Accentidents Happen

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This poll winning story from my Patreon see's a man trying to perform a ritual to invoke a nymph's blessing only for it to go very wrong thanks to an unforeseen pronunciation issues.

My plan is going well so far. I've accounted for all the variables I think and the mixture I know is properly mixed. I'll now go to the one place where this can be done properly. Coming with me are my girlfriend Kelly, who is supportive and has gotten into the idea of magic as well. And then there is my friend Lincoln who might be replicating the same ritual himself if all goes well. Just their presence helps calm me down a lot and gives me a second opinion if I need it. If you're going to commune with a nymph it's best to be fully prepared. Or else things can go badly.

Why would I take such a risk? The same reason so many others have. The nymph whose spirit was part of the barn had the power to grant boons and blessings on those who are wise. Accounting for all the variables- drawing the summoning circle just right, making the correct offering, saying the right words, ensuring the chanting never stops, and having the courage of mind to face her- would grant me, I hope, strength, speed, looks, and the body that I lack. I'm barely five foot four, scrawny, sickly, shy, I wear glasses, and spent most of my life being picked on. I had two friends my whole life, one being Lincoln who was just like me only shorter, with bigger ears and darker hair, and never without his inhaler. My other friend turned out to be a pretty cute girl once we both hit puberty. She's somewhat chubby with glasses, curly black hair, and never works out but she's funny and cute and since I finally got the courage to ask her out five months ago it's been pretty good.

But pretty good only gets you so far. I was looking into this even before we started dating and when I told Kelly she supported me. I think she might want to try it herself but unlike Lincoln, is keeping that desire under wraps. Still she's with me as we reach the old abandoned farm and it means a lot to me. I think once she sees what I'm able to achieve she'll be right beside Lincoln for the next summoning.

The farm we have gone to is a ninety minute drive out to the back ass middle of nowhere. I had scoped it out once beforehand, the barn included. But pulling up the driveway after dusk meant the ramshackle ruins were foreboding to say the least.

"We're totally sure Vernon isn't taking us out here to kill us both?" I hear Lincoln joke from the back.

"It does give off that vibe, doesn't it?" agreed Kelly with a slim smirk in my direction.

"Please, as if I'd go through all this extra trouble to kill you both. You know how much I hate long drives. It took finding this ritual to provide the proper motivation," I argued faciously. "Would have just poisoned you both or something back home rather than create this whole elaborate story about courting a barn nymph's favor."

"I suppose. You are usually pretty lazy," noted Lincoln.

"Thanks, bud. I knew you'd understand," I nod while pulling right up to the barn and park. With the headlights on the structure you could tell the barn was in far better shape than any other building on the property. The red paint on the outside was all but chipped off and the wood was weathered badly but there weren't any sections of the walls or roof missing. The front doors still appeared functional too. There were all sorts of green vines growing all over it too. They reached as high as the weathervane, which was so overgrown that it couldn't even function from the looks of it. After that good look I turned off the engine. "Okay, it will take me an hour or so to get set up so let's not waste time. Help me get my things out of the trunk," I told Kelly and Lincoln as we all piled out of the car.

"Sure thing. But if all you have in there is a shovel, quick lyme, and a bunch of lawn darts I'm making a run for it," Lincoln continued to joke.

I had everything we needed in some large cardboard boxes which were filled with what I hope was good prep work. It would take a few trips to bring it all in but I was already at work getting the summoning runes marked out on the concrete floor ten minutes after we arrived. The inside was in disrepair more equal to the rest of the property with all the stables collapsed along with the floor of the upper hayloft. Vines could be seen poking out of the walls and hanging from the ceiling once we set up the four electric lanterns I had brought along. It's how we saw all the trash that had likely been left by squatters, vagrants, or more than likely, past summonings. Broken bottles, bits of clothing, food wrappers, moldy cardboard boxes, and general litter made up the most of it.

"We clean up after ourselves, agreed?" Kelly made us all promise. She was always a neat person so no surprise she didn't want to add to the mess.

