Doed Trip

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#2 of Patreon

One of my monthly Patreon poll winning stories featuring two recent college grads who go on a road trip to find themselves. A fateful encounter on the road will change the two forever and give them some direction for the future.

Doed Trip

The two friends finished packing up their car and made a final check to make sure they had not forgotten anything.

"I know I've asked this a few times but we do have the backup maps?" Myles asked as he paced around the car. The freshly graduated twenty-two year old had short, dark hair, a thinner frame, glasses, and slightly worried look on his face. "I feel like we're missing something."

His friend Troy sighed. "We've been preparing and packing for the last forty-eight hours, and I still have to drive eight hours today to stay on the schedule we set." Troy was around six feet, with pale skin, an average body time, short brown hair with glasses like his friend. He wasn't looking forward to driving the first leg of their cross-country trip but he didn't want Myles to panic either.

After a little more searching Myles happened upon the map and was immediately calmer. "I just want to make sure in case we lose our GPS signal or something, we won't be stranded. We didn't exactly pick a popular route."

"That's part of the fun," Troy said as he climbed into the car as Myles did the same. "Go to a cheap motel for the first couple nights, then do some camping as we pull into the west coast. It'll be great," he said with a reassuring smile.

Myles nodded and as they buckled up, they were ready to go.

Myles and Troy had met in their freshman year of college, having lived on the same floor. While they had different majors, with Myles focusing on engineering and Troy English lit, they connected on a myriad of other interests and starting with their sophomore year, were roommates until they graduated one week ago. They had been through a lot together and were looking forward to this trip where they drove from their mid-western college out to the west coast of the States.

They chose a route that avoided most cities and kept to quick, cheap stops along the way to save money. Once they reached the coast, they had a beach cabin rented for two weeks- from money saved up from years working on campus- where they were going to relax and unwind after years of schooling. Eight hours into their trip they were behind schedule after leaving a little late and construction backup that couldn't be avoided. As evening set in, Troy was still driving as they turned off the major highway and onto more of a rural route.

The scenery went from fields in the rays of the setting sun to trees and dark roads rather quickly, but neither were that worried. Troy was more concerned with making it to the motel and getting something to eat. Myles was on his phone, checking the weather.

"Looks like it might start raining soon. Storms maybe too," Myles said just moments before a distance clap of thunder rumbled.

"Great. Hope that doesn't slow us down much. How much longer until the motel," Troy asked as they rounded a right corner.

"Should be just another hour or so, unless we run into more traffic," Myles said idly while checking the route on his phone.

"I hope you're not jinxing us here. And does this motel have any food options nearby?" As Troy spoke, the wind began to kick up, rocking trees and power lines. Moments later a few drops of rain hit the windshield, begrudgingly forcing Troy to turn on the wipers.

"There are but they seem like pricey places. I'm kinda broke," admitted Myles.

Troy nodded. "Yeah, we could use a couple of bucks on us between us right now," sighed Troy.

"I hear that. Like, there is an Italian place, that's pricey, and then a seafood place that's even more pricey," Myles explained from the short list showing up.

"Jeez, and we are trying to live on the cheap for this one. Good thing there are supplies for us at the cabin already. I'd say check the route for any possible cheaper food options on the way. I'm kind of starving," Troy admitted, patting his stomach.

"Me too," agreed Myles as he began to scan their route. "You keep an eye out for any signs that might help too."

Troy turned the wipers to a faster setting as the rain started to come down harder and the wind was now pulling off leaves and branches from trees and putting them into the road. "I'll try. More worried about this route getting blocked by some fallen tree or something though if this storm gets much worse."

"Just... keep an eye out," Myles insisted while trying to focus on his phone.

They drove for another twenty minutes where the weather began to make a turn for the worse. The road also began to bend more as they moved through a hilly and forested area. Troy was keeping an eye on the road which was thankfully quite clear of cars. He spotted some signs, just for the speed limit, deer crossing, and that a train crossing might be coming soon as well. Hoping that the tracks would be sleeping tonight, Troy kept speed as best he could in the steady and windswept rain.

"I'm not finding much for food so far," Myles admitted as he checked the last few miles of their trip. "Oh wait, looks like there is a convenient store of some kind. Could probably check- HOLY SHIT LOOK OUT!" Myles screamed as the headlights suddenly illuminated, as the car turned right, and two deer appeared from nowhere.

"Shit!" Troy gasped as he slammed on the brakes which, in the rain, caused the car to start to hydroplane somewhat. This caused them to still strike the two deer, only with the passenger side of the car. The one's head smashed against part of Myle's window, but didn't break it. Side impact curtain airbags deployed while on the outside, the thumps that bodies made when a car struck them was bone brunching and unnerving. Thankfully, they had also come to a stop.

Both men were trembling and smelling the gas from the airbags while their bodies ached from the strain of their seatbelts on their body. But as they took stock of themselves, they appeared to be physically fine.

"Myles, how are you doing? You okay?" Troy asked after unbuckling himself. His first thought went to his friend who looked shaken up but otherwise fine. "Can you move, man? Are you hurt internally? Try not to move," Troy cautioned.

Myles raised his hands and after a few deep breaths, was able to breathe normally again. He unbuckled, rubbing his sore shoulder before looking at the deflated airbags and damage to the window. "Aw man, we hit those deer pretty hard and they're not moving," he said as he peered out the unbroken part of the window towards the ground where there were just lifeless masses.

"Let me back up a bit so I'm not taking up two lanes and we'll see to them," Troy told Myles. He then, nervously, went to restart the car which to his delight continued to run. There were several warning lights on the dashboard but he was able to put it into reverse and back up carefully, making sure to not hit the deer, before pulling to the side and turning his hazard lights on. "Okay, let's go see. Can you open your door?"

Myles shrugged at the question and after moving the deflated bag, he was able to unlock the door and open it, though it required putting some of his arm into it. As he got out, Troy did the same and both tossed up the hoodie of the jackets either was already wearing. They walked towards where the headlights were illuminating what appeared to be a mess of limbs but as they got closer, the two twisted bodies came into better view.

They were two deer, does, who looked fully grown and, with their eyes both stuck open as rain fell over them, were definitely dead. One's neck was twisted while the other just had its tongue sticking out. There was not much more blood than a few trickles that the rain washed away.

"Should we move them? So no one else hits them?" Troy asked Myles as he looked down either direction of the road and saw no one.

"I was thinking that at least. Kinda bad enough we killed them. Can't let their bodies just get splattered by a semi or worse, some minivan full of kids," Myles explained.

"Fine, fine. I get ya. You mind grabbing me one of the pairs of gloves from the center console in the car? I don't really wanna touch them. In case they have ticks or something," Troy added to sound safe.

"No, I get ya," Myles agreed as he walked back to the car.

