Chasing the Sun - Chapter 44: They Whose Blood Does Not Flow

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#45 of Chasing the Sun

It's coming near, folks

Richard read the Red Wolf file again.

It still seemed unbelievably vivid, the description of the failed Operation Red Wolf. Really, although somewhat straightforward, the details were written as if the writer had been there. He could imagine the scene unfolding before him. Blood splattered on the wall and on the ground. Bones cracking after being pushed beyond their breaking point. Gunshots all over the place as they looked for some semblance of victory.

Even for someone like him, that was still too much. He did not like killing people, but when he had to, he preferred killing people as cleanly as possible. Excessive violence like this made him feel sick.

He took a quick glance through the window at his subordinates and gave a sigh. He did not wish to sacrifice them. He felt responsible for them. They felt more than just subordinates, they felt more like his little brothers.

In this life he had been put into, they were like anchors keeping him in check.

There was a knock at the door, followed by someone saying, "Boss, it's Oliver."

The hyena took another deep sigh and sat up. "Come in."

The door opened and Oliver came inside. The ibex gave him another folder and sat down on the chair in front of his desk. "Here's the..." Oliver took an exasperated breath. "third revision file for Operation Red Wolf 2. Signora Lucia wants us to study it before coming to the next meeting."

Richard took it and stared at it. "Did you read it, Oliver?"

"" The ibex slumped on the desk. "To be honest, I don't really feel like joining this operation."

"I don't, either." He ruffled the ibex's head fur, mindful of his horns. "Now go and help the others. Don't think about this too much for now, I'll handle this."

The ibex huffed, then sat up. "Yes, boss. Mark is getting us lunch. He'll get here in ten minutes or so."


Oliver nodded, then stood up and left.

Richard leant back on his seat and closed his eyes, ignoring the file for now. He knew this was a job, yet this job demanded all of his attention all the time. It turned from just a job to a life he had to run with no end in sight. While it was possible to quit, it wasn't possible to break free from the family as the initiation demanded of him. He was a part of this.

He huffed. If only there were something better, more... humane of a job for him to do.

His phone beeped, making him glance at it. A thought to contact Octo appeared in his mind, but he paid it no mind. Octo might be one of the owners, but he could not read the panther at all nor tell what his intentions are. For all he knew, the panther might as well be a watchman from the family, acting sympathetic to test their loyalty.

He took a deep breath and leant forward on the table, leaning down and burying his face in his arms. If only they whose blood did not flow invited him to their place, he would not have to worry about anything anymore.

The first thing that came to his mind was confusion, then disbelief, then denial.

Octo put the document back down and gripped his head. It simply wasn't possible, he thought. Yet, what the document described in the report for Operation Red Wolf was so unbelievably believable. It was a contradiction, indeed, between what he knew about Tom and what was described in the document. The wolf was soft-spoken and gentle, yet he was described as uncontrollable and savage. He knew Tom had a rather tragic past with being an orphan, but he refused to believe that what was written there was the same Tom whom he knew.

However, that made it all click into place. The reason Tom was badly injured that day was because of the original Operation Red Wolf, not a runaway accident. Octo was looking for the wrong person that day. The scar he had accidentally seen when Tom was visiting his flat was indeed from the original Operation Red Wolf. This would also explain the wolf's secretiveness as it was in his best interest--and safety--that only a few people knew his background. Why his mafia organisation was after the wolf, he wasn't fully certain, mainly because the reason written in the document was rather vague, or possibly was left intentionally vague.

In addition, it might also explain why Max was so protective of Tom. Based on how the dog reacted when the wolf was bedridden, it was very likely that he was there when the original Operation Red Wolf was underway. He could understand the dog's reaction better now, because if the description in the document were true, then it would be so traumatising to watch.

Heck, Octo himself might be traumatised.

Walking to the kitchen, he leant forward on the counter and sighed heavily, tail waving erratically in distress. He reached for a cup and filled it with hot water, almost dropping it thanks to his trembling hand. He put a teabag into the cup, and waited.

For now, he didn't know what to do. He was just... he didn't even know what to feel. He didn't know which was worse, the fact that his mafia operation was planning to assassinate one of his close friends or that one of his close friends had massacred 20 or more people and was possibly a trained serial killer.

Everything he knew about Tom screamed no, but everything he knew about his mafia operation screamed yes.

