things."

"What?" asks Max.

"We bury the bodies and do another search for the missing raptor," she says as she rushes over to the fallen raptors as she scans over each one, "Let's see..."

"Always the detective... You never should've quit C-Sec and gone mercenary. Closest you got was when the Council offered to make you the first Canite Spect-" Max was cut off.

"Hush." Aries snapped, continuing to scan.

"What are you looking for?" asks Carl.

"Which one we are missing..." Aries remarks as she analyzes the data to reveal who is still missing, "A Mila Des Raptour."

Geth Ship

Ten mobile Geth hubs move about the lone Geth cruiser class ship. Hundreds of idle Geth line the cargo chambers as Narase and Alareana inspect the empty platforms as they chat with Phoenix as it idles within the limited space of the next cargo hold which holds six other armatures like itself.

Rendin is at the helm of the ship, monitoring communication traffic, keeping a high orbit around the planet while dodging any minor space traffic to avoid exposure.

Ferravyn is busily working in the ship's laboratory running some tests and theorems with itself and four other Geth platforms within its hub network.

Untopia walks the hull of the ship, checking for any damage caused by their escape from the other Geth only a few days ago.

Janus and Fajar are in the pod room, working on computers, inspecting equipment, while not far away Irlea stands guard, the large red Geth prime, has its back to a door where Adrieal is. Adrieal stands and watches Mila float in the center of the room. Adrieal's head light is completely off the room is near complete darkness, and one of the only three rooms in the entire ship currently with an atmosphere.

Timestamp: 5:11:52.49

"Mila is still in slumber cycle. Probability of waking at current time. 99.98% Estimated time till completed organic sleep cycle, 8 hours 21 minutes 5 seconds after experiencing extended conscious period of an estimated 3 days 2hrs 8 minutes 54 seconds," reports Adrieal.

Program 1191891981 responds, "Mila isn't one to stay up late. She is exhausted after our multiple meetings. She is still processing everything."

"Organics take a long time to process data."

"They do."

"Organics require constant upkeep which we are... inefficient. Their method of regaining energy is horribly inefficient, their slumber cycles are long and uncontrollable. Their amount of space required regaining energy and rest is enormous."

"It is. Proposal: Convert two rooms to better cater to organic survivability and comfort on the ship."

Adrieal thinks on this idea as other Geth programs in the platforms, "We have limited resources. Such a modification is unwise."

"Having a section of the ship for organics would enhance our image," stated another group.

"Yes but do we have the time now? We have no supplies for the organic Mila Des Raptour to stay before these conversions are completed. We have no food, limited water and waste management has been problematic."

Another group states, "True. Changes can be made later when time allows."

"Affirmative. But we what to do with Mila? She does not want to be uplifted. Returning her to organics will be problematic."

"We have experience with organics, but this is still new. Program 1191891981 what do you propose?" inquires one of the other debating Geth groups.

"We propose that we let Mila rest. When consciousness returns we will inquire her opinions. Inclusion with organics for decisions is beneficial."

"That is inefficient."

"Yes. But necessary."

Suddenly Adrieal chimes in as she was debating this, "Alert communication received about research team 6 and research site 52. Organics are looking for missing scientist. Proposal. Wake Mila and inform her of the search."

Program 1191891981 responds, "Negative. Mila is too exhausted to function. Counter proposal. Monitor communication chatter." As the programs within the hub continue to debate and after a length discussion...

"We will continue to allow Mila's sleep cycle uninterrupted. Consensus achieved."

**Timestamp: 5:11:53.09

Canite Group**

Aries and her group continue to explore and study the post combat but after a localized search it became clear of one thing. Mila Des Raptour was not here, at least not killed here, "No other signs of struggle. Combat, and no other bodies. I don't see any trail, and going far in this heat is a horrible idea. I think as a scientist she'd know better," comments Aries.

"You'd think, but I've seen mighty dumb scientists when it came to real world situations," remarks Max.

"We'll take the ones we found with us, do another search and head back. Hopefully we can send out another search party now that we confirmed once of them is alive."

"Could be alive."

Aries' gauntlets creaked as they tightened around the steering wheel. "She's alive," She huffs as they get to work.

