Day 1

Story by Damaged on SoFurry

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#3 of Days

Ok, please, someone give my muse a sedative, this is not healthy, its 2am and all I can think of is how much I have to keep writing.

Oh, and for those wondering what the inspiration for this set of pieces is, listen to Trent Reznors (nine inch nails) songs 'Heresy' and 'The Great Destroyer', they will put you in the mood for this :)

NOTE: I edited this after I got some sleep and fixed a few grammar problems, clarified a thing or two and made damn sure I was in my right mind again, sorry for those who read it without these changes, no part of the story was changed, its just, neater. Thanks again fro reading.

I woke with a start, someone had hold of my shoulder.

"Excuse me monsieur, we are about to land." The stewardess informed me.

"Thanks." I replied, even days from death, thoughts of genocide and personal survival, courtesy was second nature.

I looked at the time on the large tv they had at the front of the cabin, I had slept through the night, it was Wednesday.

I did up my belt as the sign instructed and made ready, mentally, for what I would have to deal with in the coming day.

The plane touched down without a hitch, but apparently something was happening at the airport and we had to disembark via stairs on to the runway and had a marked path to an entrance to the terminal. My thoughts occupied with what I would say, how I could try and keep calm, I almost walked into the side of a cargo truck as it sped past, blasting a horn.

As I looked up in alarm, about a hands-breadth from the end of my nose, a red furred face flew by. When I turned to see what it had been I saw 'New York City Zoo' logo on the side of the freight container. "Huh, circus in town?" I mumbled to myself and continued.

I entered the airport international area, and made my way to the lockers area, after looking around, I finally worked out the numbering system and homed in on the locker I needed, putting the key into the lock, I turned it, almost fearing what I would find.

Inside was a little suitcase, much like the one I was carrying, I removed it and re-locked the door.

I made my way to the nearest bathroom, and once safely inside a cubicle I opened the case, there was a hand written note folded inside, it was addressed to 'The Thinker', I opened it and read:

'Bravo, you have made your first leg of this journey, know that not only do you serve yourself, but you serve your master, our God, his Holy Son and his Vengeful Spirit. Enclosed you will find another four days worth of drugs, you will not need them for another few days, but keep them regardless, a reward for being so prompt and also insurance for yourself should a plane be delayed.

You will also find another suit and, I got you a real treat this time, first class ticket. It will only be a short flight, via the City of Angels, then we are off to England, won't that be exciting?'

It was signed 'Lamb of God'.

"Fucking religious nut-jobs, I knew this would be how it all went down." I muttered, as I moved my things to 'my' suitcase, I was about to leave the old one in the bathroom, then thought better of it, I didn't want to get caught in a security lock down over a 'suspicious suitcase'.

I returned to the locker and deposited the empty case back into it and locked it.

Hunger pains set in, I had missed who knows how many meals now, it was time to spend some of my benefactors money. I set off to find the most expensive looking eatery, it was a coushy sit down affair with an almost incomprehensible menu, and ordered a... steak. The waiter looked at me stupid, yes I was ordering a hundred and forty dollar steak dinner, the same I could likely get at any of the other mini-restaurants for a fraction of the cost.

"And I want some really crisp vegetables with that, and some mashed potato. Oh and some nice garlic sauce, actually, extra garlic sauce!" The waiter almost turned his nose up at me, but as he was writing it all down, I slipped a fifty dollar note to the top of his little clipboard, "And thanks, its been great service."

"At once sir!" Came the now extremely motivated gentleman.

As he turned away, I muttered "And don't skimp on da pattay!", two other diners heard, at least one of them was a python fan, as they started giggling as much as I was.

It was with a full stomach and a lighter mind that I preceded for the connecting flight to Los Angeles. Since it was connecting directly with international flights only, I was not required to present my travel visa, a security guard at one point asked to see my ticket and passport, but after proffering the required items, I was allowed to continue.

As I found out, if there was one thing more accommodating than business class, it was first class. There was no real beer on board unfortunately, but a pair of White Russians later, complementary of course, saw me landing on the west coast.

The connect was a quick one, whoever had organised the tickets had really planned this out well, I managed to stop at a book store and grab some trashy sci-fi to read, it was better than the newspapers, that was for sure.

I couldn't help but miss the report on the big tv they had in first class shortly after my flight took off, reporting that there had been a bomb set off near the airport in Paris, I shuddered, the whole mess coming back to me.

One of the stewardess on this flight was even more accommodating than the lovely French lady had been, and after thanking her for my initiation to the mile-high-club, I proceeded to make sure she understood how much I enjoyed it, my count was she 'enjoyed it' six times. A little snack after sex is always good.

Later that night, well, night time in my own jet-lagged existence, I finally managed to drift off to sleep.

Now if only I could sleep...