Rich In Health

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The Chinese regional hybrid!

Say ni hao to the final entry of the regional hybrid collection!

A woman becomes lost in a mountain range to escape what her family expects to be a slaughter because her father couldn't keep his mouth shut. It was out of the frying pan and onto the stove for Bai however because now she cannot find her way out of the wilderness and grows hungrier and weaker by the day. She encounters an ancient spirit of chaos who offers to grant her wish, but how he ends up granting it is anyone's guess- even he doesn't know.

The regional hybrid stories take place in a random real world location- basically spin the map and point to a place. All regional hybrids are 2 species from the area, or representing the area (which means mythical creatures are viable options).

(F tf Hybrid Dragon / Golden Toad)

Bai is a Chinese woman, who survived one unfortunate situation to find herself in another. Her family had run afoul of a noble family who had finally arrived at their doorstep to defend their honor. Bai was told to flee by her mother and had managed to get away unscathed... only to become lost. She might not have a home to return to, but that seems moot if she cannot even find the village it was in. She ran north into the hinterlands, then decided to head up the mountains to get high ground to try and spot her village, but could not. The problem arose when she thought she was heading back down the same mountainside she climbed- in fact she had gotten turned around and was descending the opposite side of the peak, deeper into the mountain range.

Bai has a deeper olive toned skin, from a light tan helping her family work- a sign she herself was clearly not of noble blood. Her shimmering raven hair is well kept, though lacking any ornaments to hold it up. Her attire was simple linens- especially since she had to run from home suddenly in the night. Unfortunately she is also barefoot- so her feet are getting their share of cuts and scrapes as she wanders, regardless of how careful she tries to step. Her breasts are plump B cups. Her eyes are a very dark brown, and almond shaped.

Bai wanders the Xianbei Mountains- or Greater Khingan Range as it is known in the modern era. The mountains are covered in thick forests of very large trees, which hinder her ability to see where she is going. These wilds were even less tame in her time, so there are no trails to follow, no footpaths to lead her back to civilization. She was not too eager to return at first, because if any of the vassals of the noble house remain watching over the area, she will just end up dead anyway. But after two days she had to get back because she was very hungry. She could find running water easily enough from rivers but catching food with no tools or weapons wasn't likely. This late in the season; all the berries that would have bloomed in the forest have already been plucked by the animals. She did not know what mushrooms are poisonous and which are not, so that was a last-resort as well, at risk of poisoning herself to death.

Now that she did not know what side of the original mountain she is on, she does not even know how deep into the range she is. Surrounded by mountains on all sides with their view obstructed by thick forest. On the third day, her feet were cut up pretty badly and her legs very sore and weak from her lack of food. Finally she collapsed onto a rounded boulder, marked with lichen spots. Bai started crying; her sorrow echoed off the tree trunks surrounding her.

"Why do you cry, young one?"


Bai looked around to try and see who spoke to her, but it took her almost a minute to spot the creature. It... looked like a jelly bean. A white jelly bean with six very stumpy legs with four fat, featureless, clawless digits on each. If it was not moving toward her she would not have even thought it was a living creature because it has no mouth, no eyes, no ears... no head, or even neck. The only other feature its body has is the four feathered wings on its back; two at the front of its body and two at the back. It walked along a branch over her like some sort of malformed caterpillar.

"I, uh... I am lost. I ran into the woods to escape danger but became so lost that I doomed myself again! I have run from one death only to run into another. I will die of starvation soon if I do not find my way."

The creature got to the tip of the branch and fell off, then became a thousand times its own size in only a moment, then half of it shrank back to tiny, and then it took a wobbling step forward and its entire body sucked back in to a size between tiny and colossal- the size of a short bus. It was like the creature's appearance was reflected in a funhouse mirror- every time he moves it shifts proportions wildly. The environment and even the air around him seems to bend away from him when he moves as well- his presence distorts space itself, as if he does not belong in this reality. Bai would be afraid, but his utter lack of claws, nails, or even a mouth did not make him look particularly threatening.

