[SFW] Squirrely Days #007 - Vivica

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[SFW] [Slice-Of-Life] [Alt Romance] [None Traditional Fantasy]

Squirrelly Days is a slice of fantasy life written for and dedicated to people who wished more books let them use their imagination more and painted with prose less.

Join an expansive cast of characters as you experience the world of Alio through character interactions, with minimal narration.

Inspired in part by classic JRPG games and light novels. The Squirrel Days series feature a rich world of original fantasy societies, a mixture of technologies, an element of magic, and a lot of character interaction.

Hearing the floor creak, Vivica tried to get up quickly forgetting she was bound and rolled out of the sleeping mat.

Wiggling her way back to a sitting position, she looked towards the source of the sound to see Kion staring nervously back at her.


Kion: Sorry, I-I was going to go use a pot real quick and didn't want to wake you.

Vivica: You're fine, I blame Yi-su. She's always trying to sneak around in the morning, so I'm kind of jumpy. Speaking of, since it's morning, why don't you just take me with you, then once you're done we can go see if Mirra-su isn't ready to untie me.

Kion: Alright.


Vivica braced herself for everyone's comments as Kion picked her up and made his way to the common room where Yineh and Wafit were sitting together drinking tea.


Wafit: I'm hoping this is some strange Mirra-su thing and not something I should be concerned about.

Vivica: Mirra-su.

Wafit: *relieved sigh*


Kion sat Vivica down next to Wafit then made his way to the pot room.


Yineh: *unenthusiastic* Suppose Ki-su would probably get in trouble if anything happened to you.

Vivica: Probably.


Vivica's eyes went wide as Yineh approached her wearing a devious smile.


Vivica: W-what are you going to do?

Yineh: *maniacal giggling*

Wafit: Yi~su?


Yineh pounced on Vivica and tickled her mercilessly until Kion came running out of the pot room to see what was going on.


Yineh: Oh~ don't look at me like that. She's fine. I just had to get the grumpy look off her face for a moment. *snickering*


Vivica looked towards Reteh and Demoron, whom both entered from the hallway.


Demoron: *concerned* What's going on out here?

Yineh: Let's wait for Lina. That way we don't have to repeat the story too many times.


Vivica turned her ears towards Lina's room and listened carefully as the group fell silent while they sipped tea.


Lina: *muffled* Veck... like seriously now. At least I'm more awake now.

*long silence*

Lina: Come on Lina, just open the door and go out... I'm sure everyone else is already awake and waiting for you...

*short silence*

Lina: Nee I'm not worrying about that anymore... and nee I'm neet to do that to calm myself down. I already told you everyone is waiting for us.

*short silence*

Lina: Nee! We are going out this door right this moment--nee more excuses.


Turning her eyes to the hallway, Vivica watched Lina walk into the trainee common and wave awkwardly to the group as she stared at her.

After Yineh explained the first part of the situation, Vivica explained the second.


Lina: So~ the lesson to be learned here is that I should avoid getting on Mirra-su's bad side.

Yineh: *contemplative hum* I don't think I've ever seen Mirra-su's, "bad side" I'd call this her, "teaching" side, and there's no way to avoid that... Unless she decides to become a primary mentor for someone then the rest of us could be spared her more unique lessons.

Vivica: *hard gulp*

Wafit: I doubt it. If anything, we'd be the target of her attention more often since she would be around the Gathering more.

Yineh: You're probably right. The only safe bet is to become someone else's rammu-jhu.

Lina: I'm almost afraid to ask how primary mentors are assigned here.

Wafit: Senior rammu interested register themselves for the position, then when a trainee is ready for a primary Bora-su decides on whom their master will be, unless the trainee requests that their primary be chosen by random lot.

Lina: Can you request the random lot even after he makes a pick for you?

Demoron: In theory, yes... though in practice that could be very heartbreaking for the primary he picked. Mentors have one moon to decide if they are up to the task of taking on a rammu-jhu, and can always recommend you to another mentor if need be. Therefore, it would be better to have a heart-to-heart talk with your mentor rather than publicly rejecting them.

Vivica: So~ not to be overly pushy or anything, but any chance we could all be ready to get going?

Yineh: I suppose.

Reteh: Me as well.

Wafit: I guess we're just skipping our normal regimen then?

Vivica: I--really hope Mirra-su doesn't expect Kion to carry me that far.

Demoron: She might. After all, it's not unexpected for a rammu to need to carry someone who's wounded for greater distances than our morning regimen.


After some quick cleanup, the group made their way to the main common where they found Mirra sipping tea alongside Isalla, an average height, mature, light-gray female who frequently swaps between a large array of lavender colored accessories.


Isalla: Looking good Viv, I'm loving your new accessories. *playful smirk*

Vivica: Don't get used to them since Mirra-su's going to be taking them back now.

Mirra: *curious* I am?

Vivica: We're all ready to go clean up the mess.

Mirra: Don't you have a morning regimen to do, and a detour to pick up uniforms from the village while doing it?

Isalla: The regimen seems fair, but do you--really think it's a good idea to send Viv into the village tied up like that?

Mirra: Indeed, just imagine the angry letter I'll receive from the elders. *pleased smirk*

Vivica: This isn't fair. Kion didn't do anything wrong, yet he's going to suffer the most.

Mirra: *dismissive tone* A large part of being a rammu is suffering for the sake of others for no other reason than being nearby.

Vivica: And exactly what am I supposed to be learning?

Mirra: That you can't always run away from the people who care about you.

Demoron: On the topic of caring about each other, would it not be more accurate if at least one or two of us shared the burden with Kion? After all, it's common for rammu to work in pairs and trios.

Mirra: In my experience that is more a potential luxury than a given, but since you and Wa-su both have a look of genuine worry, I'll permit the two of you to assist him, if he so desires.

Reteh: Shouldn't it be me and Yi-su?

Mirra: This isn't a punishment, besides the two of you will likely need to carry Lina.

Lina: *nervous* I-I'm not going to be tied up, am I?

Mirra: I'm not sure how you came to that conclusion, but no.

Lina: Then why would I need to be carried?

Mirra: Perhaps you won't, but you are going to be traveling more than twice the distance you were barely able to manage yesterday with less than half the time.

Lina: *stunned* Oh...

Isalla: Did any of you want tea before you leave?

Wafit: We already had some.

Vivica: So, I'd offer to prep everyone's water, but my hands are a bit tied up at the moment.

Reteh: I'll take care of it.


After Reteh returned, the group set out on their morning adventure. To Vivica's surprise, Kion carried her the entire time, and to her great relief Mirra untied her upon returning.


Mirra: How are you feeling, Ki-su?

Kion: Fairly tired, but I can still help with the Ojeri Tree clean up.

Mirra: I think it would be better if you stayed here and practiced return whistle calls with Viv. Between her hearing and my own, we should be able to stay in contact the entire time with short range whistles.

Kion: Alright.

Vivica: You want us to practice from the lookout, or somewhere else?

Mirra: The lookout, that way you can double task.

Vivica: Understood.


Vivica gathered some supplies with Kion, then led him up to the lookout located at the top of the tallest tree in the Gathering, a large open platform with a signal fire stack raising out of its center with a domed covered area around it, filled with supply cabinets, and three circular arched bar height workbenches facing towards the outside walkway with two padded stools placed at each workbench.


Vivica: So~ given your history, do you actually need me to train you in whistle calls?

Kion: Is there anything more to know than green for informational assistance, yellow for non-critical assistance, and red for emergencies?

Vivica: *stunned* That's really all you know?

Kion: *affirmative nod*

Vivica: O~kay then... I guess we have--a lot to talk about.