Standing in the rain looking over the two, Troy couldn't help but notice both appeared rather well-fed before thinking that perhaps they were pregnant instead. One had noticeably large udders, but this wasn't exactly Troy's field of expertise. Still, he couldn't help but feel a measure of sorry for having killed two random animals. Especially ones that could have been mothers.

Myles was having very similar thoughts, as it felt like a bad omen for their trip to start out like this. Especially when they would be camping, they were starting the trip off by killing some nature along the way. He felt bad and only felt worse when he saw the dents in the side of Troy's car. None stopped the front or rear doors from opening, but it looked like someone took a sledgehammer to the side of it for a few minutes.

After grabbing the gloves, Myles returned and both put gloves on.

"Where should we move them?" Myles asked as he looked around.

Troy sighed heavily again. "I think the ditch might do. I mean, they'll be food for others in the ecosystem. Circle of life and all that," he explained as best he could, given the circumstances.

"Ditch feels like a shame," Myles said rather sadly.

Troy looked around and flopped his arms. "Well, where else do we put them? Our car doesn't exactly fit deer."

"I know, I know. I guess the ditch will do. Just wish we could do something for them. Something that carries on their spirit, ya know?" Myles said standing over the bodies.

Troy put his arm on his friend's shoulder and gave it a firm squeeze. "You're a good dude, Myles. We'd give them a proper burial if we could but we'll do what we can. May their spirits find proper rest," he added before bending over and grabbing the hind legs of the one.

Myles shivered but knew there wasn't much else to do and once Troy was out of the way, he grabbed the other deer by the legs and started hauling in the same direction as Troy.

At that moment the whole space lit up with a white light and flash followed by both men feeling an almost electric tingle go through their entire body. Then there was a massive crash of lighting that scared both men into freezing where they were. As the light gradually dissipated from their eyes and the dark mostly returned, the tingled faded into their body and bones.

"What the hell was that?" a still stunned Myles asked Troy.

"Were we just struck by lightning? Or really close maybe?" Troy offered. He only then realized he was still hauling the deer. Rather than drop it, he continued quickly to the ditch where he rolled the completely lifeless body down the small embankment into the watery ditch. "You coming? Or you wanna cut it up for eating later?" Troy asked his friend sarcastically.

"Give me a minute, jeez," complained Myles before returning to the task. He did not drop the deer quite so unceremoniously as Troy, but the deer slid down all the same and landed next to the other. "Well, they're out of harm's way."

"Wish they had been five minutes earlier. I really don't want their deaths on my mind but what's happened has happened. Let's- oh shit, my car looks bad," Troy groaned as he finally looked at the damage himself.

Myles lingered on the edge of the ditch for a moment before returning to the car. "You have insurance, right?"

"Yeah, I do. Guess I'll call it in later when we get to the motel." Troy looked and sounded annoyed but was trying his best to remain calm. He went back to the driver's seat while Myles gave a final look towards the deer before prying open the passenger side door and getting in.

Troy turned off the hazard lights and pulled back onto the road, with eyes now focused on the road ahead while listening to the GPS's directions. Myles did his best to get the airbag out of his way before trying to find some measure of calm in the drive. The two just stayed silent as they drove, even as either was starting to feel a little strange.

It was only twenty minutes since they drove off and both had something like numb indigestion in their belly which spread to their guts and up their throats gradually. This was followed by that electric tingle from the near lightning strike before as either man fidgeted unknowingly in their seats. In the end, both would find all their sensations split into two areas of their body.

For Myles, it was in his ears and at the base of his spine where the tingling had him scratching both and trying to be casual about it as they drove. His ears were usually rather small and hidden by his hair but now they were starting to protrude more, both looking a little broader but also longer too. There was even a vague tip forming as his flesh and cartilage reshaped subtly. But Myles spent more time fidgeting in his seat, unaware that his tailbone was diffusing and starting to grow just a little bit.

Troy was having similar issues, though certainly unique in their own way. First was the dull and light throbbing going on just below his hairline, just above either temple, either side of his forehead. He rubbed it a few times until he could feel what could have been pimples or welts. Troy would have kept at it if not for the other strange sensation he was feeling in quite an unfortunate spot.

His cock, for lack of a better way to say it, was getting really hard and feeling close to orgasm without any real stimulus going on. Troy did his best to hide this fact as he drove from Myles who was thankfully preoccupied with his own issues.

"How much longer until the convenient store?" Troy asked just as he felt pre cum leaking from his stiff member.

Myles scratched his head to think for a moment before remembering how to read a map again. "Well, maybe ten minutes or so? Should be on my side," he advised.

"Keep an eye out, would ya? Like, keep your eyes on, on," Troy grimaced as he felt himself start to orgasm despite every effort not to. But he couldn't admit as much to Myles so he kept on going, "Just keep an eye out. I still have deer on the mind," he explained before knuckling down on the wheel more.

Myles thought that sounded good, as the tickling strange feeling at the base of his spine was definitely causing him more and more worry as he could distinctly feel the tail curling up. And more than that, he could almost swear the surface skin of the tail was a little fuzzy. But he dared not actually reach back as Troy was likely to notice that behavior.

All the while Troy continued to orgasm, with his balls feeling overjoyed to empty themselves like never before. The man thought it would last ten or fifteen seconds but two minutes in, and he was still straining to ejaculate yet more. The process had taken his once full and standard balls and shrunk them down to the size of spent grapes, with his scrotum looking deflated around it. But to Troy, this finally meant the orgasm was slowing. Not long after the last few drops of seed dripped from him that Troy could feel his dick shrinking too.

'What a relief that'll be,' he sighed.

"What's that smell?" Myles asked as he sniffed the curious scent in the air.

Troy takes a deep breath and can immediately smell his own cum. Rolling down the window, even in the continued rain, he just shouted, "I don't know what it is but I'll try and air it out!"

Myles nodded though that Troy's behavior was a little odd.

They drove on, with both continuing their changes gradually until, at last, they reached the convenience store they were looking for. Complete with gas pumps.

"Okay, I'll get the gas and you get the grub," Troy said, handing over a $20 bill to Myles.

"Can do," Myles smiled, though he was slow to exit the car. He shielded his backside but as he did and got out of the car, he finally noticed that his ears had a bit more bounce to them than he remembered. He shut the door and leaned over to look in the sideview mirror to at least see his left ear. "Holy sh-" he gasped at the sight of his elongated and curled, with strands of white hair even sticking out from the insides.

Not thinking twice, Myles tossed his hood up and, after checking his backside in the mirror quickly and seeing an odd lump, he pulled his jacket down to hide it better before hurrying into the store.

While Myles ran, Troy quickly reached for the glove compartment and took out some wetnaps and napkins stored there in an attempt to quickly clean his crotch. His efforts only made the wet area wider but the smell had gone down. What had also gone down considerably was Troy's bulge. His usual seven inches felt a lot smaller and as he rubbed at his crotch, there was a lot of numbness and no real bump.

