A Story of Love

Story by Elderon Analas on SoFurry

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Copywrite © 2010 by Alan Patton. All Rights Reserved

As the small dragon sat looking up from the floor to his sleeping master in her bed, he couldn't help but think of the fun times he had with her and how she loved him so. But, soon his mind turned to thoughts of the fun love they could be making. As he sat their thinking his cock worked its way out of its sheath between his hind legs. He turned his mind away from the thoughts and retired to his bed of cool lava rocks by the fireplace. He sat there as his red scales glimmered in the firelight. He drifted off to sleep with thoughts of his master in his head.

When he awoke the next morning he saw she was practicing a little fire magic while she sat cross-legged in front of his bed. He raised his head a little as he stretched and noticed he could see right up her robe to her clean shaven crotch. He sat as he watched her practice her magic, making shapes with the fireballs in her hands. He always like to watch her practice, it reminded him of his own magic. He did so love his master, his dragon sorcerer. But, his mind and his eyes kept drifting back to between her legs as she has yet to close them, or move to allow her robe to cover herself. He moves his tail under him as his cock begins to emerge. The woman extinguishes the fireballs and pats the small dragon on the head,

"Good morning Ixen. How are you?" she says with a smile as she finally moves her legs and her robe slides a bit to cover her crotch.

"Good morning Lexa. I am fine. I had a good nights sleep and feel very good this morning. I see you're up early, getting a jump start on your practice?" he says as his erection subsides and he moves his tail. He flaps his wings a couple times and swishes his tail.

"Yes I just couldn't sleep. I wanted to practice with you so much but, you were asleep and I didn't want to wake you. You seemed like you were having a good dream." she says with a smile. She rubs his head a little more and then heads downstairs to the living room slash kitchen. Ixen can't help but stare as she walks away. Ixen walks down shortly after he begins to smell the sweet smell of breakfast food. He finished preening himself and went down as the smell of breakfast drifted up the stairs. He found he was very hungry. Lexa had made him a nice plate of eggs and a bit of cooked ham. He sits on the table by his plate and enjoys his breakfast. She pats him and rubs his belly as he rolls over onto his back. Ixen lies purring as she moves her hand down over his sheath; his cock begins to become erect and slides out of its sheath between his legs and into her awaiting hand. He stops purring and looks at her with an odd look as he returns to his feet,

"What do you think you're doing?", he says with a shocked voice. She began to blush as she turned and walked back to the rain barrel by the window and got some water and washed the plates.

"I know how you feel about me, and I like it. I just thought you would allow me to 'comfort' you this morning. You certainly had fun eyeing me in the bedroom." she says with a sort of snide tone. Ixen looks away a little embarrassed. He jumps from the table and rubs his head against her leg.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that but, I'm a boy what would you expect. And might I say I like what you've done down there. But, I never really thought you liked me in that way. I mean you are my master and I pet. However much I hate to say that.", he sits looking up at her as she crouches down.

"Well if you ever wanted to try something, now would be the time.", She pulls her robe up over her waist and he looks up at her with a look of curiosity.

"Really, you would let me? You would want me to?", he asks her in a surprised tone.

"Yes of course. I too have been without a companion for some time and I too get urges. Sometimes I just like to watch you preen and wish I were a dragon so you could preen me. I also think of what it would be like to have your hot dick inside me. So you big strong dragon you, what you waiting for?", Ixen is a little taken aback by her statement. He too had dreamed of what it would be like to be inside her, but he never thought she would ever allow it if he ever got the courage to ask her.