Taking the cup back to the living room, Octo picked the document up again. He read the background section again, this time more carefully. It was rather comprehensive; some details indeed matched what he knew about Tom, and there were parts that he didn't even know about the wolf. It was rather alarming, honestly, how they managed to get this much information. While of course there were many details they could obtain from the civil record archives, those combined shouldn't be as comprehensive as this.

He flipped the page to the photos section where they managed to take some photos of the wolf during reconnaissance, then back to the profile section... this was indeed Tom.

Giving a loud groan, he leant back on the sofa and covered his eyes. He was not prepared for this. Heck, he was more prepared in case Kevin turned out to actually be Red Wolf.

What should I do what should I do what should I do...

Should he even believe this document? He knew it was foolish of him not to read this before approving Operation Red Wolf 2--heck, it was foolish of him not questioning this operation thoroughly. He was the one at fault here. Had he known Tom was the one they were looking for, he would've done all that he could to cancel the plan.

However, that was still assuming that this was Tom in the first place. He had not even a pinch of suspicion that the wolf could even fight, let alone kill people. Well, everyone could fight in some capacity, but to do what was described in the document? His doubt was bigger than Fenrir. He never even saw Tom being angry to the point he hurt someone. The wolf was like the personification of patience.

Octo took a sip of his tea to calm himself down and clear his mind. Or at least he hoped it helped clear his mind.

Whether he believed it or not, his priority right now was to make sure Tom was safe. What was described in the document might be false or fabricated, a mere lie to justify their assassination attempt. He knew Ludwig was a bit hit on the head, and this might as well be his ploy to just kill someone. He had known Tom for almost 6 years now, and he knew from experience what the wolf was like. Heck, he had Max to say if there were anything weird about Tom.

He might not believe what was described in the file, but they were still after the wolf, so he should...

What should he do again? He was of course going to contact the wolf, but he didn't know what to ask without sounding suspicious. Taking the document again, he read the operation details.

He hummed in distress. The best thing he could do right now was to give Tom more time, and that would mean changing his plans. He knew the wolf was going to go to the city park for a picnic, so he should tell the wolf to bring Max along with him...

No, he should not. That would mean dragging Max into this.

So, that meant he should convince the wolf to cancel his picnic. He couldn't also be seen with Red Wolf, though, since that would practically destroy his reputation in Cosa Nostra. Everyone was under the impression that he knew the details of this operation, including who Red Wolf was. If he were seen with him, they could think that he was fraternising with the enemy or worse, betraying them.

Hmm, he needed to cancel Tom's plan... there really was no good reason to cancel a picnic... except if the city park was closed!

Octo reached for his phone and pulled up his father's contact. He knew his family had some ties to the Barrowisle city government, so he should use it if he could!

...except, could he tell his father about this operation? This was a rather petty operation, so that meant bringing it to his father would escalate things further. He did not want that.

He crossed his arms. It seemed like the best thing he could do to make Tom cancel his plan was to come and visit the wolf, thus keeping him home. That way, he would also ensure his safety without being seen.

However, what if they were already keeping guard of the wolf's flat? They might have been already watching, keeping notes on the wolf's activities. Octo took his phone and called Richard... wait, should he go to Richard for this? He didn't really feel comfortable talking to Ludwig, but he shouldn't burden Richard more.

Instead, he pulled up Pacal's contact and gave the jaguar a call.

"Good afternoon, Signore. Anything I can help you with?" The answer was quick, although he could hear commotions in the background, suggesting that he was interrupting something.

"Pacal, sorry for the interruption. I just want to ask, are we monitoring Red Wolf's apartments?"

"Hm, no, Signore, we don't."

"How about the streets nearby?"

"That one, we do. We have Jarl monitoring Áktelds Street right now. Do you want to talk to him?"

Octo shuddered. That street was literally a few minutes' walk from his flat. "No, thanks. We're only monitoring that street."

"Yes, only that street."

"Alright then. Thanks, Pacal. Again, sorry for the interruption."

"You're welcome, Signore Octo."

He put his phone down. That was logical, he thought, as that street was the main street leading to the wolf's flat. There were bigger streets and even a road, but that one was the most often used as it was closer.

Taking a deep breath, he finished his tea in one go before closing the document. Very well, he thought, he was going to protect his brother with all he could. No way he would allow Cosa Nostra to continue with the plan. For now, that was the only thing he could do. He would find other ways to interfere with the plans tomorrow.

