The Eternal Night

Story by Dunthyon on SoFurry

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"Unusual..." _ Thought Dunthyon, as he stepped outside. Dunthyon was a Medium sized, white housecat, with a krew-cut hairstyle. One of his legs was a robotic prosthetic, made for him by the Robotics Director. He had lost his leg one day when a large rock had crumbled at the top of a mountain. He had not seen the oncoming hazard, and was taken by surprise by the force of the blow to his leg. "...Why is the Sun not rising?"_ The sun was scheduled to rise at 6:00 AM on the dot. The Sun was a large ball of gases made by Anthro, to replace the first sun that died in 2450. And now, that Sun won't rise. Dunthyon knew what was happening. The Scientists had predicted that the Sun would die again when the Black Mass possessed another victim. The Scientists have to go into space and create a new Sun before the New Anthro World froze and dwindled. "DAMN YOU!" Dunthyon cursed at the Black Mass that has now completely covered his body. If Dunthyon doesn't get to Frozen Death, then the whole world may die off.

Frozen Death has been possessed by the Black Mass once, and since Frozen Death has access to all, he was able to go back to the time when Humans ruled the earth. You can imagine what happened after the fifth Phase had finished Frozen Death. "Humans. I still find myself wondering how the hell they weren't made extinct when 2012 hit." 2012 was the supposed 'End of the World' but 2,000 humans survived the Cataclysm. They died off when the sun had died aswell. Dunthyon headed towards the only person he knew who could possibly locate Frozen Death. Her name was Natalya. Head of Directions, and Head of Navigation. A large Sattelite sat atop the three-story building. Dunthyon assumed that the sattelite was used as a GPS tracker, but he never asked about it. The inside of the building was a LOT larger than what the outside would fool you into thinking. Full of computers and Navigation Agents, the building was like a maze. He would have to ask around to find Natalya in this mess. But whenever Dunthyon tried to ask around, the Agents would back away, as if Dunthyon were a mutant. Dunthyon realized that the Mass on his body made him look evil, his eyes glowing red, his fur now turned black. An omen of evil surrounding him. It was no surprise no one would go near him. Natalya found Dunthyon and inspected him, making sure this was the REAL Dunthyon and not a fake one. She saw his leg and she knew automatically, that this was the real Dunthyon. Dunthyon explained his predicament to Natalya, and she found Frozen Death. He was now at the top of a mountain the Humans called "Mount Everest". That was nearly 12000 miles away.

Since the Cataclysm happened, things moved thousands of miles away from each other, and 'New Jersey' was a small island now, Merged with 'Hawaii'. Dunthyon got his things ready (which was his closet full of weapons) and armed himself fully, also adding a small hidden gun in replacement for his left paw. Dunthyon needed a boat. Luckily his father, before he disappeared, always built them. His father was in the Navy as well. One special boat, called the S.S Cambrige was in the garage of Dunthyon's abode. The beginning of a long journey has started...(Continued December 16, 2010)