"I will grant you a wish, if you'd like. I am Hundun of the Four Perils, primordial of Chaos."

"B-but that means-"

"You better choose your wish very carefully. I am a very nice fellow I must say- but I am also very evil. I would like to help you escape, and also die. Will I save you, or end you? No one knows- nor would I want to know. Life is much more exciting if you do not."

So it is essentially a flip of a coin then. He could help her, but not nearly enough to save her- or mildly inconvenience her even more. He could outright kill her right here, or save her and grant her limitless wealth. Hundun's power could land her on either end of the spectrum or any variant between- he predates the universe itself, and was born when Heaven and Earth were the same thing. Bai almost thanked him and declined the chance out of fear of what certain doom he could inflict on her. After some deep thought though... she was already out of options. Right now she faced a slow and miserable death by starvation. With her strength fading rapidly her odds of getting out of the mountains was slim at absolute best. With Hundun's power her chances were 50/50... without him, her chances were basically 0.

Bai opened her mouth to speak and Hundun leaned closer to her in anticipation but she hesitated again. She was about to ask for food- but then she would be full now, still lost, and then starve later because she still can't find her way out. There is a chance the noble family has eyes on her old house waiting for survivors, so asking to simply be teleported back may also result in her death. Bai decided to wish for something more nebulous; to prevent it being granted incorrectly. If she wishes for money he could give her some unknown currency that is of no use to her here, but if she asks for wealth it wouldn't even necessarily mean money. If she asked to get out of this situation he can just put her into a new peril, but if she wishes for good health it would not matter what situation she got into, if she is healthy regardless.

"I wish for good health, and good wealth. It does not so much matter where I am or go, or how wealthy or powerful I am... if I have good wealth and health I should be okay no matter what... right?"

Hundun shrugged with each of his three sets of shoulders in succession. "That is technically two wishes- so I cannot grant it. So consider it granted. We will meet again never. Good luck."

His jelly-bean shaped body wobbled violently before his entire form seemed to collapse in on itself and implode out of existence, returning to a place of pre-cosmic light.

Bai looked around to see if anything else had changed. He said he granted her wishes so... what actually happened? Will she now stumble her way out of the forest and into good fortune? Bai was about to resume her attempt at escape but her feet suddenly itched! She flopped back into the rounded boulder to lift her feet up and examine them. To her surprise; all the cuts on her feet stopped bleeding and from the edges inward- the tissue knit itself back together! The reddened, irritated flesh around them even faded to restore her feet suddenly to perfect condition! Bai dangled her legs off the boulder and kicked them loosely and felt the muscle within suddenly feel refreshed! The aches faded quickly! The muscles then seemed to pulse, growing in size a bit and then flexed entirely on their own.

Bai moaned as her legs were suddenly pressed together against her will- the muscles within tensed on their own, moving her legs without her input. She lost her grip on the rock under her and slid onto her back, arching her back at the strange feeling of muscle in her lower back also growing! The muscle squirmed its way down, branching and stuffing itself in around her tail bone swelling it out into a plump cone before her spine gave off several dull pops and started to birth new vertebrae!

Bai unintentionally squeezed her own pussy as her legs were tightly together and her thigh muscles bulged, causing the gap between to vanish and the flesh to press together increasingly tight! She squeaked in embarrassment as her clothing seemed to come undone! The threads unwove themselves, lifting off her body to float into the air briefly. The threads turned from linen to gold, and then re-wove themselves into the shape of a coin before falling back down, plapping against her soft skin and rolling off onto the ground. Now she was naked with a small pile of gold coins!

The muscle expanding off her back into new muscle groups entirely seemed to push the flesh out on a growing tail- as if trying to stretch the skin ahead of the bone to make way. The new vertebrae were created between existing ones- so the one at the very end remained the one at the very end. This meant every time her spine extended there was a dull pop as existing segments divided, and then a muffled clunk as a new segment was created to fill the gap and the segments re-joined to either end of it. Her leg muscles grew in steady pulses, preceded by the existing muscle mass flexing on its own, swelling up but then remaining a bit bigger than it was before when it relaxed again.

