D-Gen Bounty Board Template

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#14 of D-Gen Cafe

This is the template that will be used should someone wish to commission a story in the style of a bounty submission. The rules stated are mostly for flavor text, but are mostly the same to fit the setting. No political figures or someone too important. You need not worry about filling it in exactly, some of it is just flavor (like the amount) but it will give you a good idea what I'm looking for.

Also of note, if someone is to get a story in this style: The intro information here will NOT count towards the wordcount total. I'm not going to force people to pay for 1000 words of fluff just for a style. I'm not that big of a dick.

Basic Rules:

  • Fill the info below with as much detail as possible. Providing pictures of the target is very helpful.

  • No public figures (politicians, international CEOs, movie stars, etc). It brings too much attention. Hire a real hit man for that.

  • Previous age restrictions have been lifted, but be aware that this will limit the willing hunters.

  • Do not post a bounty on another member of D-Gen Cafe without their permission.

  • D-Gen Cafe members may post a bounty on themselves. Payment must be paid in advance to D-Gen, and will be given to the hunter when proof is delivered.

  • Hunters must provide proof in the form of video or photographic evidence of the successful bounty before they are given payment. Police reports are not acceptable proof.

  • Failure to pay a completed bounty will result in a bounty being posted by the D-Gen staff on you! (we also have a very good 'asset recovery' team, if you catch our drift)

  • Multiple hunters may try and go after the same bounty, but try not to. Though if you kill each other in the attempt, feel free and add that to the proof.

The Bounty


Target Name:





Brief Description:

Possible Location:

Preferred Method of Execution:

Special Requests:


Other Info:

Hunt Completed By:

Proof of Completion: