Change of Perspective Page 36

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#39 of Change of Perspective

Art is done by croft croft Story by me. I might be adding more story details/fixing anything I see as I post. The story can always be improved. And as always please comment, I love comments! Thank you for reading.

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Mila's Group

The machines whiz in the air, the heavy legs of the one drone rattles the ground as they fire off another laser which streaks through the air and tears a chunk of rock from the boulder. Mila screams and lowers herself even more as the brown scaled raptor fires off a few shots, knocking out one of the smaller drones.

The green raptor yells out, "Captain, I don't think we have the fire power to take out that big thing," she yells as she fires a few shots which are stopped short of the machine thanks to its shields.

"Keep firing!" he yells.

Mila tenses and breaths heavily as she hears a clank in front of her. She looks in front of her to see a small pistol at her feet.

"I know you know how to use it. If you want history to repeat itself you will want to pick that up."

Mila's claws shake, her heart races, pounding so hard it feels as if it is going to leap out of her chest. She looks up at the captain who ducks down as a few shots go over head. She looks back at the weapon, as another heavy thud is heard, this one louder than the last. Mila reaches for the weapon.


Rendin reports, "We managed to narrow down the source of the distress call to this area," as the winged geth moves their ship into a synchronized orbit over the planet.

Adrieal, Janus, Fajar, Irlea, Alareana, Untopia and Narase load Phoenix into the geth transport ship. They are networked with other platforms to bring increased firepower as they prepare the ship for launch.

Adrieal inquires, "How long till we have a destination?"

Rendin replies, "We are scanning the planet for any combat. We do not know what is assault the organic group. We estimate it will take twenty-five minutes sixteen point two three seconds to locate."

Adrieal's tail twitches. The synthetics claws give a slight twitch, as the optics whir slightly.

Timestamp 10:05:12.19

All the geth within Adrieal except program 1191891981, "Alert. Unusual activity detected within program 1191891981. Running diagnostic."

Adrieal adds in, "We detected a strange sensation through us. We felt something when we heard the time till scanning the location of program 1191891981's organic sister-relation."

1191891981 replies, "Yes. We are... concerned about the time. Probability of survival drops significantly the longer we take. It has already been five minutes twenty-eight point two one seconds since we received the distress signal, which would have taken one minute fifty-four point two three seconds to reach us. That does not give a high probability of survival."

"Alert. Similar anomaly has been detected within platform 9181251."

"Program 1259111 has been part of our family for a long time, it cares about us as much as our parents did, maybe more. It is not surprising."

"Alert. Anomaly within platform 9181251 ended."

1191891981 remarks, "What?"

Timestamp 10:05:12.21

Irlea proposes, "We are transmitting possible raptor weapon energy signatures. If you scan for them and unknown signatures, that should cut down on scan time."

Rendin answers, "Affirmative. Recalculating estimate. One-minute twe--location found. Transmitting coordinates."

Adrieal twitches end immediately.

Phoenix remarks, "It will be nice to spread our legs again, but we did not wish to do it this way."

Alareana comments, "You are a large walking weapon's platform, platform 16815514924. It is a drawback of your mobile platform hub type."

"Yes, we have observed this and reported it to the consensus. They agreed with our observations."

The doors behind the geth close, the insectoid geth drop ship hums to life as the main cargo doors of the larger geth vessel open up. There was no noticeable change in pressure as what little atmosphere in the cargo bay was vented. The silver transport ship pulls out and heads towards their location. Heat building up around it as it punches through the atmosphere, causing the ship to rattle slightly.

Timestamp 10:05:56.47

1191891981 self-reports, "We are coming Mila."

Adrieal responds, "Your concern for your organic-relation is curious. The chemical drive that would cause such distress. We can see the logic of the concern. A relationship between your former self and current, a connection between organic and synthetic. One that would be very useful, but we can detect there is more than that. It is difficult to process."

"Yes. It is one that you already know, us being a part of you or not. We are connected, we make each other stronger, better, faster. Take away one of us and we are lesser for it. Mila is the same with us."

"Yes. We can understand this logic. But we are still curious."

"We are concerned. We have a desire to move as fast as possible. But we still process this logically. We haven't felt exactly like this since we were uplifted. We have the drives, but we are able to control them effectively. We detect that you are most curious about the drive."

