Stargate Annihilation 2

Story by Vien on SoFurry

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#1 of Stargate series

Hey everyone, I know how much you guys like the Stargate series, so I made one of my own, this is the second chapter, I will be starting Dogman Chapter 8 after this story is complete, look at Word Count for my progress on that. It's been awhile so let me bring you up to speed; General Varus is getting ready for a large attack. Enjoy!

I look over to Spencer, "You help him integrate our shields into their ships..."

Spencer shakes his head, "it's not as simple as installing software, were talking about ripping out the old shield generator and putting in a new one."

I_Sigh_ and roll my eyes, "well stay on the planet and find out what you can, we need as much information as we can get on the level of technology they have so we can make the necessary adjustments to their ships."

Both Spencer and Nareaus shake their heads, "understood, I'll take care of it."

Spencer turns around and walks way by his guard that Nareaus assigned to him.

Nareaus shouts to Spencer as he's walking away, "You will be in put in our bomb shelters, but you can still access our data files from there, you just won't be able to move around on the surface."

I look over to Nareaus, "Nareaus, I'm worried about your ships and people. So why don't you come aboard our ship to ensure your safety."

Nareaus looks over at me, "Sure! Maybe then, I will be shown the true power of your ship."

I nod, " will, now come, and I'll show you the many secrets of our ship." I turn around and walk out of the room with my men, Nareaus and his men follow behind me. Once were outside the building, I activate my radio. "Stacy, beam us up, but leave Spencer behind, he's gonna help them. Also, beam up Nareaus and 5 of his men, we will all be together."

Stacy fiddles with her mic, "yes sir."

In moments we are beamed up to the Annihilator, I order my men back to their stations. Then I walk over to Stacy with Nareaus and his men looking at the ship in awe, "open up a channel through the entire ship."

Stacy gives me an odd look, "yes...sir." She messes with the controls and gestures for me to speak.

"All personnel, this is Aaron Varus, report to your battle stations immediately and prepare for battle, this is not a drill, I repeat, report to your battle stations IMMEDIATELY and await further orders, the enemy will be upon us in less than an hour, so be prepared."

Stacy and everyone else in the ship looks stunned, "how do you know that...sir?"

I turn around and point to Nareaus, "he knew, but questions can wait, we need to prepare for battle."

Stacy nods, "yes sir!"

60 minutes later

The enemy jumps out of hyperspace with 20 battleships, immediately after that, bombers and fighters pour out of the ships and get into their formations.

Only the Annihilator is in there view. I look over to Nareaus, "it looks like you were right, 20 battle ships, 50 bombers, and 500 fighters."

Nareaus looks out the window, to see a large portion of the ship come into view, "your people truly are amazing craftsmen, I never thought anything like this was possible, but yet here I am, standing on the impossible, this ship is like a glimmering jewel floating in the universe."

I crack a smile, "thank you, but the amount of blood that was spent on ensuring the survival of this ship was and wasn't worth it, we barely had enough time to fill up the ship before they were upon us. The workers were mainly the ones that were able to get on, but there was too many innocent people left behind."

Stacy messes with the controls, "sir, it looks like were being hailed by one of the enemy ships."

Nareaus and I walk over to where the hologram video transmission will start, without looking back I say, "okay Stacy."

A fish faced person appears on screen, in the subtitles it says, "Why do you protect them?"

I narrow my eyes, "because this massive ship in front of you is all that is left of our people and we are tired of being alone."

The fish faced person reads the subtitles on his screen, then in the subtitles he says, "What is wrong with the company of your own people?"

I shake my head, "were stuck on a ship and everyone feels isolated and alone. They want to be on land again, we also want the luxuries we once had on land as well; we can't just build everything all over again. It would take many lifetimes to complete and besides, what is wrong with having friends, especially friends that know the meaning of EQUALITY! Your people can't get over interracial mates. Why do you care? For that matter, why waste the money on fighting us?"

It reads the subtitles and makes what looks like a scowl, "you just don't understand, no matter, you and your new "friends" can't stop the Tashlon Empire, we have enough ships to destroy you and your pathetic friends."

I smirk as I read its words, "You have greatly underestimated the power of this ship, for it holds many secrets, and some aren't as pleasant as others."

It makes what looks like a smile as it reads my words, "we shall see, unbeliever."

The transmission is cut off, I look to Nareaus staring out the window, I walk up to him and can hear he is breathing heavily, I look at his face and put a hand on his shoulder, then look out at the approaching enemy ships, "let me remove this burden from you...friend, for I know what the weight on your shoulders feels like."

