Change of Perspective Page 1

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#2 of Change of Perspective

This is the start of a commission series I am getting from a great artist croft Art is by him, story is by me. The original posting is on his fa, but I will be spending extra time to better compose the story which will be below, part of each story. I will also be posting these in their completed 'arcs'. Each arc has their own story set that has to be completed. This arc is Kirisha's initial transformation into a geth. All Mass Effect rights are to their owners. Enjoy the story and the art that goes with it. Comments are very appreciated. Rheme's character belongs to mccrazy. This is one of my story/art combos. This goes on for a while, enjoy.

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The geth, the most infamous story of the dangers of sentient AI. Created by the quarians. Geth are networked artificial intelligences that became sentient, which resulted in a war between the geth and the quarians. In the end, the quarians lost the war and the geth became the 'boogie man' to all other races in the galaxy, but for being so well known, we know almost nothing about them. The majority of geth remain behind the Perseus Veil but in recent years groups of geth have been venturing out, and that is where our expedition comes in.

We are a group of scientists that find the geth an absolutely fascinating technological marvel worth studying and understanding. Many of us such as Rheme Menant a jackal like species and myself Kirisha Des Raptour a species considered similar to the human's ancient dinosaur species are among the considered 'lesser citadel' races whose say and opinions in the universe are often at times less than zero.

It took years of begging, pleading and less than legal dealings to get this expedition to study them up close, and it wasn't till the geth attacked the citadel that it was green lighted. We decided to study a particular group of geth who made themselves a home on a planet decimated by continuous wars, were simply no match for the geth invasion. Reports from those who managed to escape said these geth were not just destroying all organics in sight but dragging as many as they could away. A behavior not yet seen in any other previous geth encounter.

With the help of two quarian scientists and our own research we managed to establish a hidden self-sufficient research facility on the planet, using electro-magnetic fields and advanced camouflaging techniques to make us invisible to the geth on the planet. Our facility is by no means small, with over fifteen scientists and eighty some highly trained soldiers we were ready for anything.

Over the past few weeks one of our sensors has been picking up consistent and increased geth activity in a sector a half a day's trek away. Judging from our sensor readings and surveillance images it was something never seen before. I had to get a closer look.

"I wish you would take more than two guards with you," remarks Rheme.

"With so much geth activity a larger group would be easier to detect. This is a stealth mission," Kirisha explains.

"Yes, I know but something about this facility bothers me."

"I know, isn't it exciting?" Kirisha replies.

"Just take it easy, the council will use any excuse to cut our funding and shut this operation down."

"You don't have to remind me. I'll be back in a few days."

"Good luck, and stay safe," Rheme replies as Kirisha heads out with her two turian guards who remain ever vigilant as they head out.