"What the fuck is going on down there?" he wondered to himself out loud before leaning back in his chair and undoing the front of his pants. There wasn't much light but as he pulled his boxers up, he saw that his cock was little more than a half inch, pencil thick, pink knob that was over what appeared to be a swollen pair of lips. Grabbing his phone and flashing in for more light was a mistake as he was able to see the unmissable lips of a cunt between his legs.

Tossing the phone aside and doing up his pants quickly, Troy pulled down the visor and slid the mirror aside to look himself in the eyes. "You're going crazy. You definitely, definitely, don't have a pussy between your legs. You don't- what are those? Oh, oh shit!" Troy's dismissal of what he saw in his pants was not forgotten when, in the vanity mirror, he could see two protrusions from his forehead that were maybe three inches long each and starting to bend backwards over his head somewhat.

Jumping out of the car, Troy moved his hoodie to cover his forehead and then hung his head low while he quickly tended to the gas situation.

In the store, Myles was very aware that he was the only customer in the store with two clerks who were watching him as he went around the aisles trying to think of things to eat instead of the furry ears he had or whatever was rubbing against the back of his pants. In the end, Myles grabbed some candy, sodas, and then two pre-made, and not entirely appetizing looking, and then checked out. The man at the register leered at Myles the whole time and the man didn't feel comfortable until he was back in the car.

Troy was waiting for him and once Myles closed the door, Troy put it into gear and they were off. Myles buckled up and set the back down while also making sure to hide his changes as best he could from Troy, who was doing the same.

"How much longer for the motel?" asked Troy.

"Just twenty, twenty-minutes. More rain though," warned Myles.

"Great," Troy grumbled.

The rest of the drive was continued discomfort for both as they now knew that parts of them were physically changing and the so the tingling warmth they were experiencing was actually quite dangerous. For Troy, he could feel his lower guts churning and some moving. He was afraid to admit it to himself at first but after a few errant rubs of his crotch, where there was nothing more than a slit, even he had realized that he was not really a man anymore. As if that wasn't enough, his horns were also growing.

Myles mostly dealt with his tail undergoing a constant state of change and discomfort. At first he thought it was just growing and being there was bad but soon it was definitely sprouting its own hairs and was rubbing against his bare skin more and more. It went from rough like sandpaper to soft and fluffy rather quickly and by the time they pulled into the motel's parking lot, Myles could just wiggle his tail a little on command.

"You go check in and I'll go park," Troy said as he stopped in front of the office.

Myles hesitates, thinking again of his ears and just how big they felt to him. Would they be noticeable? How could he explain them if noticed? Or the tail?

"Maybe you should check in," Myles suggested.

Troy groaned. "Dude, I just drove for nine hours. The least you can do is check in," he said.

Myles sighed and knew Troy had a point. "Fine. I'll be right back," he begrudgingly admitted as he stepped out of the car and into the downpour of rain.

The office was small, cramped, fifty years out of style with the décor, and definitely made sense why it was so cheap. The woman at the front desk looked like a toad married a pack of menthol cigarettes and had a demeanor to match. Thankfully for Myles, her attention was more on the foreign language soap opera on her old standard definition television than Myles' slightly odd appearance.

"Reservation for Grant? One room, one night?" Myles asked.

The woman grumbled and turned in her chair until she could reach the wall with all the room numbers and keys on it. She tossed the keys on the desk and checked the small paper that came with them. "You prepaid so check-out is by 11 AM tomorrow. Your room is on the left side. Enjoy," she said before practically coughing up a lung.

Myles grabbed the keys and paper, said, "Thanks," and got back to the car. There he found Troy acting strange and tugging at his hood strangely.

"Everything good?" Troy asked as he took the car out of park.

"Yeah, we're good. Room 190. On the left she said," Myles explained.

As the motel was just one story and just a long stretch of rooms, they eventually found theirs at the second to the last from the end. The motel itself seemed to have only a couple other occupants, many of which were likely asleep given it was an hour until midnight.

Grabbing their evening bags, they got out of the car, both being sure to be wary of the other as they came to the door. Myles unlocked it and they were both inside and to their surprise, there was only one queen sized bed as opposed to the two twins they had requested. To say nothing of the 70's error brown shag carpet, wood paneling, and strange smells.

"I wonder how many murders have happened here before. I bet it's more than two," Troy said as he went around the bed and sat down before grabbing the phone there. "We did ask for two beds so I'm gonna see if they can change us."

"Sounds good," Myles agreed as he might not have normally minded sleeping in the same bed as Troy but with these changes, he didn't exactly want to risk being seen. "I'm gonna go take a shower."

Troy nodded while Myles quickly walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind him. No sooner did he than he pulled off his hoodies and t-shirt before taking off his pants and underwear. He turned on the shower to make some noise before turning to look in the mirror over the sink.

"How in the hell?" was all he could barely say as he looked at his ears, which were now covered in brown fur on the backside while longer white hair protruded from the inside. They were a few inches longer as well, growing to a point and they curved inward from the sides slightly. Next he turned his butt around and got the best look he could at what was most certainly a tail.

Curled up over his butt with a leaning further towards his back, Myles's tail was even more fluffy than his ears, with copious brown fur on top with tufts of white underneath. Looking at it in the mirror, with it so out of place on him, until he remembered his ears. That's when he started to put together, at least a little, that these had the trappings of a deer to them.

Not wanting to dwell on the thought, he quickly hopped into the shower and began to wash himself. The provided shampoo and conditioners were mostly empty and the water pressure was weak and barely over warm, but it was still somewhat relaxing after all that time sitting. Especially with the stress since their accident...

Myles eventually got out and dried off before realizing he left his change of clothing in the other room. So he grabbed some of his clothes and wrapped the towel around his head to hide his ears. The clothing hid his tail and crotch so he felt as ready as ever. After a short internal countdown, he opened the door and quickly ran into the room, thinking of finding his pack and change of clothes. But as he did, he caught sight of Troy in a compromising position.

"This isn't what it looks like!" Troy warned as he laid on the bed, naked below the waist, his legs spread, and what definitely looked like a very feminine cunt between his legs. Troy quickly slapped his legs together and tried to pull down his hoodie to hide what Myles had already seen. In pulling down so right, it caused Troy's hoodie to slide back and reveal the seven inches of antler he had grown from his head.

"Dude," Myles gasped as he saw his friend. So stunned was he that Myles let the towel around his head unravel somewhat which exposed his changed ears.

"Wait, what's with your ears?" Troy, wanting to turn the attention away from himself, asked Myles directly.

"My ears? My ears, they, ummmmm, but your head! You've got horns," Myles shot back.

Troy could only blush. "More like antlers but, but yeah," Troy admitted before starting to calm down. He became less concerned with getting attention off himself and more about what was happening. "What did you see?"

"For you or me?" a shaky Myles replied.

