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Woman to herm chimera. (No, not that chimera, another one, she's got the week off.)

In the quest for wealth, one woman discovers a long-forgotten curse that has her becoming more familiar with various monsters from Greek mythology.

This was actually finished last week but I completely forgot to upload it. Oops.

Amina knew that it had taken her longer to find the location of the temple than it was taking to descend from where she dangled below a hole in the ground leading into it. But it was certainly taking long enough. Far longer than it needed to. Far longer than she should have to put up with. It had better be fucking worth it.

Ever since she was a girl, her mother had told her stories of the hidden temples in the old country. Vast, sprawling abodes fit for the gods, like the more famous ones--the Temple of Athena, the Parthenon, the one for ... what was his name? Hefeweizen? Heliocentric? Whatever. That one. It was in rough shape, but still more or less standing strong after 1,600 years. There were the ones only her mother bothered to remember, the ones that were basically old ruined pillars jutting from the ground like broken bones piercing through skin. Her mother still spoke reverently of the pillars, sometimes of the old gods themselves. Amina however was mostly concerned with one thing.

"Are there still ones with gold?" she would ask. "Jewels? Emeralds? Sapphires? Frankincense and ... Frankincense and whatever? Maybe a promising stock portfolio hidden in an ancient marble vault somewhere?"

Amina had been brought up wealthy, her mother marrying a day-trader that had gotten lucky by investing early in a small company that made delicious but heart-destroying energy beverages. She was a second-generation immigrant from this dick-end little country. And like all rich children, she had grown up wanting one thing above all others: More.

Endless growth. Capital gains. Whatever buzzwords people that moved other people's imaginary money around were calling it this week. For a time Amina had tried to learn the "trade" from her father, but she didn't have a good head for numbers or market predictions. She had a natural talent for enjoying money, not necessarily creating it. And so when differences between her parents became too great to ignore and they had finally filed for divorce, Amina's mother found herself in a bad position. Her father could afford any lawyer he'd ever need, and he didn't seem to want anything to do with her, the prick. Especially not when he found a sweet young blonde half his age to spend his time with. Her mother--who had never had the minimum forethought required to sign a profitable marriage contract--ended up with just enough money to take her daughter on a fabulous once-in-a-lifetime trip to ...

This shithole country. Amina couldn't believe her mother was proud of this place. You had to drive a mile to get to a decent coffee shop. How did these people live like this? Her mother had recently come down with a mild fever and had remained in their ratty hotel while she attempted to find something to do. The beaches were nice at least, but devoid of any potential rich suitors she could entice with her faux warm smile and mysterious dark eyes. There were some decent looking Greek men, but they wouldn't do. Too hairy, for one. Too poor, for another. She wanted to find some rich American boytoy to hit it off with. Maybe one from the UK. Not France, though. Their accents were gross. But this shithole area failed to provide even that, and so Amina had fallen back on the one fantasy from her childhood that had stuck with her into adulthood: finding gold in a hidden temple.

She had been surprised when it had taken only a few days to find one. What was even more surprising was that it was five minutes from her hotel in a tiny, quasi-abandoned park. How was it that nobody knew this thing was here? Amina supposed it wasn't that surprising, given just how stupid everyone seemed to be in this town.

There was gold down here. There had to be.

The hole was just ... there. Uncovered, so that any miscreant inbred child could stumble into it. Her grip on the rope loosened just enough to give her a start when she thought for a moment that maybe they had. The suffocating darkness may conceal the rotting corpses of a few unlucky seven-year-olds that were staring up at her with milky white sightless eyes even now as her feet hovered just a foot above their lifeless bodies.

Gross. She didn't want to step in that shit.

Amina was comforted as she told herself that if she was dangling above something icky then she would've smelled it by now. It was better to concentrate on what she was doing. Her hands were getting sore. Why hadn't she thought to buy some gloves when she had purchased the rope and the tampon. Crampon? That's what the little hook thing that held the rope was called right? Whatever.

Regardless of what it was called, Amina was now literally at the end of her rope. Her feet dangled in the empty air, desperately stretching her feet to try to find the floor. It couldn't have been much further, right? She had climbed down for like a million miles. Maybe she should just let go? There might be another way out of the place after she found the billions of dollars worth of gold that was probably waiting right around the corner.

She looked ahead, barely able to make out the waning light of the open sky overhead. Fuck. She'd have to climb back up, wouldn't she? Get a longer rope. Climb all the way back down here. Fuck. That also meant she'd probably have to answer the half-dozen text messages her mother had sent her wondering where she was. Stupid needy cow.

With a frustrated scream, she began her ascent, thankful in whatever small way she was capable of being that she was a naturally gifted climber. All those years in the stupid P.E. class at her expensive preparatory school had given her something at least.

Amina let out a loud gasp as her feet were suddenly on solid ground. That didn't make any sense. She couldn't feel the floor before, so why was it suddenly right underneath her as she was starting to climb back up. She wasn't sure who to blame at first, but finally settled on the shitty rope. It must have stretched as she was climbing down. Or something. Whatever.

It didn't matter. Gold.

Amina tested her footing, and was moderately grateful that the stone floor seemed fairly stable. The temple must have sunk into the earth a jillion years ago, but it must have sunk as one complete piece, leaving the foundation undamaged. The Ancient Fucks knew how to build a decent temple at least.

She had everything she needed. Obviously. She was too smart not to. Rope? Check. Tamp-crampon? Check. Big-ass sack to put all the stolen treasure in? Check. The only thing she was missing was a flashlight to help her see in all this God-damned ...

The only thing she was missing was a flashlight. She was missing a flashlight. She was missing a fucking flashlight!

"Fuck!" she exclaimed as she looked back above her. The sun must have set overhead. She was in complete darkness. "Fuck!" Okay, no big deal. Climb back up the rope, go back to the hotel, try not to get whatever bubonic plague her mom had come down with, and then go get a flashlight tomorrow and climb back down and get rich beyond what anyone could possibly imagine. It hadn't been her fault anyway. She told the fuckwit at the store that she was doing some spelunking. He should've told her she'd need a flashlight. How could anyone be so fucking stupid? She'd just go back up the rope and ...

Where was the rope? Amina started to freak out, her breathing coming out as increasingly panicked groans as she waved her arms futilely in the darkness for the rope that had brought her to this miserable spot. Nothing. It simply wasn't there. How the fuck was it not there? She hadn't moved an inch since she'd reached the bottom. Did the fucking thing just disappear?