One positive the place had was the large, open floor that was already swept when we came in. Faded outlines of chalk runes like the ones I was scrawling gave me a chill of the unreal about what I was about to attempt. I had my printed out papers for reference of what I had to draw as I worked. I drew the large central triangle surrounded by several circles of varying sizes at specific places. Thankfully I could trace past outlines easily enough for the most part. Not every person asked the same thing of the nymph so the runes I had to inscribe I couldn't copy. I had practiced the runes for months so drawing them again was something I could do from memory at this point so I was in pretty good spirits to start.

While I worked, Kelly and Lincoln couldn't do much more than chat as they waited for me to finish. After complaining about getting no service on their phones for a while Lincoln asked me something I'm surprised he didn't think of earlier. "So why exactly is there a nymph bound to a barn in the middle of nowhere exactly? Inconvenience?"

"Was wondering when you'd ask that. To be brief, a couple hundred years back when they settled this area the family here had some misfortunes befall them. Got bad enough where they used magic from their old country to bind a forest nymph, which they found who knows where, to their farm which as we know is far from anything you'd call a forest. More specifically to this very barn where they performed rituals like this to gain the nymph's favor. It worked, for a time, but supposedly after a few generations the family stopped showing the nymph, who'd become more of a farm nymph by that point, the proper respect. So it all came crumbling down fast and hard. And she's been here ever since, granting favors to people who perform the ritual properly. That about cover it, bud?" I asked after my long winded response. I had left out a lot of details about how the nymph brought the family and others who disrespected her down as they would only make them both nervous when they don't have to be.

"Always felt bad for the nymph. Being trapped here, in this abandoned place all the time must be awful," Kelly lamented with a sigh.

"I guess. Not sure exactly how nymphs even exist or work so maybe they don't mind. If they can be made to give their boon to a person then they can't be too crank about the situation," I reasoned to her like I had to myself when I had Kelly's same thought months earlier.

"I guess. I'd be tempted to ask them, if this works, but I don't know how you talk to a nymph even," Kelly admitted.

"You do it carefully. And only after you do all the right steps beforehand. There is a lot to account for," I did my best to explain.

"That's where the record player comes in?" Lincoln remarked with a nod towards the 60's era vinyl record player I found at a yard sale. They were a steal considerin

"It does. There is an incantation that needs to be spoken to summon the nymph as well as a chant that needs to persist throughout the whole ritual. Since it's all in a dead language I don't understand I had to pay this old guy all the way over in Wales to record both for me. Told him it was for a school project so he didn't ask too many questions. Saves me making a mess of any of it though. Plus, when it works," I couldn't help but boast, "you can borrow the recording for your turn, Lincoln."

"That would be a time saver. Still doesn't explain why you have a record player," Kelly pointed out.

"I was getting to that, babe," I sigh before continuing, "So I asked him for just an audio file or CD at worst but as he had no computer that wasn't going to work. I said send whatever he could do and five weeks later I got a record. Checked it and it's got everything I asked for. Guy has a pretty thick Welsh accent but it seems like all the right stuff. He's the expert and I'm just lucky to have found him at all. Stuff wasn't that expensive anyway. Finding a battery I could plug the system into cost me more but it's worth it. One of you will have to turn it all on and hit play for me."

"I should be able to handle that for you, bud. Always liked the smell of old electronics," Lincoln shared as he walked over to inspect the equipment.

"Awesome. I'll be another twenty minutes I wager," I tell them both with my head down.

Turned out it took twenty minutes after several runes gave me trouble and had to be erased and redone. We filled the time talking about what would come afterwards. I mostly intended to hit the reset button on my life and use the gifts I would get to find my true purpose in life. Except for the present company, I planned to leave my old self behind. Kelly and Lincoln were certainly along to join me assuming it all worked out. Going back to school or turning to athletics or even modeling were options depending how great I turned out. Lincoln was talking about asking for superpowers but I reasoned him down to just wanting to be a sex icon- whatever that meant.

Kelly was happy to have the energy to keep up with us both. I admired her modesty as always.

As I was wrapping up, the conversation turned to what part my friends had to play during the ritual. Aside from Lincoln's part in starting the record I just told them to stand as far back as they can and just watch. I wouldn't want the nymph thinking they were involved in the actual ritual since my reading did warn about that happening. That's something I didn't want to be responsible for.