"Both, I guess?"

Myles chewed his lower lip before he found one easier than the other. "I saw your, antlers and, and between your legs. Dude, do you have... is that... you know," he stammered and blushed.

Troy moved to the side of the bed and kept his legs tight together and he stood up. "I, I think so. Assuming you mean I have a, a, like a woman's... vagina and, everything," he admitted with obvious doubts.

"Can you show me? Like, you had a dick this morning, right?" Myles, walking around the bed and neared to Troy, asked.

Troy smirked. "Yeah, I was a normal guy this morning. Now," he said as he parted his legs again for Myles to see. Looking as distractedly as he could, Myles glanced down and could see the unmistakable sight of a woman's slit between his friend's legs. That's when Myles started to feel an arousal in him as he looked and could even strangely smell his friend.

"So it's like a, ummm, fully functioning and anything?" A slightly flustered Myles asked, unaware his tail was starting to wag.

Troy gulped and tried to look not flustered himself. "I, well, I imagine so. I haven't really dug into it that- no wait, that doesn't sound right." He blushed and fumbled his words before laying back on the bed. From here, he could more clearly see the tail wiggling behind Myles. "That is really something to see," he says of the growth.

Myles turned his head to look at Troy before glancing down at his backside. "Oh, that. Yeah, it's been growing and it hasn't been totally pleasant," he admitted. Myles showed off Troy his fluffy tail and slight control of it, when combined sight of it with the ears and Troy's antlers, made Troy feel sick to his stomach.

"What the hell is happening to us, Myles? We're, like, getting animal parts. Like, deer people or something," Troy stammered, feeling nerves eating away at himself internally.

Myles laid back as well, though he winced when putting pressure on his tail, forcing him to roll to the side slightly to alleviate the discomfort. When he did, he somewhat rolled onto Troy in the process, pushing them awkwardly face to face for a moment.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to," Myles went to apologize.

"It's fine. We're both... kinda on edge right now. We're... changing, dude," Troy admitted while unable to not notice Myles's cute, fluffy flicking ears. "And I have a weird feeling hitting those deer earlier is the reason. At least, it's the only vague thing I can think of that could be relating all this."

"You mean we're being punished for hitting those deer with like, parts of a deer growing on us? Is that it?" Myles asked as he rolled onto his back carefully to stare up at the ceiling with his friend.

"Fuck if I know for sure, man. I don't have my dick and balls either, so I have no idea how that's related," Troy confides.

Myles thought back to the deer and knew both were female, but if it were some sort of replacement thing, wouldn't Myles have lost his manhood too? It wasn't a thought Myles wanted to linger on so instead he thought of his best friend and the cunt he now had.

Both laid there then for a while, not keeping track of time, and just staring at the ceiling. To them, there was some dull tingling in their body but it didn't feel like anything was changing. This wasn't entirely the case, as Myles was sprouting more fur on his ears and tails, which was gradually spreading to surrounding skin too, and Troy's eggs began to switch species. But feeling mostly just left with the obvious growths, they didn't know what to do or what to think. Eventually Troy closed his eyes while Myles found himself sneaking glances at his friends crotch.

Troy did his best, with eyes closed, to calm himself and now worry about what was happening. Perhaps just sleeping the night or thinking positive thoughts would be enough to stave further changes. He tried to calm down and think that things weren't so bad until pushing his legs together or moving his torso. Then he would feel the lack of a cock and it would, at first, scare him. Trying to avoid this feeling, he let a voice, that was small and nonthreatening, into his mind which told him that everything would be all right and that panicking was the worst thing he could do.

'I'm still Troy. I'm still who I was,' thought the man as he opened his eyes slowly.

The ceiling above was the same pale yellow as before and when Troy looked to his right, he could see Myles staring up, unaware Troy had stirred. Only when Troy moved to sit up did he notice that his right hand was holding Myles's left tightly. With his eyes in the region, Troy also noticed that Myles had a rather noticeable erection going. They then locked eyes, both trembling as to the other's reaction.

After a few moments, Troy finally asked, "What is it? You seem surprisingly... excited."

Myles gulped hard as his face blushed. Trying to speak, he cleared his throat but did a poor job of it. "Well, I, ummmm, I don't know what to say. All of this is so weird and strange and I feel like we're dreaming or hallucinating. I should be freaking out, and part of me is, but another part... another part is, ummmm, fuck, I can't say it," Myles admitted with a hard blush.

He then felt his hand being squeezed by Troy. "You can tell me, Myles. I'm about as exposed as possible so don't feel a need to hold-" but Troy was interrupted by Myles leaning over and kissing him on the lips softly. The kiss lasted longer than either thought until Myles pulled away slightly. "That was, uhhh," Troy stammered, trying to speak.

"Hot?" Myles offered hopefully.

Troy's cheeks turned red. "Unexpected... but yeah, hot," he said.

After a few more silent seconds, the two again embraced, their lips pushed together as they started to make out. Their tepid first kisses grew into impassioned lip service as either soon found themselves wrapping their tongues together. Troy took their hands and moved it to his crotch for Myles to feel gently before starting to grope his friend's cock. As he did, Myles's hand returned the favor and slipped between his friend's legs to his new slit which was, to his surprise, quite wet already.

Both were feeling a strong, hard to place, hot urge for intimacy but how much of it was years of pent up feelings between the two- feelings that they kept hidden rather than share- as well was hard to say. While both felt a push into things by something, what kept them going was the way it made either of them feel. Their bodies got hotter and soon their hands were wandering all over the other. Soon they both had Troy's top off and Myles found himself on top as they continued to kiss and raise the temperature between them.

Neither talked much, either not knowing what to say or for fear of ruining the moment, but they kept on going. Troy had gone from surprised with a kiss to holding Myles close for warmth and comfort as they made out. When the tables turned, and Troy got on top, he did not stay there long. Choosing to instead drop his knees off the side of the bed so he could start sucking his friend's cock. All without a word said as both felt increasingly aroused by their actions. It was almost as if some heat was taking them and their senses on a trip they were enjoying too much to wanna stop.

Myles moaned and soon found himself gripping his friend's antlers as his cock was sucked with a lot of care, warmth, and attention. Meanwhile Troy found himself submitting much easier than he normally would but still finding vast enjoyment from the act. Especially when he got his hands around Myles and could fondle his furry tail. Myles could feel himself getting closer and as he did, felt an overwhelming desire to not just fuck his friend, but to mount him.

"Get up and bend over," Myles told Troy as he looked down at the man licking his cock.

Troy nodded and did as he's told, bending over the bed, which exposed the fact that he too was starting to grow a tail now. It was just a few inches of hairless growth, but seeing it strangely calmed Myles as he stood and got behind Troy.

Sizing his friend up, Myles smacked Troy's ass before lining himself up behind. Troy lifted his head and looked back and immediately smiled.

