Bright Eyes Never Die pt. 3 - Obama is a Samurai

Story by ArestheLion on SoFurry

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Chapter 1

Part 1 - She's With Jack)

Part 2 - The Girl)

Part 3 - Obama is a Samurai)

Part 4 - But Not Anymore)

"You're still comming to my choir concert, right?" The Dragoness said, looking down at her phone, texting.

"Um... yeah, if you want me too." The Lion replied, offering a hug.

"Good, don't be late." She said.

The Dragon walked off from the front of the school and got into Jack's car. The panther glanced over quickly at Ares then back as he shifted and drove off. Ares wonderd why he tried to stay friend with her if its just going to continuously hurt him. Maybe he had some kind of hope he was going to get back with her.

"I doubt it..." he said to himself.

"You doubt what?"

Ares looked over to see Kayla standing up against the wall next to him.

"Huh? Oh, hey! And...uh... nothing. I was just talking to myself." He smiled.

"Heh, alright. Well, my and a few friends are going to the shopping center up the street. You wanna come?"

"Sure, I got nothing better to do."


Ares followed along with the group of friends towards the shopping center. Since he still didn't feel talkative, he stayed back with Kayla. They talked about random things for the most part. Music, Cars, Classes... but mostly Kayla's art,

"So, you're in art class? Are you any good?" Ares asked,

"Well, I don't think I'm all that good. I don't really show my friends my art."

"Why not?" Ares said with a slightly confused look on his face.

"Eh... I draw more for expression rather than too look good." She said, looking downwards.

"Can I see?" He replied hopefully.

"Um... sure, I guess."

Kayla and Ares stopped. She put her black and red stripped bag down and pulled out a piece of paper with a drawing made of dots on it. Ares grabbed the paper and looked at the picture of Obama as a samurai and George Bush as a cowboy, engaged in mortal combat.

"I think this is one of the greatest things i've ever seen." He said with a slight smile.

Kayla laughed slightly to herself and looked down, smiling.

"Thanks. No one has complimented my art before."

She grabbed the piece of paper and put it back in her bag.

"Um..." said Ares, "I can carry that for you... if you'd like."

"Yeah, that'd be awesome. Thank you."

"No problem." The Lion said.

He didn't know why, but the girl's smile made him feel slightly better. It was the only time he really felt good other than when Rachelle paid attention to him. The two walked together, both smiling and talking about random things. Meanwhile, a Satyr up ahead looked back at them, and scowled.

Note: This is a true story that i'm writing for my girlfriend before I leave for a military academy, and there isn't much time left before I leave. And since it's a true story, I do have to sacrifice a lot in order to make sure I get done in time. If it seams boring now, I ask you to continue reading for a few more chapters. Things will definitely speed up, but keep in mind this is about day 9 of a year long story. It's quite a ride.