A Desert, A Dragon, And A Gun chapter 2

Story by Foxdemonaxel on SoFurry

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#3 of A Desert, A Dragon, And A Gun

A Desert, A Dragon, And A Gun Alratar ran through the fiery halls of the complex, occasionally putting another soldier out of its misery with his foot. He didn't worry about the flames, his body itself was heat resistant and the suite only helped him with it. He rushed out the front door and saw the chaos off in the distance. Four different screens popped up on the top right corner of his display HUD and it showed the vison of everyone else. Nylris was mowing down the enemy with her large six barreled chain gun. Ackim had set up his flamethrower and was already under way spraying unlit napalm all over the battle field from the sky. Ahina was not too far ahead of him. She was busy setting up one of the "one use plasma cannons" with her. Irayo, however though he was out in the middle and could use range attacks, he was cutting them down with his razor whips. "Sir, plasma cannon ready " Ahina called out as she returned to pour cover fire upon the rushing enemy. Alratar quickly lowered himself and braced for the recoil of the cannon. He pressed a button and the machine began to activate. Three curved in claws that were on the front of the gun began spinning. Behind the claws were a series of gears that churned as tubes connected to the back of them poured in a red and blue liquid. "Everyone out of the way now Ackim, light the fire " The cannon grew brighter as the plasma gathered inside the chamber and formed into a ball inside the claws. Half the desert lit up as Ackim dropped a flare and the napalm lighted, burning half of the remaining army. Three winged figures flew toward him from high in the sky. The canon hummed and a low beeping sound was made, signaling that it was ready. He gripped the top handle and dug his claws deep into the hard, desert rock. He pulled the trigger and the cannon fired out a multicolored beam of plasma. It melted the sand and annihilated everything else. The soldiers didn't even have time to scream as their flesh immediately disintegrated. He turned to the left allowing the cannon's beam to reach everyone that was left. They tried to run, but found there was nowhere to run to as they were disintegrated and reduced to dust. The beam got to the last few men before it shut down. They were running for their lives, fleeing and many directions, some even toward the base. The cannon shut down and started to malfunction, Alratar wasted no time throwing the 200 lb. weapon into the center of the fleeing mob. It landed near the center and the core exploded shooting shrapnel in every direction. The plasma faded away leaving nothing behind but black, molten sand. The three airborne soldiers landed with a loud thud behind their leader. "Mission complete sir." Irayo spoke in a demonic tone, his voice hissed and slurred. Alratar turned to face him, his black exoskeleton was covered in the humans' blood and had begun dripping from the ends of his bare claws. 'Dammit Irayo, why must you enjoy killing so much.' Alratar had thought to himself, this was not the only time he had enjoyed a battle, in fact he cherished all of them. When he was finally asked why he replied that he enjoyed the feeling of blood drip from his fingertips and the screams of pain he heard from when he cut them with his razor whip. This unnerved many that were around him and sometime it even gotten to the other dragons. Alratar had even heard of mentioning that Irayo might be poisoned one day, but that plan was revoked. It seemed only natural that he'd been given black armor, other than the many different colors to choose from. If he'd been given any other color than black he would probably repaint it himself, no matter the cost and time it would take. Unlike the other dragons Irayo was the same as he is in battle as he is in society, cold, lifeless, and unforgiving. Alratar shook his head from the memories and brought himself back to the present situation. "Alright, wait here till I return." They saluted him and formed a defensive position around the entrance as their leader walked back into the building. The fire had died out a while ago and all that was left was the black, scorched bodies of the Russian infantry unit. He walked through them and on top of all that were in his path. There was a sickening crunching sound as his foot crushed one of the soldiers' heads. 'Do they know about the project?' He thought. The experiment that had created him was only known to the people at the base and two or three outside of it. It was so secretive the project didn't even have its own secret file. Everything was kept inside the base at all times, all files, all data, everything. There was no possible way to hack into it and no way for people to relay information outside of the base without being question by at least twenty people. So there was no way for them to know of the project, unless those outside informed someone. That was unlikely as well, the three who were told were sworn to secrecy and if they even spoke of the experiment outside of the complex walls. They would be put to death in the most painful of manners. 