"What is it?" Myles asked, his moist cock head prodding Troy's wet slit.

"You're growing antlers too. Cute," Troy said with a smile.

Touching his forehead curiously, Myles was surprised to find Troy to be right as two large bulges were starting to grow out. He was tempted to tell Troy about his own growing tail but instead reached forward and grabbed one of his friend's antlers. Next he pushed his cock into Troy, causing both to moan and Troy to lean his head back further.

Taking both of Troy's antlers in hand, Myles began thrusting hard into his friend. This caused either to begin moaning and huffing the heat out of their bodies. Troy began to feel his body tense before he was overcome with his first, and very strong, female orgasm that felt so perfect while bent over like his with his horns pulled. Myles lasted little longer than that himself, as he was quickly overcome and started his own powerful orgasm.

Both orgasms lasted longer than either expected, with Troy cascading from one perfect feeling to the next while Myles could feel his balls pulsing with vigor; as if trying to drain every last drop. Indeed, they were beginning to physically shrink but in the moment, Myles simply didn't care. He was buried deep in his friend, it all felt good, and they were both enjoying it.

By the time Myles was empty, he left Troy's cunt a dripping mess before collapsing face first onto the bed. Troy used his waning energy to get his body onto the bed entirely before letting a long, satisfied sound.

"That was, was, was," Myles began as he tried to find the words.

Troy reached over and covered Myle's mouth with his sweaty hand. "Just, shut up for a bit."

Myles didn't argue, as it was hard to find the right words anyway.

They lay there, breathing hard until both felt the exhaustion of their act and day come upon them. Troy drifted off first and Myles soon after, despite feeling his antlers growing more while his cock ached. So they rested and recovered, their changes continuing into the night.

When Troy awoke, there was some light coming through the windows and his body ached. He rolled over to the nightstand where he had left his phone to check the time.

"Oh shit," he groaned when he saw the hour. Troy gave Myles a nudge with his foot before noticing something about himself being off. "Hey, Myles. Get up," he said while rocking to the side and looking down his back just to see a fluffy deer tail just like Myles had. He did his best not to yelp in fright.

Myles groaned and rolled over rather than wake up, requiring Troy to nudge him more urgently.

"What is it?" Myles groaned, obviously still tired.

"Dude, we got to check out in fifteen minutes and- holy shit, dude, between your legs," Troy gasped as he noticed the lack of equipment his friend now had.

"What are you talking about?" Myles asked warily. He tried looking down between his legs but the room was still too dark. That was until Troy turned on the lamp on the nightstand which lit up the dark leathery lips of cunt rather than the cock and balls he had just the night before. "Holy shit, no, no, no!" he gasped as woke up very quickly.

Troy got up to his feet but wobbled slightly as he felt forced up to his toes to stand. Looking down, he gasped and covered his mouth when he saw that his feet had also been changing overnight. His middle toes were bulbous and overgrown, with his nails now taking up more of the actual foot. His other toes looked smaller, but the skin there was almost brown with nails similar to the bigger ones. Staggering around for a few steps, Troy lost balance and fell forward onto his hands in front of Myles.

"Damn it," Troy cursed with a shaky, scared voice.

"Oh no," was all Myles could gasp at the sight of his friend's backside. This was the first time Myles was noticing that Troy had a tail but below that the skin was a darker brown. This went around Troy's puckered asshole and to his cunt which had the night before, looked at least human. Now it was a darker brown and somewhat smaller but also more swollen and bestial.

"What? What is it?" Troy asked as he used the wall and curtains to get himself back to two legs.

"Just... you're still changing. And I am too," Myles admitted as he also noticed that his nose was sticking out more than usual.

"Into freakin' deer, man. Does, even," Troy said as he carefully walked towards the bathroom. "And we're gonna have people at our door soon if we don't leave. Pack up fast and we'll leave."

Myles nodded, though his mind was still racing with thoughts of what to do. Still, he began to pack what little they had got undone the day before while trying not to panic. Checking the time, they had less than five minutes by the time Myles was doing his best to fit into clothes.

"You ready, Troy? We gotta go," Myles shouted at the bathroom door.

A flushing noise followed by the sink and then Troy came out on all fours, looking embarrassed.

"I made a bad mess in there," Troy admitted as he moved towards his backpack to put clothes on. "I couldn't do it standing, not anymore, so I went on all fours and tried to just be over it over... Deer droppings everywhere and my piss smells like hot sex."

The mere mention causes Myles to blush. "Jeez, dude. You didn't need to go into detail."

"We're turning into deer, Myles. Sorry if I'm not as calm as you about it," Troy argued as he did his best to dress quickly.

"You think I'm handling it well? I'm freaking out, Troy. I just don't want to be caught in this... state." Myles went to the window and peeked out.

"Well, you're driving," Troy said while trying to get socks on, only to tear small holes in the sides with his partially formed hooves.

"Yeah, I'm nervous about it. What if my feet or hands start changing?" Myles stressed.

"What if they change? I'm already going down that rabbit hole myself so don't worry about it. Let's just drive and get out of here and just try to think I guess," was all Troy could come down to.

Both dressed in baggy clothing with hoodies and long sleeves to best hide themselves. Troy couldn't get his sneakers on so just went with the socks as he ran to the car and got in the passenger seat. Myles packed things in and made for the driver's side just as they saw the woman from last night walking up.

"Leaving then?" she asked with a cough.

"Yup. We're checking out," Troy said out the window while trying to keep his antlers hidden.

"Good. I need the room," she said before hacking and lighting another cigarette.

Myles pulled out and got back on the road quickly. Both, for the first thirty minutes, focused purely on driving and getting back on their route as if nothing was amiss. Once they were, both sat in their seats, awkwardly fidgeting around as their tails and spreading backsides. It wasn't until they could both hear Troy's socks ripping apart from their continued transformation into hooves that it was hard to ignore any longer.

"So how do we fix this? Can we fix this?" Troy asked. He looked down in the foot well and could see his white socks being stretched before ripping apart.

"I have no idea. I'm just really wishing we hadn't killed those deer yesterday. This is some sort of punishment for that? I mean, people hit deer all the time and this doesn't happen to them," Myles argued. While Troy had been feeling his feet change, Myles had been watching his nose protrude more and more, while getting wider and the skin darker. It was making his glasses sit oddly on his face but he managed.

"Like, I'm scared and I'm panicked and embarrassed and yet I'm not freaking out as much because something in me is saying it'll be okay. Are you getting that at all too?" asked Troy.

Myles nodded. "I have, to a degree, yeah. Part of me, when I saw, when I saw... what happened to my cock. Part of me was almost happy? I don't know how to explain it, other than it was like my subconscious was thrilled but ashamed for it. Is that part of the change too? Are we losing ourselves mentally?"

The worrying question received no answer from Troy, only because he became lost in the thought.

