Hole in the Wall: The Little Things. Chapter Three.

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#3 of Hole in the Wall

Hole in the Wall

Chapter Three

By Roofles

"Are you heading back again?" Anthony stopped his brother near the market square, close to the tunnel entrance. "It's been over three weeks now..."

It was another busy, crowded day at the market and the two brothers were roughly shoved to the side, out of the way of the bustling crowd. Theo pulled Anthony aside with him as a rather disgruntled looking prairie dog came stomping by, not caring who was in their way as they grumbled about seed prices. The farmer was chewing on a strand of straw and, even underground, was wearing a sun hat.

"Can't believe these prices!" The prairie dog spat the straw out nearly elbowing someone as he pushed his way through the crowd.

"The seed chute still acting up...?" Theo turned his attention to the side wall of Rathole. The cement dome they lived in had once been used as an access tunnel for the Bigs above. Over the years it had been abandoned and the rats had holed up here, creating their city in the spacious place.

Metal pipes covered the walls and ceiling. Water and waste pipes, most of which weren't in any use any longer after the place had been abandoned. Some were still used but were old, rusting and forgotten. Wires were dangerously strewn about and had to be collected and properly stored to prevent any accidents from happening.

If there was one thing the rats were known for, it was their work. Turning the abandoned area into a thriving hub for them and several other burrowing species.

The rats had taken it on themselves to repair the damaged pipes and restore some water flow to the area for them to use. The empty waterways in the middle of the room had been filled with clean running water and turned into a river for them to use. Every inch had been scrubbed down and despite the stereotype of a dirty rat, the colony kept themselves and their home extremely clean to raise their children in.

Being so far underground, things had to be changed in order to survive. With access to free, clean water they needed a proper means to get food. The aviary, a massive tower that spiraled up and into the ceiling, was mostly used for mail or packages with the assistance of birds during the day and bats at night. It would overload the system if it also was how they got food inside to feed so many mouths and so several different things had been invented over the years.

One such thing was the seed chute.

A very large metal chute came out of the far eastern wall, depositing whatever was dropped off from above into an open basket with several holes chewed into it to allow the seeds to natural, but slowly, fall out of and be collected by those waiting. The harvesters worked with the rabbits and squirrels above to collect and gather berries and seeds for the colony to store for winter. Usually, around this time of year, the chute would be overflowing with sunflower and grass seeds as was common in the fields above their home.

It wasn't, which was a worrisome to someone like Theo who recognized the bigger issue and the future problems this would bring for them.

The scavengers guild gathered materials, but the harvesters worked on the fields, transporting the goods to the various cities in the area. Instead of trying to transport the goods through the tunnels, threatening to clog them up, they had created the chute to just let gravity do all the work for them.

It had been one of Theo's ideas that a council member had stolen, not that he had minded. At least it put less stress on the colony. The winter prior had been particularly rough and, without the chute, nearly have the colony would've died from starvation. It was one of his proudest achievements...

Until it had stopped working.

"There was some kind of back up in the tunnel from what I've heard..." Anthony glanced over before shaking his head quickly. "No, no! Don't distract me! That's not the issue here, Theodore! You are heading back to see that tiger, aren't you?" The rat said loudly.

Theo slapped a hand over his brother's mouth and dragged Anthony further away from the busy streets, just thankful no one had heard them with all the commotion going on. Seeds were one of the primary resources for the rats to feast on and stock up for winter. If there was an issue with the chute, then everything else would come crumbling down with it.

There was already agitation in the streets and several of the mammals were talking about abandoning this area before winter hit.

One of Theodore's greatest fears. For them to move. Again. Always moving, never settling, always just roaming the countryside as if that would somehow fix the overall issue. It solved the problem, not the cause and Theo wanted nothing more than to fix that.

"His name is Pedro, and he isn't just some tiger." Theo exhaled. "He could have easily gotten rid of you when he found you but decided not to, Anthony! He's very sweet and funny and gentle..." Theo blushed, twiddling his fingers now as he tried not to talk about the large feline like he had some schoolgirl crush on him.

How ridiculous would that be?

"Pedro is very smart as well. I'm sure, maybe with his help... we can do great things! BIG things! We can change this, fix this and... and maybe don't have to move again." Theo tried to smile but it didn't reach his eyes, his anxiety getting the best to him.

So many of the rats lived in the moment instead of planning for the future. It was why, when something happened, most would just pick up and move. It wasn't how Theo wanted to live, not how he wanted them to live! They should have a place to call home at the very least. A place to settle in. Not these cardboard boxes.

"Are you even listening to yourself!" Anthony knocked his knuckles on Theo's head, making the albino rat wince. "Hello? Anyone in there? You think he'd even be willing to help? What are you thinking, Theo?"

"Quit that!" Theo waved both hands quickly overhead. "I know what I'm doing."

"Do you?" Anthony crossed his arms over his pronounced belly. Despite his complaints, Theo had been bringing him snacks ever since the two of them had met Pedro. The tiger always making sure he had something on hand to give Theo whenever the rat visited.

It was a guilty pleasure that Theo greatly enjoyed. A rat could eat nearly anything but it didn't mean Theo didn't have a sense of taste. Sometimes, the best things in life was just a hunk of chocolate during a bad day or a warm spicy bowl of ramen in a cold morning. Fresh tea, hot coffee, and snacks! A lot of snacks Theo would gladly take back down with him after each outing to see the tiger.

"You sound like dad." Theo turned away, feeling stubborn over this. "And it's not like you aren't benefiting from our friendship!" He added, poking Anthony in the stomach several times.

"That's beside the point." Anthony ears splayed out. "I'm just worried about you, is all. I know the two of you are having fun and being like 'cool bros' with one another," Anthony said using air quotes. "And sure, all the chips you bring home have been great and everyone is thankful for you sharing... but what happens when he gets bored of you?"

Theo's ears flicked at that, and he glared at his brother.

"Exactly." Anthony pointed out Theo's silence. "I know it's fun and cool and different to hang out with a Big." He kept his voice down as he talked. "But that's all this is, bro. You aren't his friend. You're like a... new toy for the cat to play with. Something to keep him entertained when he's bored. And what happens to a toy when you get bored of it...?"

"Pedro's not like that..." Theo wanted to argue more but he could feel his resistance on this fading, his own fears mixing with Anthony's word. It was impossible to ignore the metaphorical elephant in the room.

While Anthony had been extremely thankful he hadn't been turned into a snack for the tiger, the rat refused to go back with Theo to visit the tiger since. Every time Theo showed up, Pedro would ask about Anthony and Theo would be forced to say he wasn't coming this time either.

"Eh, that's cool. I get it. Very busy. Very... occupado..." The tiger looked so crestfallen over it, already losing one of the two friends he thought he had made. His words reverting back into Espanol whenever he got upset. He muttered several more things Theo didn't understand, and the rat had gone over to try and comfort the tiger.

The small touch of his hand against the tiger's finger had startled the cat and the motion of just withdrawing his hand had knocked Theo over. The tiger had been mortified he had almost hurt the rat and the two hadn't talked for the rest of the day, Theo eventually just retreating back home, promising he'd come another day.