He takes a couple steps forward as he pushes his head into her crotch. His hot breath on her soft pussy lips, it makes her wet in an instant. He begins to lick his forked tongue over her lips and wiggles his tines over her clit as he moves his tongue into her. His cock starts to harden and work itself out of his sheath as he licks inside her pussy rubbing his snout all over her wet dripping lips. Lexa reaches down and pushes his snout into her pussy. At first he struggles but soon relaxes as his hot breath warms her pussy. His smooth scales rubbing over the soft skin of her pussy. His cock is now hard as a rock and throbbing, pulsing with each fast beat of his heart. He pulls his head from her crotch, first taking a few seconds to breath. Ixen then looks up into Lexas' deep blue eyes,

"Take me.", she says with a hot tone of lust in her voice. Ixen jumps up onto her lap, which makes her fall onto her back on the hard wooden floor, she lets out a small squawk of pain. Ixen then takes a claw and with one quick slash cuts the front of her robe open right down the middle. It falls to her sides exposing her large supple breasts. Ixen then straddles her keeping his hind legs inside her spread legs and is front paws sit on both sides of her body. He lowers his head down to her breasts and begins to lick her nipples. As they grow hard he moves his head over and nibbles on it, she lets out a cry of pain which only excites him more. Lexa grabs his hot pulsating dick in her hand and begins to rub and stroke him while he moves his long tongue over her smooth skin. He takes a thrust forward as Lexa guides his dick into her pussy. He begins to slowly pump into her as his dick slides to the hilt. His soft smooth scales of his underbelly rubbing against her skin. Ixen spreads the tines of his dick as he nears his climax. Lexa notices and screams out as she reaches her third orgasm of the day. Ixen is only pushed harder as he pumps into her. She arches her back as she grabs his head in both hands and brings it down to hers, they begin to kiss. He slides his tongue in and out of her mouth as she runs her tongue over his lips and teeth.

Ixens' cock stiffens as he reaches his climax and begins to cum. He slowly pulls out of her as cum begins to shoot onto her body in two thick jets. The red sticky cum covers her body as she moves down placing her mouth over his head taking in all the cum she can, swallowing its hot salty goodness. She revels in the sweet aftertaste as it flows, hot and thick, down her throat. She moves his dick in and out of her mouth as she pumps her hand up and down his long shaft. Soon he quickly cums again and she takes it all this time, getting every last drop from him. She finishes as his dick softens and begins to retract. Ixen relaxes and gets back to all fours and gives Lexa a little more oral as he pleasures her with his tail. She reaches another orgasm as she arches her back and lets out a cry of pleasure.

Lexa and Ixen spend several minuets cleaning each other off. Lexa makes her way upstairs still naked and takes a bath. Ixen follows her upstairs and lies on his side next to the fireplace in the bedroom. He lays there staring into the flames as he waits for Lexa to finish with her bath and wonders if this will be just a one time thing. He begins to daydream of the hot sex they had just had and the sex they may have in the future and soon his cock once again emerges as he lies on his side. It hangs down onto his hind leg and pulses slightly. He closes his eyes to take a short nap. He has pleasant dreams of him and Lexa in a vast field of roses.

He awakens to find himself lying on his back in Lexas' crossed legs. He feels very relaxed and realizes she is stroking his hard cock. He brings his tail around and moves her hand away. Lexa looks a little confused.

"Sorry Lexa, I'm still tired from earlier. You'll have to wait. I was going to go out into the woods for a short walk.", He rolls off her and retracts his dick.

"Well I hope you have fun. Watch out for the kobolds they've been coming closer each day. I think they may try taking some of our stuff soon.", she says as he walks down the stairs. She watches as his tail slides over the top and he is gone. Downstairs she hears his small door open and shut. She returns to her daily work and begins practicing her magic. She pulls a little fire from the fireplace and forms it into a tiny dragon. She flies it around the room doing little tricks. She smiles as she thinks of her little dragon friend.

After several minuets of walking through the forest Ixen stops in a small clearing by a stream that runs close to the small two story house. He takes time to get a drink of the cool water as he steps into the shallow stream. He sets down and lets the water run past him. He begins to roll around and wash is body getting all those hard to reach places with his tail. He finishes washing and lies down in the clearing he stopped in. Turning around he pokes his dick out, hikes a leg, and begins to piss in the running water in two deep yellow streams. When he finishes he looks over to see two small kobolds watching him at the edge of the clearing.

The kobolds see he spotted them and try to run but Ixen quickly catches them and holds them to the ground. They begin to beg for their lives saying they were only coming for some water as he was. Ixen seems to believe them, these certainly weren't warriors. They had no armor they wore simple cloth over them and carried no weapons, only thrown to their sides were two small canteens and water skins each. They began to speak again and Ixen noticed a female tone in their voices, he smiles and let them up. The two small humanoid lizards stood and began to turn to leave.