He stood up and went to the bedroom. His sleep would not be peaceful tonight.

If he could even sleep in the first place.

"I will get you, Red Wolf."

Through the circular windows on the doors, Richard watched Big Boss pacing around the meeting room. He felt like a creep like this. No one was here this late in the night. Even Signora Lucia already went home. Richard was just taking some things in his office when he found that they weren't there. Probably he left them in the meeting room.

"I will drag your lifeless body through the streets!"

He wanted to open the door, but inside he found Signore Ludwig talking to himself. And as if it weren't creepy enough, the bear seemed to hate Red Wolf a bit more than what was healthy. Sure, Red Wolf was a big pain in the ass, but wasn't this... too much? What really happened between them?

"You're gonna regret being alive!"

They had been watching Red Wolf for the past month. Richard was very glad that he made a pretty good spy. Although he had suspicions that Red Wolf might have noticed him, he still did his part of the mission. Now they knew where he lived, what were many of his plans, and who guarded him.

They at first planned to attack last week, but it kept getting postponed because Red Wolf somehow kept changing plans, so they had to expect and adjust accordingly. As a result, they had launched Operation Red Wolf 2 like... thrice already. Once was to be expected, twice was a coincidence, thrice... something fishy was happening, and Richard didn't know whether to be glad of that or what. On one hand, Red Wolf proved to be even slicker than he'd already thought and he was tired of observing him. On the other hand, the more he observed him, the more he was sure that Red Wolf didn't deserve this operation. For all his doings, Red Wolf really seemed like he had let everything go.

Ludwig smacked the table in the room, making Richard flinch. Not wanting to be caught, the hyena silently took several steps back, then quickly went back whence he came. He could take those things tomorrow. Exiting the complex, he gave a nod to the guards and put the hood over his head. It was late in the night, but he didn't really feel like sleeping just yet. Actually, his sleep schedule hadn't been in order this past month. While he didn't get nightmares often, his sleep was usually restless.

Instead, he walked to the tram stop to get to his usual bar. Maybe a few glasses and some company would help him feel a bit better.

The bar was loud like usual. His usual corner was also occupied. Instead, he walked to the stools and sat down, calling the bartender. "Oi, Rocky! The usual!"

The weasel named Rocky looked at him and gave him a thumbs up. Not long after, he put a glass in front of him. "Tough day, eh mate?"

The hyena took a gulp. "Yeah, shit. Don't really feel like I wanna wake up tomorrow. Lots o' stuff's been so shitty lately."

"Not good. How about thy kitty?"

He clicked his tongue. "I have no fuckin' idea about 'im."

Someone sat down next to him and put their arm around his neck. "Have thou? Also, Rock, the usual."

Without looking up, Richard could tell that it was one of the people he didn't really want to meet right now. He took another gulp and wiped his mouth. "Looks like the kitty found me."

Rocky laughed. "Well, I'm gonna leave you with your kitty then. See if thou can tame him."

"Don't you fucking dare!"

Rocky already went away, leaving him with no choice.

"Heh, thou miss me?"

He sneered. "I thought you were the one who missed me, Grant."

The lion laughed and gulped his drink. "Looks like the pup grew up!"

"Looks like the kitty forgot to grow up."

"Hey, watch thy focken' mouth!"

"How about you watch your own damn mouth?!"

"Nu-uh, it's kind of my business."

Richard looked up to see that smug grin all over the lion's face. "I thought you use your ears?"

"Finally thou use thy brain."

The hyena growled and pushed his hands away. "Fuck off. If you wanna drink, the least you could do is drink."

Grant went quiet. It didn't bother Richard, anyway, already too used to his sudden mood shifts.

"Speaking of, how's your operation?"

"None of your business."

"Eh, take it from someone who's genuinely curious." Grant shrugged.

Richard took another gulp. "Still, it's fine, but none of your business."

"Fair point." The lion's tail waved. "Let's just drink together in misery."

He smiled a little at that and pushed his half-empty glass. "To our sorry tails wishing we could do better for ourselves."

"To our sorry tails wishing we could do better for ourselves."

Tomorrow was another day, and honestly Richard wished that he could stay here instead. They clinked their glass, then gulped their drinks down.