'So, then, why attack here? Why attack a military base in the center of the Mohabi Desert? What could be so special about this place that the Russian's would have an army attack it?' Nothing seemed to make sense. Though it didn't need to, this was not his job. The First Blood Unit was formed to attack, annihilate, and leave nothing and no one standing. No enemy was to know of their presence and if they did he or she was to be killed instantly before information could be passed out. He entered the door way to the cloning chamber, the soldiers looked at him and stood up at attention. "Alright everyone more out, I suggest you keep your eyes closed and watch your step, it's quite a mess out there." They gave him a salute and started running out the exit. General Bradshaw followed Alratar out however. Seeing this many bodies and in this sort of condition was no surprise to him. They walked in silence for a second until Anul spoke. "So, what's your head shot ratio?" "97.6 Sir." "I see, you're getting better faster than I had anticipated, but it seems that my anticipations only undermine you." "Sir, I do my best." "You don't have to address me so formally you know. I am in your debt once again for saving me and my men." "No sir, you are not the one in debt. I'm just returning the favor." "What favor, I haven't done anything for you?" "Don't underestimate yourself general. You've taught me everything I know. You are the one who stopped the program from being terminated those twenty years ago. Sir, without you I would've been dead long ago and my existence would be nothing more than a failure." Anul was surprised by this. He didn't know that Alratar thought so highly about it, or the fact that the program was about to be canceled. He was probably relayed the information though, most likely from Nylris the intelligence expert. Though what he said was entirely true the program would've shut down long ago had he not intervened. "You are basically our father, not genetic of course, but one you humans would call a father." This was something different now, Anul was very shocked that he could understand the meaning of the word father and use it correctly. Though out of all of them Alratar was one the only one that could think for himself, so it was possible for him to know how to use and understand the meaning of family. After all if Anul was supposed to be the father, then his squad mates would be known to him as brothers and sisters. They walked outside and into the desert heat, the soldiers were already whistling and congratulating the creatures on the devastation that they had caused during the battle. 'Why do they applaud us on our destruction?' The question ran on through his mind repeatedly and he could not find any answers. His squad was lined up next to one of the outer walls of the building. A creature in dark, metallic green armor stepped forward. "Sir, all hostels have been eliminated in this area." "Good Ahina, now run a scan on the inside of the building. I want to make sure no one survived the fire." "Yes sir!" Ahina ran over to the entrance of the building and starred into the blackness, her monitoring systems checking for any signs of life. Alratar however, was busy looking at the blackened wasteland that he called home. Most of his training was done here in the desert and usually inside. There were times however when he would sneak out and look into the night stars. He never stayed there for long, if he was caught outside he could've been killed for it. 'This kind of destruction should never be praised.' He thought to himself. The desert to him was as beautiful as any forest, if not better. It was his home, an environment he thrived in. He knew the dangers of it as well, quick sand, scorpions, and other dangerous animals and hazards lived in this environment. He felt his eyes start to water at the thought of what he had done to protect the few soldiers that were stuck inside the complex. He lowered his head for a moment, but lifted it up as Ahina put one of her hands on his shoulder. "Scan complete sir, one life form detected in the basement of the complex. What action should be taken?" Ahina looked at him sympathetically, trying to find what was wrong with her leader. He looked up at her and then back toward the blackened desert. "Which room, and is it armed?" "It's located in the small storage closet, behind some crates and no sir it is not armed." "I'll go down there myself then." "Um, sir I do not think that is necessary, I could easily." "Don't worry yourself Ahina." He turned to face Anul. "Common general, lets see what's down there." "Alright lead the way commander." Anul followed him closely and they walked down to the several sets of stairs to reach the designated target. Alratar's targeting system had already caught sight of the hidden person. They reached the door to the storage room and opened it. There was no life other than a few boxes and one of the scientists huddled in the corner. He was scarred out of his mind and jumped when the light was turned on. "Who are you?" Anul asked the scared man. He looked up and saw Alratar in his exoskeleton armor and his body started shaking out of fear. "Wha...wha...what is that thing!" The man pointed at Alratar and he just looked back at him. He recognized this man, though aged he still look pretty much the same when he first saw him. He was among the group that had first examined him when he walked out of the pod. How could he not know his own creation, though his body was encased in armor he still looked much the same as the armor did. Anul looked up at him and he nodded back. He brought his hands up to his helmet and slowly removed it, the hissing of atmosphere escaping the inside of the suit. He brought the mask forward and the lowered it, showing his red scales and face to the scientist. He stuttered and just starred at him "y...yo...you... no...no