Amina started screaming for help, though she knew it was pointless. The place above her was a park in name only. It was obvious no one had been here in a very long time. No one would be stumbling through it. Certainly not until morning.

With a frustrated scream, Amina realized she may have to wait the entire night here. Or perhaps her useless mother would call the cops when she didn't show up. Surely they'd find her soon. She sighed and turned around, alone in this forgotten corner of sleep-inducing history with only her empty bag and the soft blue glow of the walls for company.


The walls were glowing, giving off enough light for her to realize she was standing in the middle of a long hallway, its arched ceiling rising higher than seemed possible given the relatively short distance she had just climbed. She couldn't even see the hole now.

Fine. Whatever. Some sort of bio ... bio-luminescence or something? One of those useless things they tried to teach her back in class when she'd obviously been spending her time flirting with a rich son of the owner of a large baby food manufacturing company. The hallway led to a much larger room, and Amina could swear that even now she could detect the twinkle of something shiny just ahead.

With a childish squeal she ran forward, the completely absent rope no longer a vague concern in the face of her impending wealth.

She passed through the doorway into a room so vast it seemed impossible. She was able to see a hundred feet above her, and the ceiling was still nowhere to be found. For a moment she wondered how such a large room could even exist underground when the unseen ceiling certainly extended past the ground above. Her concerns lasted for half a second before she beheld the contents of the room.

The room itself was as empty as it was monolithic. Aside from its size, there wasn't a single thing worth mentioning about it. Well, that and what was in the center.

Gold. There was gold. It was in the form of seven monstrous statues, but it was gold. The precious metal itself would've set her up for life, but that wasn't even factoring in the archaeological significance to this wholly insignificant country that her find surely represented. Such important historical artifacts were surely worth a historical finder's fee, right? That or the black market. Whichever paid more.

She stepped closer, eyes wide as she beheld the statues. Each was set atop a meager pedestal wholly undeserving of their splendor. The forms depicted in the statues themselves were more than a little unnerving. She recognized a centaur, a griffin, and a lion. The other four were one of those silly monsters the peasants of the time--and likely their backwoods modern-day descendents--believed in. A sort of dragon lady. A bat lady. A bull. Another bull. "Such an imaginative people," she sarcastically groaned.

Whatever. Gold time.

Amina set her bag to the ground, opening it and trying to decide which statue to take. She could fit two of the smaller ones in her sack, hide them somewhere, and come back for the rest. But which two?

The dragon lady was creepy. So was the bat lady. So they were out of the running. The kitty was sort of cute in a dull way, and would fit in her bag leaving enough room for one of the bull statues. The bag wasn't big enough to grab all seven of them. She wasn't sure how she could blame that fact on anyone else, but she was certain she'd think of a reason eventually.

Amina reached out triumphantly, grabbing hold of the two statues simultaneously in her eagerness to hasten the process of regaining her upper class status. She fumbled with the bag for a moment before shoving one then the other into the empty brown sack, squealing happily as they slid inside.

She was contemplating if she had enough room to grab a third before she felt her hands begin to burn--not cramp, not ache, literally burn. She screamed in horror as she shook her hands, desperately trying to put out the strange blue flame that had materialized from seemingly nowhere. Strangely, she felt no burning pain, just a warm pulsing sensation like blood being pumped into a leg that had fallen asleep. Holding them in front of her face, she squinted at them in the dim light. "What the fuck is going on?"

As if in answer, the flames slowly ebbed away, fading without any fanfare as she flexed her fingers and examined her palms, looking for any sign of damage. Her hands were perfectly fine, aside from a few disgusting calluses that had started to form from her descent down the rope. She looked in confusion to the remaining five statues as if questioning them for what had just occurred. She slowly backed away, her greed being surpassed by her own need for self preservation. However, as she reached for the bag a new type of fear set in.

Something was wrong. The fingers on her left hand seemed shorter than she remembered, and she was fairly certain it wasn't the dim light playing tricks on her. She brought her right hand next to her left to compare and confirmed that indeed the digits were shorter and continuing to shrink as she watched. What's worse, the fingers on her right hand were not just longer, they were growing, stretching until it became uncomfortable to flex them. She backed away from the statues in terror before bumping suddenly into a wall that she was positive wasn't that close a moment before. The calluses from the rope seemed to be swelling, turning darker as they puffed from her fingers and her palm, the ends of her fingers shrinking much faster than the rest of them until they were no longer there at all. She felt a sharp pain like the prick of a needle at the end of each finger as a small translucent point pressed outwards, sliding faster and faster until her stubby fingers ended in claws. She shook her left hand again as if hoping the claws would simply fall away, only to feel a strange sensation as they actually seemed to retract into her fingers. She flexed her hand and was surprised to find that if she stretched it, the claws would extract themselves. Examining the palm of her hand again, she let out a moan as yellow hairs could be seen in between each individual pad, encircling the middle palm and poking out from between the pads on what used to be her fingers. The hair began growing from the top of her hand as well, slowly thickening until less and less skin was visible. It continued creeping up to her wrists, and then past them as a trail of bright golden hair began growing from the middle of her forearms.

"No no no no, what the fuck, no no!" She examined her other hand, expecting more of the same but found it was undergoing a completely different transformation. Her fingers were freakishly long now, nearly half the length of her forearm, which itself was lengthening. The bones in her fingers felt unnatural as she discovered she was having a harder and harder time spreading the digits apart. Finally the joints seemed to cease working that way at all as a thin membrane of skin grew between each finger, reminding her momentarily of a disgusting dead frog she'd been forced to pretend to dissect back in high school. As the bones in her fingers became increasingly connected, their lengthening seemed to speed up along with her growing arm until her entire limb hung almost to her knees. Finally she couldn't separate her fingers at all, as they had completely fused together into some sort of tentacle.

Turning her attention back to her left arm she found the hair had almost completely enveloped her forearms and was now spreading past her elbows on its journey to her shoulders. A tightness was felt deep within her limb and as she flexed her biceps she found a swell in them that simply hadn't been there before. Her left arm was swelling so much that she was soon able to observe the growth of the hair as it crept all the way to her elbow when her shirt sleeve split, unable to contain the increased muscle mass. The hair was making her arm uncomfortably warm as several layers of it were forming, a thick undercoat lying just beneath the soft golden ...