It had taken three days for Theo to work up the courage to see the tiger again after that.

Some walls weren't meant to be crossed and Theo had begun questioning what even the point was visiting the tiger who pretended that nothing had happened after knocking Theo over. Since then, Pedro hadn't touched Theo and would rarely move when the rat visited as if afraid another accident could occur.

"Look. I know what you are getting at, Andy... It's just. I'm getting a lot done as well." Theo smoothed his whiskers out, trying to keep calm even though the rational part of his brain was telling him to abandon this sinking ship. "Pedro's an engineering student. An engineering student! He's been showing me so much about how they build things, their houses and buildings and bridges." The rat said getting more and more excited. "I've been helping him out with his homework in return, he's not exactly the smartest feline this side of Rathole." He chuckled.

"There!" Anthony jumped on, point a finger at his brother. "See! I knew it. I freaking knew it!"

"W-what? What did you know?" Theo asked.

"He's just using you! I've been trying to figure this out. I've been wracking my brain, trying to think. To be smart, like you, bro. Then it hit me just now! You are one of the smartest rats, ever. I mean in all in Rathole. Everyone knows it and admits it. They trust you, rely on you to help us out in the future." Anthony nodded, pleased that he had seemingly solved the missing piece of this puzzle. "Now this Big..."

"Pedro." Theo grumbled, crossing his arms once more and turning away from his brother.

"This Big is just using you to help out with his failing schoolwork. You said he's a jock. They're usually stupid, right?" Anthony nodded several more times with a pleased smile on his face, arms folded over his chest still. "He just picked up a nerd, like you, and plans to carry you around as his little... little... cheater!"

"Helper." Theo's ears splayed out as his shoulder fell. "He said I was his little... helper."

"Exactly." Anthony sighed heavily, shaking his head as he patted Theo on the shoulder. "Look. I know you're a good rat. You really are. Everyone here loves you! You are kind and gentle and soft... there will always be people out there, big or small, that will try to take advantage of your kindness, Theo."

"I just. You don't really think he's just keeping me around because I'm smart, do you? I mean sure, I helped him with his last assignment... practically did the entire thing for him b-but that's what friends do right?" Theo glanced at his brother. "That's what friends do for each other..."

"Oh, Theo. No. Friends don't take advantage of their friends..." Anthony sighed before patted his shoulder once more. "It's still early. I'm going to go help dad at the bakery. It's Saturday so we'll be super busy."

"Right... wait, bakery?" Theo turned to look at his brother. "You said you wanted to join the scavenger's guild or expedition team... W-what happened?"

Anthony just gave him a look. The rat's eyes were glossy as he had to admit the truth behind it all. Why things had changed. "Pedro happened."

"What did Pedro do?" Theo's eyes were large as he asked.

"Nothing he did, no. The tiger... for a tiger, he's cool. I'll admit that. He's okay. It's just, being there, in that room? It was exciting! And fun! Thrilling even but... bro, it's not realistic. Once I had a good night sleep, I saw just how... fucked it up all was. Bro, he put me in a fucking cage!" Anthony turned on him. "A cage? He thought it was a joke! That it was fun or silly. DO you know how scary that was for me?"

"You seemed perfectly fine though..." Theo hesitated. "A-and it was unlocked. Even you said that."

"I was fine. I was... Pedro was very... friendly. He didn't realize what he was doing though. He is a Big, Theodore. We are Smalls. Them? And us? We can't live together. It's not... realistic. It was just some silly dumb childhood idea that I had. Scavenger's guild? Expedition? Going out there, in the Bigs world...? It was just a game. A game I'm done playing and you should be to. Wake up, Theo. It's over. I've moved on." Anthony turned from his brother who grabbed his shoulder.

"Pedro is different though." Theo tried to explain.

"Look. I know the two of you are like close... but, think about it, please. For me? You are far smarter than I am, Theo. You can't be friends with him. Oliver? The badger that delivers the jam? If you want a big guy, go after him. At least he can't accidentally step on you... He'll only end up hurting you, Theo. Even if he doesn't mean to. We're not meant to live with them." Anthony patted Theo's hand before pulling it off, leaving his brother behind to think.

Theo was conflicted over it. Anthony was right, of course. Of course, he knew it. He knew that... It was so painfully obvious at times. Pedro was a good guy, sure! But there were times when Theo had to really get moving just to make sure he didn't accidentally get injured. And, other times, when the feline had tried to put Theo in a cage as if he were some kind of... pet.

He was sure Pedro had thought he was being helpful about it. Trying to protect the rat. Theo didn't need to be caged to be protected. What good could he do if he was?

Maybe it was time to burn this bridge and not look back. Rathole needed him. Theo needed to make things better for rat kind, not help some Big with his homework...

With a shake of his head, Theo headed for the tunnels. He at least owed an explanation to Pedro as to why he wouldn't be coming back for a while. An idea was already forming by the time midafternoon had come by and Theo was moving the panel on the wall to get inside the dorm room. It shifted and unlocked, swinging open like a circular door instead of falling out onto the desk.

Pedro had helped Theo work on the door over the past week and made it far easier for Theo to open and shut.

It had been surprisingly cute for the massive tiger, tongue sticking out, to work on the tiny gears and latches of the hatch they were creating. Pedro's hands were so large, yet his claws still managed to hold the tiny tools in them, working on things far smaller than anything he'd ever done before. Pedro had a jewel cutter's magnifying glass glasses on as he carefully put the final screw in.

Theo had come over to finish the job, using his small hands to easily get it into place and set things up for the tiger to finish. Working together as a team, they had managed to create a perfect door in the wall that Theo could come in and out of without worry. It still blended in nicely and the two were convinced that it would work.

"It also notifies me whenever you come, Theo." Pedro had showed off his cellphone, showing the app on it. The phone was as large as Theo was and the two had a laugh over it. "The little bell icon here? If you come in while I'm away, I'll get a notification and... if I do this..." The tiger typed away on the device.

Another phone on the desk buzzed and Theo jumped up onto the surface to look down at the message. It was a simple text message saying that Pedro had seen him come in.

"That way I'll always know when you visit!" Pedro grinned, round ears perked up and striped tail swaying behind the tiger happily.

Could a guy like Pedro, putting in all this extra time and effort to create such accommodations for the rodent, just be using Theo...? It was hard to say, and he hoped to get some answers today.

It had been over a week now since Theo had first visited Pedro's room. The rat usually showed up in the late afternoon or evening, hanging out with the tiger until he had to go. Theo would bring his work with him and would often spend hours sketching things in the peaceful room listening to the Spanish music Pedro put on for them.

After a particular spicy number, Theo had been lifted off his feet and, with the tiger's hand, the two had jokingly danced around the desk listening to a popular salsa song as Theo tried to keep up with the tiger's dexterous fingers. He had to admit, Pedro's hand could dance. The tiger far more skilled than he looked and Theo had cracked up laughing by the end as he was bent over on the tiger's thumb as the song came to an end.