They drove on for the rest of the afternoon, mostly not talking unless about the route or where to go. Their changes also appeared to slow, as Troy was now left with two large hooves and dew claws with even a bit of short brown fur on them. His ears were also changing, becoming gradually more like Myles' though the changes were slowing. Myles had to deal with the sensations of his cunt changing shape. But as they drove into the evening, both started to deal with the same strange sensation.

Starting around their waist and feeling like a bloat, neither was exactly sure what the feeling was at first. But soon their pants were feeling tighter as something was clearing growing just above their near cunts. Both at first tried to act like nothing was awry until noticing the other doing the same.

"You feel something there too?" Myles asked Troy.

"Yeah, something swelling up almost," Troy answered while rubbing the bulge he wasn't trying to hide in his lap.

"Well, can you check? I'm still driving," suggested Myles.

Taking a deep breath, Troy went for it and pulled down the front of the sweatpants he had put on. When he did, two fleshy growths, that were closely connected, bobbled out. They were each tipped with what looked like a pink nipple that was in the process of gradually growing,

"Oh fuck, are those teats?" Troy gasped.

Myles grimaced for a moment before nodding. "Yeah, looks like it," he admitted before turning his attention back to the road. He sighed before saying, "Well, it makes sense if we're turning into does," in a relaxed manner.

Troy stared at his teats before looking over at his friend and seeing the similar bulge on Myles. He then looked up at his friend and saw the antlers, ears, and now deer nose he had. To this he thought of his own antlers and ears, along with his almost useless feet and tail, and sighed deeply.

"I think we might have to skip the hotel tonight and just camp instead," Troy suggested while tugging his pants back up.

Myles looked a little uneasy by the suggestion. "You think so?"

"Do you want to talk to someone fact to face right now? Do you think I do? We gotta lay low and try to, I don't know, think this out or something," Troy reasoned best he could.

Myles knew Troy was right but it was hard to give up the thought of sleeping in a real bed. "So where do we go instead?"

"Let me check," Troy responded as he took out his phone. After a few minutes, he was smiling. "Okay, take the next exit. There is a massive park there and there is camping, among other things. Also in good news, no rain tonight and even a mostly full moon."

"I guess that's something," Myles said as he drove on.

It was another forty minutes before they reached the outskirts of the park where they had to do some driving to find a way in as many entrances were closed at dusk, which had just passed. Eventually they found a dirt road that led into the park where they could see cars and trucks pulled off in what they figured was a sign of other campers.

Turning down the road and peering out either side, they couldn't see anyone so they just kept driving. This went on for fifteen minutes more, the path leading deeper into the woods, before they pulled off to the side and parked when they spied a campground sign and a small path.

"This should be deep enough," Troy said as he carefully got out of the car, grabbing a flashlight from the glove compartment as he did.

"Hopefully. I really don't want to be seen like... this," Myles says with a shiver.

They two got out and grabbed all the camping gear they could, with Myles taking more as Troy was finding it very difficult to stand at all, let alone haul things. Once ready and the car locked, they headed down the path on full alert for any sights, sounds, or even smells that may tell them there are other campers around. Thankfully, as they reached a small clearing that was from an offshoot of the main path, there were only the usual sounds of a forest at night.

They made camp there, with Troy setting up a campfire while Myles tended to the nice tent they had gotten which was a bit fancier than your typical triangular tent. It gave them both some room and a place to keep their things in relative comfort. Both were also doing all this while their changes progressed further.

Their udders hung more as they grew, with Myles bending over more as he found standing straight up, despite still normal feet, caused his body to ache. Especially in the pelvic region. Troy's nose was also starting to darken like Myles' while he dealt with the feeling of his ass splitting apart more.

Fire started and tent pitched, both meandered into the forest to relieve themselves. Both did so on all fours and left droppings unmistakable from any other deer's. The only difference at all was that their urine all smelled, as Troy had put it, like 'hot sex'. As they both trotted back to their tent, neither seemed entirely comfortable.

"Well, we avoided being seen but we're still changing, Myles," Troy said while trying to sit down.

"I know, it's making my heart race and yet I'm not as scared as I should be. I think that's the mental aspect kicking in," Myles remarked as he took a seat next to Troy with more ease.

"I don't think any part of my brain likes this," Troy stated abruptly. "I think our heads are just trying to keep us from totally going insane over this, because that probably won't help matters.

"Yeah, but what will actually help us now? I feel like we're sunk already. I doubt a hunter could tell the difference between us and some other deer in this forest right now," Myles admitted. He went to the small cooler they had and took out two bottles of water and handed it to Troy. "Maybe we should drive back? Go back to those deer and then maybe, I don't know, wish for this not to happen? I got no other ideas, Troy. I'm tapped and just about losing it." Myles then started chugging water, with some of it splashing off to the side due to his nose.

Troy could only shrug. "Maybe. Maybe nothing will stop what's happening. What if-" but as Troy was about to continue, they heard a snap of a branch. Both their ears perked up and their heads went on swivels as they started looking around for the source.

"What was that?" Myles asked.

Shaking his head, Troy got up to his hooves quickly, though he struggled to stay there. "I don't know. I really hope it's not a park ranger or some hunter," he said while trying to peer into the dark around them but the sky had gone overcast. "Is anyone there?" he asked in a voice barely over his talking one.

There was no response except for some more cracked twigs and a strange scent in the air. Both started sniffing with their brown noises before taking in a musky scent that was triggering something in their heads because both began to feel their cunts radiate heat. Myles rose to his feet as well and started looking before spotting something in the shadows of the tree trunks and branches.

"Over there. Something big," Myles pointed out as whatever it was seemed bigger than them.

Troy looked and it took a moment but he did spy the same thing as Myles, along with them hearing it move towards them. "Okay, not a human I think but what if it's a bear?" Troy asked as he felt his legs freeze up.

"Run as best you can in opposite directions? I don't know, my body is stuck between staying still and fleeing," Myles said as he too felt his feet stuck to the ground.

The shadow continued to approach until finally the clouds cleared above and moonlight flicked down onto the creature, giving it some form from the darkness. They could see that it wasn't physically as tall they thought, but that it had something massive on its head which came to look like antlers before too long. By the time either man realized this, the massive buck stepped into their camp circle, sniffing at the air.

Neither man had any words as first as they weren't sure what to say. They just watched the buck trot from the forest into the clearing as if not afraid of the humans standing there. It sniffed around the space and made its presence felt, as he was probably near four-hundred pounds with a large set of antlers and a body that was stout.

As they watched, it was Myles first that realized he was entranced by the look of the buck and really taken in by him in a way that wasn't normal. Turning to his friend, Troy required a nudge to the ribs to break his stupor.

"Troy, man. Snap out of it," Myles told Troy.

"Sorry, sorry. I don't know what came over me," Troy tries to excuse while trying to rub his head, only for his hand to bump his own antlers. "He doesn't seem to be afraid of us at all."

