Café Plaisir - Leo's Initiation = Chapter 1

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#1 of Café Plaisir

Café Plaisir was originally created by Palibakufun:

The setting is currently run by Dark Violet:

Characters used with permission:

Cara (Nihilego) is owned by Coda:

Cheryl (Lopunny), Rain Flower (Vaporeon) and Firenze (Ninetales) are owned by Dark Violet

I have long uploaded my own art and stories based on my own Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Guild known as Everstone.

I intend to re-upload the art with stories here soon but for my first SoFurry upload I thought I should start with my brand new story!

I just discovered a long running project called Café Plaisir.

It has been going on for 10+ years now so I am very much late into the game but the setting drew me in. While I'm still really only getting my teeth into the many stories that have been made by lots of different creators I couldn't help myself starting to write my own little story

The basic premise is pretty simple. Café Plaisir is set in a world much like our own (actual countries rather than the typical Kanto etc) but in a universe where Pokemon also exist.

The twist being that roughly 15 years before hand a big mysterious event known as The Liberation happened where Pokemon suddenly became as intelligent as humans.

The world is still adjusting to Pokemon's place in society and on the edge of the Oklahoma plains a place called Café Plaisir. run entirely by Pokemon had been established. It is effectively a brothel for Pokemon and Human alike to come and indulge in their fancy with the many waiters who work there.

The difference between this and other projects is it is an entirely open world, where anyone can start their own stories using the setting.

Ideally I'd want to be up to date before actually trying to start my own but given the nature of the project and just how much content has been created over it's lifetime that is pretty hard to do.

So with a reasonable understanding of the underlying themes and world I decided to create a new character and have a go at writing in the universe.

Having read some of the incredibly well written stories, I know my own writing is quite lacking in comparison but still wanted to have a go.

In the end I got quite absorbed into writing it and thoroughly enjoyed myself.

I did however get a bit carried away with the story and this entire chapter has no porn in it, whilst the next chapter is pretty much one big porn scene!

I can imagine this chapter in itself is quite off putting given its size with no porn to spice things up, so if you just want that part, I'll be posting the second chapter soon as I have already completed it.

To anyone who does take the time to read this, as always thank you very much. It always touches me when people take time to read my little stories and this is my first proper time writing a story more for itself than just to be a side piece to some art I did.

Chapter 1 - Leo's Initiation

9am on a Saturday morning a lone Growlithe sat in front of a bus stop. At first glance he appeared like a typical example but if one looked closer they could see he was quite different.

While his fur coat was the same striking orange with black stripes one would expect, his beige coloured mane was what stood out. The thick fur on his chest was thicker and more luxurious than your typical Growlithe, the same went for the matching fur on his head which fell in folds that almost resembled hair.

All in all most agreed it gave him a look that could be summed up quite simply; Handsome.

It was ten anxious minutes that this Growlithe known as Leonard, or Leo to his friends, had to wait alone at the otherwise vacant bus stop before the first of his friends showed up.

His eyes darting down the quiet road, his tail mindlessly wagging with a mix of anticipation and nervousness until finally a familiar face appeared.

A sleek black furred canine with large curved horns bounded excitedly towards him which may have felt quite intimidating if he didn't know the Houndoom in question.

"Ohh you're early!" she called out to him as she skidded to a halt by his side "You must have been eager!"

Leo gave her a half smile as he greeted her a little warily "Good morning Eli.. and yes, well I cannot deny I'm curious.."

Curious was right, for this had been quite the spontaneous meetup. The Growlithe was only meeting at this bus stop early on a Saturday after some events the previous night in which his slightly hungover head was still piecing together.

It seemed the Growlithe had found himself being pulled along in the flow of things as he often did. As one thing had led to another he had ended up agreeing to meet up the following morning,

His memory was still a little hazy but he had managed to recollect a general series of events.

They had been having a casual drink together on Friday night like they often did. Just some light drinking as they made small talk about work or whatever else came to mind.

At some point the topic of evolution had come up, he believed it was Eli who had brought it up. He gathered that as she was the only fully evolved Pokemon of their small group she must have been curious about why her friends hadn't evolved yet.

He recalled Aden; a Charmeleon had said it was something he was still considering. He said being able to fly sounded incredible and a little scary but was most concerned about his self control.

He reminded them that he had intensely trained himself to restrain his tail flame to the point he could effectively turn it off so the exposed fire wouldn't be a risk. He feared becoming a Charizard would make keeping it in check too hard.

While their other friend Iggy; a Torracat, had said he felt more comfortable on four legs and given the rather drastic change his evolution would bring, he didn't really feel like it would have been_him_ any more if ever evolved.

Then they had all turned on him. His evolution would require a fire stone and while they were fairly pricey that was not the reason he had not chosen to evolve.

No, his reason had been simple.

"Becoming an Arcanine just sounds super inconvenient, they are just way too big." He had said.

He always kept an everstone in his trusty satchel just to be safe. He stood at about two feet tall as a Growlithe, but if he evolved he would more than triple in height which for a quadruped like him just sounded far too ludicrous of a size.

The others had laughed at and ultimately agreed it would probably make day to day life difficult.

However, that wasn't the part of the conversation that had led him to be sitting in front of a bus stop early on a Saturday morning.

No. it was what led from it.

Just as the conversation seemed run dry Aden had made the casual comment that set things in motion.