Fur? No. No no no.

"Please, God, don't let me be turning into a furry. Just kill me now, okay?"

She tried to reach for her neck with her other arm, screaming in disgust as she saw it was now a single length of skin, wriggling and twitching in the dim light. She was afraid the fur was going to begin to creep up her neck, but thankfully it seemed content to stop at her shoulder with sparse golden and white hairs forming the boundary of its expansion. Maybe it was over? Maybe it wouldn't reach her face?

She turned her attention back to her right arm and screamed again as she felt thousands of points of sensation all across the four foot length. It was similar to what she felt as the follicles of her skin on her left arm grew individual strands of fur, but instead of hair, thousands of tiny flat ... somethings ... were growing from her skin instead. As they continued to develop they took on a green sheen, then black, then purple, shining translucently in the blue light. It would've been pretty had it not been her normal human arm a moment ago.

Scales. They were scales. She was growing scales from her arm. "Oh God, it's not an arm anymore, it's a fucking tail!" She flipped the arm-tail over, shuddering as she felt how unnervingly automatic and natural the motion was. In contrast to the tops of her tail, the bottom was smooth and white, with little lines running perpendicular to the length of her arm itself. The skin looked like it would be more at home slithering through the grass than covering the bottom of what used to be a normal human arm. Examining the top of her tail again showed that some of her scales had turned a darker shade of green, forming a strangely appealing diamond pattern that repeated itself down the entire length of the appendage. Again, thankfully, the changes simply stopped at her elbow.

Amina needed someone to blame for this. She NEEDED someone to blame for this. She looked at the innocent brown bag sitting on the floor, the head of the golden bull seeming to stare at her mockingly.

"This is your fucking fault, isn't it?!" She made to kick the bag, though she slowed her foot before it connected to the hard metal. She didn't need a broken toe in addition to all of this. "Some sort of curse then? Wait ..."

She had touched the lion with her left arm and it had turned into the leg of a lion. That made sense--or as close to sense as this situation allowed--but what about the bull? Shouldn't her right arm be a hoof or something? She shifted the opening to the bag aside, peering at the second statue until she noticed something was off about its tail. It was the body of a serpent, even ending in its head.

"Oh." She bent her tail-arm to her face, examining the tip and breathing a sigh of relief when it had at least not ended in a second head, merely the tip of the tail of an animal she didn't want anything to do with.

Amina was silent for a moment, merely staring at the two statues. "I touched you and ...," she finally addressed them, "I touched you and I turned into you. Or at least, part of me did. Right arm snake, left arm kitty-cat." She looked at the remaining five statues, who stared back at her eerily. She was almost certain they had not been facing her before. "Does that mean if I touched another one I would've ended up with part of whatever it is growing from me? But I don't have another arm for it to change, right? Would it change another part of me?"

For a moment, Amina contemplated what would happen if she moved to take another statue. It would be horrible, right? More animal bits? It was a moot point anyway, the bag wasn't large enough to ...

The bag was large enough to. She wasn't sure how she had misjudged it before, but the bag was twice as large as she remembered. Plenty of room to fit another few statues. But that would be foolish. Right?

Amina stared at the statues. What would happen? She had enough flexibility to pick up another one with her tail-arm. Maybe if she threw it in the bag fast enough it wouldn't have time to ... react to her? Infect her? And as long as she wasn't kicking the thing into the bag it wouldn't be able to change her leg or something. Maybe it would change her arm into something else, something more manageable?

And maybe it would make her half again as rich when she sold the stupid thing. Being a mutant might keep her off the front of Forbes but it wouldn't keep her from finding a buyer for these things. It might turn someone else into a freak, but who the fuck cared about that?

Even more than that, if she would've known it was going to turn her into a freak then she would've taken the biggest one. It had to be worth more money. It only made sense that she should take that one. She would've chosen it if she had known this would happen.

She walked in a circle around the remaining statues, keeping an eye on the bag as if expecting it to decide to suddenly disappear. She half expected the statues to turn to face her as she paced around them, but was happy that they did not.

"The biggest one would be ..." She examined the statues, trying to decide which would be the most valuable. "You? I guess?" She addressed one statue that was slightly larger than the others. She had no idea what this one was supposed to represent. It seemed like the upper half of its torso was a very well endowed woman, the bottom half some sort of dragon. It was nursing something that looked vaguely like a Pokemon from its breast like it was her child.

"This is stupid." This was stupid. "This is a stupid idea." This was a stupid idea. "But, yeah, Ima do it."

She retrieved her bag, finding that if she unsheathed her claws she had enough of a grip to grasp it. The new muscles in her arm seemed a mixed blessing as she was able to lift the heavy bag easily. Holding her tail aloft, she hesitated for just a moment before swiftly wrapping it around the third statue and quickly tossing it into the bag. She took a few steps back, examining her tail to see if it would change into a wing or a leg or something. She let out a sigh in relief when no change occurred in her arms.

It was, however, occurring somewhere else. The straps of her bra began to dig heavily and painfully into her shoulders, sliding smoothly over the scales of her right shoulder but pulling at the hairs on her left. She felt a cool breeze on her tummy as her shirt started to lift slightly, pulled upwards as her breasts began to swell. She fidgeted, tugging unthinkingly at her shirt before she realized that something was indeed happening.

"Oh, come onnnnn! I didn't fucking touch it there! It wasn't like I fucking motor-boated the stupid thing!"

The tightness was becoming painful and she groaned as she used her claws to slice one strap, then the other before pulling the garment from underneath her shirt and tossing it aside. Her swelling tits seemed to grow faster now that they weren't being restrained and were soon threatening to further split the seams at her shoulders.

"Fine! Let's get this over with." She awkwardly fumbled her way out of her shirt before tossing it into the corner atop her bra. The things had gone from small to modest to ample to embarrassingly large and were rapidly approaching ludicrous territory, sliding down her chest slowly as they succumbed to gravity. She'd need to invest in custom made bras from now on, but that would hardly be an issue when she was filthy rich. Her nipples were swelling as well, thickening to the width of a grape and still swelling as they grew several inches longer with no signs of stopping. Her lower back was beginning to ache as they continued growing, past the size of cantaloupes, then basketballs, before finally stopping around the size and shape of an oversized watermelon, her thick teats pointing almost downward as her udders rested against her belly and waist, surrounded by areola the size of a dinner plate. The entire time she was observing her growth she was nervously shifting her weight from one foot onto the other, though she stopped when the motion caused them to sway heavily. "Fucking gross! But I can get a reduction. It's fine! Right?"