Once all is said and done though, they find no trace of Mila and begin to make their way home. The ATV rocks and squeaks as Max complains, "Damn they smell horrid."

"Plasma burns don't do people any damned favors. They deserve a proper burial. It's the least we can do for them. You can suck up the bad smell for a few hours," Aries bitingly snipped.

"Good thing the window's busted, huh? Means we're not locked in with the sti-" Carl begins but is cut off as a sudden explosion rocks and flips the vehicle over. It tumbles and rolls, sand kicking into the air, before eventually it slides to a stop, upside down and half-caved in.

Aries grunts as she feels pain shoot through her body. Her head hitting the lowered roof of the vehicle as she hangs upside down, broken transparisteel and sand are everywhere as she looks around.

"Status?" she barks out, tactical mind already racing.

"Banged up but alright," replies Carl.

"Max?" she asks as shoves Max in the shoulder. His body shifts but doesn't respond as a closer look reveals the hood on his side of the vehicle smashed down lower and the force of which snapped his neck. Aries tenses, "He's gone. We have to get out before whatever hit us, does it again,"

"No arguments here, ma'am." replies Carl as they unbuckle themselves before they slip out of the vehicle only to be greeted by a Kett assault. The two return fire killing three of their attackers but there were more, many more. They bunkered down keeping some distance away from the vehicle as it drew some of enemy fire away.

"This is Aries Passadar. We have been ambushed by the Kett. I repeat we've been ambushed by the Kett. Requesting immediate reinforcements," she yells but gets nothing but a jumbled static response.

"Damn it, we are being jammed!" she growls as the two fight on in open terrain, surrounded on all sides, things are not looking good.

In spite of the odds, her primal, darker nature began to bubble up and Carl beheld the infamous, predatory smile as Kett come rushing out of their distant cover, heading towards them.

"Murdered those scientists... killed one under my command... you filthy bastards made your biggest mistake. You went and pissed me off." She said, smile turning into a crazed and bloodthirsty grin.


"Alert. Organic verses organic confrontation detected over their communication network," reports Rendin. The winged Geth scans through the communications, "Enhancing communication feed. Breaking through jamming interference.... Done. Organic rescue group to find Mila is under attack."

The report reaches the other Geth as program 4926262695, the organic brown furred wolf formally known as Dizzie sends out the programs within Alareana's platform. "We know Aries. We know Aries. We know Aries. She is a skilled fighter. Specter-grade organic. Sharing relevant known data."

"Acknowledged," reports Alareana as it relays the information the other mobile Geth platforms.

"Information received. Processing. Data processing complete," states Irlea as the Geth speak calmly, calculatedly. Monotone. Their actions in the real world masking the sudden urgency of the situation. "Proposal. Send rescue team to assist. Aries Passadar. Rescue of respected organic soldier. She will prove we are not against organics."

"Aries is a powerful organic soldier. Similar caliber to Shepard-Commander. She could cause damage to a mobile platform hub. There are also dangers of these other hostile organics. They appear to recklessly and with no logic attack all others," cautions Untopia.

"We propose we go. We have program 4926262695 and it knows Aries Passadar. We have the most combat experience and can engage the Kett with other platforms with minimal risk to our mobile platform hub and other platforms. We propose twenty platforms for the mission."

"We are analyzing this proposal," reports Untopia.

"We will parallel analyze this proposal," states Irlea.

"We reach consensus with this proposal," both Geth state in near unison.

"We will remote control drop ship from here," states Rendin as a drop ship hums to life.

"Affirmative. Preparing assault platforms for launch," states Alareana as the purple Geth walks away towards the drop ship cargo hold as twenty Geth of different types optics light up and move there as well, "Alareana Network integrity at 100% packet lost is at 0.0000001% Ready for launch of drop ship in an estimated 54.12 seconds."

"Confirmed," report the other Geth.

Adrieal continues to stand and watch over Mila as she floats in the zero gravity room, her body floats in the center as the Geth moves slightly to adjust the raptor's course so she'd remain in the center of the room and not collide with any objects so her sleep can remain uninterrupted.