"Besides, while I'm sure you'd attract all sorts of admirers you'd have a tough time finding a partner that could handle you at that size.."

He remembered the others all having a good laugh at that one but Leo had simply given an awkward smile and a less than convincing snicker feeling a little uncomfortable at where the topic was heading.

His hope that the conversation might veer past this area of discussion had quickly been dashed by Iggy however..

"Soo what's your type anyway?" he had asked Leo with a slightly drunken smirk on his face.

"Yeah, we've never asked, have we? Eli had then exclaimed a little _too_loudly.

It seemed the drinks had been finally getting to them, further proven as Aden, usually the most level headed of the group joined this new conversation.

"Yeaaah!" He had hiccuped quite unlike his usual self "What IS your type?"

Leo recalled trying to answer, he couldn't remember if he was trying to divert the conversation or if he had simply been drunk enough himself he had taken the question literally.

"I'm a fire/rock type.." he had said stupidly.

More laughter had broken out at this before Eli's hot, alcohol smelling breath hit his face with what was probably supposed to be a whisper but was loud enough for anyone close by to hear.

"What_type_ are you _ into _?" She had coaxed him.

"Guys, girls, a bit of both?" Iggy had also chimed in.

"Like them big, small?" Aden too pressed him.

"Two legs, four legs?" Iggy again.

"Orrrr" came the Houndoom's voice now, her face so close her wet snout was poking him.

"Could you be more of a _ human lover _?"

All eyes had bore into him. Thinking back it made him very uncomfortable but at the time it seemed the drink in his system had put him more at ease.

He had thought for a long moment. What actually was his preference? In honesty he hadn't really put much thought into it before. He had his interests, one particular Pokemon coming to mind. But he wouldn't really call them a preference..

The silence had drawn on until Eli's voice broke in again pointing a clumsy forepaw over at the Charmeleon sitting opposite her.

"Well you see Aden here likes to stick to us fire types.." she had scoffed loudly.

Aden had raised his arms and shrugged at her before pointing one clawed digit behind him where his tail waved back and forth, the distinctive flickering flame of his species oddly absent

"It's hard enough to keep it in check when I have full cognitive function. I don't need the extra concern of setting my partner on fire when things are getting a little heated.." he had reasoned.

Eli simply stuck her tongue out at him teasingly before adding "But other than that I don't think he's too picky..."

Then she had pointed to her left where the Torracat sat "And Iggy here is into anything on four legs, though if you get him drunk enough He'll probably fuck anything."

Iggy had scoffed back at her before retorting "And Eli will fuck anything from a Pikachu.."

"To an Arcanine,,," Aden had finished his sentence.

The three had started laughing again, the odd look from other bar goers flickered their way but the bar was busy so no one had really paid them much mind.

Another silence had fallen before their eyes returned to him, each awaiting his answer.

"Well if you can't tell us your preferences, at least tell us who your first lay was.. should give us a good idea..." Iggy had pressed him before taking another swig of his drink.

"Yeah" Aden went in "Mine was a Charizard,.. "

"Luxio" Iggy had snorted half way through taking a gulp.

"I can never remember but I think mine was a human.." Eli had said reminiscently, "It was a long and busy night..."

More snorts and giggles and then their faces yet again all turned on him.

"Sooo?" Eli had pressed him yet again.

"Welll.." Leo had finally began to answer. This time he didn't have an excuse for he very much knew the answer but seeing their expectant faces made him hesitate.

Eli's hot breath had hit his face again

"Could it be... you're a virgin?" came her voice, somehow this time it had actually been a whisper

And there it was. How this had all truly started.

"No way..." Iggy and Aden had said in unison

"He's" Aden hiccuped "The most handsome guy I know, there's no chance he hasn't..."

"Yeah right. I mean I'd even.." Iggy had begun to say...

"Yeah.. me too..." Aden also admitted, looking a little sheepish.

"Fuck yes, I've wanted to for ages!" the Houndoom exclaimed, this time her voice louder than ever.

Leo had felt totally taken aback, he knew this must have all been because of the drink but still he had felt flustered at how frank his friends were being.

"So are you seriously a virgin dude?" Iggy had then finally asked him point blank.

Leo remembered sighing, feeling defeated and admitting it "Well yes, I'm a virgin."

All three of their faces had fallen in surprise as if they hadn't actually expected it to be true, even a couple of nearby patrons who couldn't help but overhear their interestingly loud conversation looked shocked.

"Well.. I guess I'm not too surprised, you can be a little_ uptight _.." Aden's voice had then broken the still atmosphere.

"Yeah I guess he is but if that's really the case, there's only one thing for it right? Thankfully it's the weekend..." Iggy had replied.

Eli, who had seemingly understood what the Torracat meant, nodded excitedly as she added "We have no choice.."

"Café Plaisir!!" all three of them had exclaimed loudly in unison, each raising their glasses in some sort of agreement.

Leo had been completely confused as he stared at them and asked "Café what?"

"You've never heard of it?" Iggy's exasperated voice had chided him.

"Seriously? We've sure got a case on our hands here.." Aden had nodded with an sigh

Eli however had just looked excited "9am in front of the bus stop near work tomorrow, we're spending the weekend at Café Plaisir!" she had decided for all of them.

The other two had given a happy whoop as Leo just sat there completely confused but unable to say anything.