He immediately stops breathing so heavily and calms least for now. He looks at me and bows, "thank you...friend, you have no idea how much this means to me."

I smile and nod, "Stacy, launch 1 firework missile."

Stacy nods, "got it, sir." She messes with the controls and fires a missile at the enemy's center.

A large missile shots out from the ship and speeds towards its target, then the missile splits into four missiles and spreads out, then it does it again, and again and again and again, until all you can see are thousands of little fireballs heading straight for the enemy. A few hundred missiles hit and destroy near the entire fleet of fighters and bombers as they light up in a beautiful firry display. The rest of the small missiles hit the 20 ships doing light damage to their shields, but imitates a nice fireworks display.

Nareaus and his men are in awe of the amount of destruction the humans have caused on the enemy's fleet, Nareaus looks over to me, "that was very impressive, how do you get them to split off like that?"

Varus smiles, "we've been using technology like this for over 400 years, it started out in much smaller numbers of bombers, they would be dropped from an aircraft and split a few times until there were about 64 of them, then the GPS guidance system would locate the target with heat detection and a large metal round would slam into the target going 10 times as fast as the airplane carrying them. That's very similar to what's going on in those bombs you just saw.

Stacy looks over to me, "sir, something just came out of one of their ships missile bays. I didn't even detect any power up of their ships weapons."

I rub my chin, "hmm...was there any type of power being used to launch the missile?"

Stacy gasps, "Oh's emitting tons of radiation, sir, this is a nuclear bomb of such massive potency that we need to blow up now!"

My eyes grow wide, "raise our shields to maximum and aim all of our defensive ion cannons at that bomb and destroy it!"

Stacy quickly turns all of them on, "on it sir," then aims all of them at the bomb and fires.

I turn to Nareaus, "order your men to raise their shields to maximum, this is gonna be big!"

Nareaus nods and presses the main button on his wrist device, "all ships, raise shields to maximum."

All ships respond, "yes Nareaus!"

All 6 ships shields go up, at that time all the ion cannons on the Annihilator aim at the bomb and start firing like crazy, thousands of light bluish ion balls head right for the bomb that is just slowly coming toward them and is just past the halfway point. Thousands of ion balls hit the bomb all at once and a massive explosion erupts from the blast heading right for all of us sending an even bigger shockwave right toward us.

I shout, "shields better be raised to 100% and the radiation dampeners better be on."

Stacy looks over to me, "they are sir."

Then without any warning, shockwaves of energy hit the ship and push it backwards. The other ships shields fail and they appear to be undamaged but the power has been overloaded by the rest of the shockwave, then the shockwave hits the planet most likely killing thousands and destroying property.

Everyone settles down and I look to Nareaus, "are you okay..."

Stacy interrupts, "Sir, the planet has been hit, and it looks like they have taken a lot of damage."

I get nervous and look over at Nareaus, "what about your people?"

Nareaus shakes his head, "my people are fine, and they are all in civil defense bunkers."

I nod, "good." Then I look over out the window and see the explosion finally seize, "stacy, how are our shields?"

Stacy checks the ships shields status, "there at 96% and climbing."

I smile, "Good, contact the other ships and see how they're doing Nareaus."

Nareaus nods, "that's a good idea, that blast probably destroyed our shields, and ours don't regenerate like yours do."

Stacy contacts the ships while me and Nareaus go look out the window and see what the enemy is up to.

We both look out the ship and see something truly horrible; hundreds of ships come pouring out of hyperspace.

Stacy and everyone watching are horrified by this, "sir, their hailing us."

"Bring em up on screen."

Several fish faced people were brought up on screen, the one in the middle, most likely there leader of the entire fleet was wearing what looked like the most fashionable clothing. "I am Ravier, Grand Imperial General of the Tashlon Empire, how dare you interfere, this is none of your concern, leave or die, I have 1000 ships, thousands of bombers, and 10's of thousands of fighters, you stand no chance against me."

I close my eyes and think for a moment, if we fight, we die, if we leave, we lose this chance to be united with another race. So why not go out in style, we will die with our new friends, even if we know nothing of their culture. "General, your only offering me to leave because you're afraid of us, you're afraid of our raw power, you're afraid of what this ship is capable of, well let me give you a full demonstration, you want a real fire fight battle, I'll give it to you."

Raviers face like tentacles twitch in amusement, "so be it, I figured you wouldn't back down" what looks like a smile, creeps up on his face, "and I was hoping you would say that. You have 1 hour to prepare, I'm giving you this time because I want to see what you have, it's been a long time since I've ever had this kind of fun, so why not."