"No. No, he's pretty bold. You think he could smell us? Like, fellow deer?" Myles suggested as the buck trotted around them, still sniffing at the ground.

"You're probably not wrong there. We have the look of deer to us so we probably don't smell like humans and danger. Wonder if he can understand us too? He's very curi- oh! OH!" Troy gasped suddenly as Myles watched his friend fall forward onto his hands. Myles then looked back and saw the culprit.

"Holy crap, Troy, he's, he's," Myles tried to say as he saw the buck's snout buried in Troy's backside, lapping away.

Troy was trying to find the words to explain his shock and surprise but couldn't as the feel of the buck's tongue tasting his cunt was turning him on like nothing before. Finally, after biting his lips a few times, Troy managed to say, "Stop him. It feels too good," before turning away from Myles to hide the pleasure on his face.

Myles was still taken aback by this to the point where his own legs got weak. When he did process what Troy said, Myles looked to the buck to maybe scare it off. Instead his eyes went right under the buck's back legs, where a red cock was beginning to emerge from his furry underbelly. Gulping as his mouth starts to water, Myles dropped to his knees and then his hands before again looking up at the buck.

"I can try one thing," Myles said at almost a whisper, which Troy barely heard over his own beating heart.

"Help," was all Troy could gasp.

The buck's attention continued to stay on Troy, his excitement growing his cock further as he tasted the doe that seemed in season to him. It's thoughts were simply going to breeding when it stopped. It then bellowed happily.

It took Troy a few seconds to recover himself. "Thank you, Myles. I don't know what you did but he stopped," he panted. "We have to watch out. I think that buck wanted to fu- dude! Myles!" Troy gasped when he turned and actually saw what his friend had done to distract the buck.

Rather than scare the beast off, Myles was underneath the buck, licking at his still hardening red member. Troy's words did cause Myles to pull away briefly to look at his friend before going right back to it with enthusiasm.

At a loss for words at first, Troy just watched until a seed of something took hold of him that he wasn't expecting. As it grew, he realized it was jealousy that the buck, now turning and licking at Myles' bare ass, had turned to his friend. To remedy this, what Troy did was stop trying to balance on two legs and fall to all fours. Then he walked over and stuck his head under the buck to lick at his cock just the same as Myles.

The two lapped at the buck's cock, who appeared fitfully taken by the act, with no thought to how they looked or that what they were doing was anything but normal. In their minds, both were doing what they had to, given the situation. Once the buck was fully erect, it just meant more for the two to enjoy.

But the act didn't go without luring out more rapid changes again, as both felt their tongues get longer before realizing their actual faces were pushing out somewhat soon. The dark of their nose was spreading over more of their faces, causing both of them to finally lose their glasses as they gave into what was nothing less than submissive pleasure to the only actual male there. All their tails flicked with joy.

It was only when a loud pop and crack from the fire which sent some sparks in the air spooked the buck, sending it dashing off in a rush and at full mast. As it ran away, both Myles and Troy gave chase at first, with Myles stopping himself first and Troy only halting at the forest's edge.

"Come back! You were supposed to breed us!" Myles called out before blushing hard at what he had just said.

Troy almost shouted something similar before biting his lip and turning back towards the camp on all fours. "I think maybe we should go to bed," he suggested, not able to make eye contact with Myles at the moment.

Myles just nodded and set about putting out the fire.

They gathered everything inside the tent, along with themselves, and tried to settle in to sleep. The front of the tent zipped shut but was mesh so they could stare through it, both still thinking of the buck and wondering if he would return. Within an hour of this they waited, in which they ate and drank more. They had prepared sandwiches, which they removed the meat from before eating with just bread and lettuce, tomato, and condiments.

Before bed, both stripped and made no effort to hide their changed bodies while still remaining quiet about what transpired.

"Have a good night, Troy. I'll see you in the morning," Myles said as he snuffed out the lone lantern lighting the tent.

"Mhmmm, good night to you too, Myles," Troy responded after a pause.

Myles thought little of it as he got into his sleeping bag and tried to find a comfortable position but couldn't. He kept moving around, unsatisfied, until thinking that Troy wasn't moving around as much and maybe found a comfortable way to do it. Looking over, Miles was surprised when he saw what looked like Troy in his sleeping bag but bent over, with motion underneath on the backside.

"Troy, what are you doing?" Myles whispered.

Troy could be heard moaning softly into his pillow before he was able to turn his head enough to say, "Fucking myself with a flashlight. You?"

This caused Myles to blush but also to remember his still unquenched lust from earlier. "You still thinking about the buck?" Myles asked.

"I haven't been able to stop," he conceded after more moaning, with his face pushed out into a clear snout, with brown and white furs sprouting. "All I can think about is the taste of his cock and this desire to be bred. What's wrong with me?" he begged Myles.

"Not as much you as us. I wanted that buck to mount me too, man." Saying as much caused Myles to feel suddenly very hot and bothered all over.

"Just find something to use on yourself and go nuts. You're not sleeping now otherwise," Troy told Myles.

Under his sleeping bag, Troy could feel that his body was changing. His teats were swelling more while his hips and pelvis made deep popping noises. In the back of his mind, Troy knew he just got locked into walking on all fours, but instead he focused on just continuing to work his cunt and get these urges out, even if he was already two orgasms in.

Finding a marker from his nearby backpack, Myles rolled on his back and bent his legs up before reaching down between his legs and inserting the marker with thoughts of the buck flooding his mind. And so both men were in their tent, pleasuring themselves furiously to the image of the buck they saw before taking either of them. They had no shame or dislike for what they were doing, only a desire to release the tension in their changing bodies.

Over the course of several orgasms, both gained a snout, proper udders, an almost completely bald head, and fur sprouting all over themselves. By the time they each let their makeshift dildos fall out and their bodies relax, they were physically more deer than human anymore. And there was no semblance of masculinity either. But as they were spent, they slipped off into dreams easily, where they encountered the buck and other deer with a normality that would have chilled them twenty-four hours prior.

When they woke, both were sore and had headaches. Getting out of his sleeping bag first, Myles was not terribly surprised when he saw all the fur on him. But seeing his old hair laying around did make him run his hand over his head, expecting to feel a smooth top. Instead there was already a light fuzz going.

Myles also looked down at his hands and was unnerved to see his ring and middle fingers swollen, with the nails completely overgrown and giving off definite hoof-vibes.

"I'm not sure I can drive today, dude. I'm losing my hands so you might have to try to manage yourself," Myles suggested as he managed to get to his feet. Only then did he actually look to the struggling figure of his friend in the sleeping bag. "Woah, woah. What's the problem?" he asked as he approached Troy carefully.

"I can't get out! I can't! I'm, I'm too hot and I can't move properly... arg!" he yelped as he continued to struggle.