So now here he was; at that bus stop, sitting next to a Houndoom who despite being much the bigger of the two was the one looking like an excited pup.

Leo meanwhile still really had no idea what this 'Café Plaisir' really was, though he felt he had a hunch, the idea of which left a heavy feeling of both excitement and anxiety in his stomach....

Iggy and Aden soon appeared together, joining them at the bus stop..

The bus arrived on time at 9:30 and before Leo knew it he was on the bus and on his way to.. well he still wasn't sure where..

Given the drink involved he wasn't sure how seriously to take everything that had been said the night before but given the topic at the time it was as if they were planning to take him to a brothel..

But it was called Café Plaisir, So what sort of place was it?Just what had he got himself into?

He couldn't help but feel nervous, but also kind of excited. The others certainly seemed to be at least. They were all chatting away about Plaisir, almost oblivious to him despite the fact it was _he_they had invited.

They all seemed to know the place well. He caught bits and pieces, certain waiters they preferred, certain drinks they intended to try. something about captivate?

It was just making it more confusing but he didn't dare to ask any questions in case they started pressing him again.

Instead he just looked out the window and left them to talk.

The bus finally made it to the city bus station where they switched to another smaller bus.

A mix of Pokemon and humans got on and as Leo settled down for the second part of their journey he began to hear snippets from others conversations.

It was immediately clear most of those on the bus were headed to the same location. He heard more confusing terms; Rain Flower? Was that some sort of drink? Dark Pulse? The way they mentioned it made it sound seedy..

He tried to drown it out, it was just making him more anxious.

Next thing he knew Eli was nudging him, it seemed he had been dozing off against the window.

"Next stop is ours!" she exclaimed excitedly before adding in a softer voice "Come on pup, time to get you some action,,"

Leo blinked at her and gave a silent nervous nod as he made to get up.

Action huh...? Ok now they were so close he was really getting nervous.

Were they just taking him to some sleazy brothel after all? Was the Café just a front?

Well he could hardly back out now, one way or another they weren't going to let him leave that easily.

Besides, it wasn't as if he didn't want to finally lose his virginity, or that he was above the idea of it being at a brothel. He'd just never had the nerve to visit such a place by himself, this was a good opportunity for him to man up a little.

So why were his legs shaking??

They disembarked the bus, falling to the back of the crowd of about six others who headed off ahead of them. They took a slow but what was far too short a walk for his nerves to settle as before he knew it they were standing in front of a building that was not quite what he expected.

Yet there it was, a sign above confirming this was in fact Café Plaisir.

It was a lot bigger than he had expected. It almost looked like three different buildings mashed together.

The central part looked to be the oldest, built of aged red brick with a slanted roof. To the left side was a taller extension, still built of red brick but clearly more modern with a flat roof and on the right side towering over the rest was a very square looking block of greyish brick that looked like a pretty typical hotel with many windows covering its walls.

Leo wasn't quite sure what to make of it. It was certainly an unusual building that looked to have been expanded on over time. He got the impression it may have been built by hand rather than by any major construction company,

Whatever the case, it was clear as he had suspected, it was no mere _Café_he was visiting like the name implied.

Just what was waiting for him inside?

Too soon the others ushered him inside.

He stepped into a well lit entrance way with cream coloured walls and green carpet.

It was an interesting colour scheme but appealing enough, but what had really caught his attention was the scents that assailed his senses.

The place was notably clean. The smell of recently used cleaning products was hard to ignore, but underlying were many other scents. General Pokemon and human scents, a trace of food and drink and other general aromas he would expect of any place that would label itself a Café.

But there was one underlying scent, one that he suspected the cleaning products had attempted to conceal but couldn't quite mask, at least to the Growlithe's impeccable sense of smell. The sort of odour that gave away what sort of establishment he was really entering...

So distracted by this he found himself almost walking into the wooden panelled front desk behind which a Lopunny donning a green apron stood, a wide grin on her face.

"Welcome, Welcome! she exclaimed happily.

"Eli, Aden, Iggy, it's nice to see you all again!" she addressed Leo's friends familiarly.

She greeted them all in turn quickly and enthusiastically without giving them a chance to return the greeting.

"You're not usually here at this time of the month! What's the occasion?" she asked, but again without giving them a chance to answer her attention was suddenly on him.

"And who is this? I don't recognize this handsome face, is this a new friend of yours?"

At some point she had managed to come around from behind the desk and was now all of a sudden practically face to face with him.

Eli stepped forward and cut in before the Lopunny could get any closer, finally getting a word in before she started asking more questions.

"Yes Cheryl,, This is Leo, a friend from work! You could say he _is_the special occasion!" she explained with a rueful smile,

"Ahh I see!" the Lopunny clapped her paws energetically, taking the hint "So this is his first time at Plaisir then?" she asked in an even more gleeful voice.

Iggy then stepped forward and added in a sly voice "Oh yes, this will be his first time in more ways than one."

Leo tensed a little at this statement but didn't let it show, he intended to keep a little dignity even if his friends were so keen to take it from him.

"Ohhhhh" The Lopunny squealed "Well well, then we will have to make sure to take good care of him!"

Trying not to get pulled into their flow he bowed his head slight "Thank you, I appreciate the hospitality."

"Oh how polite you are too!" She beamed "Well we here at Plaisir live to please our guests, so if you need anything you need but ask!"