The runes done I tossed the chalk and while I briefly rested my sore wrist Lincoln got the record player powered on and ready to go. Kelly had found a good spot to observe from on the far side of the room inside a partially collapsed stall. She retreated there after giving me a kiss of confidence. Internally I was hyping myself up so it helped me get to that mental state where I was ready to start. Following the ritual's instructions I knelt down inside of the triangle with my head lowered in reverence. Giving Lincoln the go ahead he hit play then ran over to join Kelly. I could see them chatting just as the recording began so I can only imagine they were wishing me luck.

The old man's voice filled the whole space with the ancient, primitively formed language the incantation was written. With how strange diction and prose were I'm so glad I paid to have this done. No way I could have ever sounded as clear as that. He speaks it like an actual dialect and though his accent was thick at times it was clearly doing the trick. Only a minute into the chanting a light breeze blew past me bringing a smell of fresh dew, honeysuckle, and fresh hay.

Keeping quiet myself was getting hard as the ritual was playing out how I read it would have. Unexplained scents, a warming of the air, the runes starting to glow, and the sense of a new presence around me. A faint, sweet, and almost childlike giggling then sprung up all over the barn, drawing my and the other's attention towards every new source. Had to remind myself to keep my head bowed. Even as an unseen energy was coalescing around me, amplifying the recording so that it reverberated louder and louder. Knowing the incantation was almost over had me resisting the urge to look up as I could feel what had to be the nymph's close proximity.

With the rafters shaking the old man's words died down to barely a whisper. Then came the chant; a dull, melodic repetition of the same two lines. They didn't exactly translate but were simply soothing, reassuring words meant to convey to the nymph that all was well and respect was being shown. I guess in the original ritual it was family members doing the chanting while one of them sought the nymph's blessing. Made me glad I live in a slightly more modern age. But whether it worked or not I'd know soon enough.

Petite bare feet padded up until I could see them in front of me. That they were stained a deep, rich brown of soil from the shins down was the first thing I noticed along with just how small the feet were. When similarly stained hands reached into my prostrated point of view and motioned for me to look up, I found myself face to face with my reward for successfully navigating magic for the first time.

"Who is it that calls?" it asked in a sweet, genderless voice. It stood just under two feet tall with an androgynous, slender body with skin that was actually a pale, luminescent blue. Only the hands and feet were stained as they were with the rest smooth and unblemished in the least. Their crotch was sexless, their thin chest had small, budding breasts while their facial features were waifish, with a pointed chin and short, swamp green hair. Most peculiar though were the double set of slit green she had. All of which were peeled right on me as I tried to not show any sign of being afraid. "Well? You're not one of the mute ones, are ya?" the nymph asked with a note of concern in its voice.

My mind went blank for a moment as I forgot everything I had practiced. I just stared at it with probably a stupid look on my face. I caught sight of Kelly and Lincoln with the same wide eyed expression of wonder I was wearing. Had to shake my head to regain some semblance of what I was doing here in the first place.

"I-" is all I got out when the nymph's kind face soured.

"What is this noise I hear? It sounds speech but... wrong," remarked the nymph whose long, pointed ears were twitching wildly.

"Wrong?" I repeat. It's then I listen again to the chanting I notice just how badly the old man's Welsh accent was getting in his reading. He hadn't simply looped the lines but had actually recorded himself doing it a full hour. And the longer it went the more his accent bled in making the words meant to soothe were clearly grating on the nymphs nerves. "Uh oh," I muttered under my breath.

I watch the nymph grow progressively more agitated as it skipped around on the tips of its toes gnashing its teeth. It wasn't so much that it looked annoyed that I could almost feel its emotions radiating out from the creature. This set my mind racing to trying to figure what I can do to try and salvage things but with the chanting getting more unintelligible I had to act. I rushed to stop the recording, thinking maybe I could restart it. So as the nymph is grumbling to itself with his back turned I stand up and get just one step out of the triangle I had drawn before the nymph reacts.

"You dare? You dare?! You do dare! How dare!" gasped the nymph who had moved in a flash and was there in front of me.

Before I can even try to reason with the nymph it points two crooked fingers at me and I'm immediately compelled beyond reason to drop back down to my hands and knees. My eyes closed for maybe a second and when I opened them again I was back inside the triangle somehow. When I tried to move my muscles they wouldn't respond except to feel like they were full of sand. The realization that I had fucked up badly was setting in.