"Now we just need to get you a dress, little chico." Pedro had purred at him, and the rat had blushed for the rest of the day.

Pedro had been extremely accommodating and always made Theo feel welcome despite his small stature. The rat would chill out on the small pillows and blankets Pedro had cut from a larger fabric, using them to create a makeshift nest for the rat to use on the desk.

While Theo found it a tad offensive, he let it pass. Pedro really was trying. The tiger didn't have to welcome him each time he showed up but always did. Providing snacks and drinks for the two as they watched TV or enjoyed each other's company in silence, each working on their own project together at the desk.

Pedro would glance at the rat every now and then as if to make sure he was still there. Even pulling the blanket up for Theo when it slid down before going back to the assignment he was working on. Theo would help whenever Pedro asked about a problem and the two had an almost symbiotic relationship at times, providing and helping for the other in return for something.

Was that healthy? Theo wasn't sure.

Maybe it was time to talk about and address these things...? Theo worried their already odd friendship would devolve into something ugly if he threw a wrench in Pedro's plans. The tiger meant well, that much was clear. Some of the things he did were a bit... much and even overwhelming at times, the tiger going overboard to help Theo out.

Theo had to talk Pedro out of building an elaborate system of tubes around the room like a hamster would use. The tiger had already placed the order for the colorful, transparent tubes, unable to hold back the surprise before showing the rat who had nearly fallen over in shock seeing it. It had to cost over a couple hundred dollars and Pedro had bought it all for him to be able to transverse his room easier.

While sweet, it was a... lot, to handle.

"I can move things around to. That way when you come over. You won't have to wait for me to carry you over to the nightstand and such." Pedro had said. He had even reworked the nightstand, creating a makeshift living space with a tiny sofa and everything for Theo to chill out at next to when Pedro was on the bed.

Keeping the rat close but at a safe distance in a comfortable environment with everything Theo might need. Pedro had even placed a couple of bells around the room, things Theo could ring if he needed something, and the tiger didn't hear him calling out.

The hamster wheel wasn't necessary, and the tiger had teased Theo, poking his stomach, that he needed to lose the paunch most rat's had.

"Stop feeding me so much then!" Theo had complained and Pedro just lifted up a bag of Gansito.

"Oh, does the little rata not want any tasty treats then, hm?" The tiger teased, holding it just out of Theo's reach as the rat tried to jump and grab it much to the feline's amusement. "All for Pedro then."

"After this I will go on a diet, I swear!" Theo was already building a makeshift step ladder, stacking various things on top of each other, to try and reach the ever-increasing height of the snack the tiger made sure to keep just out of reach. "So close, yet so far. There are more things in heaven and earth, Pedro, than are dreamt of... like snacks." Theo had practically fainted, and the tiger caught him in his other hand, the two laughing over it as they shared one together.

Today was supposed to be like any other, even if he had something important to tell the tiger. This time around, Theo decided to arrive earlier than usual to surprise the tiger, able to get off from his own duties thanks to Anthony keep their parents busy. A normal, peaceful Saturday with the tiger. That had been the goal.

That was before the conversation he had with his brother. Now, all Theo could think of was how he was going to address the tiger in the room.

A part of him even feared that Pedro might do something else, drastic, and keep Theo as some kind of pet for real. The rat shook the idea away, not wanting his biased fears to pollute his belief in his friend.

Theo quickly looked around to make sure the coast was clear before sneaking out of the door, always safe. Never sorry. That was the rat way. He had a bag slung over one shoulder as he placed the panel back into the wall, smoothing out the edges so it was invisible to the naked eye. A good push would activate the mechanism and open the hatch up for him to use.

"Perfect." Theo wiped his paws off as he took a step back to marvel at it. "Now, where is that tiger..."

The side door of the room opened, and Theo turned in time to see a burst of hot steam come out soon followed by a slightly damp tiger, with a towel around his waist, step out from the bathroom. Steam billowed behind Pedro's hair as he wiped his hair out of his eyes and spotted Theo standing on the desk gawking at him.

"Ah, little amigo. Your back. Sooner than expected. Someone is eager." Pedro voice was as warm as the sauna he had just stepped out of, and he walked over to greet Theo who was slack jawed, looking up at the half naked giant tiger before him. It was not good for his small little heart. "Give me un momento and I'll get changed. I got some stuff I'd like to show you! Been thinking of you all week."

"Show me what exactly?" Theo muttered, watching as the tiger turned his back on him and promptly dropped the towel to the ground. Theo jumped, spinning around, and cowered down covering his eyes as his entire face burned red at the sight of the tiger's rear end mooning him. "P-Pedro!" He squeaked.

Pedro worked out, was on some kind of sports team Theo had never asked about or cared much for, and it showed. The rat trying to burn the image he'd just seen out his brain before it haunted his dreams.

"These are still good, I think." Pedro said, sniffing at an old pair of boxer briefs on the ground before slipping into them. He grabbed the towel, drying off his hair before walking over and taking a seat at the desk. "You alright there, little chico? You all red."

"I, yes, sorry." Theo stood back up slowly, turning around as he coughed into his hand to hide his embarrassment. "I just saw ass, I mean, I saw nothing and was just trying to give you some privacy."

"Privacy? After breaking into mi casa?" Pedro chuffed out an amused breath, resting his large head on an ample sized hand looking at the small rat with great amusement. "Good thing you didn't sneak in when I estaba dormido. I tend to sleep desnudo." The tiger chuckled even more as Theo's face turned the color of a tomato. "Though, I'd never know if you came in for a peek." Pedro winked. "I sleep rather heavily. If a nighttime visitor ever came by..."

"I'm going to overheat, stop!" Theo covered his ears and shook his head quickly.

"What? You mention you have a huge familia. I figured you'd seen some nudity at least." Pedro continued to tease. Setting his hand on the desk. With two fingers, he lifted it up and began to walk it over to poke at the rat who squirmed, flailing his arms in futility at the tiger's teasing.

"That's different! Family is family. And your..." Theo couldn't finish that.

"Big?" Pedro offered. "Is that the issue?" The pale orange tiger tilted his large head to one side, bright blue eyes looking down at the albino rat on his desk.

"In this, specific, case. Yes..." Theo exhaled as he poked Pedro's hand. The tiger lifted it up enough for Theo to rest the entirety of his hand inside the tiger's palm. He frowned and looked at it. "I'm very... small. And you are big. SO, seeing you naked... and big... is a bit... much. You can literally pick me up, Pedro." Theo blushed. "I can't even imagine what..." He shook his head quickly, squeaking as the lewd thoughts crept into mind.

"Yes, I grasped that last night when I picked you up and nuzzled you against mi face." The tiger chuffed in amusement but didn't move, watching the rat inspect his hand. Theo's tiny hand felt strange against his own. It made such a miniscule indentation against the tiger pink paw pad. He barely felt it but knew that touch to be Theo's.

The tiger's fingers were large, nearly as thick as Theo was. His hand was larger than the rat was, even if Theo was longer. Each orange furred finger had a small slit in the end where Pedro's claw was hidden inside. If Theo applied pressure to the finger in the right spot, the nail would spring out and Theo did so in morbid curiosity.