For a moment Leo thought she may have been making fun of him but he waved off the idea, the Lopunny was clearly genuine and simply just very enthusiastic about her work.

He gave her a natural smile and nodded again "Thank you, I shall keep that in mind.".

The Lopunny then bounced back behind the desk for a moment and as she did Leo felt a shiver go through him. He wasn't quite sure what caused it but his attention was suddenly drawn to a Gardevoir who had been standing silently close by. Her eyes were on him but she didn't say a word.

Had she scanned him with some sort of psychic ability or was it just that silent stare that had given him the jeebies? He wasn't sure but whatever the case, as the Lopunny's head bobbed up from behind the desk the Gardevoir gave her a swift nod.

He guessed she was the security here and he had just been given the OK.

But just as this moment of unease passed he almost jumped out of his fur as the Lopunny had suddenly reappeared in front of him again, this time with a small tablet in her paws.

"Well since you are new here, you should take your time looking over our menu! We have the menu constantly updated on our website so you can check it on your phone at any time! If you don't have one we can lend you a tablet or even a paper menu if you prefer!" She turned waving a paw at a small stack of paper on the table.

"We offer all sorts of services at Plaisir!" she continued, demonstrating by scrolling on the tablet so quickly Leo couldn't make out a word, but he could at least tell the menu was extensive.

"Take a seat in the main bar and take your time looking through. I'm sure your friends will fill you in a little as well." she ended with an infectious giggle.

"And again if you need any help, don't hesitate to ask!" she finally finished, her face beaming.

Leo smiled back, suppressing a happy laugh. The Lopunny was infectious and she had almost entirely eased his nerves.

"Thank you Cheryl, I appreciate it." he said genuinely, using the name he had heard Eli use to show as much.

He wondered if she had noticed his anxiety and intentionally tried to get him to relax or whether that was just the way she always was.

"Great! I hope you enjoy your time at Plaisir!" She hopped excited making it hard to gauge but either way she had certainly given him a pleasant first impression.

"Alright let's go find somewhere to sit already, Then we can discuss the details" Iggy broke in, clearly getting a little impatient.

Leaving the energetic Lopunny and silent Gardevoir behind, Leo fell in line as he and the others followed the Torracat into the main bar.

New scents immedicably wafted towards him, stronger scents of Pokemon and human alike as well as a mingle of various food and alcohol aromas filled the air.

Crossing the main bar Leo noted that it seemed normal enough, a bar lined one wall and several tables were dotted around the floor. The one thing that immediately stood out was the fact everyone working there were Pokemon. the most noticeable being a well built Typlosion who stood behind the bar.

They looked a little intimidating at first but as the Typlosion noticed them coming in they gave a welcoming smile and a nod, which like the Lopunny felt genuine and put him at ease. If nothing else, the fact they trusted a fire type to work so closely with alcohol suggested they were level headed and trustworthy.

A couple of waiting staff could also be seen tending to the few guests that were there. He saw a couple of the faces from the bus but also noticed that some were missing, probably off in other parts of the building. Overall though, the bar at least didn't seem too busy which wasn't really surprising given it was still fairly early.

He looked up at a clock on the wall and confirmed it had only just gone 11am.

Then. as he turned back he found one of the waiters already at their table.

They were a species Leo had never seen before, a small jellyfish like Pokemon floating casually before them and despite having no noticeable face they gave off a friendly vibe.

"Are you ready to order?" came a kind but unusually tinny voice from he didn't quite know where.

But as he pondered the mystery he suddenly realised he had yet to even look over the menu!

Aden slid his phone over to him which was open on the website's food and drink menu, Leo gave him a silent nod of thanks and immediately glanced down at it.

The menu looked fairly typical, offering much of what you'd expect from a Café. The appetising options made the Growlithe realise he hadn't eaten anything yet, having not even considered breakfast due to his earlier nerves. So even though it was close to lunchtime he decided to order a light helping of bacon and eggs.

Then there were the drinks, as expected it was mostly alcohol given this was technically a bar but they also had other drinks.

He took a long moment looking it over but as it was still early he thought it best to start with coffee and they even had his favourite!

Realising he was keeping the waiter waiting he bowed his head to them apologetically "My apologies! I'd like to order a serving of bacon and eggs with a pistachio latte please."

The others who had already given their orders and had been chatting again looked around at this.

"A coffee? Come on, that's not what we came here for!" came Iggy's voice.

"Yeah we won't get anywhere with that.." Eli's voice agreed with him

Aden sighed "Lay off him a little guys, it's his first time here" then turning to the Growlithe he added "But we did come here to relax.."

Leo looked at each in turn. Relax.. He noticed how none of them had admitted exactly what they had brought him here for, or even explained what Plaisir really was.

Yet It wasn't even noon and they wanted him to drink?

Giving in, he tried to compromise "Alright, is an Irish coffee acceptable then?"

Their eyes seemed to almost roll in unison but they nodded their agreement.

"Well that's better than nothing I suppose.." Iggy resigned.

The waiter, who Leo later learned was a Nihilego whisked away to get their orders giving Leo a chance to have a proper look at the menu,

Scrolling carefully on with his paw pad he found it was quite large indeed, covering multiple pages and while it did have a sizeable section of food and drink it was clear that was only a small part of what they offered.

As he read through he quickly began to understand why the building was so huge.

Finding a diagram of the building's layout it looked like the already sizable bar area he was sitting in only made up but a tiny part of the overall business.