The transmission ends and in 30 minutes, were still going over battle strategies, Nareaus says with fear, "you should leave while you can, this fight is not for you, I can't ask you to sacrifice everything for us."

I give him an odd look, "Nareaus, we've been running for a year, there's no more running anymore, our people want to start over, and they have all agreed that we need to find trustworthy people to do this with, if we survive and I think we will, but not without great sacrifices, I think you'll trust us then. Now, as for a plan, I propose something very drastic."

Nareaus and everyone nod, "I see, what is that?"

"We need to soften them up a little; we will empty our entire arsenal of nukes on them."

Everyone's mouths drop after hearing that statement. "Sir, we have never tested that many nukes at once before, it's not safe!"

I give them all a smirk, "what other option do we have, we need any advantage we can get."

Nareaus looks over to me, "but at what cost?"

I look back at Nareaus and narrow my eyes, "what if it will win us this battle?"

Nareaus shakes his head, "but what if it we all die in the process...general. Don't say I didn't warn you."

The enemy starts moving toward us and is charging their weapons.

I close my eyes and think of the devastating risk I'm taking. Then I slowly open my eyes and walk over to the nuclear launch pad, I place my hand on the its scanning, I type in the main nuclear launch code.

An automated voice echoes through the bridge, "hand print recognized, thank you General Aaron Varus, nuclear launch code accepted, you may now arm your weapon."

I flip the red cover over that's hiding the switch; I place my thumb on the switch and hesitantly flip it.

"All 1000 nuclear weapons have been armed general; put your hand on the hand scanner when you're ready to fire."

Nareaus interrupts my moment, "the enemy is getting dangerously's now or never!"

I look out the window and see the enemy menacingly coming toward us like a swarm on angry bees; my hand creeps forward and is firmly placed on the scanner.

The automated voice comes back, "Firing all nuclear"

The ship rocks backwards as all nuclear missiles are thrust from the ship and head toward the enemy too fast for them to do anything about it. The nuclear missiles slice through the emptiness of space at alarming rates of speed, then without warning, explode in this beautiful array of colors, all the colors of the rainbow appear in this stunning show of force.

As the blast wave is playing havoc on the enemy, I stand there and wait for the blast wave to hit us.

The shock wave hits the Annihilator hard, so hard that the shockwave keeps coming for an entire minute, which almost drains our shields, causing severe damage throughout the ship. Then the shockwave passes and we are left with severe damage.

The enemy is gone; nothing remains of them but debris.

I look over at Stacy, "damage report?"

Stacy hesitates then messes around with the controls, "sir, bad news, shields are at 6%, 2 of our battleships that were stored inside were partly damaged, the rest of the ships are fine, we have lost navigation, hyperspace, and advanced hyperspace travel. Hundreds of areas within the ship have caved in or are inaccessible, at least 3,000 people are missing and 20,000 people are cut off from the rest of the ship. No casualties have been reported yet. There is good news though, there is nothing left of the enemy."

"Well, at least we have that comfort."

Nareaus walks up to Stacy, "what of the planet, was anything done to it?"

Stacy does multiple scans of the planet, "the planet has been hit hard by the blast and radiation, the side of the planet that took the full brunt of the blast probably had few survivors. The other side most likely sustained minimal casualties."

Tears fall from Nareaus's face, he turns his face so I can only see one side of it, "This is the cost of victory, and don't you EVER fucking forget that." Nareaus now turns all the way around so I can completely see his outrages form. "You know what you did, and I'm done, drop me off at a safe area on my planet, I don't want to ever see you again, if you don't then my ships will open fire on you."

With displeasure clearly showing on my face, I walk up to Nareaus and stop right in front of him, "you won't be able to go on the planet for a few days, the radiation levels are just too high, and I doubt your weak ships have the capability of even moving right now, so settle down, I know what I did, and this should have never been done. I don't know if we could have taken them all though, but let me make something clear to you, when they find out, they will be back with much greater numbers, most likely their entire army. You don't want to be here when they get here, trust me. So settle the fuck down and deal with the fact that I made a big fucking mistake, because I don't like it either."

Stacy messing with her controls, "Sir, what should we do?"

I look back at her, "We should..."

You knew it was coming, you knew I was gonna have this again. You knew I was gonna make a cliff hanger again, so deal with it, lol. Anyway, I know it's been a really long time since I have posted anything, but I just want to let you guys knows that I will continue to work on the Dogman series. It will be much slower, just so you know. I hope you have enjoyed this chapter; its eye opening isn't it. I will be working on Dogman next.