What rat ever got a chance to play with a cat's paw? It was otherworldly, at times, hanging out with Pedro. Ever growing up with other rats and the occasional burrowing animal, Theo had never once thought he'd have such an opportunity to meet, talk and even touch a feline.

It was warm. Pedro's hand. Fresh out of the shower, there was still steam drifting off the tiger's body as Pedro carefully moved his hand down around Theo as he had done last night. Carefully, he curled his fingers around the rat who squeaked before being picked up.

When had Pedro began to touch him again? The fear from before seemed to be gone and there was a glint in the tiger's eye as he picked Theo up in a gentle, yet secure grasp reminding Theo of a crane.

Hoisted off the desk, air rushed past Theo's face as the tiger turned and got back up slowly, carrying Theo over to his bed. Gently, Pedro set Theo down on his pillow before going back to getting dress. The rat sitting there watching him do so.

Every argument Theo had been formulating whistled out his steaming ears as the tiger bent over, showing off that perfectly sculpted rear end again for Theo's eyes to feast on. Theo covered his face, knowing the tiger at this point was doing it on purpose. He just wished Pedro didn't have such thick glutes to marvel at.

It was hard to tell at his size, but Theo figured Pedro had to work out. He was large but most of it looked like muscle. He had cute love handles on the side of his belly and his ass was plump as a thick slice of cake. Pedro still looked good and Theo, uncomfortably, enjoyed the show as Pedro pulled a pair of loose shorts on before taking a seat on the bed next to the rodent.

"It's very, how you say, warm outside." Pedro nodded his head towards the window. It was a bright sun shiny day without a cloud in the sky. "Supposed to reach the high nineties. Is it alright, little rata, if I go shirtless during your visit today? It is Saturday, my one day off, heh. I wish to enjoy myself. With your company, of course."

"Oh well..." Theo wasn't sure how to answer that.

"I wasn't expecting to see you so soon! Not that I'm complaining." Pedro chuckled, offering a fanged smile as he scratched at the back of his head showy off his furry armpit in the process. The creamy white fur of Pedro's chest and sides turned to a darker orangish brown wherever his body fur grew densest, such as that armpit. "It is very nice. To get visitors. No matter the time. If you do visit, in the future, and I am not here? Please, please help yourself to whatever in the room. You know where I keep the snacks now as well. I'll know when you visit," he held up the phone shaking it back and forth. "So, you won't have to be concerned of our little... accident, happening again."

The tiger wasn't looking at the rat and it was clear he was still bothered by what had happened. The numerous small things adding up, piling on top of each other before threatening to fall over and break their already rocky, strange friendship.

Theo pulled his eyes away from the tiger to look around the spacious room. Maybe to someone Pedro's size it would've been cramped, but to Theo it was an amphitheater worth of open space, and he greatly enjoyed the sound of silence from it. Pedro would usually turn some music on low later in his visit to keep them company with.

"Then again, little rata, you did help yourself during your first visit. Just try not to fall into any more chip bags, eh?" Pedro rested against his arm, looking down at the rat who turned upwards to look at him. "Though, I bet you'd make for a tasty snack." The tiger was far more playful during this visit and Theo wasn't handling it well.

"That was clearly an accident!" Theo grumbled, crossing his arms, and curling his tail around himself.

"I bet it was." Pedro carefully turned the rest of his body and eased his bulky weight up onto the bed that sunk in around his heavy frame. He scooted just enough to rest against the pillow without lying his head on it, propping it up instead with an arm as he talked to Theo. "No wonder why the chips were so flavorful."

Theo's ears splayed out.

"Very... cheesy." The tiger teased, inspecting his nails now, waiting for the reaction he'd always get from the easily excitable rat.

"Rat's like more than cheese!" Theo said, getting angry. Pedro chuckled at that. Whenever Theo got angry or worked up about something, he'd forget his fears of the giant tiger who just reached over and poked Theo's belly with a finger gently knocking him onto his rear.

"What else does my little amigo like?" Pedro inquired and for some reason, Theo blushed at that, swatting his hand away. Pedro chuckled, lifting his hand up just enough to be out of Theo's reach but never retracting it further.

"Well, books. Movies. Some games. I enjoy crafting and building..." Theo began but Pedro just chuffed making him blush. "What?"

"I meant, what would you like to eat with me today." Pedro turned his head to rest it on the pillow now, looking at Theo there next to him. "It's on me. Not literally. Unless you want." The tiger chuffed as Theo blushed. "You are so easy to fluster. It's very... lindo."

"I'm just embarrassed, not excited!" Theo turned his back with a "harrumph" to the tiger.

"Heh, si, si. Sorry, little chico. This big kitty was just teasing." Pedro turned to look up at the top bunk, going quiet as he laid there. "You know I always enjoy your company."

Theo sighed, turning, and flopping onto his back on the pillow looking up at nothing with him.

"This is very... strange." Theo had to admit. "My brother... mentioned it, again, to me today... All of this. Us. You picking me up whenever you please..."

"I'm just glad you let me pick you up again. I worried you might bite." Pedro glanced at the rat who just giggled next to him.

"I do have very sharp teeth!" Theo tried to appear menacing but something about buckteeth made it impossible to do so, looking more comical. Theo always made sure to keep his incisors, that would constantly grow throughout his life, trimmed down by chewing on special mineral stones sold in the market. The tiger just laughed next to him, sitting up in the process as he did.


The pillow underneath Theo sunk down from the small, for a tiger, movement before springing back up and Theo lost his balance, tumbling down the side of it and onto the bed upside down, up against the tiger's side who glanced down at him.

"Heh, you alright there little chico?" Pedro asked before offering a hand to Theo. The rat sat up, a little dazed from the sudden tumble before grabbing onto the tiger's finger with both hands.

The tiger lifted him easily off the bed, watching Theo hold on before giving him a pinky to stand on for further support.

"Got to be more mindful, Pedro!" Theo grumbled, blushing a bit as he was brought up to the tiger's eye level.

"We were on the bed. You're fine, ya?" Pedro asked and Theo just nodded. "Good. How is your balance?"

"All rats have an excellent sense of balance. Except for Anthony." Theo just said before jumping off and onto the top of the tiger's muzzle. Pedro froze at that, watching the rat stick both hands out as he balanced on one leg as he crossed the tiger's muzzle as if it were a balance beam. "See. Easy. Nothing to it. I can even do it on my hands."

"My little rata is a little dare devil, eh?" Pedro chuffed, an amuse smirk on his face as the rat turned around and walked back towards his paw waiting to catch him in case Theo fell.

"I'm perfectly fine." Theo kept his tail moving the entire time, correcting his balance, and helping him stay on the tiger's snout with ease. "Try crawling across leaky, wet pipes for a living. Now that is a slippery slope. Not your big dumb face," Theo squeaked a laugh.

"What if I..." Pedro couldn't help himself as he dipped his muzzle down then lifted it and swayed it side to side. All with controlled, slow motions making the rat sway on his muzzle to Pedro's amusement.

