[SFW] Squirrely Days #008 - Kylola

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#7 of Squirrely Days

[SFW] [Slice-Of-Life] [Alt Romance] [None Traditional Fantasy]

Squirrelly Days is a slice of fantasy life written for and dedicated to people who wished more books let them use their imagination more and painted with prose less.

Join an expansive cast of characters as you experience the world of Alio through character interactions, with minimal narration.

Inspired in part by classic JRPG games and light novels. The Squirrel Days series feature a rich world of original fantasy societies, a mixture of technologies, an element of magic, and a lot of character interaction.

Springing up from her sleeping mat Kylola was met once again by Sharon telling her to go back to sleep. Sighing heavily, she laid back down once more and drifted back asleep for the umpteenth time.

After yet another lengthy dream of chasing Airina through the forest, she sprang out of her sleeping roll once more.


Sharon: Last time you were this restless, you were about to become Airina's protector.

Kylola: Not true. I spent quite a lot of my time as Airina's protector equally or more restless... I swear she was trying to do something reckless or sneak away without me anytime I took my eyes off her for even a second. I truly couldn't even begin to count the number of times I woke up and had to rush off after her.

Sharon: So you've said... Let me rephrase that to the last time--I saw you this restless.

Kylola: Indeed, it's been a great many cycles since I was dishonored and yet I barely feel as though I've caught up on all the sleep I lost as her protector.

Sharon: Or as Kion's babysitter from what you've said. *raspberry*

Kylola: Sorry if all my Kion talk is getting to you.

Sharon: Not at all. I've rather enjoyed this more talkative side of you. I'm fairly certain you've said more in the past four days than in the past four cycles.

Kylola: But is that truly a good thing?

Sharon: It is to me. *warm smile* I'm sure Te-su feels the same.

Kylola: Speaking of, I've noticed he's been gone every time I've woken up?

Sharon: We've been rotating shifts normally. Perhaps you subconsciously feel less secure with me watching over you?

Kylola: Don't be ridiculous. I trust you both equally.

Sharon: I appreciate the sentiment, but I'm well aware of how much higher Te-su ranks in the games than I do.

Kylola: I wonder what I would rank these days. Out of everything not being able to compete in the games is amongst the most annoying aspects of being striked.

Sharon: I'm sure Mirra-su could gauge you accurately if you asked.

Kylola: *unamused stare* Yes, I'm sure she could--after she ran me through whatever ridiculous testing methods she dreamed up.

Sharon: You ever wonder what life would be like as her rammu-jhu?

Kylola: I have enough nightmares already, thank you. Speaking of rammu-jhu, are you going to sign up to have a chance of being Wafit or Vivica's primary?

Sharon: No, I don't think it would be fair to either of them. They both deserve a better master than me. *awkward chuckle*

Kylola: You may not be high ranking in the games, but you are certainly high ranking in the qualities of a good mentor. Unlike Mirra, empathy from you feels genuine, which is one of the things I appreciated most from our master, and something I still have significant issues with when dealing with Mirra.


Seeing a shadow out of the corner of her eye, Kylola turned to see Teran approaching through the window. A few moments later, he entered the watch house.


Teran: You didn't have to stop talking just because of me. I love Mirra-su dearly, but do agree. Empathy from her almost always feels forced. Her sympathy is always genuine, though.

Kylola: Something I know quite well.

Teran: *knowing chuckle* So, what are we talking about, anyway?

Sharon: Kylola-su is trying to convince me I should sign up for a chance to be Vi-su or Wa-su's master.

Teran: I think you would make a great master for either.

Sharon: I'm fairly certain Wa-su would be disappointed with anyone other than yourself.

Teran: He does seem to have quite the crush on me, which would make it fun to motivate him. *devious smile* *long yawn* Seems I should be getting to my nap.

Kylola: Which route did you get back from?

Teran: Seven.

Kylola: Alright, I'll get going.


Grabbing a water gourd off the table, Kylola made her way out of the watch house and stretched on the deck before heading off along the border.

Upon climbing the first lookout tree, she spotted a group of large chewa males hunting in the distance near the border markers.

When their prey hopped over the border line, she watched the group seemingly arguing amongst each other until one of them dashed toward the border. Kylola drew her bow and watched carefully until the rogue chewa crossed the border before releasing her arrow, which swiftly came in contact with its intended vital point dropping the chewa to the ground.

Taking out a message arrow Kylola fired it near the other chewa who read the note then hesitantly crossed the border and collected the body of their fallen companion before turning back to the border and bowing respectfully.

Kylola kept her position until the group of chewa were out of sight then moved on.

After an uneventful rest of her patrol, she returned to the watch house and reported in.


Teran: I wish you wouldn't kill so lightly.

Kylola: And I wish you wouldn't be so reckless. One of these days, your habit of warning chewa is going to get you in trouble or more likely killed.

Teran: If it kills me, I'll go peacefully knowing I tried.

Kylola: Wel-

Teran: Shh~ you can lecture me for the umpteenth time later. Our replacements are here.


After giving their reports to their replacements, the trio gathered up their belongings and began making their way back towards the Gathering.

Reaching the halfway house the trio set up their sleeping gear before foraging for food and patrolled the area until sunset when they returned to the halfway house.


Kylola: I'll take first watch.

Teran: Me and Sharon will split watch duty tonight. That way you can have some coiji and get some real sleep.

Kylola: That's unfair to the two of you. I'm managing fine.

Teran: Take a break from being stubborn and just accept the extra rest. When we get back tomorrow, you'll want energy to play around with Kion.

Kylola: I have no intentions of over occupying his time. If anything, it would be better if I were tired, as then I'll be less tempted to do so.

Teran: *defeated sigh* Since I'm well aware of how futile it is to argue against Kylola logic I'll just accept the defeat and go to sleep. In the meantime, Sha-su, work your charm and convince her otherwise. *knowing smile*


Kylola glared disapprovingly at Teran as he made his way to his sleeping mat and laid down.


Sharon: So~

Kylola: No.


Sharon scooted close to Kylola and looked pleadingly into her eyes.


Kylola: *eye roll* Fine, but I'm not using any coiji... I don't need my nightmares to be anymore realistic.


Kylola gently pushed Sharon to the floor.


Kylola: Which means if you want me to sleep through the night you'll need to help me relax some other way.