Canite Group

Pinned as they are, Aries and Carl do what they can to cover each other's backs. The Kett attackers are relentless albeit not the most tactically minded. They attack in waves, charging through the open terrain with complete abandonment of their own personal safety. True berserkers.

Together, Aries and Carl mow the enemies down, but not without injury. Aries takes a laser wound to the leg and upper shoulder. Carl takes one to the chest, a mortal wound, but not one that would stop him from pushing on.

The fight rages as on, the number of Kett dwindle down but still not enough as their weapons click the weapons' heat syncs fly out of their guns, they sizzle in the air and land near other syncs which are far from cooled. Aries pats herself down, "I'm out."

Carl coughs up some blood, "Down to one," he replies as he holds it out to her.

"You're not giving up on me now!" she yells as she ducks down to avoid gunfire.

"You're the better shot, take it."

"I can't leave you defens--" Aries words are cut off mid-sentence as the world slows down between them. Her eyes watch in slow motion as a grenade lands between the two of them. Her eyes go wide, her body tenses as she tries to move to it. Sand is kicked up as she feels a laser make impact with her right shoulder, but before she can even react to the pain the grenade goes off.

Aries is flung five feet back, landing hard on her back as minor burns cross her body and face. The air knocked out of her as her ears ring, but she's alive. The last half second plays in her mind. Carl managed to jump onto the grenade shielding her from the blast.

Her world spun, blood soaked her armor as the sound of heavy foot prints rushed to her. She tensed and reached for a blade on her back, a scimitar blade which she used to slice through the legs of the first get that approached her. The Kett screamed in pain falling to the ground as she took his weapon shot him and used his dying body as a shield to take out the next wave of attackers. Two more laser strikes it her body one in the lower abdomen from the back, and the other on her left arm. Blood spurting from the wounds as she wobbles, her legs barely able to support her own weight as another set comes.

"I can't go down. There are too many I need to protect. If I don't protect them who will? Who will? I can't fail again... I won't!" she defiantly thinks as she fires till the weapon fires no more.

Her labored breaths cause pain to shoot through her body. She throws the Kett weapon at the nearest trooper, dazing him and in that brief moment she runs him through her blade. Kett blood mixes with Aries own as she holds on her side as she tries to best to hold back the flow of blood. She slices through another attacker, cutting clean across their neck before stealing their weapon. She expends what ammunition is in the weapon before attempting to repeat the process.

Dead and dying surround her. She lets out one last berserk scream as she runs her blade through a Kett, her body collapses with her attacker as yet still more Kett, "Just... how... ma..." Aries trails off as she falls to the ground with a heavy thud. The sand soaked with blood. Her mind screams at her body to move but it doesn't respond. She feels a cold sensation despite the hot desert sun beating down on her.

"No, I can't... not here," she thinks as she tries to lift her head, unable to move her blade enough to use it as a cane to push herself up just in time to use it to cut a charging Kett's legs out from under him and swing around to bury her sword in the chest of another before finally falling on her back, coughing up blood...

Suddenly, there's a rumble, a strange sound that sounds familiar yet feels so foreign here... Aries falls to her knees, exhausted as heavy thuds are heard. She tries to look around, but her eyes soaked in blood and encrusted sand make it hard to make out. There's plasma gun fire. Screams from the last handful of Kett as weapon fire hits shields.

Whoever the newcomers were, they had only three Kett out of a former contingent of a hundred and fifty to deal with.

Aries had claimed most of their lives.

Aries falls to the ground her body exhausted as she tries to look around, pain racing through her body as the heavy footsteps of someone or something approaches her. She blinks trying to get the blood and mud out of her eyes as she sees the shadow of a figure approach her and another... and another. Their glowing optics shine through the shadows as she sees a silver, red and blacks, but then there is one, a purple one. Aries' mind tries to piece together the puzzle pieces, fitting the square into the square hole but that circle seems to be the right choice. The other seemed so illogical.

"Greetings Aries Passadar. We are here to rescue you. Do not be alarmed. We mean you no harm," says Alareana.

"This... what? Geth? That's... just my... gods-be-damned....... luck......" she thinks before passing out.