"Ah, you jerk!" Theo ended up jumping into Pedro's hand who caught him easily, feeling Theo's tail slide between his bottom fingers and curling around it. Theo's tail securing him into Pedro's hand.

"I had you the entire time." Pedro turned Theo towards him before bumping the end of his nose against the rat's body. "You got to learn to trust me, little rata. If you plan to be paying me visits more often, unannounced, like this."

"I will make sure to announce myself each time then." Theo stuck his tongue out. "Can't have you walking around naked during my visit."

"Oh? Did you not like something you saw?" Pedro smirked.

"I saw nothing!" Theo squeaked before covering his face. "We just met..."

"Ah, so given enough time, you wouldn't mind seeing more of me then?" The feline continued to tease the squeaky little rat in his hand as he stomped over to the desk. He didn't let Theo go, but Pedro did take a seat as he continued to talk to him. "I could get used to this."

"What? Holding me hostage?" Theo tried to tease back, sticking his tongue out as the tiger began to roll his fingers and Theo moved along with them like a coin moving between each one as he watched.

"Talking to someone." Pedro just said softly as he pulled over several papers and pens, neatly organizing them with skilled fingers using just the tip of his claw to stop them from rolling off the desk.

"Oh..." Theo's ears fell at that. "I don't get why," he started up as Pedro lowered his hand down so Theo could jump off onto the desk. The rat wiped himself off and worked on his whiskers as he continued. "You seem like a great guy Pedro. Even Anthony is concerned though... IS there something you haven't told me? I don't understand why people don't like you. Even my brother is worried!"

Pedro chuffed at that, watching the rat groom himself. Pedro couldn't help using the tip of his nail to tease one side of Theo's whiskers before the other, making Theo continuously clean for his amusement. The rat looked so cute when he was grooming like this. Bundling up on himself looking like a fluffy round ball of cotton as he meticulously groomed his face and whiskers.

"Most don't need a reason not to hang out with a tiger, little rata." The tiger softly patted his head with one finger. "You are just a strange little guy, is all."

Theo batted his finger away with his tail as he turned around marching away. Pedro chuffed at that, crossing his arms as the rat picked up a pen and turned around with it.

"Going to stab me again?" Pedro quirked an eyebrow and Theo rolled his eyes.

"Stop being so melodramatic." Theo began drawing lines on the paper before finally marking an X down. "I'm X's."

"I suppose that makes me O's, doesn't it?" Pedro reached over and picked up a pen, rolling it between his fingers before making a mark on the paper. Theo followed it up and Pedro took a moment to think of the next move to make. "Do you do games like this back home?"

"Nope." Theo rested the pen over his shoulders, resting back on his tail as he waited for the tiger to go. "It's kind of funny in a way."

"How so?" Pedro marked and he let Theo go before the rat answered.

"Back home? It's super busy. Super crowded! Like, all the time. People coming and going, the streets are full. Sometimes it's easier to scale the houses and just parkour my way to where I need to go." Theo scratched out the failed game and then made another for the two to play. "There are so many people there and yet I usually don't feel like I belong...? How fucked up is that."

"So many rata's and you are... lonely?" Pedro paused, thinking of the right word to choose.

"Well. Sort of? It's not that I'm lonely, or alone. It's just I think I recognize it." Theo said as he made another mark and then carefully made a line through the three X's that Pedro let him win. "Hah. One for me." The rat never catching on how many times the tiger let him win.

"Recognize what, exactly?" Pedro asked, this time, the one to mark out the game for the two.

"Well... as much as I love my family, don't get me wrong!" Theo began as Pedro reached over him, his large hand casting a shadow over the rat's body as he made his move. Theo just kept playing, trying to ignore the uncomfortable tingle that ran down his spine as the shadow of the tiger's hand covered his body for that brief moment. A simple move from the tiger could be life-changing for a guy Theo's size. "A-as much as I love them, they don't really get me."

"And, what, you think I do?" Pedro chuffed as Theo stopped looking up at the tiger.

"No. But I think you want to...?" Theo shrugged before continuing the game as the tiger pondered over what he said. "You want to make a connection with someone. Even willing to hang out with a guy who broke into your room and stole your chips. I mean I know I'm handsome and, frankly, incredible but I still broke in and tried to steal from you." Theo chuckled, placing the pen down and leaning up against it as he wink at the tiger.

"I would say you are a little more... cute. Than handsome." Pedro chuffed, using the tip of his finger to poke the rat's nose who wiggled it after. "I must seem pretty desperate, huh? To want to hang out with the first guy that didn't scream and run away in fear?"

"To be fair. I did." Theo chuckled.

"Yes. But you also came back..." Pedro pointed out and Theo shrugged on that, unable to disagree with the sound logic.

"True. True." Theo was about to start another game when Pedro stopped him with a finger. Pulling the pen, slowly, from the rat's grasp, the tiger set it aside.

"Lie down." Pedro spun his finger around. "And face me."

"What... like this?" Theo did as he was asked and laid on his back looking up at the tiger looming over him as he laid there on the piece of paper.

Pedro held the pen above Theo's head before carefully setting it against his scalp and calmly began to trace the rat on the paper. Before he was even done, Pedro had grabbed a ruler nearby and set it next to Theo's body, getting his height and width before marking down the numbers on the side for later use.

Pedro's had a furrowed brow, focusing on the task at hand as Theo just laid there, unmoving as the tiger wrote down several notes to the side as he stuck the tip of his tongue out the corner of his muzzle, biting it ever so softly.

"There." Pedro said a good ten minutes later. "You can move now."

Theo got up, dusting himself off before turning around and looking at the paper. "What's all this for?"

"It's a start." Pedro just said with a wink before getting up and walking over to the side of the room. Rummaging in one of the cabinets, he pulled out a small wooden box and walked back over. He set it down on the desk, taking a seat and rejoined Theo. "SO, I wasn't sure if you would be comfortable spending the night."

"Uh..." Theo wasn't sure where this was going.

"And a cage was a little... impersonal, sorry about that." Pedro nodded as if understanding why Theo had been so upset the other day when Pedro had offered for him to use it whenever he liked. "I decided I could fix that, and apologize, with a gift. Two birds. One stone."

"A... box?" Theo walked around the wooden box slowly before jumping back as the tiger took hold of one of the sides.

Carefully, Pedro pulled the side open, and the entire wall came down letting Theo look inside. It took the rat a second as he jumped up on the wall before walking into the box. There were gears connected to the wall, looking like the inside of an old clock. Everything had been carved out of wood and fit together perfectly.

"What am I supposed to be seeing?" Theo asked.

"Just trust me. And watch your tail." Pedro pushed the wall back up until it clicked shut trapping Theo inside. Darkness surrounded the rat, who wasn't concerned. Living underground made one get used to the dark.

Pedro took hold of the dial on top of the box and turned it twice before pulling it up.

The walls began to creak and come down, lowering to the ground as the dial clicked back to where it had started. Every gear inside the house turned as the roof lifted up and light flooded inside as the walls came down letting Theo look around.

It was a house, sort of.

