Wasteland Survivor – Reclamation - ch16

Story by Damaged on SoFurry

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#17 of Wasteland Survivor

Sundays rock, nothing to do but relax, watch a movie, write two chapters...

As usual, comments and votes are always welcome.

All told, Kevin changed two more of the teenagers and the three soldiers who were not already hybrid.

Most were common types, two of the soldiers became cats, tiger and another panther, the another a snake and one of the remaining teens became a ferret, but it was with Brian that we had had a problem.

"How the fuck do you think I am taking it? You turned me into a fucking big eared girl!" The distraught teen was yelling.

"I don't chose", Kevin whispered, "the change is what would have happened anyway."

I started to translate as for him as usual but the elf girl turned to me, gestured to her ears and said, "What? You think these are for fucking decoration I... I..." The anger seemed to be fading, tears welled in her eyes, "How am I meant to get David's attention now, he only likes guys.", I grabbed her into a hug, she was bawling and I am sure that I was the only one who heard the last bit.

~"That could have gone better."~ The Sergeant told me, he was happy enough that he had a few more big soldiers with claws and good reflexes.

"I am going with you, just so you know." Kevin said to Cope.

"Yeah kid, I heard how you can fight, I don't like it but you will be welcome." The soldier replied to him.

"Well, if he is going, I am going too." Someone said, it was only after all the heads turned my direction that I realised it was me. "I... I ain't letting him risk his arse and not me."

Brian turned in my arms, "Like hell your going alone, there has to be something this" and he gestured at himself, "is good for."

The Sergeant sighed, "Ok, any otherss? I know I can't sstop you, sso I might ass well make usse of you."

Jenny grinned, showing off her short muzzle of very sharp teeth, "Couldn't count me out if you tried."

The others were reluctant, so the Sergeant told them to hold up here, since the enemy didn't know this location.

I grinned at them, "We'll be back soon!"

"Hang on." Brian said, "I, I think I need to get something.", and he disappeared back into the mall, only to return with a compound bow. I couldn't help it, the sight of an elf with a modern bow just made me giggle.

"What, it just feels... right." She said, weighing the weapon in her hands.

She drew an arrow from the quiver strapped to her side and without sighting let it fly. It stuck into a wall, vibrating a little, I turned back to see a grin on her face.

"Can someone please get my arrow?" She said, trying to sound innocent, but failing and just sounding smug.

I sharpened my sight and looked at the offending projectile, and started laughing.

"Ok, you win, I won't laugh at you using a bow any more." I managed.

"Fuck, Serge she just pinned a spider to the wall." Private Ashfield said.

"Alright, letss work out how we will do thiss." Cope replied with a nod to Brian.


I was sneaking along on my stomach, I had had to strip almost completely and had the soldiers paint me down with mud and junk.

I heard footsteps nearby and froze again, thankful to the mud for letting me blend into the ground of the park. No joke, 'spider senses' really are a useful thing.

Moving closer to the heavily lit area near the middle of the compound was slow going, but at last I was on the edge of the light. And when I glanced at the position of the moon, I was on time. Now to wait for the next step.


"Ok, I can't ssee him, but if he iss in possition he will be there by now, itss your turn to take the sstage Fox." Cope told me.

~"You ready to do this brother, it may be reckless but someone's gotta get their attention."~

~"Little sister, going into a fight with you at my side... if we don't live through this, know my soul will sing all the way to the final moment. Now we better get going, if we don't move our little hatchlings will not get their chance."~ And with that, he pushed off the top of the building and arrowed down at the twenty millimetre anti-air gun. At the last moment, I tossed both handfuls of bundled grenades, yanking back on the string securing the pins they dropped right into the middle of the gun emplacement, which started to turn to bear on us as we retreated. A huge explosion could be heard behind us as the gun was disabled.

"Come on you fuckers, time to get your rocks on!" I yelled over the air screaming past my head.

~"Nice throw little sister, now to draw them forward."~


"Ok, Fox and Drath got their AA and are drawing ssome to the east, we have to cover Lyl and Brian sso they can open the way for Kevin." I shouted over the air raid siren blasting from the camp below us.

"Lets rock." Private O'Brian said, pulling back and priming the minimi braced in the window.

Jenny hefted the ammo packs, muttering, "Yeah, helping. Not what I had in mind".


It was so damn loud, and these new ears were definitely not helping in that regard.

Then the Sergeants squad added to the noise, tearing the ground ahead of us with fire, I saw soldiers poke their heads up to shoot, and it was a race to see if my arrows or the Sergeants marksmanship took care of them first.

"Lyl, you got this?" I yelled, running from crest to crest.

"Yeah, there's only one bunker to go and we should have Kevin's path open." came the reply. I noticed she had a soldier who had been trying to flank me in her arms, a knifes edge doing its work on his throat. There were others at her feet, all I had heard was her yelling, her movement was dead silent.


I saw all the soldiers moving away from the central tent, the one I knew housed the hybrid who was projecting the null field.

I gained my feet and ran as fast as I could, one soldier to my side noticed me and started to turn, when I saw his face I noticed two arrows protruding from it.

I reached out to the tent with my left second-arm and ripped a hole, ducking into the lightened area I saw two soldiers standing at their post at the front, they heard me and were turning.

This was the dangerous part, the front of the tent was facing away from where the Sergeant would be, so there would be no line of sight from anyone on them, I leapt to the target anyway, sinking my fangs in and pouring venom into the hapless hybrid, I rotated my eyes to look at the men about to kill me, just as the two were blown back into the air by electricity. Arcs still jumping between the slagged rifles that were on the ground.

A huge shaggy form filled the open end of the tent, "Glad you could make it." Sergeant Nicols growled.


"And from there, well, you know the ressult, with their Null sshut down by Kevin, you all had your power back. Sir." Sergeant Cope reported.

I rubbed my head, as soon as the Null had shut off the world had exploded back into thoughts and people talking in their minds again.

"And with the Null down, I could risk getting into a fight again, going berserk without my agility and resistance was not something I wanted to risk." Fox put in.

"And what about her, what was her part in all this?" I asked, gesturing to the avian looking girl wrapped in a blanket.

"She was being used by them, we found her stabbing a soldier over and over again with a sharp rock she had found, from what I can get from her they treated her as less than an animal, she is still pretty out of it, but at least we can care for her." Lyl said holding the shuddering form under one arm and Kevin under the other.

"Oh, and if you see Drath, just say 'hundred and twenty four' to him." Fox finished the debrief with a giggle.