"Dare no more, poor lad! You seem prone to it, and as my mood is foul and unlike to turn, perhaps a turn for you would be a daring thing to do. Do I dare do it?" the nymph caroled as it jumped onto my back skipped about.

"Wait, no! I wasn't daring anything! I was only trying to-to-t-t-t-" I tried pleading only for something that felt like a massive burp to bubble up my throat. The closer it got to my mouth I could feel it reverberating so strongly that I was pained and gasping for breath momentarily. I'm staring down at the floor beneath me, red faced and heaving, terrified that I'm choking when the nymph uses my hair to swing under me. There it is flopped on its back with a face torn between merriment and a snarl. "You can't hold it in forever, mortal man thing. It's turning in you! I dared it to start and oh so it has! Dare I do more?"

With no breath I had to shake my head to stop the nymph when I saw it reach both hands up to my chest. That didn't stop him laying its hands against the tight fabric of my t-shirt which bulged out thanks to my full lungs and bloated gut. Then with a fiendish little high pitched laugh it pushed its thin but strong fingers into me, compressing my lungs and forcing out the obstruction at last. Despite my best efforts.

"Oh nooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooOOOOOOO!" I bellowed loudly in a voice that wasn't my own, but rather a full sized cow. Hearing that distinct sound come out of my mouth first shocked me then brought on a sense of dread that soon had me pouring cold sweat. "Did I just- please, I didn't mean tooooOOOOOOOOOO! MooooOOOOOOOOOOOO!" my attempted pleading descended in mooing again so I had to bite my lip to stop more coming out.

My face was bright red. I could feel it. It was all embarrassment and terror. That must have been what the nymph was looking for as they rolled on the ground under me, giggling at me. "Hoo, hoo, hoo! What a sound! Oh how I've missed its chorus!" it tittered with a deranged glee in its four eyes. Then, with my clothing starting to tighten on my body for some reason, me and the nymph hear a clatter on the far side of the barn. When I look up I see Kelly and Lincoln trying to flee out a side door only for the hinges to be rusted shut. "Who dares?" I hear the nymph say before in the blink of an eye it's gone.

I hear a brief gasp of terror from Kelly followed by both dropping down out of sight with a heavy thud. I'm then distracted by a throbbing near my tailbone followed by another bubble up my throat. I drop my head to attempt to keep it down but seconds later I just moo again. This time it leaves my nose itching for some reason. As I lift my head again to try and shake the feeling off, to my surprise on my right is Lincoln. Just like me he was on his hands and knees shaking like a leaf.

"Lincoln?" I say in disbelief when I see him. "No, it got you too?"

Lincoln looked over at me just as surprised as I was. "No! How did I get here? Why can't I move?" he shouted at me.

"I don't know, I don't know! Did you see Kelly? Did it get her? Did she get away?" I tried asking.

"Ughhhhh." came a moan from my left that I recognized.

I turned from Lincoln to my left where, on her hands and knees, was Kelly. Her head was down and she looked hurt. "Kelly! Can you move? Babe, you gotta get outta here!" I urged her desperately even though she was powerless just like me and Lincoln.

"Hoo hoo hoo! Not one who dares but three!" hooted the nymph who then appeared in front of us all, skipping about. Me and Lincoln begged and pleaded to be let go but the nymph just kept skipping about, humming to itself. We're both disquieted when what immediately felt like another moo bubbled up, forcing us and a similarly overcome Kelly to attempt to keep this in. The nymph noticed. "Try and try and try again but the turn is on, and it cannot stop until you have. Since it's three that have dared and have found me with disposition bent a chorus I think. Hoo, yes! All at once! Let the wood echo!"

As the nymph's voice turned into laughter that itself echoed around us it brought a compulsion over us all that drew out those moos from our throats. Not only that but the throbbing at my tailbone saw a rapid surge, causing a lump to form in the seat of my pants as something swelled there. Then when I bellowed, being the first to do so followed soon after by the others, whatever it was elongated so quickly it ripped a hole in the seat of my underwear and jeans, causing me to gasp out even more moos. It continued to grow with my unable to turn my head around enough to see exactly what it was but I could see Lincoln. And he had what looked like a cow's tail growing from his backside. Craning my neck to Kelly showed she was in the same boat with her forced moos causing her to weep.