One side was filled with other social areas while the other looked to be mostly private rooms with a few communal areas.

He went through the list of services.

There were a lot of smaller areas that offered some of your more typical accommodations such as a game room, a shop and even a spa

There was a sizable lounge area to relax in, alongside the gardens and other communal areas.

And of course the aforementioned bedrooms, so many bedrooms, all of different sizes and styles.

At first you may have thought that Plaisir was simply an extended bar/hotel but still this was not the main attraction of the place.

This was perhaps made most obvious by the 'Special areas'.

For where there was a bar, lounge and even spa, there was also their_special_ equivalents where things could get a little more_heated._

For Plaisir was indeed no simple bar, nor was it a hotel.

Leo's initial assumption was closer to the money, for yes the main attraction of Plaisir was, well, sex.

But it was no mere brothel either and was certainly not sleazy. It was professional and proud, they took no shame in the services they provided and advertised it openly.

Whether you wanted to simply drop in for a drink or book a room with a partner for a night of fun, they would provide for you.

Perhaps most important of all, were the waiters.

No mere hookers, these skilled Pokemon were available for almost anything their mostly rather depraved customers could wish for.

As Leo took this all in, a floating platter made its way through the bar, on which sat each of their breakfast orders.

The platter landed neatly on top of their table as the tennis-ball-sized Nihilego popped out from underneath it, waving a tentacle at them cheerfully "Let me know if you need any more napkins!"

By the time Leo raised his head, the Nihilego had already left and his three companions were already digging into their own breakfasts.

He chided himself for allowing himself to get so distracted that he had rudely disregarded the waiter and not thanked them.

But such worries were forgotten when he saw the food, his belly letting out a slight rumble at the sight. It may have only been bacon and eggs but it looked and smelled delicious, it clearly had some heart put into it.

Leo slid the phone aside and reached for his own plate of food.

Aden was the first to notice and smiling at him, waved a shaker of cheri berry seasoning the Nihilego had kindly brought them knowing it was well favoured by fire types.

Leo nodded gratefully and the Charmeleon shook some onto Leo's meal for him as he asked "Well what do you think?"

"I.." Leo paused, considering for a moment.

He had of course suspected it would be something like this but having it spelt out in front of him was something else. He had actually allowed himself to be dragged along to a brothel, no typical brothel but a brothel nonetheless.

Before he could complete his thought however, Eli finished it for him "Have no idea where to begin?" she giggled "Don't worry we were all like that at first."

Iggy swallowed a large mouth full before joining in "Yeah it can be a little overwhelming, but there's only one place to begin to get a proper feel for the place."

The other two nodded clearly in the same mindset as Eli broke in "Yeah hurry up and finish your food so we can take you over to Captivate.."

Leo gulped, though he had still barely started his meal. Captivate was the special bar.

He made an intentionally slow job of finishing his meal as he tried to steady his nerves a little. As he did he looked over the menu again but this time looking at the list of waiters who were on offer.

It looked like most of them started later in the day but there were a few that worked the early morning shift.

There was the Nihilego who had served them their drinks, his mind wondering how one would even.. well .. never mind..

There was also a very happy looking male Sylveon, a male Lycanroc and a female Flareon.

Even some of the management were listed as being potentially available, such as the Typlosion at the bar who the menu said was named Jack.

Leo couldn't help but wonder if Cheryl was ever an option, though he supposed she was pretty busy at the front desk..

Finally finishing his meal and the last of his drink, with no further excuse to delay he was shuffled off out of the main bar and off to Captivate.

As the layout had suggested it was much larger than the main bar had been. A large stage took up most of the floor space with a protruding walkway ending in a pole that stood at the centre of the room. Two more smaller walkways with stripper poles stood either side with seating spread throughout and of course another bar lining the far wall.

As it was still morning there was no show on but it was still fairly busy, more guests than there had been in the main bar sat around the spacious room, a mix of Pokemon and humans including the missing faces Leo had seen on the bus relaxed with a drink as the waiters bustled around.

They relaxed there for a while, Leo now slowly drinking a light liechi berry mojito.

As noon came around the place began to get busier, more Pokemon and humans bustled into the special bar. New members of staff could also be seen starting their afternoon shifts as they began attending to the growing crowd of guests.

A male Lucario waiter seemed to draw a lot of eyes, perhaps only being outdone by a small but very enthusiastic female Vaporeon who had begun working the centre pole, almost taunting the many hungry eyes that turned to watch her.

She knew what she had and she flaunted it proudly. Leo too found himself staring perhaps a little too hard but it was the sudden tightness he was starting to feel in his sheath that made him force his gaze away.

It didn't go unnoticed by a certain feline though "So you spotted Rain Flower huh?" Iggy snickered "She's quite the character, that one. Just leave your legs open long enough and she'll..."

As if on cue Leo let out an embarrassingly high pitched yelp of surprise as the head of the Vaporeon he had just been ogling was poking out from under the table, her smooth Vaporeon form resting uncomfortably close to the sheath that was once again feeling suddenly tight.

"I haven't fucked you before.." the small Vaporeon said bluntly with a perfectly straight face.

Leo blinked at her, unsure what quite to make of her.

Trying to keep some composure he introduced himself "Oh hello, my name's Leonard, It's an honour to meet you, Rain Flower was it?"