It was not fine. Just as she was contemplating touching the new additions, six additional sharp sensations were felt underneath them trailing down her torso. "Okay, now fucking what?" She tried to lift her tits to examine what was happening underneath, although the limited flexibility of her leonine fingertips made that seemingly impossible. They were simply too large, too heavy.

Too soft. Too lush. Too perfect.

She shook the thoughts from her head as she decided to simply push her breasts apart to try to see what was going on. She let out a shriek as she saw that the sensations were coming from four additional teats growing from her torso, with another two pressing out from the inside of her shorts, nearly level with the tops of her legs. "What the FUCK?! No!" The teats were starting to rival the size of her original ones, and to make matters much worse they were sitting atop jiggling flesh that heralded the arrival of three more pairs of breasts. "I won't be able to walk with eight of those!"

The pain in her back was becoming severe and threatened to pull her to the ground. Before she succumbed to the weight, she knew she had to get her shorts off or the new growths would risk shredding them. She made to kick one of her shoes off, although the shift in her weight soon sent her tumbling to the ground, where she landed on her ass, her massive breasts tumbling painfully to her sides, allowing her to more easily witness the continued growth of the other six. The second and third pairs had already grown larger than her head and were continuing to swell, her lowermost fighting to catch up but restrained by her tight denim shorts. Surely they wouldn't get as large as the originals, right?

She kicked off her shoes and attempted to wiggle her way out of her shorts, but every time she moved there was an avalanche of breast flesh to contend with, soft sweaty skin getting in the way of her movements. She shifted forward, nearly toppling to the ground as she slowly maneuvered herself to balance on her paw and knees. She reached backwards to the waist of her shorts with her tail-arm, trying to slide it down her legs before giving up and frantically trying to simply tear them away. Anything would be better than the pain she was now feeling as her bottommost pair were fighting against the denim as they continued to expand. She had managed to slither the tip underneath her belt for just a moment before the waist became too tight for even that. She resignedly grit her teeth, deciding to wait out the growth until they finally tore themselves free. The relief was incredible, but whatever happiness she felt was short-lived as she felt her second pair of breasts touch the stone floor alongside her first. Soon she felt the third, then the fourth touch the ground as they swelled to the same horrible size and shape of the first pair.

She screamed in horror and frustration before turning her eyes towards the bag that contained the third statue. "Why do I have extra boobs?! The statue didn't have extra boobs! Why the fuck do I have extra boobs?! Where's the logical consistency here?!" She tried to raise herself to a position where she could stand, but her paw soon slipped against something wet. She slid her tail-arm underneath her udders before holding it to her face. A single thick-yellow white drop slid partway down the length of the tail before dropping to the floor, an audible wet drop confirming what she was afraid of.

"I'm lactating? I'm fucking lactating?! Am I becoming preggernet?!" This would be harder to deal with. But surely she'd be able to afford some of the best surgeons in the world after this ordeal. She'd just have the fucking things removed. A new sensation developed even as she was beginning to think the newest round of changes was drawing to a close. It felt just like what had happened to her right arm when she had grown ...

"Oh no no no. Please don't give me snake boobs."

Scales of the same shifting luminescence were soon sliding from the skin of her breasts. Despite the scales, the wretched things hadn't lost any of their softness, instead feeling like soft velvety leather as they slid against one another. She managed to shift her weight to again fall unceremoniously on her backside, wincing as the cold stone touched her naked flesh, although that was soon no longer an issue as the puddle of her warm milk continued to expand beneath her. The breasts were everywhere, fighting for room against her relatively tiny frame. She was now able to observe just how long her nipples had grown, nearly eight inches of teat flesh perfect for suckling the younger generation of monsters. The skin had gone from her normal shade of light brown to a dark crimson that contrasted greatly with the dark scales covering the rest of her breasts and even now wrapping around her sides to slowly encompass her back.

There was no way she could climb back up the rope now, even if she could find the damned thing. It would be hard enough with one arm and one tail-for-an-arm, but with the added weight of her udders she'd be lucky to be able to walk out of the room. If only the rest of her had grown muscles like her arm did. She wished one of these stupid statues would give her something useful, like ...


She only now noticed that the remaining bull statue wasn't just a bull. It was a bull-person. A bull-person with a very well-defined muscle structure.

"Okay. Hear me out." She wasn't sure who she was talking to. Herself? The statues? The bag? "I'm fucked if I can't get out of here. Michael Jordan there has muscles. Lots of muscles. He could get me out of here. He CAN get me out of here. Think positively. And besides ... it's almost as big as the dragon-titty one. Probably worth just as much."

A very tiny part of her mind attempted to point out how stupid this line of reasoning was, but it was soon overridden by the part of her mind that realized she would be able to get around just fine in her new Maserati.

Amina again tried to get her feet under her, but it was simply not going to happen. Maybe if she could express some of the milk from her titties she'd be able to stand up, but that would take too long. She had way more important things to do. Crawling was difficult as well, but certainly more manageable. She only had to contend with the admittedly pleasant sensations of her teats being dragged through her own milk against the smooth texture of the stone floor. It took five minutes to crawl the short distance to the statue in question, but soon enough it was being wrapped around her snake-arm and shoved unceremoniously into her bag.

"Okay. Muscles. Big muscles. Kinda gross in their own way, but big muscles can get me out of this situation. And big muscles are going to buy me a beach house ... No, a SECOND beach house!"

Amina flipped herself over so that she could lean her back against the stone pedestal that had once held the bull-man statue. She scratched at an annoying itch on her chin as she stared impatiently at her bare legs, waiting for any sort of muscle definition to make its presence known. After several minutes of nothing happening, she was becoming scared that she might have made a mistake. Not that she ever made mistakes.

The itching had grown from an annoyance to a problem. Again, it felt like another sensation she'd experienced, almost like ...

"Fuck! No! That's not fair! Not my face! That's unacceptable. Not gonna happen."