A small clockwork house that even had a second floor as Theo kept his tail close, walking up to the second floor to look around. Everything had been carved out of wood and looked rustic and beautiful. There was even a sofa and a bed carved from the wooden floor. Theo walked over to feel them.

"We got a bedroom here," Pedro pointed out with a finger. "A sort of storage room across from it." Then moving down, he pointed at the other rooms that Theo looked down from the open side at, trying to ignore the tiger's face out the open walls. "The fake kitchen."

"Fake?" Theo asked, looking at everything. Sure enough, there was a wooden stove and countertop next to a fridge. "It looks so lifelike... I mean, maybe with a coat of paint."

"Heh, thanks." Pedro said looking over the craftsmanship of the toy house as he ran one hand over one of the four support pillars. "It took a lot of work. I began to tweak and design it for someone living in it in mind. It still needs a lot of work but I'm glad you approve. We can get actual furniture for you to use later on."

"You made this?" Theo asked, curious now. "That's incredibly impressive, Pedro."

The tiger ears splayed out as he laughed, a red hew taking his cheeks under the pale orange fur. He scratched at his white furred chin, thinking it over.

"Back in woodshop, we had this assignment. I'm an engineer major but needed the elective. We had to build things, like really complicated things. Most went with half-projects, as I liked to call them. Only half the inner workings of something to focus on above everything else. I decided if I couldn't do something big..."

"You'd go small." Theo saw where he was going with this.

"Despite how big my hands are," Pedro looked at his hands. "If I use my claws, I can add a lot more refine details to things that others can't. Have you ever seen a wolf try to carve wood into filigree?" He chuffed at the idea as Theo just let him have it, every now and then the tiger taking a jab at a canine. It must be a cat thing. "It was a mess! Ended up chewing on the damned thing, turning it into a dog bone. The professor was not happy with that."

"You were in engineering and now...?" Theo asked, sitting on the edge of the second floor and kicked his legs out to look at the tiger.

"My folks wanted me to be an engineer. Big money in that Pedro." The tiger mimicked their voice. It was a terrible impression, but Theo still laughed. "Along the way, I realize I'm actually really good with my hands! So, I started working on side projects while staying with engineering as a backup." Pedro lifted a hand up, pausing the conversation there.

Getting up, Pedro went back towards the cabinets and began rooting through the drawers until he found several different things. Carefully caring them over, he placed down several different prototypes for possible projects out on the desk in front of the wooden house. One was a car made of metal that Theo hopped down to go take a look at.

It even had a small engine inside as Pedro popped open the front for him to see inside.

"Most of this stuff, I didn't' make." Pedro made sure to say. "I only worked on the main body and the wheels. The wheels took forever!" Pedro shook his head, groaning as he recalled. "Getting the rubber over the metal without ripping or popping the damnable things, dios mio." The tiger growled. "I was thinking, we could remodel it even further... add an engine, a controller and then you'd have your very own race car! That I could control with a remote," Pedro chuffed.

Theo opened up the door, marveling at how lifelike the car looked as he took a seat. He winced and the tiger cocked an eyebrow at that.

"What is the issue?" Pedro asked.

"These seats are terrible!" Theo complained with a laugh as he tried to get comfortable. "It feels like a piece of metal is trying to shove its way into my rear."

Pedro snorted at that, offering a finger. Theo took it with both hands and was lifted out of the car to be set aside.

"Try this." Pedro pushed another smaller box towards the rodent. He pulled off the top of it to show a small tea set, table, and chairs inside. "This was something I was going to gift my madre."

"Oh, wow. I might actually be able to use this." Theo walked over to inspect the teapot. "The lid doesn't come off." He said, struggling to pull at it.

Pedro chuckled before offering up a single finger, the claw sticking out. With skilled precision, the tiger undid the side clasp and Theo nearly fell over as the tea pot lid popped open.

"Oh. Of course." He chuckled, setting the porcelain back down. "This must be expensive..."

"Slightly." Pedro shrugged a shoulder. "There is a lot of this stuff you can buy online. All very expensive."

"Online? You didn't make this?" Theo asked, looking inside the tea pot and was disappointed to see nothing in it.

"Yeah. There are avid collectors all over, online. I just did the table and chairs for the set." Pedro pointed out. "Un memento," he paused once more to get up and grab something else. The tiger returned and set a massive tablet down before Theo, using the back casing to keep it standing up for the two to view.

Pedro typed away on the screen, bringing up several auction items as the rat came over to look at the screen, standing underneath the tiger's muzzle now.

"I was curious, uh, last night. I couldn't sleep. SO, I stayed up a bit, looking at things." The tiger scrolled through countless objects Theo recognized, just shrunk down to his size. "There is a huge market for these things. They can get rather expensive. Collectables, after all, usually are. Miniatures sell for a lot online. There are entire websites dedicated to this kind of stuff! One was just housing, for like dolls... but we could use that for you to! Like the barbie dolls." The tiger chuffed. "You'd look very good in pink."

"For collectors?" Theo asked, curious now as he walked over to look at the screen, ignoring the last remark the tiger had made.

"Well, that and..." Pedro's ears splayed out. "I'm not the first, let's say, that has met one of you little amigos. It's not popular, or socially acceptable... but there are plenty online that have discussed what to do and how to handle meeting a Small..."

Pedro didn't want to admit he had looked up several different forums on the topic and had learned that food, for rats, was a big incentive for a Small to give a Big a chance. The tiger learning everything he could to help their budding friendship bloom into something worth keeping.

Pedro hadn't just looked at furniture online but different outfits as well for the rat. He didn't want to think of Theo as a toy doll, but the comparison was hard to miss. The tiger's phone was larger than the rat was, and it was a strange experience holding Theo in his hand as if he were a toy and yet something alive and moving. It left a funny feeling inside the tiger's chest that he didn't want to dwell on.

"Makes sense." Theo didn't even notice the blush taking the tiger's cheeks as his striped tail swayed nervously at the thoughts. "Making contact is kind of forbidden but it isn't unheard of. We all live in the same world... Sometimes, it just happens." Theo shrugged a shoulder.

"Exactly. Like two little rata's sneaking into a tigre's room." Pedro teased as Theo rolled his eyes. "You are lucky I am so generous. Could you just imagine if I were a stereotypical feline?"

"What? Cruel? Teasing? Constantly picking me up without permission." Theo teased back, giving the tiger a wink. "Nah, I can't see that."

Pedro chuffed before reaching out and, unceremoniously, lifted Theo up by his tail pinched between two fingers.

"Hey!" Theo turned upside down, grabbing at his tail.

"Maybe I should teach you a little lesson, hm...?" Pedro brought Theo towards his lips and licked over them in front of the rat. "I wonder how you'd taste."

"Very funny." Theo turned away. "Pedro!" He said as he was lifted higher, and the tiger opened his muzzle below him.

"What? I'll catch you." Pedro breathed over the rat who squirmed. He chuckled before setting Theo down in his other hand gently. "Too much?"

"A bit." Theo wiped his face off.