Bai tried to sit up and get a better look at what was happening to herself and force the boulder under her to help divide her legs but it did not. She put her hands onto her increasingly solid thighs and tried to pry them apart and still could not! When she pulled on the skin she noticed- it joined in the middle!! Her legs are starting to fuse together! What did this have to do with her wish?!

Her skin was pressed into itself so hard it fused, and then divided in the middle where her thighs pressed into each other the hardest, and still they bulged larger and stronger! Her massive bulbous thighs started to tangle together now that the skin no longer separated them. When they flex now, they draw the legs further together, putting the bones closer to becoming fused as well! Her upper legs then the lower- fusing at the knee and then ankle next as the points that stuck the furthest out. Her lower leg muscles were bulging too, but unlike thighs, calves bulge out backwards mostly, not to the sides.

Bai squirmed and winded herself struggling to pull her legs back apart somehow and failing. Her tail was now almost as long as her legs are and thrashed around as well- she did not fully know how to control it yet, and it was still growing so the muscle wasn't particularly responsive. As they fully fused together her thighs together became so massively muscular that they were wider than her torso! Her butt clenched suddenly as her glutes increased in size too, and then she rolled over completely onto her stomach as a massive surge of growth fired down her tail! She gasped in shock as it increased in size so quickly! It was the muscle growth- her tail had been growing in before, now the muscle growth of her legs increased its actual strength and bulk. This was not the tail of a normal beast- it is so long that it needs very large muscle structure to move, and give it a full range of motion to rival any other limb... the tail of a serpent.

The base of her tail became so thick that her lower back even rose up with muscle bulk in order to properly support the limb! The flesh yanking down around it however pulled so quickly that it yanked on her crotch in the front, and rather than simply pull her privates taut... it yanked them away entirely! Bai's pelvis divided in the front, changing shape slightly, which caused all the muscle of the pelvic floor to pop out; no longer properly anchored to the hip. Her anus and then her vulva itself was yanked down onto the expanding tail! The divot at the top of her leg where they were formerly two now collapsed and fused as well, so there is no trace of her ever having more than one leg- except that her glutes still forked at the top, making it sort of look like she still had a normal butt at a glance, even though she definitely does not. Her tail yanked them further down, then scrunched them up as the muscles re-sorted themselves properly.

Bai lifted her mono- leg to put her rump into the air and make sure the now very sensitive underside of her tail did not rub it. Her anus and vulva were crammed together and merged together to share an opening- a cloaca! Once pressed together by the forward expansion of length, the muscles flexed and pulled wide and caused her to gasp as her pussy gaped itself for a moment, stretching the opening from a vertical slit to a horizontal one and closing again!

When her feet started to fuse, her toes started to group up and her foot structure changes, rather than her feet becoming entirely fused together. Bai's feet only fused in the middle while the structure of the two half feet simply changed to be one much larger foot. Where she once had ten toes there was now only four- though they are very large. At first ridiculously fat for their size, they became longer too a moment later, but the skin did not follow their shape, causing the flesh between her toes to rise up with their length... making her foot webbed. Her nails became thicker and lengthened slightly to come to points as broad claws.

The changes seemed to pause for a moment, though her body felt odd and unsettled so this was certainly not the end of things. Bai slid off slowly onto her new foot and reflexively slammed her tail onto the ground behind her to act in place of a second leg so she could keep her balance.

"What...sort of freak is he turning me into?? A serpent tail and a single leg?!"