Amina rubbed the pads on her paws against her jawline, feeling what she had feared. Short hairs were growing all across her face, beginning at her jaw, spreading over her chin and upper lip, and trailing down her neck. Her eyes became blurry as her cone of vision slowly expanded until she was able to see more of her environment at once. She closed her eyes, feeling her eyelids and forehead and confirming that the fur was growing there as well. She was annoyed that she couldn't even see what was happening to her face. There was no mirror hanging on the ...

There was a mirror hanging on the wall. Of course there was. And the wall was much closer than it was an hour ago.

Amina shook her slowly-more-and-more-unrecognizable head. "Fine. Whatever. Let's get this over with." Her beautiful black hair was receding slowly even as it grew more disheveled, split ends and sweat coating it as it grew longer until it nearly reached her ass. In the space that used to be her hairline, two small bumps were growing and it wasn't long before the crest of the bump split bloodlessly, revealing lengthening white bone.

"Horns. Of course you had to give me horns."

As the horns continued to grow, she saw her wet nose was flattening, even as it was widening, giving her an expression that would have been more at home on an animal she was accustomed to eating. Her face was becoming boxy as her jaw started sliding forward. She groaned as her snout formed, her voice growing deeper and deeper as it reverberated against the uncaring walls. Her eyes were larger now, her pupils taking up more space than her deep brown irises. She reached with her paw to touch her horns, brushing them against her lengthening triangular ears as they twitched in reaction to the sudden touch. She stuck her tongue out and was repulsed at how long it had become, hanging down to the bottom of her swelling neck, thick lines of drool dripping from her thick black lips to mix with the milk covering the scales of her breasts. By the time the short brown fur had completely covered her head she was staring into the face of a bull.

"You didn't even give me muscles," she whined, wincing at how deep her voice had become. It was borderline masculine, and she hoped she wasn't about to spontaneously decide to grow a dick any time soon. She kicked her feet against the ground in frustration, groaning when her socks became soaked with her own milk. As she pulled them off and tossed them aside, she sobbed as she realized that her legs were the only part of her that was still human.

Amina rolled over again, using the pillar to finally get back to her feet, her eight breasts enveloping either side of the cold stone. She could've sworn she had been leaning against the pillar that had held the bull-guy statue, but there was another one of the three remaining statues now staring her in the face. This one she actually remembered the name of: centaur. Hot guy from the waist up, gross horse body from the waist down. One other thing occurred to her as she was staring at it: it was actually longer than the other statues were tall. Meaning it was actually bigger than even Mrs. Dragon-Boobs.

And it had legs. Four of them. If she grew those ...

"I could at least get back to the rope. It'll still be awkward to climb, but with four legs wrapped around the rope I would probably even be able to climb faster."

And it was big. And shiny. And expensive.

Again her snake-arm hovered just above the statue. For a moment she addressed the remaining two, noting that they were now definitely facing toward her again. "Okay. This is the last one. You two can fuck directly off. Okay? Last one." Her tail-arm slithered around the statue, hesitating before gripping it. "Last one."

And then it was being lifted into the air and thrown into the bag.

"Okay. Done. No going back now. Just sit down and wait for it to--Eeep!"

Amina fell to the floor, writhing at the familiar sensation of fur growing from her legs, ass, and crotch. Only now she realized this change was going to alter a very important part of her anatomy between her legs, but it was far too late for that consideration. She'd have enough money that hot guys would want to sleep with her regardless of what her pussy looked like. Right?

"Rich. Gonna be rich. It'll be worth it, gonna be rich."

Her ass was swelling now, and not in the pleasant way. She had been momentarily hopeful that maybe the transformation would give her some nice curves, but as her ass continued to grow and her legs swelled much larger than they should she resigned herself to what she knew deep down was going to happen. She felt along her legs, noting that at the very least they were certainly growing more and more muscular. She'd be back on her feet in no time, even if she was going to have four of them. A split began at the top of her thighs, and she groaned in revulsion as she noticed her fingers were beginning to press into an increasingly widening space where her legs would soon split. She tried to look at her feet, but again her breasts were large enough that it wasn't worth the effort. "I hate you, dragon tiddies. I hate you so much." Her toes were now pressing together similar to how her fingers once did, her toenails growing thicker and black as thick keratin merged one nail to the next until her feet began to resemble hooves. At least the long hairs growing from her ankles looked pretty. She'd have fun brushing those and the pretty tail she'd soon be growing.

"Arrrgh! No! No, you won't! You aren't liking this! This isn't fun!"

The hard material now completely enveloped her foot as her heels began to stretch further back, the bone lengthening to resemble a horse's rear legs before with a sickeningly pleasant sensation the flesh split apart and she reveled in the feeling of stretching four individual legs. The rear legs were dragged along with her expanding ass, her new lower torso barreling out until she was afraid she was going to weigh a literal ton. She flexed her legs, watching the new, thick corded muscle shift underneath her glossy brown coat.

"Okay. Good. Now I'm rich AND can stand." Amina slowly rose to her hooves, the simple things clopping wetly in the puddle of her milk. Her gross dragon-boobs were still leaking, but at least they were off the ground now. She slowly tested the weight as her lower horse body finished growing. It took a few moments before she was comfortable letting go of the pillar for support, but when she did she was elated. She was upright! Standing on her own two--four--feet! She giggled at a tickling sensation against her rear and back legs as she observed a tail growing, luxuriant golden hair flowing gracefully in the increasingly musky air as she wagged it. The motion had the unanticipated result of spreading her scent around the room, a scent from one very particular source.

"Okay, yeah. Time to see what's happened back there." She started to turn, noticing the remaining two golden statues had shifted positions again, angling themselves so that they were actually leaning forward as if they were staring at her ass. "You want a look at the goods, you perverts?! Fine! Enjoy it! I win, you fuckers! I get to go home and you get to stay down here in the dark and think about all this horse pussy you're never going to get! Suck it! I'm going to oh crap I have a horse pussy don't I?"