"Ah, sorry..." Pedro just picked at his teeth with his other hand. "I am getting hungry..."

"Is this before or after you almost... wait, nope. Never mind. Don't let me know." Theo shook his head, waving it off. "Let's just get something to eat before I end up on the menu."

"You offering?" Pedro had to tease at least once more and got an eye roll for his efforts. "Tough crowd. One of these days though. Lollipop." Pedro stuck a finger in his mouth and pulled it out making an audible pop with a laugh.

"Dude. You need to get laid." Theo just shook his head.

"You offering." The tiger asked as if waiting for Theo to say something along those lines. The rat's face turned red, and the tiger burst out laughing at his expense. "Ah, little chico, you are far too easy sometimes to get riled up."

"I think you're the one whose riled up!" Theo just cursed his poor luck. Out of every Big he could've met, he had to meet a sassy playful tiger. He supposed it was better than a dog. The rat shuddered, thinking of all the slobber baths he would've gotten by now in such a case.

"I'm not that bad." Pedro frowned as Theo wiped his arms off.

"No, no. I'm just thinking of something else." Theo said, trying to wipe off the imaginary drool. The tiger gave him a look and Theo conceded, telling him what he'd been thinking of.

"A dog? Hah. That would be a mess, I agree." Pedro took his phone and began searching through the apps. "Pizza sound good?"

"Pizza? Hell yes!" Theo jumped at the idea only for thirty minutes later, to fall over in defeat. "These slices are bigger than I am!" He complained after Pedro paid the delivery dog and set the pizza down on the desk in front of him.

"What? You think they sell teeny tiny pizzas?" Pedro crouched down to look over Theo's shoulder at the pizza. "Smells delicious."

"Better be talking about the pizza!" Theo warned, waving a hand at the tiger's face who pulled back with a chuff.

"Just saying, you'd make the perfect topping." Pedro shrugged a shoulder as if it were a compliment and took a seat, grabbing a piece for himself. "Let it cool off. Then you can help yourself." The tiger said blowing on the slice in hand and still wincing as the cheese dripped over his fingers.

"Just shut up and eat." Theo laughed as he picked up a roasted tomato topping and munched away on it. "One nice thing being a rat, I can eat practically anything. Hot, cold, spicy, bland? Old... I can stomach it all," he said slapping his stomach. "Even tiger!" He bared his teeth menacingly and got a chuff of hot tiger breath for his efforts. It smelled of cheese.

"Cute." Pedro tapped a finger on Theo's head gently. "You in a playful mood today, no?"

"Am I...? Sorry." Theo's ears splayed out.

"No, no. That isn't what I meant. I like the tough little rata being spicy." Pedro rested on an arm, watching Theo. "Is there something on your mind, little rata? You don't usually get this worked up."

"... Just something my brother said," Theo sighed, turning towards the tiger who lifted an eyebrow.

"What did little Antonio say?" Pedro asked, tail flicking.

"Anthony." Theo corrected out of habit and got an amused chuff from the tiger who just smirked. "He was, uh, worried. About you."

"Because I am Big?" Pedro asked.

"Yes. And no. He was worried you were taking advantage of our... friendship." Theo licked the tomato sauce from his fingers before using the napkin Pedro offered to dry them off after. The tiger had gotten wet naps for Theo to use after eating, the rat refusing to wash his hands in the sink in the bathroom due to fear of going down the drain.

It was how his uncle went. Flushed away.

"Oh?" Pedro frowned, thinking it over. "Such as?"

"With your homework and... such." Theo couldn't look at the tiger watching him. "I'm sorry, Pedro. I don't think anyone back home would understand me... hanging out with you."

The tiger closed his eyes. "An you think anyone here would understand why a big ol' tigre like me is hanging out with a small, if cute, rata, like you?"

"It's cause I'm so incredible, remember?" Theo teased but faltered, unable to keep up the joking. "This is... really strange. Isn't it? Us? Hanging out. Being friends...? Is it too much...?"

"That is a question you can only answer, Theo." Pedro opened his eyes slowly to look at the rat. "Is it too much for you?"

Theo wasn't sure how to answer that and distracted himself with another slice of tomato.

"Well, let me start then." Pedro lifted back up, giving Theo some space to think and gave a stretch. "I am using you." He started and Theo nearly coughed out his food, turning to look at him. "You are very small and cute, and it has been a lot of fun having the little rata coming over throughout the week to keep me company and help me with my homework."

"So, I am helping you with your homework..." Theo frowned a bit, whiskers drooping.

"My grades have never been better." Pedro said, resting back down against the desk. He reached a handout and pet the back of Theo's head, down his back and over his tail. "You have also helped with the loneliness. As well as," Pedro chuckled, playing with Theo's tail now with a finger. "With getting me back into working on projects again. It has been over a year since I even bothered to pick up my tools and now, within these past three weeks, I have built over fifteen things. Maybe not complete but worked on. That's... that's incredible. I was thinking of going back home after this semester and now, maybe I'll stick around for another year. Maybe... maybe get a place here in town? Somewhere a little rata could come to visit, posiblemente? I could design an entire room for you to explore, heh. The ideas are flowing through me and it's... exciting."

Theo's ears folded back, unsure what to say to all this.

"I saw your little notebook when you first left your satchel here. I was curious," the feline shrugged as if it were natural to be. "You have a lot of ideas, Theo. Maybe, to many ideas. They are big ideas for such a small guy, like you."

Theo blushed at that. "Well, I-," he started up, but the tiger just held up a massive hand stopping him.

"What I'm getting at, is maybe..." Pedro tapped a finger on the desk, not looking at Theo. "I can maybe help you with them...?"

"Help me...?" Theo wasn't sure what the tiger was getting at.

"When we worked on the door, together." Pedro motioned over to the hatch on the wall. "That was... fun. You didn't once seem... scared of me. When I was helping you. When I could be of help! You weren't... shaking." The tiger finger stopped tapping and Pedro looking away. "I know how I appear, to others. It's been with me ever since I was a small kitten but... but I like to think, to believe that if I was a kitten and I had met you? We still would've have become friends..."

Theo took a second on that, digesting everything he had just heard and making sense of it.

"I get it, I do. If I don't kidnap you and use you then... well... We wouldn't be here now. I'm a tigre and you are," Pedro started up, but it was Theo's turn to interrupt.

"I use you all the time to!" Theo jumped up, shouting back at the tiger who jump slightly at that, looking at the tiny rat that had startled him. "Yeah! I use you to, don't go thinking you are the only one. I use you for your food and to help getting things down from a tall shelf, and and... I use you for warmth! You are very warm, and it gets cold in here," the rat shivered as if it were cold. "You aren't the only one who... who uses others..."

Theo rubbed his arm, tail curling around his legs.

"I hate this." Theo sighed, covering his face with both hands. "I hate how small I am. I hate being tiny! I can't... I got such big dreams! I want to create things. Buildings, skyscrapers! I want to make things with my hands, but I can't. I'm so... small. Insignificant..."

Theo stopped, bending down, tailing curling around him as he tucked his face against his knees.