Her entire body felt like it had been turned to jelly, sort of. Whenever she moved there was an echo of muscle movement, or a twitch that made it feel like her body was rippling. More amorphous than it should be, like it was forgetting its shape. Her stomach felt for a moment like it was vibrating, causing her to groan and hold it loosely- but then Bai immediately raised her hands seeing they were changing too! Her skin color is changing, turning what looks like grey at first; but that is only because it is a halfway tone to the green it is actually turning to. Her nails are also turning to look like the claws on her toes! Oh no, are her arms going to fuse now too?! Her fingers surged; becoming incredibly thick for a moment and pressing them together, but then with a few dull cracks her entire hand expanded bigger, letting them divide again... but not the skin between, making them webbed like her toes.

Her stomach was hit with a sudden pressure and Bai was not at all ready for it- letting out a massive belch without meaning to, and quickly clapping her webbed hands over her mouth. She looked down at herself wide-eyed as her stomach started to project out! She no longer felt starving, and soon not even hungry, then she felt full without actually having eaten anything! Her stomach started to round out more and more! She looked plump, then she looked pregnant, then pregnant with triplets! She cupped the sides of her huge, taut belly and the moment she took her hand from her face she unintentionally belched again! This time so violently that several small gold coins flew out of her mouth!

Oh no; Bai realized what was happening the moment she burped coins! Jin Chan, the golden toad! He only has one hind leg and sits atop a mountain of gold! He is a spirit of wealth and visits good fortune on anyone he visits! Hundun is replicating not only some of Jin Chan's power into Bai, but also his appearance. But then... what is the tail? Toads do not have tails.

And speaking of- her tail got goosebumps from a strange tickling sensation down its length that seemed to amplify at the tip, but Bai was too distracted to look. Her arms were still changing and so was her torso. Unlike a toad; fat deposits gathered into her palms, focusing up into bubbles of thickening skin, forming paw-like pads! The claws on her fingertips were also longer and more narrow than the ones on her foot for some reason, and hooked forward like fat talons. Her gut distended so far forward that her chest started to project out, and her already modest bust started to tighten and vanish- toads do not have mammaries after all. Her navel vanished leaving her gut a perfectly smooth... almost sphere.

Holding her gut, Bai moaned again in distress before burping and erupting several more gold coins unintentionally! Her spine gave several abrupt pops and she arched backward without meaning to! Her torso got longer! Her stomach stretched into more of a teardrop shape now, tapering off up her much longer midriff. The pressure in her spine lurched and she bowed forward a moment before her neck made several pops- Bai opened her mouth to groan again from the feeling but opening her mouth made the pops of her neck twice as loud. Her neck increased in length even more than her torso did! It did not stop till it was nearly five times as long as before! Long enough that she could twist it around and look directly behind her without turning her body at all.

"Wh-ah? Why s-so long? Wait... long. Dragon!!"

Long is Dragon in Chinese- and dragons are a symbol of vitality... she wished for good health. Bai suddenly felt like her body was heavier than she could lift, and stumbled forward. A moment later she felt the boulder shrink under her! She looked down and realized she was raising even higher up... her entire body is growing! The skin expanded on the underside of her neck, becoming loose and billowy like the stretchy throat of a toad while retaining the length of a dragons. The itch she felt on her tail was a long bushy tassel of hair growing from its tip- golden in color. The crawling feeling on its skin was hundreds of tiny ridges forming and then growing out into plates- becoming harder and smoother as the amount of keratin increased, creating scales! The turning of her skin color took her body from deep olive skin to vibrant jade scales, shaped like fans similar to the scales of a carp! The scales locked together tightly, making her water resistant and making her feel very smooth. Once her tail was consumed the scales advanced onto the rest of her too!

The dragon traits also explain the pads on her hands and feet that grew in after the initial changes- dragons have padded hands for the rare occasions they actually walk on land, so the tips of their sharp talons do not dull against the ground. Eastern Dragons are an amalgam of many animal traits- tiger claws are one of them.

Bai's neck and face scrunched up, half from the strange feelings invading her face that she was trying to fight back, and half because now the loose skin on the front of her neck was starting to balloon up with gold coins her body was trying to release, but she wasn't opening her mouth.