The moos kept spilling out until all three of us were left panting, red faced, and sporting a full length cow's tail. Complete with tufted, fuzzy tips and black and white hair in my and Kelly's case or Lincoln's brown. All of this was proving a true amusement to the nymph who at the start of our mooing had begun clapping, with each clap teleporting it to some new spot of the barn where its shrill giggling followed. The old man's chanting still rang out from the speakers, grating on my totally flayed nerves but there wasn't anything I could do. A bloat set in not long after the mooing fit stopped and gained an awareness of my tail. Something I never thought I'd say.

"So good! So good! Proper moos, proper! Hoo hoo hoo! More! Again! You can't keep them all in, I think I think!" chortles the mad nymph.

A second fit of moos comes over me and the others before I can attempt any sort of appeal for at least mercy for Kelly and Lincoln. My readings had been very clear of the risk involved in courting a nymph of any kind. As magical, naturally mischievous creatures with the ability to change a person at will, they often saw humans as playthings when not properly courted so I know I'm in for something bad. This nymph's time on a farm was noted to have given it a proclivity for farm life so I already had an idea what was coming. That still didn't prepare me for what my mooing would bring this time.

My gut, like the others, ballooned under my clothing as we made our convincing bovine noises. It caused my and Lincoln's shirt to ride up to our chests, letting the stretched bare flesh stick out. Kelly's shirt and sweater were now up under her arms with the underside of her bra showing. I only managed a glimpse though as the mooing also brought a swelling to a lower region at our waists. It was right above where my dick was which made the growth of this area especially confining. My jeans were being pushed out more with this growth not feeling like the general fattening of my gut. Instead this mass was fleshier with bumps on it.

Still mooing I managed to look under myself where at first I could only see my distended belly. The tension at my waist was growing with the button and zipper straining just like the seams. Not helped by my ass feeling fatter too, my jeans rip not long after I hear Lincoln's do the same. That's when the fleshy pink mass slumped into view with four protruding nipples that caused my heart to flutter and moos to stop a second.

"An udder?" I hear Lincoln first when he spots what's growing under him. This admission caused another flurry of moos to follow from him. I then watched his udder swell faster than mine was, as if spurred on. I could see how fearful my friend was as he felt the udder take shape. Soon it's touching the ground with his moos even causing a further internal swelling of the udder.

I wanted to apologize to Lincoln then but only moos came out, spurring my own udder to grow to size like his. It's hard to even describe the feeling as it tugs and fills out its space on my torso. Much easier to explain is when my moos bring the feeling of a slight fullness to my udder. Then as this swelled with a sloshing weight I had to admit to myself what was happening and what was going to happen. Pangs of tingling heat spread out from my spine, pelvis, hips, and ass, causing them to all grow and shift to better accommodate the udder. My moos had slowed somewhat but it didn't help slow the changes any. I could at least look over at Kelly again which wasn't the relief I hoped.

Like me and Lincoln her udder had swelled after a surly bout of mooing. Uniquely for her though was the shrinking her actual breasts away on her chest. I barely noticed at first with how her clothing was bunched up at her chest but I saw the plump, fat shape of her chest flatten. Meanwhile her backend, like I had experienced, shifted to better accommodate that soon to fill udder under her. I watched as the magic allowed her to move to her feet somehow which I soon found myself doing too only to freeze again now awkwardly on all fours. What I hadn't appreciated from my point of view until I saw her though was just how big and inhuman her proportions were becoming. Her hips and ass were notably larger and more developed with her jeans left to just hang on her frame.

As suddenly as ever the nymph appears above my girlfriend's just to land upon and strut about. "Hoo hoo! Hello missy!" The nymph greeted Kelly, stomping its foot on her back and causing two more reluctant moos to escape her. It giggled as it skipped to her tail then swung down behind her using the tail to slow its fall. When the nymph landed and let go of her tail it immediately sprung back up, ripping the last threads holding her pants on and flinging it forward off her. Kelly saw her pants land just in front of her. The look on her face as the nymph started to poke and prod her thighs and ass was one of pure shame. "Turning and turning and turning, yes! But more! Oh how I want more, so I shall have it! Come, girl, turn another moo I say, hoo hoo!"

Crying but unable to stop, Kelly started mooing again with the nymph hopping around being her with his hands darting from one spot on her to another. This brought a hasty advancement of the changes already showing along with spreading the shifting down into her calves and feet. Watching her cute, petite little feet rip out of her shoes already blackened with masses of half-formed hooves was a travesty. So was watching her figure disappear into the form of some common dairy cow. Her skin was being blended into cow hide with white hairs and black spots showing up while Kelly herself tries to stop herself mooing.

When she managed to find her voice it wasn't pretty. "Don't wanna be a, a MoooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOooOOooooOOOOOw! MOOOOOooOOOO!" Her frail voice warped into moos she again couldn't hold in. She looked at me then, her nose and face visible wider and vaguely cow-like. There was anger, sorrow, shame, and more in her eyes that I felt vividly, even as my changed at its slower rate. I wished I had never invited her to come. Maybe I couldn't have avoided this but she at least should have never been here. Now those words, her last words, and those eyes would haunt me.

The nymph's hideous laughter peaked as he beheld Kelly's now very nearly totally bovine back end. From her hooves to her tail, aside from being undersized she looked like a fucking cow. I didn't want to imagine what the nymph could see as a cow's asshole and cunt were hardly anything I wanted to see. I was stupid to think I wouldn't though.

"Hoo hoo! What have we here! Some turning too! Quite the affair! Fitting for those who dare. Is that so, you you?" I heard the nymph say, this time from behind Lincoln.

"D-Don't let it- moOOOOOOOOOOOoooo," Lincoln attempted to say when he felt the nymph poking around behind him. Most of his pants were in tatters like mine but I could see his underwear still stretching to cover him. The nymph saw this too and saw fit to scar my friend in another way I'd be left thinking about beyond today.

"Big but could be bigger. A moo or two will do, hoo hoo hoo!" boasted the nymph, its poking of Lincoln getting more nasty.

"No, please I- MoooOOOO!- No! Vernon! Help m-m-mooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" his desperate last words ringing in my ears next to Kelly's.

Also just like Kelly, Lincoln's legs, ass, and up to his midsection transformed into that of a fattened cow; complete with chubby, cow hide cover curves and two hooves not sized for his shoes. All this growth is more than pants or undies can take, ripping off his enlarged frame with less flair than Kelly. But unlike Kelly, when the changes neared their end and Lincoln had moved forward from where he was to accommodate his size. This granted me a front row to the nymph's next mischief and one that caused my manhood to quiver as it hung behind me.

"What's this? What's that? No, no, no, no not right. If an udder then a mother and a mother needs a calf and a calf needs a bull and a bull needs a..." As the nymph teased he reached up where Lincoln's cock and balls had come up to hang behind him in a position I unfortunately felt mine close to. His tiny cock was still enough for the nymph to grasp though. That touch alone triggered a loud moo from Lincoln and a literally draining orgasm that left his testicles shriveled and empty. The real horror came when the nymph proceeded to push what remained of his balls into his taint, creating a wet crevice in which they disappeared. Pulling its dripping hand out, the nymph then hummed to itself while shrinking his cock away and molding the remaining flesh into a gaping cow's vagina which churned my own stomach in ways I never thought possible. "Better, better! Hoo hoo, a place for the bull! Fitting for you, hoo hoo!" came more teasing.

I tried to save myself the view by looking back at Kelly who I hadn't even noticed was relieving herself with manure piling up between her hind legs. Her face was stretched out more now with ears longer and nose fat but I could tell she didn't want to. I'd never even heard my girlfriend fart before so I knew this was some humiliation by the nymph. At least I hoped that was the reason and not that her mind was changing too.

Unsurprisingly this display draws the nymph over to Kelly, again appearing and landing on her back and proceeding to her tail. "Hoo hoo, such a smell, such a sight, such a body in need! I hear it calling! Turning! Turning you, turning all of you, until you're turned right! Let me show you!" exclaimed the sprite as it performed a back flip to land on Kelly's misshapen head. The nymph did not have to reach far to grasp both my girlfriend's ears which she proceeded to tug with a perverted glee. "A heifer, a heifer, ah hoo hoo hoo!"

