A Transgender Kiss - chapter 3 The Double Date

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Chapter 3 - Drake and Rory's double date starts

As the morning sun broke through the window, Drake snuggled into Rory with his head half buried in his pillow. Around 9am, his iPhone vibrated, and as he awoke a little he picked up his phone from his bedside table. He looked at the caller ID and answered while yawning, "hello, Dr. Johnson, do I need to come into work yet?"

"Oh, sorry Drake, did I wake you?" Dr. Johnson asked.

"What...time is...it?" He questioned back battling another yawn.

"9am," he stated.

"Oh, shit, did I oversleep?" Drake was starting to worry that he was late to work.

"Oh, don't worry about it, I have you on special assignment," Dr. Johnson reassured him, "I clocked you in, you are to take care of your boyfriend in your condo."

"Oh, really?" Drake inquired, he was a bit confused, usually they don't clock people in for that.

"Yes, so that's all I needed to tell you," Dr. Johnson answered. "Oh, and if you need to go to class let me know and I'll send another nurse over straight away."

"Oh, okay, thanks boss," Drake expressed. He hung up the phone and tucked back in to keep Rory comfortable. Rory smiled and snuggled up to him.

Couple hours go by, and Rory slowly opened his eyes, "Honey?" He kissed Drake on the cheek.

"Yes, what is it?" He opened his eyes and he put on a happy smile.

"I'm hungry," Rory was rubbing his stomach.

"Okay, I'll go start making breakfast then," Drake sat up and grabbed his robe. "Anything special you want me to make?"

Rory started getting up, but Drake stopped him, "No, sweetie, stay in bed so you can keep healing."

"Thanks, and no, I'd say anything you cook would be special enough for me," Rory smiled at him, and he gave him the remote to the TV.

Rory carefully sat up a little more with Drake's help and turned on the TV. He got his iPhone from the bedsheet table and turned on the Apple Airplay and started watching The Closer.

Drake went to the kitchen and started cooking. He decided on pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon and a couple of bagels with cream cheese. He got a couple of food trays out and started to place everything on them. He finished cooking and began to take the trays to the bedroom.

"Breakfast is served," Drake said with a smile.

"Yay, I'm starving," Rory glanced at him and went back to watching his show.

Drake got back in bed and ate breakfast with him. They start watching TV as they ate and later Drake got up and took the trays back to the kitchen and started washing the dishes. He remembered that he did had class today and called his boss back.

"Hello?" Dr. Johnson answered.

"Hey, I do have class today," Drake explained. "Can you send over a nurse to take care of Rory until I return?"

"Yeah, sure thing," Dr. Johnson replied.

"Thank you sir," Drake felt so grateful for that. He got off the phone and got ready to go to class.

"Honey, where are you going?" Rory wondered.

"I have class today, another nurse is on their way to watch you, okay?" Drake smiled in a concerned way.

"Oh, okay, be safe out there, and good luck in class," Rory beamed a smile back. He heard a knock on the door and went to answer it.

"Hey Jamie, come on in, my boyfriend is in the bedroom," he smiled, he was glad that he was not going to be late for class. He walked to the elevator and rode it down to the parking garage. He got in his Subaru Impreza, pushed the start/stop button and pulled out into the street and drove to his medical school.

Jamie walked into the bedroom to check on Rory, "So, how are you feel today?"

Rory looked confused, "who are you?"

"I'm nurse Jamie, I'm here to take care of you while Drake goes to his medical class," she said with a smile. She was a pink and white vixen. She checked on the intravenous bag and saw it needed to be changed. She unhooked the tube from the bag and removed the bag from its hook. She went over to her medical bag and grabbed another IV bag and hooked it up for Rory. "Thank you," Rory expressed.

"No problem, that's why I'm here," Jamie answered. "You need a diaper change?"

"No, I'm okay for now," he stated as he smiled. She sat down in a chair next to the bed and watched TV with Rory. An hour later, he then needed a diaper change, and she changed him, then she turned off the TV and told him that it would be best to rest for a little while before his and Drake's double date, yes Drake told her about that.

Drake left his class and reentered his car and drove to a flower shop. He got out and walked in and began looking at the flowers. They were all pretty, and in the year of 2566 they were able to grow flowers indoors especially during winter so the flowers could be year round. He found the shopkeeper and asked, "I was wondering if I could get a dozen roses?"

"Sure, all one color or a mix?" She replied.

"Can I get some red, pink, and purple?" He requested.

"Yes, sure thing," she answered, she started getting his bouquet ready.