Bai unintentionally bumped into trees and then started to fold them over as she continued to grow, almost doubling her original size, having to crush trees out of the way just to fit between them. The boulder she had been laying on was now small enough in comparison to her that she could cover the entire thing with her two hands. Her soft round gut is bigger than it is by many times over!

Bai curled her upper lip out from the strange feelings of her flesh pulling away between her lip and nose! Short cones appeared then lengthened, forming longer and longer streamers of flesh that seemed to squirm through the air with absolutely no weight of their own! Whiskers- like those of a catfish. Her teeth increased in size, causing her entire jaw to start to get pulled away from her. Though inaudible outwardly, she could hear the crunch and clicks of her skull being stretched quite loudly! Her nostrils flared larger and the entire bridge of her nose widened and equalized more with the rest of her face as the entire think projected further and further out into a muzzle! Her hair became even longer and much more voluminous, lifting around her as if she were floating in water! As her hair waved weightlessly around her, the color changed from raven black to sandy, then blond, then bright golden! Her scales raced up her body, but seemed to neglect her underside. Instead of the banded scales of a serpent's underbelly, she had a pale golden hued flesh- taking more after the toad.

On Bai's back, bulges erupted and swelled out between scales as they formed. A normal toad has large warts on its hide- Jin Chan however has ovals of diamond on his back. However because Bai was influenced both by the golden toad and a dragon- she instead grew long, crooked spikes made of a solid diamond! Her eyebrows became extremely long and bushy, also turning to golden color. Her scales all have a golden sheen to them as well- but their actual color is jade green.

Bai could not keep her mouth shut any more, and almost gagged a few times as her tongue became narrower but much, much longer! Her face projected further and further out, becoming an almost crocodilian muzzle! Gold coins drooled out of her mouth as the huge bulge of flesh on the underside of her neck slowly shrank back down. The coins are now tiny compared to her mouth and rained onto the forest floor.

Bai's ears shrank away, becoming nothing more than a hole with a subtle ridge around it. Her pupils stretched taller into reptilian slits and her very dark brown eyes seemed to ignite with light, turning to a glowing orange like molten gold- a halfway between the gold they would have been if she were pure dragon, and the glowing red of the golden toad. Their shape remained almond, making her eyes rather narrow for a dragon. Antlers grew from her temples, crowning her as her transformation approached completion finally. Since she is female; her antlers were mostly straight, and the tines were short and ended with blunt tips, almost looking as if they were deliberately cut off by something.

The transformation seemed to stop there. Bai sighed and looked to the ground below, depressed. Now she definitely cannot return home- she looks like a monster! She should not have trouble finding food now she supposed- she could swallow smaller animals whole. Or down a deer with one swipe of her claws. She is however condemned to living in this place she became lost in.

Bai lived in the mountains for three more days, unintentionally leaving a trail of discarded coins in her wake. She cannot buy anything with gold in the middle of a mountain range. Though it looked clumsy as heck; her body is actually quite strong. Her singular back leg is so bulbous with muscle that she can jump higher than the treetops from a dead stop. She is so large she can pick a deer up in her hands and carry it easily back to her fire to cook its meat.

There was a gentle roll of thunder before her fire started to hiss at the presence of a gentle rain. Bai sighed again, lowering her head. "It would start raining..."

"Is there a problem, miss?"

Bai looked up as the rain briefly paused, and the dark grey clouds overhead spiraled down toward her, forming more and more into the shape of another dragon! Lightning danced into concentrated spheres, forming into his eyes and antlers. What looked at first like flames poured from the clouds and formed his mane and the clouds themselves hardened into his scales. Unlike Bai; this dragon has sapphire blue scales and flame red hair. His antlers are absolutely massive, and the mane of hair on his head follows down his entire jawline as a mid-length beard! He introduces himself as Yu; his name means Rain.