Mortified and with her screams made moos, Kelly's transformation was accelerated again. However this time they surged all over her at a rate that must have given her no time to even fully grasp it all. Hands gone, turned into hooves. Chest barreled out, tearing off the last of her clothing and revealed the cowhide was working to cover her up. All those curves I loved and the smooth skin of her neck and shoulders was replaced by bulging cow meat. Audible, wet pops could be heard midst the moos, accented chanting, and chittering of the nymph. It took barely ninety seconds before my longtime friend and the only girl I had ever been with, Kelly, to fully transform into a nearly two thousand pound heifer. Her constant mooing finally ceasing.

What else could I think but to take the blame for this. Not easy when the nymph was entirely pleased with itself and what it had done to a beautiful, smart, wonderful person. The changes completed, it vaulted in front of Kelly to dance yet again in full view of her. "Hoo hoo, hah hah hah, a darer has turned and turned out well and truly moo, is that true?" the nymph mocked while in mid-pirouette.

It was evident from the mockery and the awareness behind the cow's otherwise dull brown eyes that Kelly was still inside the cow to some extent. She could move around just enough to adjust her stance but still could not move as if she was still Kelly inside she would have certainly taken off.

I feared that I was overdue for the nymph's wrath but he had one last thing in mind for Kelly. A treat that would come to wait for Lincoln and me once our bodies were ready.

The nymph's dancing around had gone from joyful flaunting to a more ritualistic one that included intricate hand gestures from the nymph as it deftly moved about. Glowing around his fingers soon precipitated a dazzling spark of azure light that took off into the ceiling. There it darted around briefly only for rhythmic chanting in the language of the runes brings the light down behind Kelly where it draws the outline of a massive bull. One that could match Kelly's own size by the time the spark was spent. A moment later it came alive, snorting and stomping while still little more than a sparkling blue outline. One that included a fully erect bull's cock beneath it too. Only then did the nymph's dance stop.

"Spirit, oh spirit, lay claim to your prize. Then bring her where she shall be found," the nymph instructed the mystical bull.

The bull did not need more than that. It just hurried over to Kelly, sniffed her, did something that must have compelled her to present herself, then mounted. If I had wondered if she would feel anything I got my answer in her fevered mooing as the bull plunged into her. The sight distracted me from the nymph disappearing again. I don't see him appear atop Lincoln's head where he grabbed his ears just like Kelly's. When I hear Lincoln's uneven mooing I do look and his transformation was already being hastened along. Tears streamed down the corners of her eyes and I just couldn't look anymore. At either of them.

Looking at the smeared chalk under me it feels like an age since we arrived. Remembering why I came wasn't easy then for all the reasons anyone could guess as my changes had kept progressing. My toes were cramping, my hips and knees felt like they were in the wrong places and yet I still could stand. I knew it was only a matter of time before I'd look like Kelly and like Lincoln was about to. That this had gone so badly was something I had never imagined. Maybe because I thought it wouldn't happen to me. That I'd be one of the ones to come away with a boon that improved my life. Now look at me. Look at my friends. I know I can't bring myself to. Just hearing them is torture enough. I just want it to end.

My wish started to come true in a worse way. I glance over at Lincoln when I see the nymph dismount him. There on Lincoln's clothing stood a large brown and white heifer with a heavy sagging udder and frightened disbelief in its eyes. At the same time I heard a bullish bellow from my left but when I turned Kelly and the bull were gone, replaced by a thick cloud of glittering blue dust. As it cleared there was no sign of Kelly save what clothes of hers she'd outgrown. I dumbly tried to call out her name resulting in more moos and more changes for me. This while another blue bull would take form as summoned by the ritual dance. I looked around for Kelly anywhere in the barn, ignoring Lincoln's pained bellows as he felt the bull's thrust.

This all felt like punishment enough to me, though I knew it wouldn't be over. I soon lost sight of the nymph with its hideous, profane laughter ringing out again from behind me. It made my manhood twinge from the thought of what was about to happen. It was unreal feeling the tiny, slender fingers wrap around my cock spurning me to a rapid climax I was powerless to resist. Every spurt brought a tightness to my loins which I had seen first hand already with Lincoln. Feeling it myself was more bizarre than I feared when the nymph pulled the slit open.