stay away... stay away from me!" He grabbed a piece of a wooden crate and held it in a defensive position. Before he could even swing it Anul tackled him to the ground. The man began to struggle violently, but was soon knocked out by a blow to the head. "Dam idiot, must've gone insane during the attack and locked himself in here." "Why was he afraid of me?" "I haven't the slightest idea, some say that the creators of nightmares about the dragons they've created. Guess he finally got some, and seeing you must've awakened all fears he had." "Oh, I see. Ahina how much time left until the evac. crew gets here?" "I can see them on the horizon, so they'll be here in about twenty minutes." "Good, I'll meet you up top in five." "We'll be waiting for you sir. Ahina, out" The com. channel click off and he was on his way up top. Anul was busy holding onto the unconscious scientist and was carrying him up the stairs. "You want me to carry him sir?" "No I can hold him, besides it won't be very good if he wakes up slung over your shoulders now would it?" "I guess not." Anul laughed a bit as he reached the top of the stairs. "You take everything way to seriously my firend, learn to relax a bit once in a while." "I do sir, just not in uniform or on duty." "Well you're off duty now aren't you?" "Yes, but I'm still wearing the uniform, and no I'm not wearing anything underneath, so taking it off is not an option." He laughed along with the general, a very rare moment. The two quickly quieted themselves as they reached the exit. Outside they could see a convoy heading toward the complex. Anul laid the scientist down in the shade, and walked over to his soldiers, who were busy passing around a canteen. He joined them in idle conversation as Alratar put his helmet back on his head. He followed the general over to his men and stood at attention, "Well sir, it's been fun, but I'm afraid we must depart." "Of course, I understand. I do hope we meet each other a few times more my friend." He saluted Alratar and he saluted back to him, they shook hands and then he walked back to his unit. "Alright, lets go." He said half heartedly as he led them out into the open, black desert. They launched into the air one by one and took off into the sky. Alratar took one last look at his home before he left, this was probably the last time he was going to see it. Russian Military Command Center, Moscow "My men... where the hell are my men? They were supposed to report in hours ago!" "I'm sorry sir we haven't been able to make contact since the attack began." "What about a picture, can we get a satellite picture yet?" "I'm sorry sir but that sector has always... wait I'm getting something... oh god!" "What? What the hell happened to them? Tell me dammit!" "Sir... take a look for yourself." The general made his way over to the main computer as the officer put the picture he was seeing on the main screen. There was a low beeping sound and all motion stopped as the head of Russian military looked at the scene, long after the battle. No one moved, no one spoke, all eyes were just on the screen in the front of the control room. The army was obliterated, not one soldier was standing. The white sand had turned black and red, what they were attacking was currently being destroyed by a demolition team. "Damn them! Damn them all! How large was that army?" "Sir, about 1.3 million infantry, tanks, and artillery..." "Dammit..." The general looked at the picture and noticed that the black sand wasn't natural. "Zoom in on that area, now!" He commanded, pointing toward the blackened sand. "That isn't something natural, find out what caused it now!" Everyone went straight back to work, trying to find the cause of death for their comrades. In a few seconds someone came up with an answer. "Sir, readings indicate a large amount of heat radiating from the black sand." "Of course it'll be hot you idiot! It's the frigen desert!" "No sir, were talking about a couple hundred more than the rest of the area." "So they used a couple bombs and some napalm what's so special about that." "But, sir that's just it, it couldn't be a bomb since it is in a straight line and napalm can't turn sand black." "Well then what did this, tell me now!" "Sir, we're trying our best just give us a few minutes and we should have an answer." The general starred back at the screen and looked at his dead men. "Can you move it up some, I would like to see their expressions." The man controlling the screen moved in on some of the bodies. "What the..." The general found himself speechless. Every soldier in the fearless Russian army had a frightened look on their face. The part that left him speechless was the fact that each one had a single bullet through their head or it was just missing. Only a few were hit with body shots and they were obviously the front unit. It was also clear that they had made it inside the complex, but then something happened. Something came during the battle and wiped them all out. There wear no bodies of any American soldier outside the area of the complex and no casualties indicated on the opposing side. "Sir, I found the..." The man stopped at mid-sentence, unable to believe what the computer pulled up. "What is it? Common spill it, what the hell did they use on my men?" "Sir, it was p... p... plasma" * * *

well there's chapter 2, hope you like it, as for me i'm gonna go do somethin else for a while (my head needs a break) probably play Age of Empires 3 if anyone has that let me know i'll play ya... well that's all i have to say for now, ttyl