"Where do you think you're going? Did I say you could leave?" Ixen says with a sneer. The two kobolds turned around now even more scared.

"We thought you were letting us go. What are you going to do to us?" the lead kobold says in her strong hissing voice.

"I will let you live, but only after you do what I say. Get back over next to the stream, now." Ixen says in a commanding tone. The two lizard women do as they are told.

"Now strip down." he says in the same commanding tone. They do as they are told removing all their clothing and the water skins.

"What are you going to do to us?" asks the smaller kobold in a scared tone. Ixen smiles a toothy grin,

"It's not what I'm going to do to you. It's what you're going to do to each other. I want you to have sex for me. Go on, get at it you two." he moves in closer to them as the small one lies on the ground. The larger one lies on top of her and begins to lick over her vagina opening. The small one is clearly pleased and begins to moan and hiss. The larger one begins to finger and plays with herself as she is shoving her snout in the small kobold on the ground. Ixen is pleased by this and begins to stroke his hard cock as he sits on the ground on his hind haunches,

"More" , he says as he strokes a little harder. The larger lizard stops for a moment and then lies on her back. The smaller kobold crawls over her and straddles her with her snout over the bigger ones wet vagina and begins to finger and lick it as the larger one does the same. The kobolds tails begin to move and rub over each others bodies as they moan and hiss in pleasure. The two roll over letting the larger one on top again. Ixen can no longer contain himself. He rushes over to the large kobolds rear and lifts her tail up. He moves his dick into her wet vagina and begins to fuck her as he sets across her back. He is moving his tined dick in and out of her pussy as the smaller kobold underneath wraps her tongue around his dick and fingers the larger ones pussy, just stretching it wider. She moans in pleasure as he spreads his tines wide in her. She arches her back as she reaches an orgasm while continuing to lick and finger the smaller kobolds pussy under her snout. Ixen pulls out of the larger one as he walks around the two. The small one begins to lick and finger the largers' pussy, lapping up her and Ixens' juices.

"Roll over bitches." he says as he strokes his cock. Precum dripping off each tine of his dick. The two do as commanded and Ixen moves the smaller kobolds tail as he rubs his cock over her pussy lips. The kobold on bottom spreads the small ones pussy letting Ixen smoothly enter. He slides in to the hilt as he pumps her. She too begins to moan and soon reaches a climax. Ixen can feel that he is right on the brink. He gives the small one a few more hard thrusts and pulls out. He commands them to kneel in front of him and they get off of each other and do as they are told. He strokes his red hot cock as they get into position. They begin to take turns sucking and stroking his cock and he brings his head down and nibbles on them in pleasure. He grabs his cock and begins to stroke it himself as he moves the tines closer together. He begins to cum on their faces and into their open mouths. As the sticky red cum shoots out in thick ropes and covers their small bodies they begin to rub it on themselves. As he finishes they begin to kiss and swap his cum in their mouths. He strokes his cock some more as they swallow his cum and suck his cock some more as it softens and retracts into him. Ixen lays them down next to each other and begins to finger both with his middle claw on both paws, one in each of them. He then moves his head down and begins to lick over the small ones pussy as he spreads it with two of his claws. He slides his tongue into her and wiggles it around; she soon reaches her climax and is shaking and moaning in pleasure. He moves over to the other who is still running her paws through his cum on her body. He slides his young into her and pushes his snout right against her. He nibbles on her pussy lips as he wiggles and slides his tongue in and out of her. The pain only causes her more pleasure as she quickly climaxes. Ixen lets out a roar as his cock runs out quickly again and he begins to shoot hot stream of cum on them as they lay their in the grass. He covers their bodies again and they scoop it into their toothy maws. Ixen then lays back on his back legs spread wide as his cock hangs out and cum dribbles from his dick and rolls down his side off his belly. The kobolds stand and move over him rubbing their bodies over him and stoking his cock as he lays their exhausted. The kobolds stop soon after his cock retracts again and they begin to clean him with their tongues.