"Dammit. I fucking hate it... I hate being small and useless and just... just another rat in the wall." Theo sobbed silently as he held himself. "Pedro. I would've given anything to be like you. Big and capable and just... able to change the world."

"Little guy..." Pedro stopped, taking a second before reaching out and petting the rat on the head softly. "Rata, you are very big."

"What? I'm not big." Theo squeaked, rubbed his eyes, looking up at the tiger angrily.

"No, no. Listen. You are very big, here." Pedro lifted up Theo's chin with a finger before pointing to the rat's chest. "There are very few rata's... very few Small folk that would dare to venture out from their homes. Wanting to change things? To make things better? Most are comfortable with where they are. Just twiddling their thumbs until the day, they die." The tiger spat to the side at the very idea. "You are not like that. Not like them, Theo."

The rat sniffled at that as Pedro wiped his face off with the back of one pale orange furred finger.

"Now then if any little rata's pick on you? You come to me." The tiger chuffed, resting his chin on an arm as he pet over Theo's head. "Some fat rat or dumb squirrel or old hare? You tell Pedro. This tiger has quite the appetite after all," Pedro grinned showing off his fangs before chuffing out a laugh. "And if you need help with any of these big brained projects of yours, I can be of use. You can use me Theo... just as I use you."

"I don't think," Theo sniffled. "That's how a friendship is supposed to go, Pedro."

"There is nothing normal about this." The tiger chuckled. "And I'm okay with that," he moved a bit closer, bringing Theo closer with a hand before nuzzling against the small rodent with his snout. "I'm okay with that, if you are." He breathed out making Theo shudder.

"You use me, and I use you. Everyone wins...?" Theo giggled as the tiger's whiskers brushed over his body making him squirm. "P-Pedro, that tickles."

The tiger chirred softly, a deep rumbling sound in his throat as he scooped the rat up and held him by his tail again. Without a word, Pedro brought the two back over to the bed to lay back down on. Theo wasn't set on the pillow this time, but the tiger's bare chest. His fur was soft and the ground beneath him rose with Pedro's lumbering breath that growled between his lips. Pedro radiated warmth.

Resting back on an arm, the tiger poked at Theo with his other who was looking at him.

"Now then. Which big brained project do you want to do first? Make it something... big! Something this tiger can help out with. We'll show those little rata's back home that you are the smart one around here." Pedro chuckled. "Well, we both know you are. Let's show them, then, how their lives could be better with a little brawn." Pedro flexed for Theo who chuckled. "I'll just a be tool for you to use. A lot of brawn."

"And a lot of brain." Theo agreed as he pulled out his satchel on the tiger's chest, going over his notebooks to find the right one. "Well... there is one major project I do want to try and fix."

"Oh? Look at you, little chico, got it all figured out." Pedro chuffed. "What is it?"

"Our grain silo is damaged. I'm not sure by what yet... but if we fix it, maybe then... then we won't have to move again..." Theo's ears splayed out, not looking at the tiger. He could feel the tiger's breath hitch underneath him, catching Pedro by surprise from what he had just said.

"Move...?" Pedro hesitated.

"It's natural for us to move often. If there is something... wrong. Instead of sticking around, trying to fix and repair things. We tend to just up and move. Disassemble, recycle, rebuild... that's the rat's way." Theo shook his head as he looked down at his notebooks. "I want to make something, Pedro. Something that lasts! Not. Not these cardboard box towns."

The tiger quirked an eyebrow but didn't interrupt as Theo flipped through the pages of one of his books.

"If I can fix the grain deposit and make sure the silo is okay, I think... I think I can get them to stay!" Theo thought it over as he sat there. "The main issue is the spout," he motioning to his drawing tapping the image several times. "If we can find the cause of the blockage, remove it and repair the damage that was done then everything should be able to take care of itself from there."

"Take care of itself?" Pedro asked.

"Rats tend to fix whatever is around us. Kind of like a body repairs damage tissue? If something breaks, or injured, then the rats will swarm like cells to repair whatever was hurt. However, they are also very stupid." Theo sighed, crossing his arms and legs, closing his eyes, and tilting his head to the side as he thought it over. "They tend to focus so much on what is right in front of them that they don't know what the main issue is causing it the problem..."

"They fix the issue, not the problem." Pedro mused, thinking it over as he rested back. "Well then, at least now we know where to go from here, eh? Little amigo." The tiger reached over and grabbed the remote for the TV resting in Theo's mock living room on the nightstand table next to Pedro's bed. "How about this. You chill with the big ol' tigre for today then this big kitty will help you fix whatever problem is causing you to worry so much."

"I... would you do that? I mean. I could get the rats to sort it out once I figure out the issue and then," Theo mumbled.

"I'll do it!" Pedro just announced loudly making Theo's ears ring. "Sorry," the tiger chuckled ears splaying out in embarrassment. "I meant; I will do it for you. To show. I can be useful."

"Right... thank you, Pedro. Once we do this, I'm sure Anthony will come around! We can fix this. Save Rathole and then..." Theo trailed off, lifting his notebook up to hide his blushing face.

"When we save your little city, then I will ask you again if you wish to move in and be my roomie." Pedro nudged his head towards the wooden box house he was working on. "By then, I am sure to have running water and working electricity in it."

Theo chuckled at that before putting his things away. Once they were safely tucked away and zipped up in his bag, it was plucked out of his tiny hands by the tiger who set it on the nearby nightstand. Holding Theo with a hand, Pedro turned to face towards the TV, getting comfortable before setting the rat down on the bed next to him.

"We still have three episodes left of Inigo Montoya, the man who will avenge his father." Pedro said getting excited already starting up the episode. "I think I know who it was. The count's assistance has just been a little too friendly with him."

"No way, she is clearly the love interest! It's his wicked stepmother," Theo rested back against the furry wall that was Pedro's chest. It was warm and smelled of the tiger. The slight shift and movement of Pedro's breath made Theo blush lightly. "After she slept with his aunt, who turned out to be his biological mother, I'm sure they are setting her up to be the villainess. That way she can marry the mine owner and get the deed to the city."

The tiger chuckled, reaching down to hold the small rat with his hand.

"Are you able to see?" Pedro asked softly.

"Yeah. I've always had good eyes, even for a rat." Theo nodded.

"Good... are you comfortable?" Pedro asked, not letting the rat go.

"I'm good. Your hand is very warm..." Theo just said holding the tiger's index finger.

"Good... if you need anything." Pedro asked.

"Pedro!" Theo laughed. "I'm good. Being here with you is the best already. Everything is great. We'll fix Rathole, become heroes, and then everything will be just great." Theo wiggled backwards into Pedro's chest fur was all around him, breathing in the tiger's natural musky scent before exhaling.

He didn't even notice, two hours later, his eyes beginning to drift off and his small body curling up in Pedro's hand as the tiger watched him sleep. Tucked away in the safety and warm embrace against the tiger's chest.

Just a small warm cotton ball, snoozing away in the tiger's palm.

"Buenas noches, little rata." Pedro purred softly, nosing down at the fuzz ball. "Gracious, for trusting me. Theo."