"Just, just slow down, Troy. I can get you out but I don't want to kick you," Myles said as he knelt down to help.

Troy obliged and instead focused on slowing his breathing. As he did, Myles unzipped the sleeping bag and could see the problem immediately. "Oh shit, your legs," he gasped.

While Myles's hands were starting to look like hooves, Troy's entire ass and legs now looked taken off a doe and glued on his. There was fur, the bone thinner, the back end spread apart.

"What happened?" was all Myles could ask.

Troy took more breaths to calm himself. "I had wet dreams last night. A... a lot of them and I think, I think I kept changing," he said with a shaky voice. "I can't stop this, can I? I'm gonna be a fucking deer soon."

"Just you?" Myles pointed out harshly before softening. "Sorry, sorry. I don't even remember my dreams last night. But fuck, it's just getting worse."

"It is," agreed Troy who got up on all fours again and noticed that his shoulders felt wider too. "I can't drive anything, Myles. I don't think we're going anywhere. Fuck, we're not leaving this forest, are we?" he asked with a touch of desperation.

Myles tried to think of something positive to say but as they all had to do with buck penis, he just shook his head. "We should go. Maybe, maybe find our phones and glasses and figure this all out."

Troy smirked a little. "I can hear it in your voice, Myles. You're just as freaked out as I am and you know it's not stopping either." Troy shook his head. "I gotta get out of this tent, though. Air feels so stiff in here. Can you open the front for me?"

Not knowing what else to do, Myles nodded and went to front and began unzipping the door when he noticed what was outside.

"Uhhhh, Troy," Myles spoke up.


"Look outside."

Troy winced at the suggestion at first, preferring just to go out, but once he did look, he was shocked too. "Oh, wow," he gasped.

"Yeah," Myles nodded. He then opened the front flap of the tent and stepped out.

Troy followed carefully, unsure what to make of the situation. Once he was beside Myles, the man also dropped to all fours submissively.

In front of them were at least fifteen deer, some spread around the camp space, others deeper in the woods, but they all appeared to be does of varying ages. While that sight was impressive, it was the two bucks that stood at the front, who towered over the does and them, which had their actual attention. Myles and Troy sniffed at the air and the musky odor they picked up on reminded of the previous night.

"Is that the buck from last night?" Myles asked Troy.

Troy looked at both bucks and found their faces to be rather similar. A strange thought came to Troy's mind then that he should have resisted but instead gave into with ease. "Let's see if this reminds one of them," Troy said as he turned himself around and lifted his tail.

"Troy! What, what the fuck are you doing?" Myles asked, as if embarrassed on his friend's behalf.

"Giving in, Myles," Troy confided.

The act didn't go unnoticed as one of the buck's tails flicked excitedly before trotting over, snout bent down to sniff at Troy's exposed rear end. As Myles looked on, he could now see that Troy's hands were changing just like his own while his arms thinned. "Giving in? You can't, you can't be serious."

"What's to fight, really? The changes aren't stopping," Troy said, holding up his right hand which now looked more like a hoof, with thumb and pinkie now more like dew claws.

"But we're not deer. We're, we just graduated. Our whole lives ahead of us," he said, feeling a need to talk Troy out of it.

"Our whole new lives ahead of us. We had other plans but now we have new ones. Is it that bad? Because right now, it doesn't feel bad," Troy said hotly while the buck lapped at his cunt.

Unsure what to say, Myles turned away from Troy and instead saw the other buck approaching. It sniffed at Myles a little before snorting and nudging at him rather insistently. Myles pushed back vaguely. "Stop it," he said meekly.

"He wants you, Myles. Just let him have you. You know you want it as bad I do," a heated Troy told his friend.

Myles tried to think of arguments to say but instead could only think of being bred and joining the herd and the positives of it. The more he thought, the more he felt an ache in his pelvis. One that could only be relieved by spreading his legs more. Doing so seemed to stoke the furnaces, as Myles felt keenly aroused and before he knew it, was turning around just like Troy until he was right next to his friend with the other buck dipping its head down to start tasting at him.

Within seconds Myles was moaning and crossing his eyes from pleasure as the feeling of a buck's tongue on his heat swollen sex was just what he needed to push him over the edge.

"Oh, you're so right, Troy. This is as good as any future," he accepted.

They then looked at the other, both sprouting more fur, their necks starting to get longer, while their arms and shoulders separated. The fear of change which they experienced at first had been dulled and overwhelmed by the doe senses that burned from within them.

The changes to their bodies accelerated as they were both licked, their torsos changing shape and alignment while their hands and feet disappeared into hooves. Ribs cracked, chests pushed forward, brown and white fur spread as the former college grads were remade into white-tailed does with no further resistance on their part. Not that they could if they wanted to anyway.

The bucks finally let up as both had their changes almost catch up with the other. Their faces still retained some humanity, with skin showing, their eyes unchanged, and their ability to speak not fully robbed. But when they both looked back over themselves, there was only their new fully cervine bodies behind them. Behind that, though, were two bucks who gave no further warning when they mounted their respective does.

"This is... this is it, Myles," Troy gasped as he could feel the buck's cock prodding around his cunt already.

Myles' heart was racing, but with the thrill and excitement of having a mate rather than fear. "Yes, yes. Fuck us. Use us! Bring us into the... herd. Please!" he howled as his buck's cock shot right into him. As it did, he felt his face push out more and more fur start to sprout down his snout. He tried to speak again but found only a doe's pleased bleat coming out.

Troy smiled as best he could at the sound of Myles enjoying himself just before his own mate penetrated him. "Oh, oh," he moaned as his vision started changing. "Breed me good," was Troy's last gasp at English before doe bleats took over his speech too.

And so the two enjoyed feeling their heads change, reshape, and reform. Their minds got fuzzier and fuzzier, with instinct pouring over them and thoughts of college, work, family, and everything else were outweighed by the need to be bred and join the herd. Submitting to their new doe minds, Myles and Troy became indistinguishable from the many does watching them. Both felt no shame or remorse, only pleasure and acceptance in their new lives and roles.

The bucks did their duty together, flooding their respective does with seed and completing their transformation. Both looked satisfied as the bucks climbed off either, bellowed, and then returned to the forest, with the rest of the herd turning to join them. For Myles and Troy, they were still standing there, their new cunts still dripping, as their bellies both swelled up until both were seven months into their gestation and almost ready to birth.

They weren't troubled, turning to nuzzle each other before joining the herd and following them into the forest.

What happened to the two would be a mystery for decades to come, with the trail they left behind being a confusing one to any curious enough to follow. For the two former friends, they had no worries as they fit into the herd with ease, and soon became favorites of their respective mate. But they also always stayed close together, even as the herd moved. The two friends still had a bond, even if they couldn't speak it or fully remember why.

Myles and Troy had gone out hoping to find themselves on their road trip. While perhaps not what they expected, they had found purpose and a bliss all their own.