"Do you have any cards?" He asked.

"Yes, they're right over there," she pointed to a couple of card selves on the wall. He walked over the looked for a card for Rory.

Back at the condo, "I...wonder...where Drake...is." Rory woke up and still saw Jamie there, she was reading a book in the chair next to him.

"Oh, he went to pick something up," she explained, "he'll be home soon."

"Oh okay," he answered as he closed his eyes again. Drake found the perfect card for Rory and went back to the shopkeeper. She just finished the bouquet, he paid for the flowers and card, signed the card before heading back out to his car.

He continued home, and as he pulled into the parking garage he heard a news report on the radio. "The man who beat up the purple husky last night, was found and arrested for assault and battery and is going to be in front of a judge on Thursday."

"Oh, thank god, that bastard got caught," he said to himself. He turned off the car, got out, and walked to the elevator. He rode it his floor, walked to his condo door, unlocked it and walked inside.

"I'm home," he announced. Jamie walked out of the bedroom with a smile.

"He was waiting for you, he went back asleep," she told him.

"Thank you so much for watching him," he replied. "I'm going to request that you come take care of him when I'm gone to class."

"l'd like that, he's a really good patient," she smiled while picking up her bag. "I'll see you later."

"Yeah, see you later," he smiled back as he opened the door for her and then closed it after she left. He walked to the bedroom and as he got to Rory's side, he strokes his paw.

"Drake," Rory slowly opened his eyes. "Oh, you are home, how was your class?"

"It was good," he smiled. "I got something for you."

"What is it?" he asked, very excitedly. Drake pulled the bouquet of roses out from behind his back along with the card.

"I love you sweetheart," he said, giving him a big hug and a kiss. Rory opened the card and kissed him back, "I love you too."

Drake helped Rory get up and dressed because Kyle and Chris would be there soon. "I got you a walker to help you as you heal."

"Thanks, honey," Rory started tearing up. He slowly walked out to the living room and sat down on the couch. Drake started cooking after he put Rory's roses in a vase of water. He decided to cook lasagna, and as he was cooking the stuffing for it the condo buzzer started ringing.

He walked over to it and answered, "yello?"

"Hey, it me and Chris," Kyle announced.

"Come on up," Drake said buzzing the door below.

"Would you mind if another friend joins us?" Kyle spoke through the intercom.

"Sure, Kyle, the more the merrier," Drake answered.

"Okay, see you in a few," replied Kyle.

"Okay," Drake pressed the button and got back to cooking.

"Kyle and Chris on on their way up, honey?" Rory looked at Drake.

"Yes, and they brought a friend with them," Drake smiled over at Rory.

"Oh, cool," Rory replied excitedly. Rory turned on airplay on the living room TV and started Sonic the Hedgehog 2 the movie.

"Oh, nice choice, I love that movie," Drake smiled.

"I do too, it's one of my favorites," Rory smiled back at him. There was a knock on the door and Drake walked over and answered it.

"Hey guys, come on in, Rory is watching Sonic 2 the movie," he stood aside to let them enter.

"Very nice place you got here, Drake," Kyle replied.

"Thank you, make yourself at home," Drake said as he went back to cooking.

Kyle, Chris and their friend joined Rory on the couch and started watching Sonic the Hedgehog 2 with him. Rory was happy to be with his friends, "Honey, can I have a pillow for my head?" Drake nods, and went to the bedroom and grabbed Rory's pillow, came back to the living room and put the pillow behind Rory's head and kissed his forehead.

"Thanks," Rory laid his head back.

"You're welcome," Drake went back to check on the garlic bread.

"Oh, Rory, did Drake get you those roses," Chris asked, taking a smell.

"Yes, he did, and he gave me this card," Rory handed him the card to look at.

"Oh, that was very nice of him," Kyle interjected. Drake started getting the table ready for dinner.

"So, Garth, did you just move here to New York City?" Rory asked.

"Yes, I wasn't happy where I was living before," he answered, looking down in sadness.

"Oh, I didn't...mean...to," Rory started to tear up.

"Oh, you didn't do anything wrong, it's just a touchy subject for him," Kyle smiled, putting a paw around Rory's back and gently patting it.

"Oh okay, I'm sorry anyways," Rory began crying a little.

Drake saw Rory start to cry and rushed over to him, "it's okay sweetie, you didn't know. I didn't even know." He smiled hoping that Rory would smile again.

"Okay, thanks honey," he says, smiling up at Drake.