"Yes, we have similar drives, self-preservation, protection of our fellow geth. But Mila was a biological relative of your former species. We can see the logic having a tie, and wanting to protect the species. But this also puts our kind at risk. One organic to thousands of geth. Even taking into account the number of geth an organic mind is, it is still not a balanced and efficient use. Only on the assumption this will establish our organic-synthetic ties to help organics become uplifted willingly does it equate positively, but there are too many variables and unknowns to make this highly likely. Yet..."


"We want to see you succeed, us to succeed."

"Even as geth, probability isn't everything."

Adrieal responds, "Acknowledged."

**Timestamp 10:05:56.50

Mila's Group**

Mila grips the pistol with both hands, the two raptor soldiers fire at the massive machine. Mila tenses, her eyes darting around from behind her rock, over head flies one of the smaller hexagonal drones with a glowing red eye. Her body tenses as she sees the glowing optic. Her hands shake as she takes aim. The first shot misses but the second hits right on target, causing the small hovering ball of death to veer off and crash into the nearby structure it is protecting and crash to the ground, circuits sizzling.

"I can do this... I can do this," Mila mutters to herself.

"Yes, you fucking can," remarks the browns called raptor as he pulls out a grenade and throws it at the feet of the machine, it explodes as dirt and dust are kicked up. Mila suddenly finds herself yanked back by him as they fall back.

The green fires off a few more shots as they pull back to another set of rocks just a few feet away putting precious space between them and the main mechanical threat which fires a blind shot at the spot they once were at, the rock torn to pieces leaving only a much smaller and completely indefensible bit of rubble behind.

The three raptors pant heavy as more of the smaller drones show up, their fight growing ever more intense as sounds of small arms fire echoes between the structure and rolls across the open desert. Mila takes a few more shots at the smaller flying objects, a few pot shots on the two-legged machine with tentacle-like arms shows no affect against its shields. The machines let out an unearthly mechanical noise that sends shivers down Mila's spine as she ducks down once again as the fight continues.


The drop ship punches through the atmosphere and speeds its way towards the destination.

Timestamp 10:07:02.63

1259111 directly connects to 1191891981 as it says, "Its been a long time since we have seen Mila. We do not have an exact time, but its been centuries. How do you think she'll react?"

1191891981 responds, "It is hard to process. We do not look like anything like we used to. We have shared plans with the rest of platform 141895112 on how to best proceed, we have reached a consensus on it."


"We suspect that program 1261859208 will have greatest difficulties with seeing Mila again."


1261859208 connects into the conversation, "We will do fine. We hope they are well. Probability of it though..."

1191891981 answers, "She is our sister. She knows how to take care of herself."

1259111 adds in, "We trained her. She knows how to fight. We would expect nothing less than strong survival skills from Mila."

Timestamp 10:07:02.65

The ship scans the area and reports to the other geth, "Visual on target destination. Three organic raptors detected fighting against multiple synthetic signatures."

The other geth respond, "Acknowledged." As the ship gets ever closer continuing to scan the current fight as it unfolds.

Timestamp 10:07:35.17

Fajar begins the meeting of the platforms by stating, "We did not expect synthetic life to be attacking. This complicates the situation."

Untopia responds, "Affirmative. We do not know the nature of the synthetic life. It is possible the organics have started this conflict. We could put ourselves and the other geth in a bad position if we start a conflict with another synthetic life form we know nothing about."

Alareana adds in, "211420151691 is correct. We parted from the other geth to find a better way. To show that our way is viable. It would be a detriment to ourselves and them if we start a conflict with another synthetic life. We cannot assume they are bad because they are attacking organics we know. We do not know what has occurred to cause this to happen."

Adrieal takes only this brief moment before responding, "Yes. This is correct. We will need to study the synthetic life form. We do not know if they are like us, more advanced or simple unaware machines."

Fajar replies, "We are pinging the machines, but they are not responding. It is possible they do not recognize our signal or simply rejecting it. We will need more time to know of their state."

Janus suggests, "We will continue to monitor till we are in range to drop in. We can decide to attack during the decent. For now, we should continue to gather data about the machines."

Adrieal answers, "Affirmative. We will accept this proposal. It will give us time not to jump to conclusions prematurely and think out what to do. We are currently forty-five point two one seconds away from reaching the drop point."