She turned around, happy at the very least that the size of her breasts were now merely major annoyances rather than completely debilitating. It was difficult to turn her bovine head in a position that she could see the mirror while facing her long body in the other direction, but when she managed to do it she could only groan at the sight. Her labia had followed along with the rest of her latest change and resembled what she'd expect to see on a farm animal. There were even a pair of teats on either side of it. It twitched in the air, her own scent strangely appealing to her as it began to drip. "No no no, ma'am. None of that right now. We gotta get out of here before we can find you a nice stud to fuck you. The people kind of stud, not a literal stud. Unless ..." She smiled wickedly. "Maybe a monster-thing horsie? I'm sure there's some of those around somewhere. Something that can put a new litter of monster babies in my belly. Can't wait to ..." Her jaw dropped. "Okay, no, gross. Where the fuck did that come from?" She felt an unfamiliar sensation as her mare vagina winked, her plum-sized pink clit popping into the open air for just a moment. "Okay, that seems like it could be fun, I guess. Wait ... what?"

The clit seemed to want to retract again, but could only futilely twitch as something prevented it from sliding back inside. Something was happening to it. It began to swell, the small bump starting to turn into two separate bumps in a way that reminded her of ... "Nope! Nuh-uh. Stop whatever you think you're doing. Stop it now!" Her clit paid her no mind as it split into two, the front one sliding forward as the rear was finally retracted back into the depths of her cunt. "Just where the fuck do you think you're going?!" she asked the new arrival.

The new clitoris began to swell, growing longer and thicker as it turned a dark shade of pink. Soon it was as long as her former thumb, then twice as long, then longer still until it started to resemble--

"No! I didn't mean it! I didn't really mean I was going to grow a cock! Fuck!"

The skin around her new male member bunched up around the base, encasing it snugly in a sheath that continued to grow alongside the rest of her cock. At the base of the sheath another bit of skin became loose, sliding down further until it formed a soft, fuzzy sack. She groaned as she knew her new testicles would be appearing soon, and didn't have to wait very long until they popped into their new home within her scrotum, continuing to swell along with her shaft until they had passed the size of softballs. She shifted her ass uncomfortably, unused to the weight and feel of a sack pressed against the inside of her thighs. Her shaft continued growing, filling, engorged with blood until it was erect, finally slowing its growth at a little over two feet long. The latest round of changes, it seemed, were finally over.

Amina bit her bottom lip. "Thaaaat's ... going to take some getting used to." She blushed as she thought that it might at least be a little fun. She stretched her snake-arm backwards, but groaned in frustration when she found she was nowhere near flexible enough to reach it. It futilely bobbed in the air, her cunt winking as both her sexes demanded stimulation that she could not provide. "Maybe I can buy a ... horse-thingie. One of those things that they use for artificial ... semen-ization? Whatever the word is." She swore she could hear God laughing at her. Casting her eyes to the ceiling, she finished with, "And it'll be solid gold! The best horse-fucking-bench-thing that money can buy! I deserve it! I deserve it all after all of this shit!"

She tried her best to take her mind off of her rod. It would go away when she stopped paying attention to it. Just like all the men she had grown tired of dating.

Now content that she was able to walk on her own power, she lifted the bag with her snake-arm and began to walk in the direction she had come from. The hallway was gone, but she was elated to find that there seemed to be another hole in the ceiling of this room. Had the ceiling been higher before? Whatever. What's more, it was more than large enough to fit her entire body through. She could even see daylight at the top of it! Had she really been down here that long? She eyed the hole, looking around futilely for any way to reach it. Maybe get a running start? She was more than strong enough to leap ten feet or so into the air, but she doubted she'd be able to reach it even then.

"Where's a ladder? Or an escalator? I mean, things just seem to randomly pop into being down here, the least you could do is magic-up me something that will get me out of here." Unfortunately, there was nothing in the room aside from her own freakish body, the mirror, and ...

"Two more of you left. You think you're really fucking clever, don't you?" She slowly paced back towards the pedestals, swaying her ass back and forth in a way that she hoped was still sexy. "Think you're so smart. Can't get out of the room unless I pick another one of you. Well, fuck off. I'm done. There's not even any people-parts of me left, what the fuck do you expect me to grow now ... wings?"

The bat lady. It had wings. If she took that, it would mean more money and she'd be able to just fly to the surface. It was just a normal looking lady other than the bat wings and ugly vampire teeth. She wouldn't be surprised if it even changed part of her body back to normal. And she'd have to get the wings. She'd have to. There was simply nothing else to change.

She lifted the bag and held it open in the direction of the winged woman. "I don't suppose you'd do me a solid and just hop into the bag, right? No? Thanks a fucking lot." She unceremoniously knocked the statue into the bag, dropped it uncaringly to the ground, and crossed her arms as she waited impatiently for the next change to begin.

As expected, she soon felt a pinching sensation just behind her shoulders. "Finally," she mumbled. Flaps of skin slowly disconnected themselves from her back as new bones formed, stretching the flat skin along with them as they grew. The bones themselves began to split again and again, forming separate joints and ... fingers, she supposed ... that grew several feet longer, thin membranes continuing to form between them until she possessed her own pair of leathery brown bat wings. She stretched them, again reveling in the sensation of flexing muscles she had never had before. The tips of the wings nearly reached the sides of the room, but they'd need to be that big to lift her completely out of this hellhole. She eyed the hole as she flipped off the remaining statue by unsheathing her middle claw, spreading her wings and preparing to jump before she began to suffer a fit of coughing.

Amina felt her lips, slipping her stubby fingers past them to rub against her teeth. They were lengthening, growing sharper, unlike anything that should ever belong inside a herbivore's mouth. "What? No! C'mon! We were done! I did that change already!" Her teeth grew dagger-like, uniform in their length so that they were scraping against the inside of her cheeks in a way she prayed she'd be able to get used to. Drool was pouring uncontrollably from her maw now, and her tongue dangled freely.

A strange sensation from her rear indicated this round of changes was still not complete. Her beautiful horse's tail was growing longer and thicker, soon resembling something you'd see on a cat. Bare skin could be seen growing from the tip as it flattened and stretched into a triangular shape, soon coming to resemble a spade like one would find on the end of the tail of some cartoon devil. "Okay, yeah, whatever." Amina had trouble getting the words out. Her tongue was able to retract, but only for a moment it seemed. She started to wipe the drool away, although she realized that would be futile. Saliva was dripping from her lips as fast as the milk dripping from her teats.

Just as she hoped the changes were finished, an entirely new change occurred. This one was not physically noticeable, but the sensation was worse than anything she had experienced so far. Her entire body was heating up, sweat pouring from her forehead, shoulders, and along the length of her lower torso. Her pussy was winking again, faster and faster, practically weeping fluid. Her cock bobbed uselessly in the air, precum dripping like a leaky faucet onto the milky ground. Her teats ached, demanding to be pulled, twisted, nursed from by some monstrous lover. She felt like ...

