a small high

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#7 of microfics

Your friend is so thoughtful. They've been consuming cannabis longer than you have, so you knew they had some "stoner engineering" up their sleeve, but they really outdid themselves for you. They knew you needed some "small time" and what's the best way to enjoy it than being a little intoxicated and winding down?

On the couch, a small pet bed is set up for you to recline against the edges of the surface easier and have a dedicated space to roll around in. A now theater-sized television is easily visible against the other wall and a touchscreen phone acting as a remote is provided to you, the device almost as big as you.

Against one of the edges of the is an assortment of tinctures and edibles, all in small portions that appear to be giant plates to feast on. You're encouraged by your friend to crawl over and take more when you feel yourself running low, but they're also smoking and hotboxing your little area as you both unwind and watch something you've been meaning to catch up on together.

Vacation time well spent, if you ask me.

Originally posted on Mastodon.