The other geth quickly acknowledge the statements before they all say in unison, "Consensus achieved."

**Timestamp 10:07:35.22

Mila's Group**

Another one of the smaller drones crashes to the ground after the green raptor fires a well-aimed shot. Mila pokes her head over the rock and fires a few ineffective shots, but still manages to hit and slightly damage one of the drones before the raptor captain finishes it off.

"How much longer till we get reinforcements?!" yells the green raptor.

"How the hell should I know?!" the captain yells back as the two-legged behemoth fires off its large laser. Mila lets out a scream as dust fills her vision. The sounds of combat continue all around her as her ears ring. Slowly her vision clears as she looks around.

"You two okay!" yells the green raptor as Mila looks over to her just as she takes shot in the arm. The green raptor growls and props her weapon on a rock and uses her good arm to continue to fire.

"I-I think so!" Mila yells back as she continues, "Captain? How abou--" Her words stop cold as she sees what is left of the captain a few feet away the blast having thrown him back. Mila finds herself frozen once again. The base's siren fills her ears, the burning fires down a corridor as troops prop up barricades as she's rushed forward.

"Damn i--," the green raptor manages to say before the big drone fires its large laser obliterates her rock, leaving nothing but a lifeless corpse nearby.

Mila pants heavily as she can hear the hum of the machines grow closer, she can just hear the sound of a geth drop ship rumbling, growing louder and louder as she mutters, "No... no... I don't...."


The ship reports, "Two organic life signatures extinguished. One left. Unable to gain a visual on the remaining organic. Synthetics continue to assault despite no return fire from organic," the ship moves behind the attacking machines as the dropship doors open the hot air rushes into what was a vacuum tight ship. The geth drop in and as they fall to the planet below the geth discuss.

Timestamp 10:08:15.01

Adrieal starts off, "Minimal use of tactics. Lack of consideration for smaller synthetic forms. Lack of communication. All suggests that these are simple synthetic forms. Most likely based on simple programs and algorithms of an organic race. Judging by the structure they are protecting said structure and have no level of being self-aware."

Fajar responds, "We have reached a similar consensus. The organic life that created these synthetics are no where to be seen. There is a high probability this is an outpost. Maybe an abandoned one given the current state of the structure on the planet. No visible reason to have such a high level of automated security is able to be discerned."

Irlea adds, "We find little reason not to engage the synthetic forms. It will show a clear intent to the surviving organic that we do wish them harm."

Adrieal as it attempts to zoom in on the organic's position, "Yes. This would be the best course of action. We are unable to tell if the last organic is Mila Des Raptour but protecting the last organic should be a priority."

Janus quickly answers with a simple, "Yes."

Phoenix in its egg shape form starts to boot up its internal systems, "We will engage the large machine first. It appears to have strong weaponry and is of the highest threat level."

Alareana the purple geth answers, "Yes. We will take out the smaller drones before assisting on the larger machine."

Timestamp 10:08:15.04

The geth continue to discuss plan, and confirm the probability of the other machine forms of being unaware simple drones, as a few seconds later they land with heavy thuds. Phoenix springs its legs outwards and unfurls itself as its optic glows and fires off the first shots. The other geth landing and taking part of the action. They spread out and move efficiently taking cover at a few rock formations as they take out smaller drones. The large shot from the armature knocks out the shielding of the large drone in a few well-placed shots. The geth force quickly eradicates the drone threat.

Mila mutters to herself as she tenses with each sound of the weapon fire. The distinct sound of geth weapons fills her ears, "No, no, I can't... This can't happen this way... I can't just..." visions run past her as she shakes her head, "No, no, no!" she yells as she steels herself she pops her head over what little remains of her rock just to see the drone fall to the ground with a heavy thud torn to pieces by... the geth. Mila's eyes go wide as she looks at them her body freezes as she drops the pistol, "Its not possible..." she thinks.

The geth look at Mila, Adrieal looks Mila, program 1191891981 sees Mila. After 635 years 232 days 22 hours 12 minutes 02.73 seconds after becoming a geth program 1191891981, Kirisha finally is standing before its sister and thinks, "We hope we know what to say. We did not have enough time to prepare for this."