"That's what I go by here anyway." she said almost dismissively.

"Anyway.. You're a pretty hot Growlithe.." she snorted at her own pun "Wanna fuck?"

Again Leo was thrown off at her how candid she was. It was clear she wasn't one for formalities. Was everyone who worked here was this direct?

Still he tried his best not to let his unease show. Then as he opened his mouth in a response he still hadn't quite worked out he was saved by a newcomer.

"Rain Flower!" an authoritative sounding voice suddenly boomed from the other side of the table.

"I take my eyes off you for five seconds and you find yourself between someone's legs.." an attractive male Ninetales stood looking down at them, his face a mix of exasperated and incredulity.

"Rain Flower, you know you have work elsewhere today." the Ninetales spoke down to the Vaporeon who had tried to hide under the table again.

Noticing her jig was up she poked her head back upwards "Ahhh you're no fun Firenze!" the Vaporeon ended in a tut before blowing a raspberry at the Ninetales.

Then with a sudden movement Leo felt her lift herself upwards, pushing off of him with her hind legs with what felt like a firm and very intentional pass of her hindquarters against his sheath, she leapt and landed neatly on the table.

Her long tail followed, the large fin at the end flicking his chin as she raised it high, giving him a full close up of said plump rear. his eyes immediately being drawn to the subtle but defined slit that stood there.

"I'll_catch_ you later hot stuff." This time emphasising the word catch, laughing again at her own joke.

Wasn't it supposed to be the fish that was caught? Leo thought to himself.

Though Leo had to admit it had been he who had been reeled in by the Vaporeon. Her straightforward manner had thrown him off and while he was quite thankful for the rescue from a rather awkward situation, when she hopped off the table and bounded over to the Ninetales he couldn't help but feel a little dejected.

The Ninetales gave him an apologetic look "Sorry about Rain Flower, she's..." he seemed to take a moment to pick the right word, finally seeming to settle on "a bit of a handful.. but she is harmless really."

Leo shook his head "Oh no, don't worry! It's fine. She just caught me a little by surprise is all."

The Ninetales nodded "Yes, she does that.. Well I hope you enjoy your stay at Plaisir. My name is Firenze, If you ever need assistance, feel free to ask."

It seemed the Ninetales too noticed he was new here.

Leo bowed his head "Thank you, I appreciate that."

The Ninetales smiled and gave a curt nod before turning and ushering the much smaller Vaporeon away.

Leo's gaze followed their progress, this time it wasn't only the swaying rear of the Vaporeon catching his attention, Below those nine majestic tails stood a fine behind from which hung a plump pair of orbs that jingled slightly as the Ninetales walked

The pair had parted from view before Leo realised how hard he had been staring, blinking he glanced down only to find the tightness that had been pushing at his sheath had escaped. The red protrusion currently standing at about half mast having thankfully stopped in its tracks at the departure of its desire.

"She'll come running.." Iggy suddenly broke the silence trailing off in a snort of laughter.

The other three had watched the whole thing with barely surpassed laughter.

"Well you did better than me, first time I met her I was stuttering for words.. " Aden admitted

A giggle came from Eli "I remember that,.."

The three went on and told their own first impressions of the Vaporeon and the tension evaporated as did the blood flowing between Leo's legs as his member retreated and his sheath finally cooled down.

However the sudden unexpected encounter with the Vaporeon reminded him once again why his friends had brought him here.

Still, they clearly had no intention of letting him leave with his virginity still intact.. but while the prospect excited him it was also still rather daunting.

His eyes returned back to the menu as he looked down at the afternoon waiters that were beginning their shifts and would be available to him.

So one of these may be his first huh? Was he supposed to just order them? Like he would a casual drink? The idea still felt so bizarre..

Still he started considering which truly caught his eye.

There were a lot of males, a Lucario, a Luxray, a Zangoose, a Stunky and even an Arcanine..

Yet while he was bisexual he felt like he was more inclined to for at least his first foray into the world of debauchery stick with a female.

Rain Flower certainly appealed to him greatly, though given his brief impression of her personality and the fact she was a water type to his rock/fire, he felt she may be a little too much for him to handle and he suspected she had a full schedule of suitors already.

Otherwise, compared to the males there was less variety. There was a Mightyena that both intrigued but kind of intimidated him. a Salazzle which most certainly caught his eye and even a sweet looking Bibarel appealed to him.

There seemed to be even more coming in on the evening shift. Eli had said they were planning to stay the weekend. There was no rush.

It was honestly all a lot to think about and the Growlithe was still feeling a bit overwhelmed by the whole scenario. Maybe he should just ask the others for their recommendation?

He glanced at them in turn.

Iggy would certainly give his opinion and more than likely try and push his personal favourite onto him.. Aden would be a little more considerate and Eli, he wasn't sure what she would suggest. Honestly he was starting to have other ideas when it came to the Houndoom..

The idea of just taking some stranger for his first time felt exciting but also very nerve-wracking. Maybe he should just bite the bullet and ask Eli. He couldn't deny he hadn't thought about it, like quite a lot.. She was a good friend and while excitable would probably take it easy on him..

He also vaguely recalled from the previous nights drinking that she had blatantly admitted that she had wanted to fuck him or was he misremembering?

Ahh_he couldn't think straight, _What should he do? He really truly wanted to relax and get into the mood. He knew that was what they had brought him here for. but it was easier said than done..