"Hoo hoo, a place for a bull in you, hoo hoo!" the nymph flouted while folding my cock into my new cunt. Further sculpting with his jabbing fingers brought my rear end more in line with a cow's, which meant shedding whatever pieces of my own pants, boxers, socks, and shoes to make way for the cow I was becoming. My body would feel wrong and distant from me as it changed but steadily felt more a real part of me. That's how I started to feel how big I was really becoming. My hands were cramping, starting to merge into hooves to better handle what I knew would be a lot of weight. Shoulders, chest, and neck were sore and showing signs of growing out more when the nymph appeared in front of me. I think he's about to finish the job when instead it chooses to turn me towards Lincoln. "See her get the gift! See her take the gift," whispered the nymph in my ear.

If the implication was clear enough it immediately followed that the bull finished, plunging deep into Lincoln whose moos were distorted by his emotions. I learn what must have happened to Kelly as the mystical bull's act had caused a second swelling of my friend's belly. The weight of a pregnancy bowed Lincoln's hips and made him even more terrified. As if that wasn't enough, the now spent bull spirit collapsed into a blue dust cloud that enveloped Lincoln. When it settled, he was gone.

My head turned back to the grinning nymph. "Who was first, who is last, hoo hoo, you you! Who is a cow, you you! Who loves to moo, you you! Who needs a bull, you you! Who deserves this most," the nymph sings brightly just to stop, move nose-to-nose with me, and say, "you, Vernon, you! No more deserves this moo more than you, you, you!"

The words stung as intended the whole rest of my transformation. It all happened in such a wave that I knew why the other two had been unable to do much but just let it happen. It's why like Kelly I started shitting manure and like Lincoln crying my last moments away. "Stupid accent," I somehow managed to grumble out at one point before moos overtook everything. Perfectly fitting words given the old man's Welsh voice was still going. When the magic of the transformation finally faded from me that was nothing left but my mind and this heifer I was.

A final mistake I came to know as the nymph started to summon the bull intended for me. Mind and body were not as separate as I had hoped with a part of me, a part I'll never feel comfortable with, found itself desiring the coming bull for some reason. That reason was clear once the bull appeared and my willing backside presented itself like Kelly and Lincoln before me. Did they love and hate this too? My sense of decency recoiled from the crude, base animal desire that was coursing through me. I didn't want it to feel good but fuck if it didn't feel amazing when I felt him orgasm. What had this nymph done to us?

Soon I was feeling that expected calf swelling in me which was triggering all sorts of different feelings that competed with my human, male thoughts. A battle that would rage for the rest of my days as nymph was about to reveal. More or less.

"Three ill doers are done with a moo of turn and a bull of life. They wait for you, Vernon. They and your moos. Moos to fill a lifetime and more. How many moos for the likes of yous? I know, hoo hoo hoo! But you? You only moo moo moo!" cackled the nymph.

The nymph's laughter followed into the cloud of blue that collapsed down on me as the weight of the bull disappeared. I'm forced to close my eyes as I feel the dust settle on me. A brief weightlessness passes as I'm standing on solid ground again with all my weight, from fat, to udder, to the pregnancy I now bore. As the smoke cleared though I felt tightness close in around me. Soon I feel metal bars boxing me in on all sides with more under my stomach and over my back. I feel each teat get squeezed one at a time. An intense suction followed that began draining my overladen udder. Then as the rest of the smoke cleared my surroundings came in view. And smell.

I had been transported from a barn in the middle of nowhere to slot six out of twelve in row ten out of thirty rows of similar restrained cattle. Like me they were in a milking parlor on the grounds of a large dairy farm that I'd come to know very well sadly. I was now one of hundreds of cows being milked with a slurry of feed and water fed in a trough within eating range. It's utterly surreal. In my shock I didn't even realize I recognized the cows to the left and right, Kelly and Lincoln. I could have been excused for that since both had their heads down in the feed. I wondered how they couldn't even notice I was there only to feel a strong hunger take me too.

I kept my mind mostly and so did the other two I think. Lincoln would always stay close in the years after but Kelly would drift further apart with every season. I couldn't blame her. She didn't deserve this. None of them really did but time has taught me that it doesn't matter in the end. It really just comes down to fate. And a ruinous accent sometimes too.