Bai explained that she is an ugly monster now and can no longer return to the lands of man. Yu was visibly confused, quickly correcting her that she looks beautiful. Bai was shocked silent for several moments, blinking in disbelief that he actually called her beautiful. She is half dragon now, so half the same species he is. She isn't attractive to HUMANS, doesn't mean she isn't attractive. Yu laughed, and offered to show her around. If she could not return to human settlements, she should get to know the place she now calls home! She did not know how to fly as Yu does- so he taught her. Dragons are primarily water spirits, and like water in the form of vapor- dragons can rise and ride on the winds. They can roar thunder and spit lighting; they can become the storm. Unlike Yu; Bai is half toad, so she is not especially aerodynamic, and was not able to fly as high or as gracefully- barely high enough that her toes clear the treetops, but it was certainly fun and easier than hopping everywhere!

Bai and Yu spent several weeks together, travelling all through the many peaks of Xianbei bordering the Mongolian territories. He helped lift her up to dance among the clouds, feeling the cool refreshing mist of rain yet to fall against her skin and scales. They spat lightning down onto areas of old, choked growth to renew the land in sacred flame, and drown out flames that threatened new growth with torrents of rain. Yu even brought her still higher over the peaks where it was easier and used his attunement over water to weave the moisture in the clouds into tapestries of ice crystals, and knit her a cloak out of delicate frost.

After their first month of spending virtually all of their time together; Yu proved to her that she is beautiful, and took her as his mate. His body is even longer and much narrower than hers, so he coiled around her like a snake, making her giggle from the feeling of their scales brushing together. He slithered around her entire body, feeling her flesh on his and tangling themselves together. Bai was hushed in awe the first time she seen a draconic phallus. Large even to her- to a human the penis alone would be almost as big as they are. The head is rounded with a soft cleft like a human phallus but the glans end in a 5 tipped, star shaped corona. The five edges are engorged flaps of skin that stand out when it erects but then firm up even further as his arousal rises. When not shoved inside of her, the five points curl slightly forward, but are forced backward when he enters her. His shaft is a pink/violet, but a purple/violet on the five pointed corona. There is two elongated bulges on the base that project quite far out but taper off at the top- not really a knot, just where the shaft is much fatter. It just divides into two parts because of the main artery that runs on the back of the phallus and the urethra on the opposite side. Normally his genitals are entirely tucked away- in his male cloaca.

Bai was a virgin so she had never experienced sex before- never mind with a dragon. Yu went slow and kept his body tangled around hers even as he penetrated her. Because the blood pressure tried to force the five pointed corona forward, each tip dragged firmly along her inner vagina, playing over all her pleasure nerves as if she were completely stuffed full, without actually being stretched around a dick too that is borderline too big for her. Since turning into a cloaca, her own passage was much tighter than before- at least on the surface. Dragons often swim so their cloaca needs to be water tight, which means veeeerry strong vaginal muscles. Because the slit is horizontal there is also less distance between her actual vagina and her clit, so he always brushes against it with his thrusts- he couldn't possibly miss it.

Yu bowed his head; tangled his antlers with hers, hooking his long sharp tines under her stumpy ones to lift her head up with his own and kiss her, booping their snouts together. Her soft round belly rocked up and down with his thrusts, squished between their bodies. Their tails coiled together, their bodies tangled, and their fingers knit together. Yu took Bai's virginity and claimed her as his mate that day, on the cool mountain peak overlooking all else. Their child would have to melt its way out of an egg shell of solid gold one day.

As fate would have it; Bai's family were not killed. The noble house would not so easily stain its hands with the blood of a commoner, and instead demanded apology and service for recompense for the slight. Her mother always regretted sending Bai off into the woods, for after enough time the family recovered itself and returned to normal, but Bai never returned from the forest. Someone seemed to be looking out for them though- every month a few gold coins would be found at the doorstep, with no note or anything, just sitting there for the taking. The next generation was quite well off, and still the coins appeared at regular intervals, and so the next generation was actually rather wealthy. Bai would visit her family in secret, leaving them gifts of gold and making sure that they are all taken care of. Because she is part dragon now; her lifespan far exceeds their own, and so she remained a silent guardian over her family for many generations to come.