Once again his gaze wondered as he tried to relax, his friends all looked happy and at home. He looked around at the many other patrons who all looked relaxed, it was as if he was the only one that felt out of place.

Then as his gaze passed over to the entrance he saw someone entering the bar that caught him completely off guard.

" ZARA?" he exclaimed loudly before he could stop himself. Thankfully the hustle and bustle of the increasingly busy bar stopped his voice from carrying but it had been plenty loud enough to make a certain Torracat's ear twitch.

"Did you say Zara?" he said excitedly, turning to see where Leo was staring "Oh shit! It really is her!"

Aden and Eli turned to look too.

"Zara? who's that?" Aden asked.

"You don't know her? She's huge online." Iggy explained to the curious Charmeleon.

"What does she do?" Eli asked, also curious.

"What do you think she came here for? Sex of course.. She's the Pokemon of this Kamila chick who is huge in her own right. They often stream together live. they have millions of followers between them,"

"Oh wait, that's her?" Eli exclaimed, seeming to recognise her now..

It seemed many of the others in the bar noticed her as well. Whispered conversation broke out here and there as paws pointed indiscreetly at the Vulpix who walked through the bar.

She certainly stood out, but not simply for her reputation.

While the staff at Plaisir wore aprons, this was clearly a uniform designed to identify them and less out of necessity.

Pokemon, while having gained much intelligence had not developed that level of subconsciousness at least when it came to nudity, most Pokemon felt no shame about being nude and the use of clothing was generally a statement of fashion.

Some wore small accessories, and many like him and his friends wore bags or satchels to carry valuables but few wore full outfits, for they were awkward and largely considered uncomfortable.

Although some skilled at their craft had made a living making clothes that fit Pokemon comfortably it had still not become any sort of norm.

The Vulpix in question had such a satchel on a small golden chain around her neck but she was also wearing an unusual black leotard like garment which sort of resembled a swimsuit, the thin fabric covering her belly, stretching back at two points, one on her upper back and the other just above her tail.

However unlike a swimsuit which was supposed to be the more conservative form of swimwear this outfit left her assets entirely exposed and given the fact that she was a Pokemon to begin with it was clear the garment was not designed for any sort of modesty.

The same could be said for the Vulpix herself. She stepped across the bar floor with a purposeful gait, her hips swaying, her six luscious tails waving with every step flaunting herself proudly.

She seemed to take her time walking around with the pretext of choosing somewhere to sit. She seemed to feign disinterest in the onlookers but the sly smile on her face gave away her enjoyment of the attention.

If Leo hadn't known otherwise, he'd have assumed she was a waiter.

"I'm surprised I've never heard of her.." Aden admitted.

Iggy scoffed "Well you're not huge into porn circles are you? However, what I'm more curious about is how our boy Leo here noticed her so quickly.."

Once again three sets of eyes bore into him.

Leo's head drooped as he tried to hide his hot face.

Iggy didn't back down though "So you're one of her followers too huh? I never would have taken you for a Zara fan, though given how Rain Flower got to you.... So _ that's _ your type huh.."

He snorted a laugh before adding "So what tier are you?"

"Tier?" Leo heard Aden ask, clearly out of his depth but Iggy didn't answer him, his attention fully on Leo.

Leo raised his head slightly to find the Torracat's face uncomfortably close with a huge smirk across his muzzle..

_"Hmmmm?"_came his insistent voice.

Leo sighed. He was being uptight again. He was essentially in a brothel and he was acting like porn was his deepest shame. No wonder they brought him here..

Steeling himself, he lifted his head with what dignity he could muster and faced the Torracat as he spoke straight.

"Tier three." pausing for a moment he then added "I used to be a tier five but after I moved to the city I had to cut back."

Iggy gave a long whistle "Damn! I'm only a tier one and even that isn't cheap! I never took you for such a degenerate.."

Leo stiffened, that kind of hurt but he knew he wasn't wrong.

He gave Leo a pat on the back of the head "I should have given you more credit,.. yet to think you were that hungry and you're still a virgin.."

Ok that was a bit much.. Leo straightened up and gently pushed the Torracat's arm away as he spoke a tad more bluntly than he intended "That's irrelevant."

Iggy raised his paws seeming to think he may have gone a bit too far "Alright alright.."

He looked past Iggy to see how Eli and Aden were reacting to this but their gazes now looked affixed to something behind him.

For the second time that day Leo found himself almost jumping out of his pelt

"So you're a fan of mine are you? and a high tier follower at that." a silky voice spoke behind him,

Leo didn't need to turn around to know the voice, he had heard it many times before, though most of the time it was strained as she took whatever male was usually taking her from behind..

He could feel the hot breath on his neck and although it was masked by many intermingling scents around the bar, her rich scent found its way as it flowed through his sinuses.

The unmistakable tang of a fellow fire type, the underlying scent of femininity that would have given away her gender had he not seen close up proof of such in many a online video. Then the slight hint of perfume, enough to give her a pleasant fragrance but not enough to overpower her natural scent that alone could drive partners wild.

Yet again Leo felt his sheath growing hot, like dangerously hot, his tip already trying to poke through as if preparing to engorge itself as it so easily did when he opened up any of Zara's content on his home computer.