"Oh God. I'm in heat, aren't I? Oh fuck, I can't take this." She eyed the hole in the ceiling again, but only managed to take one more step before she sank to the ground, pawing at her bottom set of breasts as she licked the top ones with her large tongue. "Oh God. Ohhhh God. Need to cum. Need to--"

She flexed her rear legs, trying to provide some sort of relief to her cunt, but it was of no use. The spade-like tip of her tail would've been perfect to sink inside of her, but it refused to bend that way. Again she reached for her shaft, but couldn't reach it even with her forelegs. "Noooooo!" she wailed, turning back to the sole remaining statue of a griffin, it's beak seemingly twisted into a devious smirk. "This isn't fair! I can't even touch myself!" She began rummaging through her bag of collected horrors, hoping to find a statue that may serve as an instrument to provide herself with some relief, but the monsters within were completely unwilling to cooperate. Amina cried in agony, trying in vain to stimulate herself in some way by dragging her ass along the ground like a dog. She screamed in frustration, the deep echo of the small room serving as her only reply.

Or rather, not her only reply.

"Yooo, H-Train! What's up, my dude?"


Amina looked through weeping eyes at the man suddenly standing in the middle of the room, speaking on an expensive cell phone as he leaned against the pillar holding the final statue. He showed the statue his teeth for a moment, examining their artificially polished whiteness in its golden reflection. He was dressed in the finest of douchey attire, a long-sleeve button down shirt covering his chest, although the top two buttons remained open in an effort to show off his chest hair. He was wearing cargo shorts, the kind that absolutely no one wanted to wear anymore. Tacky neon green flip-flops rounded out the ensemble. He was a contrast in preppy designer clothing mixing with hipster bargain bin leftovers. The man's haircut and long cultivated beard had probably cost him more at Sport Clips than what she was used to spending on rent.

"Yo yo, what it is?" He continued speaking into the phone, not even acknowledging the writhing mass of flesh and hormones laying on the ground, feebly trying to reach its genitals. "Hey, dude ... dude. You remember that temple thing we set up a while ago? Guess the fuck where I am right now?"

Amina reached out for the figure with her paw, whining through drooling lips to get his attention. She succeeded, just barely, as the figure glanced in her direction for but a moment, waving her away impatiently as if to shush her. In the short time that he made eye contact, she could see something terrifying in his eyes, a light as ancient and powerful as it was petty and selfish. She would've liked him if the circumstances were a bit different.

"Pleeeesssh," Amina whined. "Pleeeaassh-AHHH!" The burning intensified as she began to try to crawl towards him. "Pleeaassh fuck meeeeeee pleeeaash!"

The man covered up the receiver on the phone for a moment. "Yeah, lady, that ain't fucking happening." He turned his attention back to the person on the other side of the line. "Which temple? That one in ... Shit, I don't even know what town I'm in right now. Athens or something? Who can keep track of it these days? You know, the temple with the cursed idols?" He paused, waiting as the other person replied. "Okay, yeah, I know. We kinda set up lots of cursed-idol-temples. The one with the--OH! The one with the hole that disappears when you climb into it? And the statues that turn you into different shit if you pick them up? Yeah! Yeah, that one! We brainstormed the shit out of that one, bro!"

The strange man examined his manicured fingernails. Amina continued to try to cum.

"Yeah, dude, guess the fuck what? ... No, guess! ... No bro, fucking guess! You god damn right! Somebody finally found the damn thing! ... I dunno, some spoiled rich kid, who cares? Guess how MANY she took?" Here he lightly shoved Amina's bag of stolen tormentors with his foot. "Six of them, dude! Fucking six! ... Yeah, dude, there were seven! Fucking six of them, dude!"

He turned his attention back to Amina, who was now moaning pitifully as she tried to grind her cock against the floor. "What's she look like? Fuck, I dunno, bro, like ... everything. She's all fucked up--I mean, I think it's a she. She's like a snake-centaur-dragon-fuck-monster now." He laughed. "Okay, okay, hang on. Hey! Snake-centaur-dragon-fuck-monster lady? My homie is asking how it feels."

"Grrraaaaahhhh fuuuuuck meeeee!"

"She says it feels like 'grraaaah fuck me.'" Amina could hear a voice laughing on the other side of the phone. "Yeah, she's gone, man. Like needs some serious help. Like I should've brought her a copy of Chicken Soup For the Get-Your-Shit-Together Soul. ... Okay, yeah, hang on." He addressed the monster again. "Yo, freaky thing? H-Train wants to know why you really needed that many of them."

"Gunnn be richsssssh," replied the monster on the floor, drool pouring for her mouth as it twisted into a mindless bovine grin.

"Okay, yeah, but he's asking why you needed to touch them at all. Why not pick them up with your shirt or something after you figured out what they were doing? Did you even try?"


"Nevermind, not important at the moment I guess. Hey, wait. Listen to this! Miss Thing? Miss Thing, did you know that the griffin is the mascot for the Grand Rapids hockey team?"

Amina's response was a squeal, followed by a moan, followed by weeping as she weakly pressed her tits together.

"Wait, wait, shut up," the man answered into the phone. "You know, Michigan's finest? NHL team or ... something, I guess? Looooot of money to be made in selling golden mascot trophies these days. Dot dot dot." Again he addressed the phone, trying his best not to snicker. "Shut up, man, shut up. Give her a minute."

That ... made sense, actually. Even to a mind as incapable of higher thought processes as Amina's currently was. She eyed the pillar. She couldn't have reached it if she tried. It was too far away. Besides, she was too busy writhing in her own fluids.

The stranger was trying to keep from laughing. "Hang on, shut the fuck up, I think she's gonna do it. Wait, here ..." The man slid the pillar with his foot, the stone structure impossibly sliding closer to Amina as if the room itself were altering again to bring it closer.

Now that the final statue was within her grasp, Amina felt that she would be insane not to take advantage of the offering, disregarding the fact that insanity had probably set in regardless. She weakly raised her snake tail from the ground, held it quivering for a moment before screaming and retracting it to once again attempt to wrap it around her cock.

"Nah, fuck, she's not gonna do it ... Wait ... No way."