** "You know there is an easier way. Follow me ladies."** Ixen says as he stands and walks into the stream. The kobolds follow him and he begins to rub them down with the water and licks them over cleaning them off in the cool briskly flowing water. He stands high on his legs as the kobolds return the favor. They wash his smooth underbelly and his crotch rubbing him all over with their small paws. He finds it very relaxing and begins to piss. The kobolds rub him as his warm piss shoots from his dick into the water under him and is washed away. The three of them soon return to the shore of the clearing.

"Well you have held up to your part of our deal. That was certainly pleasurable." Ixen says as the kobolds put their simple cloth tunics on and dawn their water skins.

"Yes that was the best time I have ever had. Are you letting us go now?" The large kobold says as she looks to the other, Ixen thinks they may be having a better friendship from now on.

"Yes you may go; I must stay true to my word." Ixen says as he lays on a large flat rock by the water. He watches the two lizard creatures walk off into the forest and disappear into the underbrush. Ixen sits their a little while longer basking on the rock as the sun climbs high into the sky.

For the several hours Ixen has been gone he has eaten a nice meal of flame cooked rabbit and a few fish. He also took a good stroll through the woods going through his territory and claiming what he believes is his. As the sun ducks into the trees and touches the horizon Ixen decides to return home to Lexa. He opens the small door made just for him and goes inside. He smells the sweet aroma of dragonroot tea, as well as some fresh fruit. He takes a short moment to look around the kitchen. He can see the pot of boiling water sitting on the stove and the bowl of cut fruit on the small table they eat from, but Lexa is nowhere to be found. He jumps up onto the table and eats a few pieces of peaches and savors the heavy syrup they sit in along with all the other fruit in the bowl. When he finishes his couple pieces of fruit he takes the small pot of water off the stove. He begins to worry.

_ "Lexa should have been down to greet me by now." _ Ixen thinks as he gets off of the table and heads up the stairs. When he enters into the bedroom he sees Lexa lying on the bed. She appears to be asleep. Ixen feels a little better. He notices her journal next to her on the nightstand and the quill and ink still open next to it.

"She must have fell asleep writing. Wonder what she wrote." he thinks as he jumps onto the soft bed. He sets the quill aside and puts the stopper in the ink vial, but can't help but look through her journal. He turns it back a few pages to where she started writing today. He reads what she thought of this morning and is surprised to find that she has been dreaming of him for quite some time as he looks farther back. He decides he should not have read any of what he did and he feels ashamed for reading his master personal journal. He shuts the leather-bound book and sets the ink vial and dry quill on top of it. He gently gets off the bed and goes back downstairs and prepares a small cup of tea and eats a little more fruit. Soon the sun is completely out of sight and the stars are out in the night sky. He drinks his tea as he looks out into the sky and thinks of its beauty. Soon after he finishes his tea he walks back upstairs and curls up in his bed by the warm fire. He drifts to sleep as thought of the days past events swim through his head.

He wakes up in the morning and quietly heads outside to relieve himself. He heads off the small patch of woods behind the house. A couple of minuets later he returns and makes a cup of tea, boiling the water with his fire breathe. He eats a little raw meat from the icebox and drinks his tea. He takes a few minuets to tidy up around the living room and kitchen. He also starts a new fire in the downstairs fireplace and sits watching it as Lexa walks down the stairs.

"Good morning, I see you cleaned up the place. Thank you." she pats him on the head.

** "Oh it was nothing; I really just needed something to do. I was board."** he snuggles her leg and they have a nice breakfast and pack up Lexas' backpack. A few hours later as the sun comes up Lexa and Ixen head outside and walk together down the road that leads to the small town a couple miles away. They share a few stories and tell jokes as they walk. Ixen notices a few kobolds hiding in the bushes, they sit hiding as they watch the two walk by. They spend the day in town and have a fun day together. They head back home as the sun goes down. They have a nice evening at home. They eat a small meal by candlelight and have some light foreplay in bed but, it never really progresses past that as they both fall asleep together.