He tried desperately to calm himself and not lose such self control, his mouth was dry and he couldn't form any sort of reply or even turn his head to dare face the Vulpix that was undoubtedly standing directly behind him

His eyes desperately looked to his friends for help but to his dismay Aden and Eli were standing up, Aden grabbing under one of Iggy's arms as he tried to get him to move too.

"But I want to..." he tried to protest before he was unceremoniously yanked back by the Houndoom, her teeth in his scruff. She gave Leo a playful wink before she, Aden and the still dangling Torracat left the table.

Leo, still frozen to the spot, saw the Vulpix now appear in his peripheral vision as she hopped on the seat the Torracat had unwillingly been vacated from.

"Leo was it?" She asked in a gentle but what felt like a very seductive voice.

Leo swallowed, somehow managing to find his voice "Oh yes, my name is Leonard actually but my friends call me Leo.. "

"_Leonard.." s_he seemed to taste the name on her tongue _"_What a handsome name, for such a handsome Growlithe, it fits you."

"Oh thank you.." he managed to stammer.

His head screaming _Zara. In front of you. Just called you handsome!.._but he desperately tried to suppress it and sit straight with some semblance of decorum.

"Ah now you mention it, you said you were a high tier follower? I do recall signing something for one of my tier five followers, a Leo.. though I don't recall a Leonard. Was that you? She asked.

Leo's thoughts flashed to the very sexualized signed photo of the Vulpix he had at home, sitting in his box of shame.

The Vulpix presenting her goods with the printed text ;Thank you for your support Leo; accompanied by a personalised paw print

It was true it was only those close to him who called him Leo but despite him following under his full name he had specifically asked for it to be signed to Leo. He knew it was creepy, as if it somehow made them closer. He knew he had just been one of millions of fans but well...

"Yes, that was most likely me.. I still have it." he eventually admitted.

The Vulpix giggled "If I had known it was for such a gorgeous Growlithe I'd have sent something a little extra!"

Leo had to push back his puppy like excitement at her compliment as he bit back the desire to enquire on what sort of extra she was talking about.

This only became harder as she leaned across the table so she could whisper to him.

"Between you and me, a lot of my fans, especially the high tier ones are kind of.. weird.. I mean I love all my fans and all but well they're usually a bit more.. Well let's just say they aren't usually as good looking and well kept as you are."

She pulled back a little, her eyes assessing him with a thoughtful look.

"In fact I've never seen a Growlithe quite like you.. I thought you had just styled your main but I can't smell any product on you at all. Your scent is a little different than a typical Growlithe too and I've been with my fair share! So what gives, what's your secret?"

Now the topic had settled onto something he could actually get his head around, he grasped at it.

"Ah well I'm not entirely certain to be honest. My moth.." he corrected himself "Master believes I am a rare breed."

"Oh really?" The Vulpix spurred him to continue.

Leo nodded "She works at a Pokemon clinic and me and a few others were put under her care. We had been abandoned by an illegal breeding ring. She said I was the only one who pulled through."

Zara's face fell a little "Oh that's so sad.. "

"That's why she called me Leonard, it means 'Lion's strength'"

"Aww that's sweet."

Leo, finally having relaxed a little, managed to finally give her a genuine smile.

"Yeah she took good care of me..." then letting his guard down a little he admitted what he had almost let slip a moment before "She's like a mother to me.."

He worried for a moment that such an admission would put off the Vulpix. He knew Pokemon/human relationships were still a little strained in the wider world so tended to keep his feelings a secret.

Though given the sort of establishment they were sitting in it seemed silly, but it had always been something he had worried about. Thankfully however she showed no sign of distaste, instead her face seemed to soften more.

"I think I can understand that" she smiled with a slight wink.

Of course.. Leo knew full well that this Vulpix had her own very personal relationship with her own human master.. Of course she wouldn't care...

Leo felt pretty silly.

He bowed his head slightly before looking back at her trying to get back on topic "Ah but yes, there was apparently this ancient breed of Growlithe that was discovered some time ago. She believes I was a sort of half breed between that and the more modern one we know today."

"Ahhh" Zara exclaimed "So that's why you seem ever so slightly different, you smell like a Growlithe but it's not quite as pungent, it's like it has a more grounded note to it which is nice.."

"I'm part rock type, so that's probably why." Leo told her.

"Rock/fire type then? Interesting! Is that why your mane is so much thicker as well? How do you style it?" she asked with genuine curiosity in her voice.

"I assume so, Sophie, my moth..Mas" he instinctively tried to correct himself again.

"Say Mother, don't be ashamed!" the Vulpix corrected him with a playful scowl.

He smiled and nodded "My mother always said it was strange how thick my fur was and how it seemed to style itself so naturally.."

"Wait.. So you don't style it?" the Vulpix asked in surprise.

Leo let out a small snicker this time, no one ever seemed to believe him "Nope, never have, this is just how it has always been. I don't even get it trimmed.."

"No wonder I couldn't smell any product.. " she trailed off in a lower voice as if to herself but still loud enough for him to hear "So you're just a gorgeous stud by default..."

For a moment the Vulpix looked away looking almost flustered, but she quickly recovered

"Well enough small talk!" she blurted "Besides I think you know enough about me already huh? Soo.."

She leant on the table with her forepaws and leaned over to him so her face was mere centimetres from his.

"How about we take this to a private room?" she added in a soft seductive whisper.

All the tension that had left Leo's body over the last few minutes of conversation returned to him all at once.