Torn between her deserved life of luxury and the impossible task of self gratification, Amina lunged forward, tipping the statue towards herself before cradling it to her lactating breasts. "Miiinnnee. Isssshh mine!"

"Dude! Dude! DUDE! Dude?" He nodded. "Yeah dude! Fuck yeah she did! Seven for seven, bay-bee! Who run this shit? Z-Money run this shit! Lady, you got some serious therapy in your future."

The final round of changes were almost completely unnoticed. Her front hooves began to split, sharp talons emerging like a puppet crawling from a styrofoam egg in some old dinosaur movie. Her new digits flexed, breaking the hooves apart to reveal the feet of a large bird of prey. The fur on her forelegs began to thin as sharp quills spilled from her flesh, lengthening until they fanned out into large brown feathers. Another pair of wings was starting to grow from her horse's back, wings resembling that of an angel contrasting with the demonic wings on her original shoulders. They continued to grow until they reached their full size, flapping unconsciously and spreading her stench to every corner of the room.

The transformation concluded, her attention was once again turned back to the man as she resumed weeping and begging for him to fuck her.

"Okay, this is just becoming sad. You should really get out of here, kiddo. Two sets of wings? That'll get you out pronto." He turned, continuing to speak into the phone, although Amina wasn't able to concentrate on anything but her own continuously increasing desire. He paused at a door that definitely wasn't there before. "Dude, let's get Vietnamese some time soon, okay? Need me some pho in my life, nah-mean? Fuck dude, she's still here."

Amina reached towards the man as he was departing, pausing for a moment when she smelled something, something other than her own beastly scent. She cast her eyes upward, beholding the heavens in a way only St. John could appreciate. There were things up there. Things that moved. Things that breathed and were alive. Things she could fuck. Things that could fuck her. She only had to concentrate long enough to fly out of this damned room. She slowly got to her feet, her breath coming out in ragged moans as she fought through the haze of desire to focus on this most important of tasks. She started to turn to face the hole, her bag of golden idols now entirely forgotten.

"Okay, good, she's leaving. This whole ordeal has been exhausting, you know? Gonna catch some righteous Zs after this one." He pushed the door open, stepping into another room. Just as Amina turned away, preparing to leap through the exit, her eyes caught the glimmer of something shiny.

Another statue.

There was another statue in the center of the new room the stranger had walked into. This one was absolutely massive, three times larger than even Amina's new body. It would be worth a fortune. Nevermind the fact that there was no way she could lift it, if she owned it she'd be the richest person alive. And it was right there.

It was right there.

Amina let out an inhuman scream as she sprinted, leapt, and flew towards her new prize, her lust forgotten in the face of its splendor. The stranger had enough time for a single "Dude!" before he was shoved aside as the creature leapt onto the statue, wrapping her body around it as much as she could.

"Lady! The fuck?! Lady, that's not even part of the curse! I was gonna include it but I called it off when I realized not even I'M that much of a bastard. Let go, for fuck's sake! Please! I dunno what it'll even do!"

Amina shook her head, spit and sweat flying from her mouth and mane. No. It was hers. She'd never let go. Never let go of her precious ... What was this?

She examined the statue, its multiple serpentine heads staring daggers into what was left of her pitiful soul. In the back of her torn mind she recalled a single word:


The monster that was once a person fell to the ground, yowling like a cat in heat, writhing, her lust returning a hundredfold after she had dared deny it for even a few moments. If it was bad before, it was so much worse now. Her mind was barely able to think of anything other than the release that was being denied her. Still, there was enough greed left in her shattered mind for her to reach out again to the greatest of her prizes before she was forced to turn her attention to futilely trying to sate her desires.

"Aight, the Z-ster is outie-5000." The stranger turned to go, his cell phone disappearing from his grip as he started to fade away. He cast one last look at the poor wretch, pausing a moment, his body halfway translucent. "The ... fuck?"

"YEESSSHHH!" Amina cried out as she finally felt a hand wrap around her aching cock. Had the strange man finally taken pity? Was he going to fuck her? Breed her? Father her new clutch of monsters? She rolled onto her back, eyes wide as she saw that it wasn't the man touching her. She was touching herself.

A pair of arms had sprouted from her flanks, bending just enough to caress her shaft. The other joined its twin ... and then another ... and another. More inhuman hands, claws, talons were grasping her breasts, a leg brushing tenderly against her balls, a tongue probing the inside of her cunt. She was sprouting limbs of every kind, here the leg of a goat, there another limb of a lion, insectile, piscine, porcine, and other "ines" Amina could never guess the names of. The tail of some sort of fish flopped uselessly against one of her rear horse legs. A monkey's arm found its way to her cock, and she screeched in added pleasure, multiple tongues lolling from her maw, as she was finally given what she most needed. Four--no, six--sets of eyes glanced at her magnificent treasure as she barely recognized the thing she had fervently coveted just a moment ago. A kraken's tentacle found its way into her cunt as she roared in pleasure, her chorus joined by another voice, then another, as a ram's head sprouted from her left shoulder while from the right grew the head of a creature with the face of a man and the mane of a lion. She was everywhere now. Tails caressing legs, a new cock thrusting into a new pussy, more breasts lining the belly of her horse's body ... or rather, one of her horse-bodies as another grew from her waist. Soon her original face was kissing the face of a tiger, their tongues writhing around one another. Or was it her original face? It was hard to tell anymore. Cocks were sliding into cleavage she didn't have a moment ago, tongues and fingers probing dozens of cunts as they opened along every inch of her, slime and drool and milk mixing together in a lurid sea of ever-changing horror. With several arms she beckoned again to the stranger, inviting him to join in on her one-woman orgy even as dozens of orgasms erupted simultaneously from her ever-changing body, with hundreds more on the way before she could take another breath.

"Bruh," said the king of the gods.

The stranger threw his hands up in the air, at a loss for words for the first time in many centuries. Before he faded away entirely he snapped his fingers, causing the hole in the ceiling to vanish along with him. This whole cursed-temple-thing had run its course. Perhaps he'd take up golfing again. The poor creature could remain here forever, endlessly pleasuring itself for the rest of time. She certainly didn't seem to mind.

One simple refrain greeted his ears as he faded away entirely, endlessly repeated from hundreds of mouths.

"Gonna be rich. Gonna be so rich."

And then he was gone.