"Oh, by the way guys, dinner is ready," Drake smiled as he helped Rory up to help him to the table. Drake helped him into the chair at the table. He sat by him so he could help serve him as well. As they started to eat Kyle said, "Oh Drake, this lasagna is delicious."

"Yeah Drake, it's delicious," Chris answered as well.

"Thank you you two," Drake replied, he was helping to feed Rory because of his injuries. They were enjoying their dinner so far.

"The reason we wanted to bring Garth with us was because he needs more people like us to be friends with," Chris replied.

"Yeah, I never had any LGBT friends in the town I came from," he answered, "I was a social outcast."

"Where...did you...live?" Rory asked, as he took another bite of food.

"Lincoln, Nebraska," Garth replied.

"Oh, that republican state, they decided hate people like us," Drake explained as he took a bite of his own food.

"Yeah, I learned it all started in 2023, their governor wasn't wanting to give women a choice of abortion or let transgender people choose between their biological gender and chosen gender," Garth explained, he took a drink of wine. "So, I decided to leave because there was no future for me there."

"You're transgender?" Rory asked.

"Oh, no, I'm not, I moved because if they were targeting transgenders I was afraid that they target our people next," Garth answered.

"That make sense," Drake replied. "Well, we're glad you're here."

"Thank you," Garth answered. "This is delicious food and good choice of wine by the way."

"Thank you, my boss gave it me as a birthday gift," Drake told him. As they finished eating, they retreated back to the living room as Drake cleaned up the table and kitchen. They went back to watching Sonic the Hedgehog 2.

Kyle decided to help Drake clean, "oh, I have a request to ask of you."

"Yeah, what is it?" Drake asked, as he was washing dishes.

"Me and Chris, don't have enough room in our condo for Garth, would it be possible for him to stay here with you guys?" Kyle questioned.

"Does he have a job?" Drake questioned back.

"Yes, he does," Kyle answered.

"I guess it's okay," Drake replied. As they finished cleaning up dinner they went to sit down in the living room, Drake sat by Rory and Kyle sat by Chris of course.

"Garth, Drake said that you are more than welcome to stay here with them," Kyle smiled.

"Oh, really?" Garth asked.

"Yup, welcome to our household," Drake smiled at him. "There's already a bed in the spare bedroom, and you have two closets and a dresser in there for your clothes."

"Thanks again," Garth replied. "Kyle? May I have the keys to go get my suitcases?"

"Yes, of course," Kyle handed over the keys to the car. Garth walked down to the car to grab his suitcase.

"So, I think after Garth comes back up me and Chris are going to go," Kyle explained.

"It is getting late, and Rory does need his rest," Drake replied as he got up, and helped Rory get up. He helped Rory get into the bedroom and started to undress him.

"Hun, our guests are still here," Rory was getting embarrassed.

"It's time for bed, sweetie," Drake said as he took off Rory's pants. He tucked Rory in bed and went back to the living room and sat down with Kyle and Chris. Garth came back with his suitcases and gave the key back to Kyle, "Thanks for everything Kyle."

"Oh, no problem Garth," Kyle replied. "If you ever need anything from me or Chris just call us."

"I will, thank you," Garth answered as he took his suitcases into the spare bedroom.

"Well, you and Chris have a good night and safe drive back home," Drake gave Kyle a hug.

"Thank you, we will make sure that we get home safely," Kyle smiled accepting the hug. They walked toward the door and out into the hall, and Drake shut and locked the door. He walked toward the bedrooms and asked Garth, "You doing okay?"

"Yes, I am thank you," Garth replied, he was getting ready for bed.

"Okay, well good night, and see you in the morning," Drake replied as he walked to his bedroom. Drake closed the door to his bedroom and took his clothes off down to his blue boxers.

"That was a wonderful evening," Rory responded.

"Yes, it was, wasn't it?" Drake asked. He got in bed and snuggled up to Rory.

"Yes, it's something that you got a new roommate now," Rory answered.

"Don't you mean 'we'," Drake looked at Rory.

"We?" Rory asked.

"Yes, I want you to live with me," Drake kissed Rory passionately.

"Really?" Rory smiled a little.

"Yeah, I can't live without you anymore," Drake explained.

"Oh okay, but what my stuff at my place?" Rory asked, he had some priceless things.

"We'll go get them later, okay?" Drake smiled.

"Okay, good night honey," Rory snuggled up to Drake too.

"Good night sweetheart," Drake smiled and closed his eyes. Rory started to have a nightmare about the guy who assaulted him. He was starting to have cold sweat, and started to run a low grade fever.